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Durham Review (1897), 31 Aug 1939, p. 4

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THURSDAY and FRIDAY Durham Aur’l Society's Annual Eo-ttii-bit-im/e::','?, I)alutllll FALL FAIR Concert "1.21".“ Friday eve, Sept. 8 J. C. IMHILTON. President. Canto-slants must have competed in at least one Saturday Even. Ing Content during the Summer. OLD TIME FIDDLING INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TAP DANCING SINGING STEP DANCING _ MISCELLANEOUS FOR Y'" PRODUCTS 0' THE FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD Iowa“ Mu Lin hr “I. Year‘s 'hqtat-- Spunk for Local Exhibitors SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Amateur Contest Friday, September 81h .. $54 in Prizes "i"; 'iii,"',"',";'-??..";.",,".",' " "ii, :2. i','"':',".",","';:,', . . ANOTHER WAY IIOIISly as LIIBS mucpuull cluuvuuaa Grey--Bruee. (Kingston Whig-Standard) ': . Miss Macphall 5.,3 that the eteety Britain tttttt Just learned itt, "beer "tal syirtem sttotnt1 be reformed to, eaters" reputation is slipping. tor it o-nsurc- representation for minority consumes only about 140 pounds cf viewpoints. Another way or scour-'11,”! per person a year, white Ans: itnt sueh representation is tttrough traiia. Argentina and New Zealand Pultivating the constituency as assid- have new“, above 200. The Review to New Subscribers to Jan. I, 1940, only 50c No Entry Fee _ Good Prixee SADDLE RACE, one mile. open to everyone. SHETLAND PONY RACE QUICK HITCH-UP RACE, nan mile. TANDEM DRIVE. CONTEST for LADY CAB DRIVERS open to Ladies from Country only. THE REVIEW. DURHAM a Minions and enumimng three at! Comer. With additional Enter- tainment between an, an 'trttereatirtttProttram is -d. Admission " Concert, 3Se and tso. Plan at Caldcr’u Drug Store. Children's Parade "on Pub“: School at 1.00 p.m. Pony Cavakadc in the Pmeuion. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS LIBERAL CASH and SPECIAL PRIZES The Loyal True Blue Entertainers, Owen Sound, will [are-em the Play f "PEGGY'S BRAIN WAVE" We supply them in any quantity at lowest prices Ad-ission to Grounds. Mc and llic. (Ins 25c. Races and Contests Agricultural Grounds Sept. 7 t 8 nonsly as Miss Macphall cultivates Grey--Bruee. W. li. BAYLEY. Secretary m. led by Durham Band. REMOVE ALL WEED SEEDS FROM THIESHING MACHINES Farmers should In“: machine In: P"rNoB__". thorouomy cleaned before "arttrttt A quiet wedding we: solemnludu “mm" trperatioe" - May - Rev. Mr mae. Manse, my: Perk untold damage to future crepe. ‘Toronto, on August tttstat 2 p. When threshing has been com- m. when Evelyn Grace, second meted and the machine moves on, daughter ot Mr “d M" Wm. G. the farmer's ttrat Job should be the Henderson of Humpden, became the disposal of weed seeds removed dur- bride of Benton Rodger, son or Mrs. a-.. nu. chum“, mum l. D. Mae. Guest Indus: late Mr Guest. Toronto meted and the machine move- on, the farmer's ttrat job should be the disposal of weed needs removed dur- Ing the threshing. says J. D. Mae, heed, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. The practice of shoveliing them outside the barn is too prevai- ent and should bediacouraged. When this is done, millions of seeds are carried by the wind, water, animals. birds and man himself and new areas are infested. Cnreleuneu in the disposal of weed seeds is one direct cause of the weed problem. It is important that all weed needs be gathered up immediately alter the mill has left and burned or bur. led deeply. Outdoor threshing is now common throughout Ontario. Much can be said in its favor However, it a tieid which is badly infested with Bow Thistle or Canada Thistle is thresh- ed from the stool: on a windy day, enough seeds will be carried for miles to infest an entire community. Where such conditions