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Durham Review (1897), 17 Aug 1939, p. 5

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o" tr, PTO ION UGEEN Pacific PARIS M has is a rt. His nd Bt. " the “other CLUB "at I Mrs 1 Mrs M M r and 'Ot tr “I M Mr l ':.nli:|n Pacific Stations in New Brunswick _ Imminon Atlantic Ry. Stations in Nova Beotin RETUIN LIMIT _ mm» Nova Beotin point: not later an August 80th. - " 4 Lame New Brunswick point. not later than Amt Mth. Not good on u-uu mm Iona-cal 1.00 pan. Pull partieulttrs and Hum! mm any Agent. or T. M. McFADnlN, Tm Agent. Phone n, Dun-ill And I hereby 2I upon all voters w take lmmedi t proceedings to have any errors r autumn cor- 'rrt ted according t law. the in: day 'ur appeal being the Twenty-fourth why of August 1 9. Dated this third day of August. 1939 (1liillt'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS’ HST : 'rr fut “in: in the drought If” m .vn- mnvinces of Manitoba. Barb m ', . sr.' .qu Alberta in a method of m! tll F soil arming to a minimum hy ' "t,.tttntt narrow strip. of grov- m'. rub-V These strips. mugintr in “HIM =rnm , to " rods. m " rich: ‘Elvs to the prev-Inns VIM!- Round Trip Bargain Fares from DURHAM, Aug. M, 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ‘.’OTERS' LIST ' 1939: MUNICIPAL- ITY OF TO NSHIP OF GLEN- ELG, COU TY OF GREY S25 Reward! vrr,tllntts THEY cannot removewith 'n,s "meient new tteierntitie treatment meant: and Callous. Uni-com. bnnation "cannon (Salvo and Patio)‘ r, maven and hoops them any. De v'nsitisea and relieve: with ttrtrt - wnvmn. For sale at McFaddon’s Drug Store -u -w'"-"' upvn's'ml IF HATED COR?! SALVE foruycorn Fan SALEV-Peterg Walking Tractor, mo engine, new, will do tom-m Jrrkv Complete with Noll. half m». $175. Apply Durham Review Itov‘ww Duke Ft m K 'F' Notice that all Creditors haw _ P" , ', urns against the estate of Mar. price. once .1: .csALF.'-tAt lot 0. can. 16, Pro- 'il. 2 Registered Dorm Rm. ' ":-.zistered Dorset Ewes withlunbo. A 1'anurtreM, RR.1, Proton St'll. Tdr-phono 129. r bl, Dundtlk FARM FOR SALE on BENT , ',r' James Bunston farm. lot ls, 'rr :1, Egremont, containing 100 "r- Good buildup. Apply to Small Advts. CANADIAN PACIFIC H. R. Inbound, Mark or Township of Glonolg. ..n from Toronto, 11.15 p. In. August 25th RETURN LIMIT - AUGUST " . Hut good on 2.00 pan. trains from Ottawa and Montreal Ottawa Montreal 8.65 9.95 To the Maritimes - Aug. 24 Solictlor for the em " M. P. wm but. FOR SALE [I upon all voters proceedings to 'r autumn: cor- ; law. the In: day lthe 'rwetttr-fourth STE. ANNE DE BEAUPHE $14.55 gm be pm by their regal-r monthly meeting on Friday evening, August 11th. The meeting opened In the usual manner with the slush: of "What a Friend We have In Jesus." follow- ed by prayer by Mary Tobin. Mar. Mr: Albert “CM” was hostess to the You: Women'a Auxiliary for In the nbeence of the president, In C Howell presided. All persons aving claim; against the Estate of MARY CAMPBELL, late of the Tow ship ot Glenelg, in the County of rey, Splnister, who died on or about e Eighth day of December, A D. 938, are required to tite proof of the same with the undersigned on or below the Twenty am: day ot August, A. D. 1939. alter which day the Estate Will be distributn ed having: regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. Dated at Durham, this 25th day of July, A. D. 1939. ND OTHERS th' THE .88 ATE or DAVID ALEX. ANDER MILTON, DECEASED All person having claim, against the Estate of DAVID ALEXANDER HAMILTON, to ot the Township ot Glenelg, in the County of