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Durham Review (1897), 7 Sep 1939, p. 8

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st w BAGGAGE checked. Stopover: at Pt Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago & West Similar (”unions from Woman. to Eastern Canada during um. period. TIL-tea. Shaping Car Reservations a nd ull information from any Agent. ASK FOR HANDBlLL. T267 TICKETS 0000 IN COACHES " are: approximate! y 1% eta. per mile TOURIST SLEEPING CARS It lures approximately use per mile STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at {area approximately use per mile ‘ Cool a Accommodation in 0mm. can Manson: Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions LEAVE DURHAM "" . 10“ x.“ a.m.. 6.06 p.111. I I I LEAVE TORONTO mm Mm ea.m.. a 2.30 p.m., b6.15p.m "tdc-trr-to-tdh- wen-apt Sun. bam. & Hot '0'“ In“! .0 M Caider's Drug Store, Durham " Phone 3 “in; Dub-- Sept. " - 29, I939 inclusive Standard Time 4m sz "llll run “I! or MONTREAL Ntushad--ti-atou.au-" lessons! incomes repayment may be made in other convenient periodic instalments. Ask for our folder. " 33.25 1):: 8100 "parable in twelve monthly instalments. Pot borrowers with FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA TICKETS AND INFORMATOON AT Return Limit - " Day. Loan hom the Bank oturnaeat. A simple matter--. no fuss or bother. The rates at: low, and I'm paying it back by instalments." A RITA-Lll-ID "" 1"lita'l t4gs Muriel and Lorraine same: ot To. ronto, returned home after spending their holiday: " the home ot their grandparents, Mr and Mrs Wilson. Miss Belle Weir of Pricevllle spent a day with her cousin. Mrs. John Stevenson, recently. ( DavidAitken and Vincent Ellis are in Toronto at tht Exhibiticn, where they are taking part in the Junior Farmers' Judging Contest. Mr and Mrs John Wilson, also Mr and Mrs H. Nuttall, attended the Exhibition Wed. and returned Pridst Miss Marie Aitken spent last week visiting friends in Brampton and Toronto. Mina Margaret Crichton of Snelgrove, a former hoapig-Ll clus- mate, accompanied her home for a week's visit. Mr and Mrs Nuttall ot Tavistock. were visitors for a week with the Iatter’a parents, Mr and Mrs. John Wilson. Mr Alex. Aitken spent the week in Toronto and attended the Ex. Miss Kathleen Milne and Master Alex Milne of Toronto were visitors over the week with Mr and Mrs Geo. Aitken. Mrs John Stevenson and Jim were amcng the Toronto Exhibition visit- ors this week. Lyell Mercer from Wattord visited his parents " the Parsonage over the week end. Citizens were glad to meet Mrs. Wm. Pinder in Holstein this week end after spending the summer with her daughter in Detroit. After hav- inga family reunion in the Park, she was returning with Mrs. Sanger and Mrs Penme for the winter months. end after spending I her daughter in Del Inga family reunion Mr and Mrs Arthur Kerr and chit. dren of Toronto are visiting the tor. mer's mother, Mrs Jordan for the week end and holiday. Visitors with Mr and Mrs Brehner recently were Mr and In Earl Bur. dette of Pontiac, Michigan, and while here, they with Mr and Mrs Brebner went Monday and Tueedey in Parry Scund and other towns in the North. They left for home on Wednesday after enjoying n good holiday. There arrived " the home of Mr. and Mrs Norman Stephens. Camp. bellford. a little boy, David Allen, who has come to Mar. Mrs. Step- hens was formerly Florence Main. The W'.M.8. ot Trinity United Church met in the Sunday School room on Tuesday, Sept. 5th. Topics were given by Mrs. Hostetter and Miss Laura Mather. The new study book “Moving million" was intro. duced by Mm. R. Irvin. After the meeting u bale of clothing wu puck- ed to