West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Aug 1939, p. 8

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T ff a She h- acked the daily problem . . . because FISH offers a welcome and m chm. ot mealtimes. lemming the whole family will like. Then an on: to ditrireot kinda of Canadian Food Fish and Sheiifutt {you which you can choose. either fresh. frozen. smoked. dried, cm or pickled. All of than can be wed in an infinite vatiety of recipes. Jua...-otth..todttti-ttmatrMM is that itunouruhing, nndoo only to pupa"! an» Hall to you! - can. nun-nu on manta. Qua-a. - - in! Sailing to pay his ttrtyt visit in tour years to him as nu benefactor. Mr Wilfred Grenlell Is ' daughter as they sailed trom Montreal tor Lab: _ 7 "_-_'"--.- SIR WIURED SAILS FOR BELOVED LABRADOR -"--------., 236 Mr years to the land that hails )renl’ell Is pictured here with his ara1 tor Labrador. iidib" _ Liiid Don't peel potatoes to be used m salad until you have cooked and cooled them. Ttftt, dies or cm into thin slices. using u yyo1erp%ar%TE y ""- "__ vv n-'-\v In at run. oikr at Knuth ........... Sept Zs'Dan of silence I I come o'er m, Church on Sunday next, Attg. 27th. Non-tad: at Neustsdt .......Sept ii) 'rettrtt of “lance ten now lore to see a mod “team“, " Eupbrula " Rocklyn ... . ... Oct. ',i"; new”! new - near as ter the holldty. Norm», n Aytott ........ on , Though you died czar ago. I Rev. 0.1. "a up. Queen "and Hume a mum ...... Oct 11 4am Maud by m mu. home on Thur-day mar . much en. Hanover at Hanover ....... Sep1 N. Koppel at Wolseley ..... Sept S. Koppel at Shallow Lake ..Sept Sullivan at Desboro ....... Sept. lemlnek at Law-lash ...... . "pt. Collingwood " Ravenna ...,Sept. Miss Mabel Hamburg spent Tues. day with her friend. Aura McGuire. and spent. a pleasant day enjoying the talk on the latter’s trip with her three sisters and Miss Brown to Quebec. They motored over 1500 miles and never saw an accident. SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR GREY Mr P. Reid of Timmins is visiting is visiting his gran'dmcther, Mrs H. Reid. of Fergus; and Mr Martin Snell of Trenton. Miss Audrey Brown who hasment the last three weeks with her mother Mrs J. W. Brown , returned to Mt. Forest on Saturday. Visitors with Miss Morrison and Mrs Hamilton recently were Mr and Mrs J. S. Gordon and son Waldron, Miss Sadie Hamilton and Miss Plots ence Miller of Listowel. and Miss Betty Brooks of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Hamilton and son Arnold of Fergus; and Mr Martin Snell of Miss Florence French who has been visiting with Isabel and Mrs. Hastie. left on Friday morning to motor to Calgary, where she is teach. ing school. Mrs Petrie. who has been visiting for some time in the village, return. ed to Philadelphia on Friday. _ Mrs. Alex. Brown is on a. motor trip to Regina. S-ask. She went with her daughter Mabel, who has been visiting here tor the last month. Miss Valerie is with her father Mr Jim Brown at Wasaga Beach for two weeks' holidays. l Miss Helen Bulier of Toronto, is at, present visiting her grandmother Mrs' Jordan in the village. I Mr and Mrs Habermehl attended the Gladion Show in Stratford last week, also spent a day recently with 'riends in Chesley. Mr Bill Connell ls holidaying at Wasaxa Beach this week. Mr Ross Hulbert of Wingham ls spending a week‘s holidays with Mr and Mrs Norman Treleaven. Mr and Mrs McGuire visited the latter's father on Sunday. Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Aitken were Mr and Mrs. T. Hamilton and daughter Blanche. Mr Bill Petty and Mr Brown Eccles of Brampton; and Misses Evelyn, Viet- ta. Ella and Mabel Eccles of Mount Forest. The latter two remained for a week's visit. f Dcnald R.