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Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1939, p. 1

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A ntatt chamae took etteet Friday at the Canadian National Railway station in Owen Sound when Hor. t are rzividgé, for the past two and a half years seeond (peralor was mot rd tr Goderich. Mr Elvidge. who . was accompanied to Gcderieh by his wife and son. is woo-hing a promo- tion and will be first operator at the Goderich ofhee. watt-d Conn. Geo. Anderson by 155, the vote being 709 to 564. F. w. Schultz 6317 headed the Council poll, others elected being Lorne ('rano 57t and W. A. MeGrettcr 54s. Tho veteran Councillor James “er was squeezed out by only 2 votes. He polled 546. In Collinmmod tn Reeve Bctsser defeated Prrpeve F3merson Brown Ior Rom” by 193 majority, and M. '.4netaintrer again wen the mayoralty rm) A. McCr.teman the Reeveshlp ot Thornbmy. m a warm contest. E. A. Carson won the Rm-wship over Den-rheve J. K. Knhl, 769 to in. For moutv wove, Councillor Jos. Agnew de- teated Cotm. Geo. Anllnr-nn in: Ritrtiiet, (No. l) ward, tho home of both rpeve Mc-Girr and counc'llor Crotchloy turan out strongly in support of both randlclates, giving them a Rrttttd start. Nov. 2 (Glen) aka gave tttturn a boost, but Brodie loll in polls 3. l and 5. In Tp. Hull poll, Mom" tock ll volt-s. the some as two years ago: and Brodie took the some vote as two years ago in two polls, No. I with 9, and No. t with 54. llrodio Crutrh'y Mom" 1-mtrhio~'s .. , " HT [ HORACE ELVIDGE 1---Ritehie's, . 'P--41ten ..... 2--Mark0.are . 1-Mckmzie's "e. taking ”Pom! htehrst {our of the that pulls. Still man of thirty yours. he l plenty of opportunities to the new"; chair. m, will ad on the Counril board at years at the table, Ila live In"! “in out , Broth» " Ivan! there When the roturns of I "a polls, Nos. 1 and 1 rvcaivod. xivin'r Momm- (mu-May; the latlor’s nim McGirr Again Reeve; Only 3 Pluralily In nd Tho tightest contest ever stand hr the Reewship of Glenelrt was Monday's, when Reeve John mom was returned for his third term by only 3 votes over Thos. J. Brod'e, I-x-reovo, and " owr Counemcr Jos. Emu-May. The vote was New" Crmchley ra' wnrhin in hi w. faking scan. Eyes Need Constanl Care v.1- PATYMtSON, 3.0. Many persons, especially the aged. think that one pair of glasses should last the mt of heir lives. whether it be l0 to 20 years or more. Aging eyes need more care tut attention than young eyes. Neglect is more responsible for loan of night than any other um. Consult: Specialist In Eye Examination at C. Sarner's Store DURHAM, Wednesday, Bee. "" Appointment. 1--6.30 p.111. TD. "all VOL. LXII, NO. rum-MM}. When polls l, 2, p, c, were reported. McGirr had " ova-r "rNHOn and the question willltl No. 4 (Ellison's) p4], Bruno a sufficient plurality t- nut? This poll. however. gave m " McGirr IS. so Broerusu Rtt tie and MOVED TO GODERICH SULLIVAN Pl 76 RO you. nowaver. Rani rr IG, so Brod’e's 39' 3 short of ensuring: My 4 shortol Henry] ,wn" thrruehont tho',' first Rem-eship bat.' td bushes: vote in In, still a ymmv :. hrs will have ties to yot wlo He Will be miss" nt the two south- ul 2. were Brut :irr 69 lead over 236 " " [t iter thres elimination '..'ri'o' Friends from .1 distance attendin" the funpml “TN: Mr and Mrs A. J. McGregrr. Rev. and Mrs. Halbert ct London; Mrs,. Boundy and Miss Bea. trice Boundy. Buffalo: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Glass. Mrs C. Furlong. Mrs. G. AV. Sparlinm all of Windsor; Mrs F'"Mtzrr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doum. Mrs Wes. Shier. all of W'ccdham; Miss Beatrice Dcupet, Kh‘kton: Mrs. Bean and MrnRay Cooper. F'ordwich; Mrs James Matthews and two daugh. ters, of Markdaie Floral tokens ot lace and sympathy were given by: Daughter Mrs. Glass and husband: the grandchildren; Mrs A. A. Canton and family, Tcronto: Mr and Mrs J. n. Dullield and Jim. mie; Mrs W. H. Kress and Mrs. E. Schutz: Dr. and Mrs. P. R. Watson, Mrs P. H. Glass. of Gemmrtcwn; Mr and Mrs Wm. Dilllne. Mrs. Joseph Newton, Niagara Falls, KAY: .