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Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1939, p. 1

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RES " ago-l " but 8th Specialist in Eye Examination I if C. satney’s Store .. DURHAM, l ’ Wednesday, luv. tSth The deceased was a son of the late Mr and Mrs Henry Courdt, born .n Brminck at Lamlush 68 years a. :0. but when quite young came to the south line, Glenelg, in which to. rainy he has since resided. About 1wentr-thre years ago he married Hanna Pinkerton, who survive: with one daughter, Mrs John Whyte (Helen) of Priceviiie. Three sisters rm! three brothers also survive: Mrs ratherine Grasby, Durham; Mrs Cttr'at. Wise and Mrs Emma Sachs. Hanover: Jacob. ot Sperling, Man.; Peter and Michael ot Dodsland. Sank. A brother and a sister are deceased. The {uneral will take place on Thursday anemoon from his law residence to Ebenezer cemetery. OPEN DEER SEASON The Deputy Minister " Games & Fisheries ham advised the Review mat arrangements have been made in provide an open season tor the takirut of deer in the Townships ot Amahel. Albemarle, Eastnor, Lind, car and St. Edmund in the Coun'y of Bruce from November 13th to 13th. inclusive. Hunters, during this tpen season, will not be permitted to use dogs. A well-known South Glenda re- sident. Wm. (fun'dt died on Tues. day afternoon at 4.3". after being in failing health for some time. A Am“ the previous night trom w hich he did not regain conscious- ness, was the immediate cause of his demise. Wm Courdt Died as Result of Stroke The pallbouron were two Masonic brethren. Thomas, Henderson and C. H. Mom". two military comrades. J. It. Iruttumt and Arthur Connolly and two lvlicw workmen of the C. P. Railway, Jack Gibson and George Miles. The Manonie rervico was in "harm of Worshipful Master Me. “luw of Williamsford and the tirirut "tuad of militia was under the com- mand of Sgt. A. G. Lawler, with Crmrade Padtieht sounding tho, last post The deceased was a member of Durham Baptist Church. his pastor. Rev. ' T. Priest conducting the funeral service from his home in P.entinek on Saturday afternoon. " “as under the Veterans' and Mascu- it' auspices. each organization attend- Ang in a body. fit-writ] years an: h to Miss Ada Scott ot sutvlves him: also George in Scotland. Imrhun. Walter was 55 years of age, being -----_--- born in "urrttenrmne, srrtrimi. in QUEEN TO BROADCAST September ”M. In 1910 with others ON ARMISTICE DAY or the family, he 'migrated to Cann- -_...- du, first living .0 Owen Sound for a The Queen will broadcast a mes- tew years, then removing to Durham.: rage to the women of the Empire He served New,“ in the 147th Armistice Day, November llth it Grey Battalion. ‘was nnncum-ed Tuesday. This will Several years ago he Was wedded be the tirst broadcast by the Queen to Minn Ada Scott ot Toronto, who Mnee Her Majesty bade farewell to "ttries, him: also two brothers ‘(Tanada last summer. It is under-j 'ieorge in Scotland, and David in'i‘lood it will be a tive-minute broad-, Durham. ('ast starting at f) run. British "re, The 'ieeeased was a member of, mer time " p. m. 16.8.11). The 13.1: Durham Baptist Church. his pastor, ti. C. home and Empire services arr; Rev, J T. Priest conductmz "uni? carry the speech. i Mr Walter Thomson of Hutton Hill, wen-known see-non man on the C.P.R. died suddenly In Toronto last Thursday while at railway wcrl; Intro, where he had been temporar " trannterred Just three days pro- viously. Sudden Death of iStores sill Closefrom Memorial Service We“: Thomson 10.30 to 12, Saturday at ll a. m. Saturday Eyes Need Constant Care MN PATTERSON. 