b5“? . "0th N “he his " Hot' lildare' WHAT in." 9T†'ilts. care We“ ! [aup' 19" ance’ , fun Cruiser" nestra nor. " 1939 -. A Granted Divorces Fhur divorce actions “are the principal wumituems of Thursday morning's session ot the thtpreme Court of Ontario, sittinq last week at the Grey County Ccurt House. Owen Scum]. under the Honorable Mr. Justice E. R. K. Chevrier. None or the tour were contested, and in all can: divorce was named. (We; $5.ort) loss was suite mt Fri- day evening. when tttugtes of un- known origin razed thelarxe born ot William Curtis or the 3rd Concession of Bentinek, 3 miles north of Han- uw-r. destroying the entire season's Irop and all the farm machinery that was into ed inside. With the as- sistance of neighbors, all stock with the exception of one calf was remov- ed from the flaming structure, but "hrts of a bucket brigade to stem the blaze were of no avail. The reason for the blaze remains a my‘tery. Mr Cu tis was in his house, not far from the barn, when he noticed the ttarttes, and by that time. the fire had gotten and! .1 start that nothing could be done to save the building It is thought that Partial insurance was carried on both the building and the contents. Decree nisi was granted James at the river and thus prevent a re.' Lawson Herbison of Owen Sound. petition of the recent trawedy there. irom Uliye Jun; Herbison (nee Duns-; _.'.... __. _ mocrl otllurhnm. Stewart Rose was' MISSIONARY FROM JAPAN named as cc-respondent. Herbieor.‘ SPEAKS AT KNOX wasIranted custody ot the child. Rev. J. M. Crag}: of the Theolop; w. I). Hen y. K. C. represented ical College in Japan. at present on' the plaintiit. William Robinson of furlough in Canada. spoke in Knox Derby Township Was granted di- United Chi; ch Sunday morning. to?" from Mildred Robinson. in He realized Japan was not at all pop-) which case Reuben Kirk was named ttlar at present because of waging as the cerrespcndent. The separation war against China: Japan in fact; claim of Sophia Gem!!!†ot Owen baa few friends in the world nnd not Sound against william R. Collins†United Church BeM needs more help naming Nettie.Browtt as co-reepond- and sympathy than Japan. Had out and asking $30 per month all- they a million more active 'acl',',',') my, was granted, as was the di. in that country. they could exert a; vane action ct Cha lee Morris, neek- great intittenee in Government policy' in; separation from Mary Jate Mor- tor the hette . Japan needs a 'l','lli'/ ru. and naming Daniel Leslie Pat- knowledge at Christ and a hope for! m. an the eerespoetdertt. eternal life. l as the corespcndent. The separation claim of Sophia Cellinger of Oven sound against William R. Gollinger naming Nettie.Browtt as eo-respond. on! and asking $30 per month all- molly. was gamed, as was the di. vorce action ct Cha In Martin, melt- in; separation from Mary Jute Mor- ris. nnd naming Daniel Leslie Pat- io- " the etrrespmidertt. he tlatms started on the second ttoor. large Barn Burned Norah of Hanover T. Priest presided at the organ in the absence of Miss Eva Redford, "win: to illness. and the choir sang H. w. Petrie's "Onward to Fhridt, of Glory." The church was tilled to capacity. The local militia and the veterans, led by the nano. marched to the Baptist Churrt Sunday morning, where. Rev. J. T. Priest spoke on "Confusion or Christ " basing his .cor-mon on a statement of James. "Where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil wo it." and the words of Jesus. "Seek Fe, first the Kinzdom ot God." Mrs J. About thirty of the war veterans With nineteen cf the new recruits in militia, . eceded by Durham Band paraded from the Armoury to own Han at ll a. Mt. Saturday tor the annual Remembrance Day service, it being tco chilly to hold the com- plete service at the Cenotaph. Tttr hall was soul filled with citizens. Mayor lull presidin'z. Rev. H. W. llirtle led in prayer, alte.