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Durham Review (1897), 17 Aug 1939, p. 7

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tttti fiirltt F"ft W bright in with as. D50 IIGLEY'S 100A" ..m-;.,; tiw special services dedi- raid to the Jesuit Fathers LII" ment and Brebeul which tooh - this month near Midland " the Martyn’ Shrine. one of the essential taglut con- fronting the department ot organ]:- mnn of hygiene of the League of Nations, according to the Paris cor- Crpurle of Civilization Source of Many Epidemics nwpondont of the Journal of the 1rrwriean Medical Association, In to prnveu! epidemics and their du. wnmmtion. Asia. the cradle trf civ- mmvion. is the cradle of many dil- uw-s as well; for this reuon a rlr " office has been set up at Sing- nmm destincd to centralize " use- m mformatlon about epidemic. .va 1 mfnrm, as quickly " possible, 'lt' ports of the Far But about thr. r sudden appearance. We 3 New Containers For Flowers Victims of the Weather Urn may, in many respects, aeh. " 'ts "otn'mation over the intlueae" of rhv-ir environment, but insofar In canada we need not tear be running a permanetnly sluggish ram, mentally or physically. About the time the heat begins to get Ill down, the refreshing breezes of autumn come along to revive our .4;qu and clear our minds, Our Brain Slows Down With Heat Climate m. ammo is concerned. human urn to a considerable extent the .11 tims of the weather. If you feel your brain loin; Ills- [uh on you, do not feel alarmed. It w rnteely the effect of the mid-ann- m. _ mat, because climate is . det- .:u..nlng factor in man’s ability to ,1, ”A, gun-cording to Dr. Clarence A. My", or the University ot Cincin- ly any Communication: Broaden. l pnwrrful radio station at Inl- I' ml the Island ot Java. broad- '. Luily tho communications of r'rlillrl ottiee in Singapore. which fumulcast weekly by nine new t _'. stations. These communica- V um be received in the 'ports l Indian Ocean. ot the Paeitie _ n of tho Mediterranean. tl ref " imate ls Determining Fm" " In Ability To Think grid Epidemic Prevention is, well known that the people rmperale or even cold cllmes as a class, more alert, mental- ml physically, than those who m the Tropics. Heat seem: to A a wilting effect. on both the , and mind. The great state.- writers. soldiers. inventors, _ Mm, have been supplied by t' areas. generally upeaklnx. In " mm; is not an excess ot the hallow table I I, ”undue was invited to t'm: spycul services Ml- Visits Midland e mscs or sparkling silver, lik-, the glass tanks. are the trtt'vititters tor ntrwers. Ab 1y hm'haccolls border now. ich have fairly long stem: " m: tor these tanks. rim-s the silver is engraved d dwsign. a favorite ono be- mmim; “shoe. These tanks m- when tilliag up corners tabla dvcoyatious. On a din- le thry rather obscure the 'anks' Are the Latest Adorament Bowls use tt Hy well. atmosphere ot cool- My, silver urns tilled avrs and ferns are " for Tabics 9 new shallow mks One of his earlier books had a dedication acknowledging her u- nimnce. It ran like this.. "To my daughter Leonora, without whose constant nid and encouragement this book would have been writ- ten in half the time." Ber father, P. G. Wcdehouse, used to try out his Jokes on her. If she said "Not funny," he thought again. Critie At The Hearth As a schoolgirl, Mrs. Peter Ca. alet was more helpful than most daughters who criticise their par- I am pieased to tell fou thai we have now built an asylum for our- selves.” Chairman (addressing county council meeting): "Gentlemen, we have had the trouble and expense of sending our lunatics to Dotty- field Asylum for a long time past. "Every time he goes out he kisses her, and goes on throwing Hues Ill down the road. Edward, why don't you do that?" why don't you do that?" "Mer." snorted the man behind the news. " don't know her!" Asking Too Much "Those new people across the road seem very devoted," said Mrs. Jones wistfully to the newspaper which hid her husband. A rustle of the sheet was all the reply she got, but she was used to Fer “any POOP“ A Motoring (IMF-‘0" any. lie with“! an would " an and InilumliII-u In a ”Junk-o - oart, M would be non of It ,,_.. - "'3 uvlu to cry Am- ehen Salts, which quick! brought relief. So of course I {an kept on with it, and I am now much better and have never felt so fit for years. I used to feel so mu.. erable and sluggish, but now it is :gleasure to be able to work."