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Durham Review (1897), 14 Sep 1939, p. 6

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H Driven by electricity. ' kissing - u in use " Hollywood. It b doomed to m: the durability It lip-lick. "When I said married couple: would learn to give and take. t none have Added a qmtlineatitttt In! om.“ both thin they no iolu " the [Mn ad the on»: all the any, but you'll tind my vale. will tort on! pray well. any way." be laid. Chiet Grittin, who in his capacity " head ot the constabulary there, has personally amicably settled numerous dlirerottces among roll- Ielu Ind kept many cues out of court. Ind who" who counsel. to Ill, errant youths. has "turned the. to safer path. in but 45 years "The sewn-t of a happy married tttex as my wife and I have known it tor twentrtive years, is the not there is such a thing as give and take." commented Fort Erie's comparatively youthful police chief. Andrew E. Griitin. The chief and Mrs. Gritrin observed than twenty-rim: wedding anniversary montly. Fort Erie Police Chief and His Wife Observe Silver Wedding Hd Reveal Secret of Happy "Give and Take" Rule For Home Over a pale blue sharkskln hock with circular nklrl and tie bolt. Judy Garland. appear“? In "The Wlurd of Os." slum a ban Jaunted mulching wool cardigan. Jud; " now at work P. 11tt..roioldwrn. layers "Babes In Kissing Machine Dark, with a rather prominent now. hair either black or blonde. nllm white she is young. the Turk. lnh girl at today enjoys lite fully while working Is hard as her bro ther for Turkish regeneration. SM is resolved. under the lead- ership ot Ataturk’s successor. In. It! lnonuo. to play her part In mnklng Turkey great attain, In the lipids and tho [actories they work side Ly side with their Ion. And as wife and mother they enjoy the supreme respect ot dee ent tam", me. They an)” absolutely equal rights in every matter but military ”with. What have women L" Turkey don» In the Intervenlng years? They have emerged triumph” tron their tndignities. Now they we school teachers. judges. pollu- cians. diplomats. Even though utter the war. with Ataturk} blessing, women had dio- urded the "Yuhmak" and other forms ot well. she could still, until 1926. be married against her will to a man she had never met. Talk to the avenge modern Turkish girl - and you [Ind " hard to believe that the In! harem was dumbed only in 1922. Women It": made greater "ride; in I short ttme there than anywhere else in the world. Turkish Girls' New Freedom “'00 Are “Zen, Dock“ Jehee mad kw Wives SPr " Yuan After a. of STEPPING INTO THE 'TEEN ACE "Yeh. Young Iady"--gerry heal- tated, and Cilly could picture him "Hear you had an accident here last night?" That was the post- man. Deliberately Outside in the hall. she heard Jerry. the porter. talking to some- one. The postman. probably. They had something to talk about today beside the weather. She went out into the dinette and poured herself a cup of mice. She drank " down black. without sugar. Then she poured a second CUP, From her closet she took the black crepe, with the point Venlce collar. It made her look very young and strhoolglrlistt. You would not have guessed that she was 27, and that she had finished law school and had been admitted to the bar two yams ago. "I’ll better be riuuly for him," Cilly thought. She) was a little frightened, and she wondered why. Surely she wanted to help the pol. ice discover the tiend who had tog. sed Amy over the root. The only thing to tear was that he might not bo apprehended . . . that he might be Iett to commit another crime. She hoped the tttttee would clear her mind so that not even the slightest detail of last night's hats pmings would escape her. the "stl't"Aup,t'lnrnt.q for Amy's tuner ul. Aunt Harriet would probably nth-mi to that as soon as she ars rived. But neither of them could do anything until they saw tho police again. The doctor was going to ex. amine it thorouoly this morning. She went into the kitchen and mechanically set about making the coiree. Amy had been murdered, and the whole world was in a state of contusion. but nevertheless you made eottee. No matter what hair. pened. you always made coffee. the first thing in the morning. A Case of Murder While it was perking. she went into the bedroom to dress. Serg- eant Dolan would coraainly visit her again. as soon as Mrs. Corbett