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Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1939, p. 4

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ttl " FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Mi Positively Guaranteed " “but! Illa-zine. t " tl Colliers Equine. 1 Fr. ”True Story Magazine. 1 yr. " led Book Hanna. t yr. t 1 Woman's Home Companion. 1 w. 1 l MW lanzine. t W. I l Silver he», 1 yr. " Christian Herald, t y; I) Megeentand Magazine. 1 yr. ll 0N. Road Itor Boys). t " . l IeCall’s Inning 1 yr. " mu Digest, 0 mos. I) A-crleu Inning. 1 yr. Ih1sN-resr,trernroa-hrxsoesamatm. use: In" new” -3ucwn In. on!!! " than!“ lusting. 1 Fr. " Rod & Gun. t yr. " National Home Hominy, t n, tl American Bor, 0 MI. [I Chatelaine "name, 1 yr. tt Puenu' Magazine. ' nos. ll Canadian Home Journal. 1 yr. " Kong Arts Weedieerato, t it. n ngadlan Horticulture & Hon. t l Amertttan Prttit Grower. I no These Offers THE DURHAM REVIEW, Durham October 8 to 14 Co-operating with the Provincial and Dominion Fire Marshals, Dull-1m Town Council requests that all citize n: see to it that all chimneys are cleaned out and their premises made ready for the Winter season Practise eccnc my by preventing chimney fires this Win- tor, and the unnecessary (allir p t Lttf the Fire Brigade na- "m7, '-riikraiiinuaiiaTiir=rT'a"a mm Group a “on! ”In. I GROUP ”be. I "m 0'3 tmatmoii -riGiririeiG Tac' B. H. WILLIS, Town Clerk BIG FAMILY OFFER _. . Here's the thrifty, economical way to subscribe _ for this newspaper and your favorite magazines at prices that ere really sensational. These offers are good either for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon TODAY 1-an emu " Haclean'a Magazine. " issues, 1 n. I) National Home Monthly. 1 n. tl Chaulalna We. 1 " l l Canadian Home Journal, t yr. I) Canadian Horticulture a Rona Magazine. t yr. [130d & Gun. 1 yr. " American Boy, I nos. I] Parent! Magazine, a not. " Hon. Ana mm”. t yr. tl American fruit Grower. 1 yr. tl American Bor, 0 mos. tt Parentd Magazine. 0 mos. I) Home Arts Weedieerato, t J l l American Pruit Grower. 1 yr. te Chrhum Herald. 0 mos. "-t'tee,.1tiriiiFaGriiN"r7i7i"ir. - "dumb. f1t.r1ee.itei..v...,.,..tamses ieg,2,1'1ttt_srtte4_iAitru%"ikrGC" outpdonbyownw. I l sum-um . o "o"""""""""-...-..... """""""-.-.-.. Normanby at Ayton .. Markdale at Markdale Last census of the Indian popula- tion in Saskatchewan was taken in 1936 and revealed that there were 12,836 Indians residing in reserves in the province. , Canada is taking a census ot her lndian population this year. Word from the Indian Affairs Branch, De- partment of Mines and Resources, Ottawa. indicated that throughout the Dominion, indian agents are gathering vital statistics in their various agencies, while in the out. lying districts the information is be. ing collected by R. C. M. P,, clergy, traders and others. The Indian cen- sus is taken and published quinquen nially. the last one taken in 1934 ac- counted for an lndian population of 112.510 in Canada. As the Indian population is supposed to be increas- ing annually at the rate of one p.c., it is estimated that this year's cen- will show their numbers to be in ex. cess of 118,000. SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR GREY INDIAN CENSUS IN CANADA ""-......... THE DURHAM REVIEW , Oct , . Oct 11 ,- - - W ‘other: what they rennin "Id getting Iran than what we need. ”Windham”. m,“ at3tevtmretus. "awn.” mmcan chief wanted a tophnt, ga gold-laced coat, and a trinket or two, he trot value in the pleasure of possession. These things meant lit. tle or nothing to the salesman but what did mean a great deal to him and his people was the tuck of an African elephant, for which the na- tive had no need " all. The African exchanged " gladly tor ere-tming ornaments that ttlittered for him Just the name as do the things dits. played in a tlrtseettt store to tempt our ova children. as well " lots of There la no reason in cox the exchange that was made African chief wanted a a gold-laced coat, and a th two, he trot value in