West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1939, p. 1

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_ mean “We Low Io Fair Goo I. Att to P ing To M DES mm hm. IdhtttetAt f NJ " '0'. MT.» III 'iiiiid . 'AIR )URS 300' Trip M M “It ttl a Ind: Note 'ttrt Sin: l MI!- 'i'iiisl,l.l. mi'tgTmtroés '9 toe, of New Y MIC. 'rmutun 'P. ttf Ma r MIC. Imam; I! at of MIC. 50:60; hir hits ' ”“0069 " Noting...“ 690mb N'W'O’New Md of lemon“: - 700A Y! New! M " mm loo! T "on! Accomm " Sn Ider Hi atmplet, ds . of aimstow N 5"qu Mics mugm'l Sept 28, 1939 Tite 32499 Mil I New "f. 5 Wi Mound mnodo'ion od 'r39Wt, Jet " E3223 ch The Chapter has always helped with relic! work, and have several in need of winter clothing. They are making appeal to citizens ttavin'r. children‘s clothing which has been outgrown. or not being used. to leave game at Mrs T. Henderson's. The committee will see that they are dis- muted. The resent, Miss Calder. kindly of. fered her home 'or an Afternoon Tea to be held October IR. Com. mittees were arranged and 10 new members accepted. SOUTH GREY TEACHERS MEET IN FLESHEITON On Thursday and Friday of this we“. South Grey teachers will hold a“: annual sessions " Mesherton. Mr. G. E. Pentium! or Hanover. Mic Srhocl lnupector tor South any. is honorary president of the,""""" "T. ""W'" """m'" mstitnte, and Min Evelyn Sippell'a Godfrey Allison, non of Major of Manover, tettetter " the Camp Rev. Walter Allison, Hanover end bett's Corner School in Bentlnck. " Allan Park, is now serving with the vehednled to give a report on the British Air Force. Ontario Eduetttionttt Aatkteiatioet eo'", Almost 400 tons of lertiliur have "tttkm. " one of the detegtrtes.. the, been mixed and disposed of this sea- r.ther being Mr E. A. Rattle of Dun-i son by the Durham U. P. o. "rat. hll. All told. there are " "all! on era' Fertilizer Club, n considenhle the twerdtte prom. and the ttattat increue over last year. This is a hm attendance of teachers in Inlu_ lot " fertilizer to handle. and re- "peeled. " South Grey teaettrrtt reels that local farmers Ire unprov- un I Inc record for attending in: their soil and producing better - a flne “unions . Canadian Greys Chapter l.0.D.E. leld their regular monthly meeting " the home of Mrs Irving Elvidge. on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd. with twenty members present. The regent, Miss Marion Calder. occupied the chair. Misses Helen Renwick and Jean Iaur uer favcred with an instrumental duet. The Chapter .are svonsoringa T'ttankotivine dance Monday. Oct. ' in the Town Hall. Committees were arranged tor war work. Anyone wishing to help with knitting. etc., v.tlt be heartily accepted by Sooiety. The large frame building cwned by town in upper town. the former Davis prrperty, is to get a new roof and other ropairs, to be habitable for tenants. F'inxold cf Mt. Forest. did not retain his picture show in Durham town hall for year, as contracted. and didn't wish to pay full price for balance or year. Council offered nottlemont for $62.50. Relief accounts amounting to $71.. 'lo for Smut. and general accounts of 949.06 were passed. Coin]. McGowan reported a plea: an! and prol1table visit of Mt. Forest tire brigade members with Durham brigade. Monday's town Council's session was quiet. with no outstanding pro- blems to face All wilt train ln Canada and will probably go overseas in six to twelve months, if the war is st"! in pro- gress at that time. LITTLE -BUS|NE$S Al. Brandon, in Durham for a few months recently, has Joined the Ar. my Service Corps in London. holds tho rank ot captain, but will be in acting lieutenant at present. as training other. are new in training in machine gun unit, while Bailey Joined up Monday and is home on leave until Saturday, when he noorts, and will Join the band which in to be formed in con. Lectltn with that Regiment. Milton Homo of Hutton Hill has signed up with the "with battery at Listowel, while W. Parks and W. B. Allison of Bontlnck have Joined the :97th, battery at Walkertou. Goldie Long.