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Durham Review (1897), 24 Aug 1939, p. 3

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mm Every just bargain pays double. enriching luxth_the acne; tad the, buyer. . . . .' A soothing football: is to throw I few crystals ot permanganate of potash (just enough to color the water myuve). in warm water and mi um feet in this. Try to get stockings which have no seam under the foot and wear “My thick wool socks. These act In a cushion tor the feet and " oortt any undue perspiration. Keep up this treatment during the tour and dust your feet plenu- lnlly with talcum powder before putting my 16hr stockings, About a tormlght before your holiday, start massaging your feet twice a day with toot nlve and alcohol alternately. This will grad- uo harden the “hi. Take Care of the "Doe" Th! Carry You Alon. Hikers Take Dairy Industry Thr, d:viry industry Is now at the peak of its; production and the out. put ot cheese and creamery butter tttor June were respectively 22,050,- m lbs. and 40.941551 lbs.. as com- iarod with 10,969,266 and 21674.9]! 2t in May, and 22,157,229 and 41.- ,800 lbs. In June, 1938. utll~siillimcr llnds business in Can- s'da showing remarkable stability. with distinct signs ot improvement in industrial fields. I rising export trade. and encouraging tutors in the outlook Foremost among these Motors is the almost assured pros- pm! of a good grain crop in the Prairie Provinccs. Crops in Ontario and Quebec are up to tho average and the past lion": has witnessed a welcome in p'rnvemnnt in the crops of the Mari. thtte Provinces. hoot-raging Futon In Denim ion Outlook Representing the Chief Scout, Lord Pcadem.Ptrwell, Sir Percy Ev- erett. dvprtty commissioner, is shown as he arrived at Quebec about! the Empress of Britain. Sir Percy will visit Canadian scouts’ central divisions through- out Canada. Represents Lord Adjoining the Ellen Terry cottage II 3 Barn Theatre, when Mist, Craig each month organizes I then- trical trrttertainmettt on behalf of I moiety established in 1931 (at t' , wrposv. n is Intended to continue these tutirrrtaittmentg now that the mommy has been acquired by the Trust. Cottage com About 1400 The cottage. which is at Small Hythe in Kent, is one Ma group at tour. " was built about the year 1380. and is considered a very at- tractive specimen br black-amt white architecture. Two ot the cot- tages are let, and the fourth ia the home of Miss Edith Craig, Ellen Terry's daughter. Miss Craig is to continue supervision ot the Ellen Terry cottage. which is how a mu- nculn. it has 1 particularly interest- ing telectlon or theatrical costumes. including drone- worn on the In“ by In. Siddons, Ellen Terry (cov- ering a period of Mt years). and Henry Irving. he rotten of In» Terry. the ”tron. has been acquired by the National Trust tor Perpetual Rour- ution. The “fruit ttas in its chars. properties or historic and pictur- esque interest in alllparts of Eng. lund. But this is its first theatrical acquisition, In official declares. The Brtn0unecrrtertt coincides with the pulling down ot Ellen Terry's old theatre, the Lyceum, to make way for a bio, trnttie roundabout at the and or the Strand to accommodate tho greatly increased flow of ve- hielos anliripulcrl from the new Waterloo Bridge now in course at erection. End! Terry’s *â€" Home Sued Statistics Baden-Powell tl 19-20. Then Uzziah was wrath; and he had a ccnser in his hand to burn incense; and while he was wrath with the priests, the lepro. sy brake forth in his forehead be.. fore the priests in the house of Jehovah, beside the altar of in- cense. And Atari-h the chief priest, end all the priests, looked upon him and behold, he woe lep- rolls in his forehead, and they thrust him out quickly from thence; yea, himself hated she to go out, because Jehovah had smitten him. 16-17-18. But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up, so that he did corruptly, and he tres- passed against Jehovah his God. For he went into the temple of Je.. hovah to burn inccnese upon the altar of incense. And Azariah the priest went in after him, and with him foursome priests of Jehovah, that were valiant men: and they withstood Uzziah the king. and said unto him It pertaineth not unto thee, Uzziah, to burn incense unto Jehovah, but to the priests the sons of Aaron, that are con- secrated to