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Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1939, p. 2

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Vi H if " rid " "Speed tho piow" mun! continue . to the “an ot Canada, Lord!!! “id in Wishing the MI tumors every possible “It” and prosperity. H.» hares . far more power. 'tst It“ swords. Lord Tweedsmuh- and In reigning to the war. The milk: In! be You” with the “we strength ot the nation Ind n Canada's greatest asset w;_. ha been and always will be atri- dture. the Governor-General Lord Tindomuir aid in a short " dng. before an animated 30.000 ”on n the international plow- " match near Broehville. Farming Found Greatest Asset "It would " unwise to there may no: be enough ot Inter vapor and oxygen to port "to In some form .whlch I." become gradually ad: I. the riloroua conditions trxl I! Mars." Dr. Dunham declares it is morn than likely that the planets were one. a part of the sun and were torn away at a cosmic encounter mm a passing s'ar. gen." my the Mt. “Whom astrono- ner in the run- nr Ar'ronomica1 Society at the Pucitie pu'olhotion, "It is more thuu likely that it has existed in the past. and later com- ttnest with ferrous iron to form ter. Me rompounds with a reddish eot. or similar to that or tho desert ar us on the planet at the present ”no. 'itn wile of sptwh‘osl‘o] "M'e against the pron-mu gen." say the Mt. Wihon - in the run nt Astr loci", of tho Parritie pu " is more than likely th Dr. Theodore llmlm Pasadena. Calif.. a for ion! of the Irlanets, Irel present knowlnign do“ . c-laim that nu m» "xi Manet Mars. Other Bcirrttivtg hate “a: there is little or no Mars and that, ‘horororp Fast like that [mum] an ionic! tte will)». Adapted To Rigorous C flu "trite of spriti'tysr. Says Life May Exist On Mars t. Miriam! H-ulimuz. "cv.'y.eleetm 9d Premier of Quebq-v pxm'im'tq who is rejoicing following the Lily-val viet 'ry over M. Dupléssis‘ t'nion Nationalo Government. a: Mil. Maul! askcemtritm- 600 of Canadian Agriculture "do their bit," he. 'ast a little miter have at hant Tra tremondvms inn-en tut-Hun. t an. w. am d of the Canad- at agricul'nre are needed on the bram, as never before. “Them is no call elsewhere but to the farm," Dr. Christie deelar. mt. Dr. G. r. Christie. president of no Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph. said last week at St. Thomas that because of the prea- Oll energency young men with I. practical and seierttitie knowledge mere May Be Enough Oxygen To Support It, is Ast 'on- omer's View - Were Pun. ele Once Part of Sun? Micah-ml Experts Urged To Stay on Canadian Farms New Premier Farm Output Declared Vital “Spud TM Plow" me easiest In My Mum of Quebec Conditi mrupiv mice ot ‘or runners to aid, is to do ith what they will make, a in farm pro- m, Jr.. of $41108! r tu. Jaw-s Hint not justify ms on the ox y JT no " he out to say of both to sup- lch any adapted exist}!!! ans? ' vid my n on p, at th tlv Scenes like this are com! phuia this fall and winter " jun brought to gaff, am combine to make the west and resorntions It the Fl The two 1iends were discussing motoring as they sat inthe club. “I was once buying second-hand car hum a garage owner," said one. "Of murse, he praised it up, is 1 was a novice. But I found tt way of dismwrin: absolutely all its faults." "How I'" asked the other. "Why,'). went on the first, "I . . had k. on trial, and took it to an- other car-dealer and asked "him to buy it." ginning her search. present- ly riu, heard the pad of bare we: behind her and a shout made her turn. It was the eltlvyly mun, clad in a bath-towel. "Wait a minute.'" he gasped. "Wheve's the tire'."' ly sin- behind turn. in a h: cu pp Arriving at a strange hotel, a fussy woman thought she’d better know where the tire-escape Was. So she started exploring. During her tour, she opened a door and found herself in a bath- room orrupied by an elderly gen- Herman. When he woke he was not sur- prised tn tind that his wife had dug up the rest of the potatoes-- and