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Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1939, p. 4

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It Tt Canadian PaeMte l'nl' Information "on any mm. T. M McPAnDEN._Ton Ace-t. I , Betwm all points in Canada and to, as...” certain destination. In United sum-l Beeker .0: "on Moon Friday', Nov. Wan-i conducl en a g a, my, Nov. 't was eating "tthem no P.M. can. as vice Nov. " non-om; 'iq$tgtn - on A.M. train son. IIYUII: Luv. Mutation " to. pleasing "'Meqtat Monday, Nov. " was In“; " mun-on unIAL "It: spent H Low my; lungs ItlilltlillBllMa nr Admission ' Lucky Ticket Draw ludi- mm at Oo'dock. “In.“ (Id-Tile Dancing. Friday, Nov. FIREMEN'S DANCE FARE AND ONE-QUARTER for the round trip Town Hall, DURHAM FRANK BANKS GG his IO-piece Orchestra W. ma a” the ULea.; u --. --- “vs-“Ina, m on Inc M! M .ertre.ttri-iion-ttriirri, m, New Controlled Ventilation. Improved Ihock Ila-ulna. 'toe-u-ew-ai-Ura-iii-LT.' tfretr.ert"treat-ertuiiireaGs-, “M--Th¢rhmbig.pommnamncm..m MomSuled-Bmfludlampodutmafet,w _e-beitrhtioatsrr. v'rhtyuvetuanoeosue.riu " emfme---whieh Hugh B-cylinder mime“ With Annual Durham '.r."A'avuruede-stess--.stsei. Who'll-sq? New toeea,e-ienee,eset, 1tf"t-tt'lfe-s-ieuoaioLJaTLiTics' kn“... bulimia. 22 important improvements, added to fundamental Ford features, represent the most advanced engineering in the low-price field "7 You’ve never-ea can with to much performance, ater M “I... -- ___. I l - 1ht"rnteeori-reirne,.s-. Thanh. tirc-ers-tcies: THE NEW FORD CARS M. 1940 law-er we worship period was ably 'conducted by the guests. Two inter, [eating papers were given by Mines ‘Dorothy Taylor and Florence Patter- son. Rev. Mr Kaye rendered a pleasing solo. "An Evening Prayer."{ The reminder of the evening was spent in games and contents in keep- in: with the occasion. under the capable tettdertship of use Hopkins, Fellowship Convenor. A dainty lunch Wll served by the hosts. A upland"! "tendanee ot about 70 Becker the Worship period conducted by the meats. t eating papers were given Dorothy Taylor and Moran On Monday evening. October, 30th, the Presbyterian Young Peoples' Bo. ciety had as their guests the Dru more P.Y.P.S. at Hallowe'en social. After words of welcome to the vial- tors by the local president. Miss Ada) PRES. Y. P. S. WERE HOSTS TO DROMORE Y. P. 8. ON MONDAY Novelty Dances Cath prize Everybody Woke-o ‘. Ladies 2% ill , nvrry. nonunck, a ton. 1lmmrrmmorCi',, Durham Baum I m Hominy. Oct. Mth, to Hr ‘ and I In Clarence Bambi-on. a m. Boro, WATtrott-qn Norman», Mr and In. Hamid from other towns to develop an in. terest in the sport . The meeting closed with a vote ot thunk: to the executive of Int year for their work in organizing 1 Ski‘ Club in Durham. The Ski Club are to carry on in their ski house south of town after making a few repairs on it. They had a very successful winter last year and hope to have an even more successful one this coming season Ml encouraging junior sklerl. laying I The annual meeting of the Durham Ski Club was held on Monday night ’in Kress' Store, and quite a num- ber ot enthusiasts were present to ‘start the ski season for another year. Oincer were elected as tor lows: President, A. E. Smith, Vice President. Mrs King, Secretary. Shirley McIntyre, Treasurer, Archie Douglas, Commivtee, Marjory Noble, Lamina Campbell, Tom Connolly Bill Webb. Durham Skiers 1:»:ng Pitts THE t1lttBltgttttm FORD fEATUIES "e'---'-"'"'"'""".". mum Vim-twofw Pnreuet-rnndts-,e. ""dhuhtsatosaicatoeinaicAiia'.,uT,"i, . F0. "Yu-tq.,. “uric: beauty. Nu inc-riot luxury. Nanmn. "" ErrNtmMmteI--tu,, Finn-Tip Ge-hifi. Bap. 'mt-ttsk. TWO-Nam who]. Light with on -'---i- - "us-w. 1W “- 1t.'tr,'ft'tfeeohoety-r..icTi; ti ht We an. New-(7p. milieu: from In: bub. New "M-g.