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Durham Review (1897), 26 Oct 1939, p. 5

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only be. MI: he mph London ' their Sworn-s “lot? Adm' Testy- umber Mount sound sash 'tter ttost mnd no: Oct with he bro Me and Rf " Columbia Victrola and Do mu "rosley c, tube Electric radio for in). cheap. Apply " Review once. sin Reward will paid for in- mrmmion leading to e conviction a? any person or pen in destroying prqwrly in the Town Durham. r.os"r--one your or lady's no" :th in or “out the vicinity o! Inurham. Finder plane love In. :it Review omee. :0 younz pigs, 5 weeh‘v old. A with, Pricevme, R. R.x_No. l. Wm» o.ProrPrr1 {or who is "In“ tn hunt: and MI. t 1 was not very In iii Must have money to In 'ere,tvd, write no: 230. D Framework tor couch tteo, to ttrat wairw subscriber who\ uh for amp. Apply at Review once, phone W. H. HUNTQI. Inspector Vnrney, Ont. Tet. Heinlein 3 I." ONTARIO aov"t""NT "an: Having accepted the Agony for the Man- over Cleaners. we are prepared to give you reasonable prices on all your Cleaning and Pressing Vl ith a little eo-operatirm prompt wrvice will be cur motto Goods Called for and Delivered. Phone " moan my“. , M. SAUNDERS, Durham FOR “LI TOWN or human. to e cm per: a do: own Du: By or r. WN or' , Mi NOTICE ! Its Reward 31" " ii,'l',,3,ll.1te The best way to make money out of chicken: is to start a hat shop. tau, , ”um “I... an. 5 'tquteged M In. with“... J. A. m, “1. PM 39... 70m I” r bl, m. - IIUWIII unm'm'r: IOMTED CORN RAIN]! for“! can "canon. THEY cannot remand: this ancient now valentine treatment form and can“... Lloyd'Ioom. Dilution tPrpttt (“In and PM.) remove- and Pttyy 1th iliiiir." "if; *-â€"~â€" -e. -%irdMt. Irv. w In!“ and rollove- with am - plicauon. hr Ill. " “What's the honeymoon, pa t" "The honeymoon, my boy, is the only period in a man’s life during which he considers it funny to ccme home and tind that his dear little wife hasn't dinner ready on time." Heckler: “I wouldn't vote tor you if you were an angel." Candidate: "It I were on use] you wouldn‘t be in my constituency." "He culled me a barelaced liar 2" "Apparently he didn't notice your moustache." ”In HARRWON-on Tues. Oct. 10th to Mr and Mrs Ctittord Harrison, in Mrs Nuhn's Pte Narnia; Home, . FAR“ FOR SALE on RENT ONTARIO ARCHIVES SOON PASSES Helium“ 15. 100 the W. M. S. meeting, Mrs Gary Whyte took charge of a discussion of the second last chapter of "The World in Canada." The executive of the Y.P.S. met Wednesday evening " the home ot the president. Miss Marion Muir, of Six Corners. with 5 members present. Plans were made form Hallowe't'n social and election ot omeem at the next meeting. The annual anniversary hot tom! sum" and entertainment of the Salem Church. was held Friday "mint. A "word crowd sat down to mmr and In!" ftned - nub-N- In» in tho church for the m-tte""'" " "Swami - Pwr. rv" ttnt 'V Q0 WWW“ T.P.B. Be. The W. A. And W. M. B. met Wednesday afternoon " the church, with 15 present. It was decided to have a bean supper and amateur programme in the near future. Tho. matter of new curtain: tor the church basement was discussed. At m-te""'" " “RM-nun Now Por- cum ttme. air may truck hu 32.11 was hm tho mum a rr" ttnr "wt '" WWW.“ 13.8. Be. been delivered - may Mm, $0.“.me that mm m 1"” 0.. nun ”Nam Met6nttr. Ith, - Mr II‘ I” Fer, M "tA. Im‘ thtm . M". m em " " RCO‘WQMQM "rt.R - Mtturtut ”a. m Btmtete. IN” 1Mt,.to 1"” Trtth . “a " m “ "Mm-we - M Hut/Ir m mm? tert'a NOW. Wy.,, 1M2“ load (5...” "ree.er,itrnNtrr',t, Vi!”