West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Nov 1939, p. 2

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a. ("3 "no to.) lumbar of aliens of f "tiona1ities in Great Britain and to to about 220,000, - M being “.000 relu- According to the book. china nuanced 11.8“ new“: tons of the an: for -oet In 1938. Ind Unit, d an!” production was 3.175 tons. slant:- quantities can from lax-mp). Bolivia and the Malay than. no new I. A!» found in my, but the country‘s figure, an not available. According to the Minerals Year look of 1938, China furnished the m world supply of tumult-n that h nod tor ban-dent" steel tor the lulu-oped tools. for cemented tgt-ten carbides, tor noun” and “an light and radio tube fila. n“!- and tor pronntion of Far. Ius etc-leak. Tungsten. or which there is no commercial production in Canada st present. has been found in com- mrcisl quantities and molybden- um he also been detected " tbonsb possibilities of its commer- cial development have not been m. vesti‘sted to any degree. WW My Formerly hem Chins The report said six samples of ere taken from Outpost Island slowed tungsten present in quan- tities as high as 1.29 per cent. Present prices tor tungsten con- centrate would make one per cent. see worth 820 a ton. the report can tinned. It was considered that ten-orchl development of the property wss lessibie. Sample. of ore taken from the Great Slave Lake region have now - Presence of two or" will- “I. in .taeMtardenlng, according to the "port at Edmonton. of the Slave Lake Gold Mines. Limited. new.“ cl Ores Valuable in Sul-H-denim Discovered In Great Slave Lake Region Northern Veins Offer Tungsten Danton WM: Drank " Thin remarkable survival of a Iatim (-ntstum through so many Tears of the white man's iniTaerto was noted this summer by Dr. W. N. Fenian of the Smithsonian Bur- eau of American Ethnology. Dr. "nton, who returned to Washinr ton recently alter two months’ study ot the medicinal line of the herbs by the Iroquoian trises. re. ports that certain ot these medi- cinal herbs are known by the very lama names and used tor the same Aliment; by tribes that speak dit. Arent dialects and are located a not“. many hundreds ot miles lpari. The plant widely used for an)- eim, purposus was the water hem- lurk or poison hemlock (Cicuta naculata) that grows in the wet meadows and pastures of the re- gion. " was mentioned as early " 1632 among the Huron: by Father Samara. Some of the lroquoinn tribes in New York Slaw and Canaria until wry recently as?!) tho roots ot the same poisonous plant Jo commit suicide) that they used 390 year: mo. Middle-axed Women who were dawn-d by their bananas, Were known to poison themsorlvo-s in this w .ny Poison Hemlock Has Been Us- td Br, Iroquois Tribes For Ancient Indian I Suicide Potion Proeeed f " tn the primary industries ot tor. entry, mining and prmpectinx. lore than 6,000 young men ortrol. led In theme divisions. WHO Vanny of Prleto Industrial trainlnl will concen- trate on occugallona where there will be an intranet! demand tor skilled worker. in war contract work, particularly in metal working Irwin. Meantime, training classes for rural young people in a wide range of subjects phrtalnlng to " riculture and rural homurrall are Labor Minute? mum has n- Iounced chases In the dominion. mvinclul youth tralnlng most»!!! to aid Canada’s war effort " build- ing up the physical condition and norms of Canadian youth with . wide extension ot projects. Stars dMTooWillB. Aim d Gavan-cm Youth' THE-(Cora. llikhaeaiiG jiUe [ll) ;1 (iii i BEBE] Tommy Farr, former British heavyweight champion, has enlist. ed in the Royal Air Force. think so" that he should quickly lay down his fork, answer, and then pick it up again. 