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Durham Review (1897), 14 Sep 1939, p. 8

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E5? “00mm shocked. Stopovm " Pt Ar-ttnv, Armstrong. Chicago & Wen “not Winn Wm“ MMCIMMMMOW. ‘nchu. m Cnr Reservation and all Information from any Ann. TICKET. 0000 m Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions CANADIAN NATIONAL Round Trip Bargain Fares} Sept. 22,23, from Durham to Torontoi To Station. M'I and ms-tii-écrit-Cari." GraiG iGGuia"EaiGr; Morton. CWIford. Newmrket. Cot1imorood. Melton}. Indiana, Par. ty Bound. North Bay. Sudbury, Capreot, and West to Beardmore. CANADIAN NATIONAI: inches long and weighing 35 lbs. No larger Inh has been entered in the Mouton! tuttitttt competition since it: Inauguration in 1920. Her bert Rowe oi leuord, chairman of the ennui competition. gave Mr Down 35 be. of other an: in ex. ehanze for the his one, then had the Whopper muted. and put on) display " Toronto Exhibition to ad-{ vertiee Meatord. M. . CALDER, Tm A-ttsphere" 3 0mm 35h. Trout at Meaford. On In: ttrtrt ashlng trip to Mea- tord. Edward Brown a St. Thoma: balance “out, landed a trout " We were planned to note too, im. wovmm to farm buildings with a coat of white wash. Inside and out. ty noot.’ with the calm placid water of the lake between making ll "N joy forever.” Wm. Jacquu‘ accomu pllshmonts In this line of Manly-1 mg. ls I'M) encodingly ereditaNe. Also that of J. C. Hmllton whom WP are pleased to note as the win-l nor ct the 2nd prize. In the beautify I we content ot ntrtn "rrttrovementp, III the lay-out ot (rounds, Ji2iL',I trm, mm. work, etc. I We were pleased to note too. im-. Aha to Random, Chathm. Goderieh. Guelph. Hmlltou. In Mk, Owen Sound. St. Catharines. St. Mary's. Sun gilt”, wood.toeh. the late Geo. batman when in the founrn. has also made a no“ im- provement in travelling comfort. Further on. the growth of tree; Is tonal-hue, 'tttt out by the Hon. Lavid Jamieson, making this I "beau, (By our Priceville correspondent) " was our good fortune to have a trip over an old travelled road by us many years ago, and to note the 'iiKerenee on every side, in sur- rounding country: the growth ot trees. not only in old timers. but those of more recent years; in the planting of evergreens, and in beau. tifying farms generally. One thing we noticed particularly is the reduc- in: of the hill, commonly called “Bill Iawrenee's", which we could have hoped for many years ago. " is now being widened to " feet, Are. paratory to putting two powerful traders tone a County one) abreast of each other. with the purpose of taking 4 feet of! the top or probably more, and depositing at the foot of the hill. Returning of the graders is done in reverse order to the top, n-i voiding turning operations. The ap- plication of crushed gravel to the roads, advocated many years ago try" lawmce’s Hill Willem] and Lowered Going DnNr-- Sept. " - 29, I”! inclusive Soc landmi- for common me Je destinations. I. Return Units. Train Information. Tickets. commit FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA 1itr, approximately 1% on. per mm NG CARS " are. "rroxirrWetr use per mile MEGA” It tam approxlmtoly use per all: I A-tqdatim, In "on!" Can Additional refit lifts, Mum Liam - floss was 180 bushels of wheat !vrhlch had been threshed, along lwith a hay loader. fanning mill and ether term implements. and a num- ’ber of hens I The barn was an excellent onenvith lstood staining accommodation, eta} iA drive shed. situated only " feet “way. was saved by the neighbors' [who worked hard with water panel and wet blankets thrown over their] tshouldera. The wind. however, was (ir. the right direction and was a: "aetor in saving the ehed. The ‘loss is estimated to be aroundI ‘33.800. and is partially covered try, insurance. I mean promeera ? , There was Just one bolt of light. ning seen