that she had found no coins.' Presently he went to the house again and said he had found an- other win. He washed the dirt off it and this time it was a. fifty-cent were. He put it in his pocket. "l have worked pretty hard," said he to his wife. "I think I'll take a short nap." Who remembers way Inci when A man in debt lot on} again.' He consented, and after digging for a few minutes went into the house and said he had found a coin. He washed it, and it proved to be a qua-Met. He put it in his pocket and went back to work. An enthusiastic politician was asked by his wife to lay tside politics long enough to dig up the potatoes in the garden. David loved bread and jel- tr. His mother usually pur- chased sliced bread. One day she bought a loaf of umliced bread. When he aw her - ply the Puncher knife, he ask- ed: "What's that bread o stuck together for?" "Why, that woman wasn' born. she was quarried!" "Then she isn't exactly one of the sympathetic sort?" slid Smith. '. Sympathetic I" snapped Brown. Have You Heard U) I'm smry," she twittered, inuking for the tirtress e common on Brentwood Bay, near Victoria, B,C., all winter winter when Canadians are keeping Canadian dollar: in Canada, aff, and salmon in the tidal waters, coupled with keen fir fitshr d? west coast a winter fisherman', paradise. Reports tlowing im the Empress Hotel, indicate I heavy vacation travel to Victor The President of France may not go to the races unaccompan- ied; he must never appear in pub- lie in uniform or send telegrams containing political opinions. The operation requires an in.. cision in the upper part of the back along the spinal column and cutting the nerves which carry impulses resulting in the painful heart spasm. A new method of surgery ap- pearing to give the first "uni- formly complete relief" from an- gina pectoris, which causes pain in the region of the heart, is an- nounced in the journal of the American Medical Association. PAIN OF ANGINA RELIEVED The new eye looks virtually in.. to the blood itself. This is done by placing a strong light behind the car. Some of the rays pass through tissues and blood. The electric eye picks up these rays and detects changes in the blood color too slight for the human eye to Sh'. _ The eye gives warning in time to administer lifesaving oxygen. EYE REVEALS DEATH NEAR, A nvw photo-electric eye which detects the approach of death in vhrmv:insr color of the skin is re- ported. Abundant production of this "cement" apparently speeded healing of wounds, for in animal tests the walls of wounds lacking the vitamins were only one-third normal strength. For several days before and af- ter operations, patients were giv- en diets high in vitamins, proteins and vitamin concentrates. HEALING WOUNDS QUICKER It has been discovered during i'ecent. surgery that certain foods containing vitamins and proteins substitute for medicines and drugs. Feathers, made into colored oak leaves and butterflies in natural colorings develop several small shapes, while a "half hat", to be posed over a veil-draped head, con- sists of 48 tiny colored birds. Burned goose, ostrich and coq are strongly endorsed. An ostrich model stemming from Victorian inspiration trails more than a yard of tied willow ostrich down the back. Coq feather hat and muff ensembles are observed, while coq and various other types of feathers, including quills, wings and birds accent many of the col.. ored suede hats. Feathered Hats Quite Popular Is , Doing What Science Victoria, B,C., all winter long, with particular em- Ianadian dollars in Canada. Grilse, like the 12 pound- upled with keen fir fishing in "up island" streams wise. Reports tlowing into Cunadian Paeifte oMees, vacation travel to Victoria this winter. Answers: l.-Write a personal letter of thanks to her employer, or the chief clerk, or the person she 4.--What il,, the correct way to use a finger bowl? 6.»Should a hostess provide new cards for use at a bridge part. ty? G.---Should one apologize for writing a letter to a friend on the typewriter? 