West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Aug 1939, p. 2

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yt, U. Two agricultural experts from India have arrived in Canada and will travel from Quebec to the Prairie- ehieny tor the purpose of “dying trrdrteleetrie power in relation to agricultural uses. and - Intel: of irrigating arid ar- e... They will also inspect the big 0a- proJecta in the United States. ”on Land Under Cultivation Western farmers need have no apprehension about India becoming a competitor. " may surprise Cam adiane, however, to be informed that in a good year India grown pore wheat than the Dominion. We have come to regard ourselves as the world's granary, yet last year India produced 402,o00.000 bushels " wheat, or about 55.000000 more than Canada. The year before, the Indian yield exceeded Canada‘s by ”3.000.000 bushels. indin has about 13,000,000 more acres under culti- vation than this country. Hunt’s Yield Of Wheat Greater Than Canada', 5.:th vac... Canada, with A population of l].- W.” must have export markets, where" India. with a population of 850,000,000 needs all her grain for her own people. Occasionally, India hos entered the export mark. " when prices were high and good promo could be made. bat present III] future prospects are that there gill be no encouragement in that direetion. The reason why hydroelectric uni irrigation systems are being alumina! Is because India is sub- teet to droughts and more is some. thnes severe suffering among the ulivoo. All that lndia wants is to he i'elt-sttfrieient and to feed hot own people. New Rules On Wheat Marketing Mile Penalties For Diesel Of Regulation. Regulations governing the mar- keting ot wheat through the Can- adian Wheat Board tor the crop year 1939. upecially the 5,000-blllh- cl limitation ot deliveries. have been issued from the head office- oi the board. I“... Operating Land for Parents May Participate Under tho regulations. employ- ees and dependents of farmers are not grower-producers and are bar- m from delivering wheat to the rd, but sons of farmers. operab trttt land for their parents, may par- lklvato under a haw-agreement Intent). Under the Wheat Board Act each humor or a group of inner- oper- nting as a unit, may deliver 5.000 bushels or wheat to the board. The Initial price will be " cents a bun- " basis No. 1 Northern. Fort Wile The farmers will e tequired to obtain permits tor marketing their grain and penalties are provided for breach of the regulations. a tine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment In! a period not exceeding one south. In addition to buying from the grower, the board may buy from landlords. vendors, mortgagee' or other; “entitled by contract or op- ontlon ot law to about grown " Mlle else." M is the your when night Alon. the tUmine edges of "r" hy i. done. A silver moment as a tUh In)” high, o, don’p he?! breaks I twig upon -.. - the shore; TM may. _cool, a night-bitd'. m "Gia oarideh, and the " ' on. reorie of this P" rmyyeu by you becoming tNF,' . " W 'tttret . d _ d. 'eel': n_n. a.“ India and. Her Grain Mrs. Frank Thissen, Elk-m dale farm mother. wrote Police Chief Frank Forest).-- “I have six small children. It’s almost impossible to call them on a bite farm. The oil- cial basketball whistle hasn't enough carrying power. Could I get a disearded, but tar-ruch- ing. police whistle?" The ehief sent her three whis- tles and said. "tahe your pick." MOnTheLalle Police Get Queer Request.' on tie lake, an opal ecstasy to the havens’ word that For A plastic compound made from the lignin and cellulose of sugar cane bagasse, one of the eountry's important agricultural waste pro- ducta, has been manufactured by chemists of the United States De- partment of Agriculture at the Agricultural By-Products Labora- tory, Ames, Iowa. The chemists estimate that this new compound can be manufactured for less than half the cost of the cheapest syn- thetic plastic compounds, now on the rv.urket. Evidence that senility and other symptoms of old age are accom- panied by typical signs of vitamin defieieney was presented recently by Professor