\.r. and Mrs. John Newton, Mr and Mrs: Wm. Newton. Mr and Mrs I. B. Mc- Guire, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Strat- ford; Mr and Mrs B. Burgess. Wal. laeeburg: Olive Westcott, Toronto. MRS. HENRY WILLIAMS (By our '/.ion Corr.) Sad was the news that spread a. round this morninz that Mrs Henry Williams had passed away at 4 o'. clock, Tuesday, December fifth, at the home ci her son “m. at Kenil- worth. Deeeased along with Mr and Mrs Victor Williams, Margaret nnd Jenn motored to Kenilwcrth or Sunday and about tifteen minutes ar ter arriving at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Williams the late Mrs. William! suffered a severe strok- from which she never recovered. Deemed was a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Richard Jack and was born seventy-two years ago on the Jack homestead on the eighth concession of Glenelg. where she spent her your: lite and was a pupl of S. B. No. 5, Glenelg. Fifty-one your: last January she was hanpnv wedded to the late "Henry Will‘nms Echo Hitt whr predeceased her Bvo years no. Deeeased. was a member of 2km Mothulist Church and later the United Church of Zion and was much interested in the church and Fundav Sohcol work and was always In attendance when mssihle. Show” also 1m active member of the wo. mnn's Institute, an chum!!! neith- bor. and always cheerful. and whe" trouble name _ W3" she [always locked to the MW" side of Mr. She leaves m wow-n her three sum and one daughter. mun at Kenilworth; George in was aloval member or tho Mrthmliu' ohm-ch hora until union. and latterlv of Knox 1'nfted Chttrtrh. She ("ck an naive invnrosv ln all church wrrk "tore mum-’nllv in that ot the WN S, and 1,adies' Aid. Hm pastrr. Rev. IV. H Fmith had "h'arwo ot the funéral service on Tcosday at tho home. assisted by RM. R. G. Halbert' of London. her former. pactn here'. The pallbearers were Messrs Robert Aljoe. Robert Smith, R. E. Richardson, S. T.Chaqr man. Mile Knechtol. C"sortte Yi‘rs. Interment rock plane in Durham cem- etery. T r Tho late Mrs. Swirling was a tr"" .‘rimvl mu] no’PhMr. whose heartw-us "vPr in the work of her churoh. Sh" i The deceased lady was Sarah New. 'ton, a daughter if the late Rev. and Mrs. Wat. Newton, trrn at St. Wil- liams nearly seventy-nine years agr In hrr girlhood days, she resided at several places. where her father la. bored as a Methcdist minister. In me. she was wedded to Mr. Georgn Sparling, and with the exception of one year in Stratford, she has since llved contirvu'uslv in Durham. Her husband, a well-known train mer. chant. predeceased her in 1908. Ones' tiattir,hter. Mrs W. A aims (Bertha) rr town and tour grandchildren sur- vivo: nncther dauzhtrr. Mrs. S. F. Youngs (Myrtle). died in 1931. Ono sister. Mrs S. Boundy of Butt, lo who was present tor the funeral. and a brother. John Newton of Strattor0,, will also mourn. _ Ths death or Mrs. Geo. Sparlinz. for over fifty years a resident of Durham, t'ok plane in Durham Red Cross hospital about eleven tt.m. on Sunday, after a tour weeks' illness tron nervous ~lebility, the last two of which were. spont In the hospital. iiiilitt. Bittitiigt .ljltgiitaia,. MRS. GEO. SPARLING THEROLLCALI. "teq Wil- Tor. Rather a surprise was sprung in the happy couple Will reside in Lcn. Hanovvr, when Don-Reeve cuttord,don, North. . :_wvr. won the Mayoralty contest'; -- Hom maycr Alvin J. Mommy, who| WATT-tMBA) , has held that ottiee the past tive) On Saturday December 2nd, 1939 years. It was a close run, Speel's at Guelph, Ontario the marriage mayority being 17: 672 to 655. For; was solemm'zed of Mary Frances. Reeve Austin Ball was returned by daughter of Mr and Mrs John Sit, acclamation. Por Deputy-reeve, Wes.