during the several storing "hat broke in Proton locality on Sun-' day morning, but it struck the tine large barn belonging to Howard Me. Lean. on the 10th concession of Pro; ton. about 10 o'clock. and com. pletely destroyed it, along with the', entire season’s crop. Included in the', large Proton Barn Burned WE HOPE NOT (Toronto. Star) War mean: tears. But need it The elk herd, which the Ontario Government hrouzht in from Wain- wright. Alta., a few years BRO, has more than doubled according to last reports. The buffalo, numbering approxi- mately 25, wlll be shipped to the Burwaah game preserve early in September to roam in 35,000 acres ot lush park land . "The two or three hundred we are taking out is only a drop in the bucket and will have no ellect on bass fhrhing in that section." said Mr. Taylor. tr. J. Taylor. Deputy Minister of Guns and Fisheries, announced re- cently that the has, averaging three pounds in weight. are now being loaded into tankn aboard a freight car at Spanish., Ont, in the Georgi- an Bay district Tht' batter system will be used by the Ontario Government in purchas- im: a earload of butrato from Alberta The medium of exchange will be 300 Mhting small-mouthed bass for which Ontario in so famous. TRADING 300 BASS FOR Jon. Tickets. consult unrest TIMA DURHAM BTATt0N.--Phorte " Caider's I‘Iug Store Phone 3, Durham ----_----- non. London. Nia. Sunla, Btrattord, HERD OF BUFFALO roe returned to their home-1n a...“ ton after unending I inn-Mn- -1; Mrs Thou. Hattie Woodland Mr und In J. V. marathon family from near Mt. Forest. 3 Mr and In Wm. Bottle and Neil. Woodland spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Arthur Eccles. Mr Donald lclnnea and his lunt mu Agnes Baird spent seven] days in Toronto lut week and of tended the Exhibition. 1 Visitors during the week with Ir” and Mn he Nicholson were Ir In!“ Miss Annie Baird recently enter. tained the hdien ot the Falrbairn the boat. Needless to say. all en- Joyed themselves. Many of the dele. gates were accompanied by their wives. i Mrs Davey, the District President, will visit the Holstein Women's In- stitute on Thursday, Sept. 21. This ,meeting will be held at the home of ‘Mrs. Hetherington. Mrs. Switzer Iwill give a demonstration in making [an Italian quilted cushion. A cordial welcome is extended to all. Lunch, .wm be served by Mrs J. w. Brown) ‘Mrs C. McMillan, Mrs. Aberdein andl ers. Basile. Mr Louis Woodyard and Mr Geo. Hostetter were at the Georgian Bay Hydro-Electric Association, held at Penetangulshene. The local Commits. sion entertained the delegates right royally. The delegates went to Port McNicoll. where the boat Keewotln was waiting fer them to sail on the Bay, and their meeting was held ii) Mrs. McGuire. our District Vice. President, is to speak to the ladies of Durham Women's Institute cu Thursday on gardening. Topic: 'The woman in her garden’. Mr and Mrs Wm. Mather and dan- ghter Dcrothy, and Mrs. Breuugam of Bentinck, were visitors with the lomer's sister, Mrs B. Morlock. on Sunday. _ i Quite a number or the ladies of I the Presbyterian church went to iMount Forest on Tuesday to hear Miss Stringer, returned missionary‘ ' from Jhansi, India. We are sure an; ,enjcyed her address on her work ini that tietd. Miss Stringer is speak-I ing to different congregations in', ‘Saugeen Presbytery. , 9 Rev. Mr McDermid of Melville and 'Bethei preached in the Presbyterian .church on Sunday. Rev. Mr 'th ston was in Mount Forest. All who) ,heard Mr McDermid enjoyed his" sermon very much. Mr and Mrs Bert Ecclea and Jean were in Toronto the Brtst of the week visiting Mr, Ecclea' sister. Jean remained for a, longer visit. Mr Audrey Brown of Mount Forest spent the week end with her mother Mrs J. W. Brown. Mr Jack Irvin of Kincardine spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mr BR. Irvin. l Mr and Mrs. Alex. McMillan and Miss Roluts