- BJ_,n, - .. F0! 5e'"xtrrMer-ouia..N-ea-auv... 22 IMPORTANT FORD IMPROVEMENTS of 8210 THE DURHAM REVIEW -- -- - or I daughter. - - mm being! -""-"""-- " end or tine, but 6! top or uni MULOCtt IUy o','", 'lA'2ta, J'lu""d The B.r.rar. member- tnet In the next tine. m, pm m needn't church “(In ovum. the um- wen-y Ibout In. M” to an. I!" ”we: b"ieru'nt lhould Invest In . Sea-mun Mu “- - You Olen. ""ireeeuase. "iiti Mm. -" _ It's not the Post editor-'1 arithme- tie than bed.. ith hit, "might. The Review item mad "the hall no out: on the dollar" but the bum bein- " and A. BI-, --- -.... uur 'oiTI" an”! an Batter Ind (“any ot "mnem- is admittedly bad, and,"ttan Park. mnybe that's why we can't loom tol Death claimed another of ttttr for. make "ttttet of the fotlowine "1...: nor residents of this commit, an mph (mum Durham 1mm: "nur.' Mend" moraine in the per-on at ham Agricultural Society has paid Mr 05mm in! of Campbell'- cut an prize money won It the mu Comer. We extend our heartfelt fair, and for the Int time in .070!!! 'Vmpathr to the ”I107!" wife andE roan, paid the (all 10 cent- on the (wily in the loan of n loving bun-1 dollar." {blind and father. 5 lt'l not the POI! editor. "sts.,,." P-.-, U M. an..- . - Martin Lander, former Dtte and pro. heckoynt. Wtut the night they played at the tltte iii) V'CKERS arena at Schumtker adjoining the Visitors during the Weeken d McIntyre mine, near Timmlnl, and: Mr “a Mrs Ben cm... ---, M-ts. 1-..;-_ -, - Pe Ontario before the season op. ene next Beiurdu night. The been had divided their team into two squads, the Whites and the Blues,‘ with varying fortunes. Last Friday night they played at the tltte new] arena at Schumnker ldlninin- n.- hockey team have been touring Mor- thern Ontario balm-a ch. .n.-- -.- of all those who enlist, whether male or female, should be handed in gether with the unit they Join, and this should be followed up with any change in location whenever they, move and parents and friends are: asked to keep this in mind, and, these who enlist are requested tof advise this newspaper of their mover) ments whenever possible consistent‘ with military prudence. I to come, but it will only be of use if information Is given to us promptly and in detail. in the service of the country during the present ttttttttict and invites the cooperation ot all its readers and friends. Such a list, kept unto-date Bill be an lnvalueble record in years‘ This newspaper Is very anxious to keep a. complete list of all men and women from this district who enlist Toronto Hume mfg Hanover NAMES WANTED OF ALL '1 WHO ENLIST names. use: and parentage of VI‘ I HI‘IV profetsssionat ) “Our Hand Mrs E bad, and,'Atttut Park. .HMQ. nun boy'and Mm referee. f Mrs Joe d -- . Itstu.IgetiimsAsrinllltt --__ w our and "fl Walter Kennedy (no but. My. It. N.) on the ”117.1 of I daughter. TORONTO because of the dark, While nay the ttlm fully lonely n church and everywhere. wedding lest week and couple carried their, u white nun ribbon. Mr in the Buck Wateh, wh dee'a own regiment, but Price are soaring both tor (cod and [clothing while we have all been its. sued with ration cards for -sugar, (:'i,iiirii'ii, and such like. . There were German aeroplanes over Car- noustie, which is only a few miles from here, and one of them was shot down. There is an aeroplane carrier and two submarines 'in the iriver Tay, guarding the Tay bridge there. I live beside the Barrack icastle and a detachment of soldiers lis stationed there; we waken every Imorning to strains ot the bagpipes.' [One morning it was to hear them' 'practising all the funeral laments l and believe me it was dreadfully 1 [i:':'),',,?,:':" to hear them, with death, and disaster in the air. i I The schools are closed down, tho ‘street lamps have all been removed.