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Durham Review (1897), 24 Aug 1939, p. 5

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tST "TH, "" MTO TIOH cum: " Miss Tm liary Moon- is work were Itsnn ot Nea. on. Toronto. 1nd Mr an. Pacifie [ARES , {gully Mali! of , Billie ['hesley Be um. B, on. moth Lynn many not with h Arn. with wa rt Mr M Mrs Mrs Mr W Mr ll to n2 in ot " at al ar " 7'“: in t madian meitht Stations in New Brunswick an Domlnon Atlantic Mr. Slalom in Nova Scoth IIVUIN le‘l’ . have Nova Scout point: not but than Ann“ M. WM New Brunswick pol-u not bar than Amt 29th. Not good on u-uu but“ has! 3.00 pm. “U" particular: and MtndMtt It. a! Aunt. or o Haas-u m.’r‘mumn 'r,. h" West si oe Contact Street, . ',,_votO Sun " the?” of Mrham, chm ".0 house. , mp, axe-third are of land. Fun i9ALE---IAt ma). 2 Raglan FUR SALW--Petem Walking Tractor, "l'ttrt't. angina, n", VII] do harm work. Complete with tools. lull orire, 3175. Apply "Y"' Review ctmce. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT rho James munaton farm, tot 15. um. Ir,. K'zremont, naming 100 :urvs Good building Apply to ARTICLE; FOR SALE Kuhhrr Goods, Ayndries, eta, mail. s.' wulpaill in plafn. sealed wnpper. _ _ N, less than retail. Write for mail tpr h-r c-alalogue. Nov-Rubber Co., by! was, Bax 91, Hamilton. Ont. In") IIUWIIU LLOYD'S TRY. MOLATEI) CORN SALVB for my corn 'treaBmrs THEY cannot remove with this emeiertt new Beientith, treatment for Corn. and Gallon“. Lloyd's com- bination treat-wont (Salvo and Pads) remove: and hoops them away. De sondtiseg and relieve: with Int ap- plication. For silo at $25 ll & will be paid by th . CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING (IF VOTERS' llST R-Vit-W Ottttre Notico is hereby given that l haw mmpilecl with tbetioet 7 o! The Voters' Us" Act\ and that I have posted up at my We at R. R. 1. Durham an the 'Pt day ot August 1939 the list of all venous entitled to vote In the and Municipality at Municipal elections, bo that such luv remains there for inspection. ‘IOTERS' LISTS, 1939: MUNICIPAL- ITY OF 'oth!'"""' OF GLEN. ELG, COUNTY OF GREY And t hereby call “one alt voters to take Immediate p ceding: to have any rrrors or 'lllCIC'l', cor- .wml awarding to taw, "t lug day for appeal being the 'rwitntir-murth any of Iurust 1939. Dated ihis third day ohAnguu. WW. I l _" Mums against the estate or Mar- Since the Dominion Forestry Nurs- _',,:'t'r \ivKo-ohnie, late of the Town ery Staticns were established at tn. ": [wian County of Grey, widow. than Head, Baskatehewtttt, in 1901 um“. tul m retWired to.ttte the and at Sutherland. Saskatchewan. ~Uni.- “Ah the uhdersixned. on or in 1914. about 160,000,000 trees have b. 5““. up. 2Cth day kt August, 1939. teen supplied to nearly 65,000 lamp 3””, Ht Durham this first day a err: in the Prairie Provinces. Since l 'C' ', “my 1935, over 0,000.000 trees have been A w. D. Hritptv, K. c, distributed under the Prairie Farm DURHAM," ONTARIO Rehabilitation programme in the Sniicitor for the \Executors drought area. NOTICE TO CREE ITORS Round Trip Bargain Fares from DURHAM, Aug. M, 26 , cr Hun from Tomato, 11.15 p. m. August 25th RETURN ”HIT - AUGUST " 3‘Ikr Nauru“ that all creditors hae. : rhmls azaihst the estate of Mar (Voters' Lists Act. section 10, Form 4) Small hihts. wt 'srt, not good on 3.00 pan. trains from Otttora and Mont?!“ CANADIAN PACIFIC H. H. MacDonald, ('h-rk of Township of Glenetrr. Ottawa ”anneal 8.66 9.95 To the Maritime: - Aug. 24 FOR SALE McFaddcn'l Drug Store Net',, and that I have ' og'lce at R. R. I. thirf day of August all persons entitled and Municipality at ions, land that such re for lnspoctlon. call out} all voters nae pr ceding: to or mogul»: cor to law. the last day STE. ANNE DE IEAUPRE $14.55 nun. investment o-tt right quality. Pallets reach high production u re- gular supplies an on. Cockerelshit market when fresh-killed broiler: and and router: scarce. Limited number Amt. M0urrEm nanny Holstein, Ont. _ FOR CALI A quantity of In! and second class shingles tor ale also " cords of hardwood for