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Durham Review (1897), 30 Nov 1939, p. 2

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‘11 ten," he told the Presbyterian Synod of Saw Jersey. "But in 'rite of the" handicaps in these m - mission tlelds, a gum! “a of not. than seven and one- W million copies of Bibles, Tu. t-ntr. Gospel. and portions have - distributed throughout the 6. Dihonh of Philadelphia, lec- ncary of the Amen-inn Bible So. 'ciety. "Total eireulation has fallen be- - " the - in China and a could-aim " eireetsttnees in The Scriptures now have been published in more than 1,000 Ian. guages, "tordiytr_ttttyAer. Geo. Frank Mortensen. of Midvnle, Utah. a “marker" in the Midvale smelter, is shown " his home pur- suing his favorite hobby of cro- cheting and embroidenng after nothing hours. Mortensen has Just been crowned the new crochet and embroidery champion nt Utah's state fair. His crose stitches and needle work made feminine en- tries in the sewing competition envious. Bible Widely Read The rush started when Admiral Miriam-d k. Byrd told newsnwn he didn‘t know what to do with his "olhurtion of 20 of the birds while he was in the Antarctic. A dog, en requests for penguins came in promptly by wire, and the door. bell of Byrd’s home rang frequent- tr, but the demand diminished when inquircrs were informed that Penguins csme high. Huston "Hub's" “penguin mar. Rd." boomed last week. but later sutrered a sharp drop when a price of $130 apiece was we: on the birds. Price Frightens Penguin Buyers m1 One of the moskeoveted hurd- won by Cumin in 1938 In the world's wheat championship. which went to F. Lloyd Rixhy of Womb- ley, Pence River district, Alberta, on his nmple of Reward wheat. WATER POI THE COW According to deity authorities. writer A the most important port of the dairy Ciw’n ration since water ropresen s " least seven- eightlu of the material which goes into the milk pail. A shortage of later will cut down the milk sup- ply more quickly than n shortage of any other part of the ration. Tests show that a cow will con- sume from three to four pounds of water to etch pound of dry matter eaten. The overuse ani- mal in the herd will drink around twelve gallons per day. A plenti- ful supply of water is of essen- tial importance in cold weather. GREEN FEED ron MENS " is advisable to have I part of the hen's rations made up of green feed. Its funetion is not so much the supplying of food nutri- ents as assisting in the digesting of other feeds and keeping the hen m good health. A heavy laying hen will succumb in a very short time unlws she is kept in a laxa- tive condition and poultry feeders tint! grew] feed a lot more prac- tical than drugs. So far as pos- .iblo the green feed <huuld be grown on the range to whith the l-zr‘llx' hate avast In the Fall and Forum . t SHOWING AT CHICAGO When the 60th International Lise Stock Exposition and 2Ut Ittternationit Grain and Hay Show open at C bingo on December 2nd there will be a large number of on. tries of cattle, horses, sheep. ruin and seeds from Canada. but year Canadian exhibitors at the two great International shows stored a trcnl of 866 awards, made up of 17 Grand Champion- ships, seven reserve eumpionships, 61 first prizes, 279 other prizes and one trophy. Crochet Champ .'