be sent to a Minion field in Northern Suk.. when Mr Bert Ma. ther hag been ministering duringthe summer. Miss Mary Wilson is spending hor Idays with her parents', Mr and Mrs. John Wilson. Mr and Mrs Harry Sunset and Mrs W. T. Finder from Detroit spent the weekend with the Finder firmly. Mrs A. Morrison and June came home Saturday from Toronto, at- companled by Mr and Mrs D. Henry Mr and Mrs Wm. Clark, Durham, visited " Wm. Brown's on Sunday. Mr John Stevenson. Min E. M. Steven-on, Willard and New. ec- computed by In w. Orchard, of Mount Fore“, spent the week end with friends in Ridgetcln. HO LSTEIN LEADER -t4bt- .-, aged u teacher for the you. label LOCAL AND "MNM- e Hulls "turned to London to at. '0' -. - flap her duties " tanner tor another THEDURHAHREVIEW Marie Althea is visiting in Brant. ford and Toronto and also attending the Exhibition. Mr and Mn McGuire, Mr and Mn Louis Wocdyurd are spendingi this week " the Exhibition in rd) Visitors with Mrs. Smith recently were Mr and In R. Henderson of Guelph. Mr end Mn Henderson of Aiiietcn and Mr and Mrs W. B. Smith and family of Mooreileld. l Bill Calder went. to Toronto Tues- day morning with four horses to ex hibit " the Exhibition. Mr and Mn D. Penn and son Donald Ind Mr Jno Pettit of Brant- ford visited with Mrs Morrison and Mr and Mn W. Brown spent last. week in Toronto visiting their daughter, Mrs Jno Manny. They re- turned hcme Sunday accompanied by Mr and Mrs Jno. Manny and their daughter Mrs Glen Morphet and her two children. i Rev. Mr and Mrs Mercer, Bryce and Minerva returned home Friday after spending holidays " their cottage in Tobermory. Mr and Mrs W. Hamburg of Ar. ton waited with Mr and Mrs Hou. burs on Sunday. 1 ed to take up his duties in Holstein.‘ Mr and Mrs Claire Dunn, Vie and Brown Irwin went to Toronto on tam of T010010 and Mr and Mrs Monday to spend a few days " the Will Cameron, Gleneden were mm. Exhibition before going to Kirkwelll day guests with Mr and Mrs In El. Missouri, U. B. A. where he is at- litr. A recent guest in the same tending college. (home was Miss Alma Holliday, Mt Mr and Mrs Williamson of Toronto, Forest. were recent visitors with Mr and' Mr and Mrs Archie tvet and Ag- Mrs Horsburg. . Ines Minto accompanied try Mr R. Rev. Mr and Mrs Mercer, Bryce'Nicholsc-n Holstein spent Sundsy and Minerva returned home 'Yiday,with Mr and Mrs Alex Niehottot. _ Teachers are getting ready for their schools. Misses Margaret Me, Phaden to Drew; Isabel Hustle to London and Mr Tilden has return ed to take up his duties in Holstein. Brown Irwin went to Toronto on Mr and Mrs Hooper and family at. tended Holstein Presbyterian church on Sunday and spent the day with Mrs Hooper', ulster Mrs Geo. Brown. Mrs Morrison and daughter June are in Toronto attending the Exhibi- "on. Miss Msrjorie Johnston ot Listo- wel visited recently with Miss Vern Allan. Miss Vera Allan attended a show- er on Tuesday evening " the home of Edna McWilliams of Mt. Forest in honor of her cousin Miss Alice Comm whose marriage takes place shortly. Rev. Mr and Mrs Killen of Dray- ton were guests of the Misses Chris. tie on Wednesday. The W.M.8. of the Presbyterinn church are invited to meet with the W.M.S. of Mt. Forest Presbyterian church on Tueodny. the 12th. was Stringer of Jinn-i, indie, will be the guest speaker. Mn Hamilton end mu J. Morrison went last week in Fergus visiting friends. mu Morrison returned on Sunday while Mrs. Hamilton re. mained with her dnughter and main Mrs Harold McPh'ee and children of Goderich are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Jane- Smith. Misses Ilene and Eleanor Morrison of Mount Fore-t spent I. week‘s holi- days with their