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Durham Review (1897), 26 Oct 1939, p. 1

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At both services, thanksgiving hymns were sung. and pleasing duets union by Mrs Thou. Bell and Mrs. Joan-uh McCaslin. The church was suitably tltseorated with fruit, grain and Bowors. "rnvietion, that the final and radical c-ure for war and " other evils. can be found only through human hearts. transformed into the likeness of the heart of Jesus Christ. ORGANIZE JUNIOR ro-lixious thinking people. that scour viction is steadily gaining ground and power, that religion and religion only can end all wars. More tUtd more the realization is growing in the common "out of mankind, that the routs cf war lie in the spiritual realm: that nations will Brrht just as long in: their minds and hearts are wrong, and their attitude toward one another, one or suspicion, Jealousy. and distrust. It is the voicing of n "rnvietion, that the final and radical Meaford Mien Schocl now has a has operating. which conveys ten rural pupils to and from the school. M _ war be ended" wlnod that it is raligioua thinking viction In stead" At the »vnning service. the speak- er ehose as his text: "Prom whence mum» wars and "tttings among you? t'ome they not home: even of your his“, that war in your members:" James, t: I. The most. painful and serious 'tttestion eorttronting humanl- ty today is "How can this horrible Rar be ended" The speaker main, lainml that it is a solemn fact mun .“Who hath ens to hear, let him hear". in this parable from which the text was taken, Jesus in not put- ting emphuis upon the goiter, nor yet upon the seed. vastly important as they are. but upon the different kinds of sell upon which the seed falls. The speaker ccmpnred the; twin? or the seed in the Beld, tol the sowing of the seed ot the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the hearts of men and women and siressed the reception given that seed by those. who hear. Live up to the light mail you have and it will grow brighter. Fail to do so and it will fade intc darkness; pet your faint into practice and it will become a fuller fai h.l Fail to ll" so and you wilt cease to! believe. I Jrs. M. " " St. Iu's, Egremont, Harvest Home Services on Sunday last Thanksgiving ser- Vices were held in the afternoon and evening in St. Paul's Church, Harremont. Large congregations were ls alums: impossible with nor. mal or ACcURATELY correct- rd vision. It comes only to "use eyes which have ditrieur " in swing beewase ot a sight mam-i or weak and unbalanced muscles. There is no need to suffer. A CAREFUL examina- tion and correction at regular intervals will assure COMFOR- TABIE and SAVE vision. EYE FATIGUE WI PATTERSON. 3.0. Specialist in Eye Examination DURHAM. Wednesday, Nov. tst Appointments I-5.30 p.111. at C. S nrney's Store VOL. LXII, NO. 41 RED CROSS BRANCH 220 yd dash-A. Martin, Hanover 25 15 sec; K. Livermore, Dundalk R. Braithwaite, Durham.. Discus threw -- w. Wright. Dun (talk. no ft 2 in.; Ir. Paterson, Han over; R. Johnston, FIesherton. Half mile-- B. Banks, F'1esherton 2 min. I9 sen: C. Eydt. Hancver; C Irwin, Holstein. High Jtmur-- R. Murdock, Durham I ft. x in.: D. Clunas. Dundalk; H. Cross, Hanover. Runninz broad jump-C. Livermore. Dundalk, “it. 5 in; A. .Martin Hanovssr: B. Stephens. F'lesherton, _ JUNIOR BOYS ttrt) yd dash-C. Livermcre,Dundatt ll min: A. Martin, Hanover; R Braitltwaite, Durham. Shct put -C, Livermore, Dundalk no ft, x in.: R. Murdock. Durham: C. Eytlt. Hanover. Pole vault-O. Schaus, Hanover, 9 ft. , in.; K. Livermore, Dundalk; M. Westrsrvelt. Holstein. Shot put-C. Broehtebanh, Han- (ver, 4t ft, 6 in.; W. Wright, Dun- dalk; H. Craven, Markdale.. Running broad Jump-w. Noble, Durham. " ft. 4 in.; Don Paterson. Hanover; L. Phillips, FIesherton. Pole vault-W. Par,et, Shelburne, 9 ft. 3% in.; H. Hoitman, Hanover, R. Johnston. Fleshcrton. Relay rate - Hanover, Shelburne Dundalk. SENIOR GIRLS “In yd datnr---E. McLellnn. Shel- bnrne, 13 sec: A.Huher, Hanover; L Bailey, Dundalk. Relay race -- Hanover, Dttndatk Durham. High Juaur---H. Thomas, Hanover. 