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Durham Review (1897), 31 Aug 1939, p. 1

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[OXY [Won Pacifit mg: rtibe Sister Ir mo“ CE CITY Wuhan“. "“7 mom" . ther, the “in: . mm Eagte . N of ma . Niet be». m " nae c. Mb hutur', ttt “mm {M T FOR! ontana auttu6r Playing with Fate' " to tskies' “no, 1939 b'loral tributes were from Mrs H. Radio and family; Mr and Mrs A. o. Cowley; Mr and Mrs J. Moir; Mr and Mrs Pred Abbott; Miss " Boyd and Mr Geo. Cowley l Manor Motor Sales; Harry T. Smith and Matt; Mr and Mrs Taylor, Mr and Mrs Tremier; all of Toronto: The M- ity: Grandma Boyd, Jack and Alice. Lurharn; Mr and Mrs A. Boyd and aunt Ada: Burns' Church udies' Aid; the Grey County War Veter- The pallbearprs were veterans llrctor Mm-Drnnld. n. M. Saunders. Herbert Atkinson. R. J. Ashenk, Arthur McGowan. Vernon Elvldxe; also the new?“ bearers: Joseph tourur, Alex. Hay. Harold Mekeeh. nie, Al. Saunders. Will McGowan. {HIS Thosv I'rnu a distance who paid their lust respects to the deceased werc- Mrs Eadie. Lillian and Ever- ett Eadie. Miss Heather Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Prod. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Prod. Abbott, Mr. Harry Smith. Mr and Mrs McFar- tarte, all of Toronto: Mrs Dottie and son Ronald, Mr and Mrs Donald Me. Arthur. of London: Mr and Mrs James Banks Riverview, and Mrs Gray. nttttalo. The remains were sent to Durham, and interment took place in Zion wmetery Monday afternoon. The "mural wrvice In Zion Church was ”manned by Rev. W. H. Smith, as- uistod by Rev. B. w. letle. Mrs Thou ("enemas and Mrs James Pent sweetly sang a duet, "Breathe on Me Breath of God." Afterwards n military funeral was given. Comrade) G. R. Purim-Id sounding the Lani Post, while Sorzt. Geo. Catchpolef and a flrinst "tttatt of " from Owen", Sound were present. _ Mus Thos Banks recently received word of the death of her cousin, hon-kl (Todd) McArthur in Winni- peg hospital on August 10th. after a lengthy illness. Deceued was well-known in this locality. on he spent his teen nee years here acme sixty years Mo, When he then lived on the McArthur homestead two mites north ot town. His farm home was at Dauphin. Man. Ht was " years of age, and is survived by one. son Norman of Winnipeg. He was a ttmt Lieut. in the non- lWrmnom militia. He enlisted in MIG. annual ave-moan and was hon. nahly disc-named In 1919. Deceased wan born April 18, 1899: at Rotherham, England, and came' out to Canada to Leader, Sash. In;l 1922 he was married to Ada Bord) second daughter of Mr and Mrs AI-. lan Bord of (ilenmden. To theta, were born two daughters, and a Non: Jeanette. and 15, Shirley 124 and Allan 5. in I937 they came from, Lloydminstm, Sank. to Toronto,! where they have since lived, Mr, Steer being employed as head, mechanir with Mann Road Mantra,‘I and highly esteemed by all. g Madame Catherine Comm: "Bain) well km 'vtt throughout Canada and) the l'nited Szates " a Scottish: vocalist, died in Toronto Saturday. Cte was bun in Durham. being an amt of Mr Benjamin Coutts ct Vie. tory, but has lived in Toronto prac- “any att her life. She bu frequent- tr appeared on the concert plat- ter- in Durham, nullity In the I!” of thirty you. on when the Sons of Scotland concerts featured in 1nd Jimmy In. sue poem nn.eneettent soprano voice. The death or an men-seas veteran Lieut. Charles Ste-er took place suddenly last Saturday running in Tomlin; The previt us Mondax he was rushed to East General hospital. where he was (penned upon tor up- pendicltls. The operation was auc- resstul, but on Tuesday complies-1 lions set In and he lived only 'T days after. Tonight. August Myth, " the last u the Wednesday om nights [or will store. this III-nu. VOL. LXI], NO. 34 LIEUT, CHAS. STEER DONALD