‘ ct town has enlisted in Toronto. ‘ mutate-r R. B. Burns of Welland, formerly of Durham, BCn-tn-tttw of Mrs R. Krona. has Joined the 10th Artillery unit at St. Catherines. He lit-Ids tho rank of camain hm will Enlisting for here VOL. LXI], NO " and angry BEFORE COUNCIL t Friends {run a distance attending the funeral were Mr and Mrs. Alt. :Holslock. Mr and Mrs Jack Flavelle. (ssr John McChesney Sr. Mr John Mc- iChesney Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Maebtin, all ot Owen Bound; Mrs. Weiratier and Mrs Leeson. Cheney: 'Mr and Mrs Joseph Jones. Shallow Hake: Mr and Mrs George Adlun and ‘Mrs Gordon Future, Toronto; "Mr. Melville Ryan. Markdnle; Mr Thou. Bailey and Russell, Hanover. The deceased was a member ot the United Church, and the funeral took place frcm his late residence on Monday. conducted by his pastor Rev. W. H. Smith. assisted by Rev. J.T. Priest. A duet 'The Beautiful Land' was sung by Mrs M. Wilson and Mr G. R. Padfield. Many beautiful tio. ral tributes surrounded the casket. The remains wen laid to rent in Durham cemetery. the pail bearers being Clifford Ritchie, '\\'illiam Ryan. George Alexander, Thomas Brigham. David Adlam. Lawrence McFadden. Ernest Rosetrorcutrh and Jack Me. Chesney. Godfrey Alllscn. non of Major Rev. Walter Allison, Hanover um! Allan Park, la now serving with the British Air Force. Almost 400 tons ot fertililer have been mixed and disposed of this sea- son by the Durham i'. P. o. Funn- en’ Fertilizer Club, a considenble l JOHN BAILEY } After an illness cf nearly three years. John Bailey, resident on Mill Bt., Durham, tor the past two years, passed away on F'riday in his sixty- ninth year. He had been bedfast for seven weeks. The late Mr. nail- ey was born on the present Harry Reay farm in Bentinck. and was a lifelong resident of that township un- til he retired to Durham. In 1895, he was wedded to Nancy McFadden. who survives him with three daugh- ters: Mrs Geo. Reay (Amberzine)of Bentinek, Mrs Neil McFarlane (Mag ry) of Glenelg. and Mrs Harry Brig- ham (Rita) of Toronto. A brother,! William in Bentinck, and three trig. ters: Mrs. David Adlam of Durham., Mrs Thcs. Brigham and Mrs Ernest, Rasebcrough of Bentinck. also sur- vive. In 1897 Mr and Mrs. Bailey removed to the A. Wise (arm at Al. lan Park where he lived seven years thence on the home farm at Vickers.[ n The funeral strvice was held in the home of Mr and Mrs W. D. Er.' win and was conducted by the Rem! J. T. Priest. I i The beautiful iToral tributes were) married by kad Erwin. James Tilt,! IGeorze Lloyd, Ralph Wilson. Thom. Ias Connolly William MrGirr, Jr. The remains was laid to rest in Durham, cemetery by neighbors. Wm. J. Mc-I Girr, Arthur Connolly. Joseph Snell,- lJohn Lloyd. Samuel Wilson and An-' thony Holmes. I I MR8 WM. ERWIN, an. , While apparently in gocd health, Mrs William Erwin, Sr. was sitting I reading at the home ot her son W. _ D. Erwin here last Thursday, when , she suddenly passed away, in her , A2nd year. She was formerly Margaret l Herbison and was bcrn in the Coun- . ty of Antrim, Ireland, in 1858. She was the second wife of William Er. _ win, whom she married thirty-four yes-rs ago and who predeceased her in 1936. Their only daughter, Mar. garet. Mrs n. Tovell. resides in Durham. She was a beloved mother to all members ct Mr Erwin’a tirtrt family and since the death ot her husband she. resided Brst with Mrs McGerrell in Toronto and lately with the son William, in town. She is survived by Mrs Donald chell and William Erwin in town; James Er. win and Mrs D. McGarrell, Toronto: Mrs George McDonald. Mount Por. est; Mrs G. Armstrong and Mrs G. Watt