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Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1939, p. 1

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Mildew ha t and as Denim Opics W Brie wing oer _ g Fever "IV I” an” :09 uh if rd H( 'ORES no a Rat i Flames Mn Min? Brooklyn He was a life long member of the Anglican Church. the funeral while being conducted by his rec- tor, Rev. M. H. Parr. in Trinity Church on Monday. and interment twin: made in Durham cemetery. The Cttureh was filled with incur-nets. A profusion of beautiful flowers sur- rounded the casket. The pallbearers were Robt. Burnett. G. C. Webster, N. P. McIntyre. Robt. Campbell. J. N. Murdock, C. B. Lawrence. The ttower-bearers were A. w. H. Laud. er, C. McLachlan, W. R. McGowan, J. t'. Mvtlcwan, Ton. Vollett. Kara Ethenk. Geo. McMeekin. Cecil Alton If Markdale. Though often urged to do so. the late Mr Limin never entered munici- pal life. He had a successful busin- 138 career. loved his home tire, and made friends everywhere he became known. He [wt a keen Interest in and actively supported any project tor the town's welfare, and in polit- ical lite, was an energetic worker for the (‘onservative party. .\tu-ndin-' 3h" funeral from a dis. lant'v Wert': Miss Ina Lim'n, Mr.‘ Murray s'umn, r from Toronto; Mr. and Mrs A. J, l.unin, Mr and ii) Russell Limin. Mrs Woods, Mr. andi Mrs Fwd Wildman. trom Hamillon:| Mr Chas. Pvarce. Mr and Mrs R. G. Samar and Miss (litilie Pearce from Strall'ord; Mr and Mrs N. T. and Mite Donner-n Harding. Mr and Mrs Mcut (mm-11v. Mr and Mrs )v,1,t.1.ttt.,tn/,'l horn Hurris'nn; Mrs. Fred Burnside, and mus Franklin and Mervin, trom; Kirkland Lake: Mr and Mrs James Lenahan and Helen, Mrs J. J. Doua- Ian, Dr. and Mrs Douglas and Mr. Gordon Douglas. from Owen Sound:| Mrs Wyclift and Mr John Brett tre) Shelburne: Mr and Mrs. Ed. Baker! from Monkton; Mr James Banks of Corbetton: Mrs Albert Banks. Mra.‘ Hilda Murray and Mr Nell Banks. or Durel: Mrs Caldwell and Miss '"e Mr and Mrs Putnam. Mount Forum was Eva Mockler. Mlu Olive MeAr. thin. Toronto; Mr R. Elvldge, Mr. R. Currie. Owen Sound: Pilot omen w. J. Morris. Trenton: Mr and Mrs. Mark Wilson. Plum-non ; Rev. out! In John Mon-ii and Miss Nora Her- rim, Woodstock: in .H. S- Jackson. “reunion; Mr and In J. mum North Bay: Mr and In A. News!» Ill and Mr Alex. leLourhlln Jr. Lon- dtgt; Mr and Mrs Cecil Alton, ill-uni nor-once and Ruth Alton, Mandala. Mr Val. Hahn. Kitchener; Mr and; Mrs Harold Keartta, Toronto. - home. tn young manhood he enter- ed hualnenu life as a drover and but. rher. in which hummus he was in close contact with the public tor over 30 years. Ho sold out the hut- rher shop in I919 to C. B. Lawrence who in a few months disposed of it to Fd. J. Schenk, the present owner. Shortly after. Mr leln was appoint-) Hl Gov't. Inspector of Farm iii2/ [ti The late Mr Llmin was born in Hamilton in IMO, a son of Charles and Selina “min. and when he was nine years old, first came to Durham. with his parents. They removed for a time. but upon returning. Durhlm has since been continuously his home. m young manhood he emer- For over sixty years a resident of Durham. Mr Edwin William Lilith passed away at his home last Friday ttttrrct brief illness, in his eightieth year. Though he had not been as motive as usual the post year or two ho was out and wound until two or three week» ago, when a slight stroke was followed by a painful at- tack ct shingles which proved fatal; when pneumonia developed I Prominent Citizen, E. W. limin, Passes VOL. LXII, NO. " Much has to be left unsald or the "rework ct the late Mr Rice, for his activities embraced many phases of Christian endeavor. He was born in Toledo, Ohio, in 1378. and Joined the Sudan Interior Mission. leaving for Africa in 1901. While attending Bibla College in Toronto, he first met his wife who was in training there and she spent some years in Africa in missirnqry work, but she owing tc ill health. was compelled to leave that hot climate. Mr Rice EDWARD FRANCES RICE After thirty-tive years of fruitful service in