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Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1939, p. 8

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it Canadian Pacific Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in United States Go: from Noon Friday', Nov. 10 un. til 2 P. m. Sunday, Nov. 12, 1939 'thrc no P.M. train to vice Nov. 10 tickets good on A.M. train. “70.": Leave domination up to 'right Monday, Nov. 13, 1939 l mumun ”can FARE: i q Mom or Children ...... 25: l hm information from any agent. T. M. MePADDEN. Town Agent. I Phone 21. Durham! iiiiitiEEiiP2Lu2i2ff2 tit 1m - .- qra-rrt.u'teag-lnperktltetluetteMttrttsusa .1 k' mmumwumoâ€"umumfaogm'}. 1lhtryeqyd ' - - I-ngnfh-w‘ "" “WNW at the ItlilltfillBllMa DAY LOW RAIL FARES ”3 From noon Friday, Nov. Mr, to 2.00 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12. m: Leave destination not later "an midnight. My. Nov. 13. I939. linka- W In Mt TithquM/n- any agent FARE AND ONE-QUARTER for the round trip BAIL FARES Humour. Not to be outdone by her royal parents. Princess Margaret Rose is pictured here " she planted a tree during her visit to the Dartmosth naval college with the King and Queen. PRINCESS FOLLOWS PARENTS' FOOTSTEPS WORLDS EGG-LAYING CHAMPION m _-_____ FOR During 1938 there were 43 outpost honpitalq. manned by 118 nurses and providing treatment to 46,671 pati- ents, operated by the Canadian Red Cross in areas which otherwise did not otter [utilities for professional attention to sick and injured per sons. Mr. and Mrs. Barroot took their children. Clara and Lorne, and also their teacher, Mrs Barber. to Mark- dale recently where the public speak. ing contest was conducted. Lorne and Clara of 8.3. No. 11, Ettreenont. who won first at Ettremont Sch. Pair spoke in 'the contest. We congratul- ate Clara on comm: second in Grey Co. and hut in Mr. Pentland's In- spectorate. There were M eleglble for the contest. the air. Miss Adams accompanies them on the piano and also sings. Mr and Mrs Barfoot spent a week recently with relatives at o. Sound. Mr Martin of Mesherton has been zlving some aluminum detrtontrtra.: tions in the neighborhood recently. _ Miss Jean Adams, Arthur Watson. Charles McDonald and T. Gordon are scheduled to play over the Winghnm broadcastlnr: station this coming Sat. night about 7.45. They come on un- der the name of "The Rocky Moun- taineers of Mount Forest." We con. 'rratulate them on their music over The Fairbaim Young People's Boe. iety met at the home of Mr and Mrs (:00. Calder on the 14th. After the regular meeting, a social time wan spent in games and contests. Lorne "arroot cf S.S. No. ll who won first prize at the Egremont School Fairin Holstein, gave his speech on "The Church." Mr Dick Dallman read the scripture lesson . The next meeting is to be held on the 10th con. =LT.C'.'.,e'?L, FAIRBAIRI - HO LSTEIN LEADER The Road Supt. presented Pay Sheet No. ll amounting to $1827.36. with Supt'e. salary of MB, which was passed and crdered paid. The Egremont Plowmen'e Associa- tion was given a grant of 815. A letter was read from the Ont} Association of Rural Municipalities; re membership. No action was taken A motion that: the Reeve and Clerk sim and submit to the Provincial Trees. our application for the sum of 82:74.53 was passed. being a, 1% mill subsidy on our total aloe-amen! of $1d149,6t)1htyB. . The following accounts were passed and ordered paid: Members of Coun- en. ntt'ce at meeting to date 812.50; Mrs Christie. use of room $2.50: J. M. Nicholson, clerk, ”nice: re tax Met in Holstein Nov. 6. Members all present. A number of the girl friends of Miss Gretta Williams. a bride-to-be, attended the “mower" in her honor at the home of Miss Dorcthy McNal- tr, Dromore. Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Alex Nicholson were Mr and Mrs Jas. Dunstan and famliy of Mahmo- thon Twp. Mr and Mrs John Munn. Messrs Thomas and David Munn. Minto Township and Mr R. A. Meh. olson. Holstpin. Mr Clifton Rogers. Oranrevine, visited with Arthur Haas over the weekend. Messrs Thomas and David Munn. Minto Twp, spent Wed. eveninrz at the home of Mr and Mrs Jas. Nichol- son. ‘ Mr and Mrs Arthur Eccles and Florence attended the anniversary services in Mount Forest United Church on Sunday and spent the afternoon with Mr and Mrs Norman MacMillan, Arthur Twp. Wedding Bells are ringing merrily! Mr and Mrs Glen Holliday and Joy of Pike Lake Road were guests (n Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Ellis. EGREMONT COUNCIL linhtful lunch. T] will be held on Dec. of Mrs Wm. Gordon The Ladies' Guild held a real sun- eossfut meeting on Friday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs Milford Matthews. The scripture Harlin: was given by Miss Pearl Gordan followed by the Lord‘s Pray- pr in unison. After the business period the ladies were engaged in quoting. The hostesses served a de. Congratulations to Myrtle Marshall who was successful in training the T. Eaton Prize, which was awarded at the School Pair to the pupil captur- ing most number ct points. Mr and Mrs Art Lee visited re. cmtly with Mr and Mrs Howard Ritchie, Zion. . Mrs. Queen on Sunday, and with Mr and Mrs Queen attended the an- niversary service in Trinity church, Durham. Mr Norman Gordon who spent the summer in Gait has returned home again. Mrs Robert Lewis and Mrs Chas. Lewis of near Orchard, visited with The business part of the evening, was followed by the election of of. tirers for the coming year: Patron- Rev. M. H. H. F'ar.r; Hon. Press.-- Mr. Arthur Lee; President-at. W. Christie; Vice PreB.-- J. Ferguson; Secretary - Ada Tucker; Treasurer --Art Matthews. Lunch was served. Mr and Mrs Harry Scales and tie son Larry visited on Sung-w the home of Mr D. Davis. On Sunday last Rev J. R. Thomp- son of Stratford conducted the alter noon service in St. Paul's Church, Egremont, with a. fine attendance. Rev. Thompson was a former Ree tor ot this parish and was a most welcome guest. Miss Pearl Gordon and Mrs Queen sang a pleasing du- et during the service. Hallowe'en social was held by the A.Y.P.A at the home ct Mr Milton: Matthews on Wednesday night last. with a tine attendance. A fine of a dime was the penalty for those who fame not in Hallowe'en attire. The best dressed (lady costume) was Fred Lee. The best (gentleman cos- tume) was Ada Tucker. Games and contests were indulged m. AI. LAN'S CORNERS YEOV". The next meeting '. Ist at the hump at THE DURHAM REVIEW m- at " ...now I call them every evening! HOLSTEIN MAN FINED FOR SHOOTING OUT OF SEASON Gordon Campbell, R. R. No. 2 Holstein, pleaded guilty in police court in Owen Bound on Friday morn- ing to shooting three red foxes out of season, and was fined $15 and costs, in addition to having his equipment Contiseated. The tine was paid. J. Pike, relief 81.50; R. Irvin, relief tl; B. C. Morioek, relief $14.84; G. Penton & Son, relief 310.79; Bert Dickson, relief $12.56; Dr. J. J. Bergen. medical relief 813; Alex. Nicholson, lnsp. sheep, 1 trip, 75c: M. A. Matthews. relief (wood) 85.50: Henry Cowan, sec.