4 rt. 3 in; E. MeLellan, Shelburne; K. Lockhart, Dundalk. James Copeland, Dundalk Running broad Jtrmir--H. Kobe, Hanover, H It. 4% in.; E. McLellan t"hensurne.. E. Pinkerton. Durham. Halt mile ---Rtarr Jamieson, Dur- ham, 2 min. 10 45 sea: M. Brown, Hanover; A. Love, Dundalk.. Hop. stop and Jtmur--. R. Kobe. Hanover, " ft. to In: P.. Claridge, Dundalk: R. Turner Ftesherton. Throwing softball - P. Wolfe, Shelburne. 159 ft. 3 in.; N. Middle ton. ~Durhnm; R. Turner, FTetgtterton. 220 yd 24 . , son Shelburne. 159 ft. 3 in.; N. snmnel The ton. ~Durhnm; R. Turner, rtesaerton.', Lodge Catch ttair-N. Middletcn and alums Martin Durham: H. Kobe. and ANN“; Itreumraran, Hanover: P. Wolfe and Rec. R Halbort. Shelburno. ' "e'c"y- Hm yd dash-Wm. Noble, Durham II sea; K. Knechtel, Hanover; Lloyd Annis. Markdale. 5rt. I in Dun. Robinson, nunaie Relay race - Hanover, Durham, Pundnlk. JUNIOR GIRLS 73 yd. dash -L. Bailey, Dundalk. , 353w: V.Jank, Hanover; B. Lea, veil. F'Tenherttn. Hanover hundalk Durham F'lesherton Shelburnp Holstein Markdalo The winners in the various were: High Jumn -, Flack. Dundalk; 3 ft 11 in.; B. Lorre“. Pleahenon: Continued on P330 4 William Sable, Durham, with l ptints, captured the senior boys' medal; Carl Uvermore. Dundalk, , points. the Junior boys'; Helen Kobe, Hanover, 3 points, the Senior mris; and G. Montgomery, flundalk. 6 points the Junior girls. Points won in each Class were as follows: 2, and Markdale 2. Hanover girls al- st, carried off the cup with 22 points Dundalk was a close second with 21, Shelburne had H, Flesherton 12, Durham 9. In ideal weather. Hanover High School carried on the honors in ttttt South Grey Interscholastic Field and Field meat on Durham fair grounds Friday last. Hanover boys captured the cup with 36 points. Dundalk came next with 29, Durham had 20, F'lesherton 9, sunlburne 5, Holstein hom Won Cups at " field Meet SENIOR BOYS High Jump-K. Knechtel, Hanowr ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO iiiht Barnum ittgttith dash-Wm. Nubia, Durham ', D. Paterson. Hanover: Sr. Jr. Sr. Jr. " boys boys girls girls 19 17 " 6 ll 17 5 " 12 s x l " Phillips, Flesherton " ll Jr. total 10 events 21 19 " 49 l The newly-installed cmeeri, of Grey ‘Lodge. l. o. o. F'., are: P. G.- ‘IBwis Whitmore; N. G. Thos. Whit- imcrc: V. G.--Ciarenee Barfoot; jets. .Ree'y-Robt. Whitmore; Pin. 1se'c'y-Wrn. McGirr: Treats.- Wil. fred Thompson; Warden--- James Mr and Mrs Hugh Firth who have sold their property on the Durham Raul and are moving into town this week to reside on Countess street were delightfully surprised one even- ing when their neighbors and a few relatives dropped in tor an evening's chat and presented them with an electric table lamp, heater and a box vi chocolates. The presentation was made by Mrs Herbert Greenwood and Mrs Jchn Heft. Their daughter, Mrs J. C. Hamilton " replied for" them. expressing sincere appreciation, and especially thanked the neighbors for their extra kindness during the re- cent illness of her parents. An art. dress from the neighbors accompani- ed the gifts but was not read publicly. Miss Katre May Firth recited and Miss Reta Heft sang a solo with guitaraeeompanimisnt. Evening lunch was enjoyed before parting. Installed LO. l F. Officers It was a gala night tor Durhami ()ddtelicws Monday. when at tttel annual Installation of officers. there/ more many brethren present trom' Paisley, Chesley. Tara, Walkerton and Hanover lodges, to fraternize with the Durham brethren and see work performed. District Deputy Grand Master Arthur George cf Hanover, with Grand Marshall John Lang, and staff of Hanover, ably in- atnlleil the new emcers, while the Paisley degree team of twenty ex- cellently o.xemplified the firgt degree. After addresses by D. D. G. M. Gear» and several vitsitcrs, refresh- ments were served by the Durham brethren. The notizn against James MOTH- son, trimmed with reckless driving when cars driven by him and Albert Maynard, Glenolz, accidentiy collid- ed in from of Varney Church, was zuijmrnpd from last court. Thr magistrate announced that he had de- cided to dismiss the charge, as he would not find from evidence given that Morrison was negligent. or had failed to take ordinary precautions I MR. AND MRS. H. FIRTH HONOURED BY FRIENDS Wm. Willcughnn of Tara, former. ly ot Gtenetg. pleaded guilty to driv. ing a car in a careless manner. when he bumped Webster’s and Alt Weppler's vars on Lambton St. tr. Sept. 30th. He has since paid for damage to Weppler's car and was fined tto and costs. amounting to $16.50. Brawn; Conductor --Dan McCallum: Chaplain-Those. Bell; R. S. Sh-leo Leditwhtttrt; L. S. S.