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Durham Review (1897), 7 Sep 1939, p. 5

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ittg UGEEN 4tD of Kine-t- l with his Helm. be“ spent b ith their A. Clark. Sender and babr nod with Mae ', outy " " ttthut M "-29. 01c. 'l'oronm D (MD. wripturo M00005- by In Durham Sunday of he! Ander M Leslie 'r the " front Harold n home Kings Only hymn no”: 'thtrtti. nstond men a most tthe Sun noon con wn few and 'onto mun! mm irhter would, will it!) . on . View Little port thin and vi May and next . and M ich, and Dual 4ent ISOI‘I with a lcv- mod with many many TVere Col sin Mr at: war In ere and it kon the a! and rt run yyALE--tAt lot 6. con. 16, Pro. q 'nn), 2 ministered Dorset Rams, 5 Ragistnred Dorset Ewes withlambs. J. A. Campbell, RR]. Proton St'n. 'rplephone 129. r bl, Dundalk. To Home an Estate. an of Lot D an the West side ot Countess Street, Jackson's Survey of the Town of Durham. three-roan frame house. pump, (me-thin! u are of lend. Andy: J. M. leQnarrle Durham, Ontario. Solictior for the executor of R. P. Walsh Estate Rubber "oodth Sundries. ete., mail. t't postpaid in Main, sealed wrapper. " Mr, less than rktait. Write tormail order catalogue. l Nov-Rubber Co., Lop! 1W.85. Box 9t', Hamilton. Ont. won at: A quantity of itrst and second Mass shingles for sale I“) " cords FARM FOR SALE on RENT The James Bunston (um. lot IS, um. IG. Egramont, containing 100 m-rvn Good bulldhgo. Apply to Roview mute. of hardwood for sale. ably to Mr 1.orn'. I-Icc-los at Dromore. NOTICE To CREDITORS All persons vinq claims against the Estate of t late Mrs. Elizabeth toleridge of Ho terin, are required to hte the same w the undersigned on or before the 27! day of Septem- t.er. I939. Dated at September. Give your Home Newspaper Your Printing . C. D. “KIRK K.C.. Durham, Solicitor for the iiiSiiiii7iiir ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE Durham tttlik 5th day of The Good Printing of all kinds, Bring your Dundqu ............... Sept. M, 27 Holstein ............'.. Sept 28, " Ronstadt. ............... Sept. M, M Owen Sound..... Sept. "--oet 2. , Pushy ................. Sept 26, 27 Walter's Falls m......... Sept M, 27 Cutgworth .............. Oct. 5, 6 Pavemham B.............. Oct. 3, 4 Tara m.................... Oct. 4. 5 Teeswater ............... Oct. 3, 4 Markdale ............e.. Oct. 10,11 'ts Reward :2": NOLATED CORN SALVE for any corn orcallous THEY cannot remove with um eiilcient new tteientitie treatment income and Cullen... Lloyd's com- bination treatment (Salve and Path) removes and keeps them away. De unlike- nnd relieves with Brtst up- trtieatiou. For sale at Notice is ereby given that l have complied wit Section 7 of The Vo. ters' Lists A and that I have post. ed up at my ce at Durham, on the sixth day of S Member, 1939, the list ot all persons titled to vote in the said Munieipatit) at Municipal elec- tions, and that' such list remain: there for innpectihn. VOTERS" ISTS, 1939: MUNICIPAL. (ITV 0 TOWN OF DURHAM, 60 NW OF GREY (Voters'l‘ists Act, Bee. 10, Form 4) And I hereby ca‘l upon all voters to take lmmediat ssroeeemr"urs to have any errors or minions correc- Durham Review ted according to law the last, day for appeal being the T ray-seventh day of September, 1939. oatid this sixth day\of September 1939. You expect your home newspaper to give you all the news. . . . You expect your newspaper to take the lead in advocating community better run. . .. r You expect your