---- -- -" -lW-Ja nut, and ow'ing to the lighter quality of the air there is lees drag or friction. Because of this, planes will travel It least 25 per cent. faster. in this layer of the etmosphere have been studied and a number of experimental iiirhts already made. Flying above 20,000 ft., planes will be sealed and carry their own air. for above this al.. titude the etmosphere is so rare that cigarettes go out through lock of oxygen. . But well above the clouds, the ltmoephere is nearly always tine, its present pace, huge freight and passenger plane: will climb into the troposphere and tty undo: per- Net condition: from one continent to another. Since 1984 conditions Fbing.. Through They were used mostly on per- sons with arteriosclerosis which had interfered with circulation of the blood, with complications that produced gangrene in some in- stances. The report says that in the first eitrhty-eittht cases at the clinic the beds have given "rather striking tatd rapid relief of pain" in the legs and have brought sleep to my sleepless persona. Rocking beds, a gei;;id to me» dieal treatment, are described in the proceedings of the Mayo Clin.. ie. “npcxmc BED" CURE Philadelphia physicians after nearly three years of experimen- tation have announced develop- ment of u new vaccine against pu- erperal infections (childbirth fe- ver) which proved 100 per cent. effeetive in 229 cases tested. Not one case of puerperal sepsis, cause of 50 per 'ent." oriiriLtGTii; deaths, developed during the ex- periments. HALTS PUERPERAL FEVER Shooting the eye of a cyclone with a radio sonde, a robot weath- er observer and radio transmitter carried Aloft by bolloons, has re- vealed that the cyclone has a warm core, and that it may travel on overhead ttttnotrphere tracks in the stratosphere instead of being gov- errted by surface weather condi- tions. If aerial mung-eh continues at CYCLONE CORES WARM Nervousness precipitates decay in children's teeth, according to Dr. Percy R. Howe, Boston, who said long research had shown that a child's diet might be tsufficient for good tooth structure and con- dition, but the diet advantage would be offset by a nervous spell. NLRVOUSNESS AIM) TOOTH DECAY - _ -- s -"eieie. W...“ v- u... nu...“ an.“ ,v. um ”up“ balllulan navy on Don: coasts: Leo, Top Mt bottom: One of the fast destroyers on patrol duty along the seaboard: A depth charge exploding astem of a speeding destroyer; Sailors manning a rapid-fire attti-nireraft gun on deck. Right, top to bottom: The after deck of a destroyer showing depth charges and Tine-sweeping equipment: A torpedo leaving the tube toward the objective; Sailors manning one of the deck guns. Listeners of the Canadian Broadcasting Corpoyt.iyt's National Network will hear another of the feature broadcasts devoted to Canada's Fighting Services on Friday. December 1, 9.00-10.00 p.m. EST. "The Royal Canadian Navy" will be a sound-picture of the complete and I'omprehensive activities of the Navy at work in time of war. The .bovg views ghow some of the What Science is tt Doing ' 'roposphere thma'sNnirhtAetittet0nBttth_ e new iii? 34:1er tttiEEiiiiiiiiii TYO, ' “Mdmpmu.no:u A. One method in to pierce the leg. If the juice is white, or pale pink, the turkey is ready. ------- Q. Bow can I remove odors from bottles? A. Fill half-full of cold water and add . tablespoontuI of dry mustard. Shake vigorously, let stand Ulf An hour, and rinse thoroughly with clear water. Q. How can I determine if the turkey is ready to take from the oven? A. The best plan is to wet the taming and soap it well. Then lay it on some hand brush. This will clean it beautifully without harm- ing it. Q. Bow can I return tatting to a good clear color when it has be- come very soiled.' A. Dry hair-combings make a nice filling for pin cushions. Dried coffee grounds are also satisfac- tory, as they do not gather mois.. ture nor rust. . How can I check hiccoughs? A. An old remedy which often proves very effective is to put the blade of a table knife on the ton- gue for a few minutes. ytrieytd,utt31wf,tltt Royal Qanaqiaq New): or} both coqst_s_. Left, top_to Q. How can I make a good pin cushion.' A, Fold a large piece oi news.. paper lengthwise, wet one side of it, and fold the dry side over the wet side. Place the wet side against the suit and iron on the dry side. This will also