West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Nov 1939, p. 4

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" LIL h it '] HE DURHAM REV” lav In: a, M--- To Ottawa ".65; Ito Montreal 9.95 ul‘nBHC CITY ”3.95 To Ste. Anne de Beaupre, 814.55. Tick 1"rl, "ren, ‘Hiking through South haeria/ _ ,__,_...-‘. mutu- 01mm tt Central and} South America. Where there were SI,,, Where than were no roads. they Jot- mend on Not 'and mountains and through 1mm when a white men Y ntory of 'oentb-dtumer--rornnnee. Let 5 Go 3.321"; “nuns, " eents FREQENTED IV ONE OF THE Review to New Subscribers '0 Jan. 1, 1941, only $2.00 These Offers ' Ani Positively i Guaranteed With the beat of UM My. 1 n. "tytier'_iite,tir. ”his SW Hanging. 1 yr. "gitptt&Ma-ine.t yr. "1roaeero'ecomuriiorstrv. " Punt! Islam. 1 " tl WMJH. "Cheu8inoeraht,trr. I) lam-land Magazine. 1 yr. " (be- m (for Boys), 1 n, " I”! “IMHO. I yr, limMLImos. {IA-m Mine. Irr. THE aCREEn---toN AND t , Ind-nab lac-aim. l n. " km long loamy. t n. " CHOU-ll. mm, 1 yr. " (SI-Ila. Home Journal. 1 yr. " Ctere Iguana». a non. Round Trip Bargain Fares non DURHAM " ---To C.N. R. Station: In the Haitian ravis- Prov. of Quebec, New Brunsw lck. Prince Edward Id., Nova Scout N ADIAN NATIONAL in Knox United Church, Dmh Tuesday, Nov. 28th, 8 p. - -- -le- _ .._. IVs-run mm.lfm,m0umampghom.wn Lqf931Piitt - - -_.__. - qrMt1tr,airett s, Transit waits and Information 2.0m Agents 2:73;? Ind J",',e,T,tf1T,, "uptnt. the Toll Brothers puke math ‘..-.... “fomhf exploring d photcgnphing in on! on my "AGii%G"/r' I'G' j sTtt'fl'r _ Here’s the thrifty, economical way to subscribe att...?;.::':, 'i' l " for this newspaper and your favorite magazines “is ,i'. "5-?" " prices that are really sensational. These offers vi't'sfs's'ii(i _ are good either for new or renewal orders. It will pay yontoloolt than over andsendus thecoupon TODAY "tPtytttesrorusaai.ssratm. mmmom-ncmnmmn ALL FOUR Inc. ' yr. te Rod & Gun. 1 " . ONLY loamy. t n. I) WHO!!! Bor, I no; "no, 1 yr. I , MW Wm. I In“. on rournat, I Fr. " Morne Arts (Rm. I n, . ultuu & lion. 1 l American Ptuit Grower, 1 yr. 1 I) Christian Build. I mos. ' A New Travelogue by The BIG FAMILY OFFER STILL PICTURES IN COLOUR BROTHERS m PER\ON £4190! oMlnllllllt " Man's Magazine. 24 luau. t n. tl National non. Mottthtr, I n. t) mulch. Wu, 1 yr. 1) Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. n Canadian Mortleultum 't 110-. was. 1 It. " Bod & Gun. 1 " " American Boy, I not. " Patents' Magazine, ' not. " Home Arte median“). 1 yr. 1.eette fruit Grower, I yr. ROTHERS canon“, we. Oahu: laden. I"'........ In” M2gtttt2itifyrtiiriara','l'lk"'a"ft mumps”. ”mum- , I In """' they hitch-hiked. 'nuie-ttaek,aeroas seldan been. A o....-o... 'o"""""""-.-............. T345A The area of the British Empire is approximately 13,318,000 square mil. es, with a population of 493,000,000. The area of the whole world Is 51,- 166,000 square miles, and the popula- tton 2,025,000,000. Great Britain, therefore, owns nearly one quar- ter ot the surface for the globe and considerably more than oneouarter of the population of all nations. The remarkable thing about the Empire is that it consists ot a Common. §to now hu captured the imagination of the Canadian mu. During peace time we have not thought very much about the bread. th and strength of the British Em. pire which in united with the French Empire in the defence ot liberty, but now that we are ot war, it’s being brought home to us more and more, that this British Empire In embat. tled more strongly than any force the modern world has ever known. 