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Durham Review (1897), 14 Sep 1939, p. 5

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hum Boron. " Nun's Aid with In [ no recent " Mrs AM". “vi-gum. I." negro-mm and Howard " o through North. m and In Dear, ith Mr and Mn. " 91mm I.) F'. Lamont o! star or Na-eat of ted a a” I.“ runcu with his ll WAYS "' 'aerviees in " last Sum, of hearing a " "" brood anthem a! 'om 1: Sound .” P n ot It Miss In 'ena Living. M him on... to Chester a delightful Leslie Proctor ot M 14, of ”Ifkdab 'ehitdren " be "tied by Pt. 2mh wold-oh sbytorian Berk 'ena Uvimr ‘llh I)" hi roll louse lean R me: a week hon lag o"frvitie heet nah Ladies Vinohnd "rents, "I?" pa in wford my Day " hutch trert " tt For an. and Rev oi TOM-“M Your“). Te-, ' "w”"nr 3isa.o. Phantom. (1filllt's NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING thr VOTERS’ LIST tVoters' LII xorzns' Lian. Ilrmmor and Moatord High Schools mod the term with attendance: of J) u-holars. -v --vvvulII LLOYD'Su THY- MoLaTEn CORN SALVE for my corn or callous THEY cannot removewith this eMeient new turientitie treatment for Corn. and Canon... Lloyd'u com. bination treattmmtt (Salvo and Pad.) romovea and keeps them “my. De :onsltlseo Ind relieves with tirtrt ap- ir!icatiott. For sale at McFadden-’3 Drug Store 'es Reward 9.3. All pars 3 having claims In"!!! tne Estate tholate Mrs. “ninth 'oleriOrre or clstoin, are required mm» the sam. with the undersigned on or before the\27th day of Septem- t"r. 19:29. balm] at Itrt'd, an. Sth day of 'c-pt-tser, I939. W. D. BERRY. K.C., Durham, Solicitor for th Administrator Wov- x lit-via-w Omcg NOTICE. TO CREDITORS PM SALFl--tAt lot e. con. M, Pro mm. 2 Registered Dorset Runs, 5 Rugisu-rod Dorset Ewes with lambs. v A. Campbell, RR), Proton Sl'n. Talc-phone I29. r bt, Dulldllk. v, Holntein, with good Mel hm m4 frame stable. nae garden. Fro- ','"rty of the late D. P. Coleridge. P. Rama", Executor. Durham n Sound HOLSTEIN PROPER?“ FOR SALE Lots 30 and 31, west side Main !!NrUt'. In loving memory of “4.... . " Collinson who was. ! "nity, _ member 17th 1937. «I'm hour we once enjoyed. m n Mun»! air memory an“: huh has lo a loneliness I‘m uorld can ever All. Fall fair Dates rise James Bunaton farm. lot 16, P IG. Burnout, containing 100 D's. Good buildings. Apply to 'ttt 's Falls lit Urn-din: to law, th last day for I twin: the Twenty eventh day Number. 1939. w! this sixth day of member ville "IN-k of the Town of Durham For”: am remembered HTS . ood FARM son SALE on RENT N MEMORIAM ......... an". 55, a! rm awry: In mill-l AIN'T; urn "..m..... Sept. 29. 30 Moody and son of Malton; Mr and ... Sept. "--oet 2. , Mrs Mlddlobrook: Mr and In Mud- _..., .....thqtM.rtrot 'r'h.-twaaeorermdwittt . .".'.... Sept M, " mun 0m! "4P.rhtett. Interment was "'"........ Oct. IS. I made m Hawaii’s cemetery. ".. ...... Oct. 3,4 ”av v a. hold their annual te. ....... Oct. 4. ' mm- M-tNe MIN In the church . _..... Oct. 3. 4 whoa the 0mm “We"! took ........ Bert. 14,1 ........ Sent. 21.: ......... Sept 19, , _.... .. Sept. M, , ..'..... Sept. 19, a ......... Sept M,2, ........ Sept. 19,1 ........ Sept. " 2: ....... Npt. 25,20 ......... Sept 28-8 Art, Bee. 10, Form 4) ....... Sept "-" ....... Bert. 14,15 ....... Sou. 21,22 ....... Sept 19, 20 ... .. Sept. M, " '..... Sept. 19, 20 B. H. WT ...... Sept. 19. 20 John “a Prod Aberr, Dan Camp- ....... Sept 21, " bell. George McLean and Mr Mid- ...... Sept. 19, 20 diobrook. ...... Sept. M, 28 Friends {ran o distance who at. ..... Sept. 25, M. toned the when! were: Mr And Mrs _...... Sept 2e--30 Geo. mun“, Niagara Falls: Mr ...... Sept. M, 27 and Mr: John Abe”: Mr and Mrs ...... Sept 28, " Wed Abery; Mrs hum ANTI: Mrs ...... Bept. " 30 Moody Ind son of Malton; Mr and Sept. "-A9et 2, 3 In Mlddlobrook: Mr and In Mod- _..... “20.27”: W- Mac-emcovond with _... . . . Sept M, " manv 0m. MOI-Inn. Interment w" ........ Oct. IS. I and. in NORM“ cemetery. ... Oct. 10. " will be paid " Dad, Mcther M, 1989. orl Rev. J. Taylor had charge of the service and left a comforting mes- lsage to the bereaved husband, ‘friends and relatives. Mrs Payne ”uttered a stroke sud only lived ten i' days after. She was 78 years of age. I Left to mourn are her husband. 4 " sisters. Mrs Kate McArthur, Mrs " Wright. Misses Margaret and Minnie " Simpson all of Priceviiie and one 20, brother Jack of Seattle. 22,r The pail bearers were Arthur. manv 00'” "Wm-Mrs. Interment was Mm Archie l'orguson. Mr and In made m Mrt6ott's cemetery. McLeod and Keith spent the wool:- n- v v a. ma their mm) end in 011111.. In Fer-ttrt remin- mgtethtr Vandav MIN In the church in! for . longer Titttt. whmt the old-Hm of ofReamt took 4' 1rrist tttet Rita for In: vat) Mere. has ttrttrtt In": Vice m. Mr and In Puke. mum, m;- Mrs Drawley of Iarthbrldre, Alta. in visiting at her sister's Mrs Kate McDonald and Mr Colin McLean's. Mr Grant Muir spent last in Toronto. Congratulations to Rev. and. Mrs J. Taylor on arrival of a baby girl Friday last. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered m St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. Mr and Mrs Alt. Hincks and Mar, ilyn cr Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. Mr and Mrs Mattie MeConhey are on a visit to his brother here. with their two children from Michi. pan. On the same day, (Saturday) on- other wedding took place, when Donald Kelley and Miss Roberta Harrison, the popular cheery young clerk in Karatedt's store, drove off to some other town to get spliced. This is the outcome to all clerks in this stcre .' get married. During my absence great events have taken place. We didn't expect to be told of it, cf course! .' The wedding of Miss Bids Blair Frock. who became the pretty bride of Mr. BrockIebank of Walkerton. A write up of the event appears elsewhere, from the pen cf the bridesmaid, Miss Monica Lambert, to whom we are gratefully indebted. Mr and Mm Alex Macintosh, Mrs Jack Creighton of Midland and Mr Mr and Mrs Bob Young, Mrs Whit. taker of Toronto. were Sunday vial. tors at Ed. Everlst'a. Visitors for 4 days at the home ot Mr and Mrs J. P. McMillan were Mr and Mrs John Mclnnls of Mid, land, Mich. also 2 lady friends of Bay City last week. generally. The funeral of the late Mrs.Payne was held yesterday. (Sunday) from the home of Mn McArthur. west of town. and In aunt of Mrs Dan Camp- bell. The remains were brought from Toronto on Saturday. unmet-d. secretary, will speak. The meeting will be of speck! value to tr. S. workers, Y. P s lenders. Ses- sion. managers. parents and adults A meeting ot the Presbytery work. ers Institute will be held here Thurs- day Sept. 21st " 2.30 end 7.30. Ar ter, s supper service at a nominal cost of Me. At the evening session an offering will he tslren to defray necesssry expenditure. Representa- tives of the Education Com. of the United Church, including Dr. Frank BEICEVILLE week holidays and Mm child- [ To. Muses Nevada Christie and Marlon Stewart. hue tstarted to Mrs Watson, Mrs Alan Hill and Mrs Long ot Owen Sound visited last Friday at Mr George H. Gllken. During the storm about 10.30 Bun. day morning the one bolt ct light- ning struck and burnt to the ground the line bank barn belonging to Mr Howard McLean. Con. 10. All the season's crop and many of the im- plements were consumed. Mr and Mrs McLean have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their min: fortune. 1 Mrs Robert McKinney is staying at the home of her son William. Sun. September, 10th proved to be a rather poor date chosen for Hopevllie United anniversary ser- tieett this year. Heavy rain all day long and a barn fire reduced the attendance. Salem Quartette provid- ed good musical numbers. Solo by Mr Edwin Fowler and local talent.