West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1939, p. 5

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the you? In! and tho Id up. . ERS on, my Pulled An!“ rum yum-g mum: “on"; »-or; ' Calves. on Sale s received u. lowing Mare, mm: , m at M. pl!- Normaint 3 IN WEST Mower; Hay 'row: Due: Plow, new; roodor stove rider " It; moss; 9|... A'. Chain; Forks: Sle- r articles. tannin sold. Ton [bunt- hat amount we 30v. St: 2; Pulled were“! due MI rum-m C Me eleven M axon with rth M round] ': Durha- m Oct. 18; 'wer P Engine. , Pulp"; I Creo- ".II will " the 1 Gone! .tl Spreader my 1010' as” nix toot alarms Homi- BEST M Clerk with the Jtint Pars the tett Myth ltd veil " but 'Oll " to 1200 and te the yle ot tt le a" IIUWIIU Lumrtf m. MOLATBD CORN mu mranreorn or callous THEY cnnnot remove with this efBeiarrtt new maniac treatment for Gene and Canon-en. Lleyd’eoem- Mention treatment (“We and Pete) remove: and keep than “my. De undtlses end we!” with that av pliration. For sale " s25 Reward ii)',',?,,,?., CARD OlTHANKO THOMSON - Mrs WAR" Thom wishes to thank her my friends and neizhbors, Durham lodge No. Varrter, Ont. Stock and Grain farm. In Grey 1ounty. Twenty your tom at 4%. No farm sold w mom I tunable rush payment. can sue warre- qulre‘nonts tally. ADM! FUR SALE-I WI T Pot Cttetnical Fire m . ADI! Town Durham. B. H. Illa. Cleft Anyone having old van on hon- ”. or dead horse: or cattle suitable tor mink meat, give no u ring and Ltet my prices. Wm. 11 Patterson. Phcne 611 r 2. R.It. 4 bum-.7 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT FARMS l ran SALE - hemmed, Benton: null. 2 year-old. up], “up. Du. "il, Varner. R. R. o. I. 306, A.P. t AM. “a war "tent“! tor their hind expansion of In» pathy and “with! ttoral tributes uxtended during ‘the to" of her "ear hushnd. l ', NOTICE TitiTri'2F, McFaddon'a Drug Store Manhosencdinmiannppetixingmys... Driedriit-CtaHaddock,Hake,Citskand Treg-tttPickled-act-int-el anaAim-nbe1teotgNtorourtabieasrtew dishes...----:'). seoeanndianrishntoeohen. Mitke"AnyDarA PiahD-y". YotrdmiercnnectueDriedoePickied risitterrmnomaaerhowhtrrmrmehrtenoren ,"er...wiaeverr1tirofitstrtothte-ined 'srm.iuu,ttr-r...rrti1iaditrk"i'qrlr DEPAI'IMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. if you haven’t . . . you are missing snatching . Yentrtivmuitedeaiercangeero-ieerof Driedoerickiedamdianriah,thekmtrofwhittt isast-dasrerhctasthotsghrmthadough' thernr-ifandenrelrrorredthe'nimothe ttiBtntt POI mu DOCKET 'e, TMt -..e 'ggtrth'g I li 'i21 I'M. "u" TAlt' gun be me by mm Inspector Holstein 3 r.it a General and sickness relief admin- ' Istered by the Red Cross in Canada "3 is done largely " the request of 2:: municipal or provincial authorities. In, Bo emcent is the work, and so our h) ably done, that in some instances, De as in Saskatchewan. the Red Cros is - the omeial administrator of sickness m relief. to the touch of a saw on harden so much and ac that tttrther work on the difficult. Mr and Mrs R. C. Robinson, Alex. and David. visited friends at Bwinton Park. states takes s better polish than ususl stainless steels. The silver chloride also is believed to have, a toxic eilect on living water ornn~ isms. For this reason it is hoped thst silver steel pistes on s vessel will remain either free from bam, seles or resistant to them. The slight Quantity of dissolved silver prevents a trouble of numer- ous stainless steels. which under the touch or s ssw or hammer. harden so much and so instantly es.-s .