- M m. A M c.. F -., _ [,a PM W " a. m o-A-se' -esttot H”... mm. . If N m n. “t to TA. $t. Coll-h " humid Anniversary The anniversary services held in connecticn with St. Columba, Sun- day realized our most hopeful ex- pectations. The a. m. service over $70.00 was given as a Thanksoffer- ing, with much more, yet to be forthcoming. All this without the attendent labor involved in prepara- tion of fowl supper by the ladies, (Thls was not their own proposi- tion.) And the wastefulness incur- red at tho final blow out was elimin- ated. 23rd when in spite of the inclement Weather 3. good congregation turned out in the morning to hear Rev. The Salem male quartette, Messrs. Richardson. of Swinton Park, E. chler of Bethel. Ed Heard, of Sal. on and Thos. Weir. St. Columbia. as- sisted the choir at both services singing in grand time and harmony. Four churches were thus incidental- ly represented. Their evening selec- tions were, "I want my life to tell tor Jesus." and "Lead Kindly Light." ' Mr and Mrs Victor Adams, N. Egremont vsited at Mrs Thou. Har. rison’s here and took in the a. m. service. - Special services lurked the slut anniversary of M. 0:1an United Church, Pricevllle, Sunday October Dr. George L. Mercer. Mme“, whose sermon. "Our Unlhlken Pne- unions," was booed on Heb. 12:27, "and this word Bigatifteis that those things which cannot. be shaken my remain." The speaker declared thlt among the things which todar no shaken are the world itself, individu- al moral standards, and the econom- ic structure. Tho immovable real- ities include the Chrlltlnn religion. ch. Christ and His Kingdom. Visitors at St. Columba annivers- ray services were Mr and Mrs Thos. Parslow and daughter of North Da. Kota, at It. Parslcw’s here. Mr Chapman and two daughters of Toronto accompanied by Miss Anna McLean for a 12 hour visit, at her parents, Mr and Mrs H. B. McLean. Mr and Mrs Eldon RuncIman and family and sister Mary at Mr and Mrs Fred 1tuneiman'g. Mr and Mrs Rtehardtron, Markdale and Mrs Heard, Salem, were also visitors. The active and pleasant Monica Lambert left for Toronto Saturday. She will be missed. . A somewhat larger number braved rain and sleet to attend the evening service when Rev. Louis Pickering, Trinity United Church, Hanover, was guest prescher. Bung his sermon on part ot the psrshle of the Good Sumerian and the story of the Rich Young Ruler, the preacher em- phasized the necessity of the Christi- an coming out from the crowd. The disciples must have thought Jesus made a mistake in being so severe with the young men as through him there would have open. ed so many avenues of spprosch to people by reason of his wealth and connections . If the Gospel curtain had fallen as abruptly on St. Peter " it did on the young ruler, what a lot the wcrld would have missed, he said. in conclusion the question was ask- ed, Would we be tsatisfied " the curtain were to fall as abruptly or. our lives or on our nation as we know it today? PRICEVILLE PRICEVILLE 'lmilDutBAMtttimttw, - Mrs Robt. Crawford, Mrs R. B. Fraser, Min H. Sturdy and Mrs John Sinclslr were It McIntyre United Church Friday attending I. Section-l Rally of the W.M.s. Fraser, Mien H. Sturdy and Mrs! KNOX AUXILIARY WN.B. HOLD John Sincleir were " McIntyre THANK-OFFER'NG MEETINQ United Church Friday unending u The Evening Auxiliary of Wom- Sectional Rally of the W.M.s. enU Missionary Society of the Unit. Mr and Mrs Pruner "10380.: ed Church held their tttantto6trttttt daughter and son were Sundey vili-‘ service in Queen Street Church. The tore With Mr and "I" M80, speaker tor the occasion