spoke to him. He would probably be quite different this morning, a lot more exacting in his questions, more demanding in his tone. For this morning it was a cast- of mur- dew. CHAPTER V “I'll have to phone Harry Hutch ins - and Mr. Ames," Cllly re. minded herself. She hesitated. no vertheless. Perhaps it would be better If she waited until she spoke to Jim. She could ask him ta do it tor her. That would be easier. In the meuntime she phoned her own office-s and left word that she would be a limb: late. There were the urrungu-lm ms tor Amy's tunor, al, Aunt Harriet would probably nth-ml In that as soon as she ar- rive-d. But neithvr ot them could do Last week: Shy. strange little Mrs. Corbett to": only that her mother saw a man throw Amy from tho roof. Fortunately for Cit. ly she cannot fore-cc the terrible days ahead as a result of Amy's death. SERGEANT DOLAN-ottieer " quned to so!" the murder of Amy Kerr. HARRY HUTCHINS - Amy's strange visitor. JIM KERRIGAN - Cilly's " ance. AMV KERR - can}; roommate and murderer'a victim. CAST OF CHARACTERS PRISCILLA PtERCE.- heroine, young woman attorney. ceTse'.5, I VI LIIC I Ng%PCli Ii BY MARION WHITE Copyright, I937, NEA Service, Inc. QUTSFEEQNI‘GFIT """ __ tJt'p,','(gttttd " ', I . It I a il',','l2"l'f%tt o! =, q all-Mm may. ' _ 'al in. In "clung. for Er, -- P, ' SALADA sum STAMP CLUB - wan-nu ' van or: 1-64 mg. Sta-p Album. 2;“56 all-Mm may. e-th list of thousand: of sharp: offend Free In "the”. lot SALADA labels. SALADA STAMP cum - “1 King St. W" Toronto . For test «at and the label and showing the Capo! Indo- M, In. on ”a... a SALAISA TEA V. will and " tttitz? guilt oh trtt page Sta-p Album. 17:00 .m........... a; n_ng,. ,an . - JOIN THE Where had she thrown that clip- ping? What had she done with it last night when her mind was in such a befuddled Mate? What would she say to Sergeant Dolan now? Would she Mill tell him every little detail ot the hap- haznings of last night? She knew that she wouldn't. She knew that she'd never any a word about the clipping she found in Amy's hand, nor this postcard that had come from Jim. Why had she been so insistent on Mrs. Corbett's seeing the pol. ice? She had deliberately set a trap - a trap for Jim to walk into blindly. What was the tutnneption be. twaen Amy's death and Jim's hur. riwl trip to Utah? To Meet Someone The words on the card blurred as Cilly continued to stare at them, and her hand shook. Cold chills ran up and down her spine. She rememberod her owxl’impresslon that Amy had gone up on the root to meet someone. It Just Couldn't And why was clipping from a her hand as she the roof? Hnstily she searched the kitchen -he lam-nod that he immediately tor Uta] he learn it? She turned the card over and looked at the postmark. It had been mailed in this very digtriet- probably from the drug store up near the subway station. What did it mean? Sometime after he left her last night and before he reached the ttttlet-ire,, short blocks awav Jim." Cilly sun-Ll at the words in amaze- ment. Jim going to Utah.' For what? Not on business, she knew that. His territory covered New York and New England. She'd nth ver- heard him mention Utah. Ho hadn't said a word about it last night. A postcard trom she turned it ovpr message-z "Cilly davling I find I must. lea; for Utah. Won't be ' In: tlu- first plane Love, She ran down the halt dozen steps to the vestibule and opened the mailbox. No letters today. Just a few bills and circulars and a postcard. She locked the box and took them back to the apartment with her. In the kitchen she look. ed them (wt-r. A postcard-- In a tew minutes they stopped and Jerry wandered " to another task. Cilly could hear the postman mumbling to himself " he sorted the different pieces of mail and put them into their respective boxes. After he left, she went into the living room to get her mail box hey out ot the desk. There might be a letter from her sister in Bor ton. Their voices dropped to a mur- mur, and Cilly know they were drawing their own conclusions of the case. What would they have to say tomorrow and the next day, when they knew that a girl had been deifbernte'y murdered in this house? painting ta their 'iparttuemt--"ishe Jumped " the root. Suicide. Pret- ty tough. She was'a nice girl." must have Immediately Won't be gone long. Tak. rst plane I can make. was Amy clutching a a Utah newspaper in she was