5. Yes, it is very unwise. No letter should ever in written while in an angry mood If it should be done, lay the letter aside until next morn.. ing, and it will seldom be mailed. 6. The bridegroom should do this. sell TIE tta “Eli Ism Insulin 5. Isn't it uwise to write a let- ter whi!e angry? 4. Isn't it all right to hold the fork in the hand, at the table, wh_ile_ talking? I. Is a person justified in losing his temper at the stupidity of some clerk or saleswoman? 2. What should.a person say when introduced to the same per- son for the second time? 3. When passing a pitcher, or any other receptacle with I han.. dle, is it important to have the handle towards the person receiv- ine it? ':3g.iisiLiiit't"ii Anthony Eden, was the minister of mines, when Imperial War Talks now and Mr. Crerar were pie Huston station. """"Mr_9 a-~"'“ u. d , when the latter arrived in II. _ . . _ ow taking piiG/ii pictured here as t 1'0” ihi C,'] C] m»? rrdu'iicm him}, 'irgilrull c ' I“. EgiGill;Atttd.'ttteiiTiEEi - - w- - "u -- I‘VE-i . a . tist/it 1?l:ltiggttit,tti.siifiii, m iiiiiii T. httfigtPifi,ii'" "tr. IttNetfiiiiiitiEiii with 'dl'tet'gt V --__ _.. "a vvvu JUICE, or it may become tainted. Place the meat on a platter with I hol- low centre that will hold the juice without the meat touching it. Q. How can I treat a garment that has been scorched while iron.. ing? A. Rub the scorched spot rith hydrogen peroxide and allow to dry before again ironing. If the scorch in light, merely moisten with water and place in the sun. A. Apply warm olive oil it vaseline nightly. Or, dip the tin.. gertips in lanolin and massage the eyebrows each night. Q. Now can I prevent uncooked meat from becoming tainted? A. Uncooked meat should not be permitted to lie in its own juice, or it may becom- Nahuatl mu- rubbed with tt little blittTo," olive oil. Q. Bow can I treat eyebrows that are too thin? Q. How can I keep melted cho.. eolate from sticking to the pant A. Chocolate will not stick to the pan when melting it for cake filling if the inside of the pan is rubbed with a. little butter or olive oil. as may be secured “from the com- mune in charge or at the door. ’Jhis year‘s reunion, according to H. M. Jackson, the senior pre- silent, will be featured by euchre, bridge and dancing. All former resiuents of Huron County and their friends are invited. Tick- Canada and has more than 1,400 immune-rs in Toronto. Several of the original members, including Ed. Woody, E. J. B, Duncan, K.C., Thomas Smile and J. McLaren, will be in attendance at the for- tieth annual reunion. Former residents of Huron county and their friends are plan- ning a gala evening on November 24 when the junior and senior groups of the Huron Old Boys' As- sociation will jointly hold the club's. forticth annual reunion in Barton Auditorium, Toronto. Ev. ery effon is being made to make this year's function an outstand- ing xucct‘ss so that a financial con- tribution may be made to the Red Cross Society. . The Huron Old Boy; Association is the oldest and largest organization of its kind in the f " Hon. T, A. Crerar, Canada's I in London to participate in the the empire's capital. Mr. Eden m Canudian minister arrived at