prevent a shiny suit. Q. How can I press a sun more satisfactorily? The Boy Scouts of St. Cathar- Enos have an attraehive district headquarters, "Carmichael House" a large brick building adjoining St. Thomas church, named after Clinton, Ont., Rover Scouts on a tishine trip discovered a brush fire, notified the farmer and as- sisted him to extinguish the fire. Two alert Sudbury Scouts out hunting with their father noticed a cord hanging from the limb of a tree. Investigating, they found a radio meteorgraph released from Baltimore. The instrument indi- cated the moistures, temperatures and the height to which the in- strument had ascended. A Thanksgiving Day model air. plane flying contest of Brampton, 0nt., Scouts brought out 11 mod- els. The prize for the plane re- maining longest in the air went to Scout William Riseberry and the second to Scout William Bean. How Can I ? SCOUTING ay ANNE ASH' EV 6. It being the woman's privil- ege to offer her hand to a man, if the man should offer his hand, what should she do? Answers.. l. Yes. This is not only very bad taste, but often vulgar. Mar- riage is too sacred to be made a public jest by self-appointed clowns. 2. Yes, by all means do so. 3. She should sign, Mrs. H. L. Hudson, and her home city, but not her street address. 4. No. A hostess is usually trying to be hospitable when she makes such I remark. A guest should not over- stay the time stpeeified. 5. "Mar. tha, this is Mr. White (or Charles White)." 6. The well-bred woman will accept it, of course. It would be very rude, unfriendly, and ex- ceedingly embarrassing if she did 4. Should a guest stay beyond the time speeified in the invitation, when the hostess says, "Can't you stay longer?" 5. What would be the best phrase to use when a man is introducing another man to his wfie? 3. When a married woman is travelling alone, should she sign the hotel register Mrs. ll. L. Hud- son, or Mary Lou Hudson? 2. At a holiday dinner, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas, where the service might be called semi. formal, is it all right to offer the guests a second helping of turkey? 1. Isn’t it poor taste for the friends of a newly married coupie to make them conspicuous in pub- lie by attaeh'.ng placards to their car, and performing other such so- called Jokes? Mr. H. J. Carmichael, President of the local Scout Association, A spacious room permits meetings of Cub Packs or Scout Troops un- able to meet in their usual places, in an emergency, upstairs are cooking facilities, and storage for the tents and other equipment for the district camp site, "Wigwas. sin," near the Welland ship canal. m”... - on. ----wt-- i ISSUE N.O. 4tr-'at HARDY APPLE TREES - " gm Agtoh l‘nn-J-I_ r-__,A .. . -'---- CLIENTS WAITING FOR FA at onc_e. State price equipped uneqmpped. Ernest E. Pra 2150 Yonge BL. Toronto. _-'-"'-"--- Fuuwnxmk MILL (KLINE) CARM- ‘F- Inn A-L ---" ----- A MEET! - _ACltIt' _-__ --_-._. “my: - nu was. etch. Can-din Lowest Priced Nur. ury, growing lending vuietiel Fruit Treat rnamenuil. Write irpmt4iatetr ”queuing "nation- al otrerines. Tobe’u Tretern Nia. gln-on-the-Lake. Ontario. . fi_____ THIS is THE NEW ELECTRIC shaver you've read about, that makes shaving so very. very easy. Just plug " in and run the shaver over your face. That's I." - no soap, water. brush or biadel. We ugliest you try it. Over a. million worn sold last year. Original Mit 810. Guaranteed one year. on- paid. Agents wanted. Bell Sales Co., 10 Gaiehouu Bldg., Montreal. Quebec. - '__-re- ‘MIA‘l-dl WikMV or: lay but need grader; wild oat Iepnrator testimonial]. Kline ?-Csr,uutetatsriutii' Illlngton. Ont. ,‘ "1',?,tit"..rs, .h'ol.Crii?irt.ur.ui.stt For: ,7 __ - “you“: rnuuuu’l‘lVE clay loam adjoining village. toad buildings. spring watered. Two thou-1nd cub. balance 4 per’cent. William Pearce. Enter. Wh.' GUARANTEE luv PER CENT. fit and satisfaction in latest. style "lothing (slightly used). Gentle- man suits or overc'oats, regular to $60.00, special 86.00 to $12.00. Ladies' Winter Coats. 