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Durham Review (1897), 14 Sep 1939, p. 7

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Mil (in. :21 rushed. diam. be Fe wn Startles Bathing Beach mi "I" til nes One prev; “me any a")! p visit The um appca'ed m the busi- “w; n of the town, but disc ”on when tao men and I d v,’ children chased it. Later 'Cr' Kenn-air Park bathing , darted out of the woods _ 'oke up n baseball gun. It J hack into the woods and :crred when nearly a 100 n _)n:tru' p'hn' it. :lppcarance of a spotted caused grout excitement in ,Wtl of Oakville recently " Med down the main street tttyt. rap onto n bathing m. the musical: of the pul.“ ', 1x2341u11'.‘. ah 1v.ids' “Min.“ «x 11m maskirw of all , 1.93.5 und signs to prevent w..v of 'ittht giving a clue to ice" airmen as to the near- of a cry». London munici- . rkor, are shown here put- 3.35:": pvrr an illuminated at They're Just Learning Mm Doreen Hooper, South V .,. a Insulin; woman flier and try g‘rr'fm', thinks that Tommy In :-x.;:m-r:uing. "You must not for- y-' rm“ women are Just learn!“ is” F mun have known tor years," the: h ' .u'sty.'4. "Aviation is like motor car driv- w, When a. woman is mod at It. 'm. usually beats the men. But hon am is bad, she is very, very N ,. No Ligha May Shine At Thirty, Too Instructor Women’s ing r'ey Crap In Ontario ls Goad ’obacgo Crop Tops Average ‘05 100 rm; tobacco -x-n Quebec we and hail storm " and Mont n. mu Indulge: in a fair am. t at upon - and has some In- Jun“: - thero Is a tair chance ouking '4 pilot of her." he add- "But once they reach the an M years, it Is hopeless." Cuere are a tew women in. I’rosxes who do cw". But "t again, they are usually the unliny who make nihili- One " Ill wt hail storms. Growers in and Montcalm districts losses of 20 per gettt. and ‘0 acres of pipe and cigaret 1 were ttooded. retarding by one weoh. Toma-o im- mo per cent. during the ‘11 ot August. but a Pt. IC', women reach the wy can never learn Captain H. J. C. Gra: instructor of the Ra "Zub at Johannesburg, of August. but a Pte rled to save a good por- , tutr-erred crap. , in British Columbia average "rolrrira acre. r pnlucml trom 1938. woman is you a indulge: in “Port - and h H The tuw-cured to- 'eoorted above av- wung is well un- up of Ontario has emery since the carding to a re- robucco crops is- oinion Bureau of phunuuuus In re (“”23de by 'W Women u. lo awn. a." we usually the make reliable ”MIL? healthy, learn to nr," C. Gray, chm the Rand my. South Waters off Nova Scotia and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence are di- vided into three temperature-lev- els during Summer-nn upper warm layer, a middle cold layer, and a bottom warm layer. In the winner time the upper layer gradu- ally becomes cold but the other two do not change greatly. All the peppermint used In Cam ada is imported and it is reported that the new industry Is finding a ready market tor its product. ”the production ot commercial peppermint tor the first time in Ontario was started late in August at the new peppermint plant estab- lished at Port Franks, Ont., sov- eral months ago. According to Mr. Petro, manager ot the plant, the peppermint is cut and allowed to dry for at least 24 hours before it can he put through the plant. It is then taken to the Mill where it is put into a large, underground tank. The tank ls closed and steam ls forced into it. in about " minutes the oil rises with the steam and it [on through I coll that has cold water around it. As the mixture goes through condensation takes place and the oil and some water come out at the end ot the coil where it is separated. Commercial Crop Being Tarn. ed in Port Franks District First Peppermint Being Processed of Modest Charm Shula Puma-1' has "just 111mm! 3:" all” ranging to own one rd thes “tantalum: who” devc'lopmont he made por alblo. Palmer, dracribed as "a my: pit. tance containing what 9: was worth to CP.? oil imhmzy.” C. s. Palmer, til, Discovered How To Get Gasoline Inventor Refuses To Drive Car task --- duo to 0mm -- sampling tttWat around by the Hedi up through Ituirsttth., was! tt year. perhaps longer; Polish resistance will requhe the attention ot at has! halt the Ge." man army tor ‘six marsh: or more. tthe art.rtiitrl.otio ' of Poland's army is tho primary German ottJtctive); Sending " ilripira and French aid to Poland win he it ttetiteadous task --- due to mummies of aroma MILITARY GUESSES. 