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Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1939, p. 4

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it. ft '1": his sister In Mr mm. manager of Bank of Commerce, was In Toronto for the helm”. Mr lanes move- his faulty from Toronto to Durham this week to take up residence on Bruce street tomor- br Mr and In Tonto we" no" T - V..- "VI-‘3 v- A-l qu Miss Margaret Mrttt was unong Mrs M. Meautitre. the teacher» who visited the World's! Mus, Ruby Scarf has returned Fur at New Fork, U.S.A. ‘lrom a two weeks’ visit In Toronto. Mr and Mrs Sykes Ind David a" Mr and Mrs P Holden and Billy Birettetitre were Thnnksxlvlng vial-g of Toronto Mr inn d Mrs our“; , ' 'ors with Mr a“ _Mrs Atex. Hay. 'ttire Untold and Gordon ot Wind- Miss Janet Mellonald. accompanied» ' These Offers Ani Positively Guaranteed hlDlti0.Ut PERSHALS I , " “but, Equine. 1 Fr. I , Collier: Magazine, t yr. ll True Slow Magazine. I yr. I) Red Book Magazine, 1 Fr. I ' Woman's Home Companion. I W. t , Parcnts’ Maurine. 1 yr. tl Silver ttrreen. I Tr. " Christian Herald. I yr. I) Bereenland Magazine. 1 yr. " Open Road (for Boys'. 1 yr. I t McCall's Manning t yr. " WM pineal. 0 mos. " Am n 'diiiiiiiieri""yr. THE DURHAM REVIEW I 1 Canadian Horn; otminU', " (heading- Hortieultum ( I 3 “Inn's jasmine. t y " National Home Monthly, t l Chatelaine Magazine, FOR My: I urn-us“. “I NW? rriU, - -- v - V.‘ " an [- nmr, 1 Year, and One Magazine Group A, Two Home. Group B Gatotrr MI". I 6.00? ”In“ a t M ld . JL,, 1 Kirk, untold and Gordon of Wind- . tRona ' 'a'1Cl.'Plt'tl." 'sor, were Tharutiurivintr vitsitoriwith rs St", “a son of rtiil and In C. Manley. holiday visitors with the! l thor Mrs McRonnld. Mr and Mm Robert Hen-m, Tor-owl nan-gar of Bank onto. visited with the Elvidge and T. Wtttg In Tomato tor thelC. Ritchie (when. A FINISH jiiiii' spent the holiday Cm”! 5 "the Electric r Guelph. cheap. Apply at new!" This Newspaper, 1 Tear, et!Rltlt,?h:xg1r,i.p,at omhiiii' - ---"o.o.t.B. Magazine, 1 n. ttttod & Gun. Irr. 11y", " American Bor, I nos. l y . tl Parents' Magazine, 0 an B. I] Home Arts tNeedlecra: yr. t l American Fruit Grower, 0N. tmatmott "um GROUP "A" " {no “my 0mm sue"! Columbia Victrol. and De - HAG/Allan oreeu;rsGGii o tl Rod & Gun. t Fr. n. " American Bor, ' no: I) Parenu' Magazine. a man. '. t 1 Rome Arts (Needlecraft). _ W----_, ' -w..u.u-cau way to subscribe / for this newspaper and your favorite magazine. at prices that are really "nsational. There offers are good either for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon TODAY l A. Cameron, Toronto, was a week- (end visitor in the home of Mr and V, -- nan-ca. d tl National Home Monthly. 1 yr. tr Chatelaine Equine. 1 Fr. t I Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. tl Canadian; Horticulture & Hon: " Min-lean! Magazine, ,_ -'"-"6f, I If. " American Fruit Grower. t yr. tl Christian Herald. 0 mos . MOON Durham GIOUP 3.3.1)“ 2 -----==t' "V" - “an an scr'iption to your viper. t l turn-nun mum tendons '_"......... [manna ing below the one chatted with a you-'- tub mipuonbmmm -""-l- ILL OUT COUPON MAIL TODA "igiiiiiiFiill1ii;lrlt=Cxsf:iisyiiiii --'r._. " . '"t1fPrrhmoutrnaim. ii2tiif3otLgiLttrAg: E Maine, 6 mag. 