-treas. Egremont; Plowmen's Ass'n, grant $15; Conted/ crate Publishing Co., printing acct. $2.04; J. C. Mercer. Co. Treasurer, hospital account $35.00. Meeting adjourned to Dec. 15th at 1.00 p.m. for general business. Jae. M. Nicholson, Clerk '66 And here's 'ru-tttrs/ttti, 37W: 1mrlNhtrutestsAteh lPP‘YWWa/uf7nd " " Saucy). and placing notices 840.00; postage re tax not. lces $17.70; Robt. L. Althea. sheep claim, 1 sheep killed $11; Allan Alt. ken, inspecting sheep, 1 trip "e; W. by LONG DISTANCE Somehow you are attracted to a man who says this. In those few words he tells you much about himself and his family. He am In example by “Going " Why don't I call them up? know how much it mum L he. family, when he call- from I distant town. You, why not? Haven’t you often tstarted I letter when your thoughts went I'wnndering --made you want to talk "ther than write . . . and, then, within a minute, you heard "Dear Marr"--) own familiar voice. Wateh I child's face when he hears Daddy's voice. You Johnny.' "67ii'rA"RRrntm:;rmrezr TORONTO I”! '" l?" Come, tutol, Sheep. Brood tlows, Chunks of Pia. Ete. 809 bills for JGiilii'. Commqnity Sale HOLFTEIN Friday, Nov. l0 iMPLEMEN'rsi, ETC.: I.H.C. Cul. tivator; Blaze" fish: Cockahutt Ma. nure Spreader; iM.rr. Hay Loader: M.H. sped Drill: " hoe, with grass Seeder; M.H, Mower, 5 ft. cut: M. H. Rake. 10 it.:§M.H. Binder, 7ft: M.H. Cream Sephrmor. nearly new: 4 horse Riding Gin: Plow; 2 horso iizht Gang Plow; 2 2 Walking Flows; Sleigh. with fiat Wt; Wagon box: Gravel box: ironiHarrows. 15 ft.: Sugar kettle: quil hand Corn Citt, ter; 2 St'ufRerr'; Cutter; Buggy: Grindstrno; 2ylt,te Barrels: an Rack, fiat; Rain Waeon; 2 sets dru. ble Harnesn: I set Single Harness: Horse Blankets: P rks. Hoes, Show cls and many other rticles too num. trons to mention. l OATS: About 100 b . Urban Oats; 200 or 300 bus. Bonn: om. Bedrcom and Kitehert FURNITI'RE. Terms, Cub. ( No Reserve as the Farm is sold. ROBERT 3m. GEO. DUNCAN. Proprietor. Anal“...- GEO. B. DUNCAN, Auction." V ,___ ._... “Hum“ lne ure HORSES: storing Colt, Belgian; 2 Lodge r.0.0.r'. services were i year-old Mare; Colt; 3-year-old black (barge or Noble Grand, Thos. Whig Percheron; Ryear old gray Percher- more and Chaplain. Tttmr. Bell. 1 on; Bay 3rd one, (if not prevlons- large number were present- ly sold.) s -_.--- COWS: Blue' Cow, due Jan. 27th; 4 Cows due in', March; Spotted Cow, SCHOOL REPORTS rue Amati; ttlt Cow, calf at, s. S. No. , EGREMONT . . t. 12. $31330 C ”$3. 'l" :fungmm Grade 8: Ruth Watson (H). mm ford We” sl gar“ y Heitertc r. Marshall (H). Jack Atchison (m Calve; _ "et ' _ ng ' . Don. Campbell. Jas. Pollock, (mm. . l LOT 47, cc (One Mile Wilt otter for Wednesday, at 12.30 p.ml l A reception was held in Russell Halt on Friday night last in honrr (or Mr and Mrs Lorne McMurdo, who were recently married in Owen Sound. Around nine o'clock the Hooper orchestra accompanied by Mrs W. Hunter on piano, also bit Charlie McDonald and Will McEach- em. later on supplied music for those who cared to dance. About midnight, Rev. Mr Kaye asked the newly-weds to rope forward and ‘Miss Florence Patterson read the address. Lorne made a neat reply on behalf of himself and his wire.' Lunch was then served. Around 2 n'clork everyone retired to their homes after wishing Mr and Mrs Lorne McMurdo. good luck and the best of happiness. Miss Gretta Williams was tender-, ed a miscellaneous shower at the home of her friend, Miss Dorothy, McNaultv on Monday night when the ladies ct this Community were pres- ent, and had a pleasant evening. The bride-tc-be was presented with many useful gifts. i, I Mr. Archie Rowe". who is now in straining in Toronto. came up from i,that city with Rev. Mr and Mrs [Kaye and family. who had been 'down on a visit to Mr Kuye's broth. Ier. He returned on Monday, looking ’as if training agrees with him. Mr and Mrs Harold Atchison at Toronto spent last Sunday with their mother, Mrs Major Eccles. Miss Margaret Scott spent last week at North Bar with her niece. Mildred and is now comfortably set- tled in the