'ine ex- pressed opinion of neutral military observers and some retired British and French officers in London last weck i?..',','; it that: Germany's Sieg- fried Lino and Mrance's Mnginot Line will stalemate 'raeh trther all along the old Wostrvn F'ront for at least a year. puwhaps inngr-r; wen) losing. The sinking ot the "Athenia" may change this propor- tion, but it would rcquirrr a rare combination of oil-mm t ‘mes, we behave. to cum-t a right. gout-face in American public opinion. AMERICAN OPINION ,_ -r... nu '"uu"rHM, and gone " Germuny trom the south. So tar the French army is coniined to the heavily-fortified vertex-n front, has no excuse to attack Italy. Britain also is unable to so after Italian shipping in the Mediterranean. $460,000,000 WORTH: Canada's role in the Second Great War may not become important by Virtue ot our sending an expeditionary force (such may yet be found next to useless) but because we are able to supply in limitless quantities, toodstutts, raw metal, planes, small arms, tractors . . . Almost halt a billion dollars in gold has been de- posited with Canada by European financiers which may go to pay for the auove-montioned purchases here or across the border in the Unitwt States. We are to be a “‘8- ermir fur sllppilts. nut men But to have Italy neither an ally nor an enemy! This strategy ot the Axis powers is presenting Britain and France with a dittieuit prob- Jem to solve. Had Italy come into the war on the side ot Hitler, then France could have attacked vulner- able northern Italy first thing. ta. ken over its industries. and gone " Germnny from the south. So far the French army is coniined to the heavily-fortified western front, has no excuse to attack Italy. Britain also is unable to go utter Italian shipping In the Mediterranean N, - an; no- cause the Italians are notoriously poor fighters and would have to be marched to the front, so it is said, and spied upon at home. But to have Italy neither an ally nor an mun-mo ML! ' UNWELCOME NEUTRA story has been going th that it would be cheaper ttin and France to have It: emy In this war than an cause the Italians urn HI NEws‘ PARADE NEUTRALITY: A 801118 the "Nina. , cbeaver tor am. o have Italy an en- r than an ally be- no: of 3.0095 have to g. A survey to go ya and notoriously Princess Margaret is learning to share her sister's keen interest in nature study. Together they have added many new specimens to a growing collection ot wild flowers, and plants. Elizabeth writes, the names in the book, because her writing is by tar the better, the friends ot the family say. They are on their annual Scot- tish holiday there. A large part of their free time is spent in "wood. craft" practice in tracking and col. lecting wild flowers. Collecting Wild Flowers Princess Margaret is still a "Brownie" being under 10 years of age. Princess Elizabeth is a "sec- ond-class" Guide. Both are ordin. ary unprivileged members ot the No. 1 Buckingham Palace company of Girl Guides. Their companions are children or friends of the royal family, members ot the royal household, or servants who live in the royal mews. REG'LAR F ELLERS-Tha Modern On the mountains that surround their iover Balmoral Castle, Prim cess Elizabeth and Princess Mar. garet are carrying on their Girl Guido pursuits in the spirit ot the Guide code. Elizabeth and Margaret Rose Continue Guide Pursuits in Grounds of Beautiful Scot- tish Castle Two Princesses Study Woodcraft Tourist travel showed it his in. croasp in June as compared with June inst year. Cars that entered Canada tor Stays ot from a few hours to six months numbered up to 464,327, as compared with 435,. 