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Durham Review (1897), 24 Aug 1939, p. 1

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in": tr. ms sae High Cite' M " arm . speakers at the morning session an» Mrs. Gordon Mackey of Han. vter and Mus Isabel Shields of the L'cv,nor Junior Institute. Mrs Mae. ‘wy spoke on "Study Clubs." Home pnblrlus for the coming generations "re being solved through study dubs. Mrs Mackey brought out. The nonumnimlity " the Women“: In stitttte in hwy-int: alive the spirit ot he‘lplulno-ss of the early days was stressed by the speaker. who said It all too otten requires a catastrophe, organizations in the county were xiven as follows: South Grey Mrs G. Shaun, Durham, 18 Senior and t Junior Brunch->9. 522 members: I'erttre Grey. Mr" Emerson Knott. Third MM, 'Y.?. Senior and two Jr. branches. SIT nwrnbvrs; North Grey, Mrs Chestcr Jackum, 31 branches. stS members. The total number ot Y-itt-hiv of Zion run! the Bible w- nut? and km. H. Kaye of Dromore ottered mayo-r. tn words ot welcome to humans, Mrs John Hill Inn-used tho- impmtalm'o- of the Junior men» tors lo the Women's Institute at the Yulurv. Alderman Jean Homing" ot own-n 3' rum! replied, urging the w. J. meattrer.c to grater realization of their mtluence and power as women 'oters and as a link In the Associ- trranchrs in the County is " and the total nterntre".shiir 1914. Miss Isabel Hastie of Holstein. a former pupil of the new superin- tendent. introduced Miss Clarke, who ipoke at the afternoon nouicn. the rally. In lumping with the legular mon. Vhly branch momma the rally open- 'd with the Institute Ode, followed by Scripture and prayer. Mrs w. J. 'oitchie of Zion run! the Bible nu- "The Women's Institute has to justify use" as much to-ciay as in ih9'l' when organized." said Miss Mark? in analyzing the qualities of the past worth preserving in the wt menu Institcte otthe present and the future. "Growth in quality and in contribution: to the lite of the can- munlty is more than growing num- Mn." ma? “ho-n organized," said Miss of its Airport on Labor Dag, Sept. " 73rd birthday last Sunday, ilnr'nv In "rmlyzirttt the qualities ot, 41h. and to a orpnplimerttary 1tinnev'Avrrvst 20th. all his family and thetutst ssorth preserving in the Wo. to be tendered Mr Cameron R. Me pvttndchildren were home in honor men) lust; ortho present and the lntosh, M. P.. an old Dornoch boy, ot the event. Several of his nieces, “All" "Grimm in quality and in that evening. Much as we would gm! nephews. and his two sisters. tontribution to the life of the com- like to attend. we must gratefully Miss Jane Ritchie and Mrs Sarah munity i: more than growing num- decline. Had we our own private Mom"! of Pinkerton were also pres- hers." rah-plane, we might seriously comm-i rnt: over eighty in all. A picnic wit- The speaker quoted Baldwin's mes-‘9; dropping in! [per and a pleasant social afternoon gage: ‘A democracy it it is tolivei The Airport in now known as was enjoyed. musttm {winded on the democracy ot "Metntosh Field." named atter Mr; Among those from a distance her own people' and applied it tothe {numb an appreciation to but tor, were: Mrs Sarah Moan. It" Leno the Women's Institute. "Like adem- the work he bu done in airport and, Mount and Mr and Mr- Iooney and "racy. the Women’s Institute is " transportatica development in family of Pinkerton: Mr and Mrs hilt on the character of the mem. North Battlelord. Aircrafta " all I George Allen, Riverview; In Net. bers-their loyalty. "rooeratiort, " types are expected to take part in'lie Hale. Mr and In. Sonnet-ville Illness to work and eorttroute, the celebration and an excellent and iamily of Erin: Mr and In p. [when and ttrottdartindednestt. program in being arranged. iron: and family, Newnirket. ted t'ountr.vwouten Cray County, marked the 23rd anrur "l Worn-m1; 'nstitatrs ~mlly at Dro. mor- on Friday. The hcnor guest mu! special speaker was Miss Mary I'larlt ot Tcronto, new superintend- um of the Women's Institute branch at the lx-parnnont or Agriculture. 