West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Nov 1939, p. 1

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ST ess' ds Oz' Supper 1935 Sale - - The funeral service was verv "Inlet- "I T'. Lounly uouncll, ana lurkely attended on Monday haul the Reeve Hunters report veeommended Vctiett home, common-d by her pas- that the Council P'".".", the action tor, Rev. W. ll. Smith. who spoke ot their committee which was done trom Psalm ltl. Mrs Mark Wilson without question. yltnK "Some Day We'lt Understand" Mr Hunters report. in addition. und tho favorite hymn of the de- outlined the work that this ecrntnit- leased "Sale In the Arms rt Jesus" tee had been doing since the I”. was sung. Interment took place in session of Council. and recommend- "urham cemetery. the pallbeare" " the payment of several commit- being tcrater neighbors in Glenelg: tee members lees. It also recom- Alex. Aljoe, James Crtttehley, Jas. 1 mended that payment of the Mantle Lawrence, Wes Arnett, John Hamil-1 due the Owen Round Board of Edu. tr.rt. John Ml-(lirr, The ttower Mindexation for I."') he paid on receipt H‘s were grandsons: Norman Alioehor the first instalment of settlement. F.lmer and Norman Tucker, Lynn ----_------ Vollett, Don. Campbell. Vern A0oe, l. o. D. E. HELD Hilly Alice. 1 SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE Beautiful ttmal tokens surrounded) Some 32 tables were In play Tues- the casket trom: the Family; Mr and day evening tor an enJorable pro- Mrs S. Schwandt; Mr and Mrs. c.isrressive euehre, sponsored by Can. Whittaker; Mr and Mrs I M. Robb: Greys Chapter l. O. D. R. After Mr and Mrs R. Mirtlillivruy. Laurine thirteen: games had been played and Don. Campbell; Mr and Mulls) two were tied for highest Iladies' Mums, Marjorie, Norman and Elmer score ---Miss Mary Bourne and Mrs. Tucker: Mr and Mrs. P. Simmons. N. Clark, the former winning out. "wen Scum: Mr George Simmons: Mr Lorne McNully won the men's Mr and Me, D. M. Saunders and R high prize, after playing oft a four ii Saunders: Mr and Mrs A. C.Nett: cornered tie with Thos. Henderson. Marie, Norman. Lorne Aljoe, Kiteh. Floyd Cairns and Dr. Backus. Re- "ner: Mrs Mary Crowther, Annie and freshlnents were served. The pro. vie, Aline. Toronto; Smith Bros. and reeds were about $35. employees . _ i m.-.--.-.-.- Friends from a distance attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Kreutahamp. Mr and Mrs Fred Bar twrmnn. Mr and Mrs Herb Mink. Mr and Mrs Geo. Krentzhamp. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Schwanllt. all of Willlams- frrd: Mrs Emma Lueben. Deshoro- Mr and Mrs Sol. Schwandt. Brant: Mr and Mrs Harry Schwinn", Tum: Mr and Mrs Grant Whittaker. Tor- mto: Mr Arthur Whittaker. Arthur: Irand Mrs Arthur Aljoe and Lorna. The late Mrs Ali's was an Ideal mother and homemaker, hi'rhty es- teemed wherever who resided. She has an active member of the former Methodist Church. latterly the T'n't. ed Church, and a worker in the Ladies' Aid Society. Again we have selecteb an outstanding list of Spuial Va,'u, s for cur Fall Ole Cent Slle. It will pay you to see our large bills ft r in me you need Our Inga bills will not be mailed over rural Ionics 1histi1re.tc ttl at our Store and get one. Come early and sm e. The Original REXALL 1c ONE CENT SALE, le NOW GOING ON Wed... Thursday. Friday and. eFaa,tna.xataar November 22nd, 23rd, Mth and ' 25th She also leaves four brothers and: fsve. slat-H's: William of Seattle. Wasthirurtrn; Solomon of Brant; George, Williamslord: Harry of Tar. n; Mrs J. Kreutzhamp, Williams- mrd: Mrs Emma Lueben, Desboro: Mrs Dino". Vulcan. Alta: Mrs Rev. Bremer, Ntrth Dakota: Mrs Grant Sl hmuknr, Toronto. The deceased was icrmerly Caro, line Schwandt. She was born in (arrick township in 1862, and was atarried to Mr Wm Alice in Sullivan in. " years ago. The beat or then has was spent on the old AOoe 'rrme Hum. It! I, con. 4 S. D. R. 'llenelg, where her husband died " years no. The last 16 years Mrs, Alice has made her home with her: claulhtors in Durham. Of a family or ten. nix sons and four daughters” William med Bee years ago in Kit. "henrr, and another son in infancy. Surviving are Arthur in Kitchener:! Lune, Bert and Milfrrd of Durham') Mm Thou. Tucker (May) of Egre- mom: Me., Jamos Vollett tEnttnar,' and Mrs Robert Campbell (Ada) of ln‘rham; Mrs Walter MoAlister tuna) of Normanby. There an: 27 urandcblldnn and 3 #r"abrrarttltrtt'hr inn. At the home ot her daughter, Mrs James Vollett, Durham, Mrs Wm. Aljoe died but sum-day alter I three weeks' lines: tron anaemic trouble anl latterly inmsenaa, In her 77th year. She had been in tair ”with previously, and the end came' rather unexpectedly. 