in Ireland. i Those from a distance attending I the last services were Mr and Mrs, James Erwin and son, Mrs Margaret McGurrell. Edith and Ethel Erwin/ all of Toronto: Mr and Mrs G. Me. Donald and Hazel. Mr and Mrs Jas.! McDonald, Mr and Mrs w. J. m3I win of Mount Forest; Rev. J. Her. l bison of Thamesviue; Miss Jean Er. , win, Owen Sound: E. A. Ashley, A Southampton. _ ‘( iifittt {aluminum Begum. THEROLLCALL i The P. Y. P. S. met in the base! ment of the church on Monday even-v in: with a splendid attendance of 24 The president. Miss Ada Becker pre- aided.. The scripture was read by Elvie Becker and prayer by P. Rit. chic. Miss Harriet Wilton gave al splendid account of the activities ill 'Camp Glenmohr, held. a short. Mime ago. This was followed by N tew musical numbers. A tlute duet by Ellison and Dan Edge; tt scottish, song try Dan Edge: a piano instru-I mental by Catherine McMeekin. Mrrl {Mae Hopkins. Fellowship Convenor,i .presented a number ot interesting 'earnest and contests. which were en-I gjcyed by all. Next week's meeting; ‘witl be held on Tuesday g?,',',",),',) ‘Mcnday being 'rhantatttvutr, Holiday. I A cordial invitation is extended to Iall young people to attend these i'"'"" meetings held each Ionday' levening in the church at it pm. I The rcrrular Young People's meet. ing opened with the president, Miss Anne Ritchie presiding, with a fair attendance. Miss Florence McLean was in charge. The topic in Chris. tian Fellowship was “Books that dee. pen devotional lite", taken by Miss Florence McLean. A paper on the Bible was given by George Prew; on poetry by Sadie Osborne. and on Fiction by Agnes Atkinson. A poem entitled "At the class-room door"was read by Jean Dewar. The Aberdeen Women's Institute held their Sept. meeting at Miss A. C. Smith's home, with a good " tendance of members and visitors. The president. Mrs Geo. Twamley, opened with the Ode. Mrs. Stewart read psalm 113. Mrs Donald Stewart and Mrs McQuarrle were appointed leaders to attend the cooking clasg to be held in Durham m November. Mrs. McLachlan had an interesting contest: "the things used in grand- mother’s day." Mrs D. Stewart was} the winner. A sing-song followed.l Mrs E. C. Taylor. Hanover, was thei West 'speaker. She. gave a much en-', joved talk on “Historical Research or! Advancement of Mankind." Miss! Smith and asslstants served a dainty lunch. I PRESBYTERIAN Y. P. 8. HOLD REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING Rev. R. W. Hirtle on behalf of mngregatlon. Mr Jchn Morrison the, Session, and Mr E, S. MeArthur, the choir all spoke briefly. The ban-l mm) of tho happy evening was spent' in contests. games and a slng-song., ABERDEEN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE After supper had been served to thirty-five members and guests. Mrs Harding read an address to the hon. ored couples, while Mrs J. C. How, ell and Mrs K. S. McArthur present od each with a silver entree dish. All tour recipients made appropiate replies. The Presbyterian Choir met in tho ohurch Friday evening last to honor Mr and Mrs T. M. McFadden and Mr and Mrs Gordon Geddes on the occasion of their silver wedding un- niw mat'ien. Mrs M. Wilson presented a leather. bound hymnary from the choir and Miss Mnriorie Middleton presented a silver butter dish from ‘the Circle. Mrs Rutherford feelingly voiced her thanks. The evening was otherwise spent in games. PRESENTATION MADE been an active wcrker and member of Knox Church Evening Auxiliary, Mission Circle and choir. and on be. half of these three organizations. Miss Etta Twamley read an appre cintive address, while Mrs C. Me. Girr presented her with an Ainsley cup and saucer from the Auxiliary,} The home of Miss Barbara Ric-l Mr Allan Bell spent two days last chie was the scene of a pleasant'week with her daughters in Lmdon. social evening on