missionary work in Ni- geria, Ailrica. Edward Frances Rice passed away at Minna, Nigeria. Mr. Rice was being invalided home to Canada and passage booked, when illness overtook him, which ended in death on the 22nd inst. In his Path sing, there mourn his widow, nee Annie Bartlett, and three sons, Dr. Walter. of the Banting Institute, To. ronto. and Franoes and Wilbur, ot McMaster University, Hamilton. was last home in 1936. leaving in January 1937 tc resume his work. He had become proficient in the transla'ion and speaking of the vari- cus native languages of Nigeria, and much of his time in later years was spent in tutoring incominz missitn- aries. His service to the cause cf Christianity among the colored race," of Aim-a, will be warmly remem- berrd by the natives he worked a. mong. as well as the Home Board. local Missionary "He rests from his labors and his wrrks do follow him." He was a member of Grey Lodge. 1.0.0.P. and the funeral will be held from the home of Mr w. J. Mer'aduen. Durham on Thursday, at 2.30. under Oddfellows' auspices. The Anglican ycung people held a “ccial in the parish hall Monday evening. The rite cf baptism was aarninis.l tered in Knox church Sunday mun! ing to Wilma Elizabeth, daughter l Mr and Mrs George Bell; to Donald George, son of Mr. and Mrs. LaWr- once Whitmore; to Jane Marilyn. daughter ct Principal George A. and Mrs. Noble: and to Kathleen Joanne. damhter ot Mr and Mrs Walter Kerr To Receive Library Science Degree. Mice Edith Edge, librarian. ot a London collegiate. has ttuaMed for the degree ot bachelor of library nience. which will be conlerred at the fall convecativ-". University of Toronto, on November 10th. thr' hearty congratulations. Surviving are four sisters and one brother: Mrs Jrhn (libscn (Cather. ine; of Winnipeg; Mrs Geo. Cowan (Nellie) or Mt. Forest; Mrs W. J. MeF'adden (Margaret) ot Durham: Mrs Ed "Lindsay (Agnes) of Egre- mrnt; Archie ot Bixgar. Sask. Also two halt brothers and a half Bitster., Jmnes ot Winnipeg; Alex ot Barri“! Mrs S. Ritchie of London. Lorne was in his 60th year, born {in March ”80. and was raised at Al. 'lan's Corners, Ettremrnt. Most ot " [lite has been spent in Egremont and I Durham he being a carpenter by trade, but he also spent some time in Port ‘Arthur and the West some years {ago He was unmarried and while in 'llurhnm. lived with his sister. Mrs: EW. J. McFadden, or with his nuclei (the late Arch Baird. At other timesl he made his home with another sisvi ter, Mrs E. Lindsay, Egremont. I tr several years tax collector in Egremont. The deceased was a friendly, kind- hearted man, ever willing: to do a good turn for his friends, and also a man of honor and integrity, being Taken to Durham Hospital on Mon. day, Mr Thomas Lorne Allan, a well- l:nr.wn Ham-mom and Durham resi dont payed away next morning, " ter a ttriot illness. For the last year or two he has not enjoyed good health, but 'sutrh an early demise was entirely unexpected. A son oi the late James and Helen Allan cr Pimemonl he was widely known throughout the locality, and tus, passing will be a shock to many. 1 lame Allan Suddenly Called (Em Barlitim ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Died in Africa " was anything but favorable fori shcppers but a goodly crowd were present. Mrs David Jameson. If P. L. Gagnon and Mrs C. E. Ser-l mour welcomed the guests. The tea table with its lovely golden Hallow-i e-en cloth was centred with a pump: kin filled with fruit and surrounded: ttith hat-berries. Brassware was us- ed on the table. Those pouring tea were Mrs J T Priest, Mrs R. Honey- mun, Mrs G. C. Webster, Mrs T. H. Sneath, Mrs Florence Davis and Miss M. E. Morton kept the tea pots filled. At the baking counter were Mrs D. McCallum, Mrs J. Moore, Mis J. F'. Giles and Mrs G. A. Thompson: at the aprcn counter. Mrs D. M. Saunders Mrs G Jucksch and Mrs W. C. Pickering; at the rczvntry store counter, Mrs J. B. liullield and Mrs W. H. Smith sold a variety of donated articles; the 'sntly was sold by Mrs M. H. H. Farr, Norma Canon and Myrtle Manley; at the rummage table, Mrs