thrown from from Jim! Quickly ovvr and read the . he left her last ' he reached the mm blocks away '. he had to leave Utah. Where did Checks are strong season open- ers. They look good in shirtwsist tops with plain skirts; in pin- checked woolly cottons for “skat- ing suit" dress fitted jacket, cen- tre buttoned with swing skirt); in rabbit hair woollen jacket tops with plain skirts. Blackwell Mill, tiny village in the Derbyshire Peak district, Eng. lsnd. sees only one train a week-- on Saturdays. Blackwell Mill has Britain's smallest statlon - the platform is four yards long. She opened the door. It was _ gaunt Dolan. Her legal training told her that she was doing wrong in withhold. ing evidence from the police. But her heart insisted that she give Jim an opportunity to explain be fore the police inspectors could mlsconstrue the coincidence. No time even to burn this postcard from Jim. She thrust it hurriedly beneath her pillow and threw the blankets carelessly over it. Ag she walked through the kit. chen toward the door, she stopped tor a drlnk ot water. Her mouth was so hot and dry that she would scarcely be able to murmur "Good morning." For one lerHtied moment, ('illy Mood motionless. No time now to look for the incriminating clipping. And then, loud and sharp, echo. ing through the apartment like a solemn funeral warning, the door. bell rang. Sergeant Dolan! If only her heart wouldn't even pound so wildly; it only she could be calm and sane for one moment. She went into the bedroom. It wasn't. on her bureau nor on the tiny table between the beds. It was not anywhere. but there was no sign of ping, You'll find this cute puppy a real decoration as chair set or scarf ends. Pattern 2260 contains charts and directions for making set; an illustration of it and of stitches; materials required. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needle- c'raft Dept., 73 West Adelaide St.. Toronto, wrirn “lam“ Dammvnu craft Dept., 73 West _AdeldirCyi.,"'rri' NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS We all find it hard to keep chintz or cretonne slip covers looking nice. So one woman bought some bright Turkish towels for covers, two large ones were sewn togeth- er for the davenport, and two small ones for the arms, one large one for each armchair and the small ones for the arms. For the Cogswell chairs the wash cloths are large enough for the arms. Besides being bright and cheerful, they have the added attraction of being economical and practical. They can be put in the washing machine. dried, and are then run- dy for duty, without having to be ironed. Practical Slip Covers "Oh, just wiggle my thumb," was the reply. The comely young wo. man explained motorists are gen- erally suspicious of male hitch-hik- ers but appear happy to be ot ar sistance to women. In Sixteen Days She made the trip from Ottawa to Vancouver in 16 days, sleeping outdoors only two nights, The rest of the time, farmers and the townsfolk along the way provided her with sleeping accommodation and meals. aunt of money. "How do you do it?" asked a re- porter who interviewed Miss Leury In Sgskaloon on her way east. --- Prom Ottawa to Vancou- ver on 81.50 is Inexpensive true]- ling. Madeline Leary. Ottawa high school girl, claims to have hitch. hiked from Canada's capital city to the Pacific Coast on that am- Lost Village Trip To Coast Costs Her $1.50 our, GE Tttvet. he“. Put On The Dog With This Laura Wheeler con. nu, usmscun scum“, we. CROCHETED CHAIR SET!" ' PATTERN 2260 (To Be Continued) ,irlr To vaa,Glir' a clip- usuc-vluwn SCHEME. Une Wu In out and out Scotch worsted scheme with a smsll Glenurquhsrt check jacket in blues over brown and s chestnut brown smooth skirt. The other handsome blue-brown suit was a French spectator sports model. A grayed blue wool dress wss worn with s eord-stripe blue and brown jacket. Chestnut brown linked with a soft grayed blue is very new. On one of the perfect "suit days" re. cently, two of the smartest shop. pers, in from the country for the day, wore exclusive tweed: in the blue-brown scheme. One we: In Soft Blue With Brown In Very New ) for this pattern to wiucnkGiiic Toronto. Write plainly PATTERN scum»- New In.