West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1939, p. 5

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on Sale f Durham, Nov. 9, " newborn; be in Call; I Massey-Hun. Peter Harruttm larris. l3 Dine rm Cultivator; Set Sloighs: A <: Scumcr: RS th, I939 win and Itch. , m M Angus yearling t Heifer: B (Talvob. 'et Province a 'ttt be Me. and an Me Durham ' on Totr u, etor alt Mt “by, at o'erterttt " ri laced Pollen 'ttttt rk H Ttite hoe M mnning 'oot y two Plow ; Ham. duo on u IS lmple D" $10 Reward will be hid for in. mrmalion leading to the l conviction or any person or person. Xanadu: property in the Town of . than. By order. TOWN or DURHAM. Framework tor couch (no, to in! Review subscriber iho asks for same. Apply " Review once, phone Sheathing n lords. for sale harm, R. R. Htnek and “minty. Twe No tarm sold rush payment 'mirenents fu Varnry, ont ONTARIO GOVERNMENT LOST-on 41009 in or Durham. Fl “I Review mn Anyone having old 1 u. or dead horses or tor mink meat, give I an my prices. mn. Phcno tHt r 2. R. A sum of no” 'ustotners' desk. " nwner will be H property. Apply n noun-n a... m. Hunts fully. Apply W. H. HI’NTE Small hirii] v uuVERNMENT FARMS and drain farms in Grey Twenty yv-ar terms at 4%. sold without a reasonable 'nwnt. Please state your re. men! Graded. u I. It. iririagL JiacGia, the cor-ninet- when you My! r hbout the vicinity of quder please leave same '. NOTICE FOR SALE NOTICE ram and run lamb, ox. P. Apply to Henry Eett. . I, Prlcoville. Phone ”mum DEPAgm"NT or AGIICUL‘I'UI - I. HI'NTHR, Inspector Tel. Holstein 3 r.tt “In“. I...“ G. Mar. Mtrtueer '0" ottr hon- r cattle salable me d ring and . ll Enemy“ l.R. 4 Durham} your re Evidence of the amount of mane} taken in, is to be found in the fact that there was close to $20 in large llvecent pieces in the machine ilk. on from the Chinese restarunnt. This mount. incidentally, will go toi the support of the Crown. ' I Battered beyond recognition, its carefully balanced wheels and ma- liiiiiiii' pounded into wreckage by 'the hammers of lusty police omeers ,nnd its 'tatrhing nights dimmed for hall time, first fruits of the current .police campaign against gambling ;devices was committed to a. watery ‘resiinz place on Friday. Acting on the rLe0mmendation of Magistrate), tor the campaign which is aimed to rid the city of these nuisances. K. C. Spereman. local authorities destroyed the cash-vending slot ma- rhine that had been seized earlier in the week from Percy Howe, local Chinese ren‘aurant proprietor - the wooden parts supplementing the fuel supply for the City Hall heating sys- tem. and the ruined working parts being dumped far out in the bay. Owen Bound Police are determined that the current epidemic of moneyi grabbing devices to be found ml many of the city's buulness places. must be done away with and thin action was merely a starting point 0.80m Smashes Slot Machine -"""---== Ion tMLB-tat lot c. con. M, Pres tmu. , MW Done: Run. 5 Muted Done: he. with luau. J. A. Campbell, jun. Proton srn. Telephone 129. r bt, Dundalk. ONTARIO ARCHIVES b On Prldny night, an aluminum l demonstration was held at the I home at Mr and Mrs A. L. Wrteita. Mrs. A. Tucker spent last week l visiting " She home of Mr and Mrs. i Henry Tucker. l Mr Jack Shortreed, hitt mother ud l ulster Annie and Mn T. Nichol, vu. ited Sunday with the htuer’l daugh- ter " McIntyre. M., . s' to J"-,-. t ~"d trv' ', “an Mn " . -t',Nrt of Touch. upon: the Mr Ind In Bart Seismi- tad dau. qhterr of Walkprton winked Thursday at Mr Archie Machig'l. Mr and In Wm “wads. Shel- bume a rerent bride and 'rocrv - Inch-d " Mr Ali. Ham's Mm Bill Hm "turned Ttte- ityy to hm: Mter ">4:me no We!