‘ poison gas detectors are titted up all over the place, and every building is I sandbagged. We are to be provided t with tree air mid shelters made or" corrugated iron to put on our back} greens and we have to nun-v L... --- l,' __..... we weekend with Ind Mrs Ben Conn: Were Mr. Mm Joe Edwards And fully, Joe Atkinson, of Zion; Ir Ind Albert Wells, ot Mandala; in. Mrs Ed Bailey um “any on l Pnrlr in case of alr raids. My husband leaves for France tomorrow and God only known it I shall ever see him again. Being a Madam " is one of the regimental stretcher bearers. "My husband who has been in the Territcrfat Army for seven years “as called up at the beginning ot tne war, when the baby was ten days old. It was awful trying tor me as they evacuated all the school child-l ren who had anyone to go with theml to the country districts tor "tetr, A lexter to Mrs Robert Mums, Durham, trom her niece, Mrs Dow- nie in Dundee, Scotland, reads in part as follows: War Condiiions in Scotland Necessary legislation is being pre- pared and will be introduced " next session of Ontario Legislature. Mr Cross said the Gecision will not apply until 1941 to municipalities where the two-year plan Is in opera- tion and the terms of mayor and cauncll still have a year to run. The Minister of Municipal At- fairs urged electors be bare to se- leet strong and efficient councils "who can direct the full resources of their communities towards the pro- secution of the war." I My statement, explaining the new policy would enact important savings to municipalities. I Municipal elections in Ontario will Mn suspended for the dun-sum of the Hon. Eric Crou. Minister of Mu. nicipal Arum. lulled a supplement- I Premier Kitchen Hepburn mac ‘thie tuutotuteement lat Thursduy, de. elm-lug that after Jan. t, there will be municipal election: tor a two. yen period or "for the duration ot the war if that be longer." The suspenslon of elections ll applicable to all boards and commissions. ! . runny of Owen Sound were visitors " place, “a every building " this week with Mr and In Mllecim gged. We are to be provided. McKechnie tee air raid shelters nude of: Mr ttttd Mm John Hartley and hun. tted iron to put on our baek, ly ot Arthur spent a any recently end we have to carry our use with Mr and In Robert Hartley everywhere with up: plowing“ d tlmily. and 'rverrTwt"tre. I - l) Mr and Mrs D. C. Town, Grill!- 5 1ttat week and the bud" are holidaying tor e few days with Carried their, tied “P "t", their parents, Mr and Ilre ma Rel-l letin ribbon. Mr husband “F my end other friend: in town. Buck Wateh, which in Dam! - to)“ uni catt't set vim". tti “can U:;'.W.o em with the P" ter 1 er In boat them and I“! " “w... In new union with It and In hum new; Mr “a In Joe Pe) new the Int or m. Week lay. and many an: Mr Bttt cm; "N If and In Nell new“! ler, Durham: In and In nmhrjlnd childmn; Mr and In John m Oliver of Pdoovluo. T Ptte and ma. Ian at Hamilton. Mr cu..." Miller left Tue-day (or Mr Ind In In Mmm, artd rum Port Calhoun-no Ind will m _ “A “no ...-, _ - .-.. nun In“ Mrs June. Cmtehloy were Mr and Mm Joe Middleton tad Ir dad Kn Win. Mlddletcn, W; In Nam The W, Ja,", Me. r. w. o. “can v.11" n 'tr the M 'lemsem ROCKY Mr and Mrs He totiiy of Owen Be this week with Mr McKechnio. - -.-.... mail We hope to see her in her I health. Mrs Lizzie Banu lnd sen Net daughter, Mrs Murray of Laurel Mr and Mrs James Bunk- of In who attended the funeral on Mot of the late Mr. Limin. spent I hours with was A. Banks. Alta., has returned home Mrs. Morrison Ind the to fan while coming down Tuesday morning. tracturil Dr. Burnett was called In her to Durham RM m..