nevi-taper to boost fo mod roads, good schools, and support commun- ity e,slsbrations and associations. . .. You expect your newspapea to support -Ammnnitv drives for charity, etc. . . . You expect your newspapeJ w “ny. . community drives for charity, etc . . . . You expect your newspaper to help bring people to Durham. . . . to interest them in this town . . Your newspaper does these things and helps you, Next time an outside printir tr sales. man calls on you, tell him you're going to buy your printing at the local newspaper office. We offer you the same or better quality at as low or lower prices and guarantee better and quicker service than ycu tt r at from out-of- town printing houses. Clerk of the Towd of Durham I’S NOTICE OF FIRST I6 thr VOTERS’ HST McFadden’o Drug Store the mfg. of LLOYD’S TRY. wilt be paid try Printing to Miss Amy Dobwn end friend, Mr Ernest Burgess, Toronto, mind Sunday with Mr A. B. McArthur and funny. town line. Master Jimmie McArthur returned to Toronto with them to attend the Exhibition. Other Exhibition visitors from here are Mrs R. H,' McConkey and daughter Winifred, and Min Alexis McVicar, and brother Joe. Mr and Mrs Fred Rmiman were also at‘the Ex. last week. Pleased to welcome back trom her holidays. pretty dancer and pip. er, Miss Anna Mchcar. 'We were in error last " to the Sutherland boys, being " a Boyu' Training Catnip. (Just as I had been informed) though it is this instead'. “Jimmie, Laurie and Bobbie Suther- land, have returned trom their weeks holiday: which they spent with their friend, Mr Frank Muir, at his home, at Shanty Bay." Mr John Ritchie made the Journey for them. Mr and Mrs John McFarlane of Toronto, are having a week's holi- day here, while Innis is having his holiday there, attending each others store. "A change is as good as a rest," it is said to be. Mr and Mrs Garfield Ridout, (nee Mary Elda Turnbull) and family of 2 girls and a bay returned to their home on Thursday last to Windsor, after a ten day: visit " the home ot her father. Messrs Thus and Elmer Harrison with their Wives took in the exhibi- tion two days last week. They have every ccnndence in their workmen in their absence. Mr and Mrs Fred Karstedt and daughter Jane, visited relatives in Toronto and took in the Exhibition. In their absence Mrs Brady Irwin (nee Olive McMeekin) was in sole charge clothe store. Miss Lauretta Turnbull accompani- t-d her sister's family home to Wind. sor, on Thursday. returning same day, reporting relatives all well there The Y.P.3. will be held next next Monday evening in St. An- drew’s Church when all the young people are cordially invlted. Mr and Mrs Archie Maec1 spent Sunday at her mother's Owen Bound. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed next Sunday, Sept. 10th iant. Andrew’s Church. PRIGEVILLE Archie MacCuais in THE DURHAM REVIEW Mm Undone Bron, Toronto, spent week and with her parents Mr and In Wm. Brown. Mr and In Henry Tucker end family ion on Sunday to spend I. few days at Pena-c, Mich,. Her sister, Mrs Hopkins returned with them after spending a week with her sisters and brothers here. Mrs Dani Cunnbell spent . low days in Toronto, with her aunt Mn Payne who amend o stroke. Mr. and Mm. Hurry Peddhr out! sons of Toronto spent weekend with relutivea here. Mr Murray McMillan returned home Saturday utter unending the last couple months at Muskoka. Mr David muck: spent a couple of days in Toronto. Jean returned home with him after visiting in To. Mr and Mrs Caleb