__.s, - The precious met“, the snnounce- meat explsins, goes into solution in skinless steel. " dissolves like sug- " in coilee. The silver forms s tthn of silver chloride on the surface of the steel. ' This Atm is not soluble in Water, hence it protects the steel against rust. " the tum is knocked oft, s new one immediately replaces it/ Mining from the silver dissolved inl the steel. _ a mall uncut of silver. never more than 2 per cent, and frequently In. than one. to the present lulu- lcu Itsel- that Contain chromium and nickel. Sllvor It”! In the latest In stun- Iou man that up momm- hue Mend. It on that a. aid at ‘n In borne out by experience. it rum very welcome to the men who so am to the "I In ships, for It in raid that It min- no. water corm- Inc-v “I! a?" The new alloy in new silver alloy. the SILVER STEEL ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO by aiding report and with their friendg_ There are Mother of eight ehitdre-ven trtilt a few old schoolmates who do still survive Mm Heater. They ere: not forget, but sympathize. Charles In Atbertaf June: on Van. Mr. and Mm. new: KM, mm'couver hind, B.C.; Will. in Grand Oct. 29th with friends in Guelph. ‘Val'm Morse. Cedarville; Mrs. Mr and Mm John Aldcprn have en- Jae. Matthews (Amelil). Rocklyn: Jored , mm with friends in Priee.' Mrts. John D. En" tt5arat0, con. il, ville. Corbetton. Maple Vllley and Proton; Mm Wed Basement our-, Shelbnrne recently. gar-e1) con. 10 Proton. One son. tl"; Mrs Bailey turner in the put. ot Metshertop predeceased m. "t motored to her home in Toronto at ther five year: up. One liner and the v.4; “a Mr and Mrs. matron brother a!” In!!!" .-tr.' 11,-... mm mm" “commuted “”3 Mrs Marv Conner. Dandelk and Mr Riley. Jonah Ten-II. mile. 1 Pow-"r! WMIM Mt but rm!” " The Men] was you ..ors.ehttmar' “C. -rent ”an. ht ttto 'torth. " ttte 88ttttrd M M. Getedttrt "mu urn-m- "0W Ammo, of' Prosper trt reeuttmi “at. It mun» um». and m- m. u... . In humeral! nonle- III-W Mrs Bailoy teacher in the Park. motor-pd to her home in Toronto at the rock and Mr and Mrs. Dick Hawk and Phil-lo! “commuted Mrs Oct. 29th with friends in Guelph. Mr and Mrs John Aldcprn have en- Jored , view with friends in Price. vme. Corbetton. Maple Vailey and Shelhnmn "vainly. We were sorry last week to learn of the death ct two old schoolmates in the person of Mrs Sarah Ann Pies- ter of Hopeville, whose maiden name was Sarah Ann Ferris, and who was buried " Selena. The other, Mrs. Sarah Ann Goodfellow, whose msiden name Was Sarah A. Vanaistine. She died in Toronto and was buried in Dundalk. About 1870 both were " tending school here, and with them. weheve been in touch all these years and with their friends. There are still a few old schoolmates who do not forget, but sympathize. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox sneni We are enjoying nice weather for Nuvemher. Farmer: are taking up turnips, and t1nitshing the plowing. while threshing its drawing toaclone. Swamp College machine is at George Black‘s this 7th of November, with about eight more barns to do. Three months ot steady threshing in near- Mr and Mrs Allie McLean and son and Mrs Stun McDermid, Mr and Mrs Ronald McDonald, Collingwood, were victors last week at A. L. Hlncke'. Miss Lucas of Markdule and the teachers put on a musical recital and demonstration of the children's work in the school, Monday even. ing. All enjoyed It: Lunch was then served. Mr Alex Dobson and sister Amy of Toronto visited Sunday at Mr Archie McArthur’s. / Mane attended the funeral of the la'e Hanlan McDonald on Monday. Miss Jean Hiaektr, Lisle and Mr. Alf. Hincka of Toronto spent week. end at the Hlncks' home. A Hallowe‘en social was held in St. Andrew's Church basement on Tuesday evening. Miss Margaret Mc- Arthur, Grant Muir, and Laurie Sutherland won prizes. Lunch was served to all. Mrs Jim sturrock spent a couple ot days visiting friends Bt Swimon Park. The Women's Institute sponsored a delightful euchre and masquerade dance on Tuesday night in the hull. Hue weather and n. " crowd made the event a decided success. Mrs A. B. McArthur and Hector McLesni won the Euchre prizes. Mrs Art Bell, Miss Evelyn McDermid. Doreen Tee. ter, Mr Schenk. and Cecil Fawcett; won prizes at the masquerade. Hank) Hamilton's Orchestra supplied excel-‘ lent music for the dance. was Thelma Dobson, returned