- the put I Alta., has p. Prattirlitt, mlulonury on furlough {Me an interesting talk and showed f souvenirs of idols, etc. The holteu land assistants served . dellclouh Klunch at the clan. Mrs John Vuey and son Paul, Mr and Mm Mike Casey Ind non. Mr. Joe Ind Miss Magnet Kenny spent Sunday with In E. Kenny. Mr Phuteits Keller who has spent: 1 Welcome guest: " the homes of 'iMitss Catherine Brown and Mim Mary _MeKeNtnie were In. Marr, Guelph, ‘and Miss Muir R.N.. Toronto. The October meeting of the [Adieu Aid was held " the home of Mrs. Coutts with a Inge uttendence of members and visitors. During the aftemcon a quilt wu quilted. It" 1 Mrs Dugald Hume spent several days last week with Collingwooa iriesda. Returning with her was her aunt, Mrs. Hockiey of ColIiutrwcod, and Mr and Mrs invin, who were married on Saturday and were on their honeymoon. [ i A and! but enthusiastic crowd n- int-elem at Unlock Baptist church on (Wednesday evening. to but n short I Prom!!! presented by members of (the Mission Bond. tenured " unen- iJoynble illustrated reading entitled, irrhe unseen singer" by Mrs Crickg ituthtt, " was illustrated by colored, Ilantern slides operated by Rev. In] Crickingtcn. The musical section ot; topic was ably presented by Mrs.! Howard Gibbons and Miss Lollul Mlghton. One number worthy off special mention was a hymn "Unto? the hilW' sung by the pupils of thr' school and their teacher, Mr Wallace! Heatherittgton . I twiul payer. I I an and In Hanna Walla-Ind OI ' I... A 1939 .hmlly moved Monday to Muslim! an.“ SM and Imp; section. Many in this locum were “a . gsorry to hear of their leaving, u. ”I. 3", ”Grebe" . th k n ' . dypmedtobe ittdando"u""istsmrsyu I to bemoan; I neighbor- . ROCKY SAUGEEN and Mrs Herb Dummooze 1nd r of Owen Sound were villtors week with Mr and In Mlleclm GLENROADEN --_ ".m- nude teat Bun. -__ any eve-u; With I and amend-um 'm. In. Kuhn. mm had chm IAUGEIN U. F. W. o. d m m... m I." a" Watt n: meeting of the Rocky & nu. on 'wa-. It. scrip- r.w.o. Club not at the tin “In. VI. nu by lub- Me. , lane Homily. It - luu. A In“ III-hr by mm no Pr... who? In”. In“ 'uesetemie. am he Calcium nun-4N lingual-uh “you. tr. which all enjoyed. The he In. the -. "__. l. supp": u a vl-“I- “ -- morning. fracturing her hip. nett was called and removed Durham Red Cross hospital. two "who return... "”3 "III her I 00mins downstairs “than,“ “In,“ a Banks of Proton funeral on load" her in her in“! near scn Neil um misfor: V- - U-- f“ “a '. "'"'""tciiid"drt' m. 3.5 The Y.P.U Mr Visitor, wtth ter Comlck -I nearly new 'tttd I". Gelding. COWS at 12.30 structi4 Cre “L "It the m of IB. navtd M In: Sun- tit Auction Sale. undersigned has recei mu by public auction " his F, hot " Con. 17, Norman!” BERT Bolts I]. lav. I. ti, I939 slurp, the tollowing: 78: 1 Driving Kare, my“: to be tn toat; 1 Gen-, [.12. I.“ " years; 1 £qu ', loCcmlck Mower: His, ur-Iecuan Huron IJir, 'tttttt Watkins Ptow, urn “new other Articles. In“. 80 u “ml: so!" 2t “In of Ten Dollar,. “king Plus '. Plow ”Mn. ' Plum 2; numerom I, “KIWI!” Cot Slain I Bcutt' i Prrrprierr . ct wit! Two 12m t. 1939 UH at "0 Reward {or-mum leach ot “V [Elton Prepay in thr form. for but", R No ONTARIO GOVE LOST Rhona i Durham nt Rm " Port SALE»1 Chemical Fnre I Turn Durham. i Anrmte having ol CNE, or drmd born: [of link meat, mm M I! Drives. P' Pttote 6'l r e Owner will be may WHY- Apply at n». on!!!) lire Shaun: "restury 3-Star fimorirr. “IH't’IUL t "Marine thi Verdn' Hi; SI Small Advt PONY : l ly lending FOUND Of Money, , desk- nt th ttiN M FOR SALE NOTICE U are In . . oeehaoG'. I'lmll -III_V would II our own uumL I. the hiuhrr I “luv an trrent in”. fund". So. nit through Hu- j MI I'M-Illllima of eottng. coohitts, rum w and pvt-awning. -trl.s--rttd \mn'H - “I .1 thr all M "momlwr. (Am: - “nah-d. G.k 0 the cont-Inn uh: " u" , Mark W IN lo\ I"? Alt NOTOCt u "" DURI txit III "' MIN?“ "In

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