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Durham Review (1897), 19 Oct 1939, p. 4

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D it h 'ri . 3. fc ' ij. f {3 , , i!,w, l , _ 1 f; t . . , ' I t a t 3 The Review to New Subscribers There are metal I’M!” for the promise of greatly increuod travel Ito mums! Vancouver Island but the most important one I the moment seems to be that hterutioul exchange Inequal- Rlu. brought about by the war. The Empress Hotel, centre ot Canada's tamed Evergreen Playground where summer sports continue in lull "my throughout the winter. is on the threshold of the best season In its history, ae- eord‘tnu to report: from Canadian "eirie sources in Canada and the United States. These Offers Ani Positively Guaranteed " CMoIIIe '21rl',',t ', yr. " Nathan's Ina-zinc. 34 issues. t " I I " an: . 'r. Nathan! non. Mon . . " m Story magazine. t yr. fl Chatelaine 'aut"',"',',.' " " Red Book “amine. I " . I , In.“ Home Companion. t W. " Canadian Home Journal. 1 yr. ' , Mt" Ila-nine. 1 Fr. I) Catalan Roman!!!” & Hon. I ' Silver m». 1 yr. Maniac. 1 yr. ttNristlaat erald.tyr, Rod&a l . I , “Inland Magazine. 1 yr. y, “what”? no: Ct Open Road ttor. Boys). 1 n. . '. I l MeCatt'n Magazine. 1 rr. " Parents Magazine, 6 Incl. n mine Digest. 0 mos. I) Home Arts woodland”. 1 yr. t , Ann-lean Magazine. 1 rr. " American rum Grower. 1 yr. 01“.! on W! I.“ agtmrP "a'. II m " Man's Mine, t n. " Inland Hm Monthly. t it. I , Gaul-inc who. t yr. t , Canaan Hm Journal. t Fr. " Man Horticulture & noun to Jan THE DURHAM REVIF I lb N-ri, liar," iaihanidiiratG'" $91-50 Issuing Group I snow - t anon B-thit 3 . 1, 1940, m Newspaper, 1 You, all Any The. llhtgaatm. SUPER-VALUE OFFER MCI mu new“ -lmeut" I". ma BIG FAMILY OFFER The West Court has many at- tractions tor the traveller who likes his winter without snow. The gardens ot the ivy-clad Em- press and other beauty spots on the island retain their beauty and lreshneu I" year round; riding. golf, tennis, swimming. tishitut and lawn bowling Dcontinuc throughout the winter; the Mid- Winter Golf Tournament, from March 3 to 9, in n urinal event which attract: enthusiasts from make cull donu- worth ten cents more in Canada than it is in the United States. f- . Here's the thrifty, economical way to subscribe _ for this newspaper and your favorite magazines at prices that are really sensational. These offers are good either for new or renewal orders. It will pay you lolook them over and send us the coupon TODAY t38tod&Gun, in. t3lunerieanBttr,_ I) Pauli Equine. ' not. I) Home Arts (Needlecraft). t y " American huh Grower, t 'r. “Christian Meraid,0ene= ------_ only Gunmen: loam! ............ landwa- inItte1ttwttteetfmr "tmd'rttttagmr'saut_ "Nttitmterrmtr-. ”turn-um: ”mum! Inf Illa on. 25c '""'""""---.. The contrast offered by Victoria is really amazing, especially after a train ride across the country. From the windows of the warm train the traveller will we typical Canadian winter scenery. -. and then Victoria with its flowers, its magnificent weather. and its yen- round golf and other 3 " sports. any: all over the continent; Christmas at tho Empress is a celebration complete with boat's head, yulo logs. wassnii bowl and carols, with a novel tttter-dinner social glass out on tho open lawn. Hon. David Crcli, mayor of Wind- sor. and former Ontario Cabinet min. !ster, has enlisted as a private in the Essex Scottish Regiment, and now wears the kins. All honor to David Croil M.P.P.'. Durham ”mum! THE DURHAM REVIEW V _-..v vv nun, vet-HIE it is easily obtained tt is often out into lumber. The ttrer8ttN height of 'the tree In about 40 feet and none- tlmes reaches M feet. It in Humble as firewood cu the Prairies. " tum. ber, it is very Wt to union end ivory trerftsubte. but It unke- - la executor boxes and heml- ter foods“... ht Europe it me; much mum. Finally the young brave stood up and revealed himself, offering his love and allegiance to the dark maiden and turning to the fair one ihe said: "Thou shall be turned into ‘a poplar tree, the quivering of its leaves, shall remind our race of the useless chatter of women." That is the legend of the quivering aspen. Every Canadian is familiar‘ with its shimmering fitttter in the) the breeze. No other tree does it quite the same with its leaves when the wind blows. in spring the slend- er drooping cottons are pleasing to the ere. The fruit