Tuesday, in honor', Lloyd Miller ot Windsor is holiday- " Mrs James Rutherford. who tear. ing with his wire and daughter, Elin as on Tuesday, to Join her husband in town. m Saskatchewan, her old home pro-l! Mitra Alma Kretttt and Miss Mar. vince, after several years residenceljory Pickering were weekend visit- in Durham. Mrs Rutherford had am with the Burns family in Wel- been an active wcrker and mnmlmr‘land' Knox Societies Honor Departing Member KNOX Y. P. S. WITH WHICH IS INCOHPORATED THE HOLOTEIN LEADER TO CHOIR MEMBERS DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER s, I "r don't feel there is my future in professional baseball tor we and I don't think I'm good enough for it." Besides, he wishes to complete his ,universny course before making my I decision. g As a direct outcome of the war, silk prices have gone sky-rocketing. iwhich naturally has an adverse " ifect on silk hosiery sales. Allen ;Bros. of Hanover, silk hosiery man. iufacturors, state that not so long a. jo, silk could be imported from Ja. pan and sold to Canadian mills by [supply houses in United States at 1.70 Brown. muthpnw pitcher for Mea- tcrd Knights, champion of the Bruce League, had two ransom for turnlm: down the otter, which stipulated he Harold Brown husky Meatord trth. lete who won the broad Jump for Canada at the lust. British Empire games, returned unsigned I contract offered by Cleveland Indiana ot the American Baseball league. a pound. New it ls up to over $3.00 a pound, and hosiery men tear that the experience of the last war may be repeated whereby silk went as high as " a pound. Another untav. crahle factor is the exchange rate between Canada and the United States. As compared with the old price $1.70 a pound, hosiery men are now paying " a pound, plus at least 10 per eent. exchange, a total of 3.30, makiner, their net cost al- most dcuble what it recently was. would be sent for mooning to SirHntrtte1d of the lad-Atlantic League If he made the mac. Said HAROLD BROWN TURNS DOWN PRO. OFFER While backing away from the curb an Lambton st. near the Bank of Commerce corner last week, William Woolaghnn of Allentord. a former re. sident of Darkies Corner in Glenelg. bumped intc G. C. Webster's parked car, and also side-swiped a carown- ed by Alfred Weppler of Glenelg. Then Wbo1aghan hit a trailer behind the Weppler car, causing considerab- le damage to fenders. etc. A charge of careless driving has been laid against Woolaghan, trial being set fcr October 20th. Silk Hese Prices Soar. _ Mr and Mrs J. C. Howell were ---- (visitors with Mr and Mrs Wm. mr' ”WOMAN - CALVERT lrhan in Dunnville last Sunday. i Yorkminlster Baptist Church was ' Mr and Mrs John McKenzie, EgrP- the scene of an 'ultumn weddinglast (mont announce the engagement of Laturday when Catharine Margaret theix-Idaughter. Beulah Lorraine, to only daughter cf Mr and Mrs A. E. Edgar Clark, son of Mrs. McLeod Calvert, was married to Mr Ralph and the late Mr. Neil McLeod of Douglas Hindson, son of Mrs Hind. Protcn, the marriage to take ptsioe son and the late Rev. IV. E. Hind. quietly in October. son. Rev. w. A. Cameron oftieiated, Mr Hugh Firth has sold his homo M" D'Alton McLaughlin Wtur at tho and proprrty on Durham Road to organ and .Mrh . Kenneth McAdam Ogle Clutchey, garageman. who gem sang.. Tali white cathedral tapers possession this month. Mr and Mrs Banked with white gludloli. shed a Firth have retttttdvWm. Crutchley's mellow glow over the soft twilight residence on Countess Street. of the church. and clusters of white PII? 