L. A. Cherkes, direc- tor of tho Odessa Institute of Nu- trition, U.S.S.R. Experiments on animals and numerous obsena. tions on patients showed, he re- ported, that the processes taking place on teeth and bones in old age do not differ in anything from those resulting from a deficiency of vitamins in the organism. The observations have led Professor Cherkes to conclude that the di.. gestive tract not only absorbs " tamins from food but also trans- forms a number of inactive food components into active vitamins. As the body grows older this ca- CHEAPER PLASTIC Memories of the'reeent royal tour of Canada were recalled by the party of M Canadian school girls who are at present muting England, when they visited the exhibition of royal tour pictures " St. "mes' Palace. VITAMINS AND OLD AGE Murryandiu 'uegu-rraeea"so-...dao.-o- What Science is ' Doing , Flu! MONTREAL M GLASaOW9LrASt-uVEH'OOt. sag. l-Fuss of you: am. "-o.etre" cl Yuk " ,-tt4.iroriiaaTird ‘7‘" '7" " t buck”. of W " ".-D.chess of All." E. F. Tho-pool, SRO-05h Genera, Alon! Cllml Pneitke Building Tm- . Travel by a royal Empress or in the improved Tourist and Third Class accommodation on a stately Duchess. Former Tourist Class accommodation on the popular Mon! ships has been eliminated to provide more ample accommodation and larger deck space for hiird Class passengers. Most rooms in Tourist and Third Class on all four Durham have both hot and cold running water. From MC to tiM..tNlttG-6OUmAhttrTON Jump! Amalia . Sou. 2p--Noeess of Britaits M1111 details, no your heat but] aeettt or “Royd Tow" Pictures Enjoyed by Canadian Girls pacity of the digestive tract grow: weaker. Many symptoms of senil- ity, hitherto regarded as manifes- tations of an inevitable physiolo- gical pocess, he believes, Ire but a result of the body not keeping up with its requirements in vitamins, which must be supplied in greater amounts with the advance of the years. Discovery of a new metallic compound capable of cutting and smoothing the toughest metals and harder than the hardest steel used to manufacture tools was reported to the American Chemical Society by Philip M. McKenns of the Mc- Kenna Metals Company, Latrobe, Pa. The material is obtained by heating tungsten, titanium and carbon in crucibles of pure gra- phite. the mixture being heated in a bath of molten nickel to a tem- perature of 2,000 degrees for a prolonged period. The new com- pound is only 0.2 softer than a diamond, the hardest substance known; and is expected, because of its ability to retain a sharp cut. ting edge at high temperatures, to increase the speed with which stainless steels can be machined, thus resulting in considerable eco- nomics in manufecture. To the farmer and prospective settler, the Animal Husbandry Di.. vision of the Experimental Farms Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture, offers the results of many years experience, accruing from the maintenance of approxi- mately 8,000 head of livestock on the Dominion Experimental Farms and Stations in different parts of every province of Canada. NEW METALLIC COMPOUND r, ,is-siAss" a Adiiii. Oa. 7-hpnu of Brim. soihaAroir,usorerp) Toronto, On. The latest U.S. church device for "raising the wind" is what a religious paper describes as "some collection box." The inventor hails from Oklahoma. If a member of the congregation drops in a twen- tydiveseent piece or a coin of a larger value, there in silencee. If it is u ten-cent piece a bell rings, a five-cent piece sounds a whistle, and a cent fires back a blank cart- ridge. If any one pretends to be asleep when the box passes, it awakens him with a mttehman's rattle, and a camera takes his por- bait. Muppet! Out Little Donald, aged six: "Moth. er, I'm going to work hard at this school and get a scholarship to Jack’s school. And then pm go- ing to get a scholarship to the Grammar School. Then I shall get a scholarship to Oxford; and after I have finished at Oxford, I am going to drive a motor bus." "Everywhere there is something odd or different to be seen. Take Rio de Janeiro, for instance. There is no place in the world that re- sembles it. I would