‘ Flowers and fruits lent their natural beauty. A good sized congregation assembled for the evening service and listened with interest to Miss Alice Armstrong's tine sermon. _ The Associate Helpers connected with the United W.M.S. are having an Autograph Party, tea and bazaar at the church Thursday afternoon, Sept. 14th. All the ladies of the community have been invited to this social event. Miss Bessie Wale spent a few days in Toronto visiting the Exhibition. Messrs Geo. Whle and J. Fraser tte. companied her home and spent the weekend at Mr Chas. Wale's. Mr and Mrs Donald Gillies have taken up residence in the village a- gain after spending a few months assisting their son Donald on tho homestead. Miss Tenn Christie who has spent the summer months employed at the Summer School at Keswick has re. turned home The bride's another was dressed in squadron blue with a corsalge of sweet peas and the mother of the bridegroom wore teal blue with a corsage of Talisman roses. For tra, velling. the bride wore a wine dress and hat, with brown accessories and blege polo coat. Amid showers of crnfetti. and good wishes, Mr. and Mrs. Brooklebank left for a honey. moon trip through Northern Ontario.; A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, where the table was decorated with pink strea~ mers and ttowers and the three- story wedding cake. The delightful luncheon was served by Misses Ann Akina and Audrey Brown, ot Flesh- m'ton, friends of the bride. and Mrs Norman Brooklebank ot Walkerton. Rev. Jos. E. Taylor otthrtated. The bride, lovely in bride pink net over taffeta. with shoulder length veil held in place by a single rose, and carrying a bouquet or Briar. elitte roses and baby's breath, enter. ed the church on the arm of her, father to the music of the wedding march played by Miss Laverne Lic.) klebank, sister of the groom. The) bridesmaid, Miss Monica Lambert} wore pale blue crepe and carried a' bouquet of roses, cornilowers and baby's breath. Mr. Clare Brockle-1 bank, brother or the groom was bestl man. I St. Andrew'. Presbyterian Church. Prieevitie, wan beautifully decanted with gladloll and other autumn now. ers, on Saturday. Sept. 9, " 1.00 p. m., when Elda. Blair. only daughter of Mr and Mrs Louis Frook, Price. vine, became the bride of Allan El- ridge Broekiebank, elder son of Mr Saturday, Sept. 9th at 11p m 3 Mr and Mn Chas. Tucker 1nd family visited Sunday at A.L.Hlneks Mr Geo. McLellan, Mann Falls. 13 spending this week with friends. O'Neill Bros. are threshing now " A. L. Hincka'. . Mart-rot Nichol: Bser hum Suth- erland; Tron. Donald Nlchol. It was decided to In" . Com Rout. marshmallows and .colree on Friday nlght of this week when the young people no invited. The meetings] will be naw held on Monday even. ings Instead of Tuesdays. l BROCKLEBANtt-Frtottx HOPEVILLE All) "til"? N. A. McLarty, PtttstmaaterAreturrat (announced recently. These markers are approximately the same size as automobile license plates, to which they will be attached by courier: operating motor vehicles. The mar- ker will display the royal crown Ind non, who had and for "In Menu. Beatton plates. have unanimously ”moved the now when the wordtr"Rurat Matt". When the vehicle II not actually lulu; used to cum the mall. the lurker mun be reversed and the but Ilde than. As a means ot identifying rural mall couriers while in performance ot duty, 3 specie] metal marker will be issued to each courier, the -Hon. The date has been set tor annlver. sary services in Swlnton Park church Sunday afternoon, Oct. lst, at 3.00, and 8.00 Ir.m.," conducted by Mr. Meechan ot Feversham. On Monday following a play "thmbonnet Joneof Sycamore Lane" will be given try, Wareham young people. I l The barn raising on the Campbell ranch last week was a day to be re. ,membered, a community get-together ' men, women and children. The barn, framed by Tim McGrath. a ty- pical