84.00 to " Postpaid. State measurements, colours, style. Send money-order." Also write for bargain price lists of reu'rrndltioned used furniture. Ruskin & Company. l’eterbnrm MU! I--\RI:E PROFIT. FAST SALES - Men and \Vomnn to sell used u-lulhimr, Fnowden, 'Nt Winchester. - Turnmu. V -""'P.-.-..TN. l‘vl‘ Course: in Matriculation. short Story. Journalism. Advertising. shorthand and speech Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write tpday. Canadian Correspono dance College (ellubllshed 1902). 229 Yongo at” Toronto. STUD. LOOK AND READ - BELL special Christmas Club offers to popular Canadian and American Muguzines us local Itepreaenta. tlve. Pleasant, “Hunting. profit- "ble. Write today. Canadian Peru. iudicals. 245 Grace tit., Toronto, Ontario. Ittrtrtr%, A GOOD SALES AGENT SHOULD represent a good company. We want good representatives for yn- occupied territories now. Our nursery stock is the best that money and experience run pro- dune. 'o'isshuntitid-ueve. nursery. titty ycary' hminess. Write l'vl- ham Nursery (30., Toronto. An Irish priest one Sunday, re- ferring to the miracle of the loaves and fishes, said in error that five people had been fed with five thousand loaves and two small fishes, After the service some of the congregation discussed the statement, one of them named Murphy declaring that, if it were a miracle, he himself could do the same thing. The next Sunday the priest, having heard of thir, rein. (HINT PLEASANT MOTORS, LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler. Ply- mouth dualers. three locations. 632 Mount I'haateant "and. 2010 Yonsce Slreet, 122.1 Dunforth Ave. Uur mud vars make UH many frirnds. t'tAb'E'Htxti Ito Ftttxi'rtjtttg 'AST-SELLING REPEATER. NO competition. New dispoxable lis- we (tuner. Big commission. "ADES . T - KLEEN" (Ontario) Reg’d. 616 Yonge Street. Toronto. JG. ii whs (governor Simcoe who bellowed the name on the On- tnrlo bay. The tsuper-destroyer Kernpettteit, which has been taken over by the Canadian navy. bu been rechris- te-ned Assiniboine. Whlle it is no doubt the custom to clunge . vea- sel's name under these circum- stances. md Aatrittiboitte in n good ttatire-cattadfttet nsme. Kempentelt is also familiar to Canadians u that of tho buy on which Barrie is locnted. Cundn's new nsvnl un- it in no doubt called after the " sinibolno river which bears the name ot the Assiniboine or Stoney indian tribe. The word means "one who roasts by the use ot stones," " old Indian custom. Governor Simeoe Intowed tt Kempentelt bay and the super- destroyer Kempentelt were both named after a. British rear-admiral, Richard Kempentelt, ot Swedish descent, who lived in the eight- eenth century and went down with the RoyarGeorge at the time when its bottom tell out, an event pic- tured by Cowper in a. well-known an!" APPLE TREES ta-tfue Bay Named After British Rear-W of 18th Cent!!! ELECTRIC maven "as _ Name of Bay BarrielsOn Have You Heard TORONTO gyn- nib-maxi '.ut's', um .nn mes ruins WANTED Pym viiii “if: H0Uca't'toxat, ANNA]! " ARTE" Lii.yiifron"ii. 't31agi1fietil Advertisementsg 'ompuny. t'dti/riifrC, VPR‘QDUCTIVEi ed and 'reuon, 'A'MctAramxG " REBl'llJ' Mo- NBU. “WEI-Ell?» Hydro-Me Bolus. Wilt-loo. tie-onion. sun- en. III-ct... Cayman, Ina-Io on. lac-n..__. "--h-, --- _ FGuGa'" u-uywcu-n, Ill-lo Oil. Bae - ”who. ' “u.- 'greet, or will. levy A... I'IHI. m. CAR AND TRUCK PARTS “99238519. “new ”SHINE --0mr ALL PRICES ON RAW PURE ARM tow, Why not set the no". for your fox pelts by having them tnnned and made. into attmcuvc scarves and sell them direct? Workmanship guaranteed. Silver- 88.50, red- “.50. Thou. Fan-ck. Tuldermut and Farrier. "" Queen RI tr. 