Marshall, To- ronto spent weekend at her father’l. Mr H. R. McLean. Misses Sadie and Annie McKin- non, Toronto spent weekend at their parental home. Messrs Duncan Marshall and Don. ald Aldcorn ct Toronto spent week end at the latter's home. Mrs Charlie McKinnon, Toronto spent week end with her amen: Mrs Lachie McKinnon. l Mr and Mn Jno Menu-lune and son, returned to Toronto Sunday eta ter a week's holidays spent here Mrs Colin McLean accompanied them to the city tor a couple of days. Mr and Mrs Wan. J. Hincka spent the weekend with her sister in Owen Bound. The U.F.W.0. Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 13th, at the home of Mrs Neil Cameron. Roll on", “Use of Common Salt." Topic, "How Can We Improve Exist. ing Cooperatives" by Mrs D. Camp. bell and Mrs H. Tucker. Lunch Committee, Mrs J. K. McLeod. Mrs Winn. Benton; "ttdwiehea--Mrtr. J. Sturrock, Mrs. C. Smellle. Mr. Hector McLem stocked threshed on Friday and Saturday with Mr Bennett's outfit. Mr Alroy Melanin of Toronto spent the weekend " his home. Mr and Mrs 1. Gilbert ot Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs Bin. clair. Tuesday evening ot next week Sept. 12th, the Priceville Ladies are planning to visit the W. M. B. at Swinton Park. Pricevllle Ladle: will provide the program. Mia: Jean Hinckn won a tea get of dishes by getting a lucky ticket " a social, while visiting " her brother's in Wyoming. Mr Innis McLean returned after spending a week in Toronto. Congratulations to Rev. and Mr: H. E. Wright (nee Jewel McArthur) of Brueehetd, on the am"! ot a Mr and Mrs Ronald MncDon-ld, ot Collingwood visited Tue-day n A. L. Hineka'. Sorry to report Mr Joe Whyte 1: 1 patient in Owen Sound Ito-vial. . bad an operation for mutual. was Monies umber-t spent last week in Toronto. This Tuesday morning school hats reopened in the Park with I new teacher. was Beiley by mine, fresh from Normal. The school. all redec- orated, looks line. Some ot the pu- Pitts, being ambitious, were " Ichool at 7.30 this morning, or ere ther on test time t . - Congratulations to George new, whd again won the ittat prize in old. time Addters' Contest at the Ex. Mrs. How visited her da-ttttsl, Toronto at the week end. l Mrs Dick “only end Shirley spent‘ lent week in the city and took in the Exhibition. _ On Wednesday, Sept. 6th, 1 hem in indie raised In the old-fuhioned way on the Campbell roach, went of aviaton. We expect to be there. " is " years nlnoe we last rained ‘e bun i,, that turn. How many of the old boys will be there t The weather bu been just 1 little nervous and trying during the we week for those not through harvest- in. and this morning cold enough to worn us that winner is coming to an end are long. Thou celebrating their birthday in the Park on Sunohy, Sept: trd were In Eddie Permian, In John AM. eorn and John 0mm. We nut not tell their use. but v0 with than my - In»: birthdays. 1 Onsimdu. etatstmntrer 10th at 3.00 Inn. cal-mum W will he cande In the church have - Mr Tulanvhobjutmktm I SWINTON PARK AID VICIIHY the Wins. 01 Prleevme will Pit,""'"'"" to break . bone In her the W.I.s. ot 3mm M. manna. Int wool. church. the villton to put on the'; Mr and In Joe Kuhn- and two pron-nine. The home lulle- “[1:0an - and” It Hanover. Born-at Swinton Park. 