166 in June 1938, an increase of 20,161 _ The attractions that Canada has to offer to the tourist am gradual. ly becoming known in a wider sphore, to judge by the “muse math-rs that are soon on the strata of the larger cities in tho Dominion. Tourists are to bo seen in ours bearing tho registrations, of t'A'r'n'Y Slum in the Union, but ac- cording to the National Revenue Rovicw. issued by authority of the Minister of Revenue, Ottawa. there are those who have come in cars from far more distant points In June 170 cars from 16 foreign countries, exclusive ot the United States, came in under a 60-day tourist permit. Six were trom the Philippine islands. 54, trom Hawaii 37 from Mexico, 27 from Panama, 14 from Cuba, 12 from the United Kingdom, seven from Alaska, five trom France, one from China. and others from the Strait Settlements the Dutch West indies. Venezuela, Newfoundland and Brazil. Canada Attracts Many Tourists _ """'i'm"9. ....u umuun uevnn, I each other in the Ontario Senior One beautiful trophies presented by Wm. ll here “taking off" into the water at th their big effort. These two are rivals-. Dorothy Robson and Gordon non-I- AAL . -. - Tu, Chunk-mp Rink Who Are}; on Devlin, two champions who swan Senior One Mile Race at the C.N.hl d by Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. Limited, Bl 1Pter.at.Gu.t Ryder’s training came rivahs--GiYriGdr.t' “Let'n put it this LIFE'S LIKE THAT Traffic offences in London's metropolitan area last year to.. talled nearly two and a half mil.. lion, an increase of 1.7 per cent on the preceding year's figures. "White Magic" . . win . . . Toronto: C any Press . . . $2.25. The heiress, the self-made man, the secretary. and the German nobleman come to know each other and out ot their acquaintance in- evitably comes conflict which reaches its climax in a blizzard far from the luxury of Sun Valley, Franz . like Hans dancing. Ellen Mitchell: "She was solid flesh and blood." "WHITE MAGIC" by Faith Baldwin Hero is a romance on 3le in a setting of snow and mountains and the brilliant frosty nights ot Bun Valley, where three groups of peo- plo are drawn into close and dang- erous personal relationships. Gama Allen . . . was surrounded it was said by bodyguards. Larry Martin: . . . was always catching Fortune's train . . . and never missed it. 7/2/////%// "/';f;i / _ij'i,'i',i'jii"'i;, 0/09” 1m C;'")?, 'WIY: then . . . Md " jump. I goblin, training eainij prior to I-I could teach skiing, . or riding ... or Age . by Faith Bald- Oxford Univer- swam {against 4.E. tdr the" I, are shown . Nuke believe we're sittine in the park-. nblin. " you're lured!" real "They are coming here and we are starting at once on km: for the Seaforth Highlanders." When the housewives have com- pleted the 1,000 kilts it is expected they will receive another contract. Leaving Home: "Most of them have families. but they are all patriots and were all eager to help," she said. "Arrange. ments have been made for house- keepers to look after their homes. "They are coming here and we are starting at once on kill: for She remembered the women with whom she had worked many years ago In her lather‘s busineu. Most of them were married, but she traced " ot them and asked them to help. But Mrs. McColgan was faced with a problem, tor there are no unemployed kilt makers in Scot- land and she had to have help. Two and one halt tons of tartan and an order tor 1,000 Hits arrived at the little shop which she has opened. A band of hilt-making tuume. wives in being gathered together at Ciydeebank to help Army chiefs overcome a hilt famine. Their leader is small, 44-years- old Mrs. Alice McColgan, who, when she heard a few weeks ago that there was a shortage of kilts for Highland regiments. wrote to the War Office and offered her help. With her father she had