West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Oct 1939, p. 2

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tll , i. It: Japan expects to save about 200,000 tom of cool a you by re- dlciu no eo-tion 10 por out. through economy in govern- mt ole” nnd Damion plum all "minions on household col- Griertnt" he told the Iaird--qrho had forgotten to tell him that n was an I nob would sttttt imp. n’ a hoooo that]! let it in. so I've mm it back. for t'm thinking yo‘il no be wanting It to come to It in on record that a lain! lent II. umbrella. one ot the tint ever huh! to Scotland, to I tenant IN bad trudged down one stormy evening In. a cottage in a glen bur an“ away to pay I rent. At " o'clock at night the tenant "appeared. “There'n nu door in The first umbrellas had clumsy long handle. and ribs ot cane or Union-o. and they were cover. oi with oiled sun or cotton. The Noel rib In Bot invented arttil 1352. Th. Seottutt people did not tale to umbrellas tor twenty year. may they “as!" on in England. First Umbrella ttthtd6hnd.H-dkatndRit. deothI-lebone who gives news reports from a German radio station in a very decided Oxford accent. Baillie- Stewart. In Edinburgh-born lieu- tenant in the Seaforth Highland- ort, was known u the Tower of London's "mysterious prisoner," prior to his trial and conviction, h 1933, for betraying military se- crets to Germany. He was releas- od after four years for good con- duct and was reported to have left Britain. “clam! at the time he mu court- Inanialed as a spy is Norman Baillie-Stewart. who, according to reports from London, is believed to. be .the mysterious announcer One good-sized meal a day is maple-1'. should never exceed two courses and fruit-and this In best "ten after the day's war}: i, done. We should eat mm, not one. daily. but at any meal. That In one diet rule “to to follow. We not nearly all the sugar we r9 quire in dates and "as and fresh ripe fruits. and invaluable chem- icals. nart from th so Ileceasury vitamins. in he cheat» st trulu of every season ot the tear. Green vegetables and gangs are essen- llal to health. ot course. and to. .atoeq should J. used more tree- u, but an children the fruits and vegetables they like. 000 Good Meal A Day Must people eat too much, Too little work, too mush ‘iod bring an prematurely and that sense or Borrow which is a symptom of null-poisoning more often than at ill luck or misfort What to.» give to the child- nn of today In training and In nur- ture nukes or mars tho men and women. ot tomorrow. writes Th. Elisabeth Sloan Chesaer In The Gin-30w Herald. And "nurture" Is very much concerned with food. What we eat, we are. tor our food incomes a par: of our organs and our body cam. It we en too much we ‘mcome lethargic. dull in In! d. First of all. we ought to eat “nat- ural food." the fruit ot the earth, the products at the union. Correct Types Of Nourishment “Fri-1A! Envy Had ls 'haesHeRtgetisrotto,.c .MttetPeorKEntTooiet, Is He Germany's "Oxford Accent"? Clumsy Affair to save about In these days of conservation of resources in most Ear in own. The use of motor can is considerably curtail a wedding party leaving St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, illn- mm Am-a-. -n -'-, u__,., - a venom: pm, new” St. Peter's Cat] ding my following, all using bicycles. It is also because a man, It he ls interested enough in how his wife looks to notice and comment - can be of great help to a woman in finding out just what things are tor her. and what things are not. When you Ignored Four hus- band’s "That lipstick is ghastly. It makes you look as though you The woman who turns a deaf ear to her husband’s suggestions about her looks or clothes may be on the wrong track. And that is not Just because it behooves a woman to cater to the taste ot the man in her lite. A Woman Needs to Pay Heed To Her Husband's Criticism Of Her Looks Pay Attention To Advice of Spouse "Colonel, there are two persons in this regiment who handle the truth loosely, and I'm one of them. I'm not married." "I don't like to refuse