ale. Apply to Mr Lorne Eccles at Drown. NOTICE TO CREDITOR AND OTHEIQ IN THE E ATE or DAVID ALEX. ANDER HILTON, DECEASED All person: having claim. walnut} the Estate of PAVtD ALEXANDER, HAMILTON, lab of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, Farm- er who died on or about the Third day ot May, A. D. 1939 are required to Ble proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the Twenty- fifth day of August, A. D. 1939. after which day the Estate will be distribut- ed having regard only to the claims ot which the undersigned shall then have had notice. oh, sister with the dusky skin, ' Give me your hand to-night, L Though yours be deeply black or _ brown i ' And mine a pale-washed white. l inn. daughter of another land, l, Stern nature's old decree _ Gave you a color unlike mine. But what is that to me , Help me to break forever down, These barriers of race-- Teach me to read God's signature On every dusky face. .Oh, sisters yellow. red and brown, Love sees beneath the skin: Our common badge of sisterhood, _ Is the white heart within. . Gertrude Bowen Webster. _ Lansdowne, Ontario Dated at Durham, this 25th day of July, A. D. 1939. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE TATE or MARY CAMP-' BELL. ECEASED l All per: 3 having claims againstl the Estate 10! MARY CAMPBELL/ late of the Township ot Glenelg, in' the County of Grey, Spinister, who| died on or about the Eighth day on December, A D. 1938. nre required, to Ble proof of the same with the, undersigned on or before the Twenty ( fifth day of August, A. D. 1939, after; which day the Estate will be distribut; ed having: regard only to the claims1 of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. E Dated at Durham, this 25th day of July, A. D. 1939. Solicitor tor the Administrator, Solicitor tor the Executrlces. BABY CHICK. AND OTHERS SISTERS Quebec I336 J. H. McQuan-ie. Durham, Ontario. J. H. McQuarrie. Durham, Ontario. We were pleued to meet with our one time amulet, on Sunday last Mia. Learn MoKlnnon, end her sister Etta, " the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Aldcorn. The pleasure um ad- ded to try meeting there Mr and Mrs Chas. McKinnon ot Mano. Alta. (nee Jesele Hunter) Mn Jean Mal. tby, and daughter of the house, Mine Mary Aldcorn, leaving econ tor her duties as teacher at Calgary. They ell journeyed to the south- line on a vial: to another dear one of the family, Mrs Joseph McKee. (ChriatenaJ I Mr H. B. McLean in threshing Saturday Inst. shipped two earloada Iof Barley to Durham buyers. 'TU Fxpeeted another carload will be had "odar, with a probable two more days threshing by the Bennett outht. A larger congregation than usual gathered at St. Columbia. United.! on Sunday last. They were favored with an appreciated visit by a. male, quartette from Durham, viz: Messrs) Glass. Whitmore, Bailey and Pad-i ftehi, with young Miss Helen Ren- wick Durham accompanying on the; organ. The , selections given were of a high order, that of the aeoondI lmusically) containing a harmonic chord. seldom heard in a quartette. l It was beautiful and thrilling. tttni the line following the solo offering? by the tenor.) They were highly turl preeiateti by us and all. l Mr Innis McLean kindly took the three Sutherland boys up to Bar. rie ton Bible School held near there in his car. on Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Alex McLean, Mao agree- ably were met with, on a visit to his parents. Mr John McVicar, with his cheery smile as usual. which never wears off was a visitor last week from studies and duties in Toronto. Phyllis. Ruth and Marjorie Har. row of Essex have been visiting this past month with their aunts. Mrs. Wlliam Beaton, and Miss Annie and Aeneas Harrow of Owen Sound. They spent part ct this time at a cottage at Saubie Beach. fast Club was held on the beautifuli lawn ot Miss A. C. Maephail with} an attendance of over 40 members' and visitors, Mrs Archie Stewart the president, presided. A discussion on "How can tarm prices be raised" was led by Mrs Neil Cameron. Mrs Wim. Hinoks. Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs Jim Sturrock. Miss Macphail also gave a brief talk. The topic on the new course of study was well given by Misses Marion Muir, and Emma Oliver who gave some very interesting information. Musical se- lections were rendered by cur two young pipers. Grant Muir and Allan Cameron, and was thoroughly enjoy- ed. A couple of solos with harp accompaniment by Mrs A. Henderson were pleasing numbers. The nation- al Anthem closed the meeting. Lunch was served and a social half hour spent. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Neil Cameron. Mr and Mrs Hector McLean and Mr and Mrs Bill Hill spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach. Miss Almeria Hincks left Saturday to spend a week'a vacation at Mus- koka. Gordon and Harold Nichol spent a. week with their uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs D. L. McArthur and cousin Eleanor. Tuesday afternoon Mrs Dan Camp. bell was the hostess to the W.M.S. and W. H. Societies when 38 were present. Mrs Whyte presided. Mrs Neil Cameron gave a splendid paper and Miss M. Lambert gave a read- irg. Mrs Sutherland presided over the W. M. B. Miss Jean Hlncks gave a splendid reading. Mrs Fraser from Dundalk was the guest speak- er and gave a most interesting and helpful talk. on Missionary Work. and was much appreciated. Mrs Fras- " closed the meeting with prayer. An invitation from Swinton Park W. M. S. was accepted tor Septem- ber 12th. A delightful lunch was served " the 'hostess and her as- Biatanta. The September meeting will be held " the home ot Mrs Bradey Irwin. ' Mrs Jean um», Toronto is visit. ing her mother Mrs Buckhun. like John muck: went the week The August meeting of the Hold- PRICEVILLE l Thin week we tell of the death otl l Mrs Marie McKay. who he 'Yee', [intensely from cancer. Lest Novem- 1 ber she ttrat went to hoepitel in To-| Ironto for treatment, and underwentli an operation in mid-winter. At times I lthere was hope of better heelth, but“ Iagain she would so down, until (howl ' came as a releue from suileringu l Mrs. McKay died Seturdey meme: in. August 19th. and woe laid to: rest on Monday in the little come-i i tery here beside her husband, James. I McKay, who died seven years ago.‘ Alex. McMillan or Dundalk was the; undertaker in charge and Rev. Mr.l I Muir of Priceville, in the absence oi: Rev. Mr Taylor. her motor. conduct-1 ted the services at home. church and, lgraveslde. A large gntherlng of' friends and neighbors shoWed their; ireepect tor the dead, and sympathyl i for the bereaved family by their pre-i I',',',',',',',") The poll-bearers were close| neighbors: George How, Bert Martin 'John Lane, Ed. Heard, Robt. Ferris.“ I Howard Watscn. The ttowerttearertr' 'l were Delbert Haw. Everett Martin,' " Maurice McLeod, Edgar McLeod. THE DURHAM REVIEW ed Sandy " A. L. Hint-tr. Misses Ella and hurt Manama of Toronto were visitors [at week " Mr Wm. ’Aldcorn'u. I Mrs. McKay before marriage was 'Marle Hues. born in Nommby. 54 T years ago, and married in Hamilton 1 28 years ago to James McKay. They Ellved in Holland township untllcom- ing to Proton 10 years ago. There _are left to mourn, three daughters l and two sons: Gordon. Mourlce,Mar~ I Tuerite, Stella and Beatrice; also a. .slater, In. Shackleton of Dcrnoch, l ind two brothers. Oscar and James Mm ot Domoch. All were at the li,':':?:'::": Such ls life, and death c-es to all! l, The Gleneis Centre Baptist Mir. nion Circle held their Miami. meet. ing at the home of In W, Ewing. A trinn scripture and lord's Payer opened the meeting. Roll call wen answered with the word.