-McLean B.A. of Kent 1County. addressed the meeting held (in the Agricultural Hall on Tuesday ievening. There was a fairly large ferowd and the motion pictures were ’veny interesting. We think it wasa. Isurprise to some to know that con- Iditions in Nova Scotla were as back, ward as the pictures showed, and with co-operatibn, what an advance had been made, Miss Macphall im troduced the speaker, then gave a short address on "surplus." The meeting was indeed interesting. Mrs Peacock and daughter Diane of Toronto are visiting the former's parents, Mr and Mrs R. Irvin. Rev. Mr Johnston and Mr. R. Treleaven are going to Chatsworth this Wednesday to play Scotch Dou- bles in the bowling tournament. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs R. Treleaven on the winning ot second prize at the mixed bowling tourna- ment at Mt Forest on Monday night. Mr and Mrs Hetherington are on holidays and the operator who is looking after the work at the sta. tion is Mr Norman Wain of Allenford the best convention we hive ever attelided, as hr as material In In. stitutes goes. So many good thing: were said for the making of a gcod program for Institute work. Quite 1 number of miles went to the County Convention " Dromore on may. and Ill had a most en. Joysble day. We must my it was HOLSTEIN LEADER LOCAL AND PERSONAL THE DURHAM REVIEW RrRBY--.In 1 nr, memory of Ken- neth Kirby ho passed away, Aug. 23rd 1938. . His weary hon and any: of pain. His troubled lghta are past, And in our a hearts we know, He has fauna west mt " lut. Ever remembe trr-Ben and Bob; Mr Bob Wood who spent two Weeks in this vicinity returned to Toronto on Tuesday.. Mr an" Mrs Mar4in Wilson and family visited John Mclnnis, Arthur on Sunday. [ Mrs Wm. Moore spen in Brampton last week. Mr and Mrs Geo. Young. also Mrs Arthur Young of Buffalo spent over the weekend " W. H. Wells. Mr Roy Tucker ls having a well drilled. Mr. Ed. Pm’tt is doing the work. We regret to learn that Mr Regin- ald Rooney of Mt. Forest was killed early Tuesday morning his coupe turning over in the ditch at a corner tsouth-west of Mt. Forest. Mrs Roo. ney was Velva Daly formerly of ,this vicinity. We extend the sym- >pathy of this community to the be. ‘reaved. I The School Board of No.13 ex. ends their thanks to all the old boysl and girls from far and near whoI helped to make the re-union a suc-; cess by donations and assisting with the programme, and the absent ones who sent telegrams and letters ex. pressing their regrets at not belngl able to attend, also all others tor their presence. Again we say 'thank you'. I Mr Bass. Miss McKinnon and Mr. Clarence Nelson of Mooretield visit- ed at Mr Wm. Mcore's Sunday last. Miss Ruby Matthews ls visiting with her aunt Mrs Donald Bell. Oshawa at present. , ..v ...c always oeen glad to see ‘you on your occasional visits home and we hope we may see you often- er in 'the future. May we repeat the good wishes wished you on your wedding day thrl' your wedded life may be a long and happy one. I Signed on behalf of the ccmnmn; it": Wallace Matthews. Albert Mor. rlson. I Mr and Mrs B. M. Patterson. Mrs Rnht. Tavlor and Mrs Dr. S-“lenthl vls‘fed with relatives at Elora this Tuesday. I yru two years ago. will accept it with your trorltinued ham parity. We take this cpporyunity to give this gift which we wanted to texe Sinned on behalf cf t itv: Llovd Brown, Bill James Ferguson. Dear Amanda and Don, Please accept these a token of our regard and anjoy them in your new h, We want you to remember that there will always be a warm spot in our hearts for you. 'l Nearly 150 attended the presents- , than to Mr and In John latthews ,lnnd Mr and am mind Bell " the .Ihome of Mr. Milford Matthews last ' Thursday evening. Reeve s. I Pat- -lterson was chairman for the occa- Halon and called on Jan Man to if read the addresses, Jungian” and :and Albert s',',"",','?,'.'???,).?".?.)'