'l " Wm. Aline Died on Saturday VOL. LXI], NO, McFADDEN’S REXALL DRUG STORE Mr Hunter's report. in addition, outlined the work that this ccmmit- tee had been doing since the last session of Council. and recommend- ed the payment of several commit- tee members' tees. It also recom. mended that payment of the Name due the Owen Round Board of Edu. cation for 1938 be paid on reoeint of the first instalment of settlement. The settlement had been arranged Mtween the Owen Sound Board ot Education and tho Education Cam. mittee of the County Council, and Reeve Hunter's report recommended that the Council npprrve the action ot thnir committee which was done without question. APPOINTED P. S. INSPECTOR Corrtatttlations to a former l):r- noch boy, Alexander Turnbull, or New Westminster B. C., who thic. lull was upmiuted Public School Inspector tor Prince Rupert District B. Ct Alex. was educated at Latona Public and Durham High Schools. Twenty-tive yams ago he went West to B. C. with his parents, and he has been recently been teaching in New Westminster. Tho rosuit rt :omo misoalculation. the County rf Grey has been billed annually for an amount in excess or that owing. A complete statement had brpn prepared to show this, and this was distributed among the rouncillorq. The contents ot this warp not divulged to the press. Questioned on the matter, Reeve W. l Hunter ot Durham, Educaticn Committee head, revealed that this overpayment has taken place over a pericd of years since 1924, continu tne until a revision ttf the Act two years out). Of this amount all but that paid since 1932 is classed as outlawed debt. but the amount since that year has totalled $7,233.90. The County Council have agreed to set- tle for $5,150.00. Investisrrttitms by the Educational Ccmmittoo ot the County Ccuneir have resulted in the enrichment of:L Grey's treasury to the extent of: ransom. a report ot that committee: revealed to the County Ccuncil on: Friday afternoon. This amount, re’ presenting a settlement reached be! tween the Board at Educaticn of Owen Sound and Grey County Coun- t-il, will make restitution tor over- payments for county pupils attend-l ire city "rhtols. and will be paid tel the County in two equal instalments] of $2,575.00 in 1939 and 1940. Owen Sound to Refund $5,150 In Grey Co. Mrs Marie Aljoe, Mr Jan. McCarley all of Kitchener; Mr Elmer Tucker, SumVidge; Mr and Mrs Eph. Boldt, Mrs Hammill, Mrs H. Metealf, Mr. and Mrs L. Kreutzkamp, all of Han- owr; Mr and Mrs. Norman Bittort, Chesley: Mr B. Schwandt, Breslau. (l'llitt ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO II Allie Hopkins of the 3rd con. Ben. (tinek. suffered a heavy loss last "Yiday lorencon. when his barn, iwittt season's crop, implements and ‘(hickens were totally destroyed by tire of unknown origin. It was dis- ltovered in a straw stack close to [the stable door by Mrs Hopkins a- "rout 10.30 a. m. She tried tc quench the blaze with water, but (fi':';'; she was losing ground. rush- ed into the barn and turned out the [stock In less than two hours the item was in ruins. Mrs Wm. Noble in neighbor. notice the smoke and :phcned other neighbors for help, lbut nothing more could be done to lsnve barn or contents. Mr Hopkins iand John Ewen were working in the bush at the back of the farm at the time, putting up a pile of wood for le. Hopkins of Durham, the owner tof the property. 1 I J. P. Cnuchley presided for bus- P"'" and Fred Pony for the elee. 5non or directors. The following a"- cepted ofhte: Mrs Catherine Tumbull Miss A. C. Macphail. R. A, Lawson, .Harry Reay, Fred Torry, H, H. Me. lDonald. J. F'. Crutchley; sharehold- era' auditor, Mrs B. F. Dargavel. l'l‘he dsrertors met at close of meet- ,imz and apnointed Joseph F. Crutch- ley, president, Fred Torry. vice. ;presiden'. secretary. Mrs Catherine I Turnbull, VES8tE--ettl8Plrt A quiet weddinr: took place at the Wellington St United parsonage, Mt Forest. when Rev J'. W. Hunt united in marriage Laura Emily Crispin, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Wai. ter Crispin, to John Grey Vessie.