call it the most beautiful city in the world. Here everything is spectacular. High mountains shoot up from centres of population. Splendid resches nbound on all sides. It is s glorious piece. Nowhere is there such s combination of sea, shore and mountain. "Weather permitting, our pu- sengers will get e thrill out of Tristan do Canto, 1 rock in the sea and a thousand miles from anywhere. Her potatoes and fUh are the main item of food. but the eight to ten score of people who live there ere heppy. This is the piece when girl- my for . trood Dear buddy dear'. Little Mary: "Let's be pals, Dad- dy, dear." Daddy: “Certainly. my dew." Little Mary: “Well, how about dumping out the cod liver oil, palsy walsy?” On another occasion, when the King and Queen, then Duke and Duchess of York, visited Mauriti- us, they expressed regret that they couldn't stay more than thy 2 days in the island. A local r: JCI' printed "stay" as “stand". Two banners greeted him. The first rend: "Welcome to our new Governor." The second was: "God help our Administration." The Wrong Note A new governor was paying his first visit to a Gold Coast town. Have You Heard "Most Beautiful City In The World" "WO, I’ve hoard several people speak well of you Ine- b." Really “It's nice " no. you again, old man; I thought you were Definition Economy menu keeping away from the neighbours in. stead of keeping up with them. Cool According to a writer I girl who is clever with her needle can make I charming summer frock for next to nothing. And in a heat wnve that'- probably how she'll VIII it. “Oh! Why P' I-No."-...'" can get mar- A.--Sponge it very lightly with a cloth wrung from warm water containing a little ammonin. An- other method is to moisten some absorbent cotton with alcohol and rub very gently until the photo- popular? 2.-Bttouid I girl ever send I gift to a man whom she likes'. 8.--Who is usually the last one to make a speech at a public din- ti.-Mhen playing golf and there is a foursome just ahead of you, how long should you wait before driving? Answers L-Ye, always. An old Latin proverb says, "He who envies an- other admits his own inferiority." And, of course. it is difheult for an inferior person to become popu- lar. 2.-Not unless she is en- gaged to be married to this man. and then the only gifts necessary are at Christmas and on his birth- day. 3.--The guest of honor, or the most prominent person pres- ent, who is seated " the tout- master's right, is usually asked to speak last. 4.--Never more than one attendant and more often none. 5.-Wait until all four of the players ahead of you are too far away for your drive to inter- fere. 6.--Yes; it is better to avoid the fork. 2--How can I ke fresh for a long time? A..-Cut a circular piece out of a pumpkin or gourd, large enough to insert the hand. Clean out the interior thoroughly, place ripe grapes inside, and replace the cov- er securely. Keep in a cool place, and the grapes will keep fresh for a long time. , A..-To mend broken marble, stick the pieces together after ap- plying Portland cement and water which have been mixed into a very stiff paste. 2--How can I nerves'? Q.--How bah I clean a soiled photograph? _ 4.--How many “undulat- should a widow have at her sec- ond marriage? - .- 6.-When serving tea to guests where tables are not provided, shouldn't one avoid serving any- thing that requires the use of n fork? 2--How can I marble'.' A.-Heat some milk to the seal. ding point, add a little salt, and drink it as hot as possiblce. This is also a sleep producer. ner? snggggpn mm; qniyaauED TWEDDIJ’: CHICKS STARTED CHICKS AND OLDER pullcts. Ten day old Barred Rock White Rock, New Hampshire Reds $9.95. 90% bullet: 312.95, cooker- o-ls $8.75. Two week old add one cent to ten day old prices, three week old add five cents. Extra Profit Grade. the kind that welsh 2 lbs. per hundred more when hatched. add one cent. Special Mating add two cents. Prompt de- livery Shipped C.0.D. anywhere. Also free range older outlets, 4 weeks to " weeks. Free Poultry Gtside.-Tweddie Chick Hatcherie- Limited, Fergus, Qnt. FREE ILLUSTRATED CATAWGUE. New rebuilt Blcyclea. $10 up. Used Motorcycles. Dukes. 