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Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1939, p. 5

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OCK as" W- a”... :uqu In tho M at!“ ion ‘tirully ren- M In mr. Manual, Wa marten a: new. banning Isoy Sound a rents. " VIE! I in the "Idiom a roll!- with Lean. ac- it. Hick and th. . former latter to. uth, as n m- Mr. and at the 2 and monster melding Mr. and Maetn erand m any , ot the . Irvine two line the pro- trip to in of rs. who ml the thanks :I V!“ torn " little k with Baptist tended . was the emom 7: It, when no": their awn! were re. Mr aid of tite latter who few and the so- rhurch th an Fondl- ml of tt Han. bttt h d dau Faith Rtttet scour among a but vices Mar Smith. wit Port with will tion Pat at to re and Mr Ot or of FARM FOR SALE on RENT The James Bun-ton tam. lot 15. f an. 15, Egromom, containing 100 wrws. Good buildings. Apply to Il-view on”. F1 m F,ALE--tAt lot 6. can. 16, Pro. ton), 2 Registered Dorm Rams. 5 Ramstered Dorset Ewen with lambs. J. A. Campbell, RR], Prowl: St'n. Lots 30 and M, we» “do Main st, Holstein, with good brick home and frame stable. 'hae garden. Pro- ptety of the lute D. P. Coleridge. HOLSTEIN PROPERTY FOR SALE Tolephone 129. r bt, Dundalk. can" an, Small Advts. J. FRANK DAVIS, Pres. RUSSELL FREEMAN. Sec’y 2. 24 and 228 Trot Big Showing of Grey County's, Grains, Vegetables, Flower; Baking. Etc. TRIALS 0F SPEED - Ipi, OCT. 11 Purse $300 'r, October toliand tt Markdale /,.----h, ,/,"/-w- W tttlp, fo ji"" ”an"... ........... ....u........un.om.-.n-u thler Allnclim fer Young "im Tuesday and Wépnesday .'Y M,,.,.,,!,'.,.,,,',,: an, IIVVVIIIII LLOYD'S' TBY. MOMTED CORN SALVE for my corn or callous THEY cannot remove with this ancient new ttgMntitto treatment “PM and Callous... Lloyd's com- bination treatment (Salvo and Path) remove: and keeps them aw”. De Icndtinu and relieve: with ttmt ap- plication. For sale " s25 Reward ti?,,)?,,!)'.',',',',,'? Framework tor couch tree, to Brat Review subscriber who asks for same. Apply " Révlew Dulce. phone Owing to the war, Canada wilt not take part in the 1940 Olympic games which are tot he held in Mn. land. The winter games were tohnve been held in Germany but it is quite obvious that it the war lasts my length of time there won't be any such thing in Germany. 3h First Ripe, i.30 p. at Live Stock Needlework, McFadden's Drug Store Mr end Mm Peter McEechnie and daughter, North Bay, Mr and Mrs Murray McEechnie of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of their brother Mr John Menachnie. In Mary Wilkie. Mn, is " present visiting nieces and nephew member: of the Wench funny. Mien Bernice Me'raggart spent I. few days with her aunt Mrs Archie Rue-ell. Mr and Mn Leslie Wtht and Mr. Lloyd Christie who hove spent sometime " Creamore in the em- ploy of Spurn»: Yeo. reed eontnc- tor, hue itnitghed their job end re- turned to their twee. It and In Steele! Acheson end family ,Bethel attended the morning novice st the United Chm): and event the a” m In Herold love. Mm D. B. Gordon and In Huh Miss Marjorie Stewart I: assisting a few weeks " the home of Mrs Walter Stewart. Mr Chan Haw with threshing out- tit has been doing several Jobs near the village. Rev Edward Baker, Mentord, had charge of the communion service " the United Church Sunday morning when ten new members were added to the roll, tour by eertitieate and six by profession