'ir:vernment of “alarm, Who paid 'wr first otrtriat visit in Grey County., The president, Mrs John McMurdoof hrornoro, ably conducted the ses/ 'ions, concluding two your iute", Frertership. The vice-president, Mrs H. Sing of Menlcrd, WIS elected w‘vsidvnt to succeed Mn McMurdo.; Mrc: sinx’s Met-Hon was unanimous [aim-d. The reports (f the three district "taniaations in the county were inn a.» t'o1lous: South Grey Mrs Grey Wom. Institutes Rally at Dromore ”Homing utmost 2,000 numbers in VOL. an, NO registration of 261 delegates, re unn's lnstituus-mlly at Dru n Ftiday. The hcnor guest racial speaker was Miss Mary if Tcronto, new superintend- the Womens Institute branch Depammznt of Agriculture. at tho World m sessicn.i We extend hearty thanks to North me has to', Battleford. Sark., City Council tor ray as in) an invitation to the omeiat open!!!" said Miss} of its Airport on Labor Bax, Sept. Some any dollars is being ex- pended here, many loads of earth itreintt damped in and levelled, un- der the supervision of Clerk B. H. i‘Villis. who a lover of flowers and gnuu grounds, In making a beauty film! of his surroundings. With the ‘lountaln near the centre, all the ‘Fork grounds will soon be trimmed Iup, making a real attractive spot for [citizens and tourists in the heart (f I the town. I The Association is spending what. lever funds " can raise in town wer ‘fare projects, such as aiding to pro- ‘vide band uniforms, sponsorinz Sat. iT'ar amateur hours and on show idar; park improvements, etc. In ‘such good work, they should earn Ithe commendation and support of ievery citizen. l Durham Business Men's Associa- 'ition is probably the most active or. n-anization in town at the present, itheir latest activity being the level- run: up and gradinr: of the east end im the town park, adjoining Gara- 'rraxa St. retaining wall . The spot was excavated two or three years n- (eo for a swimming pool, and has aim-9 remained "neared tor. Killed near Hanislon When Car Overturned Reginald Rooney, garage cperator ot Mount Forest was killed early Tuesday morning near Harriston. when rounding a sharp curve, his car left the highway and crashed through a checkerboard sign, and overturned in the ditch. His wife was frz'merly Velva holy. a North Egremcnt girl. Official Opening of Business Men’s hsh Further Beautifying Park The citizens of Durham and corn [nullity will be pleased to have the opportunity to hear Rev. W. H. Hill of Dundee, Illinois, whc will preach in Knox Church pulpit next Sunday morning. Aug. 27th. Rev. and Mrs. Hill are now ccncluding their holidays at her mother's here, Mrs R. Barber. Mr Hill has occupied Knox pulpit several times in recent years. and always, has an interesting messaw. REV. W. H. HILL TO PREACH IN KNOX CHURCH SUNDAY "Next to gocd members. the branch needs ttoodleaders" said Miss Clarke. urging tter hearers tc watch for leaderslnn qualities among the members. Thin] requirement, she added, is good programs. Gills Barnum Beams. tContinued on page 8) 'ahah field , l, The droeased was a devoted wife 'and mother. cherished m the home I(virtue. and held m the hi~hest es- jteom by the whole neizhborhood. 