‘ a two minute silence had been observed. Rev. M. H. Farr read the scripture. and Rev. w. H. Smith gave the ad; dress: a timely Ind thoughtful mes. rate tor such an occasion. , The closing part of the service was held at the ccnotnph, the ladies at the l.0.l).E. ma china with the band, veterans and militia back from the hall. Wreaths were deposited from the Red Cross Soci "ty by Mrs David Jamlescn: from the I.O.D.E. by Miss Calder, re-I rent: from the veterans. by Mrs C. If. wow.. and the P ovince of On- tario by Mrs Davin. Comrade Art. McGowan read the roll at lalIen . comrades. Comrade, G. R. PaMeld _ voundnl the Last Pratt, and Rev. It." Honeyman closed with tho benediv- l lion. l Honored Fallen ï¬Prizes Presented to To Reorganize Connie: Saturday Home 99'. Winners . for Int. Hockey VOL. LXII, NO. " closing part of the service rid at the canotaph, the ot the l.0.l).E. ma chin): . bund, veterans and militia at Supreme Conn he hall. Wreaths were rm the Red Cross Soci David Jamiescn; from B. by Miss Calder, rp- Ito veterans. by Mrs C, the war veterans he new recruits in by Durham Band, Armoury to Own Saturday tor the 'nteriepersed between tho addressee pml views. Wait instrumental musir by the Edge brothers, Scotch son: by Danny Edge, and music by the Juni. or Farmers' orchestra. eomprisinq David Allen. Allie McGi r and Allis. ter Aline All taking part in tho evening's program ware members ot the Agrlruttetal Society. cr lue Junior Farmers. Is a rreNt discovrxy. May antiqu- ate present refV.'ing processes. Will give Motorists a new kind of £8801- ine at no extra cost. Sunniduk township clerk was in strut-ted to write the Department having control ot Wasatra Beach, re- questing them to erect a prcteetion at the river and thus prevent a rp. petition of the recent traTedy there. --'_ "u. '-'"9.0g" will. e ot Agriculture had given them a tre. i mendcus umcunt of support in their a ante-st, and he congratulated the:' ", local Society on their successful lo-I _ cal contest. Mr Eagle in expressing ‘. thanks, stated they had found more pleasue in having a better home;i t and grcumls. and also valued appre-y y ciative remarks by the neighbors. I _' Previous to this presentation, all . the other 'sinners, in Durham Ag. Society contest each were presently] with thet. award by Rev. M. H. _ Parr. one of the Icttal directors. . I l Also present was Mr McDonald of v'he Wawanesa Fire Insurance Co, He stated that the contests was a _ brnetit to all taking part, and -helpg ed to keep young pecple on the (arm _ His Company also awarded prizes, 1 judgin': all 47 fi st prize winners in a other contest. as to safety of risk,f' from a fire hazard standpoint. Every; fire loss. he said. is a waste and an} expense to others. Fire prevention 1 was most important. then fire "ht-, int, then fire Insurance. The lnspecv tor of the Fi e Marshal's Dept. didI their judging. awarding 10 prizes, and there was only 10 points dif- I Yerence between the 1st and 10th l prize winner. In this Wawanesa con- u test, Mr Bogle was awarded second a place in province. Calling bcth Mr. ', q and Mrs Bottle to the front, M ' Mc. (1 Donald presented to Mrs Bogle, their l 2nd cash prize of $50. is President John C. Hamilton, who h presided during the eiening. called a Mr. James Mather forward. and ore-l sented to him the diploma awarded a annually by the t)t.ta fo Fall Fairs n At,sceiation to the local worker, M whom the