of Dundalk were guests the farmer's parents. Mr and Mrs. C. McMillan on Sunday. Mr Emerson and Miss Lillian Milne of Toronto spent last week with their aunt, Mrs John Wilson. Miss Mary Wilson, who has been spending holi- days with her parenta, returned to Toronto with the two former men-1 ticned. _ Mr and Mrs Mervin Belay of Ham. men were guests with the latter's mother, Mrs Drumm over the week and. Mrs Mn. Brown is spending Mew days in Durham with her sister Mrs Wm. Clark. Mr and Mrs James Mather ot Dur. ham, were guests with their daugh- ter Mrs Bryson Moricck on Sunday. Mrs Norman Treleaven spent last week with her sister at Goldwater, returning home Sunday evening', Mr and Mrs Marsh Oldfield of Cor- bench, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Habermehl. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abercrombie, Helen and Dcnald of Meatord. visit- ed with Mr and Mrs B. W. Snively on Sunday. Mrs. Abercrombie and Mrs. Snively were roommates at Hamilton Normal School. Mr and Mrs Wm. Crawford and daughter Lillian, Miss Dorcas Craw- ford and Mrs James Sheritt of Allen. ford, Mr Alfred Dickson ot New York were guests of the Fentcn family on Sunday. Mr Ivan Christie of Hillsburg spent holidays at his home last week. HOLSTEIN LEADER LOCAL AND PERSONAL YEOVH. . nation within coming for ll. THE DURHAM REVIEW have a all from In Koontz while The death they were tn this neighborhood. Menard [an Vultur- at our home on Sunday yum, rem were Mr And In Oren Peart, Lot-n: an" Iro- nnd Wayne tit Ttavemton. been eon-“:1 We spent Saturday " the Porter meat " N home. We mpreclote their kindness Journ- m" F-n the Manuel Bros. Mr Gladstone o-i' McInnes motored them home. Mr and Mrs Wm. Ferguson and Cor-‘5" Clift Rogers ct Orangeville and' were Sunday guests of Mr Arthur I Haas. _ Mr and In W. Rooms (nee On. nellee Watson) of Detroit visited recently with Mr and In Ruben Mobougall neu- Homein and with the Watson Wiles. Pleased to and on Thursday visited with Mr and Mrs Wm. Backus of Hampden. We were pleased to have Mn Dcwnon and Min [relic Petty visit with. us and fate " the guiding hand of God. Our new teacher, Miss Venue has been on duty for a week and teacher and pupils seen well pleased with each other. Mrs Lewi- Dawson ct Brandon Halted last week at the Petty home Bo we may go with heart elate And feet with ccurage shod For that which men can chance ,!and Mount Forest; Royal Bank, Dar-lul- I ham and Mount Forest. and Canadian l Bank of Comtneree, Durham. am The following accounts were pass- int, ed and paid: Members of Council. It-l J, tendance, meeting to date $12.50:|Dm J. M. Nicholson, clerk, one Mother's ero Allowance applicaxtiOn $2; J. M. ty') s holson, postage re voters' lists, also'neg postage acct. June 5th to date $6.12: for 'Mn M. Christie, use ct room, iatil l Colin McMillan. ambulance trip told. Durham re Mrs J. Ball $4; J. C.|md Mercer, Trees. Co. Grey, hospital, M sects. $49; Municipal World. asses-'pnn sor's and to. supplies $66.46; Dept. pm. {of Health ot Ont, re insulin" [patients 1:11.05; N. E. McGuire, "relief 31.50; we Prank Love. sheep claim, I sheepand llamh killed 815; Allan Aitken, in. spectlng sheep. 1 trip Me; Wm. J. Pike, relief 50c; Mrs C. Drumm, Vi relief, $6.26; Dr. J. J. Hergott, med. to I ilal relief $25.62. _ thin A letter was read trcm the Can. prog Autcmobile Service Association re'selei Mrs E. Smith's claim, accompanied tact by release for same. [very Council adjourned to meet MondayI recc Oct. t), at 1 p.m. fur general businessl The Jan. M. Nicholson, Clerk,her Bylaw No. 9 of 1939 directing tax notices to be mailed was passed, as was also Bylaw No IO, directing that taxes be paid into the tPtPT banks: Bank ot Montreal, Holstein hers all present. The Road Supt. presented Pay Sheet No. 9 amounting to $450 with Supt.'a salary ot $76.40 which was passed and ordered paid. nouncea