“ " Gordon and Harold Nichol spent the weekend with their aunt and uncle. Mr and Mrs D. A. McIntyre. Messrs Dan Drlmmle and David Hlncks spent a couple of days Visit- ing “lends " Guelph last week. Mr Murray Mchllsn returned home from Toronto. jock. Roll call, "Idea for making ‘ovor clothing. Current eventn', Mrs Geo. Flnher. Lunch Com. Mrs E. Patterson. Mrs Sturrock. Sandwich- es Mm MmPhul, Mrs A. Stewart. Mr Watt of Oven Bound, oompled the pulpit on Sundny In St. An. drew’s church. His friend, Mr Brown rendered a lovely solo. Holdfnst U.F.W.O. Club meet- ing will be held Wednesday, Novem. ber 8th " home of Mm Jim Stur. nrer. made a statement in which he expressed the thanks of the mana- pers for the generous response to the Thartkotrerhut of last Sunday. which enable d the manager: to meet all obligations to date with a small balunce on hand. . At the momma service Sunday, Mr w. G. McBride. Church Trou- On Wednesday Rev. A. R. Muir conducted the funeral service or Mrs Georze Wright, Salem. who died and- denly Monday in her "th year. and on Sunday in Singhampton Church the funeral of Mrs George Ferguson who died Friday in Collingwood hospital in her 94th year. Rev. A. R. Muir attended the Ministerial meeting in Markdale on Monday, and the Grey B. s. Con; vention in the same place on . Saturl day. The Young Peoples' Society heldu l Hallow-e‘en Social and election ot omeert, Thursday evening. The re- tiring president, Marion Muir, con- ducted worship, and then turned the meeting over to Rev, A. R. Muir for the election of omeertr, which re- sulted " follows: President; stew- art Muir; vice-Pres.. Anna Connie: iSec'y. John Ritchie: Treasurer. W. H. McBride: Pianist, Alice Muir. Convenors were as follows: Fellow- ship, Art Bell; Culture, Sadie Oliv- pr; Citizenship. Susie MacKlnnon: Missionary, Annie Shortreed; Recre anon, Roberta Reiley. Pumpkin pass, Rig-a-jiz- Jig. Good-Night. Fire on the Mountain, and Pumpkin Hunt, were among the games played. Lunch included pumpkin pie, tarts, coffee. and tally. About 25 were! present. The new executive decided to meet Monday I Miss Edna Harrison is the new new gracious clerk in Mr P. G. Kar- sntedt’s tine stcre. Best Wishes and good luck to all. On Friday the 10th a bean roast will be given by the Y.P.S. in St Columba's basement. A short Memorial Service will be held at the Monument, at the con- clusion of the services in both ehur. ches on November 12th. Miss Marion Muir has accepted a school, in far away Renfrew Co.. Her pleasant cheery countenance will be missed around the club and other meetings. Mr Wm. Aldcorn. and Mrs Far quhar McKinnon, we are sorry to say, are under the Doctor's care. We extend our best wishes and hopes for a full and satisfactory re- covery. I We were spin mated with strip lthrough a ttne pert of the country, Pr way of Bheitrurns, Alhatcn to Bee. (ton in Simooe County. Splendld ‘flelde of tan wheat on the level land geast of Cnledon range ot hill- were (to be seen. Some tine views were ‘to be seen from the hills. A striking feature (to us) was the freedom, trom stones his or little. At the hang of Tecumseh Township's Reeve end} his estimable wife, Mr and Mrs Non, val Brawley, we rested and fared! well, leaving for home near the long hours, where we arrived safely at-l ter a trip in glorious weather. , PRICEVILLT-z M 'has ware mu of the may»... mm! the urinate from 2nd chapter of m Potor after whtrh V" Honey. I!“ led in purer. In Home Me. !‘nddon delirium (In “vii-non with 'k MM “'MI' Mr. tn Cairn- "Mmn. PREB. AUXILIAIIES HELD THANKOFFERINO MEETING The mom] Tttttloitering of the Senior Auxiliary and Young Women's Aux-nun mu held Jointly tn the School Room of the Church but Wodnuday 1“th Mm Patter- l All new babies were introduced to the audience and presented with membership cards. Those who grad. _' listed from the Baby Band were etch I presented with a graduation ettrtiit. cate and welcomed to the Mission Band by Mrs H. C. Mckechnle, one of the Mission Band leaders. The {allowing graduated: Nadine Gather-f ine Btrthe. Lyle Grace Dewar, my bert Edward Dewar, Harare: Elen- imr Hasiie. John Beverley Minimum; Elizabeth Ann Murdock. Shirley Alive Pleken. Ernest Eli's Revel Jean isnbelle Weir. Lloyd Archl-g held Wilma. The little folk enioyedg the niumtlnnce of Runner served end; their hi" with each other. There; are now forty-elth members in the', Bahv Band. I The pastor, Rev. W. H. Smith was chairman for : short program beginning with a. children's hymn and prayer. Duet were sung by Mrs I. B. Sharp. and Mrs C. mam: Jimmie Morton and Alioe: and tt' chorus by ttve little Minion Bud. ary Society members were hostesses to the babies of the Baby Band and We" mothers, last Thursday. A very delightful gttterttoon was spent in Knox United Church school- room when the two women's Mission- BABY BAND FETED Miss Eleanor Benham entertain- end at a Hallewe'en party, Tuesday evening. Mr and Mrs Thos. Stewart and family of Gait visited recently at Mr Robert Stewart's.. Mist-18 Alice and Marjory S'ewart who have Spent a while at the Stewart homes,have returned to To. mum. Mr and Mrs Walton Sinclair have takcn up residence on Mrs S. Por. ter's summer farm home where they will take charge of the premises. On Wednesday evening, October Mth. Mrs George Shana celebrated her eighty-second birthday by having " familv party. The years have fal- len lightly 0n Mrs Shana as she is actively engaged in her home and. enjovlnz good health. l "ttthr the auspices of the W. A. of Hopevilie United Church. Price ville talent will present their play, "Second Story Peggy" " the church Friday evening. New. 3. Lunch will be served. AMONG THE CHURCHES Mrs A. McKinnon, con. 14, who has been an Invalid for years Is not as well as usual. No. 13 school house which was de. stroyed by fire over a month ago has been replaced. and the new school will have classes as usual, rommenclmz this Monday morning. Mrs John Plaster of New England has suffered a paralytic trtrche and is gradually slipping away from the "CF?nps cf this life. Her daughters. Mrs. J. Matthews, Rocklyn: Mrs J. Ellis and Mrs P. Sageman, Proton. have been at her bedside giving ev- cry loving care to their aged mother. The School Board of S. S. No 4 have engaged Mr William Welsh to teach music In place of Miss [la Fell who we regret to learn has, been compelled to give up her work on account of ill health. Mr and Mrs Reid from near Brampton were visitors the past week with their niece, Mrs G. Glass and family. Mr and Mrs Peter McEtchnle and daughter Shirley, formerly ot North Bay but now residents of Milton spent week end " the home of " brother, Mr John MeEaehnie, THE DURHAM REVIEW Hopevme United W. M. te. meet Thursday afternoon of this week at the home of Mm Chester Fowler. week and " the farmer'- home. Mr Ndlburt McKenzie attended the shower may night for his cousin. Mm Beulah McKenzie, who wu re. ccntly hurried to Mr Edgar McLeod. “he on “gum” HOPEVILLE AT KNOX UNITED A an "ettttt , 0‘. -"-. I“ . I ___‘._- “mm W W ”If tumo- Surrounding; 2:11;: JI.') ftgnd more taken at Holstein and lion mum them. It m Mam Mount hint uuUm on My and out by Mr. Merttt In his . I _ My last. From any “In: tion of the Netrtm. that than V” until In. In the IN”, wagon, 'l'tte!tr/trttri-iiiiiii"iii,iii'.". bum-Mdmcrunllod 1min:- Iionulu In that m titanium Inc I. hm land of we and m- wmlenhmyuthh~ahlu ttttho worm um Purpose, to eta-mm“. the M can. have [enum- and " out of that land. 'seettttenetBttrsmm-r-g Neural uncuuhg'lu, they dam ”comma." 1edeettt-iloiiaii'i'if.GG.' Attttattret-nms Idem and can place- Meat M- In memummt'nmq manner-cum .4an earth, warn-lime “datum“! om nth-MatIOMMh- "mu-mum. CUM" 'Wttaeo'tttrt"'t'datmattegteq- Juana-u and spoke wprecietlvely of Cltheir work, giving the" "nice. / freely for seven] week: In western ! Ontario for the beneitt of church {min-lone. In Mont told of how j' they had long desired to mm the ‘Miselon iUids, but not an three; we“: ego we: it pcuihle to go.! 1’ They went through France, Italy, on! to the Holy Land. to man and on»! , and were glad to give the home ‘folke some idea by means of the! 11terr, of what in actuelly being; jaccompnned In the foreign new.