Directors select, as haw h rendered devoted service to the Soci tc ety in past wars. Mr Mather expres- a sed his appreciation. urged all to h compete at fai s and accept he h judge's decision cheerfllny- ' Rev. W. H. Smith was also out IN] on, and gave a number of up preciatiw and spicy mmarks. A (hicks n summ- was served at the close to about fifty attests. Nu Blue Sup-loco (ifjltt xiitilartit,m Kennels. stated the Ontario Dept Jour, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tent A quiet wedding was solemnized ally ill a few days only. Me nas "L at tht, lemon, lLl‘chester, Out, at made his hcme with Mr and Mrs tion high noon, Saturday, Nov. 11th, blewaton since tho death of his wifo re. Rt". Beverley Farr, when John sixteen years ago. Pre. more? Henry Schutz of Durham! Deceased was born on the old y'L.1 or Mr. and Mrs. John vchutz,iFauaise homestead near the town- jcined hea' t and hand with Misstsmp hall, Glenelg, in October 1860, 60X Clara Marie Grablll of Waikerton/and has lived most ot his lite in my daughter of Mrs Grabill and the lateiGlenelg. He was married to Mary , O.", Arthur Grablll. Mr and Mrs Stewarti McGillivray about tltty years "o, inc); Cutttbertson tnee Esthe- McCombl after which they resided on the ing. ct Toronto were the witnesses. Fol-13rd concession N.D.R. Glenelg and po:u lowing the ceremony, the happydater moved into Durham on Gara- King couple, with the Cuthberttrontt and fraxa St. tsouth, They were hire factiFarrs, motored to Geo. Hahn's atEOnly a few months when Mrs Pat. I noiTitsrorttrurx, where they penook cf lain died, and he returned to the help the wedding dinner. Returning, they farm. One toter, M" Elisabeth Hadlvlelted Lcndon friends end Mr and Boak, of Schomberg. Bureleegg. 'ansl Mrs Mack Graham In 's/iid',',','.') The funeral took place on Honday t “The young couple have taken up‘afternoon . from the Boston home, mes) tesldence in the Patterson resoenei.ie'dueurd by " pastor, Ree. J. T. 'tterin" ot Noble's service "auon.tie" ot GtenetR Centre Baptist mica behalf of Durham friends, the Chttreh. Mm Primst "we the Bolo ,Review extends congratulations. (That Beautiful Uttd." Interment . __AA_ “AAA 1.. n.._‘_,._ '-_-A__- His address dealt mainly with his travels, in which he and his wife had. conduoted an investigation into what various, countries were doing for the physically disabled within than borders. They had spent a ransidrrable time Ir Germany. and he related many interesting experi- mces and opinions formed by hi, travels abroad. make his feet and mouth do th"' Work of the missing member", ami, has been able to acquire a t1ne Call-F cation and graduate in law. He isl a graduate ot the University of AL; berta. Using his toes like fingers,! he is able to teed himself, wash," shave and otherwise take care ot, himself. Equally outstanding is thei spirit optimism and ehe.errulnesst, that has driven him past failure and physical dimeulty, and has made, possible tho success which he has achieved. . l Born “thou: either hands arms, the speaker has learned malt? his feet and mouth do Work of the missing member", Sponsored by the Tuxis and Trail Ranger boys' groups, William R. Watson of Toronto, armless author and lecturer, spoke eloquently to an almost tilled house in Knox Church Tuesday evening. His life has been devoted to helping those crippled like himself, and his travels in search of iniormution have taken him all over Canada Great Britain. and most of Europe. Armless Man Tuesday. With a larger attendance this term, the bus bringing in six. teen pupils from north of town; al n the newly equipped courses in shop work and domestic science now being