Grey, Farm- er who died on or nbout the Third day of May, A. D. 1939 are required to the proof of the some with the undersigned on or before the Twenty- M-th day of August, A. D. 1939, after which day the Estate will be distribut- ed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. PRESIYTERIAN Y. W. A. MET AT MR8 A. McRONALD'S ARTICLE FOR SALE Rubber Goods, dries, em, mail. ed poatpald in otai sealed wnpper. M) % less than re . Write for mail order catalogue. va-mibber Co,, Dept. W-35. Box N, Hamilton. Ont. IN THE ESNTB or MARY CAMP. ind route" mm. 1m Brair chicks Amt. Houmn crataaeaiilF,! Holstein, Ont. I NOTICE. TO CREDITORS I FOR “LI I A quantity of that and second; class shlngles for sale also " cords. of hardwood for sale. Apply to Mr' Lorne Eccles " Dromore. I Dated at Durham, this 25th day of July, A. D. 1939. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AMHNG THE CHURCHES I THE ES TE 0 BELL. DEC ED All persons aving e Estate of MAI te of the Tow shit as County of my ed on or about e August 25th Solicitor for the Administrators J. H. McQuan-ie. Durham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrices. HIV caucus AND OTHERS Quebec l3.95 J. H. McQuarrie. Durham, Ontario, l. WM number I Mr and Mrs Leonard Curtis, Mrs. IRudd and friend, Mm Jack Parker ‘Mr and Mrs McKee, Wayne McKee. Mabel Everlst, Mr Dick Carr, Miss iAltce Bartlett, Wed Jowet. Mr Har- (rr Jacks. Mr and Mm Donald Ross, Miss Marion Ross. all of Toronto, lament the holiday " Ed Everlsts's. I On Wednesday night a large crowd gathered at the home ct Mr and Mrs Wen. McLeod in honor of their daughter Donald: and her lhusband, when a miscellaneous ',shower was given them. A large platform was placed on the lawn and dancing was enjoyed till the iwee small hours. Splendid music was supplied by Mr and Mrs Thos.‘ ,McDouzall. Whyte orchestra, Mr.) Fred Rtttteimatt, Means. H. Leith,' Charles McDonald, Bill McKech-. inie, and others. Lunch was served ‘at midnight. The bride and groom areceived many beautiful and useful [ presents. I Mr and Mrs Joe Pattie were we canted with two lovely chair: at their home on Tuesday night by neighbors and friends in their com. munity. On Friday night friends and neigh- bors gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs W. J. Hincks in honor of Beth Hincks (Mrs Joe. Petrie) and presented them with many lovely gifts. Dancing was enjoyed on the platform outside. Music was sup- plied by the Whyte family, Messrs Angus McMillan. Gordon Mcuod, Archie MacCuan. Bill McKechnie, Mrs A. MacCuaig and others. Lunch was served to all present, after which the groom thanked all on be. half of his wife tor the numerous presents. Mina Hazel Christie was home from Toronto Summer School over tho weekend returning Tuesday to write her exams. Mr and Mn Don. McKinnon. Miss Margaret Thornton, and Mn Wm. HineU, Who have spent the put 6 weeks visiting friends and relatives, left on Thursday morning for their Mme at lnvermay. Sank. and the latter to Penance. Sank. Misses Jean Blacks and Mary Hincks spent last week visiting " Atwood. Mrs A. Levitt, Toronto la a bony day guest‘ " the home of Mr John Armstrong. I Nina Eleanor Beninm visited with her sisters in Toronto. The United Church W.M.s. met last Thursday " the home of Mrs Jan. Mitchell. Mr and Mrs Allie McLean and am Mr and Mrs Colin McLean Waited Sunday at Meatord. Miss Mildred Risk, Kimberley spent Thursday with Mrs Allie Muir and attended the club meeting at Miss A. C. Mtutpttail's. Mrs J. Roland and son of Toronto spent over Civic holiday with her brother Mr Neil McEachnie. Mr