D. B. Jamieson disposed of a vari- cty of donations. Miss M. L. Hun. ter and Mrs C. W. Zilliax sold tiek. ets on the Afghan and R. L. Saun- ders held the winning ticket, and the roving salesgirls were Jcnn Aitchcson. Helen Renwick, Eleanor Stormy. Lorna Cain and Velma Vol. lett. The follcwinz children were pre. s-ented with prizes by the regent. Miss Marion Calder: Margaret Davis and Kenneth McDonald received spe- cial prizes, andthe fcliowing six first prim: Homer Gerber. Vernon Aljon Graham Pust. Adele Noble, Clare ET vidae, Betty Bryon. The Durham Red Cross Society Furved afternoon tea and conducted a country store in the town hall on Saturday afternoon and realized ov. er two hundred dollars. The weath- A short programme opened .by the National Anthem followed. "O Can- ada” was sung by Grade: 3, 4, 5' and 6 and "Land of glad tomorrow's" by Grades 5, 6, 7 and ft. Mr. Ncble principal of the school.-was called to the platform and gave a most appre- ciative address. The Judges ot the contest were Miss l. C. McGirr,Miss Gerrie and Miss Weir. After a successful year L.0.L. MII held their annual meeting on Oct. 25th, 1939. The following com- mittee of omcers were elected: L. O. L. 851 HAD W. Master-games Ferguscm; Dep- my Mtttrtcr--Wtlfred Duly: Chaplain -Crtdie Wilson: Ree. Beer-How. ard Watson; Treasurer - Thomas Moore; Marshall-arthur Lee; In Lecturer - Hilfred Matthews; 2nd Lt 'tturer--C V Matthews; Trter--wm Wilsrn. Committee men-Wen Mcr. A pleasant ceremony took place at the Town Hall last Friday afterncon “hen eight children of the Fable Sy heel were presented with prizes for the Reading Contest sponsored by Canadian Greys l.O.D.E.. our local Chapter. Mrs. Gilbert Mek.echnie, Educational Sec'y. presided. The children marched from the school. and were seated in the upper part of the hall. 1 Ilson, W P. S. Children Winners in UWli. Reading Contest , Some weeks ago we announced 'W. :Bogle ot Varney, as tlrst prize win- intr in Durham Ag. Society Farm Home improvement contest, and 11th in the province. All the winners were judged also by the ananesa lrwurance Co. on standing ot few fire hazards, and for this, We must congratulate Mr. Bogle on being awarded second prize in province- wide competition. Will is about $125 to the good as a result of prizes won-a good lift in defraylng the cost of his improvements. besides the) satisfaction " owning an attmcttvel homestead. l Successful Afternoon Tea Wm. Bugle Ws Another Prize , W Ferguson and A. Matthews? WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLSTEIN LEADER SUCCESSFUL YEAR DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER a Mrs J. A. Bradley, Winnipeg, is visiting her sister, Miss Phoebe. Wolfe. Elinor and Reta Glenholme. Ivan Johnstcu and Leona Slbbald were weekend visitors in Stratford and St Mary's. . Jack Schutz auended the marriage service of Marie Kreuger and Don Kcnwarthy on Thursday in Walker. tcn. Mr and Mrs Adam Brown and daughter of Parry Bound visited \v;.h the former' sister, Mrs B. F'trneouse and Mr Stoneouse. Private M. H. Bailey of the Perth Regiment was home from Sji'att'ord for the weekend. Mrs Bailey and son leave in a short while to make her home in Stratford. (:crdon MacDonald and son Hunter of Chatsworth, were visitors with the Hunter relatives Sunday. Mrs Norman Becker and Male daughter, Sheila rr‘turned fromavialt with her parents in Action. Mr and Mrs Jdhnttttut, attended lhe funeral services ot the late Chester mm in Hespeler on Tues- day and visited relatives in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Nathan Vessle, Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Earl Noble. Miss Vera Mountain Reg. N. To. ronto is holiday visitor at her home. Mr and Mrs A. B. tvoodley of Owen Sound, visited with Mrs Woodley's parents, Mr and Mrs R. McLean. Mrs Margaret Morrison of R. R. 1. Durham felt and fractured her hip and is a patient In Durham Hospital. Albert and Claude Lengworth visit ed their parental heme at Norwich. Miss Isabel Jamleaon, Mrs Russell McGlllirvay, Misses Marjorie Picker, ing and Alma Kresa were