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Durham Review (1897), 7 Sep 1939, p. 1

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ttttt, tin: Holy 'acific tllST m San iddle it 5.4 a' 19¢? are An open sac-axon tor shooting of of partridge in all parts of Ontario with the exception of the Counties ot Essex and Kent. and those town ships ttttder the regulated name re. serve syslvm, has been announced by Hon. Harry C. Nixon, Minister " Game and Fisheries. The Season will be in two parts--- Oct. 9 to H. both days inclusive. and Nov. 6 to 11, both days Inchi- 9ive. The butt limit will be ttve birds per clay and a maximum of “then birds for the sntire season. OPEN SEASON ON PARTRIDGE Mr Nixon alsr announced that the open sun-um for speckled trout would hr, extended until Sept IIS. The department was in a position now, he said, to restock waters moot adequately with speckled trout. and it was felt that an extension of the wagon was consequontly warranted. Arthur Edu- Jrhn Memrr Joseph Edwards James mum": Arthur Derby Jos. CrutehVy Harold Barber Mex. Aljoe W. A. Lindsay W. Ferguson Dr. T, H. Sneath. Mrs Sheath. Mrs L. Aiu-lwson and daughter Joan 3nd Helen Renwick spent a day at Toronto Exhibition. Miss Marion Morton left Monday to renum- teachlng duties in Mount Forest. Misses Atix and Edith Edge, Mar (not McKenaie. Clara Atloe. Amelia Blah- have returned to their teach- Ins duties. The two former to Sud- ury and London and the latte: thm to Toronto. Mrs Thornell and son of Detroit. are visiting the Ruthie, Blythe, Me. mrr bullies. he Hamill the an... entered (l7 ot than) at first ot May and end of Autism. Rome. nrruled tn high sund- lllx to begin with, hadn't the oppor- tunity tr make as much improve ment. as others, consequently tell ii) hind in points gained during the] summer. The competitors are an! ranged according to points ii',',',".) with I00 the total manila score. Initial Ptnat Points) score score gained I William name we 93 31 I J. C. Hamilton 62 92 31 Cher. Robinson 62 " " Cecil Barber 70 " " W. G. Firth 58 K” " T V, "elt 61 80 19 w. J. 1titehie _lil itt " Arthur Fhiire 5'7 74 17 J: hn Mrt',irr SI 65 " Joseph Fyiwards 51 " " James Millikan 75 " " Arthur Derby H 87 " Jos. CrutrhVy 5x 7t " Harold "1er At) Tl ll Mr Clark Saunders, tnqersoTt,spent the week and with his parents. Mr. til In Bert Spunk". It and In Donald Grab-In ind “In, from Soul! Ste Marie. 13.3. A. visited the toll-er- mother, Mrs. J. A Graham. Mr and In E. E. Cook and son am of Kitchener were holiday m with Mr and In Hugh ml. Mr Cook remin- over for a my with his lacuna. Mr and In: Gladys Mrth spent Friday via her man! Mrs Mutant Hum lac-t "rest. It And In Mark Wilson wont to We Exhibition to be" their ”I... “Listing! an put In a to. til-petition. The winners at the Farm Home Improvement Contest. sponsored by Imrhafn Agricultural Society were announced last week. The Farmer’s Mugnzine started the ccmpetition offering prizes for farmers showing 'irenteat improvement around their farm homes during the post tour months, and a number " Aq'l Soci- eties in the Province took it up. Prizes were given for greatest nll' round improvement, points being, given for tidinenn of grounds, punt-l in: " trees or nhruha. pointing. re- pairing. reshinxlinx, etc of home or’ other hulkiin"s. l T. Stewart Cooper, Markdale. Art. Representative. was the judge, lmpruvemenl Contest Successful fair Won by W. Bugle Seems Assured 'VUL. LXII, NO. " 7 s 60 55 scan Iv world .'" reptied the American. ' their "Matt t n a” l," rertied may- mm “but youdlnmmak likean " Plan to Attend Durham Fall Fair, Friday -iiiri"aiiGjii-iiriii'i; Tuesday evening of last week, Mr and Mrs Alex Grierson were capable hosts to the members of the Preg. byterian congregation at their beau. tiful home in South