it a good one. Mr. and Mrs. James Leeann and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper in Mount Forest on Sunday. Quite a number here attended the Durham Pair last Friday and bro. nounced it a good one. Miss Marjorie Kerr of Owen Sound was home for a day last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bogle on winning timt prizein the Home Improvement Contest. Miss Dorothy Bogle returned last week ta her school In Cedarvme. School reopened on Tuesday of last was): with Miss Heard of Flesh- erton again in charge. Mr and Mrs Norman Kerr and fa. mlly spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank Hopkins, Dromcre. Mrs. Hun is now mum; in', Varney. Mr and Mrs Wlm. Gordon' and ftstnity visited with her Sunday: and attended church. i The Women'a Association of Var. ney United Church met Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. N. Kerr. Mm. Blythe presided over the busi- ness meeting, after which the ladies did some sewing. Mrs Remy Cnid- well invited the members to her home for the next meeting. The Ladies' Aid of Holstein Pres. byterinn Church held their Septem- ber meeting at the home ot Mrs Kenneth Alles. Mr and Mrs Harold chler and two children and Mrs. Fowler's sla- ter, Miss Smith of Brantford, spent the week end with Mr.. and Mrs. Wilbert Blythe. Met in Holstein Sept. 11th. Mem. EGREMONT COUNCIL KNOX CORNERS VARNRY Wm": The death of Colonel Clelund in ttd. Neuron! [at week, at the use of " Il Sunday years, removes a prominent mum W. , tamta Inn tro- Grey County. but” at , TORONTO () (By cur Priceville corr.) ( m, We were pleased again to listen, 3d- to this famous ortranieatiop for the' third time, with an entirely new; n. program, with the exception of one re.aeleotion perhaps: no harm in that ed tact when well done. They proved) [very gracious and kindly to us in; Iylreccgnizing us, after some years.‘ u‘The Soprano singer. (a new memv; for Their program was ”my tutead of any bully delivered plny, in oth. opinion. The stage wu lovely In It: decorations of ttowem ttnd bunting. All this took place In the commodi- cu: driving shed of Amo- Church. near Dmmone, comfortably seated . - -"___r_ -. _ wvvv ' "" -NP """"""' I A New "can become. churn; ‘ble or tremolo nonsense. The Muscling”; 1'ltc, t,,tl'V,'ai'g, in Nest CREME”! event 3, was a londid. reacllin two down : . ' “I into a: celhr. or 'pu"c"d','2'l, S. W. Hinle: President, Min. “I TME JONES FAMILY it. We must ml: forget the Dem At. Becker; Vice President, P. Mk: . A“- e" to singer with her rich contraitn Sec'y-Treu., Mint, In!“ Edge: EVC'ymy'. Betsy' voice. But why discriminate , They Fromm Convene", Worship, Ii“ AND ON "m “a. m" were all good. Amt were “cured by H. Wilton: Berviee, Wu K. Me. a... blue Rev. run they would be woorded new; bender-hip mung, Tom bore Vlla'tt m" '"e t'_r a eordint welcome should they ever; Firth: Follow-hi9. Mne Hopkins. :0, . m ehnasqtesa, the trat 't come back. i Prowl-anon. Were nude to ml: DOLL m' Their program was may then! of the "ttgems I’ve-hymn Rally In h' Boer, u '"+ Canola) any bully dellvero’d play, in ow held on loud-7 "cum. Sou mil 6 - " - opinion. The Inge was lovely in it: n Conn Prelim?!“ Church. hang--4- - - - "a-..-, -‘ - __ - _ her ot the Troupe) was par excel- The re-ornnIution meeting of the lance, in her clarity of notes and Durham Presbyterian Young PeoNee expression. and with the long sus- Bociety wt" held on MttettUr even, tained high note, set forth her, inn. Sept. 11th. m the Sunday School qualities ct breathing, sustaining,[ room of the Church, with " attend- Lower, and that devoid of any wob, ttttee of over M tttembers. ttie. or tremolo nonsense. The Busch The ttNeem tor the ”Will Veer was splendid. reaching “my down”9 " iollown: Hon. Pteaidmst, Rev. into the cellar. or perhaps beyond fe. W. Hirtle: Pmidcnt, "In All: it. We must mt'. forget the petit " Becker; Wee President, P. Ritchie; to singer with her rich contraltn ike'r'rreaa., Mint, “WM Educ: voice. But why discriminate , They Fromm W'WG'I. WOUND. line were all good. Amt were “cured by H. WWW: Service, I!