?.) and Mrs John Mamieqwm -M {electric ticor lamp and a: and table. {‘Bill Patterson and Lloyd Brown ‘zavo Mr and Mrs Donald Boll a éset of pillow cues and sheets also a! viancy blanket. both recipients mah. :ing neat replies. The evening was gpleasantly spent in chat and games! A bountiful of lunch was served also, plenty of ice cream. Mrs Robt. Maui ithews own make. Mr and Mrs John. {Matthews will reside in loneverI (where he operates a garage. The) ‘best wishes of this community so. with them to their new homes. Art. lowing are the addresses: I Dear John and'Jean: l We are gathered here this evening: to wish you happiness and prosper-' ity in the comb: years. It is our:i hope that we may see you celebmte l your golden wedding anniversary! We are glad that you are to Iver near enough to us that you will be I able to visit us often. I NORTH mom have always been glad to Moore spent a few days MEMORIAM and days of pain. Er,'.'.'.', use to the members of the In. gghu are past, stitute Branch, to be considered Int. hearts we know, ,er. A contest put by In W. Atehe. weet rest " lest. son kept the ladies guessing. The ".3." and Bott.! meeting closed with the Nstlonsl _ - ' (Anthem after which I dainty lunch In memory ot Ken- was served. A vote of thunk: was w o tioaed "r”, tendered the hostess. I. . I There will be service in St Paul's ' I can. o'er m, Chub on Sunday next, Aug. 37th.1 tee n a" [Hope to see s mod sttendsnoe. " 1 your new home. behalf cf the commun- ago. We hope you with our wishes for happiness and proa- n Ar _ tida~Ml . ‘ s.'t'i'e','itt1"dt: Gi' nd " end “his. Hard Brown Donald Doll . gifts as Patterson, you " the home of Mrs Donald Watson on Wednesday, August 16th with the president. Mre B. Mend in the chair. 'The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The [minutes ot the previous meeting were read and adopted. Scripture ireadlng was given by Miss Butler. The roll call was answered by H'Don'ts for the Mek room." An in- Mrs Mead stressed the formation of different Clinics which would be of a very interesting and instructive address. His remarks were lined on 'Wtmt Aid" from which all present received very useful information. Ierestlng paper on "Patienee" was read by Mrs Young. The main top. ie for the day was on "Hetuth" m which Dr. D. B. Jameson "ve I Mr Vand Mrs Lincoln Derbecker anli family and Miss Ruby Foster of ‘Ayton spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Mllfred Bilton. l Mr and Mrs Andrew McKnight, gkirkwall. accompanied by Mrs Or. chard and daughter Mabel of Mt. ’Forest recently visited with Mr and Mrs. Peter Mutch and other rela- tives. The monthly meeting of the Royal tide Women‘s Institute was held at Mr and Mrs Milfred Dillon. Lois and Delmar were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Isaac Hooper, Markdale. Mr and Mrs Andrew Winner and Stella of Woodland spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Arthur Eccles. Mr and Mrs Ralph Lamont and family were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Chas. Small. Harrlston. Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Jam Nicholson were Mr and Mrs William Hattie and Neil of Wood. land. Mr and Mrs Jas. Nicholson. Elwyn and Wilmer and Laverne Hilton at- tended the reception of their cous- in held at the home ot Mr and him: DavldSmlth. Pike Lake In honor of the newlyweds. Mr and Mrs Bert Noonan (nee Vera Munn.) TORONTO Mr and Mrs Arthur Lawrence of Egremont visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Andrew Picken. Miss Maud Thompson and brothers Bill and Jack spent Monday in To- ronto. Visitcrs at our home on Sunday were Mrs James Picken and Mrs Albert Kellar. Mr and Mrs Arthur Leith visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Am drey Marshall. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wm. Marshall on the birth of a daughter at their home on Friday of last week. Mr and Mrs Ed Smith and son Gordon of Toronto visited over the weekend at the Wallace. home. Mrs David Marshall spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Wat. Mar- shall. Mr and Mrs Harold Watson and Bobby visited cn Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hubert McDougall near Hol- stein. 