‘ eldest son of Mr and Mrs James" Yrssio. of Durham. The bride wore a dress of deep orchid tafteta with: wine accessories and carried a bou-; (mot of white roses. They were at-' tended by Miss Dorothy Schearer, a vermin of the bride and Arthur Heard both ct Luz-an. The bridesmaid wore blue crepe and carried pink rcses. After the ceremony, a wed. ding dinner was served at the home of the bride's mcther, Grey street.) Later Mr and Mrs Vessie left on al, wedding trip. They will reside in Mount Forest. ', Nearly 60 chickens. 25 tons ot hay, over 1000 bus. of grain and most ot the implements were burn. ed. There was a small insurance In both barn and (ontenta. so the IN: will be severe tor both owner and lessee. The barn was an Old one, and had no foundation. f'Co-Operative (U. fiiii"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig ls: Jackson fasgsgs: h. Hopkins’ Barn, hrgirxk Goes up in Flames Delegates appointed to attend the convention were A. Adlam and J. F. Crutohley. The manager, Arthur Adlam. told of expansicn made during the year. This was followed by a discussion on expanding the business in other lines. S. F. Durgavel. The gross turnover was $20,000 and the net protlt was slightly over $400, thus the company is in gcod financial standing. The annual meetng of the Durham Farmers' Cooperative Company was held in the Hahn House on Saturday with a fair representation present. The financial statement was present- ed by the shareholders' auditor. Mrs. WITH WHICH IS INGORPORATED THE HOLSTIIN LIADEI Had Good Year DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1939 mm At tho Durham District meeting of the Loyal Orange Lodge held in Durham, last week, J. Anderson, past County Master from Mount Forest, was present and Installed omeers. The following were Install- ed: W. M, George A. Bell. lodge 1192, Glenelg; D. D. M., Elmer Reay, Mil, Allan Park; Chaplain. James Ferguson, MI, Victoria; re- cording secretary. Roy Lawrence. 1192. Glenelg: treasurer, Thtm. Whit- more, 1192, Glenelg; marshal, Dr D. B. Jamieson. 632. Durham; lectur- ers, Howard Watson and Wilfred Daly, both from 861 Victoria. C. M, Johnston, 689. Varney. Mrs Thos. Hcpkino Mrs H. C. McKechnie, Arthur Adlam. Joseph Crutchley. James McGilllvray and Murray Wells are unong those who attended the U. P. o convention in Toronto this week. Mrs William Hamill, Singhampton is waning her daughter, Mrs C. B. Lawrence. DISTRICT ORANGEMEN Mrs J. C. McLean of Shelburno is spending a few days with her mother. Mrs T. Metlirr. Mrs T. E. Blair returned from a visit in Toronto. Mrs Wes. Andrews, Normanby and Mrs Dave Page of Minto, were sisitors on Tuesday with their ais- ter. Mrs Douglas Dursmc-or. Mrs J. A. MoGlrr, Mr Allie Mc. Glrr and Mrs G. Noble an spending a few days with friends in Detroit. Miss Agnes Morton, Guelph, spent a tew days last week at her home in Bentinpk, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Styles and family moved into the MacArthur home on George St. on Wednesday. Miss Ida Acheson, R. N. of Van couver, is visiting with her aunt Mrs. Hugh Firth and other relatives in this locality. It In her itrst trip to Durham. She has recently com- pleted a pcust-trraduate course in sur- gery at Detroit. H. C. McKechnle was in Torontc this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacArthur and daughter Jeannie. and her moth. er, Mrs_Wm. Smith, attended morn- ing service In Paris Presbyterian Church and visited Rev. and Mrs. Gowdy last Sunday; also with Guelph friends. Mr and Mm. Alba Bell announce the engagement ot their daughter. Thelma Irene, to Kenneth Frederick son of Mr and Mrs Frederick W. En. dall of London, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly early in Dee. ember. "d.-.--.-.,-;:.