1.0. one pair of mules should last the rent at their lives whether " be 10 or 20 your: and thus min their night. . Aging eyes need more care- ful attention than young eyes. Neglect is more responsible tor has of sight than any other - Consult: Many persons. especially those ot middle age think that VOL. LXII, NO. 44 Appoint-onto 1-.6.80 p.113. A pretty wedding was solemniz- ed at the home of the bride's par. ents, Mr and Mrs Stanley Williams of Egremont, on November 8th, when their elder daughter. Gretta Lenora, joined heart and hand with Mr Gordcn Fetter: Henderson. son oi Mr and Mrs Alex R. Henderson, al- so of Ezremont. Rev. J R. Thompson or Stratford formerly rector of Trinity Church, Durham, preached splendid sermons for the anniversary here last Sunday. Rev. M. H. Farr took Mr Thomp. son's services in Stratford. The ceremony was performed by her pastor, Rev. H. Kaye, at 3.00 p. m. in the presence ot about forty friends and relatives. the young couple Handing beneath wedding bells in a gaily decorated living room. Mrs Alex. Milne played the wedding music, and the bride's grandfather. Mr Itm. Ratma'te, later sang the hymn. "Lead Us., o Father in thr Paths at Peace." as usual with the War Veterans for Memorial service. Saturday, Nov. 11th at ll mm. Members are to meat at War Memorial. Poppies are to be on sale Thursday and Friday. A letter was read trom Executive of War Vsterans' Association thankin." the Chapter tor past favors of their annual banquets and asked that ttte, banquet be dispensed with this le/ under present conditions. Commit) tees were appointed and nrrantze-I mrnts made for a Euchre to be heirs Nov. 21st. Date was also set for the Christmas dance. Dee. . 26th.‘ Mrs R. Padtield. and Mrs Kress tawl, cured tho meeting with an instru-I mental duet. The members reeeivevl‘ wool for socks, sweaters, etc. a The brim. given away by her lather. was unattended. except for her little sistvr Bernice, as flower girl. The charming bride was attir. ed in a gown cf long white sheer with white accessories and carried a bouquet of mums. Her travelling costume was of teal blue, with matching accessories. The ttower girl was also in white sheer, and carried carnation; and sweet peas. Former Rector at Anniversary. Following the ceremony and good wishes, a buffet luncheon was serv- ed. Many beautiful slits were re (wired. including those bestowed at a nttowrr tendered the bride a (mole of days previous at the home of her friend. Miss Dorothy McNal- ty, Dromore. The groom's gift to the bride was a rsold wrist watch and to the tTower girl. a locket. The happy couple left immediate- ly m a brief hcncymoon to Guelph. Maura. Toronto and elsewhere, and on returning. will reside on the Henderson home farm on mu con., The regular monthly meeting at Can. Greys i.0.D.E. was held on Tuesday awning, Nov. 'ith, at tho home of Mrs G. C. Webster. 30 members “are presmxt; 7 new mem- bers wer" enrolled in the chaptor. The Lulu-t. members are to join CAN. GREYS I.O.D.E. MET AT MRS G. C. WEBSTER'S Durham sures have arranged to close on Remembrance Day. Sutur day, Nov. ll, from 10.30 a. m. to 12 noon, for the service to be held during that period. They will re main 0pm afternoon and evening. HENDERSON-WILLIAMS (ifht Barnum Btottittt be a five-minute broad- at 9 am. British sum- p. m. H.811). The B. ONTARIO ARC TORONTO , AT BAPTIST CHURCH ; Again the war veterans will attend I‘ohurch service, next day, Sunday, Nov. 12th. this year at the Baptist “Church, at 10.30 a. m. The voter- ians, mll?tia and band will fall in at ‘tlw Armcury at 10.00 a. m., and iparade :‘n a body to' the service. 