you," said the colonel, "but I've just re- ceived a letter from your wife saying that you are no use. around the house." The soldier saluted and turned to go. At the door he stopped, turned and remarked: A soldier went to his colonel and asked for leave to go home to help his wife with her fall hmsc- "Well," smiled the man from Toronto, "that's nothing. A few days ago. right here, two full- grown policemen were found asleep on one beet." "Down where I live," said the Windsor man, "we grew a pump- kin so big that when we eat it my wife used one-half of it for a cradle." “You said the pig would be there, sir?" said Pat. "Well, then, I'll just say: Mrs. Maloney, there's your pie'."' "Well ' now, Patrick," said the judge, "when you are brought face to face with Widow Maloney and her pig on Judgment Day, what account will you be able to give of yourself when she accuses you of stealing?" Patrick was accused of stealing A ntiprltbor's pig. "Bee-nu every time in call- ho malle- a link pro- gross." "Why do you all your boy friend 'PiUrim't" lave 1hmlireati1 A new slant on the old adage: One man's loss is an- other man's umbrella. Teacher (brightly): "As we walk out of doors on a cold winter's morning and look about us, what do we tea on every hand?" Clan (as a man): "Gloves." Necessity Brings Back To Favor ‘Bicycle-buiIt-for-two’ n of resources in most Ths.r. opepn countries, a cu: is considerably curtailed In Italy, thus as Dnemp'. F..|..A--I I, n-__e .. . .. Q. How can I prevent soap from entering my eyes when giving my- self, a _shynpoo'. A. Before the shampoo, grease the area around the eyes with vaseline or cold cream. Q. How can I cause coal to burn better, and also produce less soot in the chimney and fhtes? A. A suggested treatment is that as soon as the coal has been placed in the bin, pour a strong solution of salt Ind water over it. Wait until the coal has drained before using, as wet coal has a tendency to burn out the grate bars and fire-pot. A. Soak the sponge in milk and thoroughly rinse in warm water with a little earbolie acid. Q. How can IGiiten and purify a sponge? A. Mix li, -teaspoon of soda with 1%-teaspoon of cream of tartar. This solution is equal to 2 tea- spoons of baking powder. Q. How can I make a good sub. stityurfor baking powder? A. Pour some lime water into a glass. If a thin, white scum forms on top, there is an excess of car- bonic acid in the air and a need of more ventilation. Q. How can I test the purity of the air in a room? Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenue of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the 9-day period ending September M, 1939, were $7,520,260. as compared with 35,- 994,954 fo" the corresponding pe- riod of 1038, an increase of $1,- 525.306. Every self-respecting cat likes to keep her claws in the finset condition-even the apartment eat that seldom gets a chance to scratch a tree. Give her a sturdy, short post, with the bark left on, mounted upright on a firm base, and you’ll save money on slip- covers and upholstery. An old throw rug or piece of discarded carpet Which she will soon dis. cover is her very own will keep kitty contented, too. Then, too, remember that hus- bands are extremely critical. After all, it is their wives who either look beautiful and are a credit to them or who miss the mark and are not. How To Keep were drawing yaur last breath," the chances are you should have said "Maybe you're right" and just thrown the attending lipstick into the waste basket. Better Able to Judge Perhaps Just because men don't know "what they are wearing" and what is “smart this season" they are better able than women to judge whether a color or a style becomes one particular woman, A Cit Happy upean countries, a b_icycle bujlt for two is coming into d in Italy, thus savmf gayohne, and the picture shows, the brick and groom eadintr, and the rest of the wed- Insects are the greatest foes mankind has. They cause half the deaths, and annually destroy food sufficient to feed 200,000,000 peo- ple. l. The dish should be held flat on the palm of the left hand, and presented at the left of the guest. If the dish is hot, a napkin can be used as a pad underneath. 