'on Tues- day, Sept. Sth, to Mr and In Mr- Mr lad In Ed Cook no Ritchie ot Waterloo were mt: the hat of the week " the home at W.) Cook. Mr and Mrs In. Crutchley ot Domoch visited Sundoy with Mr and Mn Hugh McArthur and stand- ed serviee In Zion United Church. Mr J. C. Cook spent rd" in To. ronto last week and attended the Exhibition. Mrs Thou. Minn and daughter Margaret were guests Sunny " the homes of W. J. Greenwood and Howard Ritchie. Mr und Mm Allan Brown and family of Eminent were mu with Mr and Mrs Joe McNally on Sunday. Mrs Jack Teeter who bu went some weeks with her father, Mr Geo Ritchie hat, returned to ber'home in Mount Forest. Lime Mina Marie Ridden of Meta. ehewau, is " present. visiting her grandfather, John Firth. The young people enjoyed a corn rout held at Bun Davtif Monday evening. Mm Elva Elma of Ripley return- ed Monday to mume her duties in No. Ir school, Glenelg. Mr Bill Glen-cros- and sister. Myrtle, Mr Cameron Robson left by motor Tuesday morning for Toronto to attend the Toronto Exhibition. They, will itrtrt “comp-my their sin- ter Miss Meta Gelncrou to Angus where, she will resume her duties " teacher. John Minn of Toronto who has spent a. week at the Glencrou home returned to Toronto with was Clara Jack left Tue-day morning to her duties in S. S. No. 5 Nonnnnby neu- Ayeon. Mr and Mr: Oren Pent. Lorna and Wayne visited with Mr and Gor. don Berroot, Hutton Hill on Sunday Mr W. R. Edwards of Belleville spent over the week end with his parents Mr and Mrs R. T. Edwards. Mr George Scheureman received word on Thursday that " brother Chrls in St. Mary’s had fallen from a tree and w“ badly hurt. Mr Rheuremnn and son George left at once to see him. Mr and Mrs J. Pitson ot Detroit spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Man Boyd. Mrs G. Boyd who has spent the Int " months In Detroit returned home with them. Ilia: Lena Bell enjoyed . day recently It the Toronto Exhibition last week. Mr and In Fred Abbott and Ion Billy Mr, Ada Steer end Allen ot Toronto spent the holidey with Kin Ade Bank: and Boyd family. Mr end In Archie McArthur entertained a few ot their friends to a dance lut Friday night. Denni- Keiiler, Donnld Ray, " ired Vaughan, and Iichnel Kenny started to, High School in Dorian: on Tueedny morning. Min Janette Steer who his spent the lust two year: with her aunt, Miss Ada Banks left for Toronto on Monday. Mr John Brawn visited on Sunday with Mr Jul. lie-Hp. Mr and in Tom French and two children and Mr and Mrs David French and hunter, May ot To. ronto want the weekend with It and Mrs Wes. Bonn“. Mr Ind Mrs David French and daughter In re. maining for I week. Mr Campbell Dunslnore is can: ed with Alex Vnuxhul tor the MI Mr and Mrs chk Funk and fun- ny end Mr Herb Steiner and two sons of Kitchener visited their Ill- ter In Joe Kerder over the weekend God qtttrsq Aug. M toprt Mh. Canaan Paetile ‘TOIONTO EXHIBITION $2.95 m Couches ont GLENROADEN Phone n, RAIL nus veylng patient to man; Bus-ell New, re grant to [male tatt rm; Dept. at Health, Insulin acct. O'Neil-T'ttmgtitttc That Belle! Ac". anon. 20 % a Tooter lea" 84.41; Roy Brow, milk 85.04. not 82.00; A. D. McIntyre, grocerie- uld ttottr, $18.64: J. Nowell. nut ts; A. A. Atioe, milk $5.04: E. J. Schenk. nut meet. $6; Ihtrhatn hmen'Co- Operative Co., grocerie- nd Bour, ”.19. Tom Relief was. 854.32. Account.