7 Maycr Ttell is to preside; Rev. w. tigure in his walks around town, he ' H. Smith will deliver the address; l was apparently in tine health. '. Rev. S. W. Hirtle will lead in prarl Mr W J Seehie, Toronto visited I er; Rev. M. H. Parr will read the last week with his uncle J ll Hard- f scripture; and Rev. Robt. Honey. lug, _ Iman will pronounce the benedietion.I Mr and Mrs Mathew Brandrn ot' _ Opportunity will be given to any de- Tcttenham visited last week with " Hiring to place wreaths at the Monu their nephews George and Herbert .ment. during the service. (Alien and niece Mrs H. Dean. They 3 In view of present wcrld condl'; were neecmpanied heme by Miss itions, the Veterans decided th',n Mary Allen. lyear to forego their fowl dinner, at)! Rev. w. H. Hartley and Mrs ékimlly furnished them tree each Rn, Hartley of Kincardine spent a day ;membranco Day by the ladies ot, in town the guests of the Hughes tho t.o.D.E. The Veterans' Aistrortrtantily . latlnn advised the local Chapter to,‘ Miss Isabel Henderson, Toronto. the above effect a few days ago. (visited a few days in the carerytal 1 - I home. V Edge Hill Junior Farmers held; their annual meeting last week and, elected the following officers: presidg ent. Arthur Newell; vice president,' Cecil Anderson and Hamil McCasllny soc'y- treas., Dan Ritchie; auditors/ Tom Firth and David Aijoe. The pro-' grams for the next two months wet'oi' drafted out. ‘ The Junior Institute met at (In; same hour and heard a paper on) "Hobbies" read by Margaret Williy arms and a splendid list of praetieaf hints given by Irene Newell. The:I presiding ofhter was Myrtle Glen", cross. F , Over four hundred tttttistled din Pr.', enjoyed the annual fowl supper in the Presbyterian Church last Fri- day night. The gross proceeds were in excess of $170. At the joint meeting of the (we crxzanizmions the oftieerg elected were president. David Alice; sen-e- tary. Glenna Strong. BELL News comma! ( The v.ckard,Nrrothevs, Swiss Bell Ringers and Var .ty entertainers," billed to appear t the Town Hath: Hui-ham, on Man ay evening next,' Nov. 13. Canada's nly road show: is now in its tortleth ear and is the cnly survivcr of the n meroug cons) panies that toured the ountry some, years 'turo. The Erhardt have en.) larged their show this ason to: ttvert people, and the equipment Carri riui fills two motor trucks. I JUNIOR FARMERS FOR GREY co. HOME AND RURAL BEAUTIFICATION To discuss the advisability m forming a county wide organization, which shall have as its object the interesting of rural people in Rural Improvement, a meeting is being eat. led at the Department ot Agriculture, Markdale, on Tuesday, November Nth, at 2 p.m. Many Enjoyed Fowl Dinner. Mr John F. Clark, Horticultural Extension lecturer, Will be the special speaker. Others invited are Miss Agnes Maeprait, M. P.; Messrs. W. P. Telford. M. P.; Mr. R. Patterson. M. L. A.; Mr. P. Oliver, M. L. A.; Warden J. A. Davis, Reeves of an municipalities, Horticultural and Agricult'l Societies Women's Institutes. U.F.W.O. Clubs. Junior Farmer Clubs, etc. Every In- stitu'e. Agricultural Society, Town or Township Council should send cue or more representatives. The slogan should be: "Make beautiful Grey more Beiiutitut still." VETERANS' SERVICE In memory of our honored dead during and as a result of the Great War, the annual Remembrance Day service will be held at the Cenotaph. Durham at 11 a. m. cn Saturday next. All the vetr'rnns of Durham and vicinity, together with the Milt. tia and Band, are requested to fall in at the Armoury at 10.30, and parade to the monument tor the service. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLSTEIN LEADER JOINT MEETING DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9. While Mr and Mrs A C MacDonald Inf Bentinek were visiting with Mrs Hugh MacDonald in town Thursday (evening, Mr. MacDonald suffered tt [severe heart attack, and- was remov- led to Durham Hospital. His son Rev i,rohn of Sudbury and daughter Miss .1'lvn arrived on Friday morning. ;'l‘hough but partially recovered, he 'was, taken to hit, own home at Mu. ': lock on Tuesday. Mrs John MacDonald and daughter Joyanne accompanied Mr MacDonald from Sudbury when called home for hisJalher's serious illness Mr and Mrs Archie Leith. Price- ville, Mrs B. Leith, Durham, Mr and Mrs Wm. Leith, daughter, Mar. garet, and