2. He might be privileged to do so if one arm is paralyzed, or he is suf- fering severely with rheumatism. Otherwise it would be a very pre- sumptuous gesture. 3. She should say, "I am Edna Gibson." 4. No; a well-bred person will never make such blunt contradictions. One may say, "I don't believe I can agree with you," or, "Well it seems to me (so and 30).” 5. Yes, It is often done, but not absolute. ly necessary. The bread-and-but. ter letter is really all that is ex- pected and required. 6. One hot dish, such as chicken a u king or creamed oysters, a nice salad, and coffee. 6. What would be the very smallest menu one should have for an after-theatre supper? ti. Is it cGtomary for a house guest to bring his hostess some kind of gift'? 3. When a young woman is in- troducing herself socially, should she say, “I am Miss Gibson," or "I am Edna Gibson"? 4. When disagreeing with an- other's opinion is it permissible to say, "No, it is nothing of the kind," or "That is where you are entirely wrong"? 1. How should a maid hold a dish as she presents it at the table? 2. Should a man hand his coat to a woman to hold while he dons to a it? er of the lst Fort Erie, Ont., Scout Troop, and a companion, while prospecting in the rough country north of Timmins. Com.. ing upon another Prospector gravely wounded by the accidental discharge of a vide, Maedonald rendered first aid, improvised a stretcher, and with the help of his companion, bore the wounded ma t' 27 miles through the bash to Ti " mins Hospital. Boy Scouts of St. Marys, 0nt., during the past summer provided life guards and swimming instruc- tors at" the local swimming pool. First aid‘was also rendered chil- ured who suffered cuts and bruises on the rough concrete walls. A notice in the local paper advised parents to direct their children, in case of cuts, to report to a Scout for first aid treatment, as a precaution against infection. A stout bit of backwoods first aid was that performed by Archie 3ittcdonald, a former Patrol Lead. When a Boy Scout of Bishop- stope, England, climbed a 60-foot ivy-covered church tower to rescue a eat, he found it impossible to descend with the animal. Parish- ioners spliced several ladders in order to rescue Scout and cat. By arrangements announced in August, all French Boy Scouts over 14 years of use were at the disposal of the French Agricultur- al Ministry to assist in harvest operations. A summer visitor to Canada was Juke Waterman, a Dutch Boy Scout from near Amsteuitun, who came across to meet Saskatoon "pen pals" with whom he had been corresponding for some years. Former world’s heavyweight boxing champion Gene Tunney has been elected to the Executive Board of the Boy Scout Founda- tion of Greater New York. SCOUTING BY ROBERTA LEE Modern Etiquette Anowors VIVIHHIU r-'gt"it.s.- - _ - ' A kitten was born at a farm one mile east of Faust, Alta., with five toes on one front foot, six on the other, and six and seven toes, re- trpeetively, on the tee: feet. Canada's production of augu- of all kinds in 1988 amounted to 1,043,462,613 pound» an increase of 17,909,159 pounds over 1987. we seem to hare torfotteriiriVt must be done," he declared. "It takes really hard work to du. cipllne the m/nd, and yet somehow He thought that up to now. cationms might have failed through making education mo tererting, in that it had be less exacting than a senor ago. body of men and women whose business it is to help in the great task of moral, social and spiritual regeneration ot the world in which we live." We are paying a real high price for cream F.O.B., Tor. onto. Write for particulars and cans. The Toronto The United fitter' Co-Woruivo Co. Ltd, Duke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario CREAM WANTED Peace Through Education Dr. Wallace said that the pur. nose ot education was "the devel- opment ot those qualities with which nature has endowed each itt. dividual, and also to add to that anl.