'r-..- "W,', 1h'y.lh.r1TA, M? Us QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFF. inexpensively. Home Testimonials. Guaranteed. free. Bartlett's. Box t, w V__ -r-"'rr .nomo. M 511E3- Lowut Prices. Inquiries invited Brockton The. 1611 human Weat, Toronto. used. 81.75. 1'lh, tummy, $2.8 . tta Donne. Put-lug, Toronto. mun Bum!) lln,1u'tisVttis'--wtuTE for free booklet and full partlcu. law: regarding our amazingly successful hyblood treatment. l'ed’légreed Products. Saskatoon. sat, AN "-"'-_.... - I'll queen M. E., Toronto. WADE PORTABLE DRAG ttAWS.-- Deltu woodworking tool: - elec- tric motors. Beliing and shop Step. plicn of every description. The A, It. Williams Machinery Co.. Ltd.. (M Front tlt. W.. Toronto. EARN DOLLARS READlNG YOUR nvwspapcrs! Dime and stamp brings information and surprises! K. Rembe, 527 King St. W.. Ham- ilton. Ontario. W, _-_-. -v..u IV U3 EU“ full market prices. L A. Jones. 189 Talbot tit., St. Thom“. Ont. WIGS. TUL'I'ES. TRANSFORMA- tlons, Switches. Curls. and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write tor Illustrated catalogue. Confidential. term: arranged. To- ronm Human Halr Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street. Toronto. HIGHEST mum: F_lolt NEW AND RANCHERS All) 'I‘IAI'I'BII N OFFER To EVERY INVESTOR List ot inventions and full Intol- mutton sent free. The Ramsay Co. Registered. Patent Allorneyl. :7." Hank Street, Ottawa, Canada," ' Demand At lqu- Draught i cttot'cHMAh".t_ LISIMI‘JN'I‘ , Fun \nrleo-e \‘el-u. Rhea-u- I III-m. Sour-Inn. SI-lnllcl. Autumn. ' I Hull-uric, Tooth-ache. Enr- A-L- luJu Ill.-I-- a'___.. n.‘ I So Jock sat down and took " his boots. "Jock," she said, "that's an aw- ful noise you're making." _ Mia bagpipe playing was the chief thing that‘mattered to him in life. One night, while he was strutting about the room, skiriing for all he was worth, his wife It- tempted a mild protest. oat of the room?" she naked the child on the way home. “He said: ‘You sit still, you little rascal, or I’ll knock your held or," replied the child. use“) "an: no. patient photographer had failed to make the restless little boy sit still long enough to have his pic- ture taken. Finally the photo. grapher suggested that the mother should leave the studio form few minutes. During her shsence he Wu successful in taking I good picture. “tht did the nice pho- tographer say to make mother's little darling sit still while I was used teathVsrk." -RuiinUGhi, "58'! Brook Avenue Toronto. Write for uuotatioms, day '." quyw - -W,., have told you lest Sunday," he aid, "that il" thousand people had been fed with live love- and Wo quell fuhea." Then, looking down It Mr. Murphy. he edded: "You could not do that, Mr. lur- phy, could you?" "Ah, lure. yer riv'rence, I could eislly enough," replied Murphy, "if I cove 'em what were left over from lest Sun- tracheal the ubjoct. "I should L--- “" - lllt Salim." he INI‘IIHAKE torrt EARNINGS "FFF." To INVESTUEB She up“: "3mm. new I clon- undor the run." A maid who recently joke! the dun-ch wu uhd how oh RAW Fur" "ANTED “How k your inc-liq? u it Mei-l a! uttrrt" NU worn than, - I m't on: “up with It’s 6-0 to get up." Both the fondpttothtr yy the " ATING b'r:a'rHcuy . A X’I‘lvlll lull fuhea." Then, looking It Mr. Murphy. he odded: could not do that, Mr. lur- ould you?" "Ah, lure. yer ee, I could olslly enough," I “urnth "if I gave 'em PERSONAL MACHINERY nun “mum 52.25. utssflTeE-Ii , $8.85. “.25. pm- _ rleu. 191 Dundu l " EDIITAL LA“ .3538,- Pe. EASILY, a remedy.' need. Advice t, Winnipeg. 3901111.): 7“ ‘.. \nIl-IH'I - "-"' Hal-hen. table. ' chain and buffet. f2 So Genuine Slater Drop “and . Sewing madman. on: cab. inets, guaranteed. Lorre unortmem tables. churn. beds. drone". rttitrorirdi% stove: to clan It rldlrulou-ly low prim. All merchandlle completely recon“- tloned. gun-ante“ abnowtely elran and told with our definite money- bncl: nnrnntoe of nan-faction. -e v..