village. The members of Amos Church are voting last Sunday and next to an point two Elders. Kindly bring or send in your votes next Sunday. John McLean ttnitshed threshing for the farmers east of the village last week, and Alex Eccles wilt tin. ish threshing around the church, and will be moving to the 16th a. round the last of this week. Mr Bert Adm of Picton and Mrs Frank and Murray Adams of Fair. bairn spent a few hours with Mr um! Mrs John Ecclen on Sunday Inst. Mr and Mrs Jan. Dunstan and fam- ily, Mr and Mm John Munn. attend ed service " Amos on Sunday last and spent the remainder of the day with Mr and Mrs Al. Nicholson. Auction Sale on Flik Ground; ROI nu MM PM. 3, EGREMONT, :South of Holstein) I {sale by Public Auction ‘,November 22. 1939 ‘, sharp. the following: boring Colt, Belgian; 2 Colt; 3-year-old black - _-..‘. ...-n., "nu, SAT. NOV. 9, It). 11 wagon: 2 sets mu. Grade 7: Mary Lawrence, 70; Ivan lion HOPE HHRLEY Bur-4 set Single Harness: Marsnlos. 61; Stanley Marsala. (in. - in - P rks. Hoes, Show Grade 6: Charles Pratt, 75; rrxon 6 . . Ier‘rrucles too num. Weir, 71; David Long, 63; Lloyd Mr, Some Like " Hot' Faddcn, M; Geneva Pratt 75 Grade . . ' . AND ON THE oo J, . Urban Oats: 5: Vera Mummies. 66; Velma Harm SAME PROGRAM Bonn: om. mes. 59. qnde a: Dell Chapman.‘ new: WT" itehert' FURNITI'RE. M. Grade 3A; Helen Mal-sales, 73w -un.... l, Joyce Jacques hp. Alex Tulbot " 'ne ' ' n ' .1 , the Farm is sold. In Grade , and 2: Marian Patterson) Old Bare, tuma, GEO. DUNCAN. M; Grade 2: wunce Pratt, 72;! with “m" Mm r. Auctioneer Ruth Bell. tio. Crude l: Dottatdl -'------. Brown: John Paterson; Anna Mary, 'ttttttte WON‘T! "gttt ' "m ""----- Lindsay; Wilmer n...-|-_ -- l M t,1, . Urban Oats; Mun:- Oats. when FURNITURE. the Farm is sold. GEO. DUNCAN. '. Auctioneer " hoe, with grass war, 5 ft. cut; M. M.H. Binder, 7ft: lrntor. nearly new: bin when kaiia the sentence. J--. u. uount no: est, convicted in Owen Sound actual time ago on a forgery clause, urns sentenced to six to twelve months in the Ontario Retomtory when: he pleaded guilty to a ninth: charge in Guelph police court recently. Autumn; had also been convicted‘ of forgery " Mt. Fbrect, cud his; two “rue: convlmn'" ---a can LONG 7: Ruby Watson. Edna u Grade 6: Bill-Marshall (H). ( Pollock (H). Grade 5: Alice ll (H), Edith Lindsay (H). Drum shall, Albert Webbcr Grade 4: Wopplcr, Chester Pee. Grad Irene Gortirn. Grade 2: Billie Pearl Marshall, Allan Lindsay da Marshall. Irvin Marshall; Il Weppler, l The Bowers were from brothers and sisters. Grey Lodge No. 169. l.O.().F_ and the Thca. McFadden family, Durham. These were carried by Carman and Arthur Allan, John and Murray Allan. The remains were laid to rest in Maplewcod cemetery by Oddfellows and neighbors. Robert Hughes, Robert Whitmore. Roy Mat-, theme, William Allan, James John, Mott, William Gordon. The Grey] lodge r.0.0.P. services were in; (barge of Noble Grand. Thos. Whlti more and Chaplaln. Thou. Bell. A, large number were present. f The funeral service of thy late borne Allan was held on Thursday from tho home of Mr and Mrs W. J. McFadden. Ccuntetw St. and con- duc'ed by Rev. s. w. Hinle whose subject was "Irarnortality-tt High Motive of Lite." Mr and Mrs T. Wanare visited rm Sunday with relatives in Cheeky. LATE LORNE ALLAN Mr and Mrs Wm. Marshall and ohildren visited S‘vmdav with Mr and Mrs Alb. Merriam) of Egremont. Mr and Mrs Stanley Mountain were recent visitom with Mr and Mrs Crispin of Hanover. Mr and Mrs Harry Caldwell.