-,,'., _ HOLD INSTALLATION m 312mm. (f, Lifelong Town Resident AN OPPORTUNITY! A vopy oi the Review should go into every home with the social and shopping area cf Durham. It aoesin- to many of them, but we would gladly serve the nest. As an induce ment to genuinely new subscribers we will send the Review to them to the end of 1940 for the regular sub scription price of $2.00. This is " so an opportunity for these who would like to send the paper to friends as a Christmas present. The burial service takes place privately this Thursday from her late residence. tc Durham cemetery. the service to be conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. H. Smith. "I cannot any, I will not say that she is dead, She is Just “my, And left us thinking how very fair Heaven must be since she lingers there." Perhaps her happiest associat'ons were with the members of Knox United Church. where in health, she was a faithful attendant in ite murts. In bygone years she was a sweet soprano sclo‘st in the choir, and memories ct her graciousnesa. and kindly manner to all with whom she came in contact, will lcng re- main a pleasant thoueht. The mis- sionary interests or the church were dear tr her and she was a life mem- ber of Knox Church W.M.S. Me was wedded to Arthur H. Jackson. wall-known locally as a former town treasurer and South Grew registrar for many years. who predeceased her wine years ago. Mrs Jackson was previous to her marriage in 1901. Ellie McFarlanc. youngest daughter of the late Ro. bert and Mrs Manmne, or town She was born in Durham, and has spent her entire m'e here. One of a one-time family of eight, she is the last survivor of her level. Her sis- tor-in-taw, Mrs R. Macfarlane and brother-in-taw. J. P. Hunter and his family, are chief mourners. A death that is greatly regretted was that ot Mrs Althur H. Jncluon, who passed away at her home in Durham on Tueedny, Nov am after a serious Illness of two weeks, tor lowing an extended invalidism ot two years. In her passing, the town icscs one ot its beat citizens, tor in word and deed, she was a istaunch supporter or everything that was good tcr Durham. . led with armed robbery, had pleaded! --- {guilty and were remanded until FYI-I CHII.T s "EC‘AL. NOV. "th fitty of this week for sentence. This,', Permanent' Waring by Mr McAr. !: the "in Whit! are “3“ (t have thur at Mrs Ilett's Beauty Parlor. en runn ng w uroun r'eatern o 'edne l . '. . .50 m, 'Ontario last week, tinalir eulmlnnt- ‘7'“: 'ge,' to T,.it." 3.50 tor lng in their arrest nelr Cllhlldel' $5, following an attempt to hold up al __..___ service Mation owner. They are (wanted tor the attempt to hold up at CA tt OF YHANKI . ,sorvice station operator " King». The family t the late Mrs. Wm. (bridtre, north cf Godemh. Ind then AUoe wut: to we, . their Ily'": or pointing a “a at Mine in: Mr. thanks to the In ny friends who my lKelvie at Varney after she had mp_"kitndly loaned can expressed gym plied them with gasoline Ind cigargm'hy ttttd tttttet. kmd'fm' and for. lea”. and later with adopting the', wan-dad ftorat tokens} m their recent some tactics " I service nation immd bereavement. N( lthe vicinity of Brampton. They are: -_ [also wanted for the theft ct motor! A begumul bcaquot of Chrystal: lenr at Kitchener. " is unlikely that memumg were placed in Knot Ite. will be brought back to this l'nited Church on Sunday mominu county for trial. but will be dealt I in memory of Mrs BI-nlamin Shann- ',wittt " North Bay, and also "‘l'l‘hese were sent by her daughter in Kiurhener, I Sasknlnhnn'un OnlyAThor offers you More Ward ha: been received try thel l Provincial Police to the elect thal' The Pter Lorne UttIy. Ai'red Deitrich am: hold their Donald Boekler. all said to be resid. and loc em. ct Kitchener, and who wren- November arrested near North Bay and churn. tie Library. Tamer Batlits Caught at North Bay THOR, the Greatest Value in Wash": all laws Putin-lied Weekly " 82.“ a year In “Vina. To 0-“ States. 82.50 I you In advance. Peter Baum. Minter Durham Machine Shop -TMOR'S SUPER AGH’ATOR ..-..DE LUX WRINGER, with imam acticn release. --THOR's UFETIME MECHANISM -FiNi6r4, gleaming White --ENTRA LARGE CAPACITY sm- rnnoe from ' lbs. to ' th. capacity of dry doth". A buutll’ul bcuquet or Chi-yuan themuma were plum in Know United Chart-h on Sunday muting in memory of Mrs Benjamin Shann- Tttease were sent by her daughter in Saskatchewan . CHRIST S $PECIAL, NOV. "th Permanent' Waving by Mr IRA:- thur at Mrs Hell's Beauty Parlor, on Wednesday, 'ov. Nth. $3.50 for "t.60; $5.00 to $2.M; $7.50 tor $5, and We tea, Sunni” afternoon November Mth in but-men! of Putr lie Library. open ts." Autumn bazaar It the purluh ha . The Ptxnanerian Lamar $65 to $129.95 Ree?‘ Saturday, member new Prices range from CALL AND SEE THE THOR If you buy I Thor, you will get . for less. COIiNG EVENTS NO n Limes" Aid will _r. sale of baking,

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