grtutdtttrrertu, Mr. and Mrs. Aberdeln. Mr and Mrs Dowel-d Henry)! To route were recent clients with the tormer'e mother, Mrs A, Henry. Mr and Mrs Bert Ecclea and Ross. Geo. Dyer and Bill Morrison, motor. ed to Camp Borden on Tuesday. The trauma have electric light: put In the school, which, we Ire-are will be a great trenetit to both pupils and teachers. Mr and Mrs Chalmers and children cf Toronto spent the week end with Mrs Christie. Mr and In C. rental: were in Toronto on labor Doy attending the Exhibition. Mrs T. J. Reid spent In! week with her son Jim at Conn. (Arrived too has for lut week) UNIVERSITY E HIBIT Western ll ir, Sepl.ll-16,'39 A car Shur um Fertiliser tor tan wheat in at . Order Four sup- ply only. Mr and Mrs Perrier Bailey. were meat: on SM! ot Mrs W. J. Philp. afternoon The Mission Band and Young Women's Auxiliary from Dromore held their meetine " the home of Mrs, Alex. Nicholson on Saturday Master Alexander Ross. Elorn is mending this week at the home of his grandparents, Mr and Mrs David Eccles. . Our tenchern. Mina Sharp, Durham. and Mr Wm. Welch, Fenclon Falls will ngnln teach in their respective schools Nos. , and 10. We wish teachers and pupils tt successful and pleasant term toxether. l Mr and Mrs Jan Nicholson and sons spent Sunday with Mr tad Mr: Andrew Wagner, Woodlnnd. Mr and Miss Mom! ot Guelph are visiting with Mr and Mrs George Drimmie. Mr and Mrs Peter Hutch were guests over the week end with Mr. and Mrs Roy MeGi11ivray, Mottat. Those who enjoyed a day " the Exhibition the put week were Messrs Grant Crispin, Arthur Hus. Laverne Bilton, Mr. and Mrs mm. L Aitken, Mr and Mrs ha. M Nich. olson, Eiw‘yn and Wilmer, Mr and Mrs J. D. Drimmie and Raymond accompanied by Mr and Mrs Dick Roth, Mt. Forest and Mrs David Ee, vies. Mrs Eccles remained to .visit with relatives tor a couple of weeks. Mr Harold Bilton tad friend of Sarah spent the weekend at the home of hitVparenta Mr and Mrs Mllferd Bilton. We deeply regret that war bu been declnred bat sincerely hope that an understanding my soon be reached end peace reign again throughout the world. Congratulations to Mr R. w. Christie who was ounces-M in his Bummer Course Enmiiutiom. Master Gerard Hutu", who spent the summer trunnion with his grandparents returned to " home in Toronto on Sunday last. Phee tuiud the - nether In In. Sum: over the weekend. Mu McPhee In spending e week with Visitors on Smithy In! with Mr Mr and Mrs D. Davis were In Geo. Nowell and In Nunu Whitmone. ttt. BO Mrs. Wm. Wallace and dnughter Wlhnu nll of Durham. J. C. and Mrs Queen spent a (by last week " the C. N. E. teaeher and pupils pro-cut. visiting ”have: und Mond- lg the vittage. The Women“ Guild of St Pure church met " the home ot in Int Hooper on may Itternoon of [at week. lost at the members were present and were ensued in quilt. making. A very pleasant memoon was enjoyed by all lprelent. Mrs Hooper served e delightful lunch. Rev end Mrs M. H. Farr attended the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrr Mack on Oct. 6th, when the “Travelling Apron" will be presented. Please pun it on. TORONTO J. W. Ewen an, Phone 114 ler, Arthur of Mr and with “ww: 'reauttu we: cm: .. Wttntaahemertrtt'. 3"“"m.' “not: "Om"; ”mm. : I.E. “mom-.0... *MtligtI-s-r-.,.. t.tfPttr!rttoremtr-m, W Iowan; WQWIW:IOMh .5... hum..." . "-I'vnuvl “VOW“ “I!" Dmr have; , ' _‘._ M ft'r"mdettsatrn-tts- Surely there’- a God who a...“ [ll 1tPt"'setetoiiiii., P.t.tt.yetrrmt-iaii,' A'"r"r--uaGiiile. !'1'?tTt.teetdutotu-, "JIM“ Minn-u I ' ""“w “I o what “will: o tint a.