-. Mere is a noteworthy instance of the manner in which damp wea- ther can affect the joints of one who is subject to rheumatic pains. “l had been suffering from rheumatism very badly,” a man writes, "and had such pains in my joints that I could hardly bear it, on a wet day especially. It pained me terribly to use my arms, and l was hardly able to work. I tried two different remedies, but I was still if; bad after the treatment. Ol'r A- I -- . .. sm. The pains and stiffness of rheu- matism are often caused by uric ueid crystals in the muscles and tee; The numerous salts in machen assist in stimulating the internal organ: to healthy, regular activity, and help them to elimin- ate excess uric acid. Here is of the mar ARMS usmss ii warm Reminder “Nothing in more important than breathing doeply.” Corr. tinuously breathing matter. Have You Heard “mg-Pliny Relieved She entered n local "or, and the young assistant who served her wu astounded at the following request: "An VIII" n night, wi' legs on." In The Fashion A comet's wife, wishing to appear in the fashion during u holiday by the sea. decided to buy something ttp-to-date. Comedian Jack Benny At Bank -Younv,uMan is impressed with the svrious,ness of photographed with comedian Jack Benny, LEFT, of Toronto, RIGHT, on the golf course at the 1.-No. The cards should be plain white, of good quality, en- graved in black, and without de- corations of any kind. 2,---He should consult his companion and give her order first, followed by his own. 8.---0ne may leave any time desired after speaking to the bride and bridegroom. d.---No; they are brought in on the dessert plate after the other dishes are re- moved from the table. 5.---Yes; it is entirely out of place and im- mediately stamp: one as not know- ing what is proper. 6.-Yes; a well-trained youth will do so. 'ir-s-toe-gh" 6.-Shouldn’t a boy of sixteen rise when an elderly person enters the room'? ir..-Msn't it veiy poor taste to wear "dressy" clothes when travel- ling? 4.--should the dessert spoon and fork be placed on the table with the rest of the implements that are necessary for a meal? 2.--When a man is dining with a woman, should he give his own or the woman's order to the wait- er first? 3.--When is a guest privileged to leavt a yedding reception? 1.--ls it permissible for one’s calling cards to have any kind of decorations on them? The new crinoline fashion, sponsored by the Queen, has cap- tured English women. At the age of ninety a man is still likely to be rather rash, giv- en to hasty, immature judgments, Ask such a fellow how he has hap- pened to live so long, and he will tell you is it due to his habit of early rising. But at the age of 104 a man's judgment is ripe and full. And so we hail the sound words of Dr. William E. Thompson of Bethel, Ohio, who is beginning his 105th year. The reason for his longevity? "It's because I haven't died," says Dr. Thompson. Throwing tacks on a highway ls against the law in 29 states of the American Union. Post Ottiee revenues. index ot Ca. nadian business conditions, again point upward. Figures for June show that the increase reported in May is continued, according to I statement released lately by the Hon, N. A. McLarty. K.C., M.P., the Postmaster General, Postage sales tor June showed I. total ot $3,317,783.15 an increase ot $180,338.04, or nearly six percent. over June. 1938. Money Orders, Postal Notes Up Other cheering signs of improve- ment are also noticed. An increase at $451,192.28 or nearly five per cent. is revealed in the statement ot postage sales tor the first quar- ter of the present tueal year. Pos- tal note business is also higher. nnd in Jane money orders paid were up by 1.7 per cent. and postal note: paid by 3.6 per cent. " well. Figures for Arne Show con. Postal F igures Point Upward Well-Considered Geranium, picked in New Zea. land were delivered in London by airmail in 15 days. A.