exist, farm. ers are urged to have some consid- ation for their neighbors and to Be- lect, if possible, a location which will prevent seeds from blowing over adjacent fauna. A spraying de- vice is now being used effectively by a number of 1hreshertt. Br means ot this equipment a fine spray of water is forced into the blower when threshing. This spray, which does not Injuro the straw, assists in pre.' venting seeds from blowing, the a- mount ot dust is reduced, horns are cooler when threshing in early fall, and the fire hazard is eliminat-I ed. I The threshing machine has been one of the agencies responsible tor the present weed problem. It the machine is not well cleaned after threshing and before moving, weed seeds mar be carried from one farm, to another and .tre distributed along roadways and lanes. Some threshers have always taken pride in their work and cleaned their tttttttta before moving. Other have never done so. Weed seeds are shaken or blown off such mills when moving and road- sides, fence lines and fields become polluted. ' Legislation in the Weed Control Act now makes it necessary for every threshing machine to be thoroughly cleaned before moving from farm to farm or travelling upon a public roadway. The {not that one wildrnuatard seed will pro- duce a plant and that an average plant will mature 15,000 seeds is a clear indication ot the importance of thoroughly cleaning the mill be, fore moving. This operation will take only a few minutes and will save many dollars and much hard work.. Dozens of farmers can trace the presence of certain weeds on their farms to the threshing machine. This source of infestation need not exist any longer. The matter of re- moving weed seeds from the grain when threshing and of cleaning the machine before moving is one for cooperation between the thresher and the farmer. Farmers are urged to assist in cleaning the outfit utter threshing has been completed. Do not permit the threshing machine to carry weed seeds on to your ism. insist on a clean job and a clean mill. WATCH CAN BE USED Big Maudie of old mu. only lk, " Review tttttee. Just the thing ftte lighting am. In!" carpets, etc. man need get lost if THE DURHAM REVIEW " A COMPASS The bride was attired in white Bowered chillon_ovor satin with veil to match and wore a coruge of red roses. Her ,tnvelllng dress was was white with blue crepe with blue amen-orig to much. The young couple left on a short hcneymoon trip, arriving at the bride's home on Tuesday evening when a large number of neighbors and Mend: met them " a reception given, when the evening was spent in games. dancing and singing. The young couple received many lovely rifts. Amen: the guts was a three storey wedding cake, the gift of the Canada Bread Co., where groom is employed. The young couple will take up homemuklng in Toronto. TURNBULL - MILLER A quiet wedding took place " 10.30 a. m. on August 22nd at the home of Mr and Mrs George Crit. tall, 372 North Algoma Street, Port Arthur, on, when Dora Margaret Miller, second itutthter of Rev. J. H. Miller and Mrs Miller, 444 Cur. ler Street, became the bride of John George Turnbull, son of Mrs George A. Turnbull of Durham, Ont., and the We Mr. Turnbull. l, WASTE NOT, WANT NOT 'Fergul .....r.......... I a'l'i",',viii, ............ l I We all the Jingle which desorinvh"ton .........r..... ,the throwing away of potato skin..§Deeboro ".............. tor ..-" The skin: feed the pigs, an]! Hanover _.."........., l the pigs feed you, i,Meatord .........e.... Dear beloved brother In that not Mlldmey ...........r.. I tttrite true?" (Mount "rest ......... I Canada has taken the juncture to Shelburne 'r....'