1539 was an active member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Nermanby. and in years of good health. was also energetic in the work of the Women's Missionary Society. Besides her bereaved husband. one son Dawson. at home; and three uautthterrt. Mrs Reuben Noble (Iva). ot Hutton Hill, Mrs Douglas McLean (Mary) and Mrs A. Spring tMydue) both rt Toronto. mourn her passing. Another son Norman. died touryears ago last January. Also surviving up five brothers and two sisters: David and George Petty of Souris. Man.; Robert rf Roderick, Sank: Charles 111g Branch. California; James. on the old homestead: Mrs Mary Rend- ine of Mlook. Sask.: and Mrs. Jag. mum of Fcxwarren. Man. Abrother. Spmuef. med last January at Rock. wood. her marriage to Albert Marshall 1orty-one years two. They commenc- ed homemaking on the ttmmline of Normanby, removing to their pros ent home west of Knox Church some 27 years ago. The deceased was In her sixty- fourth year. her maiden name being Elizabeth Ann Petty. She was a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Hrnry Petty and was born on tthe old Petty homestead on 2nd con. Normanby now owned by her broth- or James. Here she resided until her marriage to Albert Marshall Her pastor. Rev. H. Kaye. con- 111101611 the funeral servlce at the heme on Wednesday afternoon, amid a large gathering of mourners for one who will be greatly missed in the home and section. Interment was made in Maplewood cemetery. A sufferer from cancer for atrovtal )mr, st Albert Marshall of Knost Normanhy. died at her hcme on) Monday morning last. For the last; three months, she has been bedfastJ It was a unique surprise tor Mr Gnome Ritchie. Edge Hm. when on Amonl those from a dlatunce were: Mrs Sarah Monet. Min Lexie Mottat and Mr and Mn Mooney and family of Pinkerton: Mr and In George Allen, Invent": In Nel- lie Hale. Mr Ind Mn. Summer-ville Gay For thirty years he was Sec‘y- Treas. ot No. l Normanby school, and he wan ever an active worker fer the betterment of the commun- ity. He was a faithful member of Knox Church Normanby. His pastor Rev. H. Kaye, will conduct the fun- H‘al service at the home on Thurs- day afternoon. Over sixty-six years ago, he was married to Eleanor Waltaee, who predeceased him almost two years ago. To them were born a family of eight, tour of whom survive: Mrs Edward Smith (Mary) Toronto; Mrs Andrew Marshall (Grace) of Knox Corners: Mrs Wm. Eden (Manet) of Varney; and Thomas, on the home. stead. The late Mr Wallace was the last surviving member of his family. Deceased" was born near Belfast Ireland in March 1851, coming out to Canada at the age of 21. For eight years he lived at Hamilton, thence trok up land' in Ncrmanby township. where he has ever since resided. THOMAS WALLACE F-v-uc-c-asc-u-uc. -- -. . - ’ -i" - LL.uuu One of Normanby's oldest settlers,I Mi“ Mary MCKechnle ot Price. and the oldest man resident in Knox ville is at present Visiting her Sister district. passed away 9n Monday at Miss Hilda here. his home, 3rd con., in the person cf Mr and Mrs Murray sc"nith ot Thomas Wallace. He was in his Windsor, are spending part of his Mm: year, and has been in failing holidays with his parents, 1if anu' health for five years, being bedrast Mrs John. Smith. the last two. ; Mrs Margaret Grant of Suskateh. HONORED ON HIS BIRTHDAY MRS ALBERT MARSHALL TTElt0l,lAlhl,l, WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLOTEIN LEADER DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 l Mrs Thus (trashy, Mr and Mrs IEJI'I Grasby and three sons, Prank. lin. Carman and Ronald of St. Marys Halted with Mr and Mrs Andrew l Picken. , Mrs Grace Moore and son-in-lnw gnarl Howell and grandson Boyd ‘Howell of Wilson, New York State, (wore guests of relatives in 'the home lor Mr and Mrs C. Petty. Mrs J. C. McLean. Ernest and Matataret McLean of Shelburne and Leslie McLean of Penwek were Monday visitors with the farmer's mother, Mrs T. MeGirr and brother, J. A. McGirr. Mrs Gilmour of Kitchener visited or sister. Mrs James Mather. . 