'Needleerato, all: natural. t Hewitt, ll'",','.') In Canada the l Elvldse and T. _ Guillaume: have. du ' decades, built up a t radio for It]. ' 24 issues, , yr. '11" 0.0!. Durham 1 Why is there such an appalling loss in a country such as this, popu- dated by approximately 11,000,000 souls ? The answer in simply be- ‘cauaé most of us are ittcrdinateiy careless. We do not etc-p to think. Acareleuly discarded clgarette; mia. use of gasoline or other in thun. mble liquids, or materials: careless- ’neas in winter heating ot the home, ‘or in watching for possible sources" of fire through pipes near wooden beams becoming overheated .. .. " these are simple instances of “caus- es" whlch constantly appear in the tire records. ', I When the ostrich bur-in its head in the sand at the sign of upprosch- tug anger, the bird believes, pre snmbiy. that it will not be affect- ed. This is an spt analogy in Fire Prevention Week, to he observed throughout the Dominion trcrn orto, ‘ber 8 to October 14, because " [would seem. most of us bury our ( heads in the sand. thrurativelr speak- ine, when we think of tire losses. They are something remote. some- thing that cannot happen to us, asin- dividunls. But they do happen to someone, otherwise there would be nc accounting for Canada's tire loss ot 825,R99,l80 in 1938 and the loss of 263 lives. K 1 BIG PM! IT CANNOT HAPPEN HERE ma. in divers ways, helped 'dt the Ion to It: present lev- they at!!! admit, there is a .L FOUR ONLY ximately 11,000,000 nun-er In simply be- are ittcrdinateiy not stop to think. THE DURHAM REVIEW _ .mIlI“ well. u than! not true teeth. Yet without tooth lone turn.- an inNet min. m m.- TURTLEB Turtles have no teeth, but their Jews are often very Ibex-p and the in muscles are extremely powerful. an... 'ns-o, . - 1qu: we ihave been getting a small quantity ,yearly from Abyssinia. and we have icontinued to get it since the occupa- ltion by the Italians. Some particu- ju. people profess a special liking for it. 5 The sugar we take with our tea and coffee is made almost entirely of cane or beets grown in the Empire and we get cane from the Fiji la. landa. Australia South Africa, Brit. lah Guiana. and the West Indies. The animal charcoal used try the pe. thtertete for clarifying the sugar, l comes mainlv "an IN-...- 1 Sometimes the Brazilians burn their surplus cottee in order to keep ‘the price up. Whether that is good {business or not you can determine [for your selves. We consume much Brazilian coffee. but the trend re- cently has been in favour of the pro- duet of Kenya and Jamaica. Kenya seems to be especially Well situated for the raising of coffee for it bord. ers on Abyssinia. Coffee is a natural product in that countrv mm... 2= From Kenya, too, we coffee. It must be good c: late that is where we've t a great deal of our supply [pan and China, are laid ashore. Com- fpnratively speaking, there is not so imuch green tea wanted in Canada [new as there used to be, Black tea 'is far and away the favorite bever- 'age in this country. It overshadows .rverthing else in the way ot a stim- ulant. But not all of the black tea 'is coming from Asia. There is a ivitrorous, young population in East I Africa, more particularly Kenya, ‘peopie ot the same racial origin as ourselves, who are going ahead at a great rate in the growing ot certain I things that the world wants. Tea is one of them and apparently the , Kenya tea is good. We are getting 1 some ot it. i GOODS FROM ABROAD Sometime ago we had a chat about the immigrants that ccme from abroad on great ships that sail the seas. Let us look now at the materi- al things that have been carried in the hcid of the ship, or in the strong turtles have ‘mauury large; it is also diverse in " production, says “Canada's Weekly." l Plants manufacturing tires and miscellaneous rubber products repre- sents the eleventh 1t"Prtrtindustrvin, I the Dominica from the ntandpointi of volume. For example, the 874,000. [000 which represent”! Hm .