of faith. Clarke Bros. have bought another Dodge truck and are now prepared to take are of tnwklng jobs. Mr Mike Sullivan, tron of Mr and Mrs Ed Sullivan had the misfortune to break his ankle at Field Day on Friday in Markdnle. Mr and Mrs Wm. Brown and tam. ily of Bunessan visited Sunday at Mr H. Tucker's. A number from here attended Owen Sound Fair. Miss Isabel Cameron, is assisting Mrs A. B. Muir with her household duties. Mr Allie McLean had the min- fortune to lose a fine sucking colt recently. Pricevllle school pupils and teach- ers enjoyed Field Day Friday at Mr G. Whyte's, also the O.D.R. school children took part. Miss Mary McDonald. teacher at North Line School spent Monday night at home of Mr Henry Tucker. Mr and Mrs G. A. Black and fum- lly, Swlnton Park, visited at A. L. Hincka . On Friday night a miscellaneous shower was given to Mr and Mrs Donald Reilly in the hall here. Dancing and good music was enjoy- ed. The bride and groom received many lovely gifts. Recent vlsitcra at Mr Alex Car, son's were, Mrs Wm Beaton, Mina Marie Manchlan. Mrs F. McKinnon and Mary ,Mr and Mrs Wm Richard- son and two daughters of Chate- worth. Mrs Archie MacCualg spent week end In Awen Sound. The Holman Club meeting will be held Wednesday Oct ll, st the home of Mrs C. Thompson. Lunch com. Coke . Mrs D. Campbell, Mrs W. J. Hlncka. Sandwiches, Mrs Geo. Fish- er, Mrs Sam MeDermid. Quite a number from here attended anniversary services " Swlnton Park on Sunday and enjoyed listen- lng to Mr Joe Muchsn of Feversham and also the special name by the choir. Church. took place here some 10 deys ago. This 'Pto.BoeurPtttrtieo' not per- haps was never token notice or. Had the weeds still been nourishing, the critical eye would hove noticed. mu is more readily noted then good. The young people of Pricevillesnd vicinity, gathered at the Hall .Widay evening, the purpose being to extend congratulations and best wishes to the popular young married couple.Mr and Mrs Donald Relley. At an ap- propriate time, teacher Bell called the meeting to order and stated the object of the gathering " above sta- ted, to which both suitsbly replied. Many costly and beautiful articles were presented to the beautiful and Winsome bride. Dancing was there. after resumed. An alter meeting was held yesterv day. to discuss and appoint commit. tees to further the necessary steps towards another successful anniver- sary at St. Columns, probably on October 22nd. Rev. R. Mercer, Holstein, will conduct service here next Sunday, October 8th. Rev. A. R, Muir taking anniversary services at Varney. We bespesk a good turnamt for both. the hoe”. unwittingly betook himself to endlcnte the weeds, growing in the monument enclosure. before the bltt Rally at Sunday School workers of Grey Presbytery of the United ”has fortunate that "themwlth PRICEVILLE HOPEVILLE Teeswater hit on Wednesday had some 18,000 in atmedance-the re. cord for any tair In this part of the The entire ocuupants turned and craned their necks expectantly. A girl got on with a basket of laundry. province . "All right back there?" called the conductor from the front seat of the street car. “Hold on," came a feminine voice. "Wait till I get my clothes on." Finally, in exaaperauon, he shout- ed: "That line is as crooked as a politician. All of ye: fall out and take a look at It!" THE DURHAM REVIEW The lrlsh drill sergeant was put- ting a squad of raw recruits