625 Queen St. lyert, Toronto. DUAL-PURPOSE s H 0 R T " o R N Bull. silo Heifer Calves. accredit- ed. high production. Baraide Farm, Owen Sound, Ont. QUILTING PATCHES. FINEST Atr, sortment five pounds for one dol- lar, postage paid. K. Pnllun but, 480 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. rumm mam pprE'rs ALL AGES. GOOD RURAL MAN WITH CAR TO SELL all among Farmers. Thrashers, Truckers. Splendid opportunity. Write British LuboI Company, 676 Bay Street. Tommie; Mi", NINE HUNDRED CASH BUYS country small chopping min, woodworking blame-a. complete machinery, dwelling. Suit handy retiring turmer.--\Vm. Pearce, Ex- our. movcuas as!) IUioncx'CLEs "Royal" sample book of Personal Carat. A beautiful selection of de. sign: which includes six hand- some Calendars. Entirely free, Personal Gerda. $1.00 per dozen up. Bit Commission end Prem. iums. Increased value. and extra free card. tor early orders. Very attractive Boxed Card unort- menu. Experience or capitol un- necessary. Orders despatetUd with. in " hrs. of receipt. Published ov- er " yearn. Rorut Pttbttahtntt Company, P.0. Box 1500, Montreal. healthy birds raised on tree range. Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shire Reds. White unhorns. Also yearling hens. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden. Ontario. L-mit an envious person un- woogtwogotiar% nvsumu Iron nu.- TORONTO ARTICLES FOR SALE cums-nub cums AGENTS WANTED BABY CHICKS C AWLE mend broken keep grapes treat tired ”TIES”: vines: it Gder . piece of damp muslin, using I moderate), hpt iron, until the mug. An Austrian baron of royal blood, Just arrived in Canada and planning to be a farmer, announ- ces that though he fought on the German side in the last war, “I will fight for the English people this war, if it comes. It will fight fer Great Britain because I know I will be fighting on the side which stands for the rights of people; I shall be On the right side." lin is quiie dry. Some accidents in the home can be prevented eatti1r-ttntts saving the harassment of a dome-tic oe- eident end the pain of the cure. One such aeeident which is {oirly frequent among women in the painful hammering of u thumb when trying to hammer in u " Here is a scheme to prevent each a crushing possibility! Next time you are ready to do odd jabs about the house which involve hummer- ing in of nails try sticking the nail through a piece of stout curd- board end holding it with thu-- "mitwhits" are then harmless, and your thumb remains whole'. Canada can do with I lot of newcomers who feel like this. ally. up q.-How cm I prevent silk from cracking or becoming Prdt Classified., Advertising" MOUNTED IN EASEL BACK mount with every roll received and 8 dccklc edge Velez print- Mc. 10 reprints Mc. Your favour.. ite snapshot enlarged. coloured, mounted in leatherette frame 390. Royal Photo Service. Box 5, Sta- tion F, Toronto. ENROLL NOW FOR YOUR FALL rourse of study. Ask us about our Practical Advertising com-u. Corn- piete your Matriculation ”The ccc Way." Canadian Correspond. ence College, Mt Ryrie Bldg. ro. rnnto. Ont. Eatubiighed 1902. REGISTERED JEREEY BULL FOR sale. 2 years. Price "0.00. A. P Campbell. Grand Canned“. Qua anus WANTED Yo LEARN Beauty culture. taught tn I school chartered by the Dominion Gov- ernment, bunche- from cons: to coast. hundreds of successful ttrad. uates. We prepare you tor provin- clai and state board examination; rate: reasonable. Call or writ. to Dept. A. Canadlln Largest Whoa], Big Marvel. 858 Bloor 5" _ t, W.. Toronto. ENLARGEIENT IN PORTRAIT easel mount. Freo wlth each or- der. Flinn developed. printed Me. Rom-Int- " tor Me. Our - fade proceu and one any unlco laurel you satisfaction. Belt Photo Service. Adel-Id. ttt. su- tion, Toronto. MRN'tt SHIRTS. WHITE. STRIPED patterns, English broadcloth. at- tached or nap-rue calla", his" " to 17%. 