West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Nov 1939, p. 8

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i3 i! I mama-mm)..- mmnnmmvmq cum-m “mu-mu: taunt-Aunt .Oh‘dudpul will respond to green. or to green and red light, And put over the lens a liter which does not let through the ultra-violet, violet and blue. The green or green and red light from the clouds will than elect the Mm, while practically no light from the "r will get through to it. and in the ihtished print. the clouds will appear whiter than the shy. Some Mm ls sensitive 'to I light only but 'tttter-sensitive Mind-announ- . “WWW “mun-hem ummmwnm ummmmam This then. magenta a way to elec- uvely show clouds and sky in a sup-hot. wt must use tt am which Although clouds and blue sky are both rich in nun-violet. violet and blue. than ll a marked dittereum, between the two. The lights from tho clouds, being white, actually contain, however, a lot of green and M light, while that from the bluo‘ any does not. a all about the 'ileecy white clouds, which add so much to the attrac- tiveness and beauty oth snapshot. The average Amateur will put forth great etrort to secure sharpness. entrust and good composition in his ground subject and then coin-‘ pletely overlook the possibilities of beautiful cloud elects. One tling that rcslly adds to the interest in s landscape picture is clouds. Suppose we are taking such n picture and use I Blrn which re- sponds only to ultrs-violet. violet. and blue light. We should not be able to distinguish between the clouds and sky it we give enough exposure to show detail in the land scspe. This is because the light from the blue sky and the white clouds i very rich in light rays to 'di'llllh'e, llm responds. Cloud. add much to the Many a! ttte sky. I tth any to do. ct'sht,il,iii,a,5Ji,", COIL that .too often we forgot Hikers Take The Sky Line Trail . 2.5M: Igtt'tt,t' ' Ton-0'" “an." GTii iii - 1“ mm at [III ”and. tttKiaiiiir,- '33:; Mum-momma. and”, up!“ “on. m 1tte*r-tiraborettsetimtsF. 1'td."2t,'r2'gartae; ”not: H 3,"... ii'iiiii;r,riitthi!ti'li'1?st) 1tfer?ytee-iiaii"itTr' lining. ‘causo the sky is photographed through the yellow part while the landscape, or general subject ls photographed through the lower half, which is not colored. Yes, you con even get clouds with a silver lt you do not want to seriously consider iiiter "taetora" there is s Blter known " a Sky Filter used extensively by amateurs to photo- graph clouds in a landscape with no increase in exposure time. Halt of this tttter is yellow and the other hall clear. This tilter can be used without increasing the exposure be. ( As you will no doubt aur'mise. there are various types of tiltem and each type baa its limitations. In choosing a. filter you must make your own decision based on your general requirements. The deeper the yellow color in the filter the more vlolet and blue It removes, or "holds back”. The greater the "metor" the more the exposure must be increased. From time to time you have per- hnpe henrd of "tilter factors”. Here's what it menus. Since the Alter cuts out some of the light which would otherwise meet the ttim, n longer exposure must be given. The amount 3b] which the exposure must he in. creased in known he the "metor" of the tuter. It is noted by the number of times the exposure must be in. creased when using n color tttter, " compared with the exposure with- out one. (no: and red light. All these tttma will. therefore. show up the cloud: unjust the II! it and with I yel- low an". a chromatic In? 717ml mpond to both '. would. than In - picture. JOHN