...... heart and " toptring m wttate Wm." '...........a... ‘want not theory to her npple trees.1 Cheney .'r........... A project is under meldentlon tor the etatgtruetittn of I pulp and - Collingwood ""'".""' mill in Canada in which eertatn ex- Dttttdaie .....r......... pensive grades of paper would be Bel-tell: ...'......."..., .produced from pruning: ot apple Renault '......e...... The ceremony was performed by the bride's father in the presence ct a small company of relatives and friends. The bride entered the liv. ing room to the strains of Lohen- grin’s wedding march played by her mother, Mrs J. H. Miller. She was given in marriage by her brother. in-law, George Crittall, and the at- tendants were Miss Gerda Wist‘hus and Ard Miller, brother of the bride. The ceremony tcok place before the fireplace which was banked with tern and gladioli. The bride wore an afternoon [rock and reding- ote of turquose crepe, simply trim. med with scalloping on the Peter Pan collar and down the front of the redingote. She wore wine accea sorlea. and her acreage was Sweet. heart roses, lily ot-the-valley and wine tNtrnttower. lion: of acre: ot fruit land. The bridesmaid won: a street- length frock of aqua crepe in nov. elty weave with tiny pin tucks and closing with self-covered buttons from the neckline to hem. Her ac- cessories were white, and she wore a corsage of Johanna Hill roses. Mr and Mrs Tumbull are both graduates at Queen's University. the bridegrcom receiving his B. Be., in mechanical engineering in the class of 1987 and the bride obtaining an bond: degree in arts in 1935. It In estimated that from 1,500 to 4,000 tb. of pruning: no produced. on each acre of orchard each rear/ and that a. the Minion has mm “mantra! ot mithnd’ ttone-tr"""""""' on..........:.. W. a, q mh. trated In chlely plated "an. 1-" Tan. ..'.......a.......a.. Oct. 4, ', In. Shirley km of Tom-- “urn! might NW m tn ttte,hemmtrr ............... Oct. 8, 4 tou QM!" ”m. “a pram all“ mr m etsenrttriMttrhdate ............... Oct. Ith tt I... “I- ‘n_. u--_- ---_-c___-- A wedding breakfast was served try Mrs George Grittall in buffet style from a lace covered table, centred with a three-tier wedding cake. She was assisted by Miss Jean Crittall. Mr and Mrs Turnhull left for Mr ver met where they will honey- moon. For travelling the bride dott, ned a dragon fly wool dress with a love bird Jacket and dragon fly ac. cessoniee. She wore silver fox ttsr, Mrs J. H. Miller, who played quietly throughout the ceremony, was gowned in black sheer with cdgings in white. She wore a cor sage of Templar roses. During the signing of the retritr ter Gordon ' Reid sang 'Still, Still With Thee." the gm from the bridegroom. With in a forttsittht they will motor through the States to Amheratburg, 0nt., Essex County, where they will reside. MEN ttERtMttt-4tU EST 55mm than existing source! of world. lthuyettobepmed tut the apple pruning: are better Input! for such high mile paperl u clar- ettes and muslin“ than wood pulp, wt (act that the experiment in to be made " all above how wide is the sphere of activity of the Canadian research worker . Mr Victor Fulrweeuler u "a“... arrived " the home of WI J. Ciok on Saturday to spend a few days. Mrs Fairwaa'ther, Eileen end‘ Alvin, who hue been holiduyinx at the parental home for e few weeks. will Bill Robun and John Flinn of To} route, motored up Friday. Bill spend. in; the week " the home of J. H'I Robson. while John mend. 1 week with his friend, Bill Glencrou. l, Mr out! In Hugh MeArthur spent Sunduy with Mr. and In. Brynn Morioek of Holstein. l Mr h. Home"! and con Bill lefti tasst"'rtturtstUr nan. to spend a day. with Month in Guelph. At Vnrney: they met with en accident. GG/ their"ear collided with Mr Morrison's‘ car. Mr Mnynnrd is new nursmg a epnined hand and n few scratches. Hie car was badly smashed. I Mr Wilfred Hunt, son and daugh- ter of Regina, Seek. and Percy Hunt of Ceylon, called on Mr and Mrs. Oren Peart and Mr and