through their paces. " He gave them "right dress." But try as they would, they couldn't get a straight line. The Board of Trustees of the Han- over Memorial Hospital have engag- ed Miss Gertrude L. Samey of To. route as the new superintendent of Hanover hospital, and she took over her duties on the lat of October. For ten years she was on the staff of the General Hospital at Nyack. N. Y., and tor the past year and a half was superintendent ot the Pub ry Sound Hospital, where she also‘ had charge of the X-ray work. Tht other nurses on Hanover stat! are the Mine , Mary Hughes. Dorothy‘ Diemert and Jean Renwick. DRILLING THE DUMB HECRUITS Mm. Sturdy and Min Sturdy were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Will Dickie. The local Hydro Electric Commis- aion has been informed by the On- tario Hydro-Electric Power Commie- elon otrieeg " Toronto, that all bills for use of electric light or power wilt henceforth be subject to 1 Do- minion War Revenue one: tax ot S p c. This in in Accordance with provisions of the war budget recent- ly announced by the Dominion Gor. ernment, and will be emotive begin. ning with the bills for September --0gtotrer. Mrs George Scott is still in a very helpleu condition since her recent accident Several residents of the vicinity have been "iieted with bad colds which been hard to get rid ot. Mr and In Ju. amid and mm. Ily or Falrbatm visited Sand-y " ternoon at the home of hi. mother, Mrs George Slum. Mr and Mrs George Christie and family meat the Arst of the week with Mrs C. D. Desert and funny Glam“. Truth nod- Io gnu. ecu-Immmmuwmum . . . Think mm Ind rem'tt yo man. . I . Common bounty In noon-0| In poll- WAR TAX NOW PAYABLE ON ALL HYDRO BILLS lice-u “and be mounted In new. Mr and In W. Smith and family of Caledonia spent the weekend with their cousins the Christie “milieu. Mr Smith over forty years ago re- t-Ided on the hm now occupied by Mr Geo. Mevienr. MISS GERTRUDE L GARNEY NEW SUPT. OF HOSPITAL aatt-tueseetearat.aesdrt". wuel the all who am at " - Batter, Dundnlk will he the guest weaken at the United W. M. S. Thtutkoffermg meeting to be held at the church Thursday afternoon. Oct. 5th. mum-MIMI.” Mrtrt Hunter: "Her, Bill." Second Hunter: "Yeah." Ptrtst Hunter "Are you all right t" Second Hunter: "Yeah." First Hunter: "Then I've shot a “a. FIRESIDE. iriin.bso'rtee DOU ITFUL OR CAREFUL " AL'IID II“. All) VICIII‘IY Suffolk Down. Shearling ram-E. Brown, Harry Finder. Ram 1atntr--Geo. Belt, Thou. Bell 2 & 3. Aged ewe-43eo. Bell , & 2, E'. Brown. Shenrllng ewe-. Thos. Bell 1 & 2, E. Brown. Eva lamb-Geo. Bell. T. Bell. E. Brown. Oxford Downs Aged ram--R. Comm, Shand Bros. 2 & 3. Ram lamb. aged ewe. ewe lamb-each Shand Bros. 1 a t, H. Clwan 3. Shearllng ewe -Bhaad Bros., H. Coven 2 & 3. _ Shropshire Aged ram-E. Fleming, Ten; he. Shana. shearllng run, run lamb, aged ewe. tshearlintr ewe, ewe lamb-- each E. Fleming t& 2, he. Shem! 8. Speckle In Sheep Market latnb-E. Fleming. J. Me. Glrr, H. Coven. Beet lambs Ilred by J. Bowman's tqutttr--Yhog Bell. C. Watson. E. Brown. - Bert Monk, Elmwood, Judge.' SWINE Aged boar-R. W. Pinder. Brood sow white-T. Brown, C. Wuhan, Brood sow, red--R. .W. Pinder, V. Adams. Bacon sow under " ttttm.--- R. W. Plnder, B. Lawn. M. Dowl- ing. Bacon tow under ' mog.--V. Adams, R. w. Finder , t 8. Boar under " mott.