'has entered the devastated land and lehares with Germany the spoilation 'that country. Russia has made mov- (i; towards the Baltic and Germany is now endeavouring to repair the (dia, on the west front where ‘France had entered the German territory almost all along the iron- tier from Switzerland to Luxem. burg. British troops are In France and the British navy is carrying out successfully a campaign against un. derseas raiders. In the air it is known that many Canadian lads are playing a heroic part and because ot this fact that am of the service up THE VAST BRITISH EMPIRE The war in Europe has been In progress for about three months and important things have happened. Poland has been destroyed Ruasia take- one thousand voter. to ttttair ty tor a deputy reeve end Memento he only 982. " 'short.osprer town. Ihlp he: 1,002 voters on ite llet. two over the required number, so that they ere ensured of two men at the county council. l, “ransom mu. nor new; a tree m “a nun HAVE DEPUTY REEVE the-Indra, Con-d: tming s ',',ttt, . "up! moon I Meme“; will be without a dop- " . of the ' ' ofthe t trtsruamentarr system. The 1m It my reeve for 1940. due to the int Pritl h t rrito b ietenta u u tutthereamneiteno-etterssny ' dt 17! follow: Europe 120,791 "tment all“. the township to guilty so that a 5 Asia, 1,988 430. Africa, 3,888.87 second representative would be rt d, C n e rice on d enabled to Bit in mnty council. " NC It on e Went indies 8,991,162. South Amer- takee one wound voter; to gun. ic Mr 098 o . 3288 9284 ty tor I deputy reeve and Arm-nun a, ' ' can! ' ' ' . 'o'"-........ --re. “v--- ”mum" A FACT A ween ABOUT CANADA ONLY tsl TEEDURHAMW on the quilt which Geneva Pratt and n; Mm W. Ewing. A half hour was spent a There were " tables of and the prizes went to Mrs Whitman. Jean Jacques, W] Weir and W. A. Lindsay. meeting was called to order Aljoe for the drawing " " “nun uLENELG w. INST. HOLD EUOHRE PARTY The South Glenelg Wouhen'a matt. tute held a euchre party in No. ' school Friday evening and the event wu well attended and much enjoyed .members fees to the extent or 8125. l The report of the Grey County {Home Board of Management Was ipreeented by Reeve Albert Rusk. and was passed by the council alter .they had gone into committtee of le whole on one clause. The re- port recommended that the insur~ ance on the Grey County Home and buildings be lowered $2160, the or- Print? risk having been found to be "ottsldertrtrir too high. I " was felt that " the Home had an unusually large amount of feed on hand this winter, it would be good business to purchase ten head of feeder cattle, and theae had been already bought. This, action also was ratfiUd. sou-m GLENELG w, The report recommended that a new motor Ite purchased for the stoker " a cost of 840. " also re- commended that the omce or Coun. ty Engineer R. C. McKnilht be ‘mcved from Its present location to that formerly occupied by the court. ty sheriff and the Provincial Con. stable. Harry Noble. take the of. tire vacated by Mr McKnight. This will leave the rear office to be used for a toilet and caretakers apart. ment. and for use of storing equip. ment, and also that s new flax be purchased for the Court House. complete with new steel pole. in addition