and Mrs Hugh Sindalr and son, and Mr Clarence StWgertttt, Tom awanda, N. Y. are spending their vacation at the home of Mr John Sinclair. Mines Knte and Halo Campbell returned to Montreal Wedneldny " ter holidaying here. mu Mary Rnndmm, Toronto is holidaying with her parents. Mr and In Allie lclnnil, Mr and Mr I All Hint-kl Ind Marilyn are spending n couple weeks " n cot. l use " Enuburtm. I Mrs Bill Wilson and two sons; are holidaying with her "rents. Mr and Mrs Carson. i Mr and Mrs G. A. Black and tam. ily and Mrs M. MacDonald. Toronto visited Tuesday with their sister, Mrs. A. L. Knacks. Electric Mortns, thunder, lightning wind, rain, over the weekend caused much damage to the uncut grain, knocking it hither and yon. also ma- king the fle1t1s so wet that harvest. ing will be it trying experience. , head of cattle belonging to Tun Me. Lean on pasture at John Corhitt’s, were killed by lightning, but again the sun shines and we hope tor bet. ter things. All signs point to better times es- Mr and Mrs Hugh Bailey and daughters. Dundalk visited with her aunt. Mrs Thos. Spence. pecmly we note the number of tour. ist: in this loamy, and no my ot our old neighbor! end friends who went West 20 or " your: ago. who have been nble to return for . visit this gunner, nnd all so welcome. We nuonotteothat Miss Jean Anderson and brother PM. Buffalo, were visitors with Miss Merle Sinclair. Bethany B, School held an enjoy- able picnic last Friday afternoon In George Christie's maple grove. PRtGtnttLLit",ii- SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE l Sorry to say. that In: [any is I very seriously ill at her home liege. i School No 7 here in the Park is tn9reointt repairs and mdeeorating in. Eamon of Ortngevllle hu , the contact, minted by two modest ‘young men, Seam and Woods ot Holeteini It will be greatly imprcv- ' ed. A new lady tencher. hailing from Toronto, has been engaged for the coming term. I Kenneth Ferguson has gone towork _ on the darn near liar-gun. Mrs Ellen Parslow of Tomato Is " present a guest of her sister, Mrs Hugh McMillan here. m, In and to learn that Gordon McDonald, so nearly killed by gravel truck accident fottr week: no. is now making good recovery. Mr and Mr- Wed Rttnoitntut,ptiee- ville, and daughter Mary ot Tomato were Monday visitors in the Park. We were pleased to have n all. troddon Nrmert, "a (thing 1 day on and with wife and children, spend a day at some bench. or um I alum friend. 1nd now In planning a dar " C.N.E.. than at Durham Show. A special treat is in store for ev- eryone nextvweek end. Mrs T.Edgar Plowman, a missionary from China, will be visiting in the community. On Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the church, Mrs Plewman will speak especially to the children and the Mission Band extends an invitation to all children in this and neighbor. ing communities to attend. On Sun. day evening, under the auspices of the W.M.S., a special service will be held at 8 p.m. in the church, " which Mrs. Plewman will again be the guest speaker. Everyone is cor- dially invited. Mrs. Plewman will have Chinese robes and curios to ex- hibit at both gatherings. to be glancing, We cannot recover the days that We should feel not the balm, If we know not the sorrow. Drive forward.' the future must yield to the We]- That justice. and goodneu and truth The Rev. 9. G and Mrs Burrell of Toronto wish to announce the marri- age of their daughter, Gwendolyn Graham to Melville Hudaon McAr- thur, son of the late Mr and Mrs Chas MeAr"gur of Dundalk, by the Rev. P. G. Vesey, and the