Mrs. W. J. 1Greenwood one day last week. 1 Mr and Mrs R. T. Cook, Mr Jim McArthur and sister Maggie, spent Monday in Toronto and attended the Ex. l We extend sympathy to the rela- ltlves of the late Cherie: Steer, who was buried here on Monday. An obituary appeers on page I. Mrs. Thos. Moore, Esther, Mary and Glen, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs W. J. Greenwood. Mr and Mrs J. H. Robson. Charlie and Bill Robson of Toronto, accom. partied by Mrs Wm. Caldwell, Nor. munhy, Visited Sunday with Mrs. G. Robertson and other friends " Gor. rle and Untowel. Mr and Mrs. Ben Mays, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Vaughan and Phyllis, enjoyed an outing at Wasaga Beach the Brat of the week. Charlie Campbell of Crswford. is at present assisting his uncle Arthur McClccklin, fittitsh his harvesting. Mr Donald Nelson was assisting Cecil Paylor a few days as Cecllhad the misfortune to get his thumb bro. ken by a kick from his colt. Mr Lorne Livingston and fumilyof Townsend's Lake; Robert G. and W. Jno Torry and Gordon McNully were guests the tirtrt of the week with Mr and Mrs. Robert Jackson. Mr and Mrs Wm. Campbell and sons ot Crawford visited with Mr. and Mrs Arthur Robinson Sunday. and attended service at Zion. Vernon .Elvldge of Durham is help. ing W. R. Jack to finish his harvest. Mrs. Jack and daughter Clara will spend a. few days the latter part of this week with friends in Toronto and attend the Ex. The motorcyclists we: duhlng through the village when 1 con. stoble pulled him up. "Where your number plate t" uk- ed the constable. "Number plate t" The cyclllt turn- ed around in surprise. “Number plate be Mowed'. Where'l my alde- car and my wife t" t Durham Fall Fair next may, September 8th. TORONTO Victor Fairwuther cf Toronto, Fall Fair Dates WHERE t '9rP_ l "PANNV guuau vuuu an. - ..... G. 1A. D. lucintyne were their tum. "led uncle, Mr and Mn A. Benton ot Gleneig Centre. . md, Rev. Dr. 1.. Pruner Ind In lite, Smith of Wanton are visiting . um label! Luv-on of WW wu a. weekend visitor via: - par- ents, Mr um In Mott. “VIN. - - - - ---" "" In Gordon leer-eta - In: week with her mm.- Mr and In Neil Kenna. Visitors over the weekend It the home of Mr and In Bed - m celebnu Mr Kelley'- q0tts Hunky lly. Want; It Ina nu u. v. Town 1nd Joan, 0mm; Mr and!" Install Brudder And dumb!“ Nor- hope Mr. - any enjoy my more My blrthdlyl. um Murine Kaine of [human was a weekend visitor with her hm- Hugo and little Ion. lamb and two sons thers " the mill. A Min Marlon comm returned to [Try-cum after spending ntwo weeka' vacation at her parental home. 1 Mr Harry Ind Ills- Ruhr Gonna spent 1 couple o t any: [out week .with friends in Toronto. Mrs Wm. Bttter returned to her home In Toronto utter spendlnxme time with her pinata, Mr and In I . U. lawn-cu. Hrs T. under. Tr. and m Mul' The harvest which has been pm have returned utter holidaying with loud to none extent with the man) friends In Toronto. EIhOWOl'I. I: being amend In and I Rev. W. P. Newman who bu Peen puta- of Cruvtord United Church tor the put two years In ”eulogy“: week tor " new chum lat. Dangling”. Ont. The no.” Wilbur and Chane Mightcn of Toronto, write up to correct thelwm until“: that they visited their father which wu incorrect . Mrs chie and family also Mr H. H. S. MmGillivrny, Mr and In D. J, MacArthur and little non John ot London are holidaying " " Dobie's summer home. Recent guests with Mr and Mn A. D. lacintyn were their unit. and uncle, Mr and Mn A. Benton " Glenelg Centre. . Smith of Wanton are visiting with Mr and Mrs Smith and family. Mrs Dixon and little daughter of Toronto spent 1 week recently with her cousin. the Mines Hickman. Mr and Mrs Eduardo end little niece Merton Kennedy of Shelburne, also Mrs Aldred of Durham were re. cent gueats of Mr Ind Mrs A. Lie. ingstone. Dr. and