--Rab the clothes with the juice of a raw tomato, sprinkle with salt, and lay in the sun to dry. Repeat several times if ne- cessary. 7 12,---How can I remove mildew from white clothes? A.---Try using a scant table- spoonful of quick-cooking tapioca. This not only adds flavor to the pie, but absorbs the excess juice. q.-Mrow can I thicken fruit or berry pies, other than by the use of cornstarch or flour? A,--iiled eggs can be cleaned by washing them in a solution of baking soda and water. A.--Apply a heated poker to the heads of the screws. When the screws have become hot, they can be removed very easily. _ Q.---How can I Usan 'aoiled eggs? 2--How Ian I remove screws that are obstinate or rusty? A.--0ne of the best remedies in to powder the stockings with one part of chlorinated lime, one part prepared chalk, and one part of powdered starch. Also bathe the feet daliy in cold water. 2--How can I remedy perspir- ing feet? The geological strata of the sur- fare of the earth are only about half as old as was formerly believ- ed. This change has been made as the result of reealculation of the age of rocks based on a re-exam- ination of their content of radio- active material by newer methods and a new check-up on standards made at the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology by a group of scientists. The total age of the earth remains about the same, 2,- 000.000,000 years, but the rela. tively recently laid down strata, post Devonian, which was suppos- ed to have been formed about 210,000,000 years ago proves to be much younger, about 130,000,- 000 years. Success for the first time in the growing of disease-producing hae., teria of the family of hemolytic streptococci on a medium eontain.. ing only pure chemical compounds, at step expected to be very helpful in the study of the nature of these enemies of man, is reported in a recent issue of Science by Drs. Brian L. Hutchings and D. W. Woolley of the University of Wis- consin. Until now these bacteria have been grown only in complex media containing tissue extracts the constituents of which were not fully known. A new metal alloy that contains only 7 per cent. iron but is claim- ed to be stronger than any known steel was reported by the Westing- house research laboratories at East Pittsburgh, Pa. The new allow in composed of nickel, cobalt, chro- mium, titanium, iron manganese, aluminum, silicon and carbon, and is tentatively known as K-42-B. Development in England of a new, highly purified diphtheria an. titoxin, said to be more rapidly and completely absorbed from sub- cutaneous tissues than the Ameri. can product, is described in a re- cent issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association. The new antitoxin is the result of the development by the Wellcome Laboratories, England, of a meth- od for large scale purification based on the fractional action of enzymes (ferment) The possi- bility that such enzyme purifier. tion may be generally applicable to antiserums demands prompt in- vestigation, the Journal declares editorially. AGE OF ROCKS RECALCULATED NEW DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN DEBUT OF AN ALLOY GERM CULTURE 1-No.33.