VAN GUILDER in": trat can in we). “my, the Skyline Tull num- ot tho Calu- ttian 1toeM- will and their Mn. etat 1W “the h leisurely Mxmta throw: um ”rue-um: tyur-ttne nation at the Room. St the do.” mu”, witt tamuar Imut or sunrise, for cum not. to “to but homo ll trophies. and for lab. where tho‘mut up my: With . cen- sang a duet which was enjoyed by ‘nll. MI s Bert Hunter read from the (study book “Moving millions” on In. idia." Blanche Reid read the prayer ,from the Glad Tidings and Mrs Chris [tie read a chapter from 'the Lite ct ‘Dr. Gcforth. Mrs Mather and Ms (Wm. Homburg of the Mission Band ‘led in prayer. At the close of the meeting, the hostess and her asttsiavl ichurch met on Tuesday Nov. 14th at {the home ot Mrs N. Horsbluz, with a good attendance. Tthe president, ‘Mrs Geo. Aitken mended. Misses ,Mahel Love and Myrtle Horshuro i ml ueo. E :Was a recent chhn Wilson. ,' Mr S. Robb .ent visiting hi; I The W.M.ty i'church met on {the home ot h Mr S. Robb of Tqronto is at pres- ent visiting his sister, M' a J. Wilson The W.M.ty. of the Presbyterian church met on Tuesday Nov. 14th at was a recent guest of Mr and Mrs John Wilson. ; The Women's institute will meet on Thu sday evening, Nov. 16. After the business period. the men will take ishartre of the program: Rev. R. Mercer, convener. Everyone Welcome This meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Fenton. Guests with Mrs Geo. Aitken on Saturday were Messrs Eme son and Alex. Milne sud Miss Kathleen Robb ot Toronto. Mt Geo. Ealnm nf Mon-M a“--. ”we: aietiiiiU, "a" Mrs Ben and son of Mount Forest visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Treieaven over the week end. Miss AuanGuire spent the week end visiting friends in Gananoqne and Toronto. and an: Jno Lem: over the weekend Mr and Mrs. Alex. McMillan of Dundalk. visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs C. McMillan on Sunday and attended service in the Presbyterian church. M. and Mrs James King, Mr. and Mrs John Park and Miss Hazel Leith of Toronto. visited their parents. Mr and Mrs Jno Lelth over the weekend Mrs. Christie and Mrs. W. Aitken spent the weekend In Toronto, Mrs. (bristle visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chalmers and Mrs Aitken, her dap. ghter Marie. I Mr and Mn R. Treleaven went the wreck end in Toronto, visiting with "heir son Jog nnd his wife. Lorne Moore visited his parents at Palmerston on Sunday. Mrs T. J. Reid returned home on Saturday after spending: a week vis- tting he niece, Mrs T. Ellis and nephew Mr Thos. Reid. Miss Ruby Kerr of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Belt spent the week end , mothe ', In. Drumm H_u_Lsn-:m LEADER Eakett of Mount Forest . Belay of Hamilton, end with the latter's Myrtle Horsburg THE DURHAM REVIEW _----......3 "a waveners of commit- tees which wire Ippolnted: Buying Cam. in W. Althea; Cutting-atm R. Trelenvenf Yarn--agm. Christie: Ptusttintr-.ag, McGuire: Ttttrtreetton-, In Mereer angl In T. J. Reid: Au-l _ Mrs T. J. Reid is spending a few days with Mr nd Mrs Thos. Ellis. Mr Charlie CL',',,'), and Mr. B. McCallum of Alisa Craig, spent Sun- day with the Aberdein family. Mr Vincent Ellis of Guelph and his iliend, Mr Ewen Eddy of Brantford spent the wee nd with the farmer's parents. Dr. at Mrs Ellis. Mr w. Cannon visited " parents ‘; Mr and Mrs Tittin and daughter El- 1va and Mrs Armstrong of Toronto, 'were recent guésts with Miss J, Mor. ! rlaon. lp ' Mr and Mrs Morlock and family} iwere recent v6tors with Mr. and ‘Mrs James Peart ct Travermnn l “The W.M.S. of the Uni: met at the home ot Mrs R QTuesday, Nov. T, with ago ance. Miss E/M. Stevens, ‘was in charge of the meeti business pejod. Mrs W. At from the study book, "Mt liens, and the untouchables McGutre read a story an In call was answered by a tt story. Lunch was served ‘ Sim and Mrs. Hunter, and time was spent.