“ Inn-etio- Simpleat. Earieat, Mort Conclse Complete in hand-one. illultruh ed, colorful r,1l.r/"it"hrs' each page I .. x . Test the elasticity of the blank. ets by gathering up a corner in your hand. Squeeze very tightly, then let go suddenly. A good blanket will almost jump out of your hand, whereas poor quality ones remain crumpled. Artificial "nap" should be av- aided, so lift the blanket by its hairy surtace. If the fibres pull out, the nap is a poor one, but if it will stand its own weight, the quality is good. Buying blankets needs care. Test the blankets by their soft- ness. Good-quality warm wool is very soft to the touch, whereas low-quality wools which are not so warm are rough and harsh. Choose With Care Your New Blankets 521 rim; 19;. TH: Leia ra Dance of many a refreshing fruit punch and is an invaluable addition to many desserts. GRAPE JUICE NO. I 1 quart grapes. 1% cups sugar. Boiling water. After washing the grapes and removing stems, place in sterile jars alternating layers of sugar and grapes; fill the jars with boil- ine water to overflowing. Seal the jars and store in a cool dry place. 'rapefioiipi'id $1.00 J.trph. A. Quin, grape Juice is perhaps the-30;; important, for it is the foundation TORONTO Great stress is being laid upon the minerals, sugar and vitamins (A, B, C and D) of the grape, but there is nothing new in the im- portance of the grape, for many thousands of years ago the value of this luscious fruit was acclaim- ed by Romans, Greeks and Egyp- tians. The familiar name "Bae. chus" was given to us by the R0- mans. The Hebrews credited No- ah with bringing grapes to their land. So let us rejoice that in our own land, growing in such abun- dant crops we have this valuable food, resplendent with its lovely autumnal colorings of purple and gold. Every wise homemaker is storing a goodly supply of these additional minerals and vitamins in her More room. The making of GRAPES AND AUTUMN Autumn with its lovely days of crisp air is upon us. Nothing is more characteristic of Fall days than the air pervaded with an ar- oma of grapes. 1- Chair Set scarf Gray will be the season's style color for ski-went. The ticular shade advocated is and steely. der fashiéns: For sports an; daytime are trimly tailored, square unaer the 1'ltiLt guidance of Archie Keith M. tumdrUE, of pupils are making money. Why not you? W. train you by indiv- idual Home Study Course to {ro- duce “one. that u". and on» you find a muket. Decide not. Write for Free Ability Tut. Show when]: United. Dept. T.P.. 1180 Bay Street. Toronto. occur even on woollen contain" --o--- Besides soft afternoon dresses, many tailored models appear in soft materials. Floating front pant can tie at the neck or occur even on woollen Under the ”gen “We ACE-.m- Loose, straight sports coats sug- gest men's topconts, whereas town coats are smoothly fittine with fronts meeting. Featured colors are called “Win- ter Blue," "Glacier White." The latter is a fnintly bluishfreen tinge of ice, and the former is a dark greenish-blue, extensively used for day 3nd evening and dis. placing black. Glacier white in used for evening gowns worn un- der Winter Blue cents. For evening wear Vera Boron draws upon Velasquez paintings " inspiration for velvet or satin gowns with wide but softly flow. ing fulness often held out over the hips by tiny ere"ent-suped shelves, 'tecentuatintr a tiny waist- line. Let I'M-on; Ermine, persian lamb and fox are endorsed furs. Fur toques in light tones are approved in Paris. Small hats eoitinue of A dinner suit of black benze- line has a slim skirt slit up the front and a peplum jacket. finished with a fiat tailored bow. The ac- companying blouse is pink mous- seline edged with n lattice of the material. The little disk of a din. ner hat is pink rosebuds Ind a pink bow. MAKE MONEY-a-ma queNo.37_ 8 lbs. blue grapes 2 lbs. sugar 2 quarts boiling water 1 stick of cinnamon 6 whole cloves Wash grapes, remove the stems. Place in kettle, add the spices. pour in the water and boil gently over a slow fire until skins separ- ate from the pulp. Now let boil for 10 minutes. Remove fire, drain through Jelly bag, allowing to drip all night. Pour into a ket- tle; add the sugar, stirring com. stantly. until it reaches the boil- ing point. Boil for five minutes only. Pour into sterile jars, seal and store in cool, dry place. GRAPE CONSERVl-Z 4 lbs. blue grapes 1 lb. of seedless raisins 2 oranges (medium) 1% shelled pecans. chopped ttne Sugar. Wash and stem grapes. Place in kettle, mash and cook until skins separate from pulp. Press