we: In l. Shend. I T. Priest who give en Installing talk Neur- w. w. 1%ttemnt Ind on "PtHndahip". The speaker evoke Ioorehouee of Emeline! College ttrat on the value of friendship. were the students who Michell siren-in the need of giving friend. for A cell on the Pmt-artist---, mattitt, to the new median and the we“. Jeni-30.. . Lune it in in item. The m of Mn Prank Creighton. In Alex. McIntosh, Mr and In no“ Cola”, Min Helen Comm of Emma were recent visitor. " Ed Evert-1's. Mn T. Nichol returned home, ab ter apéndlng the put month with friends at McIntyre and Collins- Mr and Mrs John Campbell. Toron- to were visitors at the home of Mr. Donald Gillies. Mr and Mrs Walter Stewart were In Toronto Monday. Mrs J. Sinclair and son Aim via- ited Friday with Mn Walter Hustle. Holstein. In Johann-her, In Ilium Whit. taker, m1. Ridduh, Hue! Rodd”, Bert Allen and Fred Count of ro. ronto spent: the weekend " Ed. Evemt's. Born on Tues, Oct. 10th to Mr and Mrs Clifford Harrison s son in Mrs Nuhn’s Pts. Nursing home. V Mrs Bill Hill of Farm is spending a couple of weeks at her mother's. Mrs H. R. New“. Mrs Hugh McMmsn. Swlnton Park visited last week with her sister Mrs Jno. Nichol. Mr and Mrs Will Gllkes and tam. ily of Holstein visited the titat of the week at Mr. Ed. Gillies. Mrs James Ridden Is visiting her son Albert in Fer-gun. Min Monica Lambert went to To. ronto Brat of the week tor a while. Mr David Black! neemnpanisd by Andrew, Betty and Shirley muck; spent week end with Mr and Mrs C. E. Hincka, Wyoming,ana visited Mr and Mrs Joe Patric, At. Tuesday afternoon Mrs John Nieh) ol was hostess to the W.M.S. ttttti; W. H. Societies with a good attend-, ance. Mrs Jack Whyte gave a. read-' ing. Arrangements were made and Committees appcinted for the fowl supper. Mrs Sutherland presided over IV. M. S. Miss Margaret Nich- ol gave an interesting reading. .Mrs Sutherland read from the study hook I Lunch was served by the hostess; and her assistants. The November, meeting will be held at the home of L Mrs Hector McEachern. l Mr and Mrs Edgar Patterson spmt Friday in Guelph. Miss Marion Muir had her tonsils removed in Owen Sound hospital last week. Mr Frlvall of Toronto occupied the pulpit in St. Andrewh Church Sun. day and delivered a tine sermon. He has been here different times before and all enjoyed listening to his ttne messages. Mrs MnMeekin returned home at. ter spending sometime in Toronto. Mr Bob Whittaker vu operated on for appendicitis 111 Owen Sound hospital last week. _ Miss Mary MacDonald. teacher at North Line, spent week end at w. J. Hincks’. Nurse Breadner, R. N. of Mark- dale ig nursing Miss Minnie Simpson and Mrs Wright. Mrs McArthur Is now at her daughter's. Mrs. Camp bell and is improving. Mr and Mrs Synder and daughter Lois. Toronto, Mr and Mrs Parka. Ellzenla. visited Sunday at Mr Angus MeLaehlan'tt. Miss Mary Muir Ind friend of Woodbridge, visited recently " Allie McLean's. This Monday alurnoon Mr Alex McQuarrie is havinx an auction sale. A number from here attended the fowl supper " Salem Friday night. Priceville presented their play there. Mrs Colin McLean returned home after spending a. week in Toronto. On Friday night the W. H. Soci- ety had a bazaar and tea In the basement ot St. Andrew's Church which was quite asucceu. The Y.P. sold home made candy. Mr John Cook, Hesherhcn, put on an amateur program, which was much nppreciat- ed and enjoyed by all. HOPEVILLE HID V VICIII‘IY l, On Saturday last three workmen ‘on the Campbell barn and ranch.hav- ling tirtuhed the work, left tor their ihomes near Lansdowne. 