West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Oct 1939, p. 2

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"H J may have, and cover them with . slice of tomato. beet and lettuce. tiniahimt with a layer of r!irue. of hasd_boiled egg. Cut a slice of bread half an imh thick from a new sandwich but, and butter it thickly. Lay on top of it thin slices of any meat you This sandwich is a Dar one and u a useful way u up cold meat. _ One of These L Makes A Meal I Your on! blankets will I van-m and pretty pram covers two or more of the required together. cover with some Pl material and stitch right thn in diamonds. squares or roun The less worn portions. dyed bound with ribbon. make i knee may for motoring. 8 pieces line tea-cosies. hopw bottle covers and foot muits. Old Blankets And Ruire " lulate Crotch Ont. Comfortable, Mannish Chute; For Women Seen on Hod- Y"' by Young American De. Change In Dress Likely To Come Because of War Hallowe'en Bandits Killed h Air Crash cumpo I blanket Are Utilized kept fu dulize. P,' ham». ark of MI {3091] men Caneaslan hand insinua e are i 'llr the a m M UK ha Hysterical" rh what the '. "Ntu'mllsh- mug b nuke Put size 'etty 'ugh dais. deal ar tp, _ , I In- Elizabetl designer can bash when il Worm clothes ashlous, h W 0 W a Jr plit in: VIN homo. Pr about 1m I help in wail. port "Thank plied qui' ing more th ftp, ' Tgt:, Ar, , n mm ats m, assumes“ In M Last week employer. is at the nsws actions arou SERGEANT DOLAN--omcer as signed to solve the murder of Amy Kerr. CA'dt On" CHARACTERS PRISCILLA PIERCE _.... heroine, young woman “torney. AMY KERR--CitU's roommate and murdercr's Victim. JIM KERRlGAN--Corut france. HARRY HUTCHINS - Amy's strange visitor. Who Mr. I All r plto lent Ho C)1,,lTrof the NIGHT av MARION meé E;p-yrivght, 7931:3451“ Service, okt N ly. to " CHAPTER XI xvi! was [mum be dons Comm-w k: Harvey Ames, Amy's s shockingly distressed s of Amy's death. His use Cilly's suspicions. Th W H if tt tii , in H n h ally ttoth m tlt you I'm J Wt', ad errible in for And it Just Can tun offiv mu tl IN ‘U ll h d rating”: "Amy wasn't an obvious sur partner type - admitted, self-3p ing an affair like battling mystm'y a few wacky no ho lit mutt-h Mm line all HIS ll plunut just a; "You know that l'vllow iN l wet," he. said. A smile of amused boredom hovered " us. "I told him so. too," "Did you really?" She Wasn’t Happy H" did no! catch the iron lly's wovds. "I (‘Prtainly did (mitted, s-ir-nt-approving/v. "l vd, Ila the “or 01111011.»; army ol w In ll F'lattrg h." "I'll be there, of course. In the meantime. there are some things I'd like to talk over with you. Will you have dinner wlliune tonight?’ Cilly didn't teel mun! to dining with Harry Htut'hl.uc. "I'd rather not go out to dinner tonight." she told him. "Bu: I will be home bout 5. if you care to drop in for a few minutes," ', never!!! Ctth exag lit the citt Jes 0 ynu w to murder ‘1') waved tltey're diculous I! Ms: slopp l himself in a can)! and took out a cigarct chin: him, Cilly was mm been mok order. His (net charm. the writ r? Jiru's, but it She Couldn't Like Him r “a homo only a few min- whnn Hurry “urchins arriv- u hm! u'uviuusly 'stopped at "iit's. for ho oarried an en- till bot q um slopmd to sea about a he said by way ot or . "and I thought I might v91! bring these along to y'll cheer the place up a him, in spite of he Idr-niably handsome ere- even and perva 1 been molded to 1 w hy ‘l murdvl'u it-ido. Amy meianchol I) HI him. ughtfulm UL cum-5v. you nothing serious absolute” noth- Amy? his r no Hart, in mm not go out lo dinner told him. "But I will Lu 5. if you care to few minutes." [ this into Sn they wapnper I ll H led nom'lmlmve and blew out the it unyom wrinkled m: t it was an out fellow I sump of hover) ton,“ om " Cotnturt a Sh Is, ne “mu H: “You o speak was too a ff perfvct. as d to some lacked the ll “as was the unspen- pu'olicity V0 it _ . . al Home in ‘nortly mystm- should whip "Ot Hun Dolan 's f faint- on his d MI. ilt Turn deep O' colortul P, Ina fun npprct wrthe whims would " in he Id lt To Harm; C wltto Just the 2TH”, rub the, le Calcium and phosphnru, Ute two ot the main tooth-rruilding materi- als, and those who are deficient in them invariably suffer from poor teeth. Calcium may be taken in pcwder, tablet or injection form. An expectant mother will find it n tremendrus help both as a guard for her own teeth and as an in. surance for those of her baby, to take calcium in some form, but a doctor should be consulted as to the quantity. The same applies to children whose first teeth show signs of weakness. The correct amount of these building materials will help to construct a sounder second set. . Send 1&8th pattern to Wilson Write plainly Pam wool, silk of 30:11 n. picture 15 x 20 inche tion pf stitches.. Favourle Song Illustrated in SIB A horse chestnut is not a chest- nut; grapefruit is not related to grapes: pepper-grtw is not a grass; walla lilies are not lilies; and a pineapple is neither a pine nor an apple. was do w n th more the“ timzn they found anything?" he a with tr .‘eigned concern. Cilly only shrugged. Let him worry. she thoughi pro'iably wrote some warm he to Amy [wfm‘o he met Gloria mom. and now he is afraid th find theh. way into the newspu for the ghuum‘ous G':oyitt to and misint"rpvot. That would just, too bad; Li: promising tu tnight ha thivatctuul. Nevorthelcsvs, C"dl.v dmwm to go through Amy's belong ry's sum-trons it1'erest. It wasn't Amy's pus: that was concerned about ~- 1w probably knew no more about. that than Cilly did . it was his own futuytt that troubl~ ed him. "The police Inna already don? that," she stated maliciously. de- liberately nverpainting the picture. Sergeant I)olan's brief examination at Amy's pwsonul effects had not been very thorough She wanted to annoy Harry IIutvhins. Apparently she siuetwerdtul. He sat up attentively. "Have they found anything?" he asked with u .‘eigned concern. 'or Sound Teeth gum Th "i think it would be a good idea," he was saying - "it you went over her personal things - her letters, or keepsakes. tor example. Get rid of anything - well, anything out of the past. You know how the no lice pounce upon such things. and win: the m-wspapers do with them it they got them. Amy was too fine to be mudo ridiculous altar she's Cil!y did not want to believe him. She did not want to pay at- tention to any remarks from Harry Hutchine. Nevertheless. there had been something in Amy's past. Something serious and threatening. She couldn't deny that. Perhaps Amy had confided in Harry Hutch» ins to a certain extont . . . "That's exactly that I've been trying to say. Priscilla. There was --someone else. Someone who hurt her a great deal." course Amy was not serious. She had other interest! . . . I great many other interests . . . " Harry leaned forward in his chair, u'H r Smlll ,VV-.|-\LI¢IJ ainly Pattern Numbel would not ta',loids - P first [hing arur Hurry to throw his 1 I. incinerator h 1To Cao Sl'een salad Deceivers a V u: 511:6" salad Low! right suggestion of Inside of thr, bowl n1) nigh His Own Future 'o Cilly understood Har. ‘ilous in‘m‘est. It wasn't s; thu', was concerned 1w prohnbly knew no my into the new mmrous (Hm-in l “x'prot. That we J: 1.1: promising maimed. CES'. Cilly um:- ugh Amy's bel: mum Cont inuml ttts in a (Godlecra hm Amy tha um IHnIu pqrxis'P'ittrgg.o TORONTO ga shy did, how Huichins left garish hot-quot oytul hour., Pattern 22 color chart ll , Itll noun _':n1ur1ilerinrp: this picture in colorful 'attevn 2232 contains a transfer pattern of a nlm- chart and key; materials required, illustra- ‘n Quins lstamps cannot be accepted) for this ocraft Dept,, 73 West Adnlnidn m "‘-»-r A [210 “as up fudd if she ll " l they'l 'spup:r.