sons. Harvey and Kenneth of Dromore, Mr and Mrs. John Nel. son. eon Russell, Mrs Gordon Camp- bell, son Jackie, Holstein, were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Kcenig and family of Hampden. Misses Mary and Marion Morton spent Saturday in Guelph. Rev. J. R. Thompson, Mrs Thomp- son and two sons were guests of Mrs E. Kress over the weekend. Mr and Mrs Wm. Comeld came up Saturday from Detroit, to the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs John Me. Aulifte. Mr and Mrs McAulme re- turned wi h them to spend the win- ter in Detroit, he being in pcm' health. Mr and Mrs Herb Love, daughter Mavqaret and son Brownlee of East P'remont. spent. Sunday at the home rt the' farmer’s brother-in-law, Mr Don McQueen. Mrs w. A. Glass took suddenly ill on Wednesday evening and was removed to the hospital. Mrs David Hastings, Dunnville is it visitor with Mr and Mrs H. D. Scott. Arthur Lawrence is a patient In Toronto General Hospital at pres- ent. . ' l Mr and Mrs Mathew Brandrn of Tcttenharn visited last week with their nephews George and Herbert (Allen and niece Mrs H. Dean. They Mr and Mrs Stewart Bolton spent the week rnd with Dr and Mrs W. C. Pickering. Mr and Mrs W. J. Ritchie, Mr. ond Mrs W. R. Weir and daughtor. Jean visited their aunt Mrs Mount at Pinkerton. Mrs Hugh Renwick. Ottawa, spent Thursday with Dr and Mrs Sneath. Kirov Heard of Governor, Sask. visited this week with his relatives. Mr and Mrs T. B. Weir and daugh. ters, Egremont. Permanent W us at Mrs. Vollett's Beauty Parlor. o Thursday. Novem- ber 16th, by Mr cArthur, Toronto. The courier of Rural Route No 2, Durham, will start morning delivery on Monday, Nov. IS, leaving post rdtiee at 9.00 mm. No. l courier will eminence in morning: Monday, November 20th. l, Dr. Park, we regret to learn, is a- ttin seriously ill. havlng suffered a Elwin n‘fack (n Monday. A familiar tigure in his walks around town, he } was apparently in tine health. . Private Ross Cain was heme from Strattord hr the weekend. Miss Jean Harding was home from Toronto over the week end. Mr and Mrs Reid, Yeovil, were F,ttests of Mr and Mrs G. L. Sharp on Friday. Mrs S. Ritchie. London and Alex. Cl Allan. Barrie, were in town for the to funeral service or their brother, 3 Lorne Allan. " g Ask (lledg Road Mrs Eddie McQueen, who has been touring the Maritime provinces since her marriage accompanying her husband, a traveller. is an pres- Pitt visiting her brother-in-law and wife, Mr and Mrs Dcnald McQueen. Mrs Jas Holman. daughter Annie and son Milton of Monkton were weekend guests of-Mr and Mrs Geo. Smith and Mrs Menary. :yinpathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Wm. Acton in the loss of their infant daughter, Irene Lilly. She died on Saturday evening in Durham Hospital, aged three days. The funeral service was held m Kress' funeral parlors Monday. conducted by Raw. M. H. Farr, and interment made in Trinity oemetery. Motor License Issuer, J. N. Mur. dock is in receipt of word from the Department ct Highways tc the el'. i'oct that. half-price will be accepted lur licenses for cars and trucks for the balance of the 1939 season. These licenses will be good as far into 1340 as the 1939 licenses are mod. This announcement is made a month earlier than usual. as it has not been customary to grant ths privilege until December int. General accrunts totamrvr, $503.27 and Oct. relief accounts. $54.55 were passed. Council meetings will be mm In Clerk's, omee during winter months to save fuel in town hall. 300 was all the Town rowivod from at12..50 Highway Traffic Act tino. The Provinces' 40% and expenses total- 1od $12.20. Clerk was ttttthorized to writo the Magistrate to asoertaln what expenses were. 1939 MOTOR LICENSES NOW AT HALF PRICES Adapters tor the fire hose and hydrants have alrived. so new the local Brigade can work with Mt. Forest in