West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Aug 1939, p. 5

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SY 3tth, "" PM) ION I' Toronto tn so w " Aer rne and Miss _ Miss Living- Mr and Mrs 8acifie PARIS wood Ford and pent the W ith his Mberta eitthteen manor! Albert " "I. Agent. a. Ont. many roam 930m. many rot "isttt Bert pro M ttie ttne isit MI a ho Mr Mr tt the an tt " ad an ho In he to Canadian Pacific linm-n all points in Canada and to urlmn destinations in United Sill.- tuckets good going from Noon Friday Sept. 1, until 2 p.m., Monday, Seth RETURN LIMIT to have deetlrtatutet not later than midnight. Tu“, Sep.5 MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE: . Adults or Children LABOR DAY f' M, McPADDEN. Town Agent. Phone M, Durham Ths. James Bunston " ' lot IS, “n 1.1 Hzramom, coon“ 100 aw Good buildings. Agni, to :n max Oth'ce. t w): iALFl--fAt lot 6. con. 10, Pro mm. 2 Registered Runs. ' umuwred Dorset es with lulu. _ A Campbell, RE]. Proton St'n. "-lv‘phono 12tt r bl, Dundalk. hardwood for ale. ly n‘m- Hem-s at DromoiV Pull particulars Iron any Agent. tl',"',!,',':,'),:,,',',') SALE ' i. MM Goods, undries. etc, mail- ;umpani in tt sealed wrapper. '; in“ than re pi]. Write tor mil '.rr c-aialozue. ‘gNov-Rubber Co., ,u was, Bax 'f, Hamilton. Ont. Long Igeek-Em! ttres kson's S FARE AND oNEAtUARTEtt for the round trip FARM FOR SALE on RENT Small hihts. Give your Home Newspaper Your Printing quantity of tirrit and second ‘lnnzlvs tor sale also " cords FOR SALE FOR SALS meow 310., ms The Durham Review . Apply to Mr Good Printing of all Kinds Bring your Printing to WANTEu-An MAN AN: Man to It FOR SALE Desirable property, seven acres, good buildin a hydraulic water nys~ ten. modern nvenlences. Good " ILIZER A car Bur--G In Fertilizer for tall wheat in utoc Order your sup- ply early. numerous other tttt to Hugh Firth. Du m "0trseason" chicks often prove pro Mable investment --it right quality. Pullout reach high production as re. gular supplies fall on. Coeherehrhit market When fresh-killed broilers and and masters scarce. Limited number famous Bray chicks available thru August. HOLSTEIN CREAMERY. luv IIUVIIIII LLOYD'S THY. MOLATED CORN SALVE for my corn 6reatltttts THEY cannot remove with tttM ancient new treientitie treatment form and Callouuc. Lloyd's com- bination treatment (Salve and Pads) remove: and keeps them away. De. aendtlsec and relieves with tirat ap- plication. For sale at Holstein, Ont. :25 ll d gill be paid b, I ewar ',hv,','err,,,/,'/ Hush word: “way- hart the ”other. tion. Apply to ao\230. Revéwrai- ace, Durham. You expect your newspaper to boost for good roads, good schools, and support commun- ity s ,ls'orations and associations. . .. You expect your home newspaper to give you all the news. . . . You expect your newspaper totake the lead in advocating community bettnmem . . .. You expect your newspapex to support community drives for charity, etc. . .. You expect your newspaper to help bring people to Durham. . . . to interest them in this town ., Your newspaper does there things and helps you, Next time an outsideprintirgsales- man calls on you. tell him you're going to buy your printing at the local newspaper tffice. We offer you the same or better quality at as low or lower prices and guarantee betterand quicker service than yw ( " at fum out-of- town printing houses. Trick-ten cln’t the. a steady on. Moon people nun” expect men - Some folk Bnd happlnou In be!“ Advent: criticism on“ is merely Phone 82. "ai, FIRESIDE.