--Thoa. Milli. gnn;_R. S. N. G.-Don McQueen; L. S. N. G.--wm McRonald; R. S. V. G.-Geo. Jucksch: L. s.. v. G..-. R. Snell; l. G.--i. Arm. strong; o. G.-Dorte Braitttwnite. Jae. Hamilton " Don McArthur of Egremont, a charge of trespassing was adjourned until next Court, Nov. 17th, at 2 p.m. M. L. Dankert, Hanover, pleaded guilty to a charge on not equippinz his motor vehicle with flares on Saturday, Oct. 7th, when Gordon Dixon ct town took to the ditch to avoid a collision with him, thereby damaging his car. The accident oc-i curred at Hutton Hill. Dankert was! fined $15 and costs amounting to! $19.25. which was paid forthwith. i 5 Leonard Vollett pleaded guilty to' 'ts charge brought by George Trail; ‘ford, ot converting money belonging to pltf. to his own use. Vollett is driver ct Trafford's truck and return- ing home from sale ot a load oil wood, passed Trattord's home as hei saw no light there. He afterwards spent the proceeds from sale ct wood $36, whereupon Traftord laid. the charge. As Vollett had made, restitution, he was let oft on suspend-! ed sentence tor one year on paying! (oats, $6.25. I Police Court Cases iii!itiliriif)u tsri/iii/ir, -- on Friday last yr and Mrs J. a; Harding are. Middle SA Exams. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLSTIIN LEADER DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER " Velma and Grace Vollett were re- cent visitors In Grand Valley. Ott Friday, November 10th a sale of homemade baking and afternoon tea will be held in the basement cf Queen St. United Church, Durham from 3 to 6 under the auspices of Knox United Church Evening Auxili- Mr and Mrs Nathan Veggie and family of Owen Sound spent Can. day with Mr and Mrs Earl Noble and family. Mrs Lewis McComb of Tilbury is visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs James Lawrence and Mr and Mm Grant McComb. Mrs G. Spaning who is In poor health was taken to the hospital this week. Mr and Mrs Cecil Grasby and Franklin Grasby of St. Mary's were guests ot Mr and Mrs G. McKay. Miss Vida McLuhan is visiCng friends in Woodbridge. Mrs G. Brown of Toronto was- a recent visitors with her cousins, Mrs C. G. McGillivray and Mrs C. H. Moffat. Mr and Mrs Wm. Dewar, Mr and Mrs John Dewar, Margaret and Jean attended the wedding ot Miss Barbara Dewar and Andrew Byers ShallowLake Saturday. Mr and Mrs Byers spent Sunday and Monday in Durham. Miss R. Irwin at Meatord is visi, ting with Mr and Mrs J. P. Irwin. Mr and Mrs R. B. Burns and lit. tle daughter Marguerite, of Welland and Mr Burns parents, Mr and Mrs George Burns of Ottawa are guest: Mrs E. Kress. Mrs Murray Smith othvindtsor is it present visiting with her bus- band's parents, Mr and Mrs John Smith. _ (laying inson. Mrs W. J. McFadden. Orange Valley, is spending a week with Mrs Thus. Davis and other relatives in town. Misses Mary and Catherine Gug- non, Fort William, are Visiting with Mr and Mrs P. L. Gagnon. William Robinson, Toronto, is holi. daying with Mr and Mrs J. H. Rob. Rev. M. H. H. Farr and Mrs Farr were in Princeton for the weekend in charge of Rev. Carman Owen’s, services while he took the latter‘s harvest home services at. Durham and St. Paul’s Egremont. Ernest and Margaret McLean Shel. burne visited their grandmother, Mrs T. McGlrr on Friday and took in the sober] sports. Miss M. H. Carrie and Miss M. E. Morton were weekend guests with Mr and Mrs J. D. Gilchrist, Shanty Bay. John Firth motored his daughter Mrs Gordon Ridden and children tc their home at Mrtachewan. He was accompanied by Wm. Gletteross. FOUR ELDERS ORDAINED Four elders were ordained at the morning service in the Presbyterian Church, Sunday by their pastor, Rev. s. W. Hirtle. . These were E. {'uewart McAerr, William G. Firth. Herbert W. Cross, Willem Mellon- Mr Wm. Dewar, Shallow Lake spent Sunday in Dulham. Mrs Lawrence 'Mekeown and Mrs Dan McGrath of W1llitumrtord at. tended the funeral ot their cousin. Mrs J. O'Neil in Toronto on Mon day. aid. 