‘~~v--IWIIII '.P.' Mam-tad covers. to clear. 9 So Kitchen Cnblneu. in oak a o a..--. .._n,- - ' - NV "-is...F'w. Gull... "'JV with Mar-hall reversibl- Iprlnc cu-hlom. upholstered in brown' " . material. " so gun-rt l-pioce Chestertietd . Butte, figured Peverrtibtq Harlin“ spring cushions, uphol- Itered in brown Inoluir. 24 so I‘m. 8 piece Che-term“ . Suite. perfect condition. rc- var-lb). Int-lull spring cushion. upholuered In blue tinned velour. M 00 Beautiful large brown Ino- . hair Chenerfield lulu. Int-lull sprint Sotptrtreturn. coll!- Motel)! mrefrpd.itiettted. V___.- "'""%'WB', III "I Tra9 enamel "Mabel. with In: porcelain tops. " So Brandt-t Suite- In 1 i 2 . Hal-bu. table. 1 chall 4.95 69.oo [Arse Iolld vain: . room Rum (can In compleuly renal-bed. are" robe. full the bed, angle-- and new Pt".trem. “we. um use bed, “glen hpiiiit and new nutreu. 27 so l glee: Choternete Butte. o - a ---I-A“ 39 00 Modern Walnut finish Bed- . room sane. dresser. Vene- tian mirror, chiftonlesr', full size bed, union sprint and new mttttt'eara. 49.oo Beuuulul new factory . ample Bedroom Suite. In bleached walnut tittinh, Inter-full dawn, dunner. 1rhlttonrer. "All sin :00. “no" sprint And new mat. ran. 69 00 Lett, fond walnut Ated. 89 00 Solid Walnut Dining Suite. . (colt new 8300.) buffet. chin: cabinet. extent-Ion table and 6 leather upholstered churn. 24 00 Apartment nu Bedroom - . suite. in walnut tint-h. van- ity chlttonler, full lile bed. twin; GU mutual. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St., Toronto Open Evenings 54 table turd" "is' chums. Solid Oak oinitur"v.oot,. 1:150 Suite. buffet. table and is c I rs. Walnut finish Dining Room 24.OO Suite. buffet, extension table and 6 leather upholstered Sham sud scanty clothing on not in keeping with the gravity of the international tsituation, ac- cording to comment in Riviera newsmpers and women nre urged to wear more clothes. "'ltitu' CHEts"rHtWrELt, hL'l'X‘ES in velour: and ropp covers. tact- nry reconditioned,' originally ex- penrrive runes. better man . l-henp. new one. 8 pieces complete. $24.50. Three piece rheateFfield suites. newly recovered tn chow. repp fabrics. Just like new, n halt the price. Three piece con- plele 589. 5 per cent. down. 81.00 a week. We pay freight. lu'your station. Dept. W.. Royal Cheater. field Mrtttutuctureirs, do; Rlclunond st. E., Toronto. L Y O N S 478 Yonge St., Toronto FALL SALE New & Reconditioned Furniture Trcmgndous Savings qumme-m And, boy-Owen'- ie noift tortt-rttMtoatltMtisownt " 'tk"'ottu' I-‘OK hill.“ CH ESTERFIELDS SI WEEKLY lh lb. tin 75/ oil-(f "et-terrata I I. I - A - A - A A _ but new in?) teA1.r-ei, chit. Jam-s RICK-y rule 1y u use of tween "I had torn tl trousers," Herman friend was with t want to leave her trout, frien want walk. Ib, '0.tttl ter perm-neat “Shown Tear in Trousers " Halves His F in Mode“: Winn support to little protests unimt Iipecillly in win "Ettere's such to be too elem O'Leury. of Reel clued [at week, " 'Winter itch skin anthem. m dlemred people." "it comes from l ml gland Soap Unwise To Bathe Daily In Winte “h Specialist Deidre: Thal Too-Constant Bathing i Cotd Weather Brie, Skm Itch Vain-team in I black tn enema-e dress in ideal college and is worn here Day. The bodice Bitttul; and - "in-cross but Aire in circuhr and ver Day wears I black felt hat with embroidrwed h mw and Hack am te bu my hee During Anti-Sub Boatl Being Made H Torpedo Cut. of En W and “If Are To .Ptre Out by Canadian r. I was itttm 0 usual I! 'tt, H The M rt Inc: Idol: of Ont.. t l LA X-L'I'EIIN FUR COLLEGE WEAR tes any his 340 mile, or {are NothcrUnd, biey " wh ll o tl M

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