~ Mr W', J. Pike is moving to the house which tie recently purchased on Main St. It was formerly arou- pied by Sandy McKenzie who has moved to Mount Forest. 1 I Mr James Melpnis and Mr R. Nie. jholaon: gm spending a tew days with {the later-’3 da Mer, M s. James Dunstan, near Itndalk. The Sacrament of tt per was dispensed m Church on Nov. 5th. uunston, near Dhndalk. Mr N. McGuire is in the district of Trout Creek with Mr W. Haulty and others from Kitchener on a hunting expedition. Success to you hunters! The Sacrament of the Lo.d's Sup-1 per was dispensed in the United; Mr. Robt. Sim has sold his Me farm to Mr. Geo. Aitken. Mrs Wm. Brown spent the first of the week .vismng her sister. Mrs. Clark, in Durham. Misses Anna and Wilena Beer and friend of Mitchell, spent a day re- cently at John Stevenson's. Mrs Snively, Mrs Allan Aitken, Mr and Mrs R. Aitken Sr., Mrs Hastie. M s D. Allan and Miss Vera, attend; ‘ed the funeral of their cousin, the, late Lorne Allan in Durham Thursday', Mrs Geo. Aitken spent a few days in Mount Forest. visiting her parents Mr and Mrs George Eakett. Mr and Mns Nuttail of Tavistock, have been visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr and Mrs John Wilson. Mr and Mrs R. Treleaven, Mr and Mrs N. Treleaven, and Lorne Moore spent.Sunda.y at Palmerston with friends and attended the anniversary in the United Church. Mrs R. Tre, ieaven remained over for the fowl supper on Monday night. Miss E. M. Stevenson spent a week with her sisters. Mrs P. Mutch and Mrs. Drlmnu'e. . (intended tor last week) Mrs Bruce Snively spent a week with her {other and mother, Mr and ,Mrs John Main ot Waterford. Mrs Main is recovering from an over» tion on her eye which has been suc- casein! and is slowly gaining strength We wish for her a speedy recovery/ Mr Leroy Hayiock of Norwich who: has been spending holidays with his churn, Bill Shiveiy, is lemming home! on Friday. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs David Allan on Saurday. Nov. 4th, 'tren Rev. Wal- lace Johnston united in marriage Inez Irene, elder daughter ot M' tr. Allan and the late David Allan, and Rar. mond Cecil Finder, son of Mrs. Pin: der and the late W. Finder. The happy couple left on the three te..) train for a ahort honeymoon to Tor-l onto and other points. Cone Muh- lions . attended the "new: Isms wu up over the week end from Guelph Collm. vult- ing In: mu. -.... - UL MPH IS. tom on l Nov. T, with agood attend. Miss E.:M. Stevenson, pres., charge of the meeting. After F v “a m‘ __. -b, "A home ot Mrs R. Sim other points. Cong Mina»! untouchables". Mrs. a story on India. Roll area by a missionary was served by Mrs. or the meeting. Atter'.at 12.30 I l, Mrs W. Adams read, HORSES tion " regards committees. The :, “Moving mu United Church a social l trons to Lula-"son. l Mr Jig. Hem; has been lsliatll lawn with the t me"! Any membe: and] who has not yet Mm has Sunday New trl The More suc- “I-.. .n. L‘ij ALA {year-old . l Percheron; on; Bay ly sold.) COWS: 4 chs du due Aug, 6 foot; Spot“ Wednes LOT 4Z (One I Will otter) Mr Houard Keith aim-It days in Drayton the first week. TORONTO I Mr John McLean with his traeto. plowed sod for Messrs Clarence Moore, Wm. Moore and David Hoop- er the ttrat of the week. Mm say: he has , barns to thrash yet. Mr and Mrs Wm. Moore spent Armistice Day in B ampton. Mr