9tiitiiiBiiifiMiiiiiial Ureaieti Ea_rly, Mr Frank MacKay ot Windsor, is Waiting his parents here. Mrs R. Isaac, son Dr. James and daughter Miss Margaret of Toronto. visited Mrs C. Ramage on Saturday Dr. Jan. who is a university profes- sor in Oklahoma. is home on holidays at present. He is now writing a Fork. Mrs G. Moan and daughter Patsy of Leaslde visited her mother, Mrs W. J. Atkinsru. Rev. M. H. H. and Mrs Farr ar- oompanled try Rev. Beverley Farr HM Mrs Farr of Dorchester return- ed Monrle trom a motor trip in Northern Ontario, Mr and Mrs W. N. Gray ot Por. maze La Prairie who have been visi- tlr": the fcrmer's sister Mrs John McGowan. left tcr their home in Western Canada. Mr and Mrs A. Ford and son Pet- er of Hamilton, Mrs cher Robbins Robert and Shirley of Detroit, were holiday smests of Mr and Mrs Albert MrRomlld. Misses Etta and Inez Twamley mu! Mrs M. A. Boyce are this week eJoying a cruise on The Great Lakes. Miss Mabol Svutrpe was a guest on Friday at the wedding of Miss Nor. nh James to Mr Emol Cunningham in St. Thomas Church, Walkerton. Mrs Margaret Grant of Suskateh. ewan, was a guest of Rev and Mrs Honeyman ever the weekend. Mr and Mrs Murray 91ml: of Windsor, are spending part of his holidays with his parents. Mr and Mrs John. Smith. Dr. C. C. Ross was a weekend guest of Dr Royden Burnett.. Mr and Mrs Jan. J. Robertson. Dor- ncch, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Olive Ver. dun. to Charlie Gordon, son of the late Dr. G. R. and Mrs Miller of Owen So.und. The marriaTe will tako place in September. The. Can. Society headquarters is " St. George St.. Toronto. Write there tor any advice. Canada's death rate from cant-er is 12,000 Der year; 1 out of 9 die of cancer: this could be reduced 50%, oral least 35%. Cum-or ls caused by body cells "rowing at an uncontrclled rate. It nmv occur at any ale. but is most Prevalcmt after 40. " may occm in NW part of bode. Be suspicious of lumps. 1ndisrention for no apparent reason may be due to cancer ct the stomach- bowel trouble may be can- cer of large bowel; a chronic cough mr , be cancer of lung. Hoarseuess of voice may be caused by cancer. Dm't watt till pain develops; then it is probably too late for treatment. Cancer Is not a disease duo to Hood. and is not caused by diet. Dr. Ross, who was introduced by Dr. R. R. Burnett, spoke tor 20 minutes. with a good hearing. The main point he impressed was that cancer can almcst certainly be cured if treated early whrn the lump or swellttte is small and painless. It in doubt see a doctor at once, and it a cancer, have it removed by a unraical operation or destroyed by X rays or radium. l The aawiteur contest was cancel- led for the night. Two more Satur- day night contests are to he held. if Jupiter Piuvius will only hold oft. _ "Caneer and its Control in cana.'sursraret Edge. --Hutorr, 2. do” was the subject of an informal Muriel Gibson- Eng Comp. C. tive address by Dr. C. C. Ross, To-l Ros, Kearney - Eng. Lt.. C ronto, Eee'y of the Canadian Society' Latin A., C, Latin C. 3: FY. A., 2 tor the Cclntrcl of Cancer. at the Fr. C. 1 amateur hour on Saturday. A heavy' Jean McGirr .