'lud In her’s. She VI: a devoted lwlfe and mother and will be sorely 'mluol in the In... We extend our "rnrratttr to a. runny and to all who will noun. Truly this world Is not our home. to hue we have no continual abiding ghee. ' Aut- we born at the death of the late Mr Thos. Wallace who pas- (iii sway at his hcme on :ionday evening. He has been ecttt1ned to his bed LET more than a year and has been well cared for by his son and daughter-in-lor. He has lived to a ripe old age In the days ct health he was n hard worker and devoted to his ham and family. Our sympathy is extended to the family who have had so many be. reavements recently, this being Jour of the family who have passed on in less than two years. neighborhood In!!! and the late In Albert Met-shell “and ”my early Monday mcrning. The deceased In: been ill for my mouth: and alter- ed much. She he: had every are that human bend. could give. We will weather her vhlu In our ALLAN'S CORNERS --_---- KNOX CORNERS ml the pleasant visits we YEOV" . “I'll hang my harp on I. weeping willow tree/GO to be I Une from a poem written by an English gentleman who was hopelessly In love with Queen Vlctcria. hu given I Music and other entertainment :iratures interspersed the progrun. Airs Wilfred Renwick conducted u- ittetsttris singing with Mrs Russel ‘Drlmmle of Dromore " the piano. Mrs C. Fenton of Holltein nag I sweet solo. Mrs Wellaee Adan: of .Holstein gave . humorous reading. Misses Middleton and Bourne (rt) Durham gave " intrumetttat duct. The invitation or the Owen Bound Branch to hold the County rally in Owen Sound next year was accepted. Mrs John Anderson of Stnthnvon Ants North Grey's representative on the program and tcok u her subject, .“Mutual Relations Between Home and School." These two are the mini: pillars of the nation, said Mrs Anderson. dwelling upon the Impor- {lance of high Ideals in home and school and the responsibility of the parents in beginning the child's training and later eo-operating with the teacher. 1 Arthur Hus spoke trHetty on the subject of “Health Insurance." Two percent of the people of Canada we constantly ill. Mr. Haas, stated, with an unnunla cost ot sickness of three million dollars. Mr. Haas urged the branches to study the various health insurance plum sunr- nnteelng medical care and P""'t izatirn to rural people in times of Illness. I The Women’s institute Ode, writ. ten by an unknown author and n- dopted by the organization 27 you: aim, was the subject of an interest ing talk by Mrs J. A. Martin at Proton Siaticn. "The Ode nvnkens the friendly spirit in opening the: meeting." and Mrs mum. 1 (Continued from Page " "Every member should be includ~ ed in the year's program,' said Mita, Clarke. outlining the services Ivu‘l- able through the Detmrtntmtt, partic- ularly the Home Eocmonic studies. which may add irruneosuratrtr to the convenience. henlth and beauty or of rural lliving. "Do not be land to try something new," was Miss Clarke'n excellent closing note. 1 Bui"iciia"edd Gr'"t11"c'dtttt Grey Women's Institute: Rally at Dru-ore an "iaaii.'kT,".'rN'ert fiijitrii"iitit"ikTi4'arrit Ste-atria. Thumb“, tlt,, hm“ - Mane a bum. dtertrse a. tet, u tt In M. Barber has returned from Holsteln to the home of her daugh- ter Mrs W. J. Allan. Mr Ind Mrs J. C. Queen visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ins Brown near Mt. Forest. tented with beautiful gun. The evening was spent in euchne and (mkinole. A mu cl ice cream wu served to nil by Mr and In Mat. thewu. Lunch Wu served. Mr Ind Mr! J. C. Queen visited Mr and In would Boll. A WI! of friends and nel in ottawa. the Quebec City . any evening of In! week, Stoney Indians at Banff Springs " Make Helen Keller Trih A FACT A WEEK ABOUT CANADA WEEPING WILLOW . MWMII “mp-amt”- tttte-tr-att-t to John Intthews and held at the home wen Pro in Ta With End Flynn MOM, we.” WED, AUG. a, a, 20 SUNDAY mounts, me. am Wat of Chicago them was no Law 1 West of many than wan no God ‘Blue Montana Your ‘Flirting with Fate' New Pinyin; THUR., FM., BAY., AUG. M, as, 26 The Master of mm. in the LIN d its welrht. and perishable when Ph" posed to ottetdittmttt favouring deem: " is used for mum: limbs. fm cricket has. uni mainly for special purposes. but it Is not of mammal importanee. amofthepoplln.1‘heymbv readlly remind (mm other (ms by their winter will, which we cov- ered by single scales. tht nine ot our waterway: they cake a lovely picture In. for example. on the banks of the 0mm River between The willow use In I baud!!! tm The Bttnrertt ”our before the lean gmt botanist. named the tree sallx mbrimsten,r the amnion being nb- lunatic, uni from it, it " and. haw come all the Wealth: Willows In AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM . not known in England. how that stick W the willow “'00 and has given birth to so may others. During the American Revolution. u voung British other brought aslip or Ponds tree with him um: the V sucks tsattte_wtt-brt" 11"" qtr suit..' or cool-0, an M!" p... "(and to mid not be con- med-wmuaeumm“ 9"" ‘DODCE CITY’ The wood [a light. soft, tough for the can of the Mounties! GENE AUTRY ~ROXY Skier with Smiley lumen. t ‘Union Ptteitic' it .ppegred " If it WW4 life. He plated It m the hope JOE E. Quantum-Irina": 00M. O‘Havllam mm” willow can to the have In Noni trites 're'rw tio Eadie and “lily: Mr and (Ruby; Mr and Mrs J, and In N Abbott; M, "ud If Geo. Cowtey ', M was; Harry T. t4mith Mr - In Taylor, MI Trier; all of Tom-no. Aly; Grand-a Boyd, Jack lurh-; If and " A my! “a: Burns” Chu swoettr an: I duet, "tttvat Me M of God." Atterts military (mm Wtt.s given, C. M. R. Padlold tun-mime ttte Thou- xm-ir Iul mm In til Fadie Punt. While 8mm. l and a Irina mttttttt of Sound were trt-ett. The MIMWN Hm Invlwnuld. "when Atkinson. Animu- Hanna". law-mane»! mam MIG. .ereod on I'I‘Wry Monday Mtet minor-I nowrvire In Aio rundlll'lnd by Rev. W. in“ by Rev tr. W. Thou (Mom-a and Mr all!) "W N 300mg, Max uie. At. Ru Riv-m out m 1922 he was lumen! new Mud-r of MI hm Boyd of (Mm-dew new bcm two datum ma: Janene. tweed " and Allan b. In 193? " IJoydmIm-m. Rusk tthem thes. have hill! I922 he mud-ml- (‘mlwrim- “a ',trw H” ent-we: Illnmmmul {‘nnml Ilw 1tettteet Frau-- tts G Sc \m'ulltt, died in Torottto Sal '. w W bun In lnvrlmm. M unr' d Mr "Puhmin “mm t in”. he has lived in Toronto than)! " her tire. Shu- tor Ir ty M on ttto t'ortretN Unr- h llama, mainly I any: of may mu! m wt Rona d .emangad cones-m- ' tter aatd “any "r. 'ttse nn an.“ my... _ ml than: they haw e “an Hun "tttt wells-k- um lam ml hiattty eirqrttetd tte was a "st Li, Totmttt, AW Meth, is of the Wain-lay one In [mm m U. sun-er VOL. LXil d "3's Amer Inn-n Nut Tttos Bonn lot-rm: ml d the dad: ot h mud (Todd) IrAthur g ttm.tut on Autism I loam “he“. In» ‘Il-RIOWI In this land mm NI teen are yum-.- 'ty M "o, mhen ed on the IrAHImr so I." MRI: ot mun m was at lam-hm Ma tttly disrluu The main Wk. "but "will" d In. M. wry hull. Mr and w, " of Tannin: , w Rmmtd, Mr and M mur. of handout: [mm Ihnkx Riven" :1). mtfhtho. Demand wax hon: Ap Ruthenium, mum-m t In Cal-Ill to [Alum-r. It ttttit l yum or tuna and at. Man of " divilhi ruulwd to interment ttl y In LIEUT. CHAS STEER THE ROLL CALL the Hwy County DONALD McARTH UR MIC. COUTTS‘BAIN In . Nay Saunders but {run in and he all End“ "atitteE'ts' " Wet". '" Ill on 'tttt ”union 'MM dud ml nflo-rlmm Lilli I num- Wtott (tlmn-I burr" “mold Will M III ttt try all “P" " tbort M Mr thes mm H Aim l MI II ll, SI Hirtk NU M to ll Ittvathe il M and: s'l"rlesl [run a " ttve Mo Ad Sunni "" MI l Me ml; (‘Iil bl FY l' M Inn Mr inf Mt

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