bride’s rather, Rev S .G. Burrell, on Satur- day, August Itth, 1939. The future. our Joys, will perchnnce be enhancing present are cut. There is never a lush! but there comes it tomorrow, There Is never n cloud but a sun- can convert The base and the [also my me- ceed for the hour, But reason. " last, will but honor Drive forward! - 'tis folly behind True courage consists In facing a Ne’er harbor Injustice try word or in Ag you'd be to 1 friend, he the name Drive forward and hope, you'll be sure to succeed. -ar Barbara McKee, aged 12, Priceville, Ontario Along the fields, of wwlng grass. There comes a shadow firing out; Its grand to watch those silvery waves, l On these glorious summer days. Perched upon a stump or knoll, l Beside some ancient swimming hale? l view the lines of waving grain. l As for me, they wax and wane. i Then I climb to a summit high, Underneath a clear blue sky; And o'er the landscape far and wide, Still those silvery waves I spied. " only our ears were tuned to hear, The music of this earthly sphere; What rejoicing there would be. In this land. God gave for me. All these pleasure that are mine, Are for you; dear friend, you'll and: or just around your cottage door, Nature beam tor evermore. Hordes of money cannot buy, These earthly - from you and THE DURHAM REVIEW Where new and calm forever as". danger tr' harbor anuIth deed, you'd be to I frk to 1 stranger re forward and t sure to succeed. POETS’ CORNER MeARTHUR-BURREL DRIVE FORWARD SILVERY WAVES VICIII'I Y ot care o'er the Ihtrhattt, mum. Rev. John. Bell of St. Johns. Newf- fc-undlnd, who with In. “all! In; spending a tour was). in canola; ote, took the new!“ in Zion mm in', the thence of Rev. W. K. hlth.‘ Don Hitt text was “I live, my not I. but bun n the Lord .1qu Christ living in no!" term We were all plotted to have Rethr' R. I Bell with u. '-- ...- Mm lube] May. of Guelph, who spent 3 couple of weeks with her parents. Mr and Mr: Ben Mara, re- turned to Guelph Sunday. was Katie May Arth ot Durham is spending her holidays " the home of Mr and Mr: Ben Mun. Mr and In Geo. Ryan “Durham were new! with Mr and Mrs W.R. Jack one day last week. Harold and Ralph Greenwood of Smithvtlle were west: at the home ot Mr and Mr: V. Williams frothy evening. Mr and Mrs J. C. Cook tnd Shir. ley. Gordon Fairwmuher and F‘anlev Baker visited Sunday with Mr In. Allen turarI3ttetrler. Mrs Margaret Hanna and daughter cf Mount Forest and Mr and Mrs w. Mthrlnne were meats Sunday with their sister. Mrs M. Davis. Mr and Mrs Victor Williams. Mar- garet and Jean. were in sttenkhnco " the Mth wedding anniversary of Mrs Willlams' parents, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Mortley. Durham. on Monday, August Tth. Congratulations. The monthly meeting cf the Zion' branch of the W.l. was held Thure tiny Aug. 10th at the home of Mrs.1 Thos. Glencross with 50 Iaidies andi 10 children present. Letters were read thanking the institute for treetel that were given to the sick ones.é A good program followed, consisting rf the motto "Make new friends but keep the old: these are silver. those are gold", Mrs Howard Ritchie. Mr Chas Waite of Owen Bound wee with us and ave an interesting talk on' "Materials. their construction and treatment." We were also fsvoredf with A couple instrumental numbers, by Mrs Mel. MoGinnis: s helper on. "reading" prepared by Miss Reta, Glencross and read by Miss Dorcthr, Ritchie; resdings by Miss Clam .lsclti and Mrs D. E, Ritchie: roll all: a; verse on friendship. Mrs. Glencross and usistsnts served lunch. Sam] meeting will be held " the home or, Mrs Jsmes Ptytrrt- s grrutdrnothertf meeting. Alt indies welcome. ( Mr end Mrs Oren Pesrt. Mmemd‘ Douglas were guests with Mr. end Mrs Elmer Fee. Eminent, Sundsy.