- -A --- ‘ Expressing doubts whether the present educational system was en- tirely Justitylng itself and assert- ing that only through education can permanent peace come to the world, Dr. R. C. Wallace, principal of Queen‘s University. in an ad. dress at Montreal last week declar- ed that education needed to be Iota more closely moulded to individual needs. But by making education more interesting. valuable discip~ line to the mind was lost. Eduea. tion would ultimately make people hate, not other people, but things. Then they could destroy the evil things, not the people themselves, and wars would end, he prophe- sled. Principal of Queen's University Expresses Doubts About The 552°"? _of, HIttd Work in Education Should Discipline Mind Six cubicles without doors have been built in the hospital, Dr. Ilobertson said. In place of the (tours, batteries of ultra-violet ray lamps pour a steady barrage of germ-killing light across the open- ing. Inside each cubicle is a baby, securely protected from infection, for the ultra-violet rays destroy 99 per cent. of the bacteria borne into the room by circulation of the He said the operation is not a "euve-all" for the disease but that of 194 patients so treated in six years 76 per cent. had gained com.. plete or almost complete relief from symptoms of high blood pressure and 46 per cent. had shown definite improvement. Germ-free babies in"germ-tvee rooms are the latest wrinkle in medical science to be developed in Toronto. Curtains of ultra- violet light screen tiny infants from bacteria at the Hospital for Sick Children; and how it is done was explained to hospital adminis- trators recently by Dr. Elizabeth I" Robertson. Dr. Max Peet of Michigan Uni- versity told the Kansas City South- west Medical Clinic he has found the best treatment is removal of part of the 11th rib and cutting of nerves connected with blood vessels that lead to the kidneys. GERM-FREE BABIES Dr. Oscar Erf, head of testing and research " Ohio State Uni- versity, asserts that a "eermin- ated seed diet tends to make hu- man beings, as well as animals, less susceptible to tuberculosis, masti- tis and undulmt fever." Yielding part of a rib may bring relief from high blood pressure, Experimerits on cows, fed on a diet of sprouted grain, show that their productive life span has been increased almost one-fourth of their total life. RIB REMOVAI AND BLOOD PRESSURE Sprouted grain is seen " a pos- sible contribution to alleviating hu- man ills by aiding resistance to in. fectious disease. SPROUTED GRAIN HELPS RESIST INFECTION Tod-y’s saiJiiG L' To Individual Needs is as Doing ale What Science tha_t " had iaia, have‘ Med iG I senerntdon more in. l edu. a'8Sll?, liWBJIRM ---- BARGAINS - NEWFOUNDI A ND, l'nnud!.h u--..a-__, _ -- “RES Sh? Jam“. SEWIIG CAcPf""u' C SUPPIJEI 0139w crhecey,Pi.'yi-. REDS. Now 13 THE TIME To LET us make reprim- from your Summer flu','.'. and order your Christmas car I. Print, , cu. each. Card: 10 cent. etch. " cents per dozen. Special pricel for postal card or- der. for Summer Resorts. Free post card enlargement If your or. der in over 20 cents. w. A. Btarn. nman Gauguin» Weber Street. Kitchener. ntquo. QL‘lT TOBACCO. SNUFr', EASILY. inexpensively. Home remedy. Teatimoniati. Guaranteed. Advice tree. Bartlett's. Box 1, Winnipeg. 'er-r-n-_-'.,.--".,.--,'-""-"'""--. HARDY APPLE EEK; wu USED TIRES. ALL 81288. [great prices. [mum-lea invited. Brockton Tire. Hm Dunduu W.. Toronto - .V "a." yvvnumhu. Canadian Provincen. and Royal Visit Stamps. Mm Cote, Granville For": NR pirrv, HIGH [£1000 iytkt'steUHE--wtttqug for tree booklet and full particu. Jars regarding our amazingly 'tuc'cetttstui hyblood treatment. t'2',','p."c'ed Products, Saskatoon. Sun . ,, r, ---_ - - - AN I make. write for prlcu on new or "conditioned muchlnu. " yurl’ experience - A. Gilbert,' an Yorure Street. Toronto." --"-Heee __.--.... -- ”a, blacks. registered Kn 'ciG"k'l'g.' 51:5, Dixie, Ontario - Port Credit EARN DOLLARS READING YOUR newspapers! Dime and stamp brings Information and surprlnes! K. Remus. M.7 King at. w, Hum. ilton. Ontario. SIUFI-‘FR To EVERY mvssrou L.» .. :.....,....