'mums marked the guest pews. ----"-t- ; The bride was given in marriage . by her father, and Miss Ruth Curry. car Bump5d Ito . cousin of the bride, was maid of Mr Hugh Firth has sold his homo and proprrty on Durham Road to Ogle Clutchey, garageman. whc gets r-oasession this month. Mr and Mrs Firth have rented‘NVm. Crutchley's residence on Countess Street. Mrs Jas. Rutherford and little son. and her niece. Miss Jean Bayne of Mcose Jaw, who has been vismmz her. left Thursday for Ernfold, Sask., where she will realdp. Mr. Wallace Hepburn of Sudbury visited his mother here and sine: Mrs James McLachlan. Aberdeen, last week. Miss Beulah Stonecuae and Mrs Davidson of Toronto are visitors with Mr and Mrs B. Stoneouse. Misses M. E. Morton, M. H. Ger. rle and I. C. McGirr visited with friends In Teeswnter. Mr and Mrs Clarence Head and daughter Betty, of St. Peter's. Cape Breton, were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs J. N. Murdock. Two Parked Cars A meeting to organize a Juvenile hockey team in Durham is called top Friday night, Oct. 6th in R. L. Saunders' store. A reception followed at Moulton College. on their return trom honey- moon they will reside m Hamilton. Both are graduates or McMaster University, and the bride's mother was formerly Addie Currie of Mu, lock. cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss may Acheson Miss Verna Mackey, Miss Mary Sutherland and Miss Margaret Pringle. Mr Nerval L. Wit. liamson was groomaman. After a wedding breakfast was held at a friend's heme. the young couple left on their honeymoon to Winnipeg, across to the Slates and Durham. They will take up resld» once In Kirkland Lake. The ceremony Watt performed by Rev. Father McMahan. The bride wore a white net dress with veil to match and carried pink roses and Iilror-ttte-vattey. Miss Jean Cotrpyk, Winnipeg, sister of the bride, was her (nly attendant. She wore a gown of slurred moire trimmed with rose velvet and carried a bou- quet of red roses. i Mr Tory Jones, Kirkland lake was grocmsman. Lake, Ontario, on Saturday. Septem- ber 16th, " 9 a.m.. when Jean Coe. pyk daughter ot Mr and Mrs Peter Cospyk or Winnipeg. Mam. became the bride ct Fred Kelsey, only son of Mr and Mrs P. W. Kelsey ot Durham. ‘ A quiet wedding wu solemnlted at Holy Name Church, Klrklnnd Autumn Weddings 1 “NEWS KELSEY- L. 1939 A Burn' ' Reunion A, be held In Burns’ Ch h, Rocky Saugeen. on Sunday, Oe r 8th at 2.30 p.m. A cordial invi ion is extended to for. mer members d friends to be pre- sent. A prom will be held in the church Monday vening. October tr, Admission, adults 26e, children 159. Everybody welcom The l.0.D. . will be 'rlad oelve clothing teh your I have outgrown supply lo munds. Articles, 5' be let Mrs. Thou. Hende n. The Aberd n Women's Immune plans to hold cmkinole social, tttsit pond and baking sale In the school. Friday. Oct. 20, eight o'clook. Anniversa services will be held " Varney 811 day October fl. Rev. Mr Muir, P ville will speak at 11 a. m. and 7.3 p. m. Also special music. $1.00, a couple Extra lady, and H. S. students, 50e You are welcome in Torn Hall, DURHAM illulit, October 9th under alitcpices Canadian Greys Chap. urn ' Reum Ch h, T r, Oe r I Invita ion Iembers ( A Dream THANKSGIVING DANCE Published Weekly at It.” I you In “Vance. " can“ sum. 82.60 a year In “mu. Peter hum. Minter ll be ",ttrd to re. th your children supply local do. " be left with Good Music I. O. D. E. ONTARIO ARCHIVES 1 MRI wheel Wagon, 1 wood when Wagon t spring mom Cultivuiom l Saw {rune 0mm 1 Gas Engine, 6 h.p. I Electric Washing Machine 6Cmm separators. 2 Cook Moves 1 [any Riding Plow, I furrow I Cockahuil Riding Plow. , furrow Also New Machinery and (Tn-um Separators for we. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP J. c. IOIELL. Ito.. USED ARTICLES Also Uniform et' Heaters mm ammonia. if deal In perhaps he maul Imporuml piece of furnitul In the modern homr today. Before yin; a Baum, see the famous Rent w lines in nlllvory Two-(anal ens-me High-Immed. " models to chance mm. FLA FOR RENT Hard and ac water, sink Mo DURHAM. ONT,

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