McARTHUR M RS. COUTTS-BAIN THEROllCALL Plan to Attend Durham Fall Fair, Friday sepilGi'girl-iiiii' l, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunter of inremom announce the engagement in their eldest. daughter Edith Edna ,to Frederick Thomas, eldest son of ,Mr and Mrs. Edwin O'Breeht of Mt. lForeat, the marriage to take place late in September. I Mr and Mrs Thomas Brigham, Al- llan Park, Ont, announce the engage- Iment of then ycungest daughter, tMargaret Rebecca, to Mr James Bor- den Brown. eder son of Mr and .Mrs Joseph Brown, Bentinck, the tmarriaze to take place early in ttep. l umber. 5 Thou. Elliott was charged by Prov. Ottieer France cf Walkerton with driving a motor vehicle with- .nut due care or attention on No. 4 {Highway near Walters on July 22 ‘when his '28 Chev. sedan ran oft .the edge of the hi'zh-way and turned ‘upslde down in diteh. Elliott was llittle hurt and stated he was light- I in: a cigarette at the time. A fine 'of $15 and costs was imposed. iBoth can; were badly damaged. and Sthe occupants suffered tncre or less severe Injuries, though all are now in": of the hospital. Prov. omcer ‘Hunter and the defendant, W. Lake, Igave the only evidence heard, Hunter itestlfylng to the position of the cars and the marks on pavement when he 'arrlved on the scene about a hour latter. lake stated he was travelling (about 45 miles perhour, but couldn't 'tell just how he had swerved into path cf the other car. As he admit. ted reusing the accident, no other ‘witne-pes were called. l Harold Resehorough had M. Meh. olls up on a charge of theft of a load or posts. Nicholls had secured per- mission frcm Clarence Adlam who was working with Roseborough, to take them. it seems, but Roseborcugh hadn't yet received payment tor them. The magistrate dismissed the charge, stating it was in the wrone court. and should be sued in Divi. sion Court.. Mr and Mrs Oscar Hahn announce the onuazement ct their only daugh- ter. Oleida H., to Harry A. King son of the late Mr and Mrs P. King. Owen Sound: the marriage to take place the middle of September. "WHAT RELIGION Before a full Church Sunday morning, Rev. W. H. Hill, Corare-i gationat pastor of Dundee, Illinois,i delivorod an impressive message in Knox United Church, taking for his; trnie, “What religion means to me." His text wash taken from Jesutsr'; wrvds in the sermon on the Mount,! "Yo have heard it hath been said by them... .. bu I say unto you." Jesus was unorthodox: He brought now idem of life and of religiousi worsMn: He set new standards for mankind. "Live your religion." mt“ ed tho speaker. *‘make R a joy unto' V'ourself 9nd a Noggin: tr others.” A Manama "Sweeter as the years 'tn hv" mu- ivoe hr Mrs M. Witrttrt. Mrs c. mom, P. Ramge ma 1M. H. Bunny. Mn Dawson cf Brandon. Man. is visiting with her sister, Mrs Alex The summer holidays are that over, for the school children. All High. Communion and Public Schools will mun their doors for the an term on My next, Sept. Pleading guilty to a charge ct reckless driving Wilfred Lake of town was tlned $40 and costs a- mounting to 865.50 in all. and his driver's license cancelled tor six months in police court here cn Fri. day before Magistrate Spereman. The charge arose out of an acci- dent on Saturday, July lat, when Lake’s car collided with a truck and trailer driven by W. Williams of Preston, at top of Orchard hill.‘ I , . C t I q d . C llisitm . Don t Forget Durham fire of Mi) and 03 s mute m o . , _ . F ir e I t ' I S p . a I d lak near vame Store Mr and Mrs Frank Buschlen and a , mpose on e - y two sons and also Mrs Ed. Kenna of LTri1 i . . . - . . o.' f 1lisio at Kitchener were Sunday visitors with More than usual a “moo let." r..fr:|:l.:mg.r:33: \tsiln:d(h:::e [t'ivaArtctyhPonreii,uh1,t,,.l'2 22:13:] 'ld,". Mr and Mrs Ed Buschlen and Mr is manifested in Purham '?fl ll-‘ah town was fined $40 and costs a- James Morrison. who Iiveg 2% miles and Mrs John 'ie,',.',,',',':',',',; m a week this year, which “I: 'l,':,.'"""""' mounting to $6.5..50 in all, and his south ot Varney, has since been in 1‘2“!” MeP arson pe should mean a recon no“ . rhivnr’u ”mum... ..._....