to Toronto, after spending tive weeks with her cousin, Miss M. McArthur. In the evening a Service will be held " 7.80 at which Rev. m. -, a re- turned missionary from China, will speak. Mrs Allie Meuttt and son spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. An aluminum demonstration was held Pttday night. " the home of Mrs w. J. mttektt, A Ipeciai service will be held next Sunday, prompt at 12 in front. of the monument, the two churches uniting. Rev. Father Grace omclated. Sisters from SLChurles were present. There was a. large attarndtutee, There passed away on Saturday a tine friendly old gentleman in the person of Mr Donald McDonald. tam. lllarly known as "Hanlan." Hit, fu. neral took place on Monday {rem bl: residence on the 5th con. Glenelg. The Nine- Laura and Ella. and "'Botm" McKinncn were recent vial- ton with the Aldcorn'a. builder was Mr Tho- Cook. The In. and two alum of the Morn la mat. tr marvellous to blue nit waned in wood craft. . . Mr Wm. Aldcorn and In P. Me. Kinnon in about the lune in health, holding their own. An improvement in both In waned tor by their many friends. Property of Mr Thou. Harrison in the building of n cottage Mod Bar. age, “idling the “urged - woodshed, with a "no mulled driveway from the street in, The SWINTON PARK " a. PRO JiVILLE :13] hers and regular in "tendanee at Salem Methodist Church. Later Mrs Pleater was . member of Hopevnle United church. She we: very much interested In W. M. B. work end even In her ndvnnclnq fem gave donations of beautifully pieced Polllowing her marriage to John Plaster (who passed away " years ago) they farmed on Con. 14, Pro. ton tor 6 was. More. that!!!” years ago they moved to Egremont Twp., west of Hopeville where Mrs Hester has since resided with her husband. They were faithful men)» Born in Ireland almost " years a- go. her madden name In: Snub Ann Ferris. She cue to this country with her "rent: it the use of 5 years, the family settling In Swinton Park district. ' The death cccurred at her home. Con. 16 Egremont Twp. on Wed, nesday. November lat, ot a weir known and respected resident of the district In the person of Mrs. John Plaster. Mrs Pleater'a death follow- ed at trying illness. Mr W. W. Pattern of Toronto. was a dinner guest at the home ot Mrs Sturdy on Sunday. Mrs Rodgers. Bruce Hill, visited with her daughter Mrs Wm. Me. Kinney. . Mrs Earl Walton and-Alan Sinclair contributed solos. Scott. is bright and cheerful and has hopes of again being able to be up and about. Miss Bessie wwe,. Durham, spent the limbo! tbe week " her parent- al home. Messrs James Hclnnis and Robt. Nicholson, Holstein were callers Tuesday at the home ot Mr Jchr. Sinclair. Mr and Mrs W. Dickie and Mr and Mrs George Christie were visitors Sunday afternoon with, Mrs George Scott at Mt. Forest Hospital. Mrs On Friday night, Nor. 3rd, it wee very ahowery it gunmen Corners. The home of Mr and Mrs. Whlllce MeCormuk, newly-weds, was broken Into and they were showered by their many friends. At Dromore the same kind of e storm prevailed. when Mr. Lorne McMurdo and bride were re. membered. A joyous time at both places is reported. And more to follow.' THE DURHAM mmw ever lent u a nurse. Our tam:wm entertained may evening br, um killed, $24.00; am new- wm be on with I." on m... my)" and In “and mum. late. , mm, $8.00; out. are. lone veto". . l in end an Brynn [other “gnaw. , mm. "alt. Wood- in may Heard. son or John Heard family. Holstein “a Mr and In Mtteh Karim. It?“ or "tMatt. a of Suhtchewen, mint In: week " Henry Benton. Ranch and Gordon, “all. $4B.00. M Keener, 00" smug " trtandtttother, In. non-dive" guest- with Mr and In Ju.