2.--What is a frappe, and how is it pronounced? 1.~Whon a bride has received a gift from the omee force, con- sisting of perhaps a hundred em- ployees, how should she acknow- ledge it? 3.--Is it e9rreet to my to a woman, "Theve is a man I want to intrqduce you to"? The gross revenues of the all.. inclusive Canadian National ilail. ways System for the week ondi 1;; October 21, 1939, were $5,] 2,- 453, as compared with $'4,ti,3t),2rtg' for the corresponding period of 1938, an increase of $562,155. Canadian National Railway Revenues a fine mesh, or it will retard the heat that comes through the pipe and has a tendency to burn out the furnace. A.---insert a piece of wire net- ting inside the register hole, re- place the register plate, and it will prevent many articles from gonig down the pipe. This is par- ticularly advisable if there are children or babies around the house. Remember, however, that this wire netting should not be of Q.---How can I prevent articles from going down the furnace re.. gister? A.--An application of equal parts of rose water and lemon juice acts as a skin whitener. A.-loak the goods for twenty minutes in cold water, to which a handful of salt has been added. Q.--How can I prepare a good skin whitener? A.--Fill the empty pans with water. This will not only prevent burning, but the muffins will bake more evenly. 2-How can I set colors in cot- ton goods before washing the first time? A.--Try using three crumbled soda crackers and two tablespoons of milk to each egg. Mix thor- oughly, and then scramble in hot butter. Q.--How can I prevent burning when there is not sufficient batter to fill all the pans, when making muffins? ON'FATRWO' ARC; TORONTO T1115 " THE WE ARE iq husr, bush 0 STUDENTS Now Courses in Na _tltory. Journal shorthand Ind Make use of Fm. £04.”, th CTC-'""--.----. ART. UNUSUAL BOOKS: SE! dime for catalogue (refund gran): noddy's. SMA Yong ---- WHITE OINTMENT - quick relief from irrit Highly recommended. '. if not "..t.tsraqtorsr. " I White Manufacturing Box 164, Toronm. (Inn MEN AND WOMEN: NEW INVEN- tion sells like wild tire: Start business of your own tn ware time. Send stamp to Economy Distributing Company, Lumina- ton Oahu-X0. --. ..-u now ELECTRIC shaver you've rend about that makes: “having- no very, very easy. Just plug it in and-run the shaver over your face. friars all - no soap. wuter. bruih or blades. We suggest you try it. Over a. million were sold In: yen. Orlglnu grlce $10. Guaranteed f',lluth": ont- Paid. Ann!- vum .-Bel| Sales Co.. 10 Gatehouu mag" MontrPal. Qusber. Ay.f.hT,.t,uvAyyrE.p _ To runnNTs Now ENROLLING FOR Courses in Matriculation. Short story. Journalism. Advertising. shorthand Ind Speech Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canadian Correspon- dence College Lesutmstiisd 1 02). Mt Yonge ttt.. Toronto." -----_' 'fdiGiio, Opwaling Rm’rullvs Operating Emmy;- Net vaemw Operating Revmnn s Operating Expenses Net Rever,my For the month of September the canadian National Railways had a net revenue ot $6,304,642, " in. crease of $3,643,203 over the cor. rnsponding month of 1938, accord- ing to the monthly statement ot the earnings for tho all-inclusive system Issued at the railway's headquarters. Operating revenues showed an inm‘r-ase or $4,795,674. uhATS WANTED To REPRES~ ent "The Old Helium. Fonthill Nurseries." Exclusive territory In town or country. Liberal terms paid weekly. Handsome free out- ftta. Stone and Wellington. Tor- onto. Rise of $3,643,203 Marked for Month of September, 1939 i..-.',.,--;::..,-.,'-;.-:)-.,'-:..-.)-,-.. Classified Advertisments' Large Increase C.N.R. Revenue "Eat " raw," was the counsel gi- ven to members ot the Nova Sco- Ha Economics Association by Dr. Nova Scotians, Canada's leading fishermen, were given some advice last. week on how to eat the com- modity ot which they are such pro- 1itie producers. knows had charge of the contribu- tion towards the gift, asking this person to thank the others. 2.