5 On this Tuesday morning, James McLean and son Earl, also Emerson i'rhornoson of the Park, leave for Spanish. Northern Ontario. Then later in the week, Mr and Mrs Her- (man Maxwell and family are leaving 'tor Kincaid. Sask., and on Monday morning. Mr and Mrs. Robert Lee began to move by truck from the John Aldcorn farm, now owned by Melvin Long. bees are going to the Binnie farm north of Proton Station. For all these people, we wish all prosperity. her litter in George Bland. Mr and In Watter 8mm are muted mun house. Mr and In blue wright lave purchased the J Wilson home In the ceme very suddenly to In - Wright, relief. ot the lute George Wright of Swsmp College. As she moved sbcut the house, suddenly she sent down and expired about 4 pm. We hsve no partials" st present, sud this manually is ssddened by route aattifitttm-rhnasit1tstod pron-unmet. -tntioaaeaNsmttn., {nanny}. . _ . Mon-hum oeettNnM.-t-tseoreetr, In 0.9m. and dnttghto" mu- mutanmm', ed.tewdqguatnreehnrttt m'tt-3tatattie.toMi" Ytragttur1, This week there has been 1 great movement of the population: KNOX YOUNG PEOPLES' Mr Dan Ritchie convener of Chris- tian Culture had charge of the re- gular meeting of Knox Young Peoples'. Dan Ritchie led in prayer Cecil Greenwood gave the scripture lesson. George Prew tock the tcplc. Norman Greenwood led In on inter- esting topic on the movies. Matted: On Ruining October 21 It the lime. mule, by Rev Joe. Taylor. Wallace McComeck, son of Mr and In Wm. MoOomeck. and Mm Catherine Thompeon. daughter ot Mr: Andrew Wright and the late Mr Thompson. The young couple left on a. motor trip to visit friends in the North. They will make their On Monday evening the w.u.s. of Erskine Presbyterian church. Dun. dalk. motored out 16 strong. on I return visit to the home W.M.B.,the visitors putting on the programme. which was enjoyed. 81.0 I. social but hour over a cup of tea. The fowl supper at Salem church last Friday night was a grand suc- cess: a church full of people; a supper tit to write home about, abun- dant and well served; followed by a play by Pricevllle artiste, where each one did their par; well: end the poor simple servant girl was su- promo! Mn Hugh McMillan of the Park, spent last week with her sister. Mrs John Nichol Yo! Pricevllle. the name, Drolnore. Rev. Mr. Knyel anointing, Edger Clark M, non of Mm. McLeod and the lute Neil', New. and Min Beulah Melanie! daughter ot Mr end In John lie-I Rennie of Emmont. This young couple left hy'motor for Nlngnrn Full! and upon their return t/e'l'i"dla",) they will reside on the groom's farm‘ at Boothvllle. l Although this is out of our latitude.I we must mention the marriage or, Lorne McMurdo, son of Mr and Mrs? John MeMurdo, Dromore. and ttrand-) son of Mr and Mrs Robert Knox of Swinton Park. Lorne is well known) and well thought ot around the Park.f He was married in Owen Bound on Saturday, 21st, to a lady of that city. and there they will reside, lame having a position there. Hetutietst, congratulations to all these young couples. I AMONG m CHURCHES Married: On Snturdty, Oct 21. It SWINTON PARK l Priceville Corr: The men who irolieited potatoes and outs in this vicinity met with I. hearty response. IThe young people are preparing a Igood concert, proceeds to be used ‘ior patriotic purposes. . Ts Edge Hill: Mr and Mrs Wen. mt- chie ind daughter Eva moved to Durham last Tuesday. They have ,been citizens of Edge Hill all their ‘life and they will be much missed in Edge Hill circles. In: K. c lexechnle was In - of the dew period. the - all“! dull being the! In