Huron Old Boys trip/he, Placé ,,__-_ In: "my." wutea the: hold you back, an" headachel. indignation. etc. thvrtieid Tea " not A miracle worker. but It 1l9.yirtrruif6ii bo. then you. It will certainly No wonder-I" 10c and Me of drugstores --or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES of Garfield Tea end Garfield Hud- acho Powder. to: GARFIELD TEA CO., Dept. " t Clone Avenue, Tor- onto I. Canada. You'll like the way It snap: back, overnight. to the feeh "rarln' to tro" fltneiU" and cleanliness! Help. eliminate loft-over wute: that hold back. mm hendnchel. indie: etc, turttirid Tea in not a In worker. but if 1l9.ytrrYruiri5 than you. it will certainly “has!!!" 10c and 25- no ._.._. Mtrrtyireiiiir" !.!,..E,,,Et (iEiiriiiii'tiiii, t11rrdlth',edti !.rE,,.E.? cm] __INSIDEI EFFECTIVE POLIO TREATMENT Dramatic evidence of the chic.. aey of vitamin B treatment for in- fantile paralysis, sleeping sick- ness, palsy and other organic dis.. eases of the nervous system is reported by Dr, W. J. McCormick, a Toronto physician. Dr. McCormick submits clinical evidence of cases where these dis- orders were either completely eli- minated or reduced by administer- ing doses of synthetic vitamin BI and supplementing this therapeu- tie treatment with a diet rich in vitamin B content. The ocean contains barren areas which correspond to worn out farms on land. The fish and other living organisms in the water use its nutrient material to the point of exhaustion, and this stage is followed by a depletion of marine life. This observation was made by two California scientists in ex- tended cruises on the Paeitie. DARREN AREAS IN OCEAN mm the. way it snaps you overnight. to the feeling pt to lo" "91.... --> . - "That's the trouble, 3 the reply, "the room is them and he can't see one." d, The battalion doctor was awak- ened by the 'phone jangling at 8 am. "What is itt" he asked testily and sleepily. "Well, you see doctor, we have been having a big party in the Mesa, and Pm terribly worried about Major Twuggle,” came from the other end of the wire. “They employ small men at this x'enhurunt." "Whr.'" "To make the sandwiches look bigger." "Oh, but 3-1.8.2",553. the first child. "If there's any trouble he can get away quieker." . "That', no" better than being an ordinary policeman" like my dad- dy," said Peggy pfoudly. “My daddy'a' adanted police- man," said Betty. "He rides a hog: all day." Two small girls were having a tremfndgug - argument. What Science "Now, miss," naked Egg-dentist, "whieh tooth is giving you all the trouble?” "Second from the left in the balcony," she replied. The moving picture usherette was in the dentist', chair. Movie-fan Sue: "A marsh. mallow in teehrueoiorr' Cooking Teach": "Now, unclean, describe a gun- drop." lave Yunnan! Sauna, "dine his wife in another man's ulna: "Get behind your lover,. I'm going to shoot you both." IS Doing 153165 the m is full of see a vicde -- '-._. m." nnHULLiNG FUR Courses in yP,,trityiftitTG'. short story. Journalism. Advertising. Shortlnnd end Speech Culture. Make me of your spare time. Write today. Canadian 'a"ttif deuce College W,r"g,t,"etrca 1 02). 229 Yonge St., oronto. ELECTRIC 'Maxam .1.“ THIS Is THE NEW ELECTRIC shaver you've read About. that makes shaving so very, very euy. Jun plug it in end run the shaver over your face. That's I" -- no map, water. brush or Dildos. We lutgest you try it. Over e million were sold iut year. Oritiuu grin PS alienated one nu. M'- n. ...