Bentinck. This, event was held under the auspices‘ of one of the groups of the Ladies' Aid ot which Mrs John Sharp was convener. During the evening a fine program was rendered consisting ct scion by Mrs Gordon Greenwood, Douglas Donnelly, Mrs Stapley Meade. Dale Weldmeyer. and Fred die Grierson, readings by Misses Ma. bet Sharpe. and Jean Mount, duetts by Jean and Tom Firth. The balloon and Breakfast calling contents were humourous and much enjoyed try all. Rev. 8. W. Hirtle, presided as chairman most emeientiy. Although boosting the treasury M the Ladies' Aid, this social evening also made for gcod fellowship and sociability in the congregation and was ap- preciated by all. A bounteous lunch was served with the Weiner roast roast predominant by the group. Pres. ladies' Aid Ildds Social in Beatinck Here's the menu: Ogilvie F'lakes, Vitonv. Philadelphia Cream cheese, Kraft Cheese. cream trt tomato soup, cracked wheat brown bread, .Coronatimy and cream white bread, cabbage salad, Miracle whip salad dressing. macaroni, pork and beams, sausage. peas, ,Egg-o tea biscuits, Baehivo syrup Lavis gelatine light and dark cake, tea and eottee. " was a tasty repast, and at only Me, will draw a packed basement on a rutnrn engagement. 1 Presented With a Piano Lamp. In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday mcrning a special service of prayer and supplication was held for the war-torn world. conducted by the pastor, Rev. B. W. Kittie. Din- ing services the convention were honored in havlmtr with them the Men’s Choir of the church for the day. After the morning service the men of the chair presented In: J. H. Harding, the capable pianist. with n piano lamp. This was used at the evening service st which the pastor expressed the true npprecin- tion of Mrs Harding to the congress- i Durham had its Brmt treat to; "Plunkett Dinner" Wednesday night night in Knox Church schoolroom, sponsored by Knox Young Women's; Auxiliary. Over a hundred enjoyed an appetizing four-course banquet ot Her an hcur's duration, after which movies were shown, dispiaying the the manufacture ot the various mods.) served and advertised. Packages or cans ot the several products were then given away to acme of the} diners. i l Thursday, the firgt day of Durham lFair, has started out tine and sunny ‘with moderate temperate, practically 'assuring tine clear weather for the big day, tomorrow, Friday. With lthe greater interest evident this Pyear, the Fair is likely to so over ‘the top, both in exhibits, attendance and attractions. "PLUNKETT DINNER" The DH amateur contest of six classes is a new drawing card and much tine talent will be seen and heard. Bring the whole family to. mcrrow afternoon, to see Durham Fair the tirsrt and cue ot the banner Shows in this part of the province. iiht B at1ti1,riit Review. WAS DELICIOUS Miss Jean T. Priest has accepted a school near Sudhury, Ont., and will teach there this year. Mr Jack T. Priest has also removed to Bud. bury in the Interests of the Mutual Life Assurance Co. They may be addressed, care ot Rev. W. J. Mae. Donald, B. A. 87% Durham St. Bud. bury Ont. Mr and Mrs George Cupskey and Shirley of Hepwcrth. spent over the hcliday with her mother, Mrs Morice Mr John A. McLellan, Cleveland. Ohio, was a guest with his brother. Mr A. B. McLellan over the week end. Mr and Mrs. John Sharp and mr lie. and Mr and Mrs Norman Tucker visited friends at Shallow Lake on Sunday. Mr and Mrs R. J. Livingston and iamiiy of Warren Mich, were recent visitors with their sitters, Mrs Bax ter and Mrs T. C. Ritchie. Their daughter Betty Livingston returned home with them after enjoying a t weeks' holiday with her aunties. Mrs H. E. Langley, son Wallace and Jean Clark visited with Mr and, Mrs W. J. Moran and Mrs J. Ray; of Dcrnoch Over the weekend, l Miss Bess Clark, Toronto