the pk possession. These things n: the or nothing to tho “1.. Just as the Greeks and the Rom. ans travelled abroad for the things that had become necessities to them, and which they did not pos- sess themselves. so the more mod- ern traders in their best equipped craft have sailed to the far corners of the earth carrying with them beads of glass and other alluring orna-i ments to give to unsophisticated‘ people, and to bring back to their! own countrymen. the pearls and the ivory that they craved. The Phoenicans travelled to anci- ent Britain to trade the silks of China, the cottons of India and the frankicense and myrrh and spices ot Araby for the tin of Cornwall and the skins of the beasts of the tor. ests. I Prom the beginning of time men have travelled and traded. They have given gifts and received pres- ents in return. They gave what they had to give and they received in payments things they had not. Worm on, too, have travelled and traded. One ot the most spectacular Journeys in all history was the romantic visit pald'by the Queen of Sheba to the Court of Solomon. her train lad. on with gifts from the jungles ot Africa. Laden they returned. Trading " m ‘75 th. and the 50 lb. will be readily apparent. The 50 m. bag should not be mistaken tor a bushel, as the leg. al weight tor a bushel ot potatoes ls lac Tft. Under the old system it was not so easy to distinguish between the go m. and 90 m. bags. When these bags were ottttred for sale aim. ultaneously, the buyer was likely to be confused. tn the interest of fair deallnz and uniformity of business. the abolition of the 80 and 90 lbw bags is bettetieiat all round. It willl also tend to decrease the number‘ or different sizes of bags the ship. per will have to stock, and itwillen- courage the use of new bags in place of second-hand ones. Especially In Western Canada, the 100 th. bag has been in extensive use throughout Canada, and because it is also the principal bag contain- " for potatoes In the United States, It is regarded as the import and ex- port trade bag. All bags in which potatoes are sold must carry a tag on which the name and address of the grower or packer is clearly marked, together with the correct grade and weight of the contents. l, Since July 1, 1939, when import- ant alterations were made in the :standnrd size of has: in which pota- itoes are packed tor sale. the ndop- "ion of the new legal weights hug ;been proceeding smoothly. 'Theee‘ (new weights ore new the only legnl: standards for potatoes peeked in ect-I ‘ton, Jute, or mesh bags for sales They are 100 m., 50 m., " tb., and "s m. The wetghte for potatoes prey, packed in paper bags are 10 m. and: 515 tb. The Regulations under the iFruit. Vegetables and chey Act {which legalized the new weights on bury 1, abolished the so in. and the, 'iso lb. haze which were extensively' gused in the Dominion, particularly in, l, Eastern Canada. 1 The abolition of the M) tb. and the 90 lb bags together with the new computation ct weights, has brought about many advantages both to the buyer and to the seller. The new hart-weights are computed in quar- ters of the hundredweight, and it be easy to recognize on sight the dif- forences in weight when the bags are on display. For example, the dif- ference between the 100 tb. and the 75 lb. bug. and between the NEW LEGAL? ',air,,, 1 GLENROADEN A FACT A WEEK ABOUT CANADA WIHY WE TRADE Elm-ITS 1 GLENROADEN "M I Mr ..d In WI. Wm were re. I"'.,..] POTATO "", u" Adtt Btear out m Ahn ot we Mn in eztettdtntr .t,e"1',h"'lli can mini- a the home or Mr and 1939 when Import. Tcronto, spent pm of In: weekwlth path! to I" Jtttut 2'l",2," In" In o. we“... Gl' made In the her pinata, Mr and Mu All“ Boyd member- of the fun all M Otd Wm. sum. I“ of Gordon Balm has: in which pota- Mrs May Brown and friend Mr. been bereft of 2, loving unborn ind Ind the .1 “We to have the H" tor sale the ado Hsuh Smith otToronttt, spent nweek father. Mr. k, w. d "unwound And third Mr! allied It a le l we" nu hzlwilh Mrs E. Kenny. ruled In our community In tto t m mttttntt