“ Hear the crackling ball“. ttr, make dd debri- llln the I”. -""-'H.B. “pm nie ttiehers out mu: the and - kt - " Inn. /'8 . Mothers' can are wounded (haul "I“ M Itaidtri 0 win! ulna-L. A ._l _ - ---V -_ “III .mubxeu u. I"! lowleu say good. I Lm . Tintmnallottoyou and P, : "nosrmoommtoano, Keep brave hum we mun Journey -u- -----, O Savlodr guide us on with Thee And then " Int Ioldleu In III "'oturrrttrte I But friend he What ls war, and what’s the price? That men must pay Ind "eritiee; Themselves are not nil, their soul'n despair, 0 what I burden wg Am nun-M " __-__.. """"qr. pail-lea in handling load in two hospiuil - min with mu results. When these epidemic. of 1010 were "wed to this carrier. she was ”divided with a hhoutory job " North RM- ther “lend, where she trutrtreettontp, died. . was teeming with potentinl death and. being a cook, she spread ty- phoid serum to mu numbers of people. After her MentiBeation u the cause of the epidemic. which re- gutted in many deaths the wu do. mined in In institution. She fought for her radon. obtained it 1nd then under In unlined name. oer-MM In 10 years deaths from typhoid fever in Canada have decreased " per cent.. tn connection with the present Hamilton outhrenk amcng women all employed in the same rectory, tests are being mule to locate the cause of the disease. One supposition in that a woman, not herself ill. is n carrier and this has recslled the famous case of Mary Mullen (“Ty- phoid Mary") of New York. the ttmt typhoid carrier ever identiiUd. While possess“; a robust body, she in the lute {all months. - we Mire is many built never to so out, ,it pea-lbw, until the break-up cones. ‘Looklng tor kindling. he is confronl~ (ed with an mining Irny of paper ‘boxea, most at them corrugated. The recent appearance in Hamil- ton, at seven cues ot typhoid fever emphuizee what an improvement there has been in public health in the last quarter century. " in not so nutty veers no that seven one: at one time would not have been considered nn "epidemic", whereas today with typhoid fever almost wits. ed out, that number causes alum. the wooden poll. We are getting any from these old (him " . mat any. The output of pope:- boxeo and but hu a me. tory value of over $80,000,000, roughly making nearly " per ettpita. One-third of the lot were corrupted boxes and new of them folding boxes. Peper clothe: Ire in the offing but that In another The paper containers we every- where. We use then u drinkin: cum. uni have overcame mostly the good old dipper habit. It my not lave been hygienic enough " ”as. iythedoctou hattherewu some thing friendly than! it. There was plenty of romance in going no the well, when just the right maid was Some of the bigger one: my be of wood, but here ulin there in . new technique. They are bound with wire rivetted to the thin phalanx. They are quite dilllcult to detach. Before the wire binding came into being plain wood with shcrt mils were the vogue. and there was not were the vogue. Ina were v: much diMettitr. Today ev fruit hotel ad bukeu have leu my to crush under to throw Into the tun-mu. PAPER CONTAlutlt Wooden bou- uu! barrels are not to common wound the bone u theyusedtobe. Thai-dull!- preaclon the can of the lam 569 When be In looking tor kindling In - __ -..- MG' CORNER WAR'S SACRIFICE TYPHOID FEVER that we mun (we are forced to the carter or even mime It to the paper super": m ve home‘keep It to your "tr. Don't speak be. foot mdlhlnd the - buck. Ouch tales hav- 1 nuty way of goal“ luck to him. " every-‘ T. " you have any Men. write .. “munithen out and will! a. to your . I a Gri; i mun” PAID" SUNDAY 'The Return of the Cioco ttld' with In MeNattr of Travel-non. Miett Harriette Wilton spent last week at the Young Women's Camp " Glen Hour. " delegnte from San- seen Y.P.S. and In Roddy wanted her. Ir and In D. Imhnll vista-d over the weekend with Mr and Mrs tman Camtit Int val: and I: with Mr and In Allan Bell ot town m Thursday, and Mr Albert Masha". In D. new and children, an! 