| Mr and Mrs l, J. Peart, Billie and. Esther. visited the Brat of the week! with Mrs Hudson and Jim, Hmover.’ During the electric storm which passed over here Saturday evenlnz Mr Arthur McNaIly's barn was struck by lightning and a dog, which was in the barn, was killed. No other damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell and sons. Crawfond; Mrs Rutledge,Mark- date, were guests with Mr and Mrs. Chas. McClocklln Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Staples of New York are also spending a. few holidays " the some home. Mr and Mrs W. R. Jack and Clara attended the Firth reunion held It the home ot Mr and Mrs W. G, Firth on August 7th. Big bundle of old pm". only Se, " Review office. Just the thing for lighting timg, laying carpets, etc. GOING DATES Daily Sept. tlith " 29th. l0.” Return Limit: " an. Excursion tickets good In Tourist, Par. lor and standard slssplno cars also available on payment at slightly tttgh- or passage fares, plus price of parlor or 'leertirtg car accommodation. R00TEB--'riebrts good going via, Pt. Arthur, Ont, Armstrong, Ont, Chica- go. III. or Sault Ste Marie, returning via. same route and line only. Gen. erous optional matings. BToPOvERB-- within limit of ticket. both going and returttV " Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong. Ont., and west; also at Chime, m, Sum Me.) Harte. luck: and welt insomnia“: with taritm of United sum lines. l, Special Bargain EXCURSIONS Canadhn 'Nqtltiet Full partteuinrs from my “out. TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES WESTERN CANADA TO ALL STENONC IN _ Domoch corr: The Domoch mill is closed dcwn tor a while on no: count at the have“, but - to nut again In a few den. _ Priceville eon: Beaker: Kelly and Hughes. of Dur. ham, motored out to the demon-tr». tlon In cur town Civie holiday. Jack Hunter took 1 our load of ”new gem with him. no the rest would enjoy the der'l sports " well u himself. The venerable Mr and Mrs. 'Adam Welt ml! daughters 'eaiored) g Quite an extensive fire broke out I in the swamp " the heck of linen 'Lelwis’ farm and on Sunday thirty (men were "tttine it to prevent fur. (ther eoetttagrauott. The heavy min 1put " effective end in it. i Ptr fire protection WW, n large galvanized iron tank, with I. icapacity of or so bus. or 1200 gun. has been erected on top of Nichol- son's mm. A pump in the Moment ‘iilla the tank while hole an be " inched to pipe: loading from the former Hol-tein bores, were among "he first to volunteer their services :in the Wellington Regiment. If they pun their medical extttttiemttotttt they {will be drafted for the from in the hum, Mr. “and Robson. Mite - I you he has been In Indifferent Dtmsoehuttteamis-msr. ttamaettnBena.- harem.“- temotm,wimsert-uroeetena, mue- unmet Grant and Mary; point: in. use to the. Every on Edge have returned After inking u I of the” VIII“ is a now- im- oi imp:N Art course in Toronto}. The latter, out to at but one or our tendon, and spent I few dry: are ”turning with!!! are very union: to receive that her sister, In Thou. Firth. to Lind- nuns. Bend them in. or Drill "It. say. Iin, phone than in, or it you live In Donnell corr: The Domoch ml“ the mm, let your district m is closed down tor 1 while on no: pendent know. We do not “a. to count. at the have“, but - to min any ot than no...