left Monday after visiting two weeks with her friend, Mrs w. J. Moran. Miss Dolly Barett, Owen Sound. was visiting her friend, Miss Jessie Grant, over the week end. Mrs J. F'. Grant is visiting with her mother at Mimieo. Among those who attended the funeral of Miss Vivian McKean at Collingwccd, who was drowned It Sunnyside, Toronto, were Mr and Mrs George L. Sharp and Mabel. Mrs John Sharp and Mrs J. A. Ar dred of town. IRom. Campbell. i In the High School, the Shop l Norman Glass visited friends itt', Work and Domestic Science Cours. ‘Toronto. ies- have required much new equip I Robert Jackson has returned to ment, such " lathes, trrinder, Bttwt5. his home at Thessalon. having spent forge etc; washing machines, elee. the summer vacation with his grand Pie “as” rritridairrt . ”when Ind parents, Mr and Mrs E. w. Limin. 3 laundry tsinks, Wilbur“. ete. Some Mr and Mrs Fred Murdcck, Dun!or thh ig now in ttttsee, with more ham, are spending a few days withlyet’ to arrive. The wiring is being friends in lngersoll, and Detroit. .changed {or the new mchines, and Miss Elsie Ledinghnm in spending‘ hydro power will not be available a few weeks with {riends in Collin» for a week or two, wood. i This Year the attendance is up Mrs. Waiter Clark of North Ben. over the 100 mark With " bumper tinek, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Ida” ct 49 PM" Farmers. The nine John Morice. fun " on duty: Principal Robb, Among those who attended the Miss M. Pickering, Mr t. B. Sharpe funeral of Miss Vivian McKean at and Miss Gerrie, the latter two Co0irttrwrcd. who was drowned m teaehinq the new Courses added. Robert Jackson has returned to his home at Thessalon. having spent the summer vacation with his grand parents, Mr and Mrs E. W. Limln. Mr Gordon Rennie of Sundridge, was a recent guest ot Mr and Mrs. Robt. Campbell. Rev. Rcbert Patton ot Sydenham and sister, Miss Mary Patton, called on Mrs John McGowan. Mrs T. Barker. sen., Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs T. Cook. More at High School; WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLS'I'EIN LEADER DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1939. "Sr===tbdd:ad=tz'x=a== V - F T 'e-ee-r-------, --------a-_-- . _ M . _ ( " GRS i g m-‘I‘ - "5" - -o.iA, " A I . q " She spends much time reading and is well versed in current events. Bho says a good quiet life, faith in God. wholesome plain food, In the recipe for a geod. long lite. We are clad tony she In able to be amund in a wheel chair and hope Boon to see he: walk attain, and able to attend her church, which she so much loves. I The Public School attendance is a little lower, with approximately 30 or more in Each of the eight |Grades. Miss Norma Gagaon, Prim. ary teacher, has 34 young hopefuls commencing their scholastic careers. ,The staff has only one change, Mrs. Hopkins, is former teacher, replacing ;Miss D. Pickering, who during the holidays entered matrimonial ranks. The others are: Principal G. A. "lotrie, John McKechnie. Norman Greenwood, Ben Firth Misses M. Morton, M. Manley. N. Oman. Mrs. Bonk has one daughter. Mrs. Archie Beaton of Glenelg, and one son Wm. at home. Her husband Predeeetpred her some years ago. Mrs. Joseph Beak. of Schomberg. who for the past fourteen weeks has been laid aside with a fractured thigh celebrated her 89th birthday on Thursdav, August 17th. She received a large number of greetlrgn by mail also Mwers, and friends called in to congratulate her during the day. " k. bia/rllktier Celebrates 89th 8iriuay Durham Schools reopened Tues- day morning fer the fall term, in cooler weather, which shculd tend to increaied attention by the pupils to studies. Fewer at Public HORN LEDINGHAM - In Benunck. on Thursday, August 31 to Mr and Mm Percy Ledingham, a daugh- ter. . MKrHTON--qn Durham