-G., -" or volume. For example, the $74,000. 000 which represented the value of the rubber factories' output in the latest year for which statistics are forthcoming exceeds the value of the production of the tobacco estab- lishments. the boot and shoe tac. tories, domestic industries that are regarded as holding major‘ pceitions in Canada's economic life, I I for clarifying t mainly from Egypt I THE CANADIAN RUBBER INDUSTRY 1 As Canada is the sixth largest im- porter of raw rubber In the, wcrid. it is obvious that an industry cf considerable magnitude exists for its utilization. Not only is the rubber industry large; it is also diverse LI production, says “Canada's Wealth!" I wild . ing the 1939 carryover ot 95,000,000 buqhela to the new crop of 449,000,. 000 bushels and deducting the estim- ated domestic rettttiretnentt, of 128.- 000,000 bushels. mar we take with our tea be is made almost entirely of beets grown In the Empire En. ---, - Canada has avallable tor export during the crop year which began Aug. lst, some 416,000,000 bushels of wheat, the Dominion Bureau of Sta thatch estimated in a report on the wheat sltuatlon recently released. The amount la arrived at by add- ing the 1939 carryover of 95,000,000 416,000,000 BUSHELS CANADIAN WHEAT CAN BE EXPORTED with the individual upon whom, tcr his own protection and that ot his fellow mm. devotes the duty ct ttrat "outing the mote out ct his own rye." ty bringing to the attention of authorities and industry summon- for reducing hard: and building up resistance 353.1th the ttm damn great dent to be done. Tumult their "lactation- they m constant- FACT A WEEK ABOUT CANADA that country, where it For many years we nae from the rv" la. Ha South Africa, Brit. and the West Indies. W4 mt all of the black tea m Asia. There is tt " population in East a particularly Kenya, same racial origin as , are going ahead at a the growing ot certain e world wants. Tea is Moth-like ”an, good coffee tor - - -n... :oaee tor of been getting are getting in: um be hold at In Flcrence inch: “Just every mtv", church in the meeting on 22nd. - __ ..., . wuwncuon closed the meeting. Mr and Mrs David Hastle kindly invited the Y. P. U. to their home for the next meeting on Sunday evening October 09."! I The semi-monthly meeting of the l Crawford Young Peoples' Union was ' held last Sunday evening at the I home ot Mr and Mrs Jas McManus. I The roll call was answered by mum ing an old Testament character. Miss Hazel McManus read the Bible lesson. The topic on "rhtutktnrivirur" was given by Lynne Fisher and Mrs Wilfred Wright contributed a read, ing along the same lines. Poems, were read by Marion Mex-nus and Murray Hastie. A solo "The Church by the Side of the Road" was sung by Florence MacDonald with Ronald playing the accompaniment on the l guitar. The V D " L___,.,‘. I - --"' "an!“ we Trig necenl guests with Miss T Living- Mill"; 2:030:12: Mr and Mrrr 2tus. i . M .ilivr were . stone and Mises M ec, ay Mr and Mrs Alt Hincks and Marr Mr and Mrs Jaa Crutchley of Bor, Un Tomato visited over th holid . ncch Mr n. MacDonald of town, Mr . e " . . with relatives, here. and Mrs Will Hayward and Mr and . Mr and Mrs Paul Mudget left for Mrs S. Molten of Hamilton. Mr . , Mason City after holidsying for a Will. Livingstone and Miss Cassie . week with Mr end Mrs Fred Kelsey. Brown of London, Mrs M. Living- Mr and Mrs sunley Rear sud lit. stone of Elmwood, Mr Morrison