-.n-J ”,7 . ii1tt Barnum Review. ENGAGEMENTS MEANS TO ME" Paul R. Guse of Kitchener was sentenced to two years in Kingston penitentiary by Magistrate E. C. Spereman at Owen Sound Tuesday. on three charges of fraud. Guse was given’two years on each of two char- ges, of obtaining $319.27 from Him garet Leith ct Egremont township, and of converting $638.50 or David lettier's money to his own use. He also received three months on a marge of conversion where he ob. tained $21 from Zettler. All senten- ces will run concurrently on these convictions and on sentences imposed elsewhere in the province. Axused told ct being held respon- sible 10 years ago in connection with loans totalling $18,000 at a bank where he had been employed. He borrowed $13,000 to cover his, bank dimeuities and since that time, he related, he has been borrowing and using money paid him to cover his debts. He was using the money paid him by one person to cover the pur. chases of another, he declared, his sole aim being to pay ott the debt?! and not to defraud anyone. "r have paid off $6.000 already." Monday, October 9th, has been of- ficially proclaimed on Thanksgiving Day by the Dominion government. Mr. w. S. Harris, wblisher ot the Vernon B.C. News, and a former Durham boy and Review graduate, has been elected president or the Rotary Club in that town, The McDonald Tobacco Co. have presented and are installing a new time clock in Chesley rink. It is 4 feet Mn. square, electrically run and lit with two 500 watt lamps. To the right of the clock is the scoreboard. The clock and a large new slgn er. ected are valued at $425. Two years for Defauding Egremon! Resident The old S-ive wheel at McGowan's mill being damaged, McGowan Bros. are replacing it with a large new one. made in Meatord, and costing several hundred dollars. Whereas the former wheel developed 35 horse pcwer. the new one will cevelcp 75, over twice the former power. Mr. Morrison was leaving Varney 'ton, were ”in“? WINDY! With Mr More on Highway No. a, coming and M" Harry Minshlm. north, when he struck the Maynard Mr and Mrs Robert Byers and son. car travelling south, swervimz it oft Bobby ot Detroit, are visitors with east side of highway against a, tele. Mrs. nyera'. parents, Mr. and Mrs. phone pole. We understand ho is Thom Tucker. assuming liability for the mislmp_i Mina Jean Renwlck of Hanover, whir.h fortunately was not more. was a visitor in the parental homo serious. Sunday. . Dunning New Water Wheet As the result of a car collision at Varney on Thursday morning, Mrs. James Morrison. who lives " miles south ot Varney, has since been in Durham hospital, sullering from a fractured right wrist and fractured knee cap. Mrs. Mcrriscn is expect- ed to leave the hospital on Thursday after one week there, to return home. Her husband, who was driving their car, and the occupants of the other car. Mr Albert Maynard and son William" of Zion, escaped with only slight injuries, Mr. Maynard get- ting a sprained hand and scratches. Both cars, especially Mcrrison’s, were badly damaged. ' The Presbyterian ecngregational pic-nu was held last Thursday, Aug. ust 29th at W. J. McFadden‘s cot- tage in Glenelg Grove.. wtth tt large representation of beth the Sunday Sr-hool and congregltlon present. A " “ball game, other men and races and an nbhndunce of 'tttta for the pienie supper were all heartly enjoyed. Held Congregational Picnic. Correction. The Upper School result» u on- ncunced in last week's lune of the Review, should have read that Margaret Moore ”and In In Trig- mtry intend of l more you. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLOTEIN LEADER DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST M, 1939 I Mrs C. E. Seymour and family Iare Joining Mr Seymour at Norwalk, 'U. S. A., to meet their son, David, lreturning trom a round the world itrip on the President Garfield. Mr and Mn Reddon of Brighton, were visitors over the weekend with their daughter, Mr: Roy Tucker. l Mr and Mrs Alex Ellioit, Wing- hiun, were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Harry Nkinghnm. Mrs George Lenh cl Guelph visit- ed his brother Wm. in Egremont and 'siuer-iet-law, Mrs D. Leith, Durham. this week. Mr and Mrs Benjamin Firth ot Burnaby B. C. are visitors with the farmer's sister, Mrs J. P. Wright Mr and Mr W. Miles, Mr and Mrs W Lake and Jessie and Elmer visit- ed with relatives in Kenilworth. Miss Jessie Elliott returned with them for a holiday. Mrs. Annie Riee is visiting this week with Mrs. Thou. Banks. Mr and Mrs. Earl Baird George, were callers on l while on a trip up North. Mr and Mrs E. Seigman. Chicago, were recent guests with Mr an“ Mrs Oscar Hahn. Mrs Towner ot Stratford and non Dr. Cecil Tuner, ot Windsor, were recent guests of Mrs W. Cald- er. Mr. A. Redford and daughter Miss Eva, are holidaying at Wusasa Beach this week end. Mrs Andrew Derby and Miss Mar. garet were on a holiday mp. Mrs W. H. Kress. Patsy and Ken. neth are spending the weekend at lnvnrhuron. C. n thlo. Lambeth. was a week end visitor at his home in town. Mr and Mrs Josh Misklmina and daughter Pearl of Toronto were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs T. C. Ritchie. Rev. W. H. Smith and Mrs Smith and Mr and Mrs J. J. Bowden have returned from a mctor trip through the Eastern State: to the Atlantic (Venn. Mr and Mrs C. M. Stelnacher are spending two weeks' vacation at Wa. saza Meuch. Misses Genevieve Saunders and Norma Gngnon visited Croghan and Syracuse, New York, gain; by the new Thousand Islands bridge, and returning byWinchester and Ottawa. Mr and Mrs Reg. McFadden and son and his mother, Mrs R. McFad- ulc-n are holidaying at Wuaga Beach. Mr Arthur Willliamun, Toronto, formerly of Durham, visited old scenes and acquaintances 'en route home after his holidays. tt has been 34 years since Mr Wlliliamson left Durham. was a visitor in the parental home Mrs Edwin C. T. Roberts, of Sunday. . Campbellford is spending a week Mr and Mrs Reg. McFadden and with her mother, Mm T. Mlirr. Mr John H. Rocks of Toronto was a visltor at Mrs D. be!!!” over the week end and pravlouny with Fare. mont and Proton Meade. Mr and Mrs Sam McCarten and Mr Angus Sutherland, of Toronto, spent the weekend " the home 0 t Mr and In Donald Steven. Aber. deen. Mr Ciitrord Iceman, who has been with!!!“ to: the put. two weekl " the unto hone, returned Mrs John Sinclair and son. Alan. ot Hopevme, were visitors the titst of the week with Mr and Mrs W. R. Weir. Mrs Weir's other three sisters were nun present, Mrs G. Malay of Ema. Ontario, Mrs B. Weir ot Clcverdeie, B. C. and Mrs R. Bowie]: of Durham. Mr and In Bert Sunoouu will return this weekend from two woeh' holiday wept a link hind, Par. Mrs F. McPherson spent a week In Toronto. Baird of St. on Mrs. Leith The Junior Farmers and Junior Institute members of Glenelg. were hosts to Allan Park and Louise young farmers' clubs in Durham Town Hall last Friday nlght. The hall was thronged with youth and betutty, nearly two hundred being in attendance. Gimmes and dancing were enjoyed. music being supplied by No. fl Glenelg orchestra, and the Peart--Ctapiets orchestra. Fire which originated in timslruw mow completely destroyed the tine tarm barn ct John Munster. well- known Junior member of the ihatt of George McAlister