he mt and". a 'dh' tr 'Th i Mrs Frank Vickers ot Rentrew nnd to lllhulth. moved to Dur tb u / In [Mr and In new a.» m r. eBe Mr and Mr. Harold Vickerx of Tor- two your: "o. The funeral, new“, " t. . __., -.s-.aa.a computed Mr and In E. o. Buck in condemning 1- thin: to If an TORONTO nus ucQusrrle presided tor the W. MM. meeting. Mrs. turtle led In prayer. Roll call was responded to by s verse of scripture. An lnvltn- tion is extended to the Durhun Soc- lety to be present st our Therm-ott- crlng meeting to be held In the church on October 11th " 2 p.m.a Mrs. Weldle wilt address this meet.) ing. Mrs Boyd ave I. reattntr, 'iii') men's place in the church and mls-i slons." Rev. Mr letle closed thei meeting with payer. Refreshment; were served. The next meetlng will be held " the home of Mrs, In.“ -- -'-"-. ......e um "' Mr end In In!" Caldwell vl-HN' 1prarer. Roll call was responded to tyandar wlth ninth-3 "t Hanover. ’by a verse of scripture. An lnvlte- Walton " our home last week were (tion is extended to the Durhun Soc- Mm David [gr-mu end In And. ‘lety to be present at our Pef?tueiti Thur-day: Rev. Mr. [are "in: meetingr to be held in the and In Rare and mu Blue'l‘homll- church on October 11th " 2 iriiil'll' on Wednesday. We We“ Mrs. Weldle will address, this meet. Mr. Ken’s vhlts dun-lug our "the“. ing. Mn Boyd ave e ree‘dng. 'ii'i'ril'li, tho-e at an." who have vtaited men's place in the church and mln-iul, Mr have had 9ttr tull um. We alone." Rev. Mr letle closed thei have now had 181 vulture. lone cl meeting with prayer. Refreshment! these cereal tlmee, besides thechll-‘ were served. The next meeting "ill, dren who hue some. end the letter- be held " the home of Mrs. Hugh‘nnd lower- ud one. We no [rete- McDoneld on October Mth. tul for - klndneu. I “'0...“ I Mr and In Andrew Inf-hell ' Burns' Church Ladies‘ Aid and W. M.S. held their Joint meeting on Sept. 27th at the home ot Miss Sch- eurman. Mrs Thompson presided for the Ladies' Aid meeting. Scripture was read by Mrs Malcolm McKechnle (trom pselm 97. Miss Beaks led in prayer. Roll call was answered by e verse on 'harvest'. t9attdwiehes,cake pie and cream are requested for the social to be held in the church Mon. day evening, Oct. 9th. An invitation) is extended to Mulock Lulles' Auto} be present at the next meeting. Miss Edna Bell sure a. reading on the “Rolland M. Boswell hospitel." The Lord's prayer in unison closed the meeting. Mrs McQusrrie presided for n.- w :3 Mrs Funk Vicken of Renfrew and ler and Mrs Huron! Vickera of Tor. , onto were weekend guests at Hrs. '{Vlckers' old home. Mrs. Vickers i remained. over for a long visit. w! Guests during the week with Mr. 1land Mrs Wes. Bowman were Mrund {Mrs Jack Symon: Br. and Mr. and L Mrs Jack Symon Jr. orToronto; Mr _ and Mrs Wellington Bowrnats,Guelph Mr Clayton Damn: has been india. posed for the past couple or Weeks. Mrs. Clarence Adlam and infant daughter who have been spending the past three weeks with her mother, Mrs. A. Mevean, left Monday for her home in Tomato. BURNS LADIES' AID AND W. Mr D. East-man spent Monday ev- ening of last week " the home of Mr and Mrs E. Wilton. Mr and Mrs Frank Murdock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Halliday. Miss Elsie Halllday spent Sunday at the parental heme. Our teacher Mr. Eastman and pu. pils of s.s. No. 14 are homing a weiner roast tonight, Tuesday, at the school. Miss Nadine Blythe of Durham, is this week visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Wllbert Blythe. Mr and Mrs C. M. Leeson spent Sunday with Mend: in Mt. Forest. Min Eleanor Glover spent the weekend at her home In Paisley. Messrs Wm. Park and David Wei- Ber have gone to Lisiowel to train. Both young men Joined in Walkerton and are in the artillery division. Mr Fred Yandt thrashed for Messrs Menno Schenk and Herman Webber. Mr and Mrs Wilbert Blythe family spent Sundny with Mr. Mrs McClure in Brampton. Mrs W. Haatie of Holstein Ind son Arthur of Nornudn. Quebec were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs w. Bogle. Varney anniversary