taught. the Board were forced to secure the new mama; to main- tain the eiliciency. and high stand- ard of the school. Dumam High School Board have engaged Miss E. Brilllnger B. A. ot Arum on the local stall, increasing it to tive, sri, commenced duties on Stl, Teacher Added. to High School Staff Durham Rotary Club at their meeting Tuesday night, donated a walnut chest to the hockey club to aid in ftnaneintr. Tickets will be,! sold for it. _ l SCHUTz- GRABiLL NUPTIALS A meeting of Durham hockey en. lhusiasts is called this Thursday waning. Nov. lath at g p.m. in Kress's store, to reorganize tor an int. B. team in 0.H.A. hockey this winter. All players and fans are urg. "d to attend. a" With last winter's team intact, and North Dean, .and Hugh Cassidy back to town, pro spews are bright tor a winner. Howl (ver there is likely tpre formidable rppcs;tion, " Walkerton is said to have good hey mate in] to add to their lineup. Hanover is expected to enter and Owen Sound will probably enter an Int. B. team, as well as Int. A. l WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE gyy [Stirring Talk DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER " Ot' to 1 WILLIAM H. FALLAISE I After being in ill health the past flour or tive years', William Henry anllaise died on Saturday morning ‘at the home of his niece, Mrs Arch. EM. Beatcn of Glenelg, being critic. 'ally ill a few days only. He has ymade his heme with Mr and Mrs 'lric'aton since the death of his wife ‘sixteen years ago. 3 The Eckardt Bros., Swiss bell rin- gers. and troupe, played to a packed house Monday nizht here. Some 40 or 50 were tu rnozl away. Their belt imusic, argan chimes and that on glasses and bettles was splendidly ‘xnrln‘mod. With motion pictures and vaudeville, they provided a most en- tertainlng program. Mr. Eckatult 'says that Review advertising pays. ' The funeral tack place on Monday afternoon, from the Benton home. it"‘ducmd by MI pumr, Ret J. T. IPriest ot Glenelx Centre Baptist Church. Mrs Priest an: the solo {What Beautiful Land." Interment swan made in Durham Cemetery. Mrs David Caddie and infant son of Preston, were weekend guests with her mother, Mrs P. Hepburn. Miss Doris Dyer of Lisrtowe), tlaughter ot Mrs Dyer of town, un- demon! a successful operat'on for appendietomv in Listcwel hospital on Wednesday. Mrs W. Thrmpson entertained the members of the T.0.G. Club for their monthly study meeting. Pte M. H. Bailey of Perth regi- mrm. Stratford was back to town over weekend. Monday, he moved his wife and son, and household effects to Stratford, where he has rented n home. Mrs William Voliet was walled to Toronto to visit her sister who is seriously ill. Mrs A. C. McMurray returned last week trom Timmins, whee she spent a month visiting her daughter Mrs Hanna Hawk)ns,also her son. Pte. J. B. McMurmy of the Toronto Secttfsh Regiment in Toronto. Mrs D. B. Jamieson entertained yt noon luncheon'. in honor of Man IM. Harris of Hamilton and Mrs Dar- iid Jamieson M. an Haemoon bridge in her honor. Tho prize winner at 'bridwe was Mrs A. W. H. Lauder. I Rev. W. J. M. Cross, missionary on furlough from Japan. was the 1ttvest of Rev. and Mrs 8mm ttt Knox manse over the weekend. Miss Isabel Jamieson spent lam week end at St. Paul's recto y. in Princeton, visiting With Rev. Carman J. and Mrs. Queen. Mrs Thos. Young Who has been with her daughter, Mr: Roy Rawn, Mono Mills. is visiting this week with Mrs Robert Milne. Miss Elsie Hunter left Monday to take a position in the omee of The Dominion Natural Gas Co., in Galt, and will also have charge of demon- stration work in that city, Hespeler and Preston. Mr and Mrs W. B. Patterson