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Durham Review (1897), 30 Nov 1939, p. 8

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) your su plus Stock, Implements, Furâ€" niture, etc. ‘Turn anythi you do not need into cash. Anyorie can sell ; the Sale is for any person aving any saleable goods. Watch next week‘s paper for more particular®. Rates reasonable . Community Sale HOLSTEIN Friday, Dec. GEO, DUNCAN, Auctioneer DENZIL HAAS, Manager HUNTLY R. DRUMMOND, to meet payment of Liakilities to the Public of leaving an excess of Assets over Liabilities to the Public of BANK OF MONTREAL TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (equal to 78. 2%%4 of all Liabilities to the Public) Loans to Provincial and Municipal Governments including School Districts C «.‘ a. The strengtb of a bank is determined by its history, its policy, its management and the extent ‘Zi“ resources. For 122 years :L Bank of Montreal has been in the forefront of Canadian finance. To meet the fore going Liabilities the Bank has Cash in its Vaults and M on Deposit with Bank of Canada ® my % Pos * s Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks . _ . Total Liabilities to the Public _ . . . . . $ 948,502,921.94 LIABILITIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS s Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits and Réserves for Dividends . % s R % 77,005,445.86 This amount represents the shareholders‘ interest in the Bank, over which liabilities to the public take precedence. LIABILITIES LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC Other Assets not included in the Foregoing **~ . Making Total Assets of _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . Acquired in the course of the Bank‘s business and in process of being realized upon. Customers‘ Liability under Acceptances and Letters of Credit _ . s . & R s P Real Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold by the CaltLomsinCamda . . .. . . . . Call Loans outside of Canada 1e o t . t Money on Deposit with Other Banks . Total Liabilities . . s s Bills Payable A presentation, in easily understandable form, of the Bank‘s Acceptances and Letters of Crednt Outstanding Other Liabilities to the Public . . . Notes of the Bank in Circulation Provincial Government Taxes amounting to $1,198,413.43 . _ . _ . Dividends paid or payable to Sharcholders . . . _ $2,880,000.00 Appropriation for Bank Premises . . . . . $00,000.00 Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 31st October, 1938 _ . . . _ . '1,;55:25'23'3 Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward _ . _ , . . . _ . . _ $1,2653,700.36 Profits for the year ended 31st October, 1939, after making appropsiations to Contingent Reserve Fund, out of which Fund full provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts has been made, and after deducting Dominion and Represents liabilities of customers on account of Letters of Credit issued and Drafts accepted by the Bank for their account. Two properties only are carried in the names of holding companies: the stock and bonds of these companies are enâ€" tively owned by the Bunk and appear on the books at $1.00 in each case. All other of the Bank‘s premises, the vralue of which largely exceeds $13,900,000, appear under this heading. To nmua/.xlyrnv, farmers, merchants and others, on conditions consistent with sound banking. Payable on demand and secured by bonds and stocks of greater value than the loans. Prime drafts accepted by other banks Secured by bonds, stocks and other negotiable securities of greater value than the loans and representing moneys quickly available with no disturbing effect on conditions in Canada. [ldx;lrial and other stocks. Not exceeding market value Available on demand or at short notice. Not exceeding market value. The greater portion consists of giltâ€"edge