tie son of Walkerton Mr and Mrs Smith and Miss Margaret McKenzie Howard Rea d 'littl of Toronto and Miss Annie McKenzie Y on . e dsughtev Drona": m." k" of Durham. Recent guests with stone and Miss M. I Mr and Mrs Jag Cm ncch, Mr n. MacDona and Mrs Will Havwar Thanksgiving visitors Mrs Wilbur Anderson McMullen and Mr Stew of Feversham: Mr ( Smith and children of Mr and Mr Leslie M family of Kimberley. Mr and Mrs C. McClocknn and Arthur of Zion spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs W. Campbell. . Mr Geo. Fisher attended the funer- al of his sister Mrs M. Wildfang in Kitchener on Saturday. TORONTO Mr and Mrs Andrew Hastie and family of Woodstock visited at the home ot Mr Wilbur Anderson on Sunday and attended the service in the church here. IM%h8 mum macuonald and Evan ot Amprlor visited their aunt Miss Hobkirk on Sunday. ‘ Thanksgiving visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. McCulloch were: Mr and Mrs Geo. McCulloch and family. Toronto; Mr and Mrs Norman MeilraKh, Owen Sound; Mr and Mrs John Marshall and family, Knox Normanhy. and Mrs George Turnbull. Mr Herb McClure and bride were visitors recently with Mr and Mrs Ben Coutts. Mr. John Comm re. turned with them. up Messrs Ernie Doldge, Thou. "ton and John Anderson, of Toronto, were were Thanksgiving guest: of Mr. Mr and Mrs . John McDonald and daughters Audrey and Aileen. ae- compauled by Miss Annie Benny of Hamilton visited Mr and Mrs H. A. Reay and fun": on Monday. I Our community was shocked on M'ridar last to hear of the death of iMrs Harry Rear, Br. We Join in ex- ;tondlng our heartfelt wmpuhy to the sorrowlng huahnnd and manor In the loss of a most devoted wire and mother. The when] was held on Monday from her late residence and was very largely attended. I n Day". After clone oi I" Wrfetst "rretd dainty nu. The November meet. Ben Conan. Mm George C. Torry; eau-Mr, Ed. Bailey, Mrs Geo. Turnbull. Mrs H. A. Rear. ey." Then followed the auction sale, with Mrs George Mightcn, Jr. and Mn Wilfred Alexander " auc- tioneers, which realized the sum ot $4.65. Lunch was then served by the hostess and “shunts. A treat of tride's cake was donated by Mrs Brown. The November meetlnl! will be held at the home of Mrs Ed. Bailey, those taking lunch being- sandwiches: --Mrs " Rear, Mrs Octoher meeting " the home of In Alf Bailey an Friday Ian with a good attendance. The meeting open- ed in the usual manner " aliasing the ode and repeating the .creed Roll call wan answered by a verse ot "Thanks." Buslneu was then discussed from headquarters. It was decided to hold a weiner rout this month at the home of Mrs Alf Bail- Ethel MacDonald and Evan CRAWFORD 'Ing visitors with Mr and r Anderson were Mrs D. nd Mr Stewart McMullen In: Mr and Mrs Ros." children of Eugenia and Leslie McMullen and visitors at the home rs Wm. McCulloch Mrs Geo. McCulloch Wm Camp- Mr and Mrs on mommy, her win birthday. home or Mr and M and Evan ot Mrs J. W McKechnie is apendini' Among those will ' aunt Miss a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs Y.P.U. Ran, " L Alt Hincka of Toronto. and Morse Kobe Hustle and Mr and Mrs Lance Rumble and and lube! Rankine died at the Miss lsabeil Lawson ot Toronto Keith and Rev. C. Lnderson on were holiday visitors with their A 300d" number a service in parents Mr and Mrs Robert Lawson. attended the tuner: Mr Jimmie Bell and sister Edna Hm? Rear it Viel elocklin and with their cousin Miss Eveline Wil. Hearth" "mttathy unday with He, Saskatoon were guests Tuesday the bereaved funny Ii. . evening With Mr and Mrs Neil Me. -----. yd the funer. Lean and family. . Wildtang in The U.F.w.o. will hold their Rentinek monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Pursuant tn ad rith Mr and Iarrne MeNrtiiy on "id-BY aftemocn tittek Township Com are Mrs D. or' this week. 33: “11mm "ARES 1d 'Mrs - Comm" "ents TORONTO .... ......1 ’ HAMILTON .... .... s I BUFFALO .......,...