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Durham Review (1897), 23 Nov 1939, p. 6

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I 'tsi' .4 Tti, H ti ii chain. ionld authorize some form of - aopping,‘ the puts ht would he dolfghted." Gr' AsiSciu'son. Tom Smith. mo- cintion secretary. aid sowing is “nutritionally toynd" and Potid A ple‘a that rtiquette authori- ties lift the social ban on napping -tho canon of looking up gravy Infinite. with bread-was made Inst we.) by the American Bak. Skip Due". By the .mddle ot the attorttoott, you'll want another glass ot milk gr twig juice If‘ggdlnner. you will undoubtedly vm' a great deal of Rood. However. hungry or not. Just It!“ to liquid: only. then go to bed Only ttttd pit out the “(it In the to allow for ti) hours of sleep. During the morning. drink 3 his glnu or milk or a cup of clear - or more fruit 't' vegetable ‘uico. Lunch may consist of fruit Jule. all soup and milk. Be an to Iritttt several was»; ot water be- tmn meals. "V TM Din Begin your llquld-diot-day by drlnklng a glass of _hot water with a dash ot fresh lemon Juice. At least halt an hour later, have a large glass of fruit or vegetable juice Ind a hot beverage Instead ot . regular breakfast of solid tood. Tho next time y\)u notice that your complexion is covered with little blemishes. resolve then and there to take no nourishment other than llqtldo tot. the {onowing twenty-tom- ttours Rapid-tire cure for the lumps, bump. and blemished which some- times show up on the skin after a period of mu. sleep .nd a great deal of over-eating consists of ntiehing to a liquid diet for twenty- tour hours and getting " hours ot lleop tor three consecutive nights. A Liquid Diet For Clear Skin mammalian...“ ““4“"de Every (lemon: girl must watch hef diet. Ivy Beth Hughes illustrates some of the Heat things to at. Beat (or ell Mris are green vegetables. They keep the complexion clean the 'eytrAealthr. One should drink lots "What I hoped it would give was [he long-ribbed Jock which young American ttirh, passes: manually." When a 'str.u "cortgea!s” in his opinion. " settles down. takes . tinsist. becomes an integral part of woman's lives. Hitt return to the counted silhouette in de. “ulna was never a stunt. he laid: Ind he never intended " to be an Instrument of torture, M1110 drgot, Bread and Gravy " “he trom Maintiieher, the dash-er who created the Duchess ot Wlndlor’s wedding tttrtrn, and who toRpd.himselt unwilllngly in the lhellnht last August when he showed a pink tiatiiCtraet.tace'eor. not that 'started a trend on both sides ot the Atlantic. . The Long-Rim Look "01:4, i'rr.tr'prt why tlte font: is here tn stag. in my turn) or an- it enable use in"; 'Khe ma: word his! week on the question which has unwind the biggest !strie contro- versy since skirts T1rst journeyel ttar-high utter l'irllng for your: arotutd_tho ankles. The cors‘et Atuation, which ha: has! all the girls in a breathless di- ther, MnmfAugust "hasn't quite congealed yet" It seems. But it MIL. . I lsTheConet Here To Stay? hath: "Nnam't Quit. c... "eret,"_sm" Hui-Loch. it, rryu; M'wuo'i'é. W pm Pa b, . "is that wk young Y Snooks' --- Tombrrow's papers would prob. ably strike a new theme. “is the Murderer Among These Who Mount Amy Kerr?" they might in- quire. with innumerable question marks. There would be these pity tures ot the small group leaving the funeral parlors, with approp- riate arrows to indicate Miss Prir cilia Pierce, who shared the ap- artment with the victim . . . . Mr. Harvey Ames, employer ot Miss Kerr. . . . Mr. Harry Hutehitut- but no. Harry had lingered inside. Probably he had foreseen this. Harry preferred his photograph taken at the smarter places. link. NT'","";,": sum tho 9min: papporminf flavor of DOUIlIMIN'I’ GUM! Got some today! Immediately following the serv- ice Cilly noticed that the steps ot the funeral home were lined with photographers. For “In first time she realized that the newspapers were playing the case. The mur- der ot a young girl was always meat to