-ha. new“, V. Ad. am. R. w. Plunder. , Bacon Iutgrr-- SHEEP - Lelcener Aged ram-W. Henry (Chats- worth.) Shear-ling ram-W. Henry, J. McGirr. Ram Lamb-g. McGirr, w,. Henry 2 k , Aged ewe--W. Hen ry, G. Aitken, J. McGirr. Shearllng ewe--W. .Henry 1 & t, J. McGirr. Ewelamb-J. MeGirr, W. Henry, J. Stevenson. J. Blazing 1 k 2. And [soloing] other-g. Blazing. 1 t 2, E. Reid. Bttring new. Blulng 1 t 2. Tur- keys-Ar. Anion, R. Kirby. Burl-x turkers-R. Kirby. G. Altken. Aged tad spring Penn Dt_qettt J. Busing. Barred Rock ehie%tttq- J. Ian Aitken. Baby beet tutiqgtar-rit MeRobb, E. Gardiner. C. Watson. Dairy Cow-E. Gardiner. Special. In Cattle Beat bull. beet-E. Brown, H. Eek- hardt, E, Gardiner. Best female, beet-H. Eckhardt, E. Gardiner, E. Brown. Beat steer or tteiter-AMtttt Aitken. uuu a - “Ill“, on, v. Ah" to, dams. Bull trr-R. Finder, Howard . Pinder. Bull ttW-lil. MeRotrtt 1 a , eiet Cow-E. McRobb 1 a t. , yr better of l .--.shand Bros. 1 yr. heiter- Bland ave Bros. Heifer ttttlt-.. Sham! Bron, 3.7m: Cow-B. 3:4me 1 t 2. , yr heir. er-B. Salvely It 2. GRADE CATTLE 2 yr. "eer--Mel. Hum”. 1 yr. trteer-A1tnn Altken l t s, H. Halt. Hdny. , " heiter-H. Hand". M. Hallway, J. Steven-on. Cow-H. Hallway. M. Hulllday. E. Gurdlner. 1 rr hetter--B. Williams. All": Alt. ken, C. Watson. Heifer ettir--E. Gardiner. H. Cowan, J. Lewis. Steer ca1r--Attan Altken. V. Adama. Fat Steer or htrirer-- C. Watson, Ab colt from Calder Bros. ttor-al. Mgtctrb. B. lawn. Hurry Finder. Best group of com tMaaaeraurrts tspee.F-41. Houburgh. Hereford: Bull , rrs-H. Eckhardt, E. Gard. iner. Bull irr.--E. Gardiner. Bull ttttir---.". Eckhlrdt, E. Gll'dlner, Geo Aitken. Cow-H. Ecklnrdt, E. an. diner , k s. , yr. t"riter-- H. Kee. hardt, E. Gardiner. 1 " HeiNr---H. Eckhnrdt. E.Go.rdlner 2&8. Heifer Calf-H. Eckhardt, E. Gardiner. light totu--0. Cnldor & Bott. Beat heavy Mr--J. Hoken. Best light ti1tr--41. Calder & Sou. l Ed Crowson. Arthur, "UL, Bell Md. Cow-E. Brown, T. jun. 2-yr tteWr.E.Brmm. l-yr heiter-t Bell. Halter ttttlr-A'. Bell, E. Brown. Morer, Janna. Beat eon trod w. Porter'l hortte.--A. IcQInrrle, Y. Brown. Boat colt from Art Irwin'- Carriage tsome-d.- Calder & Gtr, g. Wil1ittma, E. “CM”. my drir. er--9. Williams. E. Mono». G. Chi. der & Sou. you”; An you w a a. tee. manual 49th FAII: tttrnttmsttthtt . “our“. ...... ll. My. Fall Fair hire um DAYS OF you: Calder Ire-twheels-rt'" "mo-mum. Hummus”... 'uu"t.r.soeramt-.s,sa-t. tHtt'rm,tttettmrtteMe. mum- lmr: '%.Nttmdaeth-- . _ " . n. ML C,'ae T tfte Best heavy toat-J. Picken. But Potlod Angus Bull cl-ar Brown 1 & s. Y. .90“an In Home Best colt from one of W. Amu- John E. Dolphin. Tara, Judge. (Obtained mm page 8) PU RE IRED CATTLE POU LTRY Holstein ilng of chow-es, reading- by Neil. EMu-ahnll and Janet Harsh-II, duets éby Ju.Wylle and T. Famine. Instru- mentals by Marguerite Hutton. Mary "Smith, ma Myrtle Bttartine., Imper- isolation by Mutt mama, arm by Girl Guides, vending ot guette by (it,",'.,,,'.',", Leanna. there being 115 eattte bent: on the grounds and over 100 homo. The framework ot the sheds were rel-ed last week end probebly this week will see the roof on them. one of the itttetrt building- of the hind this side of Toronto. Br a little forethought n aplendld hell con be nude yet by plum; n few extra. noon. The hull could be Mio feet long by 60 feet wide. A hell is badly needed In this town where there are no my concern end " well patronized. Holstein Corr: The second day of Holstein hit wss s good " the ttmt, s trims chilly per-inns but this did not prevent s rousing stiendsnee, less than "" my be, but the ante receipts eclipsed all reconis nmning " to 8802. The entries in cattle Fine summer-like weather during the last few ween. Potato digging in in order these days end they ere a tine crop. Completing are mule that they are too big to boll without cutting in two. Threshing along the} southllne this week. smith Bron.