-'rtip. 3: FY. A., C rain which fell, up to 8.45, spoiled Fr. c., C. the. hour and em down the 1rrowd,t Cam. MrMeekin -rcng. Comp. C the program being given from the Fv.T. Lit, 2. handstand. About nine, it gm under. Margaret Moore -Hist., C: Alt way the Molock family cf Owen 1: Latin A.. C: Latin C.. C; Fr. A, Sound, Mr. Ramiey, and a local 3; Fr. C. l. quartette being ttteentertainers. The' Emily Plnkertcn ---ErtR. Comp. 2 quartrfte comprised Mrs M. Wilson,j Doris Pratt-HW.., 2: “it l?.; Trig Mrs C. MoGirr, Thos Bell, L. Whig! 2, Latin A, C; Latin c., C; Fr. A more and sang "Come to the Fain", 3; Fr. C.. 3. The amtdteur contest was cancel- Janet Robb --Hint., 2: Fr. A., C 10d for ttur nilhl 'I'wn mnrn Qu.n|r.':cm Prue --Hist, C. Cancer may be Cured Knox C urch, Normanby‘will cole- brute their' Mth anniversary Sunday and Manda August 27th and 28th. Sunday set-vi s will be conduclodby the popular [or of the ccnm‘egar tion,' Rev. H. aye, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Mon ay txeuing at 8.00 p.m.. a concert " be given bythe Shield Family, tot wed by lunch. Admission 30c and . Htt DINNER A tour cams piping hot dinner will be served In nox Uttitedrltttrnt Lurliam, on Sept. all. at 6.30 p.m. A program of cclm movies follows the dinner. Some twenty prizes of various products wi be ttiven to lucky contestants. Ad ission 35c. Margaret Moore --Hist., C: Ala. I; Latin A.. C; Latin c., C: Fr. A,, 3; Fr. C. 1. Emily Plnkertcn ---Emr. Comp. 2: Boris Pratt-met., P.: Aim 2: Trig, Jean MeGirr -T'rip. 3; Pt. A., C Fr. c., C. Cam. MrMeekin -Eng. Comp. C Fm. Lit., 2. Thomas Connolly -Eng. Calm, C Margaret Edge. --Hlstory. 2. Muriel Gibson- Eng Comp. c. Ross Kearney - Eng. LIL. C Latin A., C. Latin C. 3: Pr. A., 2 Upper School Resl'ts, LEAVE DURHAM rm *""" 8.41 8.11).. 6.06 p.ni. and I LEAVE mom Exhibition Aimkiam xn.n!.. a 2.30 gun, b6.15p.m qodCqoeh8roos6.et.+ro- a-except Sun. b.igutt. & Hol "WWW m - Mt- Standard Time Calder's Drug Store, Durham . Phone 3 COMM EVENTS Darin] High School ONTARIO ARCHIVES Published Weekly " 82.00 1 you In advance. To Unit“ Mates, 82.50 I year In advance. Peter Ramage, Publisher TICKETS AND INFORMATtON AT iPnpec Machinery This appliance is positively demon. strated to you right n ytur own per- son without any che "E. “A: donut spend a penny unless you are full: tttttiMed that " is the ll npplianw tor you. A consuluui with Mr. Benvely will cost ycu n Mull. Don't let this opportunity pet " from ycu. Remember the date. I am agent frr thr Fame EIIHIIIIEI' Cutters and Hummer Mills; Henry Blue“ Eatsilaae (Tuners and Ham- merMIlls. We otter a reduced prim- on B7 Henry Blow-rs while they itttrt--the 8190 machine for $100. I also handle Benny Stump inn-i barn equipment. Electric Wttruters, and Cream Superman. DURHAM MACHINE CHOP F. W. MOON, PM. Phone 140 DURHAM. ONT. Do you suffer from ruplum tr no, your big nullity Inn now arrh- ed. Mr. eavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the HAHN HOUSE. DWHAM for e day only SATUROA ' AUGUST MTH and will be " used to give free Ph'- aminnticn Io ' sufferer and to de. monslnte his [among t"rptitutm'. This appliance w t mun-M21 the one lung in 10 to 15 ye. itupNre Expert Herc MaeGREGOR--m London cn Moadny August ti, to MI and In J. A. Maccregor (nee Gertrude Guns of Durham) 625% Elias Street. a daughter, Sheila Ruth. "JIT ggs L'CA4 Pi j"eqy hr 'r, b) " tll 31:14 Lb '/ a 'i'tk' {I} TEE

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