aerVIce: will be held next Sunday. Oct. Mt, at 11 and 7.30. Rev. Mr Muir, Priceville will preach. Special music. Mrs E. Kenny and daughter Bea- tries, son Micheal and Mr E. Martin. Mrs May Brown and Mr Hugh Smith spent two days with friends in Guelph. also a couple days in Owen Sound. Mr Joe Keitter believes in drain- age. Mr. Hiscox of Dorncch is put- ting in the tile, and has already com- pleted the third ileld. Mr and Mrs Jde Kemer and son Walter and Isabella. and Male, vitri ted with friends In Formcu and Chemtow on Sunday. The deepest sympathy ls extended to the Walker 1nd Shannen funnies in the sudden denth of little Archie Walker. We welcome Mr and Mrs. Hector Boyce and son, who are moving this Tuesday to the Melon! farm. ' 'ah Fair Baits RI ,YTH'S CORNFRS VARNRY II... Oct. 3, m a. 10. n o"1t'"ttrr-niaisii"i"""i"ii"i' Tther Well-ato- In the We". and Ir and In Andrew nun-mu MM. ted 0'1 My with In and an. tr 'rttt ”moon ttf Extent. lb- w Mm mama to 'memtto M! to Me up her m. Our cousin, mu Joule Donna.“- ter spending n month In our home. left on 8mm!” to with with In. Etrt Matthew- " me. before returning to Cum“. Mr Ind In "In" 0-H-.-“ ..._.., . She Writes that threshing in in full swing, nnd that they can lee Ave threshing mttttta from their door. Mr and In Palmer Patter-on went Sundny evening with Mr and In. Huck! Winch. Andrew Pieken's and at the Smell- .msn home. In Geo. Sun-Ilium re- turned to her home with him after some weeks spent in St. Item. Mr. and Hrs. Ron-Id Smith and children visited on Sundsy with Mr. and Mrs Geo. Plume " Gleneden. Pleased to receive 1 letter Int week (run In. Carson, who is now living with her brother in Alberta. Mr Thomas Gmby ot St. KIWI visited on Sunny " It and In. Andrew Picker: and at the Small- Mr and Mrs Alex. Aberdeln visited over the week and with relatives near Rockford. . Mr Ind Mrs Wm. Hush." and m. mtly visited on Sunday " the Clari- ton homes in Benunck. visiting her parents, Mr. and "It Esolos. The main feature of (heva Wlll Bolton. {grant was lantern slides. "A trip t Mr. um In. Edgar none lndlEngland" by Rev. A. Foray-tn t,' family visited with Mr. and S'."yiTyktr.tory Rev. C. Saunders. xx)i, Clarence McGirr ot Durham sundly-lnbly Med the chnir. weleotned 1),. Mr and Mrs Tttatt, Stlnnon "erttltruessu, and moved a. vote of than» Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Cthttord,to " who took part. Adlun. 5 Rev. John Currie and son Cuthh, tr ----._-- ieuuornn. as an Ernie Can-m u Toronto. attended church serxu F, KNOX CORNERS ihere Sunday evening and visited t' There was a good attendance If Monday with MrJohn and Miss F",, ' Knox on Sunday. Rev Mr Kaye tookian, In. When and Janet I _ for hia subject, "How to tiruutee the teraon. church." There are many dillerent! Mr and In J. D. Brown of lu' ways these days to provide money Eiqin, are " present visttlniz u . for God's work: even bingo ttttd, Mr and In Andrew Elastic: and. V gambling if the law “ould allow it fund In Dunk! Hastie. In the Old Testament, the Jews were" Mr. E. storms. tencher at Hula taught to tithe, and one-tenth of mehl. we.“ Wednesday evening V their Income was given toGod. Many his friend. Mr Wallace Helherinpw still practise tithing. The New Tea-ind " trttendittq tacherg' mnvpm. tament teaches us to Rive " Godhnn in Planer-ton Thursday and Fri" prospered us and we shall receive a .. - blessing in so doing. We tried the new organ at Knox on Sunday for W" the t1rst time. It is surely n great improvement on the old one. I Mr and lira A. D. Maerntosh. Mu Mrs Bush MecDoneld end daughter in". Del-gavel of Durham, visited an evening he: week with Mr end In ‘Herry A. Ray and funny. I luster Kenneth McCulloch "tend. ‘ed Owen Sound fair. i Mr Royden Vickers, who Ind been iemployed with Mr George Tumbull. lthe put few weeks, bu let! for Tor. onto, where he he! eccepted a pal» tion. mu Kn Bolton of Hum-ton. in visiting her parents, Mr. and In. Wlll Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. Ednr Boyce and family visited with Mr. 1nd Mrs. Clarence NcGirr of