“"°°' " Wed known ”.50. Br., uncle Ed. Heard and aunt, Mrs PM on Sunday. WWW"- on “fl and 'naklne Thou. Weir ot North Emmont. I Hill Decker, Toronto, 1. " present and mm“ 'ax notices. "T.60. Po" Mr "or Moody or Killerney, Hem, mum; with her friend was Ethel tage we": "0-00- Cure, " "urr who m lpent the Int thro years onlAnderaou. {and ranking end new“ tax notices, Lake Erie's shore below Dunning“! Mr Ind Mn Oren Pent were In ttt.60. Poet-3e aee't, $8.ti0. The whiting Me uncle: end cousins, the Elam lent Tinned”. iRoevo teretrttmser nee't. -37 001m- l Aldoorns of this district. l, Mr and Mrs M. te. Brandon of 'utter WW: E. T. Behenk, Mr and Mrs P. D. Mmlntyre ma. Tottenham were tttMMU mu Mr ud “at $4.00; A.A. A1ioe. trmeertetr, Margaret were Sunday View»: at Mr: Mm H. Allen the letter pert of In: “d ttour, $1t.M. Milk. 85.04: J. and Mrs Robert Ferrie' here. [Week and also spent en .19an Newest, rent, ".00. Kenneth "tur. At John Aldeorn'l on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Wm. Brown and Marga. ret Brown, also Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cooper of librd‘n'lch. _ - "v- w, w W-|w m u - her way to lama, to. may Laiioel Mr “d I" ttam Saunders ot ttTar.. on . destroyer in tho cm... “mike!” we" "to new and" with unea- Buck. 1 hit and, 8b who Ind recently been tun-ferret!" and I" n T. um. L,'.. has. Hole-h. 1 the. killed. from the new: cont " m'oyduwl Mr and In Join In“ ud,81.00; Dam In“. 1 I... w. " mum. Vivian he]: prep-rodeo members of the - .34 Mr. and. led, 88.00: Tho- lcbnnn. 1 hit so with her sailor Inn-bud to when-jun Leo and - or W! W ”-00: um Hem-k. ' and” visitor to her my friends!” pl here, ”Melly to her curtailment“: a IrWh. Aldeorn .oe Mb. Vim any. in I graduate nurse of Port Arthur tutsrrttat, where she went the min: I tom stranger toner relatives here. She had only a. mild”- to lureon -- MRS. JOH N PLESTER HOPEVILLE VICI‘II'IY ggy' and in fuming/J At the mat. the Mr "new in a In boys on MM _ van. in. with. no - “to tn but from use. tar-m- “at!" Id) for It. In MWwe, "w- an? 'ri-.tmguat--tue,t-. "Ourl ls not an emulation to lurnllh cheep Inhom- tmt to give un- employed young men n trhining tor life work.". uld Mr Mndnren. We like to get animation: from lumen tairir well-lo-do, who do not depend on one boy to do " the ex‘n work and who wlll lake poin- to tench the boy nil they know shout hm- ing. Our boy: no " lnexperlenced but they have ell been eneclnlly rector of term training, Ont. Dept. of labor, under the Dominion-Pro- vincial Youth Training protect, Many young men who hue been tut. eble to meet nidliury enlistment que- liilcntione could do their hit for Can. ldl. by working on fame, he states. During the out. year Mr lulu-en he: placed 404 city youth: on On- terio arms at Inge; ranging from $120 to 8200 a yen with room, board, washing and mending. . The char mmoum '"!"""t?"ttp'tfi-t-r-tur-ek- li'i,'i1i'tidirati':1 1.ttttrt'.t'tu1Ptt?":t1tr"hyetPe-r. non-II ”can. they,l.8.otthelnm mud!“ Bert. ot “but. "e't"-ti_etr-rmereouat-t |umm.mmmgm.rm. "momma-0m "',aatr-er.rgttier-attn-i, --_--- Fifi'??.?.'. 3313 the an!!! DION-M Liil.l “(5....- The mom- Mm - Soldiers of the Boil He needed, Just " soldiers are needed in the army. an Meander Maetaren, Dr visited for a few (inn last week with Mr and Mrs Ron. Jack-on be. fore leaving to spend the winter months with her brother Wm. Net. scn, Gait. Mr Win. Ellison hug purchased a new tractor and is at present using it to run his brother's threlhing ma- chine. Mr and Mm Norman Mellon.“ of Bentlnck were recent visitors " the home of W. J. Greenwood. "ILL NEED YOUTHO Mr and Mrs Philip Harrison, ton Park. Lexis of Pinkerton were recent visi- tors at the home of Mr Geo. Ritchie. Mr and Mrs E, R. Peart and Jean Crotm . (last week's news) Mr and Mrs Geo Pruner, I in ot Chatsworth were gue Mr and Mrs R. T. Edwa Sunday. Mr end Mr: W. R. luck nnd In" Clan were guest: " the home of Mr Damn] Sunday evening. Mr Normnn Greenwood of Durham was a guest with Mr and In Percy Greenwood and" and land tea with Mr and Mr: Howard Rtt. clue. Mr George Harris of Toronto cat. led on a few In this community one day Int week. Some twenty years a- go he was