the public interest. Thus tar the reporters had secured very little information. either from Cllly or the police. There was, after all, little to tell of Amy, and there were no photographs. Sergeant Dolan was not present. but across the room she saw De. tectlva Martin, his flaming red hair standing out conspicuously against the somber background. His face was expresgiortleio, but his keen eyes were alert tor any surprising detail. Cilly knew they would be quick to detect the slight- est evidence of false grief or un- natural curiosity. She knew too that later on she would be “ted to account tor every person pre sent. Harry Hummus was there, of course. and Harvey Ames. With Mr. Amos was " partner, Mr. Waketield, and tour others whom Ciiiy recognized as employee) ltr the realty office. Obviously they held Amy in high regard, despite her short association with them. Contrary to Cilly's expectations, the luneral services tor Amy Kerr were well attended. She had “no that they be held In the smallest parlor, and now the room was " most crowded. Yesterday: Mrs. Wheeler, the lady in Apartment 4-3. above Gilly’s, rune away. Suddenly it oc- cure to Citly that the may hive shielded the murderer; the may have thrown the Utah papers in the incinerator shaft. SERGEANT tt0LAN--otfieer " signed to solve the murder of May Kerr. AMY KERR--cinyu roommate and murderer'n victim. JIM KERmGAN-Cilly'a fiance. HARRY HUTCHINS - Amy's strange visitor. CAST CF CHARACTERS PRISGILLA PiERCE'-htsrolrte, young woman attorney. DELICIOUS... REFRESHING Issue No. 47 - '39 our bf the' NIGHT" av MARION mute Copyright, kai, teh Sirvk.ei Inc, CHAPTER XV STAMP 'eirijii" - 0 Foe in "tttg and the label and allowing the In”! trade. nult, from h3 pads“ of SALAISA TEA we will and y” a Band! In“! of: 1-64 Sump Album. I-too all ersrttMetqse. 'z-ths list tmdt'l'tg'td'i'l,id oNeed Free in ending. hte SALADA Mack. ma; GGGFG sA=iriiiiiii"" """' """T" SALADA SYAMP cm. a“ King St, I, bum JOIN THE “Nevertheless. Meg. Wheeler in " left hurriedly this ntternoon with two large aultcases. I don“: thfnk she'l be back for . while." "Well, I'll admit it would seem BO. Bluotlelda, Utah. in . small place. I'm willing to check more thoroughly on the tenants . . _" "tt It's not too late." . "What do you mean?" "You told no yesterdny. Ber. geant, that we were on to stud in roadlneu tor I summons to pollce headquarters. Wu that order tor me alone. or was it given to every taunt?" "Mtgrtia gavo every tenant the same instructions." Mrs. Wheeler, Has Left "Yes, I do," Gilly admitted. “Don't you think whoever threw away the papers knows I great deal about Amy’s death?" "It doesn't look to me," he said slowly. "as it you have much ot a case on Johnson. After all, it a man chooses to read up on insan- ity in his spare time. that doesn't make him a murderer. It doean't even make himJnsane. Anyway, from our own story ot the news- papérs, you're ready to believe that someone upstairs is implicated." Cilly shook her head. "I don't know. I honestly don't know. 1 wish I could tell you that it was several tttittuteg--l wish I were sure that he had time to come from the room. But I'm not. It might have been one minute. or it might have been fipy. I was too stunned to take notice of details." Serge-ant Dolan shrugged his wide shoulders. "No. I didn't. I assumed that he came up from his rooms in the basement. I was looking at Amy --not at the from door. I only know that he was the only one who came cut ot the house before the police arrived." you reach her slde?" "How long after the girl full did "Not 30 seconds later." "And how long were you there before Johnson came out'.'" “Another thing," she said, "De. tective Martin apparently forgot to consider Mr. Johnson yesterday when he was collecting allbls tor all the tenants. He might very well have been up there on the root- he goes up every night to lock the door-and he was the only one who came out ot the from. door utter Amy was killed." "Did you see him come down the stairs?" No Case On Johnson