--_, EDMMTION‘L sruunvg Now EN RUM paid. A Htti3iti't"ed" Co., 10 autumn" Bldt. Quebec. WE Gl'AlMNTEE fit and sutlnhmrl . , , , . , ,. , 'dt I HMUSTMAS LARDB. thLhERb and Tags. Mc. M Blades. Safety Razor and style tie pencil, 'IM. Imnpuld. Mnneybnck Guaranteed. Mud Sales Heard. Box P.O. 313. Montreal. Quebec. .a ul AHANTEE loo PER CENT. fit and sutlsfuctlon In latest Ityle glowing (sllghtly used). Gentle- man's suits or over-coats. regular to $420.00. speclul $6.00 to "2.00. Ladies' Wlmer Coats. $4.00 to " Postpaid, State measurements, wolours. style. Send Toner-order.' Also write for but-gum price lirts, of Noondltloned used furnlture. Ruskln & Company. Peterboro. Ontario. lip Yul ivncr, lime No. 47 - t FAST, A GOOD SAL} ”present a “an: good , CLorHtxa. A“, _ . As, "'%TbEU wrrHUL‘T EXPER- Irm-r. but willing to work at least 4 hours every day, you can earn up to $21.00 u. week and get your awn dram-(s free. Fashion Frocks in Canada. 352 Huron. Toronto. yew. AWL. 512“”: TIME WORK - SELL Spmlnl “bristling Club orfrra to popult:r t'anndiun and American nmLLZinr-s as local represent- tives. Highest commissiuns paid. iU/f.,t,,tcl,it:, write l'unadiun Per- inmm g 'rar", ..-., -. ___ MEN ANU WOMEN.' NEW INVEN- rion sells like wild fire: Start business of your own in spare time. Send stamp to Economy Distributing Company. Learning, ton Ontario. ANT-SLLLIM} l_iiu'i.'.iu'ATO, No "tunprst'ition. New dispowblo tin- ~l'u duMer. Ifig cummisalun. gums . T - KLEEK" " m.“ _ 'ri'rutp.ie" territories now, nursery stock is the best money and pxperinncc NIH all”? ts'lxsltupdredrti"e"ri', nu fifty yeurs' bu=lurus. Write hum Nursery Cu.. Torumro ”present tt good company “rut good retrrrsentutives m-uupied territories now, nursery Mock Is the bee money and exm-n'nmn 4rt4 ----- TWo HULS'I‘EJN SEIH'ICLABLE bulls from qualified dams. Also their three year old Hire. Bram- ~hutt Hingcrveld Pabst, quiet, sure gent-r. accredited. E. E. Tay- lor, liracebrldgc. Ontario. iodicdttiHri?,' Unturio. Women in Sydney, Augtralia, have organized to aid destitute Poles. Men, women and children carry gas__masks to church in England. He described the "infectious age" as from one to twenty years -- the period in which children have the measles, whooping cough and other such diseases. The "breakdown age" comes trom " to 60 years when there is danger of apoplexy and of kidney and heart ailments. Addressing the 24th annual In. ternational Medical Assembly, Dr, Ctuler said experience and study led him to the conclusion that eld. erly persons who have survived "the breakdown period" are good surgical risks. A Good Surgical Risk "The very fact that persons hare lived to 65 - surviving the "im toctious age" and the "breakdown age," - indicates they are strong. tough folks and can withstand ser- ious surgical procedures," Dr. Cut. ler said. a"d.'513 f Dr. Elliott C. Cutler, head of the department. of surgery. Harvard Medical School. had good new: tor the oldsters - folk 65 years and older. last week. A "TITLES you You Have Survived "Break. down "e"-lurvard Medi- cal Chief Tells Qualities of Tough Folks Healthy At 65? A Good Prospect Dr. Samuel W. Becker of the University of Chicago said Int week that persons with super- charged brains have .11 their sen- sations intensified, and as a result they exhaust their energy quick. ly, and "nervous dermatosets" or skin rashes are often produced. rune": one Pig 7' 'enu wnme a,” .f-hnn-_ rul, High-powered bruins and hyper- sensitive nervous systems are blamed today for runny skin dis. cases. BRAIN Y PEOPLE-SKI N RASHES The California Institute of Technology physicist said one of his first tests with it showed the sun's temperature to be 12,300 de- grees Fahrenheit. _ ‘ ARE WITHOUT EXP] Inn “duh..