“ R. Me. Rev. Kare they would be ucorded Meekin; bender-hip from", Tom a. cordial welcome should they ever, Firth: “low-hip. In Honk]... VIRGINIA JUBlLEE swans ". AT AMOS CHURCH, onouone Mlas Hyena Dickwn spent acouple " day: last week with Mr and Mrs Eldon him of Durham. Mm Margaret Fern of Niagara Falls visited with Mr and Mrs R. Finder on Sunday. Sorry to learn ot the serlcus " new ot Mr Jacob Smith. We hope tor I speedy recovery. 7 A number from here took in the Durham fair and report a large crowd and good show. l Teacher and pupils enjoyed a hike to Jamiescn's Lake last week. , Mrs Wm. Nelson spent a few days last week with her parents. Mr and Mrs Wm. Vollett, Durham. l We welcome Mr and Mrs Becker and family of Mt. Forest who moved into Bert Diekaon's house recently. l Rev. Mr. lovegrove of TrowtrridK will conduct anniversary services: here on Sept 24th. The morning tervlce at 11 o'cloek and evening IL 7.80. Special music will be summed. Miss Beulah McKenzie of Toronto spent over the weekend at her home here. Haley's threshing mtttit trom) Glenelg Centre have been working) on Con. 22 from the lake, east to; Chas. Watson's the past two weeks, or more. l Mrs Tana Ostrander of Toronto visited with Mrs David Hooper last week. A number around here intend lite. tening to the Tony Gtuettto--um Nova fight on Friday night. Tony should win. Two Grey County power mam-Z talners are at work cutting down: Wm. Lawrence‘s hill this Week. One in 65 and the other 35 horse' power. The bl: boy loosens and above: the load out, and the other: one helps shove it down the MIL, They are making A tine job. Three cars can now put: anywhere on tho hlll. We understand $300 will be spent; it should have been $600 ttg' ‘thls is a bad hill. 40 rods long and, also steep: not tit for a team to ;haul a load up it. Mrs Howard Real; and little son Larry Thomas arrived at the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs Thea. Moore last Sunday from Durham Hospital. Congratulations to Mr Clarence Nelson and Miss Hazel Moore, who were married in Toronto Saturday. Mr John G. Johnston traded his Durant cur to agent Ray Adams tor u '36 Plymouth sedan Inst Saint» day. Mr and Mrs Wm. Moore accom- panied Mr and Mrs David Cones to Flint Michigan last Saturday and will spent a week visiting relatives there. Master George Morton tell ott a fence last. week and broke his arm at the wrist. He is now going to school with his arm in a. sling. Miss Florence Patterson is the new teacher at S. s. No. 13. There are 20 on the roll at present. NORTH EGREMONT Nuns-n In In may no- ORCHARD _"___, - - 3m w County. having of In All“ End " loot "I “a with the Slut Rul- a good “team, I... "qIK-, q Dlny, in on.- wu lovely In It. weekly moguls! held each in evening In the church a a p.- " BURNT " Conn Prmtrrtertass car. A cord!“ 111le In "tmgded to -n -----, - PRESIYTERSAN Y.P.8. HELD REAtRthANtaArtttN MEETING The re-ornnlutlon meeting of the Durham Presbyterian Young Peoples' Society was held on Monday even. ing, Sept. 11th. m the Sunday School room of the Church, with " attend- This was very much enjoyed by ati. At the the close of meeting I lunch was served by the September Committee. This in: The president asked tor I shower of end: be sent to In Knechtet. who is III in a Toronto Hospital. In Dnrgavel gave In Interesting talk on books we nhould um! um which are obulnable In the Library absence of the Sec'y, In Jameson, Mus Hunter rend the roll all with about M) members responding. In Shim)“: sue a plum tteteetittet, which was much npprechtod. was held on Monday evening. the president, Mrs P. Guzman, presiding. After prayer by In House, In Rice read the 27th Palm. In the ADDRE‘GEC KNOX LADIEO’ Attt ON “BOOKS" The opening business meeting of of Knox Church Ladies' Aid Soda" AMONG THE CHURCHES 9‘0!!me m “I W" Datum"!!! of Fisurus, one“. Dopamine!" of “ducks. Otter. 