‘ from Durham are 30an to take the southllne In genenl. i LOW RAIL FARES Pricevnle corr.'. Attendance at Prteevitte rm, Judged by the site receipts, about 8170.00, we: slightly less. than 1913, but the crowd was there, and In the happiest mood. Mr W. J. Piercey in Ieriously thinking ot leaving Vurney, owing to being unable to make "tirttaetory arrangements with the present owner of the store. Mr Climo. The students And teschers of the high school Litersry Boolety sssist- ed the Red Cross Society in s tum- ihle tanner by trsnslerring their lortnightly meeting from the school over to the town lull Inst Fri. any, thmwing it open to the public for a small “mission fee or Inger ll desired. The proceeds. shout to. were mated the Red Cross So. ciety. this also including N for ssle of bulges. Princiosl Allan presided aver an interesting prognm conslit- Varney cont: Mr. Ju. Eden has nearly completed the work of m- modelling Mr N. J. Kerr's mill. The building in quite I. fine one. in a very than time. Normal will hove the new water wheel and new groin chopper handled and will then be in a position to do work second to none in the country. when a lute umber ol the com nuon' attend at the Rectory end end presented lulu with an address, reed by Mr. John Kelly. and a purse ot $50 In gold presented by Mr Joe l Public School report: Br let. Clara McCrae, Ruby Basie. Intent Me. Donnid, Willie Bryon. Alex Heston. Kin Viola Rennie of Hanover. went over the weekend " Mr Wm. HeugMn'I. Heur- Herold Alice end Fred mam; left loader to enter Den- tal College, Toronto. the former his third yen while Baht. hull“: re- turned Thur-any to s. P.-s.. To- " Vim A“ (1m Review (no Detour. 8, It“) The um: nttaettgtMtqt Which In lam up the In! tom- years be. tween the when of Trinity Church And their 1mm; rector. THANKSGIVING WEEK-END FARE AND ONMUMTEI by an and m. ONTARIO Oahu-lo a Dani-m [All luv.- humming-c Pm.VoaLM.qu-y.- ettuem.gtdPhratetet0- - C-htrndmnatM.tqqs,t+iagt "momma-“manna..- ”to”. m ".ea'teqttmtfhht$tnge. “Muslim. MhuhrnelIMA.A.c.o. Due-a-tsur-o-moi. “It. "rottumetDerttnmgtoet-. nymnounlhcll. Darn-In once: Liceneed maneu- be One, N J. L. smut. Ma, n.c.. Prompt, courteous a on“: at”. DURHAM a HOLITEIN annuals“: “In“ .mmmuumn-i- Omaha-:guumlDbO unduly-.I-hnm Honor Guam Tm UM Graduate lam Con. m .-. MyimMn‘oh-h eheee.Ao.tratnqetmro-r.. x an m um on“: mu sum. pm“, on. "uaatMthntae-tqttsdagrtt. “Metre-l - clan; m I ererNeHdtt.mstHatmett I. . CHARLTON, A. A. C. I ' Oahu-mlmdMIoh-n annual... than pay“. - mi h “yummm-uuom this. In a. chant an a not; 00-1qu300‘“ Wampuwmum but!“ C. it. All! L F. GMIT. 0.0.8.. tUU. W. PIERCE ELLIS Vourlnuy Hulda. “my .1 thought- cu be mum than boil. not! In“ '. c. PtettEttttNt. DDS. L08 GEORGE E. DUICAI a M'"'. I.“ 00an ”In-nu. can. no I... nous- I". “I m In at. an I a “I. an m - an --a.., Damn-“hm J II. WARE. B. A. a, HES"): ”.3923?!“ T. ll. SMiM'tt, M. B. F. . EAGLES" :Omnonlnukn-n- BESSIE MILLWMV " "ot.qa..ats inking...

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