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Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1939, p. 8

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To an Tm- on “no. " T. & N.O. Railway. Niplssing Central R.R., use Ion-d Cochin-o on C. N. In”. to Kapuskasing and Hearst. 2? . v Wk ', Ix _ L s,tiaiietittgitgtdvN,ill,, 2 ;"'-“§x§'€i?“x“‘ :~§:"}-3’f“»“33. 2 tf' " _ Ye- T 25%: '* * BNlllililllllilllIlli1iiiiWtr:' IW.': 1“ V rs b' "’Q'acms 5*?" i-")':" 'if I V lllRilllllllllllilllllirlr;ii: ' " ' f" q ' 'srE7: " "”9 ', ~", ' l, I l _ _ - -Fs -uraa%liEllllllllW'i:i'ir, "bc: 54 “7%“- " ' ivy“? l “23 "trs [ 'Vr_rrV -- ." .22, ilr, T, . 'i-':'", "a; , t"k"t's,1"eik':,(s:-, .‘ , A335: ivy}; t /cs:tfi, , , .1, '; dtiht, iw, h"Ituv'ttt 19> .r,_,')F,l,,:j'"i'lj:r rs V P- _j?.irhs:iis"s', . . " IW': a: i titltt _', allitll6t T. 2 _ "ai,Cj'r1'ri,t)'1, _-stir-iii vi2ri'C',, t . a "--"-----, Ir----- ‘W"““ .7 : T , " i. / " V a My»: ‘"““ Ililritr'ii, “'\ _ F "T _ a; 2 'i'??i,:'i'_i:,1_ii',)'tr,r,l_' 19-- _ “I lit,"!!,'.),',,? r-T _ w- _," s*“ " ’ © T T, _ v - MN?" T- . 2 V H . I New 1940 Ford V-8 and Mercury 8 Cars Equally Low Fares tram all adjacent c. N. R. Stations CANADIAN NATIONAL, moan, nxnmmcm BANKING SERVICE... the ”M122 yaw much/u! you‘d: 190. Anathema-swam iiiiSiiiSiiiii'tSr'dt'rs' - Vdiiiriiittt-du- hm. Tum 80an and Intonation from Agents. Ran Bargain November 3rd from DURHAM STIONG All! IBIPPUI.‘ 7W/22 yam Ever strong and trustworthy, through 122 -national, provincial and local-a depend. yeers of Canada's history, the Bank of able financial collaborator. Montreal has contributed much to this . . . . . counery's financial security. All Canadians, whatever their station in life, working foe ' greater and still grater To the individual depositor the Bank has Canada, know they can place full conii. country's financial security. To the individual depoaitor the Bank has meant complete safety for personal savings. To the farmer it has been a strong, useful ally and a reliable counsel on con- ditions. To industry it has been a source of financial power and n help in avoiding unwarranted speculation. For Government Mount Forest Branch: E. B. YULE, Manager Win (Sub-Agency): Open Monday and Ftiday_. ESTABLISHED " l T dence in an institution which has never changed in character, yet has constantly modernized its services. In 1817 we trio. neeted along sound, helpful lines. The year 1939 finds us still pioneering along sound, helpful lines. Actual evidence I have none, BM my aunt's chamoman's sister's Heard a policeman on his beat Say to a housemaid in Downing Street That he had a brother, who had a friend, Who knew when the war was going to end. HUMOUR --Retrina1d Arkell [TIE DURHAM REVIEW Mrs might of Toronto spent the, weekend It home ot Mr Ju Mammy Mr and Mrs Bert Gibson, Bonn Har. old and Lloyd and Miss K. Collins ot Owen Bound, spent Sunday with Mr Dr. Hearst Brown, Arthur andGeo Brown of Toronto, were recent guests with their mother, Mrs Alex. Brown recently. Ft OLSTEIN LEADER Mr Jim Brown spent the weekend at Owen Sound. Mrs C. Fentcn's aunt, Mrs. Bate ington of Tara, spent a few days with the Fentons recently. Mr and Mrs. Robert McLean ot Meatord, Mr and Mrs Roy Benedict. Eleanor, Bobby and Lois of o. Sound were guests of Mr and Mrs. Colin' McMillan on Sunday. Rev. W. Johnston took the annivets, sary services at Ventry Sunday and Rev Mr McIntosh of Dundalk took the services in the Presbyterian eh. here. He took his text from Matt. , 4: 21. He said when Jesus saw thet two sons of Zebedee with their fath- er mending nets, he called to them. 3 _ There is no mention of what Zebedee _ did. He did not follow them but his wife went with her two sons, James and John and she provided the mon. " for the work. What became ot ;Zebedee , He may have fallen into i the lake or he may have stayed with his fishing. No account is given of him. Where are the Zebedee’s today? The Women's Association of the Mr and Mrs Jack Pierson. on be" United Church met at the home 0 i half of the newly-weds, we wish to; Mrs. Hetherington Thursday, October thank the musicians and all others M, with a good attendance. Atravel for their many useful presents. talk was given by Mrs. Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Daly and Fenton on her trip to the New York Howard spent over the week end at World’s Fair which was enjoyed try 0mm, all. Lunch was served by the hostessi Messrs W'm. Morrison and George and her assistants. ‘Wllson were in Toronto last Friday Mr and Mrs Habermehi spent Bun. with a truckload of potatoes -135 dnv with the farmer's brother, Mr C. bags. Mr and Mrs Habermehl spent Bun. day with the farmer's brother, Mr C. Habermehl of Hanover and attended anniversary services in the United Church there. Mr and Mrs Sumner of St. Clair shore, Detroit. visited her brothers. the Finder families over the weekend i Well, the spooks were out last 'nlght, Halloween. in great numbers. in puzzled your brain to figure out who they belonged to. After the Eyouth were tucked safely in bed, the ‘ulder ones from the north end of the 'vitlatre sallied forth to the home of Mr and Mrs Brebner, where an en. ijoyable time was spent. It the youth ipuzzled us as to their identity, the jolder ones went a step step farther, iand there was some guessing and ;much speculation as to who was be. Ehlnd the disguise. After all masks |were ott and you knew who your *neighbor was, asocial time was spent gin contests put on by Mrs. Mercer iand Mrs McGuire. In looking over the questions. we thought of "Peg. ‘gy's brain wave": it kept your grey 'matter cn high gear to answer the Iquesticns given. A dainty lunch was isn'ved by the hostess and her assis- l, Mr and Mrs James Ccutts and ‘Mr ‘Arthur Haas recently attended the ltuneral in Toronto ot a cousin tho 'late Miss Nadine Hart. Citizens of the village and resi- dents of the township please remem- ber the meeting in the Agricultural Hall on Friday evening Nov. 3rd at 8 p.m. for the purpose of appointing:1 committees to carry on Red Cross work for the comfort of our soldiers. This meeting its of vital interest to all of us. Mrs. Gagnon, president of the Red Cross Society and other la. dies from Durham will be there to discuss and give information as re. gards war work. Come and bring your neighbor. West . questions served by tants. A tcat, was at the ph in praise Mr and Mrs Charles MoGillivray accompanied by Mr Duncan Sinclair and Miss Flora Sinclair visimed rela- tives in (Yolllngwood on Sunday. Guests on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Jan. Elli: were Mr and Mrs Art Neal and Donald of Arthur Reception was held in St. Paul's Twp. and Mr and Mr: Howard Hal, Hday Isabel and Glenn: ct Glene. den. Guea‘s during the week m the same home pre Mrs H. Hallway and Mrs Owner-on of Gleneden. Mr John brimmie, who has been snendlnz n couple of months vult- ine "have: here left last week to mend a couple of days In Toronto hemm- returning to hit, home in the Mr and Mrs Arthur Eccles and Florence attended services at Conn on Sunday sud spent the day With Mr and Mr: John Smith. " the hostess A sing-song, la 3 held, with ' piano. All TO e of the social AND PERSONAL YEOVII we thought 't it kept 3 gear to am A dainty :5 and her led by Mt Mrs Hat" were unan and her assis- l by Mrs Fen- rs Habermehl re unanimous time spent. 