~ Glad " and Florence visited Sunday with relatives at Listowel. Mrs. Hubert McDourznll and Miss Mury Ford of South Bend, spent Hal- lowe'en night with Mr and Mrs Bert Mratsron. We undnrsmnd they called on other friends nearby. Visitors with Mr and Mrs Samuel Koenig on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Wm. Lem: of lament. Mrs Lem: of town and Mr and Mm Arthur Leith. z Mr Wesley stormy and family of town Ind Mr and Mrs Arthur Lei”: from Priceville vicinity visited re- cently with Mr and Mrs Andrew Marshall. Rev. Kaye expects to take charge of anniversary services at Cedarvino on Sunday. Mr James Ferguson and sister, Miss May Ferguson ot Egremom vis. ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Watson and Mr and Mrs Har- old Watson. V Mr and Mrs Melvin Hallway ot Letter Breen visited recently with Mr and Mrs Wm. Marshall. raping the benetits of the labor: of the pioneers who built them. Then more than all we have enjoyed the marvellous blessings of Salva- tton, which have come to those who will accept them, through the life and labors of Jesus. Will any one reap a blessing from our labors? Miss Dina Thcmpson is visitlm' with her sister. Mrs Allan Wise of Allan Park. 2 Wilmer ', Teacher, (H) Denotes honours R. W. Christie. , ;, 61; Stanley Marsales. (in. : Charles Pratt, 75; Dixon ; David Long. 63; Llowl Mn Arman-on; “Hugo t Mt. 'ttrest, Rttd hit MVICUon. went lain“ matte Watt III ' l night, ----- [ /tVapr back on the twet loot. REPORTS {When the Moor Dust - _ 'Th gt d t., . No. , EGREMONT ll ey u” in detrttait NO. 9, 1 -"; “an. Mary, SUNDAV “COM?! ttM, at. Mort. mer than“. I TUE... WED, NOV. 12, a, 14. lb eher, Morris, Matthew" Wither drunk event. in th, “..‘r’ life t n . . TERM FOR FORGERVI If'.? 1 Dock): klldnn nan-on: M V---‘ “ ' Grade 5: Alice Webber l GLExEu; an Lindsay, Wit. Marshall; Wesley Pollock . G rad) LAID TO REST ' Teacher Grade , Tera d den mats In RIM of said In . carried no price In ottrred thereof in John adjourned sale. "the lumen L, were the Township Egremont n m t chase the nid ads for th M? e cry due thereon, In let all pen 1. Robert t Mat notice thereof. . (nt, "r, Dated at on! this ' " tt- November, 1939. he Grey, -- - Catrina Ellis Mar. Elsie ptirt iii? -Roxv 'hhti,iii.siiirii'iL,,, Fox Papaya, ‘rue Old Barn Dance' 7.- New Paying THUR. FRID., SAT. NOV. lion Hopr: \IIIDI I “a: red/iii,", For we For the An enormous crowd The C rntion of the Township ot Emu t hereby gives notice-mar in respect c all land: situated with- in the uni Township ot Want, and which '91? "vertued for Kill“ tor taxes b the County of Grey. on the sixth dttk of November, Am., 1989, it themrice cliched for any land " the 50011104 me subw- quent to the aid Sixth any of Now ember, 1980, i less than the-mount due ttr urn-ears of Taxes. charges and (out: In new“; of said lands, or if no price is tty them! at said adjourned sale. .the Munieipaiit.v of the Township Symon! will pur- chase the and min for the amount due thereon, In let all pen-ans take l ‘non “Other danee RESPECTING LANDS IN AIREARS FOR TAXES " we don't WBttt To duct Four old TOWNSHIP OF EGREMONT An" Lieatet 3. ADDED HAPPINESS we. THE MIL", h Treasurer. sion noun must mi, I _ , " f" if: 'l,'dgfye, Much/WW When you want to treat the Children or Mother and Dad to atrip...send them by Highway Cruiser for a happy ad carefree journey was MO MAM " Calder": Drug Store, Pttone 3 tour-tttushers A - i“ M Orchestra M Duster: a thew us. Mouongox, ', Township of Ettmmont “MM” U.” “Hyman twentieth manna . NOV. I. IO, 11 SHHtLEt' with: tottrttark, Ll this 7th dayof had tuit [10R ses Wilsn: Ctte large Barn lkmed Noni: of Ham IN It vo tor H Granted Divorces at Supreme m Honored Fallen Comrades Satu: ll m Nettie antm' n "Max 'll" I "a grunt-ad, as rum: d Chu In madam from ll VOL. LXll. NU H mir CNN, ' , spand- 'l'lu m pl M IN M [anl

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