> N, . - -- "RETARDED GIRL? scum", home," Helen Budgley Muller. M. A.. Port 1Jalhuurte, academics. crafts. speech. recreation. _ -e-e -'-. -._.... l."l‘a.‘lUl‘ List ot inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co. Registered. Patent Attorney, 273 Bank street. Ottawa. Canada. WHITE ()INTMENT - A NEW quirk what from irritating Piles. Highly recommended Maury hack if not satisfactory. 73 cents' a jar. White Manufacturing t‘umpuny. _Bux 11:4, Toronto. Unmrio. STUDENTS NOW ENHULLIAU FUR Course. in Ma'lrlculauon. Short Story. Journalism. Advertising. shorthand and speech Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write loduy. Canadian Corrtrpon. deuce College (established 1:002), 229 Yungo St., Toronto. BEBL‘ILT INTERNATIOXAL PD40 Diesel Power Unit, complete. Outs T-eo International (.‘rnwlcr Trac- tor with wide treads - like new. Priced for quick sale. Apply Han- nah, International Salts, Guelph, Ontario. H, ___-- -"-..r-hFhr \l‘d-‘IB each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nursery. Growing leading varie- ties Fruit Trees. Ornamentau, Write immediately requulinx sensational offerings. Tobey, Treery, Nitsttttra-on.thiMaaed, Ont. l7 HALL BEARING DOUBLE HEAD P. W. Miller, Iona. Statlon, Ont., he. received I record of perform- thee certificate trom the Federll Department of Agriculture tor the cow. Glenview Abbekerk Lena. I. member at his pure-bred Holstein- Frlellan herd. A: " elsht-yenr-old “Lena" produced In 365 do.” 874 pounds at tat from 21,091 pounds ot milk on twicewday milking, her average buttertat teat was 4.14 per cent. This was the highest record reported from any part ot the Do. mlnlon durlzg the month of Belt. tember on tween-day milking Ind RADIUS: BARGAINS, “.95 UP; Slows $5.95 up; Bicycles $10. up; Automobile Thea. guaranteed, $1.75 up. Free illustrated cum. lug‘ue mailed. Toronto Tire-- Rudio. 191 Dundas West, Toronto. h LIISEIC y stock Wu LGU {candle}: of number ot milkings. She led I. clnu of "nr. ty-three mature cows in her own section. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRES. ent "The Old Reliable Fonthm Nurseries." Exclusive territory in town or country. Liberal terms puid weekly. Handsome free out- fits. wane and Wellington. Tor- l-Nos-...'" Iona Station Cow Leads All Canada AGENT TO SELL MEN'S NECK- ties tor " cent: ouch. 100 per cent profit. Murtratroy4 Agencies. Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. grain wrindeb, 11027 tractiqn engine. C. 1,1e1Lttit_urtott, ontario INCREASE tot " b:.utl0A'G,< onto, -e"" Twice-Amy Milking "Lena" has three previous R.0.P. ovum T0 INVENNIIS FuhaYeu lltl-I ttrt' IN Mt.htP.gtht PHU'I‘IDGIIAI'II y ARTICLES FOR SALE USED TIRE! AGENTS “r ARTE!) mu L‘A'I‘IOS A L PERSONAL bit" ($31103 At. STA I” CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MEDICAL TRryEt's--60 CENT}; 1r..iwhite “cum C. A. Humane. FOR SALE Tue, tram-Canada Ail-Way's. tidiErUt' Transport, Infect)! Co.. etc, For full pArItcuI-rl or prove. trtsietinq course and evening code clan-ea. write “All!“ I.'IM.I.IOGI¢ 00" I‘AIAIDA " mm- 'N'. WONT. ”no“. For over lo yeurl A lending: org-mo “not: of n- kind In Canada. DOMINION GOVERNMENT NOW Culling urgently for trained opera- tor. who can send 1nd receive lieu-ze- In wireleu code. Our [Haunte- now in responalhlo pol-l- tlonl with RCMP" Il.C.A.F.. Tran-oCunudn Mrwnys. Dept. ot gantry}. humanly Co., etc. "run/Illa Large unortmem of mud: In new Rum. Winona. Broadlvmma tries. All aims. 1 s Priced from a.. Money-bark Gun-MM tion. Write for our fr catalogue of new and Furniture mowing other ouu'tattditur “In S l‘V-JU drois teat "e""""'.....).. Hunt-l, and . able, 4 a..." 'els.'"'"" buffet, in enamel tin.. R 17-50 £3? $353.“an "out! 7900 Ennis)! oak Suitc in per- . feel condition. lnrare buffet extenalon table. chittrt rubinu and é Jenther upholstered chairs. (Con new 250.). 7 pletely "rirnu'iaT""" “"" vom- ' Cabinet: 13.95 intr mm. ;ol'/"f,.1'22 um. fact rendition. Whit rams. per- (ml: nun-h. ' enamel “a 14.50 auetyi.B.tehrort “W."