Irishman both by name and nature, was successfully raised, al. though not in one day, as rain came on in the afternoon. The men work. ed until wet. The purloin plates and rafters were not put on, but the men willingly came back next morning and completed it. This will be a notable building when completed. with steel hipped roof, standing 50 feet from the ground to peak ctroot. Along with old barn L shaped. go x 100 feet, with additional lean-tos, it will house those 250 breeding sheep and necessary horses and cattle. j Mr Nelson, the manager. is abusy man with mink, ccons, rabbits and' sheep MARKERS FOR MAIL COURIERS at nnox’s and Hardy's. Mr. Ken. Ferguson. employed on Fergus dam, spent the weekend " home here. Mr and Mrs Gordon McLeod and Keith, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Ferzuson and Mrs Christine Permr son. motored to Orima on Saturday to visit friends. , On Sunday last the barn of Row. ard McLean, con. 11, Prcton, was struck by lightning amftrurned, with all the crop, a serious loss at this time of year. Visitors in the Park on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Ernie Hardy and family of Osprey at Bert Martin's and Hardys. and Mr and Mrs Hugh Copeland, Mr Ern. Dawson, and Mr. Milton Smith of Bramptcn vicinity; at Knox's and Hardy's. Mr. Ken.‘ Ferguson, employed on Fergus dam,' spent the weekend at home ham- ': ed for the Fall Fair. We are hav. ing so many wet days and thunder. showers. It is fitting that we congratulate Durham on the tine day they select- Miss Bessie McGlbbon of Dun- troon is the new school teacher at No. 4 school. Mr and Mrs AN". Stewart and fam. ily were guests at the Stewart homes in the village. Mr and Mrs MeMerehant, Thorn, hill, were recent visitors at Mr John Armstron 5’s. Miss Janet Scott left Tuesday tor Tcronto were she has employment. Mr Wallace Scott is spending a few days at the Toronto Ex. Rev. W. MeChsary, B A. District Sec'y of the Upper Cannda Bible Society gave a very Interesting ad. dress " the Christian and Mission- ary Alliance Church on Sunday Sept. 3rd at the regular afternoon service. Mr and Mrs Jan Henderson and non, Mt. Forest; Dr Tho: Spence.To- ronto were first of the week guests at the home ot Mr Thou Spence. The Women's Circle ot Bethany Church met Thursday " the home of Mrs. John Ferris. Messrs Alvin and Dniton Scott motored to the West to sum in harvesting operations. Upon arriving at Portage lat Prairie, Dalton was taken to the hospital with scarlet fever which means I delay of over two weeks. Latest word tells of good recovery. l The United Huston Band held a mom rout Monday evening " the ‘home of an Ed Seem. (um Bessie Wile of Durham is spending her vacation with her pun one. Mr and Mrs Chats Wale. Mr and Mrs Geo. .Wnle 1nd I Ptar. Ber, Toronto spent over nbor Day holiday " the Iormer'e parental home,. l, THE DURHAM REVIEW ted I few SWINTON PARK and um- ----u n-v-u uvuvu. In“ 11.0} [LII]. '" amd sum“ .toetrletg a" .‘.. from Chicago Bept. 26th. llvlillbh ”am. " “um, h.”- Similnr low tam from ndjmnt ttta. " m” tares, plus we. " - titttttt. l, or 0|..le ear -tmedattqet. For train tservice tutatu, titnita, 'ste"Utotmis-rneut, gm mu Tht Pt. Commit Agents - Ask for Hundbm' my. Ont. Armstrong, Ont, cm. T. M. McFADDEN, Town Agent, _ 30. III. or Saul: su Mule. returning pm M, mm Ont. VI: Mme route and line only. Gem one: optional routing. ( Canadian PaclfhruLCU..CL" ___., .., .. - ... . I Time Table Changes Detroit . . .. 6.00 Windsor...... 6.00 Chicago .. .$l2.75 RETURN 1AMr'r-- Up to 3.05 mm train from Detroit and 11.59 p.rn BARGAIN FARES Sept. 22, 23 DU RHAM Gleneln at Glgnelg Centre .. Sept " Osprey at Maxwell ........ Sept. " Artemesia at Flesherton ... Sept. 19 Sydenham at Arman ....... Sept. 20 Holland at Holland centre.. Sept 21 North Proton at Ventry .... Sept 23 South Proton " Cedarvjlle .Sept. 25 Summon! at Holstein ...... Sept 26 Derby at Kllsyth ........... Sept 28 Neusmdt at Neustadt .......Sept 30 Euphraala at Rocklyn ....... Oct. 4 Normanby " Ayton ........ Oct , Markdale at Markdale '..... Oct 11 SUNDAY, OE". no; mo _ Full Information "on any ttmrtt, ORDERED To REPORT The Owen Sun-Times reports: Rev. (Capt.) Allan H. Perry, pas- tor of Knox United Church, received linstructions on Friday morning to lrepcrt to headquarters of Military Dist. No. 2 " Toronto, and leftiater ’ior that city to obey the order. Mr iFerry is the only imperial Army of- tlrieer. in the city who is on the re. ’serve of cffieers, and under the Ord-, Jar for the general mobilization of (the British Army it is compulsory ‘for him to report. He was formerly a member of the King's Royal Rifles, but during the Great War served in' France with the Royal Army Medic. al Corps. Mr Perry states that he comes under category F', which makes him ineligible to be called up inside of a year. However, it is ex. pected that when he reports " To. ronto he will be given instructions to stand by until further orders. _ SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR GREY Mrs Gordon Rutherford of Gall, spent a couple ot days with Mr. and Mrs Robert Jackson. REV CAPT FERRY Mr and Mrs w. J. Greenwood, Mr and Mrs Percy Greenwood and Jno. spent Monday with Mr and Mrs W. J. McFadden. Grunge Valley. Chas. Cotton who spent three weeks with friends here returned to Mnrkdale the same evening. guests with Mr and Mrs S. Jnckeon. Gianni: o.n Sundny. S-Jult Ste. Marie. arrived at the Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Edwards of home of Mr end Mm R. T. Ed. wards Wednesday evening from Montreal where their little son had his tonsils and adenoid: removed tn an hospital there. They left Friday p .m. for their home and Norman Ed. wards who spent two months' holl- days with his grandparents returned home with them. Anus end Keith ot. new. Mt and In. Philip Hudson and Eileen snd Mrs M. Jsckson at Swinton Park, were visitors " the home of Mrs M. Doris the ttrat of the week. . Miss Clara Nelson ot Pushnch ll Int present spending s couple ct weeks with Mr and In W. R. Jack and other friends. Miss Bans Greenfield, R. N. of Rochester N. Y. who is on holldsys with her psi-ems " Kenton! spent last Thursday with her friend, Mrs Percy Greenwmd. [ Mr and Mrs Oren Pent and child- ren were callers " the homes at Miss T. Byers, Normnnby, sud Mrs Esther Milburn, Durham, the ttrat of the week. i Mr and Mrs J. C. Cook sud Shir- ley accommpsnied by Mr snd Mrs Ed Cook and Hughie of Waterloo were Mr and In R. T. Cook We" - with Mr and In w. 1. Me. Fadden, Orange Valley may even- Mr Round Trip TO Sept. 18 Holstein Corr: Holstein':: group of Dept. 19 High School students have all he- Sept. 20 turned to work. The number has Sept 21 been augmented this year by the Bept " presence of Viola Cameron. Florence: Sept. 25 and Willie Main. and Mabel Raid] Sept 26 in Mt. Forest meh School and Irene Sept 28 Drumm at mammal. l Sept 30 hirbnlm's Yuma People's Sori. Oct. 4 ety have contributed $50 to the my] BTOPOvERB- Within limit ot ticket. both going and "stumtng- at Port Arthur. Ont., Arm-trans, Out. and wont; the " Chicago, m, Sun Ste. Marie, luck. And vat “We. um mm. at United sm- "I... Excursion ticket. good In Tom-Oct, Par. GOING DATES Baily Sept. Gttt to 29th. l0.” . Return Unit: " an. Ct. a." tctrttetttnrr trom I I M. Malia!" '4“ The installation of a new lighting system in Amos church will take place on Thursday, 17th inst. when an entertainment will be given and the proceeds co to meet expenses in connection with the new system. l , The Durham Fall Fair will be pre- 'sented thit your on Sept. 24 and M. ‘Tartan Corr: Corn harvesting is the order of the day now. Messrs Reid and Patterson have purchmd corn binders from Mr C. Drumm. Hot. stein. East Emmont Corr: Mrs w. J. Phllp and