securities which mature at early dates. Payable in cash on presentation liems which do not come under the foregoing headings. Payable on demand. Financial responsibilities undertaken on behalf of customers (see off â€"setting amount in "Resources" ). Payable on demand and after notice Time drafts issued and outstanding. ANNUAL STATEMENT and Other Bonds and Debentures PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Lorne Moore, Mr and Mrs. N. Treâ€" leaven and Jean McGuire spent Sunâ€" Mr James Brown spent the week end in Owen Sound. The Community Circle which was reorganized last week met on Monâ€" day evening in the Presbyterian church. Rev. W. Johnston gave the address Officers are: Presidentâ€" Geo. Stevenson; Sec‘yâ€"Evelyn Love Treas.â€"Bryce Mercer; * Group Leadâ€" ersâ€"Helen Ramsay, Mary Stevenson, Bob Aberdein, and Milton Aitken. Press reporterâ€"Dougal McMillan. W, Connell spent Suanday at Tillâ€" sonburg . 31st October, 1939 HOLSTEIN LEADER LOCAL AND PERSONAL Established 1817 RESOURCES JACKSON DODDS, Joint General Managers $ 77,005,445.86 $1,025,508,367.80 948,502,921.94 $ 742,603,867.82 Kathleen Eccles of Toronto and Ross Eccles of Galt spent the week end with their parents, Mr and Mrs. B. Eccles. Mr Robert Sim‘s sale of stock and| implements last Wednesday was . quite a success. | Mrs. Bruce Snively is entertaining a number of ladies Wednesday tfterâ€" noon in honor of the bride, Mrs. Raymond Pinder. $1,025,508,367.80 day afternoon at the home of the former‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Moore cf Palmerston. Dr. and | week end Mr and Mrs Jack Keevil, Miss Irâ€" ene Ellis and Miss Anna May Mc Kinnon of Toronto were visitors with $ 914,909,050.45 Mrs Hastie spent the week end in 36,712,818.28 220,548,911.41 517,171,255.95 13,900,000.00 19,142,173.17 94,641,456.72 29,244,762.91 77,357,497.05 2,754,796.72 7,914,256.36 $ 82,446.04 1,183,254.52 1,073,717.21 21,767,292.00 $3,462,446.04 4,573,822.19 7,914,256.36 3,739,690.56 3,380,000.00 470,131,88 172,632.57 2,767.95 W. P,. Ellis over the THE DURHAM REVIEW Teacher and pupils a for their Xmas concert. Mrs Charles Lewis and Stella visâ€" ited last Thursday with Mr and Mrs Isaac Hcoper of Markdale. Mr and Mrs Will Nelson of Proâ€" ton spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Melvride. The men are busy this week putting up snow fence on the Highway. Miss Muriel Nelson and Miss Jean Stucky of Arthur were weekend visâ€" itors with Mr and Mrs Wm. Nelnon.‘ Mr and Mrs Neil Schram and A-' dell of Goderich were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Pete Cornish. I Miss Clara Hoeflin spent last Tuesday with her sister, Mrs Don [L_ 1 . °3 0 ET CS 100L SerIOU8!Y current loans in Canada at $257,261,â€" | fractured. Mr James Henderson, Mt. 729 are larger by $29,558,280. Apart | Forest, is assisting with the work. Ifrom substantial holdings in cash at l M:j and Mrs Nelson Mocre, Conu‘ $94,641,456, and money on deposit | spent Thursday evening at the home in other banks at $77,357,497, holdâ€" _of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alles. lln":s of gcvernment and other bonds _ Miss Alice Drimmie has taken a and debentures, of which "the greatâ€" position in Guelph. 'er portion consists of giltâ€"edge securâ€" Mr and Mrs A. R. Henderson are, ities which mature at early dates," spending a week with Mr and Mre, are un by $76.434,435 to a total of Murray Henderson, Alliston. |8517,171.255. This, together with the The many friends of Mrs Wm. | increaseâ€"in deposits, may be taken in Reid are glad to know she is im part as reflecting the bank‘s particiâ€" proving after her recent illness. | pation in the recent $200,000,000 Visitors during the week with Mr., Federal Government loan taken up und Mrs P. Mutch were Mr and Mrs., by the Canadian banks generally . Roy McGillivray andIrene, Moffat, Mr, The