~ to row! :mld br I future your mull! ”(11' 11,23 It' in thr u "ml, 7 - -- ... "guinea nu normal Weight and mmuh. Thin splendid tonic never failed lo help build the children up when they wt" wank an" bud colds. I certainly recommend it to mothers with growing chlldn-n." Get tht. hmou- doctor'l pnncriplion. Dr. Pierre'n Colds M’d'vnl Din-awry. from your druggiu “any. ,,__._...' vu I. _u--.iirr. Charlotte) Lee of 42 Ingrahun St. says: "After an illness one of my children was very weak and under- weight. I gave him Dr. Pierce'; Golden Medical Discovery" and his appetite im. proved and he Ruined l P,"nrt.h., 7his splendid .. 73 West AVeiiiii"iii' Name and Address. CIIATIIAM, on. --ur,, Fl...-l-... BUILD UP THE CHILDREN with a cut garlic clove, 0r rub the cut garlic on a bread crust, add the groans and dressing and too, then rhmove tld crust. . r -___N. u-I' 'At'4rv'.Wi:"yiiff, And he Ruined HI normal t, 'ru. _..' _ 'rt - Given in Just one party supper! l tti'olvspoons butter, 1 cup brown sugar. 4 tablespoons cream. ta. teaspoon vanilla, % teaspoon almond tittvourirut. Cream butter, add sugar and beat well. Thin with cream until light eonsistotwy to spread; add the ilavouriug, "ee _ - _ SPICED GRAPE JUICE SPICE TEA CAKES 1%. cups sifted cake tiotu. 1% teaspoons baking powder It teaspoon soda % teaspoon salt . li, teaspoon cinnamon and nutmeg lk teaspoon cloves w. teaspoons ginger lk cup butter 4 tablespoons brown sugar 1 egg well beaten lk cup corn syrup 1 1,5: cup boiling water Sift i1our and add baking powder, soda, salt and wires, sifting three times. Crcam butter Well. add sugar gradually, beating well together until very light. Add em: and beat again. Next comes the flour altern- ately with the syrup, tt little at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add boiling water mixing quickly to blend. Turn into small greased cup tins; bake in moderate oven for 20 minutes. Cool. Cover tops and sides with brown sugar frosting. - Etchery by Laura Wheeler CAKE OF THE WITCHES lh cup butter 1 cup sugar 8 egg yolks 1 teaspoon almmm flavoNnsr,w 1 teaspoon vanilla ls, cups cake ilouv 1,a. cup milk 3 teaspoons Baking powder (level) Cream butter very thoroughly, add sugar slowly. " beaten until thick. Add Mvouring. Sift well together l and flour, add alternately with fiour to the first mixture. Icing made of the egg yolks. Whites may he used fl tv r Pumpkin Tarts. HALLOWEEN AND YOUTH No day or season seems to offer such a legitimate reason for turn. ing hack the clock, as does Hallowe'en. So join the children in the frolic and plan with them for a free and easy party after they have made the uzual house to house canvass. Or, maybe this year. you have induced them to have games and frolic at home followed by a bullet supper, which all children love, and most grown ups will be juining in too. Firstly. a word about decorations. Of course you will have your table set lone, The cover will either be white trimmed with some'of the many fascinating crepe papers abounding with witches, cats and things or it will be all of paper (either made at home from the combinations of paper or very inexpensively bought). Your centrepiece will likely be a pumpkin Jack 0' Lantern and what fun to make it.' I would suggest having two baskets or plates at either end of the table filled with apples. pears, bananas and grapes. Scattered here and there "Junior" Jack o' Lanterns made from oranges are very effective. Some lollipop: and other candy with nuts will add to the decorations and appeal to the painter! of all. Now, having the decorative side completed, we will proceed with the special feature of the evening-the real “eats." I suggest