Mrs Wat. Nelson who were appointed by the Ladies' in- Mitute to collect tor the war fund in this line, have been very success-l Tu]. the proceeds amounting to all most $25. took phco on the Me lawn In from, of the house under " arch of wigeli. u and other thrwering shrubs. I Priceville Corr: There is I call .made to the good ladle: of our fur (Dominion who are good knitters ito prepare socks and mitts to send to those brave men who ore fighting l for their country and it is expected mm the call will be. reaponded to thy each good lady saying, "Here Jam l, sending a good warm pair of roof is rather leaky for the {all rain but will be ninproof when I." those bunches of shingles are placed in order. A couple of days when all the handy young men will get together with hammer: end the root will soon be deprived of leaks. his far better spending a couple of dlys rooting n thureh shed thtm to have to no tight the Germans. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS The bridges in town are not Bttttstt. ed, yet nor have the Ihedl " the Presbyterian Church been touched for the lust couple of months. The socks and homemade mitten- for some poor fellow whose feet and hands mar be muttering during the approaching cold winter." TICKETS GOOD To TRAVEL IN COACHES A large and Interested gathering assembled " the tttte home of Mr and In David Hamilton, “Lake View." the occasion of being the marriage of their youngest daughter, Mary E. to Mr Wm. Farr Lawrence. , I Vim no itmm Review In... Sept. " “In LIN DAYS OF YoeEle,'e'telf. chonIId Ind Kerry Vollett are In attendance a London Fur. Lu: week there penned "my at the home of his son of “me num- in lurkdule, Wm. John-ton. welt. known in Durham for 60 years. ed " Ma home, and day. WESTERN CANADA [In Am My " MAhermeht Ind Mm nude nuance st Lunluh. Mi" Agnes has left Hominy of Int truck for me Chutes, North Kennel. when the will teach for the ensuing Fear. l Mr Murray Smith. accountant or the Shah!!! Bulk, Helen, holldny~| Mr TO ALL STATIONS IN *- smith 1, ROM. Burnett an. Hour- 1 to C p. I. Piano, Voul, Theory. My, It cutlon and Physic-l cum. - Cow tor “and pulls. he!“ "and Cultm and Ar- am. " Pupr of Nmeit Honk, A. F. . EAGLES“ Ontntrlo & Dominion Und m Registered Proton-Ion] End... Surveys. Reports, Mum. PM] Telephone " 0m. lh To remove the auto of d try Chiropractic um “I. and mm Vida In”. Bee your low Claimant-um B. M. CHARLTON, A. Hunted Auctioneer In any a.“ Sale. taken on mm at... Datm mused at new on“. n... date, atno “ROM Durham In“... Prompt, courteous C Ueuat It". DURHAM a HOLITEIN Honor Graduate Tm mum. Gndunte Boyd Coll. Dun-l m J. L. Sturtt, MA, M.C.. mum:; 7100.....- Ottteeandrte-ese.. we. tar"andurnbtamStmet..gt- otrtearhttumtsto1taac.1atto D.m..7m0p.n.mm In, phone then In, or it you lim In the country, let your dletrtet corru- pondent know. We do not grtgh to lulu my ot there "co-inn all - my," but It noun-one dqeeat't (all II. how Ire we to know of all the Visit- lng , May we count on your com- tion , CHIROPRACTIC c. 6. Mo BESSlE IoGlLLlVMV A GUCCI 'Itt 0......“ ”III-III'. IO...- M. - 'oq"L-- M'- on. can 7. m 'III I " LII. "I. n my on M‘ polnu tron an to time. Every one of these visits I: a no" In. ol laur- eat to " lent one of our Won, and we are very “than to receive that Items. Bend then In. or brill (It. bring- : - In“. of visitor; to the community, while more. " bell once: um sum. was“. on. 'hmurstraouetrser-oliiii ehmr.Aooeratrtovtmroagoe. 'Po"a.-e-aasnrrsoer. W-m.m.vllhhum L F. on". IMS.. 1.0.5. “My u. " On in... W. PIERCE ELLIS Veterinary “fag“... “W m te, ms. Am mm- in}; ’. c. vacuums. nos. m GEORGE E. DUICAI LET'S HAVE THO“ ITCII J II. MCQUARRIE. B. A. '. Oror %rrat Ink Dui- . II. SNEATII. M. B. Ottiee.. Min-.5... “In“... W T lie, _,'_itjiiliilraili, " ' M, ';'ils ..;;.. .3: 'etiigii" 'lt w

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