'pa,ea'"'xthaut'- Booklet, "190 (Inna: PRINT Lntrm PWILV) l, Address.., .. T Cr.. ., ___ --...N ..CW-l7 A N Y " y A DAY “our Ala Hm: MONTHLY on Wynn» siiii Lo m“, uiiiii7 cm annual?!“ Mt..- m the "nao :3 I “'09”, rages, DIPAIYIINI’ or 'tot"t", OY'A'A. Your hmily will enjoy FISH. It can be tented in to infinite Ill-.0! of delicious ways. Send for the FRI! recipe booklet No matter where you live in Can-AI. there is always I variety of Ed: -ihhte to you. either fresh, frozen. smoked. “and or WNMV MIDI": ‘1... lb. Her TUE... W30. CC". tr, {g th L The Int and... (than... THUR, Fm. MT. "rr. u, IS, 't A New even; been.“ theirl.u: In unison brought elrse. Mm Bord I ed "trreshrKeuta. why the Babylon!“ In" Nebuchu menu. but" the hanging mm Jimmy: 'q “In nun. teacher, I. I guess it was cause his height» kept chicken." ed - on Will-3e Ute In lndm' V“ mad by Mrs. "Idle. "God Saw the King" Md mun WINK-1‘ In unison brought the new“ to _ clue. Mr- Bord and nut-unt- sen (or the W. M. tr. meeting. Res Htrt3e led In mm. A "all 'rrepiir In. A mecca-M baking one m. held " theme. ture from the In! part of the Mit chapter a! John van read by Miss Edn- Bell. Holiday money In to In handed In at the next mean. Mire Banks read one of IMt,mr Gun-'- lloelnl on "The War." The up. F - h -- - ---i' "ursdii' Yrntt' Tracker: 'I ~ROXY atrntaq" "el It. Playing WM I. the chm: I. tell t, Nahum Meet ‘Tht- [mum-how arkvd. "Hm ttrt Ind enough dimpmmmu- m mtrthir hoper and when»: and nyxlmnr, In um mm“ to wk tho tluily r vim! G8Mng' [mm God ' TU! Mm" momma. them "PIKE ttrtined in the Fire) WHO-m." Hire (011 an: Arts "theMtmattw "w nonh- of “and 1M!!! them tr, minim» Patti, and that tumul- can has“ we nut enter the a! tHd." 90“. In! I my m ”enema, we. not thr M at m of may, do (to can of new. .4 m two valid mow Hum; u. nth-"dime tomb-n the u-numrul yin W And new": mutation. ' The punt-how nun-kw any on brawl); ”will“! of Christ, ttto 'l‘hlu mm! day by d manual. a moral wnw his bow tn udlvMuII how “(I URI but In" "mu I m the tttMat '. Th. nah-d thr heaven tum (MN-4| thy home " "r. 'tte- HIM thut chr has nu yet mink-"M Tl", I of "NIH-n In: not yo, mmw. 1rwy minus: In In Hruu-v "Thu Hia Kingdom mu) m. Hitt will may be dam un "t .n have". Ctmtmuucsm an mogul". u Imam Um uthietw in; an! M11! In munh Wrath“. but .r (actual. Nulum. m I Ker In the magnum» T I 'lno m lily starve. on limit-outs may "t "Li/lam hnv’ulm "ls erttte soul: ”or! limit 'stttamt , Christianity as a nun: v mm (hr Inwrlm-I “WI, and IIWIN In :ll‘. Chteuautity In a restate, I" “on: the I’m ml it ‘n not mmthttert " MW tor the hurl" ho [all “no". Ttmt Is I In“. " Is a wluzic Emu-III. Minn, Nun u no for the Individual h "a. midway}: Imm- ‘n God. Th1 In In sum To char an. and In rwm outed Btu-t bond": m I. . ”N of two-[luslllli A” tho ttowiine 349-"va MM dun-11 by Human! [k "W!!! "l'vad Fr " *amttet uoul ' us lul “about Ina-n tn Rum-Mn, I ttod. I In" I Man-hut I?“ by Qt-ttttq u some" w nut lot by. u 'oliouti “Nu Mal, and (In u owqettend Rama on the squalid s BMgtant Green. And the - “nun-L ”an " I“ o'mrrkml, In.“ " (Mu We "’ “NM! t" HAM he. "MI not: but through »ur (mum- dcmyhc, Tet our inward In In“ day by day .. (RN In the evening the Ion-nu mun-M on "Evin: Ila-mun lily," Mm: an Inn In“ "I“. dill "When-lim- u “Id cool that an ext hatamtar. lame and tun-I “he!!! “an.“ Hill ole M to the Very lu-n‘lo-n tut, I“ mil mug “I“! Mr. Rev. In, H. In. I“. " Mug" ot Fuhrer-Ky. atrial iii-ml - I Wed nun-cal weather In: Ind muted new. t7th "" " etrtteq'tt VOL. a - 0! faith wan brawl; God Anni ternary 1ooiosd I! "rm-3 H [Till NO ly com' " hm th I'M an

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