burn incense: go out of the sanctuary; for thou hast trespassed; neither shall it be for thine honor from Jehovah God. .5. And he set himself to seek God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the vision of God: and as long as he sought Je.. hovah, God made him to prosper. Uzziah prospered indeed. He bought the Philistines into real subjection. He strengthened the defenses 0. Jerusalem by builuing towers at its three weakest points. He organized, equipped, and dis- ciplined the military force of the country on a new plan. The whole country prospered under his rule. lfzziah was fortunate to have such I wonderful mother and fa- ther. What a blessing for any young man to have a father who has so lived that the boy can do nothing fmer than to walk through life in the path which his father had made for him. A father by being honest and pure of heart, upright in all of his dealings, faithful in the services of the church can certainly set up an ideal for his son and help him to live in the way that will bring him the greatest peace and happiness in life. Time.-jzziah ascended the throne in 806 RC. The tune when the events in this chapter took place cannot be determined with absolute accuracy, but inasmuch as L'zziah died in 755 B.C., his be- ing stricken with leprosy is placed generally about 768 B.C. Plaeo.--Jerusalem. 3-4. Sixteen years old was Ua.. ziah when he began to reign; and he reigned titty and two years in Jerusalem: and his mother’s name was Jeehiliah, of Jerusalem. And he did that which was right in the cycs of Jehovah, according to all that his father Amaziah had done. UZZIAH: A KING WHO FORGOT GOO-P Chron. 26t3-15, 16-21 Golden Text-tvery on. that exalted: Mun" all." be humbled., but he that Fumble!!! Linn" shall be oil-ltd. Luke 18:14. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING H mnmght ago the y?ntr-expeeted t of mail the Imperial Airways giant Boueherviyie 3:; hours after takimv A, lurtnight a; Sunday School Lesson . . 33 hours aftér' {8.125; iii' 7r"orii'"iGiiiiiiiiriin' le. 1"yrexpeered Traps-Atlantic Air Mail Service was bra-H Aim-ya Giant “Carlin" g: " f POP-cat Takes Time to Collect Anything The pupil ot the eye is so-called from the Latin word pupllla, mean. ing little doll, because you can Ice a small miniature ot yourself when you look in another) eyes. f"sltd 7 . A - 7; I . 'l, -_.. te f...I__.....__.‘.' "7;...“4. -d, l The allergic ititlatnmatlotts from foods eaten and from external irri- tants such as pollen trom trees, plants, flowers or talcum and face powders and dandruff from pets can be guarded against it they seem to cause an irritation. Tissue towels and paper hattdherehiets can cause the sensitive person to have inflammation ot the eyelids or eye- balls, When motoring try to prevent dust and water from being blown or splashed in the eyes. Trying on other people's glasses and goggles can transmit lid lnlectlons and even conjunctival inflammation. Danger of infection lurks in the swimming pools it the eyes are opened under water and bath tow. els at public pools, beaches and tho Summer resorts are another com- mon source ot infection. Do not dry your eyes at all under these condi- tions. In the daily routine of life, it is important to try to remember to wash one's hands after touching ministers, door knobs, push plates, em. to avoid carrying infection to tho eye-s. Even shaking hands transmits germs trom one person to the other. Rubbing the eyes after using a handkerchief to blow one's nosn is a possible and probable source ot infection. 'rans-Atlantie Air Mail Service was inaugurated. Carrying 25,000 pieces {Lying boat Caribog, shown above, roared up the St. Lawrence to land at Could stir one to tears, Hush, wind, and never Let me see again Rain on a dnrk night Light the window pane. The stormy wind blew A bright flash of rain Like a silver lightning 'Gainst the window pane Why did my heart wake From a dull sleep'.' Remembering fiercely To weep, and to weep. A dead dream wakened? Ah.' that should not be; That dream from the past Is bitter to me. 1 had forgotten Through the long years, How swift remembering Avoid Irritation and Infection By Exercising Precaution Your Eyes It was impossible for I leper to discharge the kingly office, and the regency was consequently con- ferred upon the king's eldest son, Jotham, who exercised the royal functions while his father suffered a living death. Uzziah must have repented before he died because he certainly left behind him the character of a good rather than a wicked king. 21. And Uzziah the king was a leper unto the day of his death, and dwelt in a separate house, be. ing a leper; for he was cut off from the house of Jehovah: and Jotham his son was over the king’s house, judging the people of the land. dowod him with the moral evil of human arrogance. 