-. It is an iced or frozen mixture or drink. Pronounce ire-pa, firtrt a as in ask, second a as is pay. ac- cent last syllable. 3..-No. The man is always presented to the woman. One should say, "There is a man I want to introduce to you." 4.--Dip the ends of the fingers, not the entire hand, in the water, then dry them on the napkin in the lap. Do not lift the napkin above the table and use it as a hand towel. 'i.--..'). Many people today write all their cor- respondence on the typewriter, ex- cepting the most formal social notes. 6.---Yes; this is customary. ELECTRIC Win-Known Halifax Hawking A Doctor Urges "Station Expansion" plus Extra Features of --Directional Loop Control ---Loop Rotating Mechanism --Short Wave Aerial ---Rotuine Shielded Loop See your Hear the WAR NEWS Daily . . . Direct in English, from Foreign Stations. You can listen in to London, Berlin, Paris and RomtAredcast every day if you RR IN THE MARKET TO bush of any kind. Apply Slat- (tomnany \Vntrsrdown. Ont. s'i"-_aaGd.LLuuct."i'trV ARE hou IN MlSERl’! Declares We Lose ttfe Real Good in Fish Br Cooking It DeForest, Rogers or Majestic Radio with Short-Wave Ali HST! W A STE" nl'sn Wis-mu your local Rogers, DeForeu or Majestic Denier Now For A Demonstration Eu'OECa'rtona L "Eat F ish'Raw” INWMELNT - A NEW let from irritating Piles. ‘commended. Money back 'iafactory. " cents a Jar. rgyyttaetiiefitt Company. Toronm, (mgr-lo. IIINDKS smwnn nus NEW l ELECTRIC about. that f, very easy. l tht shaver :fund mid Yonse ttt., SEND A Month of September 1939 ll 5 05,304,642 t 6,652,354 ' :?it,t'A5,30.", 16,340,661 -iro-GG%"CT.T,t',T.tte AN OFFER To EVERY IhiVENTott List of Invention: and full Infor- mation um tree. The Bunny Co. Rexlttered. Patent Attprnevi. :73 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. ----.-V __ x HIGH BLOOD f.TIumyruis-wiirFE tor free booklet and full pumm- lau regardlnz our anulnxiy nut-cunt“ hyblood treatment. gediltgreed Produetu. Saskatoon. u . warn-:7 1tortFirTr,T: . i='Cir"""-----.--, HARD} APPLE TREES - GO CTS, ettch, (Xanadu. I -_---, A .. . - - SLICING MACHINES. WALK-IN Refrigerate". Frick York and Kelvlnator ice mnehlnen. store Hues. scales. counter. ind Laun- dry equipment. Mr. benoh. A. k P Food Stores. 135 Laughton Av... annnnn ft.......; WANTED - in: EXPERT Pounrymnn and farm help 9741:. War, Stanley Much _reu . ---- NINETY ACRES I’IIODU( clay loam adjoining village. buildingz. spring watered. Ihousnnd rush. balance 4 pm \Vlllium Pearce. Exeter. . “nu. wuoaworklnx too!- - elec- trie motors. Denim: and shop nun. alias of every derrr'.ption. Thr A. . William: Machinery Co., Ltd., " Front St. w., Tommy). '__-ur-"-."-"-'-")'! - -v-.nnlllu‘4 'l"dh" Donn woodworking tooU trio motorn. mam-u- u“.- " ,___W .,.. L‘s. each. Canada? Lawns: Priced Nur. sery. zrowiuk lending varieties Fruit Trees. Ornameniisttc' Write immediately requestlmr sensation. al offeringu. Tobe'u Treery. Nia. Sc'ttrt:rtuLihr-raake". Dunn-in _. "s"'.'-."' um Toronto. Ontario, -----_ Operating expenses increased by $1,152,471. Operating revenuel last month' were $22,645,303 and oper- ating expenses $16,340,661. Up for Nine-Month Period For the ttine-tnot) period end. ing September 30th, there was an increase in operating revenues of $11,908,503 and an increase in op- erating expenses of $2,800,895. re. sulting in an improvement ot $9,. 107,608 over the nine-months per- iod ot 1938. For the period up to Sepzun‘uer 30th this your. oparab ing revenues amounted to $142,- 245.93? and operating expenses of $135,593,583. rpsulling in a mi revenue of $6,652,354. This province, endowed " " is with an abundance ot fish and up- plea, in capable of produerng the healthiest race in the world from I dietetic standpoint." Lots of Vitamin. "The trouble with our tlt0t is we cook it," he continued. "We should eat it raw. Raw fish and a mic bread and butter would give u: lots of vitamins. You lose the real good in fish by cooking it. IuseNo.46- H. B. Atlee, Halifax physician OFFER To IKVEN'I‘OIS t 2,661.43” t 2,455,254 Improved S 9.107.608 Deficit ' 13,849,629 15,188,190 The summaries follow: ll ANDY APPLE TREE! 