to this, the report recom- mended the payment of accounts totalling $1634.01. and committee members fees to the extent a! no! i Mr Ccoper answered eevenl quea- tione which council member: put to him before he thits-t his report. The report of the county property committee, submitted by Deputy Reeve John Aitken of Normnnby Township. chairman of the body, outlined the work that had been carried on in the various county bttildines since the lent session. There had been considernble interior decoration done at the Court House: the Children':, Shelter had been painted both inside and out and the verandaho had been repaired. beet purposes. and could be sold as web. This reimbursement, In addi- tion to the " value compensation, naw to, it that the has to the farm- er was slight. Out of over 460 herds tested, ruc- tors had been found In only M, and in most cases, nnlmals were tit for Grey County had, he stated, been the tirat to declure herself 100% tor Restricted Area, and the Representa- tive was anxious that farmers throughoyt the district show the in. spectors every cooperation in their work. f Declaring that the tact that up to the present time, no Grey County 'tarrner has raised objection to hav- flng his herd tested in accordance iwith Restricted Area regulations ‘waa a real credit to this section or the country, T. Stewart Cooper Agri. cultural Representative tor the noun ty ct Grey spoke to member: of the County Council at their meeting on Thursday afternoon. Hie depart. ment was, he declared, making a determined ettort to have the en- tire County checked before the end of the year. April Ist, 1940. and three extra veterinariea were being sent to Grey to supplement the three already at work. No Object": to 23mm to order by Alex duwing ot the ticket which was done by and name drawn wan r. A pleasant social than: at lunch period_ that " the Home had large amount of feed winter, it would be to Purchue ten head F, and these had been . This action also Katricted Am ‘t William A, , event enjoyed Players auwl' over an hour'- (Ii-mam Reeve Wlmun Riley at “word. who had taken the chair while the Council was m committee of the {Monthomuom putt to a Emu. Br . summ- matrix: the orb “all Mum-6h- " u - Incurred In count . i‘ - v _ e -- -...- vvl’ In“. out that there was a war on at the Mr "Id In George leCulloch a pregent time, and it etrtimates had and children. ct Toronto. were week I been barely sumcient to permit need- end meat! of the farmer's mate. I ed work this Bummer, they would Mr and Mm Wm. MeCutioett. , fall short next year in face of eteau- Mr and Mn John Hodtmon of Dur. I ily increasing coete. To start winter hm. were Sunder viaitore In the l work of any kind was going to let home of Mr end Nu Hurry new Ind I the Council in tor an expenditure family. greater than they might “ante. Mr Rotts Ttosetrommeh, ot Durham. for it was fmpouible to tell how far spent Sunday ttttemoon with Mr. the work would have to be carried. ' Albert Rear. 3 Reeve Alfred Down of 1'ett"srtrh -_-. s.' declared that in hie estimation. win-l I ter roads were every bit an essenti-| Basin“. Mead Dr“ al as summer roads. Reeve Aug-j . _ --- ---- ', tin Ball of Hanover declared thug "‘“7;Wjfi " - it would sooner or later be necea-E I A 'alMri'i' '"tit'Ml w nary to begin work of this kind, and; I-tlr, 'ii1'e.48li he suggested that the Oeprey roedg‘ IN ff 'ff'ilii, be kept open for experimental 'trl Illll1 tlil one, to determine. if poeeihie. the f r IN coat of such a reunite. ’ liil g; It we: felt though, that it would; E A“ e bounfair to single out anyone town-' s?.,!, ship for work of this kind. Warden? M a John A. Davie, reeve of Artemeaia,f i MI A at?