Briefly. bat in detail, Cilly told him how she came to find the Bluetlelds newspapers in the in- cinerator; she showed him the sec. tions she had reclaimed. She told him ot her visit that morning to Mr. Johnson, and ot his peculiar literary tastes. "Not since when','" ht asked, in- stantly alert. . "Not since Sunday, ot course. But I did discover something vsry important." He Hung the question at 'iisy, abruptly,' startfing her tor ’the'ln'xo: mam. Her trelbatmtrttnce Weaken- ed perceptibly. "No, of course um." she said, "not tftrtce---" She stop- ped. realizing that she was about to say: "Not since his postcard yesterday." It was just one such little slip that Dolan hoped tor, Half an hon} later, lube sat bp- poslte Sergeant Dolan in a small private ottice down' at police head. quarters. _ . "Any news of your boy Mend?" Dolan asked herbalmost batons 5119 was seatM. F b 'a, She‘went into the bedroom to freshen her makeup.. She 'eombed her hair and set her tiny-antic black hat at a more raklsh angle. It strengthened her self-assurance. “Say."Mlsa Pierce," he said Mr ruptly. "rd like you to come down to headquarters u tMrott'ttt you can. Something I'd 1iltrrto.ttuk to you about." _ . 'Tll leave ittunyiWt,ely," puny, assured him., she hung up. a lit. tle fearful. Come Déwn To Heidqurterl It was not much tt'oro than"an hour "later when' Ctlty- returned 4rom the Cemetery. Aa%e tttrned Into the etitrattee-otthe Bayview, she heard.- through the open with dot, the ringing of her own gale- phone. She hytened. her steps, " was Sergeant DbIan. T ' ed with the notables..-Miss (Hm-Ea Harmon in particular” m“. . Let'g hear about it 2t'rer2'.t2t IllllellBlM-i" " J , , o . no: u mm loaded. Dr. Kent'- t'ag 'adh ttk-err nil-Inn It. and“ and humo- the " "a... In. WI. In.“ " " Whaler Am. Guelph. Ont.. can: N bad In! weigh: and felt “Mk. 2rt, It. 2pJhfJl,terl my " In I. . " and in J1uru was an my!" "law “I with.” Get Dr. Hem? 001!!! Medical ”sunny from your drawn. DO YOU REALLY LIVE? "Nothing else, sergeant." Gilly said calmly. "But I do believe those three incidents have a tremendous bearing on the ease." "Perhaps you're right." He sat still for a moment, strumming on the table with the tips ot his tlag. ers. His eyes were calculating " they strum] "nt'nrnpyornisiugl.v at His Father tn Prison Replacing the phone, he (mm-d to Cllly: “There's something p0,» cullar in that," he said. "I par. ticularly gave orders that no tea. ant was to leave the vicinity with. outs special permission. . . Well, we'll see about Mrs: Wheelcr. Now what else did you have to tell me. Miss Pierce?" Dolan picked up a. phone from the desk. To someone at the other end he ordered: "Have Martin cheek up on a Mrs. Wheelbr in Apartment 4-3 at the Ba.vvieiv. Sec if there's any Lndicution that she skipped." "I tried to reach you once to. day, and this happened just as I was leaving tor the funeral serv- ices. However, I did try to trace her." She repeated her comer”- tion with the tax! drives. her Dolan Jumped to his feet. "Why didn't you get in touch with me right away. so that we could trace This crom'eied set. of howl wi.h surf and muff, delights every little girl. It’s in loop stitch, except the scarf which is mainly in single crochet. Pattern 2321 contains directions for making the set in 5-12 year sizes; illustrations of it and stitches; materials required. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept,, 73 West Adelaide St,, Toronto. Write plainly Pattern Number, your Name and Address. Parents. added Dr. Dafoe; blight to bring up their child in a way that he or she will ultimately be 'trrtrttt1ati1rrindependetit ot them; for only Then a .son'orva daughter can do this is he 'or she a full. fledged independent human being --a better-citizen.” The ciliaens ot 'otryprrqw,ar't the children .cftoday; said “the famous “country déctor" Who his bad the the of ‘tho Dionne: Quintuple'ts sln‘ce thetr.ttkth " years no; And, .slncas- the .tundamemsl ro- qulnqmenl ot a. mod Milan is good, heaith it is essential :tlia,t, greater care be taken in safeguarding the physical, meot'al aM emotional de. ve16pmertt of childreni s'" .. . Malte:Thetra Independent” V Ho, outlined several paints to be kept in Tusd.. Children should be born, healthy; through. the physical fitness ot parents and ipartieiilar', the mother at "the tfrtie of'blrth; children should ht. assured a nat: ural diet ot moth‘er'r milk: child- ren ought. not to be spoiled but should be encouraged to “stand on their own teet," children should not he exposed to domestic quar- rels and scenes. l The "intfretsittg1y tjriabisanatie future" at 'rttatorleeotnitrtr an "In. creasing”: complex elviligtrtioti" de- iirnO upop,the health of today's children. Dr.' Allan' Roy Dafoe 'old the forum on current world prob- lems sponsored by the New York Herald Trihtttt.er. ' .. b, A Babb; 'tisr1tresi2ytyy.ue Future Depends Today’s Children t" CHILD S CROCHETED SET Exclusive Laura Wheeler Set Easily Crocheted - - fl - - v, - A 'mir-ire, p... .- - mar. con me, mucus! “NICE. INC. your gravy thickener or gravy powder in en old, discarded pep- per pot'. It in must easier to shake into the pun, melting it ee- sier to mix. Local atorekeepera also report that their Itock ot locketa has gtr. en out. After the last war when many a girl carried a mlnlature of her husband or boy friend. there was no further demand (or locket. and their manufacture was discon- tinued. Existing mm were all bought out after the declaration of war last month. LONDON, England - Model air. planes. autumn and aearchllghu " hair ornaments are tlndlng ("our in London as one ot the meet tem- lnlne fashions. stores no selling Jeweled models tor evening we" and I more practical variety tor use during the day. War Creates "Did Mr. Kerrigan ever tell you," Sergeant Dolan asked, with mad. dening deliberation, "that out in Bluetlelds. Utah, his father is serv- ing 10 years in prison tor theft?" (To Be Continued) Cilly straightened. "I're told you all there is to tell," she said with dignity. "Mr. Kerrigan and l are very good friends, I am sure you will find his character and " ttab. its entirely above reproach. You're wasting valuable time trying to cast suspicion on him." "Nevertheless," said Sergeant Dolan finally, "Lett get buck to this friend ot yours-Kerri/ran. How much haven’t you told me about him, Miss Puree?" Filly. Under his steady gaze, she became restless. It was with tre. mendous control that she retained her composure. Miniature Weapons As Hui. Ornaments . Lockets Back Have you ever tried Turkish towels need no ironing ---sjmply sha.ke them when dry to fluff lip the pile. Then press.off the hams with ' Warm iron; Any 1orise etidf or" pulled threadiUhouid be clipped " even with the piled- never pulled.. A ttrm, tight under- weave, dose even pile, firm selv- ages and well-finished hems should ble assurance of long-wearing tow- e s. NEW YORK.-The fur-brim- med sweater is a new mode here. Made in short-sleeved styles with irlide'fastener up the centre front, these models have fur outlining closing, bordering garment and fashioning little pockets. F ur-Trimmed Haire you hturis really beautiful calendar? _ If so. yum frnd that an occaaiongl applietttiorrtf Mili- ture polish-r-using only -tt very small quantity, will itnprovys.it no end.' Besides cr_eating a surface ‘on which dust and'digt won't; set- tle, the' itlnt "of wax polish, seems to aetrtntuate the" eoldrinifot the calendar; specially if it" is a fitMhte painting or something similar. . If you’ve the sort of family who are erratic about mealtimoo. you ‘-'sinply ‘muat make or aiireeran cosy! Make it like A tea up”. but make It to. titiour “mm. In- stead of leaving the late onél' din- ner simmering and getting over- ‘cooked, put it, piping hot, into the saucepan. pop this cosy over tho top and you'll find it hot and paint- able an hour and a half later; __ Incidentally. uni old pairs of chamois leather gloves make laye- ly linings.for _cosie§. l TORONTO Household Hints PATTERN 232t Queer Styles Sweaters