1 Dt>tr was HIM,POP - Awakened Require Care Barnum of Radio Vallee has frequently been called the Ziegfeld and Barnum ot radio. He is responsible tor uncovering the radio talents of Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Bob Burns, Alice Faye, Joe Penner, Frances Langford, Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou and many others. Among the innumerable stars who came to radio tirgt through the medium ot Rudy Vallee's Variety Hour were Grace Moore, Katherine Hepburn, Helen Hares, Fannie Brice. Robert Montgomery, Prank Far, Joe Cook, Victor Moore, Walter o'Keete and a host of others. Vallee became musically minded while he was attending Yale Uni. Vallee. who was radio's Initial phenomenon. was the first to give evidence of the power of broad. casting " a starmaker. His intro- duction ot most of present stars of the air to the microphone audience led him to become radio’s pioneer showman. Vallee, first millionaire performer on the radio, has felt tor some time that an uninterrupted ten years of broadcasting under the same sponsorship and at the some hour every Thursday night was sub ficient. Rudy Vallee Makes a Change Rudy Valleo and Standard Brands inc. are terminating their radio contract at the end ot Vallce's tenth year on the networks and concluding the longest association in radio of a sponsor and a per- former. Vallee’s final broadcast un- der tho auspices of Standard Brands will occur on Thursday, September M, 1939, closing an un- broken radio run on the NBC red network from 8.00 to 9.00 pm. which commenced on October M, 1929. when commercial radio broad. casting was in Its infancy, A narrow black crepe de chine belt embroidered in gold thread and edged with gold fringe gives a very sumptuous look to your black frock. and a heavy gold necklace will add the final touch ot chic. It you have a discarded natural coral necklace, sew the coral round a. white suede belt, scatter gold beads In between and wear a gold and coral necklace to complete the effect. Do you wish the general effect to be "plain but good"? Then wear a narrow white satin belt embroid- ered in black silk with your Christ. tian name. and a single string of pearls round your neck. Make The" Yourself Do you wear something a little bizarre and unusual? Then wear a wide belt in thick oatmeal linen, faced with black felt, and trimmed with flat scarlet beads and little golden bells. A plain black dress can be giv. en whatever character you please by changing the belt. Belts have become more and more elaborate. All sorts of strange and unlikely materials go to the making ot them. Beauty In Belts Transforms Gowns RADIO NOTES "i/OGG-CGS-e/rr-netted-r., WHEN HE SAYS HE'S ' l mums YEARSâ€"5.} By MADGE ARCHER TO BE HEARD Farm Broadcasts. CFRB 1.05 pm. Mondays to Fridays; Farm Broad- casts. CBL, 1.30 pm. Mondays to Saturdays; August 25, 8 p.m., NBC, CHL, Cities Services Orch. ...... , p.m., CBS, CFRB. Raymond Paige; August M, 2 p.m., CBS, CFRII. Bull Session ...... 8 p.m., CBL Jimmy Dorsey's Orch. ...... 10 p.m., CBL, Sym. Strings ...... August 27, 12 Noon, NBC, CBL, Radio City Music Hall ...... 4 p.m., CBS. COW, So You Think You Like Music ...... 5 p.m., CBL, Church ot the Air ...... 8 p.m., NBC, CBL, Chase and San- born Hour ..... ' p.m., CBL, Appt. With Agostini J..... August M, 8.30 p.m.. NBC, CBL, Voice ot Firestone F..... 9.30 p.m.. CBS, CFRB. Guy Lombardo Orch. ...... August 29, 8.30 p.m., NBC, CBL, information Please ...... ' Fm., CBS, CFRB. We, the People ...... 9.30 p.m., NBC, CBL, Alec Templeton ...... August M, 8 p.m., NBC, CBL, Ransom Sher- man ...... 9.00 p.m., CBL, Songs of the World ...... 10 1mm. NBC, CBL, Sunset Sym. ...... August 31. 