Durham Sunday. Mr and Mn Thou. Stlnaon spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Adlun. Mr cud Mr: Reid Rune and Ilsa Isabel of Vela. visited " the home of Mr Alex. Inbound on Sunday. The W.M.S. will hold their Oct. meeting on Fridly afternoon at the home of In Wilfred Wright. ' Mrs Dunc-n McQunrrle of Aberdeen and Miss Tenn McLean of Bt. Cath. nrines spent u day last week with Miss Tenn Livingstone and In: Mary McGllllvny. Mr Wilbur Anderson and his no ther spent last week with In Thou. Burlington and In John Mathew. Brown. pastor of Elmwood Mennonite Church. Mr. Brown In a ment spen- ker and we hope for n good attend. ance " Church next. Sunday Oct. 8. when he will again take the service. Remember the hour-tIli. The m,rvT,Cin in; United Church here Ian Sundny wu conducted by Rev. Cecil Brown, son of Rev. Wm. Mondey, wu very largely “tended. In hues Turnbull or Durham. spent I few dun lut week at the home of her son George. In. Kenneth Grier end children visited with her parents, Mr and In George Hinton. Mr ' Mrs David Marshall md In Alex. Aberdeln vtMted week end with relatives If - " P. “cum. Icahn“ Metted Will It and In a. “on.“ In WI. M at was Crs' mmwm,uam htc One. I'- CI. III N “‘0 upon! a “I II 0n- In“ not but In the “at. "th, m vtntttrtg his partw- bl’ . Mar m. m Mm th .' "km " “an.” and an. In tr,,, Um. Mr M "“3" Illa-t a _ “7' with (than. u “I...“ ct' I li- 00-w- Inner of Owen Soul!" Illa-t I for {Inn with her ttarent- '" M In I... an“- do of. all m?" Kr and In Pun [when of v, Wane-1107mm, themmmu tor to Ymmtto Ll If Alex. 3069an Visited for dar “It week with In A. D. mm toA, Inseam. Mr Dough. M... ._-- ' Jacobo In! Th-dar. The forum Ivuitod her mm. and the mm n. 'newod the new oftter mun, us i. :ll some “It! odd your: .inee in Per', left that part. l The Y.P.U. cf the local church Mr. E. Storing. teacher at Huh meal. spent Wednesday evening v his friend. Mr Walnu- Helherinpw and“ attending teaehetW convom . Mr and Mr: A. D. luclnwsh, M, “ya and Don. of lngemoll. wen ', cent visitor: with In E. Mclnmw Mr And In ILA. Vuey andln' Ion. visited the In! of the week M . Mr Ind In “Olen Hamil-mun. Mr and In J. D. Brown of luv Khin, are " present visiting u . Mr And In Andrew Hetstie, and I', and In Dun“ Hustle. alumnae: 44min of cleansim Solo. and duet: were henuufullym dered " both service: by Miss lu- Itein end In Mindy of Elmuuri and by Mr Hurry Metrttatt,Wttikertort The concert Monday evening M., well attended and an excellent MG, per wu served by the Indie: of 1:. Church end Aid. The Hanover m; tint alienate kindly mined in m program, and delighted the audim.~ with their choruses. In. Imp- Shu-pe of Durhun rendered two m. Lu: Sunday marked the 6tth :w nlvemry service: ct lulock Bum church. They were Well 'tttttttdv, Rev. T. J. lull-e or Chaney wax tl, guest weeken- and delivered (11800111 y. see of commending earnestness aw power at both servicel. In the mar: In; he spoke from , Chron. 7: I: In the evening. “God's way or In. tor nun": b-het ct lln: '-C,otsri, tton of forgiven-I; t--Amrund tr Mr. and In. Gnome Helkao-v of Clilord ad Mr Arnold Hicknn. of Walkerton, visited with Mr. aw in HieMitw Reentry. Mr And In Wesley Monk and da an." were meant visitor: at my then-elven a their In! mung tart " ROCKY saunas qtenther il' _ m.\1~ the 1' who and 0 SI um, acres ' Go Review on The June con. 15, Fa HOLsTEm Pm tit,, Hot-min and frame tr party of thr, FOR SALE tan). 2 Re Ragttrrtered OCTOBER ha, "" Telephone 'lla.r,',,1,ilj Tuesdti Octobé Big Shnwim! of Grains. Vega! Baking. Etc. Small M; FARM FOR SA TRIALS ()f 2.24 and 2.ls J. Fekhik lr 'xr, MIN no Fish t.h, I“. rue-mm“ my MIR“ h “aide of I... r w butter l eqeteqt (uh aw NM o' lab. - nu-i: ‘. ' 1 h - bode: m. .. - Pour Hm vuv‘ " (but the llunun mu- t a“ ”to. Ind In.» 1 d Oh Wok wMh ul ”than" Ivv ' ‘dulmon Mo w - houna . 'ra-tuse G .ott a%Gketf but“: Ire ' “I tow brooe: Po. over the ' and: o! mum: ' W: ot hm a: “we Tre . wb.' x so we Gm " - run-v.11“ Other Attra " " st?

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