for you the following menu.. Sandwiches---) (Egg chopped finely with a little chopped onion added and parsley mixed with salad dressing. Peanut butter and honey mixed in equal proportions makes admirable spreading and is ever popular. Cake of the Witches Iced with yellow icing. egg yolk added to icing sugar with a little cream _ . will do the trick. Decorate wtih small orange and black candies. Spiced tea cakes Beverage Pumpkin Tarts i‘omzt (topped with marshmallow, Spiced Grape Juice PATTERN 2232 'able Talks this column with this recipes fur grapes. thing mor.e: Please write me and say how you enjoyed my Au Revoir. ' Toronto BROWN SUGAR FROSTING Perhaps unconsciously but very definitely she picks clothes that provide a lovels setting for her- self. Just as the wrong setting can spoil the most precious jewel, so can the wrong clothes ruin a woman's appearance, no matter how attractive her face and fig. ure. And right clothes do not no- cessarily mean expensive ones. Taste, as always, is a wonderful substitute for money. on her ears or th; hollow in her throat or far down on cheeks to- watd the jaw-bone. Always, the smart woman's rea- son for wearing rouge and lipstick is to enhance and intensify her natural colouring. Therefore. she puts rouge on her cheeks where natural red spots show after she has been exercising violently-mot And therein lies the secret of her success. Her eoiffure, makeup and clothes drnmatize but never dominate her When she enters a room people never say. "What a beautiful dress" or "Look at that hair" or "l wonder What shade of lipstick she's wearing." Instead they MO', "What a stunning woman." The truly chic woman is chic because she chooses makeup, a coiffure and clothes that really do something for her. The Choose Make-up To Dramatize, Not Dominate te Truly Chic Woman Should Wear A Coiffure and Clothes That Do Something for Her Br SAME slowly. Add egg yolks together baking powder mixture. a meringue pom and pans, quickly cut; ttummhtrreGe.keeGTiii handy. clears clogged ac; 1 outhouse odors when you use Gillett‘s Pure Flake Lye regu- lady. Just sprinkle half a tin over contents of closet-once a wen-Ir There's no need i0 Iaia'ii,; tentr--Giliett's does it for you. Giilett's Lye Y. the household Clean And Sanitary! KEEPS OUTSIDE LlJgitTs ' II . good thing to Kee observe annually. Whether. one soiox'ly and observes the religx cance of the occasion, rum into the genera spirit ot gayety ot the is equally an occasion inc. because Hallowe1s tially a hannv nt‘l‘nlin bunny is Taboo in our present apartment-dwell- ing, electric-lighted. tttreattt.litted day, we make merry by donning (alliances. putting candles in hot. lowed-out pumpkins. and pinning paper eitigieu ot witches and black cat: around the room. as convex» tionll details ot a merry pam where dignity in taboo. The um; in: ot the neighborhood aw ”In-owl in costume, and, like many .umlhm surviving symbol ot an ancient day, few there are who wnwmboz what it is all about ext-op! that " in I. good thing to keep ulih- and observe annuallv. The evening p Day has been English~spmking time immemoria it that on this ot the minis w the people when lived In holiness driving from th, wicked spirits of the devils in to animals. witches, beings, who WOL’ lumen tale. All Hallows' Eve nine it? Yes. it is tl tor our modern Hu Gay Spirit of the Evening Can Be Expressed in Focd and Fun For All Ages 'HERE'S Make Hallowe'en Happy Occasion peppermint flavor of DOUBLEMINT GUM! Got some today! din-01w nw in hot water. Tin action of the lye and! "=sd hmn "te scum. DELICIOUS... REFRESHING happy ocean risk pt offensive l, 'fe" dirty u tor rejoin do F N evening IDOCQE m Gilli!) yly nt Canada's Y Being; Wash Resources, etty Naggim Remo

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