uni-on Plus were nude for ale of taking to be held November 10th. In. neuter-m m, Quinl- was”. was... ("on Review trio. Oct. m, It“) A choral Society was organised in the “bury on Tuesday evening with the following when: Soc-(mourn, In“ mun Wilbur: "av-Image. line's Margaret Hunter; Amy Kelly. IN DAYS OF YORE Friday Int, 23rd October. It the home of her daughter, In luv-hall, in town 1 respected pioneer of Ben. unck township. In Georte Adlun. mud “way tn her 82nd yen. Int Mr Allen IcKinnon, barium} Rd. bu Iince been very seriously ltr and in not yet out of danger. Hid Ion- Don and Archie were wired nor the tormer from Butt, end the let- ter from Arizona nod they have hutened home. The ntuck by the Genius on anw utterly tailed end they re. treated in may phoe- in utter dia. order, the Run-inn- chaperonlnc their retrent with cnvnlry and util- lery. Austrian oppoeition proved stronger than it looked like two weeks ago. but the Bear is gradual. ly becoming more formidable and “General Winter's" forces will help the Russians . Holstein Ccrr: After an illness of some duration Mrs John Stevenson. 2nd con, north of Holstein. died at her home on Tuesday evening. Ar her beside were her son John and daughters, Mr o. Orchard. Mrs A Drimmie, Mm P. Hutch and Miss Time. She was In lief-16m year. Mr and Mrs John Moore, 20th con. Egremont, have purchued the Hen. ry Hisoock property south or the village nod Mr and In Coburn‘l present residence. Mr And Mrs Moore who will move there only next spring have dimmed of their term to Mr Joe Lawrence. E. a G. We understand that Mr Thos. Glencross and family are moving this week to their new home which he purchased from Mr Wm Ritchie. We welcome them to Edge Hill. The Canadians are "htudening up" on Salisbury plain. A strange story is that detachments of Cundlnn soldiers are lining up on the bulk: of the Suez Canal, story perhaps not up by Germany to rouse Turkey to action. Lord Robelu has been say- ing nice things to the Canadian bum. IrJl-ullhluunun‘ -et-rtttitHCamdtnnri. mum-um.“ f.rfete-a" to I!“ a tuna-my. ’ur. f-Gia at“ tho tate C. B. - Ill - my " ”than "- Tho promotion of K. C. JIM. mum: mot-l W? “at. Canadian Paetnet Runny Coll- puy. Mantra! to (ho unau- you In churn ot the Olurlo Distriet, yin mucus-up Ft Toronto. m C.P.R.Promotion uvzmm ml: - lemuvuodmhw Hand Culture and u. Ouch-I. D amalgam. w method “can“ “I. “ mJlour-ltn‘nn. cum 1nd Physical m H thernatter-dorer. - Non mom-g, “Nov. than.” u the "neher,"how mutt-III. yououyour unearned-3mm. null ukyoum (“but I 'ouNuoreriteoemettr [Mm Honor Pout Grant. “I. m Pupil. of Parnell Honk. A. A. c. o. OntntHo & Dominion an H“ Registered PM“ 'itiattt- Surveys. Room. 'tBti-tm, I. Telephone " 0mm. M -..._. Inwll.’ my. - am be I second can“. lit?“ J. L. SIITII. M3, MAL. PS. If they Quantum-co: “It- madman-mun- 0mm:.uuu.l..| unduly-.mw Dates unused " new on“. m- dnlk. also through Dunn an". no. and UM Viola My: mum» 13.04.}- thump: Graduate Ron] Coll. Donal Dunn-i Prompt, courteou- & qtt5tfgqt m DURHAM a HOLOTIOI Licenced Macaw for any 'tear-. W. C. PICKERIIG. MS. LII Room: Our new Mk I)“ . M. CRAILNN, A. A. s. I ' once: Miit Street, I!!!“ m I. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. LBS. CHIROPRACTIC Worm who may I. Bitgt “at Myvuuhlfh Tonmvo mall. at“ W. PIERCE ELLIS Veterinary “04an “may - I “II'. II“- “I...” WIIICI'. I...“ 0.. m m m u “I.“ nut-onto“... Cum-w GEORGE E. DUIGAI Wu In " O. If“ J. II. WARM IA. T. ll. SNEATII. M. B. F. . EAGLES" BESSIE IoGlLLIVMV woman-cull-

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