Torontc. visitors Friday and Saturday. Mr and Mrs Sterling Miller re. turned to Durham last week. Their marriage took place at Sedgewick, Alberta on October Nth. The bride formerly was Gladys Patterson, daughter of Mr and Alfred Patter- son cf Loughead, Alta, and Mr Mir. ler is a son of Mrs Peter Hepburn and the ta'e Harry Miller at Dur- Mr and Mrs F. W. Mount ct Wes- ton were guests of Rev W'. H. Smith and Mrs Smith while in town to tut. dress the United Church people. ham. The bride was attended by Miss Wilhelmlne Drager and this groom by the the bride's brother, William Patterson. Mr and Mrs George Hay, with his parents. Mr and Mm Alex Hay, spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs E. E. Cook and son, Hugh, cf Waterloo visited Mrs Cook's parents, Mr and Mrs Firth the tirat of the week. ENGAGEMENT. l Mr and Mr Stanley William, Earp mont, announce the enticement, ot their daughter. Gretta Lenora. to Gordon Patten Henderson, son to Mr and Mrs Alex. R. Henderson. Etro. mom, the mam-(e to take plum“ early In November. Mr and Mrs And. Craig and daugh- ter Edna Richardson cf Toron'n. were guests last week with their cousin. Mrs McPherson, who return. ed with them. tor a week's visit. Mrs A. B. McArthur of the Glen, has been spending a few days with Mrs Thoe. Banks, previous to spend- ing the winter in Toronto with her dausrhter, Mrs Wilfrid Watson. Messrs Roht. Hughes, R. E. Rich ardscn, G. C. Webster, and Wm. Me. Bride of Pricevllle, are attending a Royal Arch Masons hmquetin Guelph this Wednesday evening, in honor,ot avislt from the Grand F'trat Principal Mr and Mrs John Mcyd and three children, Chesley, spent Sunday at. home of his sister, In W. B. Pub “men and Mr. Patterson, Glenelg. Mr and Mrs And. Crate and (lunch- Mr and Mrs D. C. Town, Orillia visited her parents, Mr and Mrs F. W. Kelsey, also Mr and Mrs A. w. H. Lauder, over the week end. Mr and Mrs P. Forsyth, Almonte. spent over the weekend with her sister, Mrs L. Miller, before the lat- ter with her daughter Eileen, re. moves to Windsor next week. Hallowe'en passed off rather quiet- ly in town, and no damage or Bert. ous pranks are reported. muuu mue triple sheer dress with was wool boucle coat with red fox trim and black accessories. The hap- py couple left on a hctteyrnoon trip to Niagara Falls and other points. They will reside on the groom's farm at Baothville. brcther and sister Miss Marjorie and Mr Maurice McLeod. The bride wore grotto blue triple sheer dress with Mrs John McKenzie. Egremont and Edgar Clark son of Mrs McLeod and the late Mr Neil McLeod of Proton. They were attended by the groom's , On Wednesday night, October. 25.h a banquet in honour ot Miss Susie Bell and Jack Ready was held at ang's Cate, London, by twenty of their friends. During the evening the young couple were presented with a Toastmaster by Mr Douglas Johnson on behalf of those present. Complimenting Miss Sue. Bell _ bride-elect of Saturday. the ladies or the otmte staff of Lawson & Jones" entertained at s kitchen shower at the home of Miss Marian Hart. hurl ing the evening games were en jawed, prise being won by Miss Doro. thr.MeLeod. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Mary Park and Miss Del. Han-l kins. I McLEOD - MeKENatE A quiet wedding was aolemniled at the Manse Dromore on Saturday, October 21trt when Rev. Horace Kaye united in marriage Beulah Lorraine eldest daughter of Mr and A reception was held In St. Paul's Rectory for the immediate family and friends. After a short wedding trip the couple will reside in London. " .l Mrs A. J. Ready, St. Marys, on Sat- urday, October Mth. The bride were a Teal blue woollen [rock with wine accessories. Her shoulder bouquet was of Talisman roses. She was at- tended by her sister. Mrs German Queen, who wore a Claret wcoilen frock with Black accessories and a corsage ot American Beauty roses. Mr Charles Ready, brother of the REA0Y-BEU. A quiet wedding was solemnized in St. Puul’s Anglican Church. Princeton. when Rev. Carman J. Queen, B.A., L.Th., united in marri- age Susie Beckwith, daughterof May- or and Mrs. Allan Bell, Durham, to John Beanie Ready, son ot Mr. and October t. 1939 In the County of Grey there are new installed over one hundred dip. ping tanks. Farmers would be well advised to dip their sheen this autumn. Any bright day would be satisnctory. A kettle of hot water poured into the tank will take the chill " and it will be sale to dip under these conditions. Dipping is advisable because cf: 1. Destruction ot external parasites. such as sheep lice and ticks. 