ripens in the lat. ter part of Mar. Canadian manufacturers find it a very useful wood in making pap- er. " is found in districts where other trees are scarce and hum-n er drooping cottons the ere. The fruit r ter part of Mnv, He disguised himself as I beggar and came around the tepee. The Mr molden drove him away with harsh words, but the dark one called him back. led him well and gave him mocaulne for his weary feet. The fair one scolded her sister for do. ing so. One of the young braves killed the animal and there was great rejoic- ing all over the land, [outing and dancing in honor of the hero. But he wasn't happy, he couidn't make up his mind which of the molds he liked the better. So he decided to test their kindness ot heart. The Indian were in despair. A strange animal seemed to be de, stroying their crops and drownin: their children. The Chief called tht, young braves from far and near and oftered as a reward for the deed body of the loathsome creature, the hand of one of his daughters in mar- riage. He had two daughters, one on fair as the day and the other as dark as the night. Into the Royal and Dundas Sts., day came a womal each carrying sate Before the eyes Ol into the Royal Bank, Chestnut and Dundas Sts., Toronto ,the other day came a woman with little boys, each carrying satchels and boxes. Before the eyes of the amazed bank stuff she produced 1,300 silver MI. lars. She had saved them one by one and in quantity lots ever since the first issuance of Canadian sil- ver dollars, believing they would perhaps become scarce and increase considerably in value. The bank ctrtainly didn't want $1,300 worth of them, and the manager called a representative for a radio program which gives away silver dollars at each perforamutce. The bank was told they had enough Bil. ver dollars on hand to supply the broadcast for live years. So the bank, so to speak, is left holding the bag. It was pointed out by K. Freder- lckson, agent of the Bank of Canada that silver 15 only “limited legal tender." It ls legal tender In the payment of a debt only up to 825. and no one In required to accept mcre than that in a. transaction. bur DONE To GERMANY We hear much or what Hum has "done for Germany." We hear less ct what he has done to Germany. To German human beings. What he has done. to German hum- an beings is disclosed in part by an analysis the New York Times nu made of German vital statistics. thus. DON T WHAT Since THE TREMBLING ASPEN A FACT A WEEK ABOUT CANADA the Royal Bank, mdas Sts., Toronto me a woman with irrying satchels ttl the eyes of the an WANT HITLEI Hitler NT SILVER DOLLARS IN QUANTITY Jer came into ot diphtheria doubled; of and more one adds t ot the DE minds an tsuppress': : thought. tree tutd, Deanne d " is often out ttreratN height of tie nation ' the real doings to td less bl _ cannon an the cannon cal decay, more children's adds the spiritu- UNIHRIU mrxuui'i'Wii"i,"ST _ rates between 2 went' up 12.5 , 20 per cent. o power in , and scarlet , spinal men. Food pclaon- 1576 in 1933 must behind measure . and to It have butter." less they more Banker-ttut don't you think you could manage on leu than that? "trtbo--No. sub. A horse and wu- cn would coo! not of ant... "ttur-Wea, I must hon guar- anty for the moneyo you Inn-- Croeley 5 tube Electric radio for uh cheap. Apply " Review once. Samba wanted to be I junk deal. er, but he had no money. He there. fore went to the village bunker to see if he could borrow lame comm to nut in business. The banker list. cned to the colored man's cue and bend that he required a. hundred here were Mrs Albert Keller urduy afternoon and Hm Thompson on Tuesday. We had t pleasant. VIII! " the Wallace home on Sunday evening and with Mr and Mrs Wnllu-e, " spent few hours with Mr 1nd In Geo. Stuart. We extend our sympathy to the family and all who will mourn the passing of the late In Eddington who died on Sammy It the home her daughter Mrs Geo. Stem where she had been tenderly cued for during her lllneas of II! month! or more. Miss Dim. Thomplon returned on Frldny after spending a week with I Mend In London. Mrs David nan-shall and Mr. Albm Marshall. Do it t sufficient own pure your neir while pri fore ther The Thank oftering cf the W.M.S. was taken up " the service on Sun- day and Mr Kaye gave a. good mes- sage on "Giving to Missions." Borne claim that they do not believe in missions. but the