“ and to point out the 'mat need for , more mlulonlrles and more money , to carry on the tntportaut work. i.! Mr Mount um allowed amal- of the ditrbrestt cum, commenting on than as They depicte'd " clan- of the In Knox Church Monday evening. [Mr and Mrs F. W Mount of the -Moifat Stove Co., Weston, rem/ed ’betore a lair-sized audience, the many interesting experience: they had during . recent trip to the Holy Lend end the min-ion "htt, ot India and Chino, llltutnted by mo- tion pictures. Their visit to Dur- ham we: under the human of Knox Church Afternoon Auxiliary, Mr end Mr: Mount giving their time and Ber. vice: with out churn. Showed Motion Pictures of United a. Mission fields . Mrs letle occupied the chair tor ‘tihe W.M.S. in the absence of the PI president. Mrs Davey led in payer. ' Roll call was responded to by a Fifi, on thanks: the Society have 1 'met their ttmtetrtiott, which is very , gratifying. A reading "Goodness which has Beauty" wee given by Vera Stewart. Refreshments were' lleerved by Mrs McDonald and tug.l 'l, sistnnts. The next meeting will be 'held at the home of Mrs J. S. Ihv Fi' on November 29th. I The annual Than1aotterirtg meet- ling of the W. M. S. was held in [the Church on October 18th. Mrs Pletle presided. Rev. letle led in (prayer. Miss Banks read the scrip-l (ture from Psalm 91. A lovely "ly i“Fa.ce to Face" was rendered trrl, ‘Miss Elsie Ledingham. Mrs Allen! (Boyd gave a reading “Thanksgiv’ ‘inz and Intercession." AJplendid ’address was given by Mrs Waldie' :of Arthur taking for her subjectl ;“Supreme Stewardship." tstressiruri, 'ithis in the form of trust. Body, "sul; and life are all trust and we are not to feel that if we have noti money. we are of no use but that wel can always pray. A. vote of thanks; was extended to the speaker at; the clcse. Prayer and benediction by I Rev. Waldle closed the meeting. Rei, freshments were served by they ladies. I IBURNS LADIES' AID AND W. M. I. I Burns' Church Lndies' Aid and iw. M. s. held their Joint meeting get the home of Mrs Hugh McDonnld ion October 25th with 37 indies pres- .ent. Mrs. Ewen presided for the Ladies' Aid meeting and .130 led in prayer. Mrs Stewart read the tserious, trom the 1st part of John the sixth chapter. Roll call was an- swered by a verse on "Mercy." A, reading "Mother of Thanksgiving" was given by Miss Barbara Emmi." Miss Florence MacLean read two) poems "But God" and "What God hast premised." Aduet “I'm on the; Sunny Side of Life" was rendered by; Miss Lolita. MighiOn and Mrs. Gib! bong. Mrs Anderson gave a readingi "Thia business of Motives." . l pitutitst and work on the not! Hold. member. of both emulation. very much indebted to Mr tor the helpful and mun-h- u an In» the mam. In INN) In Mm um In a' 'tleetttreoestrotttottrim Hold-m the stride. Iain . W. H. Smith introduced the centre. In on the usable of the Tank this ttttho "ortho ”We also. leave lanthanum”. 'seettttenetBttr-tso-" M datum magma-roar Mount brat stations on My and My Ian. M any was“ until In. In tho mm, M. - and de-temt and in, beer. tmrtrumottitoratnandvet. Holsteln: J. W. Hunter, when! morehnnt,’ han dupe-ed of MI bullo- eu to Mr George mm. a Toronto formerly of Spry. The new owner will aka ”who u Icon " nook taking la complehd. Mr. Hunter hai been In bullion tor (our and a but rem in Nolan“ and NI llama Ind hlr dealing tune won In ttttet., than but of each and the general run was two. Mr W. New. Br. gave . " hm. u he laid no mm: or out: to the. [teen and on; VII loaded On Friday ind annuity of last week " this Mien here to be tent to "Herer- from the elect of the omen! vur. Reeve Nichol and Councillor Atdeorn) “tended " the cu: none out Ll, tie on Saturday night to kt. then know how things went in n mat wnr. nun. Every Ill-um at Mr Wm. Weir's Me wire fence in: cut in sixteen plum. Kts mm was also cut out ot " wire “to tutd destroyed. Suntan Park Corr: Sergeant‘ Martin is getting on well with ll rectum and has then in good train- ing condition‘ They Ind . shun Int-1 I Mr and Mrs N. McIntyre are once lmore home from their annual trip (West and left the families of their lean Shirley and daughter. Mrs. Mit. Ihan in good health and enjoyed 3 good health themselves. Nearly all (western cities he reports in state: iii, stagnation commercially and ,much unemployment. l The rush to Calais: from Ostend ’proved a costly failure for the Ger. mans. An attempt in still being made to pierce the Allies' linen further] inland. but all attempts {all and thr Allhs' are slowly but surely plies- sing on. Green Grove Corr: Winn was un- doubtedly the most contemptlble trick ever cert-led out in this com- munity we: done on “any night I__L he - ' ‘ers In: Frldny and Snturdly, the any: set upon] for donation ot outs and potatoes. At the Durham G.T.R. station 438 bigl of potatoes end 328 ot out: were shipped, the Inter amounting to over 1000 bushels. 60 has: of potatoes and " bus of can: left the C.P.R. Almost all the do- nataors were from Glenelg and Ben. tlnok. No. l Glenelg, supplying 350 bags cf the number. These town- ships also made shipments trom) Markdale. Priceville. Hanover 'el Elmwood. For prunes! loyalty, B. Grey takes second place e, none. I Britain wu given a helping hand in her wur trouble in a. moat tattr able manner by Grey County hum. Two of our local sportamen. Reeve Calder and Mr P. Paterson left last week for near Sudbury on their m- nunl deer hunt. They were Joined in with Mr Barber at Georgetown, Mour- Allle Mel-tyre. Prank Rolph and other- " Toronto. . Of the 100 alloted to Grey County for the 2nd Canadian Contingent. 76 are now enlisted at Owen Sound and 12 more await medical texatttlttatiott. Hanover sent 4, Mnrkdale 4, Keaton! and Clarksburg 15. Hanover gave their quruette n civic tnrewell and a purse to each.. IN DAYS OF YORE (from Review fyle, Nov. 5th 1914) Every ltrud ct Mr " YEAR. A00 armada“, Wade in . The an PM. . -- . ........!I let "e. Mt. W m h- Sgti‘Imlu"... M.me.lm.-p etttSttetnndPttrstetntmtt- H lewummm "manual-(Alum- mu. Manuel! lull-h. A. A. c. ii. Onutrlo' c Deal-h. "" In“. mm m I... mummm' “mrwm. Licenced Auction." ter Guy '$ettrtttt Sne- man on rm 0... Dates urn-mud at ammo-a, I. date, "to ttuxtqh Duh- In". will.“ mount...“ “W'au-du' C -. UCLA. 2991mm". Prompt. courteou- & iusesa,t at". DURHAM a HOLOTIII Graduate Raul Can. maaGra of 0mm. Room: Over [on] But Duh. x RAY Ottiee .. C. 8. All) BESSIE MILLWM' one. Hum: CHIROPRACTIC aluminum: Cauch- W'Nh-anmnn- around here. although a roll: Riverview was nipped by awn-thy raeketeera.-numutk me earuad. of m (m ’tu'enty in I") and tor I I" due at the "md Undue" neu- Kel- 'don lut week Moat at the tulle-u around here tell considerably - ‘ed when they hem: the [yo-lee m decided to travel on. Some of the men visited a number of home: wanting to repair stoves. The ticket. is that they would any they could " a stove for so much, but When they had it apart they denuded a considerably Inger cum to put it together attain. However, we haw L F. can. 0.0.8.. um wen or excelhut mar. mm VIII-l! 'reqthltgt" [a humus-mummy. was tuned In» an. LW.“ Normantrr, "towed In num- up bringing Chuctoauudeu. o't'outo's.Asarusetatesntsa W. PIERCE ELLIS Veterinary ”um". “W at ‘. L. 5mm. Mdk, m “Wanna-.1... "“7“”P-t0-Ilnm ’. c. PiettEttitttt, nos, u); GEORGE E. DUIGAI OVPOIEI TRY STOVE tr-err In all 00 In.“ F. . EAGLES" J. n. "counts. B. A. T. u. snearu. M. B. Mitt sum. Dunn“, on. 81. or them being sumo-Ital REPAIRING [Wit 1’00“}; "'toa..ars I resident of

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