'u' ww' '2uiiriiTai-uttPtef..?t 7."iiii'Utiiuiet-et'tdt mcwymwuu-MM° Than to wall: done in the no". Recent visitors “a: Mr my! Hrs. D. [mull were Mr and In "mes Install of mutant and Mrs Man. may and children of town. We had I plenum visit at M: David lulu!“ on Suturdny we: noon. we appreciate their kindness in coming tor In. Recent visitors " our home - m,-oewret.tttfeet' a " "tsts-Nt -r-otesqtr. “m “m M manhunt (Jo-Olim- ‘LA. _nl Lal- mv - vac-v: -- _ - can at. a." we f" Ph' “I. L.- job. -c-sdttmtems-ttutttte mama. In: better - with God by huh Than to walk the by “on: It Is boner to walk with Him lathe superior. MO“ Mtild bagBiggestt. You" In! MID- S. Be uncut than was ttmes in the utter 'tt.eatnrr W. Ycur slower in! be "vine a tough straws. and by Ill-u Re will more than make " up to Fott when chino brighten. g, gm envytug the other tenors utely eucnthl. Frequent - a. “and In the w" of 14"me! 6. If you hue n complaint. em Mr D. lichen and Gerald Marshuh THE THREE UK‘QUIWEII ----RO1t3r, KNOX CORNERS mm! 1. I”! In. Paying mount up, u. no... WED. 0m. ". M. u. u Warner lam" [theolthofmem " only when ttttrot. l'ncuent sick looms. George Ind Wilfre ' While Mm will! In law about extra long Betlotttr do um r, an own ' with Hagan In the ,0.” Mm m Durham Fair Was Best for Ye. incarnation, a" ttt .4) "laugh In rum Ttto day UNI“ and wttor ruin I and “not during overcast mum! tumor in drum" minim: the emu It ho m: mute the u “MAMA “.01an comm lain Indium- Me quality. and upheld “and [DIP-(IP11 In the admins! ("in wen- welt up to nw-ruuv Phe and r Maxim: run when In um, and mm uhlel. while tt Winch " M. Better was - bunch. Butter thtty umul, hm -<mtty ‘K ettthetr. A um 'e.ttttw “as tbork ot "d at.“ lu Durham and M. schools. In row a all MnatiesHo cumin-z. - carried " the prim, I“!!! tattdmttr In Ind»! Gm- sud mummy Par Icahn Winds, um! Still Lite M “and in knot Lung: IM> nut-Jug the Ammvu runner tate. ' In apples. plum:- and pea “In“ of Collinnmul tit 4 um the MIME. Geo Hull Fdqe IM Bert Barber " no. ot the Muir prim». M W“ I Mulil'ul flora my, the summon: Mint Mrs mama: mut Emit!” bu lock ct-ee “CM”, Mrs w Iittrk, Mt All-n. In 'rsttuan, Mr.- J A“! W. In r I Whitman, In Hone-3mm m... I"! N. Wttitttttti, In”. lid HINhn Hill whoa! ”In: ”(Ilium vu-rv u-mwil ever, with law-n mmwuuu. ”of work it." an steady I 0'an In this "trss - Mn _ In Niall“, In: Chump an M, Ma mom of the. SMASH-IF nbe outstanding! hull Mlli'al'lu the Won-urn Imunuu- m (N Mitt, whete vim" tsorieiivs had "ttmrtive display.» Thts Maul Milan“? not first “an. no 1 an» (Henri: 2nd Huh 70;, il mm Rm rd of Durham Ott rillums (no! ll " At s'-view MM. 65; L4H- ttot. Sth, 60%, Abetriom Ct and lanky km, Mh The julllnr [nuns-rs m ulc- t'm [mm the" paw 1m - tett Nitric-r und “has" I'M? Arthur Nun". Am. lhnInI FYHe l-Illi HIV“ Anon, Allister “qu Mr " but s41 ver noun-(l it VOLUME LXI]. N0 rd, tth tirst lime coj'ratis What is Eyesight pronomm-d " cannot b. Inc-awn: m of dollars Mouey never Mlmv " “In" Ion! CIA-JAR IttMFNMtTAltLh' U my little yen can a: “ for I “hum: bs " '11. almanac: ul "mt “at“. Mr wliublw V- m“. Ind but mm s - PATTERSON. Mus! in Ear Exam" u C. Stacy's Sh Vanda]. Sect 1 Munich“ l- 5 so P Auntie l mu bt trttots hm: pt ion HM. tho lump-rut ut the botlt the child" ttont le About ra m! a ttit at't, All t lnwn rm tOtt I " Milo an um. elm out l Inn " ot Hood. Ml "It! HUI (DUI " III lburI Rum II "oth mom tite mil ort "tttsi Cou on“ and 4-011 'm

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