8 p.m., CBL, Vicki Chose ".... ' p.m.. CBS. CPRB, Major Bowes ...... " um. NBC, CBL, Knit Music Holt ...... a Yale band. After leaving college he organized his own dance or- chestra which led to his radio tity but in New York on a local station. His first appearance on a network program was on October M, 1929, tho commencement of the first and later most famous radio variety show. Vallee has missed only two broadcasts in ten years. once due to the death of Mrs. Vallee, and once while en route to England to broadcast during the coronation of King George the Sixth. Vallee's plans for the future are as yet Indefinite. Fill your aluminum saurcpall with water and chop up a fair- sized stick of rhubarb. Put this in and boil for two or three min. utes. When you have done one saucepan with this mixture pour it into another, and so on, until you have brightened all of them. verslty. He played a saxophone in There you hare Rule 1 (or skin beauty. Cleanse your face every limo you wash your hands. Your complexion will repay you a thous- and-fold for your trouble. What is this protective treat. ment? Well, it consists ot three parts: cleansing, nourishing, and guarding against age. The first is easily the most important part, be. cause dirt is the greatest danger a good skin has to guard against, How many times do you wash your hands each dart Morning, midday, evening and last thing at night, don't you? Probably more often than that. And yet there are hun. dreds ot people who just dab a lit. tle extra powder on their faces three or tour times a day. and clean it only once. it is true that your hands are constantly in use, and are, therefore, in more direct con- tact with dirty objects. but it is also true that the foundation cream you use on your face makes it slightly sticky. s.) that the dirt in the atmosphere naturally clings to it. It is. unfortunately, all too true that it a perfectly good, normal skin is left to look after itself. it stands a very good chance ot losing its normality, ot developing open pores. blackheads. etc, Therefore beauty culture tor the normal com- plexion must. be of a protective nat- uro. Are YouSureYour Face It Clean? Much has been written shout the been” for people with may skins, dry Iklnl. sensitive skin: and so on. It ll time that something was said on the subject of the nor- mal skin. Alter Ill, there are may fortunate people who have nothing very much wrong with their com. plexion: and it ls only right and natural that they should want to know how to keep them in that happy condition. NemtantCamrueN-tgtrh, -Dem'tPowderom. No! HE COULDN‘T GETAS DIRTYAS THATIN - 'FNE YEARS! It shad. upon the would.“ shelf. Tanisha! but golden in the gloom. 1rcthroat, that on n tamer hill h giteit. [in duty shadows here, The unaluken voice units the " Fountains. revolv'cs. , ghee?! call. so Field. - V - jiisiili/." ._ , craft. , q Ye . " Gone by. " ttna, e. ar " Expert ttyer. 5 To a Lava. acknowled e " Arbitrary " She is n ' I . command, member of O Bristly. 42 Grain. -. ' Elm. " gmooth. 60 Her title. 8 Hops kiln. " Int. . " Thing. 1T0 scold. " Type standard so To entertain. 2 That on which It, Tm” cioth. f? Enraptgred. a body 7 " Asiatic tree, composition 16 Chair. " Grief. 21 Petticoat. " Behold. 24 Bucket. 26 Foe. " Head cook. HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1AAtE.nglish 'iMsli2ll2K5lT Miami-um: "g'li,,t,tt',y 1 mafia 1ElNNIr will no gl',','.""" 11EltiErlt2 MSIE urim Tdest""" , Mam FITE Ll trimming " Vocal T DIAMONDS and charcoal are comp ,eombined state. A diamond is pure, c its much more abundant, however. in a ,olher substances. United with oxygen I THIS CURIOUS WORLD BEARING _ WHrrE-muw: mums! of ONTARIO ARCHIVES TAKEN NEAR FEMALE POLITICIAN " “Fl "" " 'tea m. mc " One who ices " Field. " Knave. " Expert dyer. By J. MILLAR WATT e composed ot carbon, in an un- pure, crystallized carbon. Carbon Pr. in I state of combinahon mu. oxygen, it occurs as catboruc and " Italian river. Justice. 4 Year. ' To acknowledge ' Bristty. , Retributive Telling the'nlley listeners when The any cattle sable fur To niblgle the low, white clover- Or Menu-d turn with the even- -rtaieee Frost in The Chris- tian Science Monitor. at To fetter. " Weight. " Pertaining to teeth. " To retaliate, 41 Single name " [moms person. " Lily plant " Wtongs. " Chamber. 49 To stupety. " To harden lit Ovuie, SOShe is an effective --. " Freedom (tom war. '23 Appropriate By William I fyk k"' fl, " , A. tU W ER?“ k5'1l 531 tt PM r.?). ‘- “all. I my: _ l , :3 "gilt, 35!

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