expansion of current loans is a and Mrs Henry Swain and Peter, To. highly satisfactory indication of the ronte and Mrs Wim Crispin, Minto part the bank has played in exâ€" Twp. | panding industrial and general bus: Mr and Mrs Robt. Sim and Mr,,llness activities. The effect of the Hunter, Holstein spent Sunday with Zreater business activity has also Mr and Mrs Russel Drimmie. j been to increase the bank‘s deposits Mr Arthur Haas spent several days from the public. | in Toronto last week. Of the bank‘s total assets, shown onl l ineimmmeemmees at over $1,000,000,000, the quickly ORCH ARD :_‘Y,‘“a,b,le _ resources of $742,603,867 Visitors during the week with Mr. und Mrs P. Mutch were Mr and Mrs. Roy McGillivray and Irene, Moffat, Mr and Mrs Henry Swain and Peter, Toâ€" ronto and Mrs Wm Crispin, Minto The many friends of Mrs Wm. Reid are glad to know she is imâ€" proving after her recent illness. We are sorry to hear of the mis-: 703,634 in the fortune which befell Mr Edwin Reid $201,243,716 last week when he was thrown from liquid assets his horse and his foot seriously ‘ current loans fractured. Mr James Henderson, Mt. 729 are large Forest, is assisting with the work. 'from enbetan Corp. Fred Carrow and Clayton Carrow of Sarnia visited with Mr ard Mrs J. D. Drimmie‘s last week. Mr .and Mrs Raiph Lamont andl family and Jack Nicholson; Mr and Mrs Alex. Nicholson and Mary;| Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson' and sons and Mr R. A. Nicholson, Holstein attended the birthday fowl aupper held at the home cf Mr=and‘ Mrs James Bunston, Corbetton. I Mrs and Mrs John Alles and Marâ€" jorie visited recently with her parents Mr and Mrs Wilcox, Meaford. A good crowd enjoyed the dance and box social held in Yecvil Hali on Friday evening. _ An encouraging sum was _ realized to be used for Red Cross work. Congratulations to our Township Council who were elected by acâ€" clamation at the Nomination Meetâ€" ing held in Holstein last Friday. Mr and Mrs John Leith and Bobby spent the weekend in Toronto visitâ€" ing their daughter, Mrs James King. Mr, Leith was also celebrating his birthday. Mrs. Leith celebrated hers cn the Wednesday. Congratulations. Mr and Mrs Habermehl spent Sunâ€" day in Elmwood visiting friends. Visitors with Mr and Mrs. James Smith on Friday were Mr and Mrs. Rutherford Henderson, Miss Laura and Lorne Henderson of Guelph, Mr and ~Mrs B. Smith of Moroefield. This was the celebration of the 11th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Rutherford Henderson. Sacrament was observed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. The Women‘s Association of the United Church met at the home of Mrs Geo. Long on Friday, with a good attendance. The president, Mrs Alex. Aitken, was in the chair. Mrs Enively gave a reading. The ladies have bought a new piano for the school room. Lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants and a social hour spent. Mr and Mrs C. Calder of Angus spent Sunday with the former‘s par ents, Mr and Mrs Geo. Calder. Mrs Robert McKiuney, who has #pent the last few weeks with her daughter, Mrs W, P. Ellis, returned to her home in Hopeville last week. Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. Bruce Snively were Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Snively and daughter Doroâ€" thy of Waterford and Mr and Mrs. Archie Snively of Qunnyville. Mr A. Hergott of Orangeville spent the weekend with his brother, Dr. J. J. Hergott.. Mrs. Gordon Long and children spent the week end visiting friends in Toronto. Toronto visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. W. McHenry. Visitors over Sunday with the Fenâ€" ton family were Dr. and Mrs Cordick of Paisley, Mr and Mrs C. Parker of Toronto, and Mr and Mrs Cecil Fenâ€" tcn and son Peter of Tara. Mrs. Morrison is spending a few days in Durham visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. N. McDougall are mmoving into the village to the house formerly occupied by the late Mr and Mrs D. P. Coleridge. YEOVIJ. prepar.ng y. ,,,,m s Jean ced nd visâ€", The Nelson . l atio and Aâ€", usu visitors App h. I pret t last" add s Don css ‘the la vis. in t “"' As against the expansion in depâ€" eek. | osits there is an increase of $48,â€" misâ€", 703,634 in the bank‘s cash assets to Reid $201,243,716 and of $122,268,748% in from liquid assets to $742,603,8%67 while Ontario mental hcspitals have a capacity of 11,545 patients, but are taking care of 13,899. The hospital population is"increasing at the rate of 500 a year. Icss; this compared with $18.390 in the nrevicue year. The total balance in this account now stands at $1,â€" 265,700 . are equal to 78.9 per cent of all liabilities to the public. This comâ€" pares with 77.80 per cent in the preâ€" ceding year. The net result of the year‘s operâ€" ations _ after the payment of the usual dividends to shareholders and appropriation of $500,000 for bank premises was to leave $82,446 to be Added to the balance of profit and | The growth in the bank‘s assets is |tnoare than accounted for by an inâ€" crease in deposits payable on deâ€" 'nland and after notice of $151,75%,â€" 105 to a total of $914,909,050. The , changes in the notes in circulation, | bills payable, and other items in the , Habilities to the public are relativeâ€" , ly small. Reflecting the continued expansion of industrial operations, greater agâ€" cultural and mineral preduction, enâ€" larged business activities, and parâ€" ticipation in government financing, the 122nd annual statement of the [Bank of Montreal for the year endâ€" ing October 31 shows a substantiai growth in its assets and also a moderate increase in earnings. Total assets of $1,025,508,367, an increase of $151.252,539, have in fact reached the highest level in the bank‘s hisâ€" tory and represent a new high mark in Canadian banking. Profits of $3,462,446 showed an increase . of $64,056 after the payment of governâ€" ment taxes of $1,198,413 â€" which were higher by $45,795â€"and were the equivalent of 4.54 per cent. on the capital, rest and undivided proâ€" fits, which compares with 4.46 per cent in the preceding year; the inâ€" crease in relation to total earnings is nbout 2 per cent. I Bank The Dromore Women‘s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs John McMurdo on Wednesday, Dec. 6th . The speaker, Mrs Henderson. Roll call, "Pudding sauces." _ Exâ€" hibit of Christmas Candy. Music, Mrs R. Drimmie. No. 2 Beef ring will hold their «nâ€" nual meeting Tuesdsay night, Dec 5th in the Hall. Rev, Mr Langford will take the services in the Hall on Sunday evening. 1940. Miss Kathleen Smith visited over the weekend with Mrs David Hcoper. No 1 Beef Ring held their annuâ€" al meeting last night in the hall with J. T. Brown, president, in the chair and R. Taylor, Sec‘y. There was one tubercular animal. The ring will continue next year with 32 weeks as usual. J. T. Brown was reâ€"elected president, and M. Wells Mrs J. M. Allan spent a couple of| weeks ‘in Toronto recently. Miss Florence Patterson and scholars are practicing for a Xmas concert. The Hepburn Gov‘t. wants Muniâ€". cipal Elections only every two years. "That‘s old around here. Why it will be three years since we have had an election in Egremont." i Mr Murray Allan goes to Owen Sound on Tuesday as Juryman. Mr and Mrs Wm. H. Wells spent last week in Buffalo. TORONTO NORTH EGREMONT Joe Dixon are again auditors for of Montreal Report Record Assets DROMORE 10w Cost . Lothian‘s had cost $217 complete; R. McKenzie‘s $12%6; C. McDonald‘s $132.67; Jas. Coutts, $425. Crushing had been let to anâ€" cther contractor at low cost. _ 5,600 yds were put out last year, 8053 this year, and tctal cost $3,586, was WWallk uds L Henry