hospital, on Sunday, Sept. 8rd, to Mr and Mrs Jack Mighton (nee Qlive Middle, ton). a son. JOHNsTet-tn Durham hospital, on Tuesday, Sept. 5th, to Mr and Mrs R. Jchnston, Bentlnck. I. son. REAY--lr. Durham hospital, Friday, Sept. Ist, to Mr and Mrs Howard Reay (nee Bessie Moore), a non. Mr and Mrs J. H. Harding enter- tained the members ot the Presby- terian choir at their cottage " Wil. der‘s Lake. Mrs J. N. Burgess en. tertained the members of the Pres- byterian Ladiest' Aid Society at hen home on Lambton St. Mrs P. L. Gannon. Miss Norma and Misses Genevieve Saunders and Myr- lle Moriley spent the week end in Detroit. They were accompanied there by Mrs Philip Gagnon and son Philip, who have visited here for the past seven weeks. Miss lscbel Henderson has return. ed to Toronto, after stpendingtrrnonttt at the parental home here. Their car, a 1938 Dodge stolen [run the C.N.E. ground: in Toron- to, wax found damaged and abandon- ed later. at Lily Oak, 15 miles east of Markdale. where the bandits had struck the side of a culvert. They couldn't release the ear, so disap- peared on fact. Lurham Creamery robbed a few ttV :1ths ago, now' it is Mark- dale Creamery. Tuesday morning it was broken into and about $75 stolen, but Constable Jack Johnston was on the alert between 1.30 and 2.00 a. an, and disturbed the intrud. ers at their Job, so that the safe was not blown open and more cash secured. The burglars were likely pro-‘ fessionals. as they had made two unsuccessful attempts to Now the safe with nitrogVeerttte, working under electric light in front of the; vault. They dulled for their car oni seeing the cop. and sped nwuy. Thel ttmeer fired five shots at them with his revolver, but apparently noneI took effect. I Markdale Creamery Burglarized Tuesday The regal-x monthly meeting of the Durham one“ Institute will be held at the one of In. Herb. Greenwood on T "day. Bert. Nth. Owen Sound city council have ap- pointed June: A. Milne, city trea- surer, succeeding the late A. F. Armstrong. Jim Is a son ot Mr An- drew Milne of Brant, formerly of Crawford, and 't brother of “is: Catherine Milne of the hospital Matt. and ot Dr. Milne of Pleaherton. “any who competed In the» sum- mer concerts, will take part In the ttnal Amateur Content " Durham Fall Fair. Friday Sept 8th. I Saturday night, with ideal weather ‘suw the closing amateur colleen of the summer series, heard by perhaps the biggest crowd yet-aome three thousand possibly. A splendid pm- gram was presented. the prises so to Anna McVicar of Pricevilie for Scottish dances, Golden brothers for stepdancing. and tc Miss H . Milli-j gan and Douqu Donnelly tor Irth duet. Mr Stewart of Mt. honest: won the " draw. I Final Saturday Diamond Jubilee chu,1c.t, Parade in DURHAM SUNDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. lil, '39 l Members meet at Lodge room. '"deows' Matt (over Manon Store at 2.” tt.m, Move oft t'"' pan. than». High Cum omcen will be M. ' Hem wear “do” if you Mn one. Every Forester win he Weietrmett. Inga m ATTENDANCE Durham Presbyterian Church Cantidian Order of Foresters WHOM Weekly It 82.00 . yen In advance. " United States. 32.50 1 year In Advance. Peter Ram-u, Publisher ONTARIO ARCHIVES Amateur Hour sermon by REV. s. ir. mane, a A. " 1 black Chg Colt, W G you": “pluck Percheron Col, Hula: I In: 1 my Clyde Colt, min ' yum; 2 some“ Colts. rum; 4 you"; will make good saddle horses; t Colts, 1 year. Apply an , young Brood Suva, Dr. Pryne rk of Hamilton will be at his sister residence on Mill Street for the " two monllm. and will we puller: for dim-en ot the eye, at. note And nut. and eh" amine for gin-ea. Jersey Butt, t your old, eleglblr for DURHAM MACHINE BM? COMING EVENTS 140 FOR SALE Sid WWW m _ I‘J H rsT7t UCI itf)i'i)iiiiid

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