-'att What Science is ' Doing #t W” . ueee STARTED CHICK BARGAINS. TEN any old Barred Rook. White Rock. New Humnshlre Reds 89.95, 90% guilds $12.95, Cockorcls “.75. we week old add one cent to ten day old prion. three week old add five cents. Extra Profit- Grade 2t big over-nine chicks. the 'IS, tha weight two poundu per undred more when hatched add one cent. Promnt dellvery. Shipped C.0.D. "Inner-e. MIG free range older pallet- ell Int. Twaddle Chick Hitched“. Limited. have. Ont. FULLY-ITS. B.C. WHITE LEGHORNS and n. P. Rocks, ready to l v, at $1.25 each. Dan McKinnon, 'vat! sols. Ont., (LR. No. t. CHICK BUYERS IDOK AT THESE DON'T MISS THESE STARTED Chick Bardhims. Ten day old nur- red Rocks. New llnmpshlrc Red. White Rocks 89.45. Corker-eh $8.75 90% pullets 812.15. Two week old add ic, three week old add M, four week old add 10c. Big Egg Qualily add 1c. Prompt delivery. Write for prices on older pullets. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery, Limited, Baden. Ontario. OLD BOOKS. PAINTINGS, PRINTS, Glass. China. Silver, Antiques, and Furniture. Absolutely but prices. Write description or can 3. Wen- toth, " King Street, East, Toron. QUILTING PATCHES, FINEST Atl. sortment titre pounds for one dol- lar, postage paid. E. Pullun but, "" Adelaide Street West. Toronto. RURAL MAN WITH CAI! To SELL on among Farmers, Thresher», Truckers. Splendid opportunity. Write British Lubol Company. 676 1Ltur_ri_tr_eel, Toronto. Everyone is acquainted with smut. In the summer it becomes visible, and the damage it does can to some extent be estimated. But few people seem to realize, as yet, the serious annual toll taken by the root-rot organisms. These work underground, reducing the stand and sapping the vitality of much of the grain which.does sur- vive.' Even on farm where this menace has not yet become seri- one it is good business to use pre- ventive measures. Ethyl Mercury Phosphate It is fortum-tc that modern methods of control for both smut and root-rot have been so improv- ed as to be very highly effective. The potent substance, ethyl mer- cury phosphate, now on the mar- ket, controls most of the grain FIGHTING FOES or FALL WHEAT The protection of seed wheat from its invisible cnvmics, the spores of smut and the root rot or- ganisms that lie concealed on or in the surface layer of the seed, is one cf the reasonable precautions every farmer should take against possible failure with his fall wheat crop, says W, A. McKenzie, sails chemist, Chatham, Ont. take an hour’s tour than? the castle. including the tunne and sublet. There are many interest.. ing and valuable exhibits. one of the most recent being one of the most valuable collection of butter- flies in the world. The colors of these are amazing and it is worth while for any student to see. There is no charge to see these exhibits. The castle itself has many of the features of European castles. and every ndult and child should study its architecture and enjoy its beau- ty. The castle is operated by the Kiwanis Club of Toronto, and the proceeds are used to assist sick, 9an crinpled children. Tourists from all over the world come to this castle. FARM COLUMN At the end of s long sartorial drought. the new tall hats are now flooding the town. Even if you tut. ore silly ones you’ll scarcely resent these, they're so becoming. not to say tlatterittg, Genernly 'speaking, they tall into three periods; the amusing 1880 type to set ott your hustle; Charlotte Corday's revolu- tionary - in more ways than one -bortntst, and the charming little postman with a jockey brim guar- anteed to do something tor you. Must Let Hair Grow Again But it you're now cool and com- tortable and sensible with a very short summer hair-do, it's high time to start letting it grow. The new hats are all at their best with em]: or a thick knot .