Cowan said fixed quite a few br Comtnet Rt EMCY days in Co, Council, and he thought the Reeve had done all he cculd for Holstein. He also disagreed with the two year municipal term, andq would prefer to be returned each year. Deputy reeve W. Aldcort the snowploughing problem not kick. They have the railway, while soeme parts of the Co. with no railway, and four times the tratâ€" fic, have not as good a road as this sideroad . | _ The County Road with heaviest | traffic was _ Hanoverâ€"Chesley, 725 | vehicles per day; Flesherton to Maxâ€" | well was next with 425; Hanover to INeuslad.t had 337; Mt. Forest to Conn 192; Hopeville to Orchard 152: \ Hclstein north, 112; _ Holstein to , Mt. Forest 83; _ Holstein to No. 6 highway 59. Those with heaviest | traflic had highest upkeep. Replying to a question of Robt Mcâ€" Kenzie, the reeve said Grey was payâ€" ing 25% cost of snow ploughing on Conn and on Hancverâ€"Chesley roads. These were county lines, and as Wellington and Bruce wanted them ploughed, Grey must pay it. Wm, Aitken asked, "is the Good Roads engineer a boss or a servâ€" The County had disapproved of snow ploughing Co, roads this winâ€" ter, but next year he expected it would carry. "Why is all the Cale. Chloride put cn Proton roads instead of Egremont"" enquired F. Hopkins. "We haven‘t enough C. C. for all, and have to stop someplace" replied the reeve. "Of almost 300 mfles-Co roads, cnly 111 miles are C. C treated. | _ There was no ©ncat CECouio. | excitement taken in the municipal _nominations for â€" Egremont township at Holstein on Friday, scarcely fifty ratepayers attending to hear the re ports, and put forward new â€" repre scentatives for next year. which by the recent Hepburn edict, is to be a two year term. The electors are It?vldeutly well â€" satisfied with the ;present Council Bcard, for not even one other nomination . Was made . | Accordingly Clerk Nicholson declarâ€" |ed ©. M. Patterson, reeve; Wm. , Aldecrn, deputyâ€"reeve ; Findlay | Clark, Henry Cowan, Thos. Hattle, ‘Councillors, elected by acclamation for another term. j In opening, Reeve Patterson paid ‘\a tribute to the late J. A, Ferguson, iwho was missed at these gatherings. | Mis criticism bad been fair and conâ€" | structive, and drew the speakers out. 111 miles of calcium chloride had been laid to consolidate Co roads, which cost $158.80 per mile. He thought it good business to treat all Co. roads thus, which had traffic of 200 cars a day or over. The Enâ€" gineer claims it a waste of gravel to dump it on dry roads; it should be put on in the fall on wet roads. Next year it is hoped the Co. crushâ€" er will turn out enough material to meet the needs of the county. He dealt mainly with County matâ€" ters and County roads, reading an abstract of County receipts and payâ€" ments. â€" Grey is in best financial shape since the new treasurer took office. â€" A clerk in Highway Dept. had he ldup a $79,000 check to Grey for roads, consequently the Co. had The reeve â€" didn‘t favor the new Gov‘t. regulation for a two yeal term or longer, as if it ran 3 or 1 years, all reeves may then be wantâ€" ing to quit, and there would be alâ€" most an entirely new Co. Council. Egremont Returns Present Courcil for 2 yr. Te® thoroughly threshed $500 interest on a $70,000 great interest O" in the amunicipal E!