| [ BELLEVILLE ........ a CHATHAM .. ...... a LONDON .. .."..... a _ Peterson, .. .'.... .01 Smith's Falls. ".'.... 81 Wellangl ...... '..... ' and other destinnttorsi hr tun hum-"T Mr Peter Met on an extended " the 800 mm Sorry he its w best of health. with Mr and day with Mr faWHY. of a. Mr and Mrs SCH! of Woods, weekend with ten and Mrs were visitors Miller on Me Mrs Colin li holiday guest brother Mr w r.. 325391) their ft. A most successful reunion Wu held h in the church here on Sunday end Monday evening following. The _. weather was ideal on both oecsslons The service was in _chnrge ot the n pester. Rev. Mr. Hinle end we: , much enjoyed. Friends were present . trem Toronto, London. Pulley, Elm. wood. Durham. Dornoch end Clifton it Springs. R Miss Myrtle McLean and friend, . Toronto were holiday visitors with her parents. Mr and Mrs Neil Me. Miss Verna Crutchley was hostess to anumber of her little girl friends on Monday, her 10th birthrue Mr and Mrs Rev Glrdler, Melton! were holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs Gordon McCrae. Mr and Mrs Albert Read, Tm were weekend [meats with Mrs Ledlngham and Elsie, Durham called on the McLean and Met rie families. ,V-.. gnu [W1 or Woodstock went over an and with their parent: Mr and Fred Kelsey. On Monday they. Mr and Ms... "-'- Oct. 20, 2t DURHAM Mr ttttd an: Thom" wanna ad from "new three sons ttf Gatt visited Monday at m "I“ - the heme of her brother Jno. McGlrr. Mr and Mr Mr and Mrs Gordon Douslln of the Rocky waited with her sister In Russell Talbot. Mrs James Brown and son Cecil. visited in Tomato tut week. Mitrtt Margaret Brown has gone to Toronto” where she expects to spend the winter. Mr and Mrs. John McGirr visited early in the week with their eoutsU In and Mrs Oliver Bum" of Han over. Mr und In Ewing Nichol of “In Detroit went Int week " the home In“ of Mr Wan." Nichol. mu [In Myrtle lcbenn cf Tomato XIII} vhsited over holiday with her mm Mr Mrs Gordon Mchckcn. fully Gen Sound visited early week with m- ud In W . -. um ll!- of WullreMn, Mr 1nd Mm Rear and little daughter I were holiday visitors with ' and family. PM 'd """ “I. "'mnett " m Pl 'o.t‘""“'.tha _ : to .001 Round Trip Mr and In Red Bear-Inn on, mu Baum and MI ROCKY SAUCE!" tttt Mm Kelsey, " and Mrs Ira Etremont, , MeQuarhe Wht returned still not Trr ...... ms .... .... $2.75 ............3515 .‘.LE ........ $5.30 .. ......“.95 .. '."..... $6.8tt .. .'.... .0410 m. ".'.... trqt 1.2. '..... “JO - Ask for a...“ TO Harold Gloln Visit with may of Toronto was a at the home of her m. Bell and family. Miller and two child. 'eter Hepburn, Durham eith Mr and Mn Jae. Pastttte '4.- s rfth his ttttnt. ome Monday. mtloritut the who had been John mum visited ', “Dent the l Ynke and Durham and and Moon". and two , Toronto the "may, tho --. - .00! on " " or”, "a - " Nun-her. I“. iG. G-tnn a w M were week Me " "emorti, _-- ”mung. " 'h"stsrtt, MM"- N". Volt-1AA - Bruin ._. - "wet. "t Vat Knuf man. my HIGH. "w, m. Patterson, Hopkins' bud-13. 356.56: R. Patten non. salary. “or County tnuurer. ttower Radar. .29! M- - Mrs Y.P.U. Rally " Usiowel and Florence McLean. May, and and lube! Hopkins, Lolita Mttt Keith and Rev. C. S‘unde heir A goodly number frcm eh! V“. ... minim my m: N. Mekomld, my sheet. S. C. Vicken. my sheet. 