“ uni - mu again in . few dares. lags," but if meme dos-“t tell us. "mm" corr'. [ii' m we to know of an up vim- Blllkel'! Rkrtty and Hughes. of Dun. in; t - we count “I your com. IN DAYS OF YORE rest. Mr and Ira John lieGowau" and some members of the family were amongst the number that came from Durham. Also Mr and In Nell McCannel moored the day's outing. Mr John A. Graham and twrtirls took advantage of being out on Civic holiday and nobody enjoyed themselves v better than John did listening to the highland pipes. Dr Hutton, non and dntt?thter were there also. It is wen some. times to have a doctor or two at such gatherings. but fortunately their services were not needed. a good day': outing at well " the tank. thmwlng quite a “ream un- der gravity. being ",000. Mr Pulp will remove to the vmm In the wring. Our popular miller, Mr L. B. Niehotson, In the latest to enter itt. to auto circles, "vine, we lam. [unlined 1 Ford on Mr Jon. swam bu purchased Treu T. It Phllp‘s 150 we turn at The regular monthly meeting was held In Tp. Hull on 81mm”, Aug. 6th. All members pmeut. Correspondence was reed from: Dept. of Finance, Ottawa. re Nation- nl Housing Act: Dept. of Highwnye. Govt; nuditorl' report; Dept. of At riculture. waning re using of Step- lien weed killer. Crutehler- Timing: That Relief encount- be mid as follows: The". of Metrhertors, Mr 1, out ct min. tenmce or family 84.34: Kenneth Vaughan, grocerie- Ind Bttttr 811.00: Roy Brown. milk 85.94, rent 82.00: A. D. McIntyre, groceries end ttour for June $1tt.46, for July 815.62: C. B. Lawrence. meet acct. for June. " John News" rent ttP, A. A Aljoe groceries and tttMgr for July 811.97, milk Beet for July 35.94: Total re- lief $78.27. Carried. The Tron. was nuthorizod to u.- cept $6.14 from Ttr. of Holland re relief, and to erue from his books arrears of tiiies nmountlng to 889.96 Accounts were paid as follows! Municipal World, Collector's Rott & stationery 88.43: Macdonald Duplic- ating Service, printing 225 Votern' Lists 861.02: Royal Bank. oollociion charges $23.25: Bank of Toronto. exchunxe cn transfer, Me; Ontario Guam. averaging tn, “in Hume $8.50: barium Chronicle. advertis- Intt tax ale t lune- ”.50: Rom-try 0M. sure! u male “.75:de completing 1 mm tor OIdAn Tt-smot.aaarr-t.n'tet_tt lines Margaret Grant 1nd (Review Holstein Corr: Welley ttttd Roy mvm WWW M.wmmmu mammmwlmm " VIA” A“ ONTARIO ARCHIVES 18, It“) h. L. 5mm. 31.3.. mm. M. bruttBotendretmametfviott- to the community, while some. of he“ magnum, If: “I: IV. 'tntrtetehHtttetm-h-tgte- cum; G-tSe-nate. " 'trttu.mnhiatethrtreattG-mtmtn '0mttisgtatudMtar. Theemmettadt-dtothatsmbr Sept. Mia-Milling. one-mun“: “and. mama-unmou- ottht.ttotsmtetounactMt" p.n.,7btp.n.mm “momma... Bayou-locum. Plano, Veal. My. Em. . out“ 1nd may.“ out-N. - Course for “and will. be!“ Hand Culture at Ar- ”. b sinners u specialty. mm wuwuamouu- duh. “autumn”. Onutrlo & Dent-Ion had - loci-urea PM “but Wool-Conn: Luau... ".tr0a...at. W. c. PICKERIHG. BM. un Honor Graduate Toronto Dunn”, Grunts Ron! Coll. Doom Cm Pupil: 01?..de I“. A. A. C. o. an. Hour. , to. p. I. Room: Over Boyd But Duh. memmmm Prompt. ettqgeqtm. & old-u m DURHAU a «mum B. I. CHARLTON, A. A. I. I g on“: Milt Strut. 00ml. 0'15 L F. ”HUT. 0.05.. LBS. My In an an Bmgta'tq. CHIROPRACTIC c. B. All) BESSIE MILLIVMV W. PIERCE ELLIS Van-law “albino. “my all LI" HAVE THOSE "I". a "tee, can. 00.00"". GOIVIIICII’. noun- no. no. '_-.. cm: can , . m can In. an a u an an In. on" - --e GEORGE E. DUICAI J. ll. WARRIE. B. h. T. tt. SNEATII. M. B. F. . EAGLES" '2fft it!" “if” ttt My} 58 E33 '.fl% sd I" “a 'S

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