Major Boole; is visiting in, Toronto this week. l Mr Arthur Lawrence who under- went an operation in Toronto is do- lug nicely and expects to arrive home this week. If you care to curb you If not, o, K. MU: me. You seem to be quite bothered,- But do not feel too blue: Por if you can live without us We will try to live without you. Ou'! doors will still be open, And you will welcome be. our doors are always open I To they who care to come: But those who do not wish to, ICan gladly May at home. liii" thought it quite an honor To give you the “Flow Dusters' name, As 'twas at Toronto Exhibition Mt. Forest Floor Dusters won fume. The weather was inclement: The rain came pouring down, Which made the Mor seem dirty I To those who came from town.. l .9131: to hold their annual 80cm Ev. ,ernirts on may. Dec. In In Rune" pun. Don't forget the due or the I(went. Look to: fuller announce. lment next week. Mr he. Hendeyson of Mt. Forest he: been assisting Mr Norman Bun. anon with the I!" work last week. Any member of Amos Church who has not yet voted for two elders has Sunday November 19th to .vote. The Drornore, Women's Intstitttte; Alex Ecclea- and Co. tlnitshed thl ashlng on this line on Friday and now on the 16th. He has about a dozen being to do yet to do before he will through for this season. A presentation will be held by the people went ot‘the 5th sidemad and down the 2nd to Holstein on Tues. day light: at Mr and Mrs Stanley Wlllluns' in honor of the newly; weds, Mr and Mrs Gordon Render-Q on Sunday. unwell Kaye and Clar- ence Walker motored down with Mr Kaye. Mr 1nd I! Wilfred and Mutt Flor-bile? Rinmck spent last Sunday with Mr and In James Bun. ston near Dundalk. The Rev. Hence Kaye preached anniversary services at Grand Valley received. Further be given later. NORTH EGREMONT Mr 'try, November 22, I939 CON. 3, EGREMONT, lilo South of Holstein) fcr sale by Public Auction 3lue Ire Colt; 3-year-old black 5~year old gray Percher- 'd Home, (it not previona- lue Cow, due Jan. 27th; jedouly. in March; Spotted Cow,, Menu: Brindle Cow, calf at e i l testy. l Cow, due Sept. 12. , TTLE: R yearling Here, Some t 3 yearling Heifers; ' ttttttatntr. l., sharp, the following Spring Colt, Belgian; " to curb Four temper DROMORE a few of the I Mr Chris Smith who spent the hummer in Woodstock is visiting Juith Mr and Mrs Pete Cornish. , Mrs Lloyd Crane and young dough Her visited over the weekend with :her mother Mrs Wm. Dickson. weaker. i Mr and Mrs "a" Monday with 'Nelson. . "tiin--aotne bean quit-e Indispoud. Mrs Charlie Lewis spent I day: [at week with friqnd Guelph. Mean people nu oaitw " Expect most. M Mr and Mrs Holllday of Letter Breen visited Sunday with Mr 1nd Mrs Robert Carmount. Apt verse criticism A number from here “tended the Memo in! Service on Sunday after- noon " Holstein. Trtchten can't face n and! on. 'l'ucke t A euchre party Wu given with special prizes for the winners. Some of the youth and beauty of this vicinity attended the reception held at Mr smiley Williams“ for Mr and Mrs Gordon Henderson. l On Thursday evening the A. Y. P. A. met " the home of Mr mos Mrs Muck was the guest of In Philip Lawrence of Durham during the last week. Mrs T. B. Tucker spent 1 few days recently In Durham with her mother, M a AWe who is In poor health. Mr and Mrs Harry Belle- of Dur. ham visited the parental home on Sundny Int. Rev. J. Morris ot Woodstock " guest speaker. Royaltlde Institute Insets at the home of In W. J. Allan on Friday afternoon of this week. Mm J. C. Queen in spending a few days at the home of Rev. and Mrs C. J. Queen of Princeton ""r will