- of “Simon Peter. Mrs Henry Benton read Roll- uu P. 21. A - on P""'!? Work in Bolivia" wu given by Mrs Neil Nectarine. In Robert MacGnlivny an» the life at In! Bates 3mm. Nther. In. W. Evin. reed u toMe It“ Gillies-o'- Int letter Iran M. Ryan and prayer chased the “in. much There will be no service at the United Church Sunday morning, Aug 27th on account ot Anniversary Ber. vlces at. Proton tsppointmeat. Mrs George H. McKay. Pt. Watt. ces and Mrs Byron Weir, New Weat. minster. mc.. are spending this week with their sister, In. .1th Sinclair-u Harvest has been greatly delayed by the continued rains. Cutting is mostly nnahed, but there we sun fieldte of stocks to he hauled in the The Dundalk Cooperative Co. sponsored a Rural Educational program on Monday evening in Stewart's Hall which was packed to the doors. Suitable motion pictures and a good talk on community work by Dr. McLean. Guelph was interesting. Miss Agnes Macphail M. P. was present and as usual in her home community her remarks received rapt attention, Mr Hugh Bailey was chairman. Mr and Mrs Norman Snyder and family Toronto were holiday visitors at Mr Walter Benham's. Mrs J. C. McLean and children. Shelburne were eaMrs Monday at the homo of Mr John fginelttir. Mr Walter Stewart has the frame work erected for a service station and dwelling en the South West corner in the vlllage‘ replacing the store that was burned about thirty years ago. A reminder of the passing summer season is the hum of the threshing machine. Mr W. Stewart and Mr. Charie Haw have started work. Community gatherings do seem so nice. We had the pleasure of greeting one of our few remaining pioneers, Mr Albert Haw on Monday evening. who is netting the nine- ty years and is feeling real well " stain after rather poor health during the winter. AMONG TIE CHURCHES GLENELG CENTRE B. M. C. SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE A " VICIIHY Mr and In R. T. Cook, In " Fairweather. Gordon and Alvin and Eileen. went the week end with Mr and In Ed. Cook, ot Waterloo. week with her cousin Mu Mln cum Jack Invent the week end with her friend In: Abbie Me. Mr and In Enema mart Ind lean spent Sundny evening with Mr and Mrs Roht. Pent near Durham. Mrs M. Smith, Mr and In Kon- neth Vaughan and Phyllis enjoyed A motor trip to Wang: Beach. thm. day. The Zion Branch ot the W. l. wu entertained on Thursday utter noon by the South Glenelg Branch nt No. , School grounds. Members from Zion gnve the program nod South Glenelg provided lunch. After the program the group enjoyed stunts and races and some; after which the bountiful lunch wu nerv- ed And everyone renamed home well pleased with the afternoon spent in this way. Mr and Mrs Frank Mormon of Tomi» end Mr and Mn BIptee of Guelph were guests the that of the week with Mrs M. Smith and Mr and Mrs K Vaughan. 1 Mr and Mrs W. J. Cook, Mr end Mrs Hugh McArthur. Mr and Mn 1.? S. McNally attended the family3 ”tethering " Mr Geo. Eltchle's the li?! of the week. Behave: from y"'"."'.""'.', Shelbourne. Berkeley, al- .30 Joined with the funny and a good social time was spent. l Mrs W. J. Ritchie and Dorothy, [Mrs H. Williams, Mrs J. C. Cook 13nd Mrs W. J. Greenwood from the [Zion Branch attended the County (Convention ot the W. I. held on ‘F‘rldny at Amos Church, Dromore. Charlie Cotton of Mnrkdale is spending a couple of weeks with Mr W. J. Greenwood and other friends. Mr and Mrs Gamma Baker and Mr Wm. Baker, Br attended the funenl of the late Weslay Shier In Koppel last Saturdny. Mm Edna loudly spent hat Mr and Mrs Percy Greenwood at- tended the marriage of his brother John Byron Greenwood and was Emily Cartwright Islel. daughter of Mr and Mm C. Ides. Toronto. The ceremony wu pastor in Cclvin Home: Church. Toronto on August 5th. The young couple will reside in Toronto. Evelyn Allen is at present visiting with Mrs J. C. Cook and Shirley. Little Miss Shirley is entertaining her Sunday School clogs notes to a little party Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Ion-eta Noble and Donnie ot Toronto are at present visiting with Mr and Mrs Gordon Nctrte and other friends. Mr tuid Mm Joe McNally and Mr and Mrs Dick McNIIIy, Ind lira Geo McNully. Meatord were guests a Mr and Mrs Robt Jackson's Sunday and visited other friends also. Mr Archie McArthur ist the Glen ll ploughing with his tractor for Mr. R. T. Edwards. this week. She called to the maid “There's a Chinese at the docr. You So. Ella." This was too much for the hawker who stuck his head In the door and shouted lndignantly "ycu so ‘ella you self '." REPARTEE The door bell rang and the mir,. tress of the house saw a Chinese hawker " the open dcor. GOING DATES Daily sept. ilith " 29th. l9.” Return Liam: " an. Excursion tlckots good In Tom-in. Par. Ior and Shad-rd duping can Ila. available ”payment. at Nightly high- or gauge fares, plus price of parlor Special Bargain EXCURSIONS T TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES WESTERN CANADA TO ALL STATION. IN their ilN DAYS OF YORE inundation“! .mrilto be ‘sent to either Germany or Austria- 'mmnry until further notice. 