2. Cleaning ot the skin. s. Improve ment of health. 4. Assured increase of l to 1% tbs. of wool per sheep. 5. Improved grade of wool. . When wool is such a valuable cam-i modity as at the present time, sure} ly further comments are "Int,",'.',',') nary as the advisability of dipping sheep. l ARYEMEtMA MAN 903353350 j12.30 p. m. Scum Eccles, Prcpr'ie 8TtCL (tor. Wm. Murphy. tp'::::,': Charged by Royal Canadian Mount-, -_----t-e-e-- --_---- _ -r ed police Constable A. H. Luttritie' HISTORIC FARM SOLD whh the possession a still and mash ------ Rial. Simpson ot Alumni. Town- A Mal eBtate irausucdon oi bottte ship pleaded guilty before Magi» interest took place recently at trate R, C. Speremnn in police court Hampden when an historic farm in Owen Scund. Simpson was llned‘ changed hands. This in the Michal-I $200 and costs, or three months inlW.Byers furtn (whose t'uther,theluw jail. The charge was laid under tho HenryByets was the original owm-n Excise Act. which has been sold to David Allvn ---_.---. son of near Neustadt. f Fle Supper will be held in base. iment of the P shyterlan Church. 'Friday, Nov. , commencing at 5.30 p. tn. 'We learn that Mr Waller Thump Pun, Hutton Hill. dropped dead today 'lhursday. Just before going to men we have no further par:iculam. A t geese supper under num- ces of Va' ey United Church, will be held in Va " Hall: Friday. Nov. n. n‘llowed by a program. Admits. sion 40c and 2 . Secure t‘cke's at the church. The annual S day ool concert will be held in n Church Nor. mnby on Prldny oiling, Nov. 3rd at 8 p. m. ll run and lunch. Adult-Mon " nd 1 . The Canndl Grey§ Chapter, 1.O. D.E., will hold t ir regular meetiup at the home ot M Gordon Webster on Tuesday evgnlng, Nov. 7th. Permanen waving at Hrs \‘ollet’s Beauty Parl r, Thursday, Nov. 2nd by Mr McArt ur. Toronto. COMING EVENTS Department of Agriculature. Markdale. Ontario SHEEP DIPPING Pttbtinttqd Weekly " 83.011 1 year tn advance. " DIM m. 82.50 t rear ll: “moo. Peter Ignace, Path-Ia- : Farm Stock, te. Homes, Came, Swine. Poultry, "ttste-ut, Hay, Grain, also Farm Terms (huh. Tart , Cam”, Arthur Tum, near Mt. lForest, Saturday, ovetnber 4th, at $12.30 tr. m. Sum: Berks. Prepl‘ie (tor. Wm. Murphy. k tirmeer. I the sell the Amati-ac to attach to any old auto that has a good on- glne. You an have a Tractor at P. reasonable cost. Now is the time to buy your Farm Machinery baton the price 'tops higher. Call at This Tractor in in good condition. will pull 2-tttrtow plow. Do any them work that a Ford Is intended to do. Will sell tor $160.00 cash. FORDSON TRACTOR Albert Krause, mnldem in William.» ford for nurly 60 yum. died last Monday. Hitt widow and one so“ Ephriun survive. I l Dining: R m Suit, consisting of 1 Table, 6 Chu 's and Buffet; 1 unv- bec Heater “th oven, I Kitchen Range, 1 (‘oul tl ve, 1 Sliding Couch, ‘l Parlor thtite, ‘zwucll, 2 Chain. I 'smoker, 2 small ables, l Rug 9x10, 1 Washing Mach w, , nadamds. Springu. “lldvllm 3 Wash Stunts, , Dressers. l chest )raww-n, I "all Rack, 1 Mirror, , tickers. Numbm or Kitchen Chairs, 1 full-lent Table, 1 Lawn Mower. I W barrow. Gar- den Tools of " klndn, Tuba, Odd Ill-hes. I Wheel cum. \Grlndstone, Saws, Pictures, , Clocks 'und dozenu of other nudes to ',',Ti'.'ht toluen- tlon. TERMS, CASH. CBT. of the In: “I. account. JOHN AITKEN, or "on hold Elects. the property of the late um. McGombe. will In- held on On St. South, Durham, on Satan-lay. No . tttt at two o'clock. Phone 140 DURHAM. ONT DURHAM MACHINE SHOP “ennui AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE

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