Hrs T. I‘llhlee ma fun- ny of Pickering spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Archie Benton. In Inn-ecu. Noble and eon Donny viewed with the former'. aunt and uncle Mr and In Archie Beam. Mr and In Neil “can.” and funny spent the weekend with Mr and In John Bailey. In Hahn lune we: helping to Inland her mu or who in Ill. mu Nellie Gm In spending her vmuon " her mum ham. deeply rescued pining with Mr and In Newman and fully and their belt wishes go with than to their Next Sum!” Mr J. J. [sound of Owen Sauna, evmselut and singer will have chine of the term In the church u the and hour, 8.16. Come and hear hm. Mr an! in Alf Hine" and W- ROB ROY Itch; Mr and I" g" week's holiday- with Us “tumult _ . Canny by: of autumn. o" Deepest um; tn extended to In In Clan. - ad all" in thc lIon of mum and father. h' Mr Ernie um... I: buy “Imhin': on? an Unpack“. In u, new" will: old may and his nanny Molds In this way. He II mum 1" In Hamilton . In M. W. Byer- Ind non Bert wen In Owen Sound on loud-y ttl Northern ughu were - durim’ late whole night of August 22nd. Illa Mary but returned mm. her holiday trip to the West to Visit thmher: will be hard In ntl dire The reception held Int Tuesday evening " the home of Mr and Mt.-, Win. Handel-Ion In honor of their second daughter, Evelyn Grace tsho Ind been mend: married at Him. Park. Inn-e In Tomnm, mu tt an. Park. Home In Toronto, mu tt an. gathering ot “shaves ma friend, The guests were welcomed by tlsr. he“ and helm, and bride and groom. The groom's mother. Mr, Gaul and n burner. In Hodgsm- were tho receiving. manic "Is at high mop-applied by musician from Durham and other- whlle My June: Pare a! Hmver, the bride', uncle. named " the Boor Immun- l, TORONTO I EXHIBITION I $2.9S In Couche- Only lates pm Aug. " to Sept u. -utre hell until "torrt daybreak. “any PM“ both useful and ornu menu! showed the eeteem of which the popula- young bride was held in her own community. The bridal ttate In nun; up housekeeping In. Toronto where the groom east-m with the Cumin Bread Co. Mr Jena IcClure and rnettil.v ot' London. spent the weekend at m home of Mr and In Ben Coutt, and “so Mr and In Albert Well, Mr and Mrs Leslie and two child wen and In Puma ot Toronto wen thmdar new " Mr and Mm Geo Tmbull. Mr “can PM who has been up here n few weeks r.- tumed with them. mu Alum Hobklrk of anford. In Dan KcDonIId and Ion Evan, of Arum-Ion, were menu on "ter noon Int cook at Mr and In Hur. mu Sadie My went I for days this week In Durham " the home or her grandmother. in Hugh chon Mr Irwin And no: and Mr "verttr locum-1, Dunk. spent the week end with It and In All“ Boyd In locum- and (any, who bu. spent the last month with her [up can. hemmed home with than. on this “no. He thanked oi Mr Ahest. Vim m Wes. Bum tad II law at o. Pen-Q's. Mr no“ load of W. Alberta - . III”. “M to vtatt WI. I - I'll. nus and In and hum of thr, u thr of thr, Canadian Paci' Between all pom: (will destintttim hckcu good young from Noon RETURN um? to leave and Sept. 1, until The James "mum vol. Mr, Egmmom, acres. Good build": Review OttMe. MI particulars Ira r. I IcFAhlbl-ZN. T A quantity of tit: ”All mum tor ml. of hardwood for gal-A "me ERIN: ttt Drum Rubber Goods, Runaw- ed ”(paid in {than “.1 q ' loll than rc-Iml v, order eatalogtue. Novi Dem. W-M. nu). M. H4: on a. We“ aide om m5 Eurvey a up w, three-room I' m 9.. ‘9‘th an arm wt at later than midmght, Toes MINIMUM SPECIAL PM T. A. Ccmpbell, RR: TtMeqamse IN, r 'dl, I N). BALE---iAt lot 0. an). , Registered 1w Mun-red Dorset Flu, Adan: or Childrer Long Week-E Fares FARE AND ONE-QUART: (or the round trap FARM FOR SALf w ', Give N Small Ad Your ARTICLES FOR b A, Durham “mm tor the , 2 p.m., Monday FOR SALE FOR SALE AUGUST tot Pan bunt: it

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