81.50. Tlel. 8 tor ".00. Davids, 179 Craig Welt, lontg‘gfgl. MONEY IN 11le WE HAVE A Bl:- leet herd of Inge dark mink. Our m a I e I tun-need. lie-unable turn. Stan Duly. Smith Falls. Ott- tar 0. ",'2.5,P.NtrS {EASIERN QUEBEC FREE SILK y ES LARGEHEK'I‘ Prevention Ra Than Cure _ - --' -_t.....T Mq\/BuETaleV Mink. Mitts or woven breeders, prolific sir-in, reasonably priced. VIII! or write. Brighton Mink lunch. Owen Sound. Ont. comma» awniiiovnnn IlAlRDllESSING -irdiai7ri,' its clean. Let it dry natur- The Right Idea EDUCA'I‘Iol AL JERSEY DELI. .EN'S IIIR'I'S -riA.gturwfrnnhrsrtorie, m...don't min it! -to-ietTtBit.WA. 8tNtM.ttder'r.itrt.W-ti.tllBq, ""gt'ttt" m A. lun- "When I compare the new of our armed forces nad our ability to mist attack " It is may with wut it was only , Fer no. I feel eU/eontidenee in our growing nteeneth."--hime [Snider Cham- berkin. LAKE SHORE PROPERTY Full nude on skeleton Luke. [and and bench. good mud to beach. Char- les Strand. Aspdln. Ont. " UP, GUARANTEED USED TIRES: Blc'yclcz. "'0 up. Write for by: Inn A A- ' -.___¥-, -tht ATTENTION "out-tea- Know your Prenervol 1nd l'lck- lea. 100 Assorted Labels toe, 500 label: 250 pontpald. Lewis, Print. intr, Station H. Toronto. Canada. BREEDING STOCK. NEWZEALANI) White Rabbits. retritrtered, pedi- Breed, thirty cem- pound. New- genllnd Fun Fun. Lonnie-ham. “35391 0,5711ng off new 11-291mm? 90.019". c o. L L I a um um uciém m up. 30K " YRS. YOUNGER. NATUR- olle Hair Restorative - motore- [rey or faded Inlr " its natural cottrr--iinies. - tor III week. supply - lend ".00 Nature". Hair Reaornuve. P.o. Box us. To- ronto. Quail?» ,_V__--_.. uvv-hll v. V " " I E Pups, nblo Ind white. “no Tri- colon. bellman. Albert Payton Sy,tytt 1tetftryt, Male. “.00, fe- n- A- m n “flu - - tern-me oreedInx. lulu ".06. ted lulu “.00. 8. Northwood. Coron- lllnn Alh-o- Furniture. Our lug. flu-{loot warehouse In clocked wlth con- ploto home furnishing; By ulllnc dim! from our WAREHOUSE u IIVO In “an. of 10% and Wd this bl. a‘ulggl gig to to}. Torm- nrrnnced. Pretttht prepaid. Write uu torday. Valuablo ore- hum given for tenant. customer. to un. Its-Kenna Furniture Co.. Umltad 526 Ray litre". Toronto. ------_-.u_, fJFo-Wi ICU FURNITURE W. I.“ _ - 7 . -'i'-9'_F.'.W.. “I\G- '10.“. Runnel- " other ortlcln Writ. In for your "autumn“. Term unlined " necessary. IrKemol rummage I., Unlud. '" lint TTROUT GRAN}! ELIZABETH. Item will 2tt for you In Tor-on. lo not“. Ben for description of te It.""". " Richmond M. W. _ ,,,_. -.- -7. "III‘ Ior III" gain or!“ list. Toronto rm. In Dana-I 1ret._Toroetti. a; it be/broadcast? The Canadian National Exhibi- tion ttere otters yogth. tlrat public detmonstratioetn of Television in Canada. BuPertnterxderd by R.C.A. Went-engineer: the demon- stating: cow};- nllphuu of television. You in no ”Dim!!! be” tel? nmlnninn rum PRINTING ”UTAH"! miiiii. "iGiiGiGG.- hon! Baden are“. don shown as I Ibo-rd the " Percy ncouu' com on! (‘anndu Mid-Summer Stati: I“-summor m “l "owing r with distinct tri In industri-I w trade. and om the outlook Fo "etors fs the a poet of I good Prairie l’rovim hour“ Factors In I ion Outlook “resents Lord Thu troit.s' Indv wink of its Produ but ot chrsesw an four lane were I" th lbs, Ind (0.291 damn with [0,9610 2t In May. and '00t lbs. m In Hikers Take Fahe Care of the "Dom" Cary You Alone About I ern “Hay. sun ma tulle. I any txi'Y are.“ nllornatel all] harden the Crops In o " to tho aw ion“: Inn wi p'mwmunt in ttme valnm Keep up tl the tour And I tttltr wtth Ia putting on " Trr " w. no new Ut hid] thick at I rushit garb any U Ever: Omit-hit buyer. "It ttt mum. " mm . mm In; selection at tlwu Including drowns u by In. Bunions, El cring a Pet'), of Henry Irving. Laotian; the lum- l. a Bun Thaw Craig each noun: o lrlcnl oettt'rttaitttttrttt .or'iety ambushed "mono. n is itttr.t" Propet" , Tum, c'tttt ". Cqttale at "We". he. been lamina Tum tor "Non, Tho Trot nope-rue- or um tune human in I land. ttut itaitt in n acquiulnou. an om: Btuioutiectttettt rm pulling dnun or ' theatrc. tho Lum- hom tbe u m tttp, tout 1m My ll wrung-ratio. ttty mi 1 Tl presenting th, Baden-Powell . deputy t'0t n as In- um” 'd the Emotvs Boo Congo: E Dairy Indut t'iaittttt " no ot Eu.- _ u been leg-ire. 'ttatt tor Form , Trust has " in of historic and a] du bar run Baden ..p, MI, purl. 1 I "rat ttt “3] ' wlu bond

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