‘ PHILOSOPHER " ALFRED macs BABY CHICKS Ewen Dulisant, phone 11t TFE WANTED - pn Sumo: Place In" McFadden's Drug Store Year counter scales, girl for Apply The Joint meeting of the two eon. mentions held Sunday. we: the lat of the services curried on by the two ministers and the two sessions alternately in each church during the last two months. All was very as reeahle, even to the "Amen" corner, where it is often stated, trouble tV rises. Ree, Robert and Mn. Paton ot' Kingston, and his cousin Mary Paton' tor maybe sister) of Grimsby, were} worshippers at St. Andrews Sunday.l Mr and Mrs Chisholm, Lions Head were also met with, also Henry no: terson, Ceylon. , Miss Anna McLean, up for a visit to her parents for a few days, re- turned to her omce duties on Sunday Pvenlng. A good help she proved to her mother " threshing. Mr and Mrs. John McFarlane of Toronto, for a week's holidays! are exchanging stores for a while with innls McLean here, both making the change yesterday. Mr and Mrs Allie Mcinnla and his mother are up from Toronto on a week's visit to relatives and old neighbors. He takes up his duties) as teacher in Manual Training. next week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean left yesterday for Toronto, engaged in the same profession. Congratulations are due to Rev. H. E. and Mrs. Wright of BrueMeH, on the arrival at a young son. On Wednesday night. a large crowd gathered at the hall, in honor of Mr and Mrs Caleb Marshall of Toronto. (nee Jean McLean former. ly of Prieevil1ey, when a most happy and enjoyable time was spent in dancing. Good music was supplied by Messrs Fred Runciman, Leonard McKeown, lnnis McLean, Johnnie McKechnie on violins accompanied by Mr Bill McKeclmie and Mrs A. MacCuaig. Just before lunch time Mr Wm. McBride called upon the Miss Lauretta Turnbull returned from Windsor Monday, accompanied by her sistei' Mary Elda, and her husband, Garfield Ridout and three children. Mr and Mrs Alex Macintosh of Midland and Mr and Mrs Alan Roy of Toronto were recent visitors at Ed. Everist's. PRICEVILLE itrrtde and groom, and In Andrew l Blacks read In address, arM Mr Johnle McKechnie wanted them with a purse of money. Mr Mar. shnll Bttinqty replied. All joined ( Mr and Mrs Harry Pedlar and sons. returned to Toronto Thursday 'after holidaying with friends here. [Jackie and Dorothy Richardson re- lturned with them for s whit. THE DURHAM REVIEW Jolly Good Fellows." Lunch wu Ber. xed and a social time was aunt. Mr and In Jack Calder, Wir. bairn, vUtted Tuesday " her as. ter'tt and was aeecenpanied home by Betty and Shirley Hinttktt for I holiday. Mr and Mrs Edgar Patterson vittit. ed recently " home ct Mr Clayton S'prott, Badjeroa. ' Miss Jean Hlncks is visiting at her brother Clifford's at Wyoming uni her sister " Atwood. Mr and Mrs Alt Blacks and Mar. ilyn returned after spending over 2 weeks at Httlittttttott and will vis- it their many friends around here. Miss Marjorie Manner ot Owen Sound returned home Wednesday after visiting her sister Mrs Archie MacCualg. Sacrament ot the Lord‘s supper will be dispensed Sunday' in St. Andrew's Church. September 10th. Many were pleased to meet Rev. and Mrs Robert Patton and sister Mary, Sunday at st. Andrew's Pres. Church. Also Mr and Mrs Allan Me. lnnls and his mother Mrs H. Hous- ston and family, Oshawa, and Mr and Mrs H. Richardson and family Toronto. Mr and Mrs Henry Tucker and family visited Sunday at Mr Archie MacCualg's. Betty who had spent a week among her relatives return. ed home. Mr and Mrs Geo. Fisher and Arth. ur, Mr and Mrs Jim Sturrock and family and Mn Don Campbell spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr Jim Oliver Tuesday evening. Mrs Clarence Hopkins (nee Pearl Mucous}: of Pontiac; chh. " spend. ing a week with her many Mend: here. Mr and Mrs Alf Hlncks and Mar- iyn with Mr D. Hincks spent a couple of days visiting at Atwood. Miss Mary McKechnle is visiting wth her sister Hilda at Durham. Messrs Grant Muir, and Allan Cameron with Mr and Mrs A. L. Him-ks, enjoyed a musical evening at Mrs G. A Black's, Swlnton Pink." where they met Mr Don MacDonald! Those three pipers gave some tltte, music. 