- 418 Vorea: (0-: Ila-Ix 77-W and one solid walnut. both in perfect condition, , places. reg. 8850. value. Completely refinished. 13 95 AND UP. Large auol'lment . "ttina Cabinets in oak and walnut. “The! condition. KITCHEN H'Il’li‘l‘ll: ft 95 Kitchen Cabinet with slid. . inq porcelnln top. com. nlninlu rniin‘I-L“ UJ-W china eabittrt, extent“; table and 6 leather upholstered chairs. 85.00 square extettrriott table and 6 luulhcr uphotrtered chairs. 69.oo Bountiful 9-plero Suite in . rich. two-lone walnut tin- lsh. trtrttet, china cabinet. wuvnxiun table and 6 leather upholsn-rnd chairs. ,_._..‘_ ... Inner . Ill "T. buffet, china engine!) T"x't"l'tfhoJn' table and 6 teather sent chairs. 5900 yo.detrtttite In rich war. 6.95 AND UP. Large annrlment . dressers in all styles and ','n/t1"",'n, d k d l 1 6 ammo es in on an Wu . 2.9li nut finish. nuts“ .00! “If!” 17 So Solid oak Suhe. buffet. . table and ' lumber Fiat chairs. P r I h S , er eel y tttatc " mien 24.lio Suite. huffet. extension table and 6 leather sent chairs In walnut finish. _ 39.oo Beautiful 9-pleoe solid oak h L' _ Selle. in perfect condition. 50.00 Hundreds of Wirqlcss Operators Needed _._. ___...".. "w. "n. nanny large dresser and vanity with large Tenrtian mirrors. chitfonier, hrnvh. full rue bed. ankles: spring and a new Trtthtyu'ry_Perrect. V""V Sulto (oust new 25“.) large drawer. vanity. chiNonter, full mile bed, angler: sprint and new mat. tress. 75.00 09.00 new mattress. Perfect. 49 00 Floor sample bleached . Rune in walnut finish. dresser. ohittonier and full size Ind. Regular $69.00 and tdlttiriiirdrrs. finished. 5900 Beautiful solid “ulna: . Suite. large dresser, rhif. toner, full size tred, with»: wring n”. _-e-_-- _._ A--, _-_ _ A . spring cushions." _ V 7 if IIEDINMDI Ft "VITI ttbl Itl 5o Lawn: drum-r, simmuno Ftecl bed, mums, Hum: nnd new mattress. 39 oo C shall cum-Hons Sour. cushions 19. 50 cushions, Marx-hail 17.50 24.50 4:! “man "'treFN'. “In!” CIIEAKAI'FE SALE oF IEOOQIDI'I‘IOIE” Ftigth"'rv This is a 'splendid opportunity to buy really good reconditioned furni- ture at a fraction of its run vnlue. Listed are u few of the outrtandintt Values picked nt random from our enormous stock. rtgeegTgi.T"Ptpm" SPECIALI‘ 8 95 3-piece Euilv. brown 111m vu- . . ver. Marshall rchi‘thc Lu- cushion: anions. 15.00 12.50 DRINK ata. HOT WATER e-lat -.qtr9tA9Aff,.?31rae1tt year on ten Will I“ wuuu- m fat from 21,588 pounds ot milk. Her Birqt " I qualified record or per- tonnuce bull Ind her dam is from I Gold Medal cow with I SOS-day record at 645 pound: ot fat trom Eiii Guo it mm. 2.50 Enzlnnd's tir could not speak I I 10* Awe.. '89!” walnut Sum. buffet. ' gull“. 039 English onk nut gutsy; , Airki “Buff“: Moder): Suite In , tone wal- Bt‘putiful (“can”) walnut nut timing tilt" 'iirFj.U."r 3-plece Suite. velour my”, Marshall reversible spring Large brown mohair Sung figured reversible Max-mull 6Sultes. arrortcd \‘(lour my! rem: “we“. Man-hull 3-pleve Suite in Hue vol- our. Marshall spring "um- Beautiful 3-pior-e in nn\'al- ty rpm) figured revnreibb ' DE” PI "3111 HI; bunhfo'nn. - - ty “cured reversible Mugs main: my; gross kmart 8-pieoe Suite. rust repp, reversible Marshall "edroom Suite rhittottiev, bod. t ' Int your completing a I test with I“ 1»qu! ot 'Gulrlntgp “mull-fan LYONS 'tet "otroasedi; It of (notary le- Ruza, AAmin_rrterr, loom: and frame- ....‘v u: "lull.“- " tree it1urtrstvd and reconditioned It . hundreds ut 2.50 id 46.36 T". .6 1-,"... a. Lanai; Suite. (incur, bed. spring and coiiurteteti. V R: lent retin- in All Canadian Divisions Haw 12,000 Soldiers er, of Illa-try and Artillery Tanks. Enginet-"s, a vice Corps Arr Am Units lmaw Vt Sade can mm : nod divisions mum Mum “and nl. hold thr - Iltl Ann Rutherford to match New [Irh h All Eu for Music, A PI Flexilzle Voice. Didi ureiaticn, Breath Cu Essentials Of Good Si: “up“ P oplars Love W tt d HAT FASHIONS THE PERFFA WEEK ENI " Ow White, tttik -.nd T) thud. t rttd ("echve If"! rem Ill

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