“ pointed out that other counties who , g " 1 do winter plowing had found that i ' ' " - the trout played havoc when the ' - 1 protecting; layers of new were re- , Itil 1 moved, and additional expense wan _ B.M the county " the present time had no equipment for winter plowing. and added " objection to that of Reeve Patterson. service. Reeve S. M. Patterson of Egre- mont, Road Committee chairman however pointed out that the allot- ment of that committee " the pres~ ent time, did not any more than cover expenses incurred in keeping summer roads in shape. Any extra drain through winter work would stand in the way of neoemry im. Irrovetnertta, and he, apeaking for his committee, could not approve ot the idea. Deputy Reeve Thomas, handle of Mealord pointed out that Reeve Arnold Hutchinson, Osprey, who has devoted a'sood deal or time and energy towards gathering in. formation about winter road work, wanted the Council to take advant. age of the scheme whereby the Township paid 25% costs. the county paid 25%, and the remiining 50% we: stood by the province. He did not feel that such an arrangement would prove a heavy drain on Coun. ty Council funds, as there were few municipalities in which the need of winter plowing was so great as it was in Osprey, and there would not be many want to pay extra for this Farmer, he claimed, could not get their stock out by truck, as there was no provincial highway touch. ing the township on myalde. Ind generally speaking, with the coun- ty roads blocked with snow, the sit- uation was a serious one. He estim- ated that the road could be kept open for 350.00 per mile. A deputation from the Township ot Osprey, headed by Mr Dons. WM present. and their leader nddressed members of the Council. Osprey Council were very much concerned about the keeping of s ten mile stretch ct county road, thst repre sents the Justin traMe artery or that part of the county. Osprey was, he declared, without the services ot a regular doctor, and in mid winter with rosds plugged inst, people teken seriously ill could not possibly re. relve prompt sttention. Some parts of the township, he pointed out, were near enough to other centres thst doctors could be summed. but, he added "there in the north east, if we happen to get sick. it's just a case ot God help us." TORONTO when Reeve tr. M. Patterson of Egromont. moved the adoption of a clan-e in the County Roads Com- mittee report, recommending the! Grey follow her (and policy with regard to winter work. . . afternoon'n union of Grey County Council in Owen Sound. Thin conn- tr, one of the few remaining who do no winter work on their county nude. he. found the lune n lively one on every own-ion upon which it bu come before Council: however thus far. suggestion! tor winter plowing have not enjoyed the " proval of the matoritr. _ ter of "8F-40, again when w w usual policy of doing no now plan'- ing en County mdl, it wu decided afmr lent!" discquon " Prim lo Sui l!ktriiig on V ""Wff / Co. Roads in Grey _ A..." "$3.1; Grey County wilt, during the win. the mm: on um I . J. McDonald pointed wen-k be _ V.. ‘ _ _-_ "We _'iieiii),'ii""ee'viir "NE"ia3'ji)'iiitii,f' . reu- i F??? ' .