353 Bettetimtton, my sheet " E. my sheet. 811.60: I! M..-. Rolief _ ' 811.50; t8.66; Wm. relief. "0. Voucher N My sheet. $l 'thoet. '7.80; 810.80: m 2rrik and and - mum at tn the M an Bud Ila-0- J... - ‘ullwr I " $37.50: W. J. Adlun, ltllllpl " B. Blake. mum. "i; W. B. mm. mm to plowing match. 815 RDIIA' _ . -‘ Accounts - Geo. "MM; sheep. $7; John McKenzie. Ills. 81.50: Robert Herd, ("I 318: John Punk. Inspecting. D. Willis, weed Inspector. Column-loner of loans. ml taxes. 83.15: I. C. Mercer. l county pupils. £86.12: One of Council. 812.70: J. H. l third quarter's lulu-y. "0.00; Chittlck. pen-Ion turNieation. J. Adlun. third ItturF.u ccunts. Including Voucher No. lo, past-ea and paid.-Carrted. Itrewn - Hopkins: That I by. be lntrcduced for securing s ther loan of 84,000 from the m Bank, Elmwood. --43arriea, d; Isabel and Doneldn home of Mr and Mr. Among those who 1 May with Mr und In Dug. Bastio- Donetm Langrlll. Hutton Hill. rm ted last week with herowslhs, May label and [Imelda Hopkins. at th. Mr and Mn And. "I Stock. daughters um. ting, spent Thanksgiving holiday " home hen. ent Mr Ind In. Ray Smith. Mellow. and Frances and Eileen Smith. Port Elan, visited Sunday at the hom,. of Mr and In R. Mignon. (on with Mr and In Win no and reported 1 Mount trip. Mr and In New: Mandy m Tomato spent the week and and hoh ‘ dw with IBIINVOI In this loamy. 4 Mr and In Elmer [than and damm- Hutton were meant visi The potato crop sot I good luv Int week white the Teachers' Cor, venuon was on at “schema. " mm be the good weather Ind mum“... to do with It. Pontoon are a fair crop In this locality. Now that the lilo “In: is a, dn thin line Hamill“ [I on the M.) The L. Yuldt Go. ll doing the good ttunity of .toreSe% spent 1 my 1't. neatly with Mr and In M. W. m comma. 1- Wrtettt, word." Robert Herd, two tsheer 'tsrvts, impeding. $8; w Weed teutreetor, 33.6" " of toana, ttttttte m IT. C. letter. can o Mr and In Spence Hopkins those who attended the n Rally at Untowel were John lace New. lily. Carman. , Hopkins, Lolita lighten. l Rev. C. Squads”. , number from this section the funeral or the late Mrs " " Vlckerl on Monday. sympathy In extended to t. to-- nun Pickering. of Hunmm. In! week with friends at - Geo. Ilzhlon, ("Iv John Hem-nae. inspect- Iobert Herd, two sheep 2 Tim . by-taw securing s tur, from the Royal One Melina . H. Chittick . Mecormick, Hopkins, pa) It, My theet, Hntrtte of'Woml t'dittt and Gram Walking hol Illnplies. ', 'llpplles, a: Cash oettario L. Gib. rr "a. I. 82: W. I salary 31.75 sheet " . 20: 'III I New Alli the Ilium on of Btteutie HI and Incl nourish CORN mi? 1trethtrs THEY v an. 2li Reward , “PM and Callouses L vC: t “on treatment raw .1“: u "no”. and Rwy.» my ._ “an. nnd rah”... V pllcntlon. For salr. H MeFatte, " . '. . It ll all that a like a meal good Cl our Melted up on I Mlork for t Review subunit»: an. Apply at It: cu. t6, Enamel", In. Good build” 5C01TS SCH/2 B06, r ' W 30 und 31, V. BI... Holstein. with Lu. - tmme lublt- I; m of the law It I P. human, l-I\ HOLCTEGN PROPERTY l In the trcgcdy Heighten TY.: / “diet is thug." Capt. Thomas li $94 that l., y. and y' MW RICH? Within! comm c' " young pm, .5 mm. Ptitteville, fat inquo gunner Crar m. Find»: Mu“. at ”View Otttee, momma m- “a "tr, M _ Apply 'AMY-AN" on!) m 5 FARM FOR SA; L ' ' " a . Small Adv It. new ttrient FOR y f FOR hug Buns") MA AF ll Kl Aer Pf] [he - K0 -

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