at. tended the funeral service of the late F. W. Mlllhouse in Chealey. Mr and Mrs J. B. Ready, London. were weekend visltcm with M' s Ready'a parents, Mayor Bell and Mrs Bell. Miss Ellen Priest of Toronto, Is visiting her brother " the Baptist parsonage . Mr and Mrs Richard McCabe and family of Hamilton and M. and Mrs G. Flewellyn ot Toronto visited their parents. Mr and Mrs A. lie. Cabe. r I. John McGin is Mr Hector MacDonald of Roean. ville, Sank†is expected to arrive here Wednesday on a visit to Mis brother, Mr A. C. MaeDonaid, Mu. kck, who is recuperating at home lrcm a heart attack. OBITUARY HOLSTIIN LEADER 1eattgEtSerc,ttro, . Lady Grey Rebekah 1eiatc.ttr.e hostesses at an enjoyable pron,I esrteive ruehre m their lodge looms Tuesday evening, 23 tables being in play. To- tal scores counted, some sensational rules for the count were decreed,, and everyone was a pruewutrter/ During the evening Rev. M. H. Farr," auctioned off the quilt recently won) by Mt J. H. MoQuarrie, which he! had donated to the Red .Cross SON-i ety. Mrs. P. Gagnnn, Red Cross) treasurer. purchased it for $5.00 and was advised to see that the truism-er1 rreeived payment therefor 1 Lunch: was served at the close, everyone! letting a piece of the bi thday cake} baked by Mrs W. Firth. and iced byl Thos. Henderson, to celebrate the ninth birthday of the Lodze. l Bureau; John Mme: and Carl Knech- tel, Hanover; W. J. Dowkes, Owen Sound and T. I. iCooper. The slow an is "Make Beautiful Grey County more Beautiful." The special ape-ulnar of the after. noon was John P. Clark, provincial lecturer in Home Improvement and Beautification for the Gov't. of Ott. tario, Toronto; othcr speakers were Mo. B. Folster. Horticultural Mel. ety Director tor Grey, Bruce and Huron Countiesbho presided; Miss A. C. Maephait,,' F. R.oL'ver, Mrs A. B. Samells. pres. of Bruce Co. At an ouganization wetting Tues-I I day afternoon at Dept. cf Agricul-’ ture office in Markdale. both rural] and urban repr'e3pituitives met and. formed a society to sponsor home] beautification throughout Grey Coun" ty. Grey is 1the sixth Ontario Countyl to organize, Bruce being just ahead of us. John McGirr. reevo of Glenelg and chairman ot the Reforestation Com. of Grey County Council. was unanimously elected president orthel new organization, to be called 1 “Grey County Home ne)';-',';)':,')", l!urouu:" Other oilicern are: Hon. i Presidents-Miss, A. C. 'irii'i'i.ji' M. P. and Farauhat- Oliver M.L.A.: l Int vice-pres. -Mru Hugh Bailey. . llundnlk: 2nd vice-Mrs R. Free- , nan, Vandeleur: set"rtretus.--T. S. t Cooper, Markdale: Ehteetttive-- Wal. t ter Harris, Murkdaje. Carl Knechtel ' Hanover; E'. McCuteheon. Ware, C ham; W. J. Dowkes. G. S. airlf, itter, J. J. Wilson, all of Owen" Sound. 'l .Of New Grey County Home Beautification Bureau L. 1939 first President The oihtial opening of Tara's ttew post cmoe will take place on Wed. nosday, 22nd November. when some government dignitaries will elm-into. Chealey has lost one of their bmet business executive! in the death last week of P. W. Millhousn. at (25 years of age. Miss Mtine in a Eradunte of tho local hospital. and has had Ravel-a! years experienced in private nurs- ing, as well as In hospital. She Is a former Benllnck wsident and In welt and favorably known throughout tho community. waded her to remain in charm: um'l end of 1939. . have a change in management, commencing with the New Year, when Miss Catherine Milne R. N.. of the present stall, has been Helm-t ed to succeed Miss C. Pettrss In matron. Miss Feats has been matron since the founding of the Howitui some 17 years ago and has made it one or the most atheism and best managed small hrspitnls in the pro- vince. Wishing to retire. she resign- e'd‘a rettr no. but the Board pot" Miss f. like to be New Matron of Hospital l T'taweiling in a HIP?!) Dcdge card --l- :stolen in Kitchener. three bandits: ,lly1'"t1.l.'u.t"'"' 80 ll Cttritu:nus [are " large in this corner of the Concert wilt be INN l Town Hall, _ province. This Wednesday ttfttt Irurhtutt, Wtdueruiay rt'"!"" '.'