‘ 1 F?- 3-23,; rhnN \_ . ‘3: would il7 F? _ r " _ _ A town-' r , .7 uden‘ a Q " elk, l E” 'Ce, sf,risitri' who , " (Ir 'ir.t:rt ‘1; g. um 6 "i., ‘2“: ri the , sh 'ti,"-,-']),, 4. , i ‘6 '7cl' V ion lord. . _ -, M ,, the " to . “I not " loo-n. a 1m. "u-I-I-wu In... m I. 1'11etfetttoettuniluii'i'; S'ealteyt-iiiikrtirii"G Joyed his talk An excellent time we: enjoyed by III in their hospitable home. We mit- led to mention I. wont interesting all: on "England today" Rev. "tgr. Allison of Hanover, " the Novem- her meeting. Evenmn- Inn-AI" -.. The U.F.W.O. held I fowl up per " the home ot Mr tutd Mrs George Turnlmll when over nlnety at down to well-laden able. of fowl and other good thlnu to out. Mee, and a brother. Lee passed "my a few years ago. Interment took place in the Mitchell cemetery. Wlord was received in Aytcn or the death in Mitchell on Hands, evening ot Robert P. Wenger utter a lingering illness. The deceased was born in Ayton, the eldest son of the late Mr and Mrs Aaron Wanner and spent most of " life in that village. He Wu very well known through his usecintion with the Wenger General Milling Co., the Wenger General Store and other lines or business. About " yum ago the ismily moved to Goderich and alter several yarn in Painters. atcn took up residence in Mitchell. He leaves a wife and two sons also one sister, Ethel. of Toronto, Frank of Toronto, Roy of Mount Dennis. Addison of Aylshun. Suk. A sister He leaves to mourn, his vwldow. "m“- s was ud ' mater-I. Mock and Mr “d In. Cqeil Bryant “NF Archie, Ottawa; Chain and Bob, and" with New In Esmmom swam: Junk-on. Dart-Math N. Mr I“ In Joseph Kirby or an. , B.; Lloyd. Morrison and Doug!“ " visited with the WWI niece, M. home; In Ralph might, sun. Aietr. Knl-lov and Mr. Kaine)" tom: Jen and Ellie u home. He The - You“ In “In: put " also leave: hm brother! Willi-m o. ngattt. " look- " thoqh Winter ' Brandon. um Robert of Home "w, “HM-I 'ttatt. We have we um ' and I sister, in J. Boyle, loo-e In" In and: now u are had 1.1 . Jaw. winur. Thtt mm bearers were, sou: Mitra Rodrspts that the Week .4, Chlrlea, Bob, Lloyd. Morrison “d " her home In WUrton. Douglas and son-lu-luw, Ralph an,” -_.-- - ----------- to the Hunrden dIstHet in 1910 where he hu fumed “one. He Was one of Horardett'tt old settlers and m for may year! en Elder In the thyterlen Church, end on com summation of Union he we: elected an Elder of the Hunden United Church, which amet- he held until " death. menu. t Mr bedlnmn an born at Bar noch. Ont., April M. Mm. He married Ellubeth Boyle " Donnell on Nov. 14th. 1900, nd can weat Interment vu made In the He- wnrden cemetery. D. W. Coventry Ind charge of the (anon! grunge- hold on M]. A private service In: held gt the home a 1.80 than In loam:- an: s solo. The pub- tie funeral service was held a the United Church at , o'clock. The church was filled with friend: and acquaintances of the W. m. me-o."""""'""'" -- l, Mr. w 'meIMatn" a mm M. a. L. Lemuel-um ,1... can" mind Inn Wed-coda, Arm-u human. Mr 000m ”th‘me! brown“ WWII-Ml"! hi m A. C. - nu. “Do-tum o. sumac- Ila-um " no on Our All W. In emu-mu, .1... - --r um an m. ROBERT P. WENGER VICKERS . Everyone present en- conducted the ”Moon. (owl sup~ Mr “d In a” , er ninety Roll. table, of u, I to at. Int , iiii "ttdar was a the bone of ., - and If. A. C. -eaaau I'm-1- 't ”nominal. Mall-on to,' m "et. m: If - In. Peru and “I“ - - of