'rAiiiGoraa." ,auAur Liberal Allowance is Trade-Ins 1938 l-‘A I!“ Pull _ ALI} MACHIKERY INDICAL F'ort " LE Ln " -Vin tUrTo'. Ati "_rrxTyitrEsty:n lolttitttt village. good In: watered. Two 'o batanee 4 per cent. 'e. Euler. . Inn-ease Increase Increase Increase or Decrease Increase t 4.793 Increase 1,15: l mug mws_. MEI: Harry‘s; I'Iggnucnvn ' 3,643,203 ' 4.795.674 1.152.471 $11,908.503 2.800.895 M /iiiiT . ' . ltr WARAIEB CLEANED UR HAIL- Inrlnz. " cents. other work I noes-nary at rcuonnblo when. [II-fa Jewrllou. 40t [one IL. Tornmo. OXFORD DOWN I ty, (iovprnmvnt mwum inanim- P5313: sri, FOR 8315.11) CLOSE ESTATE. Saw in. Working condition. on mum tine C. 1'. Railway. Norm-mm, Ont. alum power. largo pond. boiler " ELI. cntrine " H.P., on In long onrrtagv, Edger and Slab Saw - Mm. Ada Harrison. Havo- lock, Ontario. ‘ QUIT TUBMXJO. SNUFF. EASILY. inexpensively. Home remedy." 1restirttortiati. Guaranteed. Advice free. L%tt_lttt'rs, Box l, Winntpex. MP-r-_-""---'"."'; _-ii--'-"------- BOOSTER FOR BATTERIES AND Electric Radio. Improve reception 200 per cent., increase power 1.000 per com, helps elimlnue lu- tcrfennu stations. Reduce batter. iptt' connumptlon. Sun-faction guaranteed. 51.110 porno-id. Swee- ney Rndlo Booster, Hmhzato Liryeatcheavtstt. 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO ittette," mu ktiGii/, beds. spring: rugs otttrly low prints. ---. .c.M STUMACH CORRECTIVI the: prompt relief and comfort to nutter-er- tron Acid Indication. Heartburn. Gastritil, Sour Slou- ncil. etc. A trial will convince you. Twain ounce packuue 32.50 pou- Paid direct from the walnut-cu". er. a. J. Woodie» PO. Mott in». Vunrouvcr. B.C. ““4" out dining room suite, buf- (on. "xtentlon table and 6 leather “uncluttered chairs. 39 00 lhzuuuful 9-plorc solid oak dining who. buffet rab- Inet, table and 6 leather seat chatter, perfect vcndilion. 79 00 17 50 Solid oak dining room tuna-g bum-u. tHbte and " lemher upholstered chairs. 24 50 Pct-(Sgt? P1tyl"-"t.f-rt.itiy A .. ...... ..L ' type, prices “KM. Walkurton, Ontario __ __‘.. 'B.'-ci"e. AN! mum. write tor one“ on new or reconditioned mac-lumen. " yet-rt exparlencu - A. Gilbert. " Your: an... mum-u q Brantford 3-piece Hum m 24.lio blue figured velour: pcrnct condition. . 32 00 large brown mohair suite, “gun-d revrtst'ble Marshall spring cushlunn: perfect mmdillun. ttl 50 Bedroom wile. walnut (in. ' ish: dr'euscr. hed, sprlnc and new mantras. yiaiis' i2 so 8-plece Chrettxrricut ruin. - uuhulnton-d In blue mohair. 19 So Smart 3-piece unite uphol- . Inert-d In tiurrthlra brown rem). reversible Munch." spring cushions. Clearance Sale of Recondition- ed Furniture gm}; ld-herb'ten. Airs thoroughly Ind mildly. Plenum to the cute. asc-tttcat-res. iiiiiiiii'iiiiiii', 'd6iiiiiiiWiYoN iw't‘oul Jnsli'c drugs. try} gup tough: of this f.re- yGGGriti fl itrtretiettrorstesit an t'glTA'lJ'A"l'I'lf4 witUut tT/d I. Y O N S Trade In Department 478 YONGE !iT. TORONTO "Poultry kept in city and sub- urhm gut-dens can be fed almosz entirely on household waste," aid Walter Elliott, British minister of agriculture. in I radio talk urging home gardening and a measure of "lf suMeieney. 1 flu-Q ave.. Tum-u. tr, Plund- no... c" tWe " SNIACII "lulu; LY.ONS FURNITURE co, nu mu. I’Asrnu ”fl. _....‘....u. :ovtrnmgnt bonus. correct price: MRI". Edwin Tonal. trton Hutu-4n ware: uni-nu "Tri'---"---'"-"'------- FHFIEI' ""t Ill-III - . - .- Street. Toronto. in N Illd Winn“ ”Myth; suite. iojoaioa ___ "13131.7" T" . . ssurtl’nbnt sun-mm IEI‘AII: " 1 'I'JKMDN AL mu. Induce tuner- tion. Bulufuction [.110 noun-1d. swee- Booster. Hiuhzuto Haunts RAglrgdsuauna of iiifE;;--l:;b. ohfttrt cattinetr. etc. It ridicul- " Ppta El that no: we of ‘Illll old! _ “we th os pn en ll OnIy Canada-n w Waltoy Ha! m...‘ Members Show Skill in Intern Aliment at Bue Canadian Chess Team [more M tin "I'll." " A: Cott', ml "" ‘ll t Living-Being Mostly' 10 W Farm Soil Too is On Water For C Of Lie ha at

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