0 was be. JI masks who your was spent at. Mercer king over of "Peg. four grey swer the lunchwas diiejutidrhweTrNES TORONTO Mr. Arnold Morrow of Guelph wu a guest 11st week at George Drum mies. . Visitors " Earn: Reid: during the week were Mr sad In Rom. Henderson Ind {sully ot Tottenham and Mr and Mrs Alex Henderson and son ot Pieshertott, Laat Friday evening a miscellan- ,eout, shower tor Mr and In. Edgar ‘Mcbeod was held at Jno McKenue's. There were 200 present. The even- slng wu spent in cards and dancing. ‘Good music was mmlahed by Geo., EDavid, Matthew, Jim and John Hen- Misses Elsie Wood and Ruth Me. Kenzie came up ttom Toronto last Friday evening tor the shower and returned Saturday afternoon. Miss Gertie Wilson went to Toronto with them. Miss Ada Brown entertained a number of her girl friends atahirth- day party Monday evening. AHalloween social was held at the home of Mr Milford Matthews, Tues- day night. A number from here intend going to the shower tor Mr and Mrs Lorne McMurdo Friday night in Dromore. per, Wm. McMhnle, Bill Small, Krill Howard Rear, Mrs Wilfred Renwick, Violet Moore, Mrs. Thomas Moore.), Messrs David Gordon and Wm. bong danced the Wilson's clog. We Also had the Durham Floor Dusters pres- ent--Mr and Mrs Archie Wilson and Mr and Mrs Jack Pierson. On be. half of the newly-weds, we wish to thank the musicians and all others for their many useful presents. Mr H. Bishop of wins Fertiliser' Co, Norwich, will be at Cecil Ecclex' ‘on Monday, Nov. 6th, testing soil. free of charge. Mrs Wm. Wilson, Brampton, spent over the weekend at Mr W. Moore's. Rev. Mr Adamo will have charge of the service in the Hall Sunday eve Haley's threshing outfit threshed 5 days in this burg this week. Prize Winners at Egremont Plowing Match Egremont Ptoughing Match was held on October " on the farm of Hugh Lamont. The following were winners In the various classes: Boys. 16 years and under. stubble ---1st, Rosa McDougall (best crown, beat tutish); 2nd, Walter Smith. (youngest plowman.) Two furrow plow, tstubble-- lst, Fleming Reid (beat crown); 2nd, Ira Stevenson; 3rd, Clarence MeRobtr, (best thtish.1 wan Best Cowan Comm Cows, Cattle Sheep. Brood Saws. Chunks of itttr, Etc. See bills for partitultur. GRAY COACH LINES (best Spatial Fares or Men id Canadian Active erviceForces M Friday NORTH EGREMONT GED, E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer No 1% ce " pet all: betwe all points " Gray Co ch Lines routes Tickets and anormttion at CALDER’S Ite STORE PHONE 3, DURHAM (best crown) finish). ploughed land on Fal P"! . ._A nity ir Grounds STEIN "; Nov, 2nd in field-Prank the province ' Prank Co. Lorne Cowan the with hand Sale trod,--1sst. 2nd, Bev- IO m. 11 Pupil 'asd in Pubic bAia Ject “Holland". Her teacnex " -.-- M. Burrows, Owen Sound. The set-- ond was Clara Bartoot, S.S. No. ll, Egremont. Her subject was "Our King and Queen." Her teacher " Mrs Barber, Holntein. Third prlze was won by Elwood Snider, Uigg No. 15 South. Sydenlmm and St Vincent. Fourth prize was a, tie and went to Lawrence Vance. 38 No. Derby, on the subject "Lord Tweedsmulr, Jean MacKlnnon, 8 S No. 10 elg. who spoke on "DetnoertMy, Nathan". The Judges were Mr J. R. Humil- ton, Principal of the Hanover High School, and Mr F. D. Sawyer, Prim cipal of the Mukdlle High School. All boys and girls spoke most ereditaMy, so the Judge: had . most dmIcuIt took to select the winners. Even those not placed were a credit to themtseives, their teacher and their school. The fowl supper held in St Paul's mes-seep-"-"-'-"-"-"- Church on Thursday evening was a Wm. Meams real success. There was a good} We had a attendance. and fowl and edibles aWday “iii: In plenty. The supper was followed try) - a good program with the Rector Rev‘ Farr in the chair. The programmel A 19-year consisted of the following: An ad. man was (on dress cf humour by Rev. Mr Kaye.'of money fr! I, Dromore was very much enjoyed; [ in that an inn“ by Mrs Bell and 1m llcCas- Magistrate v Ilin and Mr Bell; Duetts by the sentence. tht 'Mortcn children: solo try Gertie Morr"How much ton; readings by Hrs Whllace Ad- you should 'ams ot Holstein; solo by Mrs Mead,lAftel' soul l humorous; jokes and songs by Alf. ed in his 01 Nicholl cf Durham; solos by [Amelie “Men! Eocles. Dromore; and Florence Bot. trate rejoin“ ger of Durham. Aceompanists werefmonth and Mrs Wallace Adams, Mrs Mack and iup to yours Mrs Renwick. Proceeds of Thanks-Jae sail. a .giving Services and supper. $76.00. hence will f; The burner Guild of St. Paul’s Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Milfred