last commend of Jesus was, “Go ye into nil the world and preach the gospel to every crea~ ture", and "Ur, I am with you sl- war," This ought to be enough for anyone who would want to know His will end do it. Congratulstions to Mr and Mrs Herbert Brighsm (nee Esther Petty) of Bentinck on the birth of n daugh. lter in Hanover Hospital on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Ed, Smith Ind son Gordon of Toronto visited over the weekend with Mr end In Andrew Marsha." and It the Wslisce home and with other relatives. Visitors for dinner " our home on Sunday were Mr and Mrs C. MeAt. later and Mr sMcAlllter Br, Mr and Ontario farmer perform, pm of snort to produce acre than has bet past. It is was! out increasing I of production try. building up soil grcater 'smeiettey labor: better on] by sowing the v tainnble. Farmers are that they have quiremems on grade 3. trumeio your own use. portant work sufficient or suitable own purchase high qua your neiqhbor. This s! while prices are reast fore there is a scat-cit The srwing ot clean tlrst step in profitable the first step in woot MacLeod declares. The man who sows weed seeds is his own worst enemy and is laying down I. Job for his children and his grandchildren. Weeds lower yields; the quality of crops: the msrket value of crops sud value of farms: they add to costs cfproduction; they crowd out cultivated crops: they rob the soil of plant food and moisture: they prevent the farmer from follow- ing a proper rotation: they attract injurious insects and fungus diseas- es. Some weeds and weed seeds are poisonous to livestock. Clean seed should be a bright, plump, uniform sample. pure u to variety, tree trom all foreign matter. lncludlnz seeds of other cultivated crops. diseased mine. small shrunk- en grains and weed seeds. Weeds ture . FARMERS ARE URGED To OITAIN "" NOW Columbia View: nnd De KNOX CORNERS nc W Visitor! " farmers If you have not got suitable seed ot your high quality seed from . This should be done are reasonable and be. n scarcity. ot clean seed is the we more bushels been customary in nulble to do this l ' materially the c by ma'nntuIinK all fertility; adop er of implements cultural practices y very best seed Lon " our home Albert Keller on Bat. urged to nuke sure their 1940 seeding re. hund. Clean Ind nt amount of seed tor Do not leave this im- until your bins are d. Crops, Seed: and Ont, Dept- ot Agrieut have mukins need in farming control, ing and adopting duty to special l the with and and ob- the and Mr nuns-mama. tome-mum. The 'ttortsutttasd Inn went into the shop for I Mr of cheep mec- ucles. He tried pair - nu: In- tit he got one which eluted him per. fectly. He put then an and welt-d Into the “not. Amt this. he aw we: e hvker selling - than I an. . Short-eluted In: _ ' F“ Big bundle of old noon. - Sc. a Review 'ttttee. Just the thing for Mull“..- A-, . ‘ new“ ttme, "ertting of Int Mr and In Ch H -I.M. v- 0. U. Queen the ttmt or the week were Mr Md In W. Nelson of Orchard um Mr and In Lloyd Allan sud Mr Alex. Ano, of Barrie. A reception was held at the I...“ " Mr John Nu... .1. ".-_, - “mm mu use new served In the basement of the church. Supper nerv- ed from 6 to 8. Mull-Ion tse. Chlldreu 15c. A good Momma. will follow. Mr and In Boyd, J. All“ Mth Mr Alex Allan of Bun-la visited on Sunday With Ir tad In MM '1“ On account of Luquh United Church nnnlversnry services being held next Sunday there will be no Sunday School or service in Crow- tord Church. Several members of Crawford cen- gregatlon attended the induction of our new pastor in Elmwood United Church last Friday evening. We welcome Rev. W. Summerell and family. an home Belly . Misses ence Ma week. . Mr Ronald MacDonald and sister Florence spent an evening recently with Mr and Mrs J. C. Cook In Glen. elg. wu read and adopted. Two splen- did addresses followed. Rev M. H. Farr spoke on the Dicoenn budget. giving a full explanation or the distribution of all npportionments. Mrs Farr gave an nddneu on “Ins- ter Light," nnd wu much appreciat- ed. A quilt wu made and disposed of to Mrs A. Lee and the tnvell‘ng apron by a lucky draw Wtut present- was closed with prayer by Rev.Fnrr, after which I. dainty lunch was Ber. ved by In link. A vote of thunk: wu tendered the hogan. who ate Hanover row, um being than Dunn-,- -, nucceulon for the - of no attend-z In- - lunar-I. Thin load" the 'r to the non-owing