- wen mid u follows: Reeve. telephoning 87e; Reeve, 1 any and amuse with on re pt, lot 25. con. 4, S.D.R. $3.50: Clerk, “any and car mneue re above 82; Clerk. on salary ttro; Durham Chronicle. printing and mum-mg mandate $31.52: Dept. of Halal, insulin no. hunter ending June to, 1989 $1.M; grant to Mnrkdde Ag. Society 88: Dept. of lie-1th. re mtce. ct patient in Woodstock hospital, quarter end- ing Sept. 30, 1989, $46: A. Mentrw. ull, 0.L.S.. re surveying pt. tot " con. 4, S.D.R. $tt.00. Byluv No. 849 to levy rate: to) meet current expenditures and uni ilities was passed: “no Bylaw No. 750 moulding tor the collection of tunes on 1939 tht1oetors'Roti; taxes to be collected in two ttttttat-ta-- Dec. l, 1939 end March t, 1940. ( The Rodd Supt. patented Payment .Vouclier No. 9. amounting to 821317 Voucher No. 0. amounting to 82114733000? Gmm TON.“ ”I‘m. for work on roads, whieh wu puted‘Gl‘Idu“ 30"! P". P"' .-. and payments made accordingly. The Council adjourned to Saturday,Oct.7 Hanover " Hanover ....... Sept. 8; N. Keppel at Wolseley ..... Sept ' B. Koppel " Bhullow lake ..Sept 11 Sulliven " Whom ....... Sept. " “Mind: " Land-eh ....... “pt. " Cdlingwood at Revenue ....Sept. " St. Vincent at Mentor-d .....Bept " Glenda It Glen-cl. Centre .. up! " Osprey " Marvell ..'...... Sept. " Artemelin u Pinkerton ... Sept. " Sydenhmn " Anna ....... Sept. 20 Hothagd " Hound centre.. Sept " North Proton at Ventr-y .... Sept " South Proton n Cedervllle .Sept. " Bow! It Helm“. ...... an " Derby at XII-yd: ........... Sept " Men-um " Nan-ted! .......Sept 80 EuphraaiantrtotAtrn ....... Oct. 4 "mm “Anon ........ Oet , Inn-hide " In!” ...... oe It SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR GREY Met In "l‘p. Hall on Sept. in tor lulu business. Item were all GOING DAT- Daily Sept. ISO! to 29th. I”! Return “In: a an. Excursion ttetteu and In Turin. Par. lor and sum": Mn. can also avail-No “payment " .tigMtrtV or-tam-re-ru. trroPovEM-- within unit of ticket. both going and "tttming--. " Port Arthur. Ont., Arum. Out. and west: mo n Chicago, Ill, Bum Me. Ruble Investment 4! at: quatttr. Punch and: Mel treodtsetMa' n W gum "who (all cl. Whit who: use “WW-Id a! team can. Unit“ I.” an. any club "M an iriiii,Tiilsinod wild in Mac. with mm. of United sum linen. Special Bargain EXCU RSIONS tttmnd1ttrt 'lHetitiet nu particular. from an! in! , M. MADIIN. TN- A.“ TICKET. 8000 To TRAVEL IN “ACME. BABY CHICK. H. H. MtseDcatatd, Clerk ONTARIO ARCHIVES CANADA CmsterrttsberlNetree_eea1. eHe..Ag.erat5ltqveqr0dlMe. "0tBMAb-hemmtMtteNeter. human-.bbuu' bringsoteadretm-ofvuttaes to the community, with m at local point. (Manama-e. Evolve-n of the» vult- In I mu Ite- at Inter- est to at [out one of our return, and we are very anxious to - that. Items. Send the- an. or be!" at. in, phone then In, or If you [In In the country, let your district conu- pondent know. We do In! with to lulu my ot these “co-(nu a“ - mp," but it .tN8MNN8e doe-I1 (all an. hownrewetokno' oratttheeUtt. lng? May we count on your cam (Ion? J. L. SHIT", n.3, MX., PS. who. 0115. A!!! null-- In!" cannula-tum: ”I. _.mmu-u-mn- 0Mbum:.muu..wb0 p.3..7to09.nI-hnm mum: "9t.6a..ea. 73.00...- W. c. PIOKEIIUIG. 008. LII. Rooms: Over Boy-[m I)". K an m cm on»: mu sum. mom wumunmounu- dau. showman-w. no. and mu- M M In your loo-l m. can» BESSIE “LUV!" Prompt, courts“. & out - DURHAM a uoumu Ontario a nonwo- [All m new!“ PM It“ Puno,voeat.-.gme-.8lllt- mmadl’lydulm w emrocummm "mommy-mucous... " Llama Auction-r he In" M PtsoaittPtmeet-,A.A.0.0. B. . CHARLTON. A. A. s. I t L F. WIT. MS.. LBS. CHIROPRACTIC Veterinary In“... “may all J. tt. WARE. EA. nWthp... Wyn-“hm GEORGE E. DUIGAI a Qa"ee. I.“ sauna ood-tte. I”... no no. nous-II I". on. , can an. au- uuc a u an an on. out! on "any T. ll. SNEATII. M. B. F. . EAGLES" W)“ tr,', 1V“. Ich'!

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