through colander, and with every cup, use 94 cup sugar. Combine, adding ,the raisins and oranges, which have been sliced very thin. Boil until thick, stirring frequent- ly. Then add the nuts. Pour in- to sterile jelly glasses and seal, storing where dry and cool. Have you fussy eaters in you! family? Du you have trouble providing a varied and ttttttrest. ing menu? Do your cakes (all? Then write, enclosing a stamp- ed, stlbaddressed envelope to Miss Sadie B, Chambers, care ot this paper, and she will endea. vour to solve your problem. Thin juice la beat left'lor at [out n month before using and is the right consistency for using. GRAPE JUICE NO. 2 Wash and stem grapes; place in a kettle and crash adding: 1% pints of water for each 8 quarts of grapes. Boil well and stir fre- quently; also mash after well cooked. Pour into Jelly bag nnd allow to drip overnight. Measure the juice. and for each quart, odd % cup sugar. Stir well and jut bring to boiling point. Place in jars and seal, turning tops one turn to the left. Place in recep- taele for steaming and steam for % hour. Remove from steamer, seal Jars tightly. and store when cool in a cool. dry place. SPICED GRAPE JUICE Fashion Flashes Your Household Problems In Anti..- If.“ AMI", If". a the season's high ski-wear. The pu- advocuted is dark Panels which mime. there square-ghoul. waistline, after '0" My In; nd t. New t quart, Md ell and in“ - Plaee in _---..... “at Make Lye malady . . . and you.“ 'lrliviipti1iii,iiiiiiif1i",? m freely. It will not harm enamel or PJuntttintr. Baniahes uny.e.retddGG7ieiri,'ir. Gum" Lyennkegligmm 'f/tge;,",',")?,",',?',","?:",?,?,?,:,' l -..“Ve.ywlnm . iiariiTil'wT"2'dgfrv CUTS Ili) M Thong! rouge lightly upward toward eyes to avoid a white streaked appear- ance between them And ranged cheeks. Never put a dot of cuiar on your chin and, except for even. ing, Better not tint curs. eighor. Learn to apply rouge a dot " a time, blending one dot care- fully before adding another. The system of applying a lavish quant- ity, then removing the exec-a with cleansing tissues, not only waates rouge, but makes it em tremely difficult to know just how much of the color is rouge and how much is natural caused by the rubbing with tissues. Generally speaking, it is a mis- take ever to blend rouge below an imaginary line from tip of nose to bottom of ear. If the up- per part of your face is narrow, don't put color too near your nose. Regardless of the size and shape of your face, always blend Giving Cheeks Natural Bloom Carrying out the Robin Hood note are youthful flared skirt.- pluided in red and green by in- crustations paired with plain col- or velveteen tops. Newest of the slim silhouettes in that called "spindle" because pegtop plate or pocket: or drape widen the hipline while the hem remains so nnnow. it is some- times slit on either side for en] walking. black and a “sugar" coat in bright red. Bright red jackets appear ov- er black, white, navy and occu- ionally other colors, one worn by a naval officer's wife has a white sailor collar worn outside. She wore a thin black sweater and an all-around pleated skirt with it. Hand-knit cardignns that end at the waistline over pleated skirts are popular sometimes in novel color combinations. One has cu- dim in apple green. skirt in CLOGGING in Paris with high dramatie feather-trimmed berets and sky- pointing sophisticated crowns. At- though I block season was pre- dicted early, there is still much color presented in Pals, both in millinery 3nd in costumes. ei: um“ . '0. su t't MI It first aplu.‘ tte he” “(Hun ot '11 't Captured Winn '.-.x~ crowd of Chime" 'l,., It the Resuwu " teach it darted .'lsr, h and broke " u no“! can“ back into ths ”and when a beach town, Thc upmm. hum cttused y. the town of It it pruned dom I'd t.ter 2m- Fawn Startle, Bathing Bea u' “LITLM. “my. may“ nix" post One p!.;.. pl'ecuu'id ,. Mreet hark: - my of "vitsitimr" l m.- " a in " Cal on In“: than tOt ot "Aviation hut. When Iho "ualiy when the h but" clamor. think "unending. get that Ivonne what Inca ban she says. l'h ottetrot-tiftt 'tters." ther No Links May Sh, of ouht "Olen worm " they can I It” Cam-1n I “yin: itttttruct, "II l‘hlh at J Attica. "If .u “mm.“ At Thirty, T 'obacgn Crop Tops Ave Mm Dor, x'.'. teadit nak Bu They 're I re t ._. s'. Aptitude Just Ho H game

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