'o-ooo-o-ooo-o-oo-ooo-ooo--; Miss Dorothy l. Ritchie. Mrs R. C Robinson, Mr William Edge, were weekend visitors fn Toronto. Miss Lily Ritchie, who had been 'spend- ing a few days in the city returned with them. Mr and Mrs G. C. Webster visit-' ed Mr and Mrs L. E. Miller, Baden' last week. i, Mr and Mrs G'. B. Kearney and' family were visitors the tirst ot the week at. Lucan. I Mr and Mr: Norman Brown and son Ralph, Clarksburg, were visitors the first of the week with Mr and Mrs Alex. Hay. Rev. C. J. Queen and Mrs Queen ct Princeton visited their parents Mr and Mrs J. C. Queen anu M. and Mrs Bell. Mr and Mrs J. H; Harding are visiting Mr and Mrs J. W. Turner of orange/tIle. Next examination that is likely tr be shorn of the written test is the nigh school entrance. Gradual!" through the years the number of those recommended by principals: and teachers has crown greater thaw these writing. This year over 7.00" were recommended in Toronto and about 1.500 trot their pass by writing " is known that the heads of the education department are disposed to wipe out the written entranhn examination. _ The change means that passing the middle school matrlc in 1940 means havinr' the 0.K. of the prin- rival and teadhers. Their recommen- dation will be final. Coat of paying hundreds, of exam- iners and others ttmetals, of pre paring and printing the papers of distributicn and collection. em, runs into close to $1h0,000, it is said tor the middle school examination alone. Consent of the three universities had to be Leeured tor the move, and at a conference recently, represen latives of the third agreed to the proposal but insisted that as a means of insuring them against un- prepared students comlng up to the universities the written examina- tion should be the only one in upper school matriculation There are to be no more written examinations in' middie schcal ma. triculation in Ontario schools. By this sir-eke the Ontario education de- partment hopes to save from $100,000 to $150,000. A"--------;--- "_------" - C... ), 1939 (Knox Church, who“ Oct. 30th HI " p.m. Auupices ot “HMS. Admls~ sion Me, children We. _ l, A beautifully colour“ movie, de, 'pieting life in ptterior ot India and (China, will be turned try Mr and ‘Mrs P. W. It;': of Weston in The fowl cup r of Varney United Church will be h ld on Friday even. intr, Nov. 10th, in Varney Hall, for towed by It mod D ram. Admission 35c and 20c. The _ d Cross Society will hold a sale o homemade baking, candy. aprons, untry store, rummage table. Aft neon tea Will be served: In the Tos' Hall, Saturday attor- noon, Oct. th, beginning at 3 p. m. and in er ing. All citizens oi town and com unity are cordially invited. Procee tor war purposes. Donations of bakin' will be grateful- ly received. The annual meeting of the Tum tees and rate-payers will be held In the Town Hall. Arthur, Nov. 131. m the home ct it" J. C. Nichol November 2nd. The Du m Women‘s Itttrtitute will hold th r monthly meeting at COMING EVENTS FOVL SUPPER Published Weekly " 82.00 1 you In advance. To Unite. sum. 82.50 A year In “venue. Peer lame. Publisher I or Household ttectts, the prawns of the late Sam. o(‘ombe. will be held on Queen SI. ttth, Durham, on Saturday. Nov. 4th two o'clock. Now is the time to buy your Fawn Machinery before the price goon higher. Call at This Tumor is in good condition. will pull 2-furrow plow. Do any farm work that In Ford is intended to do. Will sell tor $160.00 cull. l Ilsa sell the Autotrar to ttttavr, lo any old Into that has a good en. zine. You can have a Tracur ttt a reasonable cost. FORDSON TRACTOR We wish to extend our sincvn- Hunks to I those who were so kind in assist! us in anyway dur- mg the innetm d death ot our be. loved wife and her who passed [mam-fully may on t. 13th. --w. J. At". and family. Farm Smock etc. Horses. Clank, Swine. Poultr Implunems, Mas, Grain, also Fa . Terms Cash. Lot , Cott.12, Arum Twp., near Mt. Forest, Saturday, 'owmber 4th, at 12.30 p. Mt. Sumue Rodent, 'Proprlv- lot. Wm. Murphy, A Xiuneer. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP CLEARIHG AUCTION SALE no DURHAM, om Auchtm SALE D OF THANKS

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