quelling fires, and vice ver. (an. Coun. McKay reported the ditch! for College- George St. sewars to be cleaned out, best yet. This ditch1 Mr E. Watson annually complained. fiooded his land. l, At Durham Council meeting on Monday night. Reeve John MeGirr of Giemi'; waited on the members, to tc4uest their support in having the Co. Roads Committe take over as a County Road, the brlance of the road (about 3 miles) from Markdale to Highway No. 6.. The 7 miles from Maikdale west along 10th can, is known as No. 14 Road, the remain. ing 3 miles from dead end of No. H to Highway 6 is known as Braun'r. :‘ideroad. The Council passed a reso- lution to be sent the Good Roads Com. urging this be done. be County Highway ' 1939 TTmm'rv woman's mum HELD I HALLOWEEN SOCIAL I The members of the Trinity Won» ctt's Guild held a very pleasant lim- {lcwv'en social Wednesday eveninz :in the parish hall which “as appra- printely decorated in black um: orange. The members came in us- tlumps and masks and were jullgl'd js. the rector's {when Rev. Thot. 'H. Farr, who awarded the prizts it ‘Mrs Erben Schultz and Mrs J. Mc awn-din. Games and lunch Were en I joyed. " l‘urham Fire Br:gade‘s annuui "dance is now looked upon as "the “dance" ot the year, largely because " Chief Traftotxi and the Brigade spare lneither time nor money to pro- vide an enjoyable ttight for all. Last Ndny night the hull was Jammed--- their largest crowd and best dance yet. Almost half the merry-maker; ‘cume frcm Mt. Forest, Hanover and 'ether wrrounding mans. Frank jBani“ and his “mime orchestra 'supplied the lust of music. David 'Iturns of town won the $5 cash (inn-1 Boyce Howell and Miss [linger the Expat dance. Novelty dances alsr featured. Though the moat sum-r, ital dance yet socially. it was no! [as much so financially. as admiss'on fie-rs were kept tow and expenses rar.‘ :ccnsiderably higher. I ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced ci Inez Irene. daughter of Mrs. Allan and the late David Allan, Holstein. to Raymond Cecil Finder, son ot'Mrs Under and the late William Hinder. the marriage to take place quietly the early part of November. Bumper Crowd at Fireman's Dance The Merchants of the Tr,un of Dmham will close their places of l usirus “10.30 .... on and remain closed until " no", for the Mem- orial Service at II a m. that day. Open after- noon and evening Remembrance Day, Saturday, Nov. ll Palm-had Weekly at 82.00 I year In advance. To Ulla. Sum. 82.50 I you In “mm. Peter Ramage, Publisher DURHAM BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATK'N NOTICE ! l '29 Ford Truck, 1% ton captivity I '29 Chev. Sedan, in good (‘oudiiiun I Disc Plow, , furrow 2 Crown Gang PIOWI 1 steel wheel Wagon 1: Cells, rising 4 Man‘s 2 Colin. rising ' years , Colts. rising 2 years 3 older Work Bursts Everybody is Invited to I meeting in QM St. Chureh on Friday even in. Nov. mm. Mr Nudge, Editor or bartneru' Magazine. will pron-m who: to winners in Home Improve men! Catntest. Ilsa "he colored slides of the winning llomos. Other important speakers. also musical nLatbetar. Nr admissicn tee. J. C. Hamilton. w. G. Built-3; President. SH'y Durham Ay,. SM") The Annual Keeling: of l-lw Durham Farmrtw Co-tt mine Co Ltd. wilt be held in the H n House, Durham, nu Saturday, lt. ll, at , p. an. All ahumholders and patrons Im- asked tc make a special ellort to be present. Jon. Crutehley, Murray Wells. President 'Arr'y Twas. COMING-4H1"; to see the Toll Bro-L Travelogue" on Nov. 2yittt ttttder the auspices of hinox Women's Anoma- lion. Paniculnrs later. Knox cttu.xl, Evening Auxiliary will hold . tutie a" Homemade an. In; and serve Altenioon Tea in Queen St. church, Satulday, 'November nm from 3.00 to 6AM. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, Prop. Phone 140 DURHAM, ONT com avatars FOR SALE

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