Mat, thews on Friday afternoon. On Sunday int tt baptismal Ber. vice was held in St. Paul's church when the infant dlughter, Betty June ot Mr and Mr: Arthur Lee. and the infant son, Lloyd Beverley Wil- liam ot Mr and Mrs Milfred Mat. thews received the blptllmnl rites Very sorry to hear of the per) of Mr Arthur Lawrence, who has‘ gone to Toronto for special treat/ ment. l A Halloween social and orwnlvn-u tion meeting of the A.Y.P.A. firm held on Wednesday evenlng at the home of Mr Mllfred Matthews. l The teacher. Mr Christie, and pup-: ils of SS. No. 2, celebrated Hal.i Iowe'en on Tuesday afternoon in the' usual manner. i Rev. John R. Thompson of Strat-l ford \vill have charge of M. Paul's Church, Egremont on Sunday after} ‘nmn. next, Nov. 5th. Hcpe for .4 good attendance. l There was a large attendance at Knox on Sunday. Our pastor had a good message on riches and pover- ty. W'ealth has caused many tc [all but poverty has caused many to Bur. fer. Many of God's people have been pocr. and Jesus had not to lay His head. The S. S. closed on Sunday fcr the winter months. Mr and Mrs Alex Aberdein and children. “Munich visited on Sun- day with Mr and Mrs David Mar. shall. Congratulations, to 1gr and In Hnrold Watson on the birth of . daughter on Sunday. The late Mr Rom, Glenedln died at his Glenedtn on Bunny. 1 Mr and Mrs Wllbert Petty of Dun dalk visited on Sunday with Mr and Mr. and In. Joe Mecuticet, of Bentinck vlulted on Bond-.3! with Mr and In John Marshatt and " tended Betrviee " Knox. Hr. nod In. Rowan! Heroine" of Toronto visited on Blind-y with th. and Mn Fs. Koontz. Mr. Morrte Melon-i. ot Elm 1. spending a week with his out .ln ALLAN s CORNERS KNOX CORNER.c are were Phylis Won. North St. Vincent and wha spoke on the sub- d". Her teacher is Miss Owen Sound. The sec- Irs' Bax-foot. S.S. No. ll, In. DIckaon ct his home a." . The funeral l. J. R. Humil- 10 Glen- :ncy Ind “a!!!” h! M l ‘OAPTAIN FURY' in month and your future then will bo up to yourself. " you come below me will. 3 much more level-e sen- tence will follow." Shirley pow-wows with redskim and Mount: in her tht mttdocr ad venture with the Royaln C.ttatrras: Northwest Manned Nico! SHIRLEY TEMPLE New Pinyin; mum, mo" SAY NOV. 2, s, m - In - ‘Susannah of the Mounties' TUE... WED , NOV. s, C, 7, 8tr AUDTRAUA'tt ROBIN HOOD LlVl'_- AGAIN'. A daring. locum, mum: tie rogue who built an Empire at , point of a qutl-....F'igsttting, on 1.. bushing at danger on the “and last frcnlier! SUNDAY M‘DNITE 12,05, aloe Mow Brian Ahern Victor MeLaglte Added Comedy and Varieties. was! vou mum L, My!” ecu/i low mm m FIRES .., Phm Giiid GC.. to, to h.” denti-im not lam - 't"""ttiii:" "t"trit'iiciii". my. THO-l I . 'rr-it-aa-,, BAIL [ARES had I plenum. visit on Mon " In. B. Racing. - - - "lite, 1'ltttft"ii with Roxy--- --thttr-- Added Featurev.t Fe Cl" h, Courdt Died as Result of Stroke W mull ulily he manly-Mm years " Emu Piukertmt, who one daughter, In (Helm) ot Prieeville. and than. bimbo-rs nln t 'atttepitw Known Jnmh. of 8mm: Feter and Mir4tttet ot both] A Mother and I mm an: The funeral will (um nunsday afternoon tmm midenm to My" com tttat lunerul Mil, An Durham The 1 I mrlum not . , 4 More: Ho It Hm, qu Sudden Death of Walter Thomson Iu ly h min tv'y Itai n Ill: IT be Need Consiant Care lie WI PATTERSON. R.O. rl DURHAM. Wednesday, Nov. 15th special“ In Eye It at C. Stacy's Store Many '$et"tot"s', (how of mlddk a one pair of that the mm of their Airing e.ves now In! nun-“on tttat mm: is born I km: of “(in m an". Consult: den ll M ruin the h M " VOLLXH, Nit. " u " ":an that]: Wm, (intuit dit Appoint-nu t--6.80 NI! mt Wt OPEN DEER SEASON Deputy Mir " Wine and bi r ll Walla " " 414 " I0 Willi milil Ad ll on Sal u bod y Tl set Gr ne. Glmwll: ll the Wo Lv or itu.r M “lulu! Mr “by quite for some powiou M lltbl inn a!!!" " immediat H Hen " bi, a" " Du Summation your mm 1 yr; Tl ho M ll Gtettele (ll pl ll m M M

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