Mix' sugar and i1our very thor. oughly (which in the secret if this uuce is to be successful). Add boiling water and cook until there is no teste of starch (raw). Beat in corn syrup, remove from the fire and add butter arid vunilla. SUGAR SAUCE 1 tablespoon of corn syrup 1 cup brown sugar 3 (level) tablespoons ttout, 2 cups boiling water 8 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon unilln li lb. dates stoned and cut tine Melt the butter, add the well beaten egg, milk Ind molest”. Add the dry ingredients, which have been sifted together and lut- ly add the dates. Stem: for " hours and serve with sugar nuce. Serves 6. $6 teaspoon M teaspoon Ti teaspoon 1% flour li lb. dates small pieces _ % cup pecan nuts 2/8 cup fruit auger 56 tenpoon salt Add rice to boiling water with salt; cook until tender about " min. To preserve shape of rice be sure and not have it overcooked. Drain; rinse wtih cold water and place in cool plnce until ready to serve. Have ready ginger syrup (made by chopping % cup candied ginger covered with 2 cups water And Ig cup auger; boil these in. gredients together 20 minutes), ndd to rice; also marshmallows which have been cut line. Lastly fold in tstifle beaten cream and chopped nuts. Serve in sherbet glasses and top with cherry. APPLE DREAM 1 package strawberry thvored jelly powder 1 pint boiling water 1 large red apple y 2 small Every household has its favorite desserts, as well us other weekly dishes regularly“ served. but every- one now and then longs for a change or something different in regular routine. One munt- not desert one's ambition for new deo- gem. Try these tested recipes and I am sure they will be social- 1y -reUiriisrisu -al p'ermanents with your funny. Desserts DATE PUDDING 4 tablespoons butter ' cup corn cyrup ' cup milk k cup brown sugar i teaspoon szdn 6 teaspoon salt % cup rice 2 qunrts boiling water 1 teaspoon salt 1 qunrt cold water 2 cups chopped candied ginger and syrup cup mnrshmaHOWS out in GINGER-NUT RICE cloves allspice nutmeg Are Different hummus-us. . ..1‘9§~9mm _ "e -_- WI.- P2'.eye,?1-yite,"raiitii'i m "ere.i.et".eftaiFiCi"ie%'L1'll't " this Viv. Deana New“ Aim . became "on when taken fee. mun"; the; know it do.- not harm Can-an. " . . ' in e and. The a.” man-nu I u m m _ - -- w ._.. a“ amazing], (at. It entirely avoid. thq ee' /f.leteritiii dmb. ',e,netrriii.eu7.r"Gi,".- 1'irer "tge. Pictures we» - tt -iarh. I... It “Egg-vag_ “ twice. When silver apples, with rustling sound. Drop from the tree to star the ground. A: twilight pours. like u purple spell. Out of the Dipper over the well. --rn Christina Science Monitor chum. But midrtitdst's magic is dark and bold, Crisping the pond with nodden cold. Slow twilight drenching the or- chard wall Softly with dew in best of ell. Oh, be not startled if, in n nice. Wildly your heart turns over Blue dusk is kind h an autumn Frosting I which must be [and I» who jelly mixture is about lukewarm: add an apple. Winn thaw is quitgsuu'ck, ulmoat set, and an mnrlhm‘nllows, gently pushi- them undef the mixture. Chill and serve wittttaptttatg of “in”! Have you [any eaten in you: (unbi- Do you luv. trouble providing l varied sad liters» ing menu? Do your canke- (all? Then write, enclosing I sump ed, "lt-addressed envelope to Miss Sadie B. Chlmberl, can of than (iii-ad the will endu- vour to solve vour problem Autumn Twililht YOUR uougngOI-D dom 1etriiei.-Tsrs h- An electriv r. keater--eiimina: il.; of the middle of ' the hot water but ”man-- patella d [ark-y of Hanna I A cover.',: "ieh maku " or losing hpouible. A bedclcl (at which pr dutch. It at Herman I Ides. $ir the folk) A With tht al waters ttavr to keeping m The [min k M! room chum Runway; the city he. in "d prop “his. ' (Moni- C a In A m 1.32! an] touted w In: her l velop tul can; tt " elm-in that . In dee anon on!“ likely L, Tubercu My Outdoor F Child .3 W Witt Take All Opinion Britain l Cana You War II run ' h DWI I Ilmu and Ada boa U-Qo-t Crew: tt tr nae n Of

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