1 Miss Mary Aldcorn left for Regina after visiting at her father's. Miss Al‘meda Hlncks returned Sat, urday after a week’s vacation at Muskokn. She will spend a. few days here before returning to Toronto to begin work on September lot. Mr ttnd Mn Robert Beyers. De. troit are guests with her parents Mr und Mr: Tom Tucker. Miss Mary Mather, Ceylon visited Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs Wm. Mather. Mary Hincks spent last week visit- in: Miami: in Markdoie. Mr innis McLean: is spending this week in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Jack Menu-lane and babe, Toronto are spending this week in Priceville. Mr and Mrs Henry Richardson and family of Toronto spent week end here. Mrs Ray McLean and children, spent a week in Toronto. Mr and Mrs J. McKechnie and son Johnnie and Mrs T. Nichol visited Sunday with friends at Collingwood. Mrs Shortreed. John and Anna, with Mr and Mrs D, L. McArthur and Eleanor, were recent visitors with friends, at Keswlck. Mr and Mrs Allan McInnis and mother. Toronto, are spending this week at the old home here, and were guests at the home of Mrs Short- reed Sunday. Anniversary services will be held at the United church Sunday Sept 10 at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Mr and Mrs Bill McKechnle visit- ed Sunihir evening at A. L. mneker.l, Mr and Mrs Anderson, Toronto were recent guests " the home of Mr Elwin Hood. . A reception was held on may evening " Black's Beach for the newly weds Mr and In Mild young couple were recipients ofmny good will»: and u purse of money. the weekend with the Mi- Kath leen and Rhee Snider or Kitchener. HOPEVILLE All) VICIII'IY ‘guecu at an home of Mr Archie Me. Kirkluul Lake spent pm ot their honeymoon " the home of to w- can, Mr and Mrs Wilma Dtnewatl. Mr and In Ellwyn Ickchnle Mtg E. Roberts tad In C. lb: and little Ion, Catnptretitord, were alien at the' home of Mr John Bin. War in Europe ha been lint in the mind: of most people during the plat, week. How soon will it comet " it inevitably will come unless Hit- ler is called away. Hi. departure would be greeted with rejoicing by We were sorry to hear ct en eccl-l dent which betel little Carmen. four" year old eon of Mr end Mrs Fred.) Fell of Swamp College. Carmen ttnd' e fuvorlte out with which he played and on Seturdny evening, while feed- ing the calves with parents, he was sporting with the calves and In some way, hid both jaw bone: broken. No one new it happen. until they heard him cry. He is in Orangevllle hospital, and all hope for a good re- covery. Carmen. _ Miss Margaret McKay ls spending {this week with her aunt and uncles at Dornoeh, , Mr and Mrs Oswald Dinxwall of ‘Hopeville. lately married at Windsor are this Tuesday evening being hon. ‘ored by their many friends at a re- jreption at Black's Beach. Oswald taught school for tour years in the "Park and all join in wishing him and Mrs Dingwall. health. happiness and prosperity in their new home, Kirk. ,landIAke, where Mr Dingwatttauttht (hurt year, and continues on. l Hugh McMillan was in Toronto at the weekend and took In the Ex. on ‘Warriors’ Dar. I Misses Helen and Margaret Dun. ican of Dunduk. no wedding this iweek with their grandmother, In. ,Christena Ferguson In the Pnrk. Stool: threshing is the order ofthe day. Heavy