Wound; "t If - In ”It! To!" mmpn' and led by It all In June- lcRon:.1 M the that! of the Inc M m, m. Hell-Ion, of 8mm Part. ttrr Mee. and Mm. CHM ”on" n”! pulled by Ir Hector MaetDttetaltt, ' tMNtrtmae-at Jill!” '.teyttn-ika'"a,'l,'l Rectum . -- - I“! Ol Ellwood and It Alex IcDonld and - of Cum. It and In ”no. Crunch!” were dinner new with "tor. and In Batu. Durh- on. week. It And In accrue lcluun um fatntir at Durban You M thte. .".r1?"tor-omiiairi,, Mc- 'r-s-, In w... an: ad can-cu wen reconnect. vuauuuun Thar “I -A .._, - “I”... .m tnDrutteanHot, mm m . fwd-n with blow when. Munrhwlllsom “Valmtomm. Recent Figitatm with Mr um My " L. lobe“ m - were Mini Kahlua Saul. teach.- at the Roe " 3nd It and In A. D. Mdnurv and Bobble, Dorm. '.ettr.rraiiau'l"d",1', . mt " nad " I“ M . “at. day with Mr at! In Jacki Barry ., Holland Cum. ..., mm. 1t0t “Why. Nov. in 'e.Prt"ymo.é.Giuii (Inc In: Km). at It... emu, 1 I-_ Mr and In: Ed. Barnum and M Lorne Burma of “may spent th, woekend with the Bowman Ind ke.' " hulls“. loudly. Mr and In Arthur lcNully at: Doreen and Mr Ind Mrs Tosh h'lrt". an evening recenuy with Mrs. I Kenny. It and In John Ithechnie al, Inn and Mr Ernie Harlin spent tl, ' day with Mr and In Kenneth Dur.., moor " Oshawa. Rev. and In. mgthe called ulm' member- of their mus-Hon trr. Icy and Allan, um Mr and Mrs Fr.- Abbott and Billy. spent the week";. with their prom, Mr and Mrs A) Mr and In Joseph Kirby of EM. visited with the 'tYeager'. niere, M. Alox. Kai-Icy and Mr. Kat-Icy. The new fence: Ire being put " Main. " look. as W Winter, (him m. We hope we um ' In - ll laying a few day, with her daughter. In. Neil Ma, Kr and In Joe Renter spent Sui Walton " the Incarnate hon, cn Bunny were Ir and In Crewe, My. "I and " John Mlcflrhun and mac Ion Colin of Toronto, My BromrotT-tootdMrug. It CUrenee Ianuy mm a ht.. “newt shed for In. E. Keuzn - the weekend It“: homo-h... bod P%ietrtqt - on Mond,, Ir and Gibbon of Kin-hon. "00 Mu - . few day, week “a the Keller fun“) Room SAUGEEN ROB ROY “- Von 7mm um Mr and Mm In“: ot lorvin : Bllh M: W - .00 . Its Reward Columbia 1Vtrrtltt h My 5 tuba lilo-urn M. Apply at {It-v11 Nominmn m and BKrmnun betd Friday. N may their "whims of than mum”) Btoet. held In the ux-r. DAV. DECEMen i an. to Kw l , M take [mun Tinted Nov lit WI" be ttold u. 'lo Glenda, on FmDa, "TN. mo at om C anoom for m. i' tht. Olden! no» ~.v!vr':f1 "can and Gamma L "tatHgt (Penman! "ive moves and “my; Ile mum ar', win-w» I' _ pllcotion. Po' "ttls, " mu Cnndndav. [have and (‘mm "I hid Gran: , “I. Twenty )m " (If. IO'C “HUM out pay-om Pie, cutout-Ins fun) A; [OUTED CORN qtreqiitttt. THF".) NI BAtar--t tltol ch-tent Fire may Ton Durham, " _ '0. SALE __ loo, ., , Bet. , venom my“. ONTARIO GOV E R' The Red Cr WC: Pvsh-Button Hum -t6mrer More wth not“! one and value. Compare the I . ' .. ' " that have cor', li.s', ' b n ts ' ' you‘ll agree (r . _ r" A). h (much: twp.- ', F"', , -.- “II-Wave "mm. h, 's, 1 m WI knew. " s", '. a; " New" mm ir, 1.1! it! trpacaiotue Forest ... . I 14.:m areaferme " $!huf ., 1,rrwt mu than: Come " ' P .. W" w . mm 0.. Mod “uni Carma-r lg". f, Tum-u a 6 m r r km "5mm n,- pml A mag" - at on when: It. you UNI t [he PARK LAM "UNICIPAL ' H Foie ; I "we; m 'uths Small Adv FIRE. l solo- WAVE TOWNSHIP t (OM/ER PHCES CARD OF TH, N U. ”Luv: Immu- SM!” “ . McFaddcn’o H. PJ'N ll? mum. NOI NINE? N0

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