1 In the mum am much puma e0. the rectory courts Int week. A. W. H. under end Ind main ot "own tennie club min defeated " van A. (from Review trte, Amt Mr, mo Rev. Mr - and J. 'ttod-lust-or-oe-tues to of Trinity church club, H. H.011: community, while not. of hen 6-4. Thou. All“. Jr. and In A'imldentl "e “my” " other brahaun challenged a. winners. batman“ tron an to m, my", one Grey county contingent of the On- nndlnn troops In new “ambled " Owen Sound uniting orders to lave tor Quebec. now ready to proceed with the High Schoci. having received plana from their architect which have been ap- prc-ved " the department. " in to be hoped the town will be we to sell at once the gilt edged deben- tures to provide the wherewithal. The Board thinks the time in on per-tune as lubor will be plentiful shortly. It in thought that tenders will not exceed $12,000. and 3 let: sum would be gratifying tn allow of proper equipment. We deeply regret to chronicle the death of Major-y Ken-mm, he] loved wife cl John Hewitt ot, Darkietf Corner: who used! any on Thursday, Anal“ 18th, 1014. i Dr and Mrs Lee-on, ot Yorkville. Illinois, Bon and daughter, ore tak. ing up residence on the cid Damn homestead It Varney. The Brat nun- ed in buying the farm of his boy- hood is considering his health which has not been good leeway. Model School " Hmover. Let'." rout urllluw aun- -. The congregation of Amos cttturts'.PtttO tttP-ll um. A. A. c, 0. Dromore, pun-pow manna; . (helm, Vocal, My. Elf-III. set of seven Mine lights In body'cuuon Ind Phyllml M = and buement of the building. ICON-‘08 for than! m h“ Holstein Corr: Mr Hilton sun. fdttt may. and up a“. g. Mt. Wren, left on Iona-y to join when I luau”. w the Cundlnn Volunteer 'iuiiu2.letet M child!!- 1 In and "I. [I'Mr mm‘“ hlm top". "on" t to ' p. .. Guelph. um Bush - of Duh-IL h“ No. " Est-moat. 'tte-nas-teu-r-str". unevlovomee. g-tttsth-trr with; Iron. In!" not". ete. MW sultan-bola of mud W, for the manual: ot build- mg. and home sum-Man min-1 tmmneeee-tdtttq out-unlit“- .tnast-etrr"'"o' - met-om. Kiss Viola Rennie left loudly for ONTARIO ARCHIVES no“. Nt'pohm (mu an to the. Every one " telu than will: II . new Ite- o! Inter- r “"1”an to a lent one of our I'm, and It!" uni. we us very undou- to - the. In proved Item. Send then In. or hm no. sea, H. in, phoneme-l ln,orltmllve In the may, let your district conu- of the Cr. pondent know. We do ad with to ambled up“. my or these "comm an to orders to Ian," but u some doesn‘t (all u. [how we we u know of.“ the vine and ”cling? lily we mm on your - mammwm-gh cheap.AnlyuM'0Iee. approximately “.000 In” a mu! “no: new!“ 100,000 mu (It tribated soon: My 500 Dunl- pout-e will!“ . J. L. SHIT“. n.8, I.C.. Ola-um“: Our-Ito. math-WM“ Minimizgullmllbd plu'lhillmm mum: 1’00“}; "9t."B.as VI. c. PIOKERIIC. 008. W (Brahms Royal Coll. Dual “I. Runs: Oatmmm Dates Amused " Homo-co. h date, duo M Dunn:- In“. “.0 and um Vida My; Bee your local cum Ont-trio & Dominion [and m Registered Pluto-Mal m w. PIERCE ELLIS warn-cry Mac. ”or all My _ mum, courtesan & all“ can. DURHAM a “CLOTH“ Ltet_Aa'etuoeerter1heorNar'tq Ola: Ill! BM m, out. . M. CHARLTON, A. A. O. I , L F. WT. 0.0.8.. LBS. LE" HAVE TMO" ITEM. CHIROPRACTIC C. tt. All) J. II. WARE. B.A. O ca"" It“. moo"... ”OVIIOIIV. - I” - -. m “I ' “I no no. I “I. l u t... - m an! on can... 'tet-kt""..'-'- GEORGE E. DUIGAI T. n. SNEM'tt, M. B. F. . EAGLESOI BESSE IoGlLLIVMY my: m ".TIQ at. "H, T Irs"" J.Waire,1 Tid!

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