attend the 72nd nnnlvernry of‘ St. Paul's Church in P lnceton. with! work In the North and of valuable uneven to the "scene". Ven. Amhduoon d. B, lure): at the Diocese of the Arctic was the guest spenkq: in St. Pnul'l Church at Egremont on Sunday Int. Hits " 'tz, FIRESIDE PHILQSOPHER' Sevenl from here attended the Armistice Service at the Cenotaph on Sunday in Holstein. Mr Walden. teacher at B. s. No. IO, spent tyne week end " his home tn Wroxeter. Mary accompanied by Mr R. A. Nicholson, Holstein spent Sunday vitrittrrt relatives In Minto Twp. dance and Box 92ml In Yoovll Hm on Nov. 24th in lid of Red Crow, work. For particulars lee posters.‘ Congratuttttiom' to Mr cud Mrs; Gordon Hendenon (nee Mitts Gretta; William) who were married last Wednesday. ‘ B. B. No. ' are planning to hold A folk tind napping“ h boll. ALLAN'S CORNERS By ALFRED macs words ulwuyu hurt me 149MB spent a few week with friends In Jack Nelson spent Mr and Mo, Wm. often In - Alex Nicholson and j It: rounds a w --'- - Yeovll Ham eluded their l {Bed Crcnsldw durum. "4 mun, out of the w 'The thnaard ot oe let r-.-, Inna. - "" we. on mtetdet m brim tat ('0: - Wet. .uNDAY moans tttn, a... Mom. TUEO, WEE, NOV. to, an, 21. 22 One“. “at... Wee. Nov. 2:, 4.15 [level In ”mutter and drum? Thrill to the my. the eurmtar,.e,ae My! M van-- -.-, suuoay _M_ -'rt ....., ‘Frontior Pony Esore.c Preston Fug..- THUR, Fm., SAT , f Rah- Rah! Rah: Rockwell Sate prison con-men become -... when... "1'". '10; mm 3mm“. NOLSTEIN Fr my. Dec. lst During the put year, I tail of $161,896 was spent by the Clnadian Red Cum In net-vices to veterans of the Great War. The fund: war-- spent for lam-ace In can or in. men. nnd for the mow-Iona of ap- pliances such " ”new. dentures. latter mo Icahn; in community singing. A valence“! phy, “Ask In: her father," wt: given by a on“ or Ave: Glance and Gladys Call}. well, lin- H. Cultural], lira Jame.- I-on and In Stanley Mountain. I Over 250 {imaged the We: mow ‘tnnn (our mum at Vanity hall Int may to enjoy a g and to“: upper, held by the Women‘s ML. union of Vnmy am. For the m Wu. In ttte chm-ch. an pastor In. R. Mercer unaided. will wen given by. Ila Helen Heard and In Wanna: Adm, Huston; unlo- wo e can: I,,utettoes guns! Henry kick of Clit, gram, out., driver of the car into which the mun car embed us ig (drove north on the highway. -----ROXY, Crawls Mad . Tamer Fowl Supper 'Up the River' Mr but!“ w. ab. In "l.-""'"'-"' lending a the all - ot 8119 name can In out In“. mom-d judgment in tbe “5.000 - or Eva. " Not m M con- 43" a." '1“... _ HA” I"... Now Playing IN MEMOI'AM M. Wlloon, In Irvine mum-MM "Boi-- when Cleve: "rttviet (lawns '. FOREST Phyllis Brooks '. 16. 17. " mm out Hart old of Mex" Hun Billy Al tht. Tol It In S Ii Winn-km Ir and I (N Ad omit] Ir M who " “not. new mom: Mrs Jaun- nnd In Robert I Kn Again we have a one Cent St'c. It ml Our lsrga, hills \I Store and get one. l Glenda, " 7MP! Attoe " dinghlvn Witiien Sun! g m Mr M le November Mr Mr a? II I Was line tlt At the home "tttes hum, “he and u (hm "any tumble and Irs. " Aljoe Died on Santa Lona If!“ reel , all ir Jrh M d "I” “Mum-many le damn-m u" Sh: tt I!“ " IV " ll tttt rri Tit 'l'it M VOL. LXII, NO M M inn kc tt ml M " Rdnvund! wr- Ilr m Ttot M M Mt or M r M tf ht " M . M "" M "In sl tiettal ml ll " 'ert " ll ll [mm Art? mad, M I‘ll M M ttptrell I011 lad Sat-iv! y tw Anhu and um ruekm. MI " M " McFAD H ot In! " K llm lat " umpbo-I M ll ll Ill on Mond M Her“ Mm M Durham, . Slum! M My Smith M rs We'll WI MI M “I! AI Wi M " M tl M Illa ll MI'A " "

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