made Army kills during the war,. and she was able to persuade the War Office to let her tackle the Job. Women h.hist_t,ooo Kilt: For It's The Wig-Wag Waggle o' the Kilt --trader, astronomer, pathfinder and mnpmaker- - spent tummy- Ieven years In trade and explora- tion in the West. In tribute to the dauntless ex- plorers and fur traders who biased the first trails through the Canad- ian Rockies, a stone monument has been erected, at the site ot Kooten- no House near lnvermere, KC., by the Department of Mines and Re. sources. The unveiling ot this mon- ument. which marks the site of the first trading post of the white man on the Columbia River or its tribu- taries, will take place on Septem- ber 3 next, with Judge F. W. Ho- way, ot the Historic Sites and the Monuments Board ot Canada, and E. N, Russell, Superintendent ot Yoho National Park, in attendance. In"! try Early Explorer Kootenae House was built In the year 1807 by mud Thompson who has been acclaimed as "Canads's Greatest Geographer." Thompson Tribute To Ii:artr" Trail Blazers By Fred Neher it well batted Wllun marrow jam is being made, the lemun rlmls and plums ot glngvr used for flavoring should be placed in a bag and tied to the handle of the pan. A simllar bag holds pips and pulp during the making ot orange, grapefruit, or lemon marmalade. To Make Clean can“ The crust ot bread that ls placed In the pan with a boiling cauli- flower, to keep down the smell. should be tied up In I bag. Fat for halting meat may be placed In a bag and hung above the rout in the oven. The melting tat will drip gradually on to the roast Ind keep A valuable addition to kitchen equipment is a supply of bags that are made ot cheesecloth muslin. These bags, which should be of dif- ferent sizes, ranging from about tour by eight to six by twelve inch. es, servo various plll‘DOBPB. Supply of Bags For Kitchen Use It the purchuing power ot the turner could be rolled to A proper level. there would not be I mule industry idling in the Dominion. " the opener. The younger gen- ernilon ot turner- and Inmerl' when could do much to nine the patch-In: levels by increuinx the productivity And by [allowing the advances made in agricultural science The early pioneers made farm! where there was once only wilder- neu. and now their descendants could pioneer in their turn by ar. ailing themselves of new develop. ment: In agriculture! Icionce and "reap dollar. where their grand- fathers raped cents." said Dr. Christie. - r. m aad ""“muuy . - 1'liteiiri'.til't;ridiii l . n... 1h"airat"gyf.iiii' _ " '-----, A turner today an be "A. much of . pioneer u " mndtather rm," G. l. Christie. principal at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, told 500 tum people at the Junior Agriculturistu' dinner in connection with the Central Ca- nada Exhibition. Cheeseclotliuuslin I. Very As Mums Geautitha. 1huaDoeumo.uotii.iii. FarmerCanBe ARealPioneer ONTARIO By GENE BYRNES Mr. Irwin reported Mum-u our duced 8.264.269 barrels ot all in the tirtrt III months of 1989. In In- crease of 424,899 orcr the corru- ponding period ot last year. mm! of lands and minvs. "The pmmm‘in for 'i‘uruvr Vul- ley appear to be as bright as ever tor vastly increased production." the report said. "The prospects tor lecurlng additional maim- Hold. within the province, with the wide- spread drilling operation: now in force. are equally bright. Discovery ot major crude all tielo in Alberta and grc-ally In- creased on produvHon fur the Tttr- ner Valky field are predicted in a report prepared by J. L. Irwin, sla> tiaticlan tor the Alberta dvpart- mom of lands and mines. Alberta Has Ample Supply but 1hstvut, Depends on Mute! New Oil Fields It I parcel-tor In no: "ailMrte, good clear colee may be made by pitch; the ground collee in a In: And Ill-pending it in an alumni- pot (all of boiling water. AU/l" BEE ENE Exténsicn Seen For West ARCHIVE§ It“. EEK! tiiiti?, LI. it LI

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