.oth, ;noon. they held up a man in Luck'atlemoon and “mm†l V a w: . r _ -------.-- I',',',",.',?,. it: 'tlei'::.':,',',,.:',',"",',:", 'it': mm " loc TEA: The Pitt, guy'wim 5 “I. of “as and am“ Karina udlxmu ml hold their , . . Inner and l tea Saturday urn-l " gun.“ Varney mm. tPttitiL2, November' am In basemenl n3 Ithere, they asked for the gall: Miss Aid Library N, In: McKelvle, sister at Mrs Wolfe; ' . at More. supplied them with ""l -- iii, dropped the tatditttor cw. ste/ttPt-moe nee the Toll Bran. went luck to More [or n "shtutttt ,TnW'CKW on Pn'. 2tsttt tmder the ft took for n, and get some riear,'tuttoiets or Knox 'Fomen's Assocm has naked for. then In holding outltion. Pnlxicularn Iner- (her [and for the cash, one of [MI -_- trio pointed ll mvolver It her, onler- The Alum-l t,'2'itol: the Durham ing her away, tvttile they trtetsped Farmers' CoA9petattix Co. Ltd. wm or. the Jtree and sped up the MK... be held In ttto Hahn House, Durham. way. Crumble Soon spied the ban-ion Saturday, Nov. “a at t p. ttt. dltl' car here about R.80 p.ln. blll‘A" Btttuehotdr-rr4 'tttd Patton. “r" when he went to get his own car,'tusked to make H “INT-M ettort ttt bo to give chase, he lost truck or their present. Iallllzht. and they disappeared near Jos. Crutehtey, Murray Wells, Faith‘s “map. No trace of them Ptmrident Bec'y Tteats. mum since be found. ftottte true. -.----- \ lnl'y job ls probably their m‘sslnn. I Not jun ar%ther new Gal-line hm Durham Red Cross Hospital will ' Collingwood Prvshnvxunn haw o Bandits at large: ( PHf guts Here Wed. Night ci,rrl,h, MW - " 82.00 1 year In advance sum. 82.50 I your In uvuce. Peter Rana l '28 Ford Truck. Ita ton capacity 1 '29 Chev. Sedan, in good condition: 1 Disc mow, 2 mrrow 2 Crown Gang Flows 1 steel wheel Wagon 3 Colts, rising 4 years 2 Colts. rising 3 years , Colts. rising 2 Mars 3 older Work Hun-ms DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, PM. Phone 140 DURHAM. ONT. A successful rmkimJo nodal under the answers tt Burns church Ladivx Aid Society was bold In Aberdeen schoofhouse on Friday awning, Nos. 10m. Nine tabies “we in play. than when were “on by Mrs Hugh Mc- Donald and Mr Cliftod Rowttotutu. The lucky ticket for the quilt donated by In D. C. leKechnso was new by Miss Mary MurAtttarrie. Beamin- menu were trorvrd at the elm. _ tended an unanimous call to Rev. l G. Boyd of Bank me Marie, to In come their pat-tor. Not jun a her new Cancun, bu! anew miraclu tt gasoline chemistry '--Ntrmue Sun . Made masthlv by a remarkable- ne pram-8s [but um: Hailed try the . I of the We Cd: Sold by Smith llrol 'rs. _ The Annunl Meal R or the Durham Pamem' 'l,'L',t,2"is, Co. Ltd. will be held In ttto Hahn House, Durham. on Saturday, Nov. It, It , p. m. All nhu‘eholdrrr: and “(than urc- asked to make n syn-cm “on to bo prom“. Jon. Crutehtey, Murray Wells, Proudem Beci Tat-us. 'rt"'mr-mauNo new the Toll nms. Travelogue on Nov. 2tsttt under the auspices or Knox‘Wonwn's Assocm tion. Pardcularn Inâ€. BAZAAR " 10: TEA: The Pitt, Karina Lad! ' Aid will hold their lunar elrrt,.', Saturday arm noon, I"','.'.'.'..'."..'.','"")" In baseman! hi Public Library. I parish In" FOR SALE F"'"".', [It'll \Anrli\mm e ’ubliv 80 II I be hold I lurda)‘, [Wt Him \Anrgioan bazaar a: the â€"‘