and Son. auc- tioneerts, in Mehncthon last Friday afternoon. Fully 2500 bushel. of grain were consumed and all the sea- son's hay and straw crop. The barn was wired with hydro. One pig was the only live stock lost. Mrs Earl McDonald. Miss June, and Bruce will return to Toronto thit, week end, after spending a month wlth the tormer's parents, Mr and Mrs Robert Smlth. Mrs M. H. Bailey and son Bert have returned from holidays spent in London and Palmerstcn. in evening in Town Hall, a merry baet comedy “Peggy's Brain Wave" will be presented by Owen Sound entertainers. Only cne nilht. Sept. 8th, so buy your tickets early to ensure seats. Plan at Calder's. The ttnat Amateur Content will be a big drawing card. when good prix. es are being altered tor six clnues of "ttertainment; Also for racer and contests. Bee adv't. on page 4 or bills for mrtlculnrs. The date, Friday. Sept 8th, is the earliest In its history, while it Is the first ot the local fairs, but be. ing a rival of Tone-mo Exhibition for a day or two should not dim its prestige in the lent. YOUNG FARMERS’ NIGHT the Business Men's Association upon their energy and work towards town improvement. The lucky ticket drawn was won by Alex Kuhn-y ot (Ilenelg. AnLAN--mt Durham Hospital, on Sammy. August Meh, to Mr and Ion the Show Grounds. when 354 in \prizes in ottered tor the beat unin- teur entertainment in six classes. last samur- concert I'll eug- ed in ideal weather before a bumper crowd. and our much excellent tal. ent. The priuwinners were Jean And Tan Firth of Glenelg, in n hats monious vocal duet with whistling chorus: Gertrude Mouton. little daughter of Mr and Mrs Alex Mor. ton of Egremont, who sang a motion song in costume and tap danced: and David McAulilfe of Durham, who despite his sixty odd years. proved to be a nimble end smooth step dancer. Rev. W. H. Hill, of Dundee, Illinois, a visitor in town. gave a brief address, complimentinzi SHIT-4n Durham Hawk”. on Thursday, August 24th to Mr and Mrs Arthur Nel, I son. This coming Saturday ewnlnu will see the last amateur concert of the season in Durham Park, and with he weather, the attendance any be a "sesordbteaker. The climax will be on Fall Fair dar, Sept Sch last Sat. Amateur Concert, Sept. LEAVE DURHAM (m I.‘ 8.41a.m., 6.06 p.m. I I I LEAVE WWW "hltgtt- M Sa.m.. a 2.80 p.m., tr6.16p.m “Cc-A'mbum a-except Sun. b-mm. ' Hot '0'.“ -. .0 M. Standard Time calder's Brag Store, Durham . Phone 3 Published Weekly at $2.00 1 year In advance. To Unmet sum. $2.50 a year In nuance. Pet er Ramage, Hui-her ONTARIO ARCHIVES "ICKETS AND INFORMAT'ON AY I am 11mm fer the Paper Humbug.» Cutters and Hammer Mills; Henry Ills-toll l-lnsllaxe Cutters and Ham mer Mills. We odor . reduced min- on Bt Henry Blowers while the) lush-the “90 machine tor tloo. I also handle Benny Stable and earn equipment. Elm-Mo Wuhan-s. and Cream Separate". "ree Machinery 1ANOu- r license pate no. 0050:- C, :t':',i',v,,i,iei.itiiji, Put and Prima. ville. Pt r Manse leave an Ro view onloe. gun-d. SPECIAL PERMANENT WAVING~- It In: v t's Benny Parlor. by Mr. Mouth Wed. W. 6. 62.50 wave tor $1.50, 8.50 for 62.50, $5 tor $3.50; all C . for 65.00. A tour murm- pipimt hot dittttets wilibe Ier In Knox United chum-l1 Lurhun, cu . 6th. at 6.30 p.m. A program or ted movies follow: the dinner. So meaty mum of variou- products 111 be given to lucky (minimum. “on ta. The Virginia bilee Nauru: gill be at the Amos C roll alum», Ittw more, on Thursday. . m. at x If. p.m., auspices lunar id. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP y mailman. [uh-ton CtAL PERMANENT WA“! Mm V th, Beauty Parlor. , IcArth Wed. W. 6. l COMING EVENTS 1ttk'll $4.35 HOT DINNER Fig, 1 “42151 'LTI', h “a...“ “LUSH ui 1"- ' “W F tir, :4! My": .2» m

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