employed by The: Gien. Weat and In at prenent residing at the home of her ulster Mrs J. Wit. Mr and In Hull! McArthur vult- ed Sundny with Mr and Mr: Jim Cmtchley. Doiioch. Mr and Mn W. 1. Greenwood eat. Ied to use Mr and In John Cook at Hum-ton. In Cook In: been emutned to her bed for four years. week and also spent " memoon with Mr. and In. Osman Baker. mu Mary Allen accompanlod them home and will enjoy some holldnyn mu Decker, Toronto, 1. " preunt visiting with her friend In: Ethel Anderson. Mr end Mrs Oren Peart were In Elem last Thundu. Mr and Mrs M. te. Brandon of Tottenham were we“: with Mr and Mrs H. Allen the latter pert of Int SI od-terr, who no mllv inter. _ Jukson of Swinton Park FOR ONTARIO FARM. Mount and daughter Sunday with ', and Phyl- Swim the 'nnd mum: m notices. $57.50. Pou- nce new, ”0.00. Clerk. on sultry {and linking end mulling tax notices, ttt.60. Pounce aee't, 88.50. The iReeve telephone met. .87 cents. speech in: Conttrmed their loyalty by declaration that Britain would tight to defend their holy places. Priceville oorr: The remit of the Egypt and the Suez Cnml ls stlll safe, Italy stlll neutral. The Kun- er'a ettoru to stir Mohammedan feet- lng In t (allure. Annual: In a great The Canadians may soon be sent forward. Kitchener still calla for more men, and it is a pculbility that conscription may be introduced into Britain. Tue-any morning 10th November. 1914, John Cooper, died in his home in Nortttottrr " the ripe age of " years. " YEAR. A“ (from Review (er Nov " 1914) The Incoming G.T.R. train Fri- dly evening womanly killed two horses belonging to Chas. Long, one s colt sod one rising three yeus which Ind stayed on the truck s short dlstonce from the station. They were soon to be sold for $180. so it proved to be 1 severe loss. Dun. grocerie- sud sour. 810.85: Walter Eagles, " hour: hauling wood, ".50: A. D. Italian. groc- eries 3nd 11ottr, 818."; In Roy Brown, Mite. 85.76; Rent for Oct.. $2.00. Total relief, “6.56. The Tnuurer was unbound to clue from his book: Irma of tar. es amounting to the sun of 8144.80. meat Voucher No. " be tempted Total mount. $2185.24. Carried. The Council unearned to meet on the nomad swanky In December. the MI It " o'clock I. m. IN DAYS OF YORE rum-nun; when In ".Mattttatre-rtth.att- teammatanuubrlhw ES “GRAND T9eyksl"treret' who Pow “Perk-Ina lamrNwerTmts. “In. Gem walnut eahinet Ste " 1})“:- “f "tf Omar a weaittararoGUriiiGGir. The t,2Tiegg'c tttVt,'.,', m Mtukte km when Fauna new his" mu: u all low punts In u. M you the De I'm any of “do. today Hon-n 01.038". new 1940 model In your Home SEE THEM TODAY! new W. null we Elwin}; G and who for no luck my Small 'tttyt-fer an m. may! umlluuluill. M.VO0ILM.lu-w.- nth-mama“; In... Counter-4mm“ "momma-4mm. b PtqthittNmett-,A.a.et,0. Oahu-Io & Damon but - non-mm“ Llama Wheaten“ we. an. on moo-uh a Date. mum-tummy... lull. also than Durh- In... momUMMIon. Mimi-locum I. M. CHARLTON, A. R. s. I ' J. L. SHIT“. M, MAL. M. Prompt. oourtoou- 1 ocean an. autumn a Home": Honor 0mm {can 0M 0mm no"! Coll. M II.- tttatitaa-tarmrMnenasdt.. Saucy. Search!“ unle- Iuvo mid. rd the woods, but we have not bend of may eatrtatre yet. once-III“: an- _uu-ummvnn- mm:.uuuu.mu¢ p.n..1quJ.I-hnw Rm: OmlonIhlkn -tttttdertHtrebmA. "the“ ”and run “not It, the u- nlit“; - to our In... A will at In all a be hum 'tdutetetnearthettt& on...“ may cloud the In. " Mr. 1‘... Keith. Several lave mod and. lodtn.luullod Immhh “It eta-tsch-te. Inl- 0&0me 1’00...- LII-Olgu xuv mum ots:mtotmet.mnttum.oart. Macbeth-nu m- "H. no manta-numb C. th All) I .IOI'. COLL ”mono; OOIVII|II'. not... '0. on. ”Va- I!" an “I a. - MII I " t... "ttt CHIROPRACTIC Totem" than. L F. mt. 0.0.8.. L08. W. PIERCE ELLIS “”10"! P"-' m an “NICO":‘I‘QWH. ’. C. PICKERIIB. 008. d. GEORGE E. DUICAI 'tm-tat-ttemma-e. J n. WARRELA. F. . EAGLES" r. n. SeATtt, M. B. BESSlE MILLIVMV "

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