dew and threnteninz rain makes it dlmcult. Finished on the Campbell ranch Monday andstnr- ted at Neil Aldcorn's, Swamp Col, lege outfit manned by Clarence Hur- risc-n and Bert Scott, is reported do. in: good work. There are yet many stocks out. Barns are getting full. A good crop, but rather hard have being futtened by rain and wind then followed by showers. WAITNG The dry goods store was crowded: but presently one of the clerks up- nronched the pretty girl. "In anyone waiting on you t" he enquired politely. Rav. Robert Paton, one of cur old Mvs. with wife and sister. worship. ped in Swlnton Park on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Tom Weir of North Ezrcmont. spent Sunday at Ed. Howard's. and there met other friends tho Huttons from Toronto. The girl blushed vividly and re. plied. "Yes, but he won't come in!“ GOING DATES Daily Sept. llith to 29th. No, Return Unit: " an. Excursion ticket- good in Touring Par. lor and standard aluping can alao available onpaynlont of slightly high. or paaaaga lama, plua price of parlor or alaaping car accommodation. R0U'rEB-'ricttettt good going via Pt. Arthur, Ont, Armstrong. Ont, Cheat Mrs Doygrt Haw, accompanied by Mrs Tresalder and daughter. spent the weekend at Bayfield and picnlck- ed on Lake Huron's shore. Christen Ferguson In the Park. Jack North ot Toronto. who hos spent the holidays at the Hardy home here, returned to the city today and to school next week. BroPovERtr- within limit of ticket. both going and tetttrtging- " Port run partiettittrs tron my wt- r. u. Mormon. Tm Mont. so. m, or Snult Sta mm. returning via nine route and line only. Gen- erous optional rantings. 511.qu. VI"... nun-awn.- -_--'. .... _ west; the " Chicago, HI. Sum Ste. Mule. men, and wetrt uncommon with uu-ur. of United sum lines. Special Bargain EXCU RSIONS Canadian Pgtetitut TIGKETO GOOD " TRAVEL IN COACHES WESTERN CANADA SWINTON PARK TO ALL STATION. IN 'LEIN DAYS OF YORE r-i-u--.------.- ---.--_ " am A“ (from Review Me, Anna! " 1014) An 1ntemalttnq meeting held in the Vnmey Methodist Church on Tue» any evening malted in the arma- nuon of u Adult Bible Clue, ot which the (allowing once“ were elected: Pm. -. Mr Emu Leena; Woe-Prom, Mr am Mead; Teacher --Rev B. M. Newt-Inf Beeretarr- Hume Mountain. The Brat Annual Mel- Show‘ new bythe active Horticultural tkeV ety here resulted in A greet emcee": and the Town Hell on Thur-any evening Int w" " nttnctlve piece for both ere ma ear were mailed. The 3131 regiment, " strong. were given u tttagnitusetttt pend on from Owen Sound on Thursday Inst. They no now announced It vacuum. Capt. Geo. H. mangrove ot Hanover is In command. When the bat bugle note- ot the war were sounded In Can-d... Among the number who answered the calltu "Hanover at “mover ....... Sept. R. N. Koppel u Wolseley ..... Sept , is. Koppel It Shulow lake ..Sept 11 iS'ulllvux " Delboro ....... Sept. " 1.00!th " Lamb-oh ....... “pt. "i Colllngwood at Raw/cunt ....Sept. 14 St. Vincent at Mellon! .....Sept ij) «Glenn! " clonal. Centre .. “pt "! "hortr at “we" ........ Sept. " ‘Arwmelh. at 1'1“th ... Sept. " Sydenlwm " Anna ....... Sept. " mound " Holland centre.. Sept 21 ENorth Ptotott " Vent." .... Sam _ isouth Promo " Coal-ville .8091. " law» mum ...... was Derbyulum ........... Sept " Neat-At n t%tgatadt .......turt so .Immuuuckm ....... Oct. t (riiciiiiiririFiii ........ Oet , lm " male ...... ttet tt uum: were Ilve Englishmen. employg ecu of the Cement and Furniture Companies In town. Two were re- servists who Immediately went back to mum! and the others left to Join regiment: In towns to the east where they had formerly resid- Capt. Campbell. Mar hie-11m so with the bnve boys. Time and distsnce Ire against Germany. His bold stroke toorusli France first. then wheel round on Russia. hu failed, thanks to the Belgians. Russia is getting into Prussia snd on the whole " we so to press the position is hopeful. Terms of - Inuit be settled in Berlin, the mum-or removed end such conditions nude that never spin on the world witness suchswssieof huhnn life sud achievement. . The Women's Institute have pur- chued twenty-one seats from the Letter Dar Suinta' body and which were formerly used in their church. It was a unique Patriotic gather- ing that assembled on the lawn ot Jameson. M.P.P., on Friday even- ing last. Called by the ladle: of the town to devlu and any out gener- ous meusures on behalf of the sick and wounded Comm-nu Ilkely to re- sult from the bloody war now in green. Holstein Corr: Mr Hugh Renwlck of Ottawa is home tor two or three weeks with his punts " Dmoro and Mrs Itenwiek's mother, In Swmsmn, where the hu been visit- in. the park. Orchard Corr: Wlllle "teinttttant A quiet wedding was aolemnlzed at the home ot Mrs Chas. Kennedy on August 19th, when her daughter Susie Wu join“ in wedlock to Mr. Walter Ewing. At twelve o'clock the groom took his [blue st the slur. and presently the bride leaning on the sun of her brother Charles who gracefully gave her away. took her place by hls slde. Italy I: expected to Join the At, lies In a few days and she cm place 600,000 titataehum troops in action. SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR GREY Mr N. W.. Cnmpbell and family hue returned from their Ila-1min bane when they spent an enjoyable Edge Hill Corr: Miatt Emma Rit. chle will tench In a school near Chuuworth and leaves shortly. Pleased to welcome Miss Margaret Monley back " teacher for mother term. Unlock corn: The (names have engaged u teacher mu Wlee ot giants an now being placed in ONTARIO ARCHIVES ....... Sept "i .......Seu:o l, employ- munummhmo chumApplyulethOIce. 'rt.tgAuB-6taesqmhtneTtaester, M.euiu,m.'|lldolurm ttHt-a-dr-ttvt- to the community, while some. of but point- tron the to the. Every one of theae villa In I new. Ite- at Inter- est ta at lent one of our radon, not we are very Anxious to receive than Items. Send then In. or bell. (to. its, phone then In, or If in II" in the country, let your district -. pendent know. We do Ind will: to In!” any ot then “co-Ila I“ - ngs," but It someone doesn't tell Ill. how are we to know ot All the TUR. llng t lny we count on your cam- J. L. stuT'tt, M.B., If... PS. who, .178. Am Dum- - Plum. Veal. M. My. I. cum and Pinion! a”. - Course for “and m 'mftktnq Hula Culture and A!- m. b Gamma Isaac-co: Oat-r0. ton um mun-mout- Omce Mun: gulls-”1.... p.m..7mlp.lm-u Ontario C Donal-la [All .- Bey-tend PM“ 'ttnat-. Pupil: of Parnell I“. A. A. c. It. use.Hounlton.-. wwummm Samantha-1m. emu-um tut-mph. innings. Honor Graduate Toronto Univ“. Graduate new Coll. Donal m W. c. PICKERIIG. 008. m Roomi: Over Royal Bunk Durh- Date- urrmzed at Bantam m- d-lk, also through Dum- w. and “cannon Mm. 000. I. Dun-hum once: Licensed Auctioneer mr My Gun, Prompt, courteous t and.“ m DURHAM a HOLOTEIN X RAY W EXTRACTION. tttBti. Mitt It“. 1NNtdEAM, my . M. CHARLTON. A. A. C. I t L F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. L08. CHIROPRACTIC LE1". HAVE THO“ I11“. W. PIERCE ELLIS melmry Malian, “any an. Sule- I can". It“. coauont can't-cult. IOOCII no no. mm-.. um: um ' can: In on... an a " out an In. no" - --a... J. tt. WHERE. B.A. GEORGE E. DUICAI coma-unann- T. ll. SNEATII. M. B. F, . EAGLES!“ BESS'E MILLWMV " "fi3 HEW. tA wt £w~kv3 fitit "

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