- _ - READS SUN'S TEMPERATURE Dr. John D. Strong In: design- ed . pyrometer, using the invisible infra-red rays of light, to make studies of ozone temperatures. 7 TORONTO IA LES .30 E qr 'C'tt EDITH" I" LL! “my”; " 5x119; v." nil-VI. mlmn. Advortmnx. " speech Culture. , your spar. time. Canadian Corn-fon- I greltabllahed 1 02). .. oronto. ...._ """""itstHUn. KLEEN" (unturio) {unne- St rect, Toronto. k 5;'j,,1,t,1y.hrtid mg I! "" .u..- ... "tgte. , unamnn Per- Grace Street Toronto, 4-." "uh-n,» laws. Write Pet 0.. Toronto. I‘tnsrruu: Bett '88:" I., neutral? M. "rv' 're, best that NT SHOULD KAI.“ pun-fry for xiii: _ Our Dru wr, AN OFFER TO EVERY Liar of invehrGid an. IBUIUAI‘ IT"------.;,.: HIGH ”1090 I'lmssu ., 1.. WADE l'URT. Delta woody trlc motor-I. plies ot even R. William. " Front St. - -v nunnl InVENTUR LIA! of invehuaG and tun Infor- mation lent tree. Th. Runny Co. Registered. Patent Attornen, at., Bank Street, OttIVIL (“n-‘- HAVE AN EXPERT MOUNT THAT head and make up that bear skin into a. rug for you. Deer skins tanned Into buckskin. All work Kuumntved to be ttn, best obtain. able. Tnos. Emack. Tsyxiitiriiiilt" & Furrier, 1872 Queen M. E. Toron- to. -- ”an"; I for tree book 1aro rennin successful h Fading“ P; high Wife's. T1ouvEs, Hit mus’r irfa, yt""i. feathers. BREEDING STUCK Flues, Silver Fone, These fine quality very :‘emsonubly pr Jones, 189 Talbot tit Photo, 0.15. TAlt" grime _ -- _ . - -, ' nAnu-‘Ul lions. Switch”. Curls, and types of finest quality Halr Gh Write for Illustrated catak t?untldentui, tel-Ina arranged. ronto Human Hair Supply Co. Bathurst Street. Tom-nth unins'l‘ PRICE FOR NEW AND lured feathers. Robinson's. 282 Brock Avenue Toronto. Write for 'luotationrr, ‘ NINET Y ACRES PRUDUCTIVE Clay Imam “and“-.- ___'.. - -_--ul4 Ll|ravda - each. Canada‘s Lowest P; nary. growing leading fruit Trees. Ornamental mmedlsuely reuuesllng [ al arm-mg. Tobe's Tre "ation-the-Lake. onto,.', Aboard a steamship somewhere on the Pacific Ocean Ire three bears and two beavers enroute to New Zealand, according to the National Parks Bureau, Depart- meat ot Mines and Resources, ot. tawa. These animals have been ta. ken from Jasper National Park In Alberta, and are being sent "down under" at the request at the Well. ington Zoological Gardens, Well. ington, New Zealand. Beaver Gets suck. of Wood The bears and beavers were cap- tured by the park warden service. and were shipped to Vancouver by rail for transfer aboard ship. Dur. [3le !Liy'yyyrytr-wntrs tree booklet and full ”men. regarding our amazingly ‘enrul " load trauma“. greed l‘roductl. Suit-loan. -- - awn...) ruUUU( clay loam adjoining village, buildings. spring watered. thousand cash. balance 4 pet William Pearce. Exeter. Taken From Jasper Park, " both, They Are Being Sent Io _W_e_ll'l|¢ton Zoo, “Down Bear And Beaver To New Zealand l'purww ~â€"â€"_.. " “'Ooduyrkmg m"..- .