“,mont tc"nlb") riday, scarcely fifty ng to hear the r€â€" rward new _ repre + wear which by «_ Aldcorn saiq townshi out â€" two with ture sunpay mionirte 12,05, also Mon., j TuUEs,, wWeEeo., DEC, 3, 4, 5, 6th | £ing with Uncle Bing . , Laugh , with Ned Sparks, Canada‘s famous Sourpuss in the funniest role of his , Career ! \*The Man in | the Iron Mask‘ ture inspired by immortal classio ! THUR, FRI, sat. nov, : A magnificent cavalcade A Discovery ! _ The Wiarton Echo has discovered a man and his wife living in the Wiarton district who knew nothing about the war. They went into a \ Wiarton store to buy sugar and when the amount was limited, asked why that was. When told it was on account of the war, they â€" asked "What War?" which country held first place with 1.684,606 ewt. Poland, the Netherâ€" lands. Fire, Lithuania and Sweden also _ accounted for considerable quantities. Canada was also second in June with 83,187 ewt., Denmark being first with 287,444 ewt. Canada maintained second . place with hams, _ sending 112,791 ewt. during first half of 1939, the United Ftates holding first place with 241. 683 cwt. and the United States with 52,041 . Canada sent 579670 ewt of bacon to the United Kingdom market durâ€" daughter, Mrs Gordon Flewelly». well Findlay VIM* "*~~"" cil had financed the year well. Rentâ€" ing â€" County power grader had been u good thingâ€"it cost tp. s627 .25 in ons vear. of which g247 was for work ar. â€" annmeht. daughters of Allan Park, were Sunâ€" day visitors with Mr and Mrs Jas. Mr and Mrs Joseph Robinson, their daugbhter, Mrs Bell and her son of Toronto, spent the weekend with‘ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eden. + the Bornâ€"In ‘Toronto Western Hospitâ€" al, on Friday Nov. 24th to Mr=and Mrs Arthur McCabe, of Toronto a daughter. Congratulations. Mr _ and Mrs Alf McCabe spent weekend in Toronto with â€" their ment, said no SUD® on graders bought He did not fay buying one, as the going to make the! big investment and Co. graders. The g2 an hour, Was smaller one at 1¢ Mr and Mrs Norman Kerr and Miss Marion, and Mrs Wim. Caldâ€" well and Mrs Stanley _ Mountain kpent last Thursday in Owen Sound. ters and Miss Ina McKelvie spent anday with friends at Ridgeway. Miss McKelvie remained for a longâ€" er visit. The W. A. will hold their monthâ€" iy meeting on Wednesday of next week at the home of Mrs Wilbert Blythe. A good aitendance is reâ€" quested as this is the annual meetâ€" ing. where a #000 300. TCO UOOl og ing and levelling. The tp. had wonâ€" derful gravel this year from Currie‘s pitâ€" easily crushed and plenty of clay in it. He gave great credit to reeve Hunter of PDurham for obtain ing a refund of $5,150 to the Counâ€" tv from Owen Sound. That city had been â€" receiving excess educational grants by mistake for 15 years. who were marned in . HOISIOIM . Di Saturday last at 3 p. m. _ Rev. R. Mercer officiated. . s Mr and Mrs Wolfe and two daughâ€" Mr Reeve Patterson, VARNEY Congratulations to Mr â€"ROXY MOUNT FoRist f Comody and Varieties, satisfied W ith e 2oo aders bought after this yearâ€" did not favour the â€" township g one, as they should be kept to make them pay. It was & ivestment and cheaper to â€"rent rraders. The big one, rented at _ hour, Was cheaper than the er one at less. The two had over a week on Lawrence‘s hill ___3 4sh wwas done ".den' Now Playing tterson, . in closiné _ "U*"** no subsidy would be paid NOVEMBER 30TH, 1939 Edith Bryans), of adven» . * 2 S of HORACE ELVIDGE McGirr Again Reeve:; Only 3 Pluralit W .T PATTERSON, R.O. Eyes Need Constant Care DURHAM, Weanesday, Dec. 13th at C. Sarney‘s Store Specialist in Eye Examinatior th Aging eyes neeg more Cat ful attention than young eye Nevieci is more responsible 1 loss of #ight than any oth cause. Consult: Marl T if glasses shoul« We Schultz 617 h« ho Appointments 1â€"5.30 p.m 1 J» eanrs ago 9. and N Ke the ; Brodi¢ 1‘ VOL. LXH, NO )ther U h is lection in slate . H Vas squeez Te polled | lingwood M a ged Cour n the return Ms, Nos. 1 Ni r lives, wheth« vote beir M years or more â€" AEan Mn'(?(,'l' votr uncilie h UPV the tabl ede H ild No givin® M Viot by 19 O weer n polled M ill poll n Thi MmMovEeD To Gonkrics he LC 1¢ persons, think t# the bot] SULLIVAN inG Podl is reported tool W clect« M mA OÂ¥ be in two ufl nly Wh be 4 OVe Re« 44 it t« M 1 t1 M pol t M M

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