-- like tho Duchess of Windgor'st at the nape of the neck. As a rule, they call for hair drawn " the ears, generally with little curls or rolls tucked away under the hat. The Charlotte Corday bonnet am' the crinoline outfits call cut tor cute little bunches of curls on the forehead - and it you don't want to have to rp. sort to falso hair rcvimls, you'd better start growing something fur the harbor to play with. Case Loan is one of the ant- est attraetiong in Ontario, hun. dreds of Seep]: visit it any, and tak, an our'a tour through the New Hats Are Of Three Periods Bucde_Age, CharlotteNCordny'l bargains. Ten day old Barred Rock. New Hampshire Reds 38.95, 90% pullcta 311.95. cockcrels 88.50. Two week old add lo. , week old add " four week old add 10c. Large Egg Quality add le. Prompt delivery. Also older pulletn. Top Notch Chlekeries, Guelph, Ontario. to. All I‘ICLI‘J! mm ttAh8ia' ARTICLES WANTED AGEN'I'N w A A'rtu'0 "hiii"kugR:ict-i SAVE 20% OR MORE ON NEW Furniture. out urn nee-notre Wanton" In "tteked with con- Mt homo furnishings By Idling tract from our WABEVI-IOUI, ENROLL NOW POR YOUR FALL course ot study. Auk Ill ubout our Practical Advertttsintr course. Com- plete your Hatrlculauon "The CCC Way." Canadian Correspond- ence College, 501 Ryrte Mt'. To- JQnitLQnt: Established 190 . ENLARGEMENT LN PORTRAIT easel mount. Free with much an der. Films developed, printed Me. Reprints 10 for Me. Our never fade process and one day new!“ “sure- you satisfaction. Belt Photo Service. Adelaide tit. Btu- tlon. Toronto. FREE ILLUSTRATED CAT'AUN2L'h",. New rebuilt Bicycles. :10 tut. Used Motorcycles. Dukes. 625 Queen St. Lvtyrt, Toronto. GIRLS WANTED To LEARN Beauty Cluture, taught in a school chartered " the Dominion Hov- ernment, branchel from coast to coat. hundreds of succeul‘ul ttrad. uales. We prepare you for provin- cl-l and state board irxortiusttonrr, rate. reasonable. Call or write to Dept. A, Canadian Largest School, Big Marvel. 358 Blour Sueet. w., Toronto. Classified"...- Advertising.. to In. In tango ot 20% Ind on" am his uvlnc on to you. Term arranged. Preittttt new“. Wm. In to”. Vglubla an- In- (in. tat-m cm to III. In“ "mum o... Manet-l“ In, “not. tonne. mm, including covered smut of wheat and also the root-rots. Con- sidering that it is inexpeslve and easy to lpply, there seems little reuOn for neglectin ttthis added protection. This mercuric dust trentment my be applied days or even weeks thud of seeding time and side rather than injures germination. This treatment is the result of long experimentation end has been submitted to the most criti- cal field tests. Today it sands fur aheld of all other seed trent. ments. ' NEW FURNITURE NI um The government cotton spin- nine 1nd weaving plant in the Philippines is to be enlarged. matrix: Aho M0X'otet'bcgaltq CotaMtgPa, AND MGDLNTED HAIRDIIESQHNI.’ {hCIHMDIA I'JDl'CA’l‘IONAL ONTARIO ARCHIVES BHETLAND COLL) DOG, on ENG- hah or Scotrh Come, give no. Weight and untrkinxs. lust be thoroughbred. " A. Jonen, I" Tulbot tit., at. Than-u. Ontario. " UP, GUARANTEED URI“) TIRES; Bicycles. “(I up. Write tor bar- gain prh-e Hal. Toronto Tire, '" Dunduu West, Toronto. GOOD USED FURNITURE: I PIECE Dtetintt Suite $1roo.. Che-terns“ Sultcl 320.00; Chesterflvld Bed Bun. 039.50: Studio Common no.“ '-p4esce Dlulnc Bolton. mm new. “$.50; [Stealth-l sum!- 820,00. Hundred. or other lrlmlcl. wm. at for your requirement.. Term. arrnnned if uncanny NRKNIIII Furnituro Co., Mailed. 526 Buy. Rtreet. Toronto. "was ax" alumnus iGGTG, MAYALLS TIRE SERVICE I I“ If. mum “in. "hi-c. ulna 00». all. WITHOUT CHARGE ELIZABETH Kent will shop tor you on Toron, to not". Semi for 1tcmr'rinuon at free service. " Richmond tit. W. Toronto. LAKE SHORE PROPERTY PIN! vale on Skeleton Luke. good mud bench. good mud to beach. Chur- lu Rum-d. Aupdm. Ont. Cane- or. mono-£0511“. which provideu young And old with no end ot tun. Ther are bony lens“ not in . deep rubber cuing and ne- cured to the head by I “up. Equip- ped with them, the owimmer can become a deep-son diver, swimminx under water with eye: open up)- In: on the lite of the creatures " the bottom of the sol. Tho) are worn by fishermen who use a slim metal gun to shoot their quarry. USE” I-‘LIINI‘I‘LIHQ F0" BALE The novelty of the season. It With Eires Open TIRES ' WA UTE” Slllll'l’l KG "ATARI“ I? if; W?!” W, rm mg“:

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