-.i. PHAT" “ME AA STE!) HARD" an“: flu"... “pull - on. Belting and Ill! every description. I um: Machinery Co. St. W., Toronto. MACHINERY uuuau‘s Lowest Priced Nur. {rowing leading vurietieu 1y:s.0rrLiireiras.' Write 11er requesllng sensation. rings. Tobe's Treery. Nia. -the-Lake, Ontario. , ' ---'- "Irr- 8treet, Toronto HAIR litmus III'N'I‘FZRH “(H mm " LE um um: r Foxes ,mCiiiitii? quality animal: are n kl“ ~»-' ' _ I'VBNNI: g FEE-‘8? cr. 6tt cm mmg village. Hood ltr watered. Two balance I per cent. PHY, u w; '.rJ..Wfs'vopseA. ”BEER Jty Hulr Goods. ted catalogue. arrantred. To. Supply Co., 523 Priced, --- ._ -" P.eit ='" elec. ”EYFF'NR *1 't'tt HES Uk' ARCTIC St. TtGinaT, iho "Gif. 551%.. A. all with desk $3.95 if Tu Il,l5f aerial: -rdJ,i, eCe '1 n n 8 $69.oo Linda: suit“. $59.00 Solid Oak Dine". Suite! ‘19.7S Odd Dining Room Batten $17.95 Odd China Cnblnelu. Mod a I Bed $45.00 'ltllllg? 4,'l'ffdn 11'llilt."' 517.95 rrgitit, J',.""'", Wu". $12.95 lode": Chino-non. $17.95 Modern Vanity Dru-on. $16.50 m',tdgg'.eta"" “- Conbinulon Desk Chan. 811.95 A .--_‘. - u‘mI‘I TIE rAELM Entire Block or Lin-know hummer. Factory purchluseu at We on the Dollar The Lucknow furniture Futon; museum or renuwned [the furniture. bu changed hands and we how!“ their entire neck. JIM! I. new ot..ttse "any [hunt-- Gout) Utttgu Tttteat. Loweri prices. In Lsroctrtoii Tire. ttitt Town“). --"-- SKATING OUTFITS. used. tr.75, (2.25. 52.65 quality. $2.89. $8.35. tc postage. l'eerlesg, 191 1 Toronto. T . . , _ . - FOR bAbE. To (UJSL LsTATE. A Saw Mill. working condition on main Hue C. P. runway. Norwood, Ont. Steam power. large pond, boiler 75 H.P.. ermine " H.P.. ex- tra long carriage, Edger and SIM) saw. Mrs. Ada Harrison. Have. lock, Ontario LYONS FURNLTURE co P, SB“ thAg SI ACHIN I)! --- iUt STUMAL'H CORRECTIVE gin-a prompt relief and comfort to sufferer- tron Acid _l.rtdltr.iriioi, Heartburn. Uncut“. Sour Btomi itch, etc. A trial will convince um. Twelve ounce puckuge 82.60 pooh paid direct trom m. “nun-tur- er. R. J. Woodley. an Bon MM, Vancouver. 1M). luck: ontario, 'APA'ts' AND LYONS -e FURNITURE co. 47d14t4_)'ongd tit. make. write tor reconditioned an experience - -Y_tirures Street. T ”mm“... In“ Chat. " A roomy client of drawers " Accommodation. M" Kitchen Tabla. nus- wood top. ' "BRAD mu- Att '0' in; the long oceu voyage the ant. nulo will be ted and tended by e member of the Ihlp'e crew. Food luppliee provided for the journey include bundlel ot power vood, vegetables. fruit and bread. Eula beever will receive Ill sticks of wood, e quarter of e coho-go and four carrots per day, while the daily menu for each of the bean will be . pound ot apples, n pound of carrots. and two loaves. of bread. scum-s "ut.. ..4. -., -- -ru Amr/mz was. masses" ""'htittttqttt" Bars. 'tattt I)» cum" roux" 9721 _' --‘-- vv. - - 'ee or. ‘A\|‘ Mild. tr"Pom AC" If. "i ATIKG oo'Ptrti .!Kreet., Torontrx' nggfe'd TG.'.' .. -'-t- an“. i. lnquirlel tm'ned I, ttitt Dunstan We". t.t:lt.ii.bi,"Tidl _ *"‘v--‘ a“; " mice. on new " Dutchmen. " year.' l,, A, (when. '" um; um 191-;ij It; La. DEW K " PPLtEtt aa, Nu- 21m; Dundul W.. PALE 51461413 t"tyrtiii"rtt ed ftxrm hi: 6 inches fut Stu-bk owe the beard m in. One r preeaution, Kill new. fell and bu Cludu Wm 000 A ma who diet Iy proud ed from Nellon Eddy who go. in for sculplu ttohh' has been a than I your becac, tearful "out his ti is new working ,mdertaking, I hee d In. Eddy. Build Up Health And Avoid T If You’re Fealing Tired, cu and Depreued. You're L Likely to Throw Off d ll West ls Reaping Wild Rice Cr Urtima. Haven Ir Bottled; hurvom lam!" B In M SINGER DUI In}: AS SCI LPTOR Th TM To u. i.uciGi; Fatal Whiskers Ni Hunts F tl o R " - Indium "

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