hum“ in the loss of n, den wife and mother. mam tgttriorte Mid ed by Mr dale On Monday of this week Mr and Mrs Alex Cunphell of Elmwood and former mldenu of Crawford ob- served their ttrtieth wedding Inni- versury and their many friends in this community will Join in wishing them my more happy yen- to. gather. on Friday afternoon In: with on u- iendance of 16 adults. The meeting was opened try scriptur- moding by Miss Pearl Gordon and touowed by the Lord's Prayer. Report or prev:- ous meeting by Mr: T. B. Tucker Sincere Input!" goes out to the banned husband Ind famitr of the late Mr: Wm Adum, wife of Bentlnck Turn. Trawler, who», death occurred [at week. The udles' Guild of St. Pnul'c Church met at the home of Mrs luck Walton " We " and Mrs A e vitrited hit ' Ben Counts. injured foot. ALLAN'S CORNERS ‘ssen Allan Anderson and Flor- MacDonnld attended the Lead. Traiulng School sponsored by Jr. Institutes held in Tara In! mu muvu. m Marjorie Middleton 1nd Bourne, of Durham, ammoni- Mr Stanley Bowel] of lurk- were Sunday visitors at the of Mr and In Harry A algor- 3" w in I” eefd." In CRAWFORD Albert Wells of Mare- =t week with Mr Ind f Romude [mum the omw mm tn tttr were Haldane- WIIK Allin and Und- Mr Vat In honor Jr well: In nuralnz “Molnar-l ltudln'l'hllluoodot'ro. loudly! layout». In: -rot Wau- ot In". , --‘ I... We! a... and - ' beloved vvu J'--? ter a , II tsr-ttsr'""']'. am.- the n~,uu- -~â€"~ assum.Pte't, an m:- up... n. mm. in and In Nor-III Kai-er um - -'77 _ n..- Wm“ --. - CW. % any. and our ardhr-, 82.“: J. o'. Nell “any. 31.8. In“ Von" No. " I'"-" I“ urn-o- --“ - ""‘H "I Brown, milk, “JO: that - m. 38.00- A. D. lull“. "qreqrue M Mr. 't6.tt; 'tdranett tray I' ' Md MT. All. um aw --- -- never. A new supper hour In helm: hm' In the talcum. of the Iocul charm Tue-d” awn. In Rune! Tuba! spent I few any: with her ulster In Down-slim nnd family. Mr cm. “W I'll I Hunt" for n tew an” at the World's Fan New York. Recent. visitor: with Mr and Mrs: Wm. Bell and - were Mr Geo. Philip and Mr. Herb Tanner, Tomi: to; Mr and In Cook and two chil dren, Acton; Mr and In San. Scott md amm of Elan. and so m tman M. Owen Dtsund " In... per “It And 48% 'tettta tter M- Cievtot. no tetumrtste we"; - m “4 umu Inge: vulva-nu, ot 1asesders,tt.e for one mama; “.00 for t8teatmt a, In”!!! Ae. ma": " , - lion Cane. 're--- --- Mr me! In Howard Rear mm baby daughter have returned to their home in this con-unity. This on able] Howard to be new” his. work to the crusher [a " John Mr Kechnie'a, Glenmndln. Mr Levi Pall-tor was a visitor fw a couple of darts with friends m London on Oct. 26th and 27th next. and new manual for guidance in Mun clpal Accounting. Mr G. A. "tter, soil. barrister, Hanover re Loci John not“ claim tor dam- in " trurk on roada in lay last. Thin baa been reform to Insurance Company. Bria" No. Mt Wu pauod. an pointing Friday, Nov. 24th as Nam. ination day at Town-hip hall at one o'clock [LIL W, it neceuary to be held at natal places on Mon. day, Dee. 4th. Deputy null-mu of. Huber-ton. Mr and In Hurry Jon" of Own: Fraud were visitors this week will. Mr and In June- Cmtchley. Mr and In R. Child. Coleman Mich; Mr and In J. Jmlck and Mrs De Heart. any City spent " couple of am " the home. of their uncle Mr Duncan MeArthur. rent» n Mn! valnclu- Manic» pal “not Belief Agreement, Uni versity ot West, on. re short Course for Municipal otBeern to be held in Kochnie and R. new. No. 3--- John ”any and bound McCarthy. No 4-atotst. lord” and Chna Wop- Mer. No. 5 Geo. Black and Ray Me '"-na, um Georgie Killer. Owen Sound ls spending u few days " her hum her It” Ellie wen visitors this week with her mm In L. M, snurdny, October Tttt In the Town ship Hall, with . mlrattarmtgute.e. Mr Wm. Boll hu purchued the Whiter turn and I. buy ploughin: ROCKY SAUGEEN and In W. vtnitod with To (Ionic-l Ptte 'tht Tm Durham, " cos,” I’OI SALE-I Eben-ling m am meds, tor Ill? Appl M. a. R. H. Pr Framework for Review Hahn-rub- nne. Apply at I " young pits, c, m with. Prieeoville, Vi Snail Adv ABOVE thews a undanu ation " mar! yrd LIleman With Pri IT ISN Your E climb. Raw Matcrii,l, CAIRN TO /Clii' I This Bean so well made ful you won Have it Is Washer, It is the 3 _ in Elevtric NN There are ', why it is Ir Note the H' supphed M Batty R et your “a tth mbyl FOR SALr ) pair ol about th, - plot 'OR SALE tt if}: W

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