|buid to Clarence Frossnrd Watt, sen Bruezeman won over John Mills by. ct Mr and Mrs John Watt, Durham. I 99 votes. The vote was Bruee,emaul - um. Mills 592. In the Council ram! MeNALLY-MaeARTHUR Robt. Brigham went down to dereat.) A quiet Wedding was solemnly-(l A. McCallum, 22 years old, the,“ Knox Church Manse. Durham, on voungest Councillor ever elected in. Saturday, Dee, 2nd. when Miss Ar. Hanover, headed the poll for tie tena MacArthur. dauzhter of Mr and Council, the cthers being Bert Sear i Mrs Arch. MaeArthur of t1ienelg, borough, E. Faelker, w. roeher,lwate ttnited in marriage to Clarence Wm. Machmrney, Clayton Sclmus. {Albert MeNall.v, son ot Mr and Mrs Hanover Elects New Mayor and Deputy-Reeve Mr and Mrs William Bogle, Var. rey received word recently that they had won sectnd prize in the photo; taken before and after the Farm and Home Improvement con- test. This is the fourth prize Mr and Mrs B0210 have received. They won fipst prize in the local community contest, eleventh prize in the orb. vincial contest, second in the Wa. wnnern Insurance Company in fire hazards. and this fourth prize re. ceived in phcto standing. Mr and Mrs Rogue's home is on Ne 6 Highway two miles south of Durham. Mrs T. M. McFadden, untcrtum, ately slipped on the floor in her, name last Thursday evening, and. fell. fracturing her right wrist.| The injury was dressed and wrist: set at Durham Hospital that evening.', and she returned home next morn-, ing. 1 A largely attended gathering ml A nulet wedding was solemnlzed Flesherton last Thursday night (lo-l on Thursday. November Mth, when cided to organize a Mestterton-Ar.l Mitm Beatrice Eleanor Pttrr. datum. temeaia Branch of the Red Crow"er ot Mrs Ethel Kenny. Durham. Sway, to Include both village and became the bride of Mr Bruee Wir township in the mark. Reeve A. son. son of Mr “d Mrs Will’nm Down ot Flesherton presided and Wilson of 1128 3rd Ave. East. Owen Major Watson. Provincial organizer. Found. The attendants were Mu:, spoke. The Agzt omcers are: I',',',')) Margaret If"? “a Mr _Botr Bowers. Ment-tf. A. IcCauley: lat vice--' The ceremony was performed M Mrs T. Brady: 2nd vice-Mm. L.d,T A. A. Irwin. A buffet lunch- Darzavel: seeretary-K. G. GoheenHmn Wtt.q held trt the home of the nss't. 'see'r.--Nrt' J. R. Giiiui.,'i"oor'r parents. Later the young trearurer-R. B. Heard. .ccuple left on a short motor trip. Fracture. Wrist. The funeral aervlce was held tit the. homo of her son James on Mon- day. Rev. Homes of the Baptist church had charge of the service“ The pallbearers were old neighbrrs: Messrs Thos. and Joe Molosh, James Ellis'm. John McNally and John and Hector Kingston. A very large nun»; her of friends followed the rermcns, to the English Arhureh burlalgrconds, F leshenon Organizes Red Cross. PRIZE WINNERS IN Svte was formerly Miss. Margaret Mekenzie, and was born in Glens-l2 almoat 73 years ago. . She was mar- ried to Mr. Hugh Vaughan M, years BRO, ho predeeeasinsr her has? July. She leaves to mourn her has. me daughter Elizabeth, Mrs C. Dttnstttonr with whom she has been making her home of lute. and four 6ne sons, all in Glenelg: Hugh, Kenneth. James and Alex., who han spent the last year in caring for his mother. Everv wNIt Wis granted (Pr her as far It", he could do so. The def-eased war: the last member of a family of 12. MRS. HUGH VAUGHAN (By our Glenroaden corr.) On Friday, December lat, Mrs. Hugh Vaughan passed away after an illness of three weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Dunsmoor Durham. Mrs. Vaughan was one ot Glenelg's mcst respected. and laved citizens. She spent all her life 'if Glenmaden: a good neighbor and homemaker. Funeral will be held on Thursda'.‘ at 2 p.m. with service in Zion Church, her pastor. Rev. W. H. Smith having charrze cf the service. Much sympathy is extended to the Renewing family and friends. onto; Victor at home; Mrs John Manley (Nona) Arthur; also twelve grandehildren and 1 great gram:- child: two brothers, Sum of Wmnp: PPR and William of Ten. .3 WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLSTEIN LEADER DURHAM, ONT.,THURSDAY, DECEMBER T, 1939 PHOTO CONTEST ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO l The bride was charmingly attired in n Copen Blue woollen frock with ,wine accessories. Her shoulder bou ,tluet was of Talisman rose.Pand ": bronze babe mums. MeNALLY-MaeARTHUR A quiet wedding was solemnized ot Knox Church Manse. Durham, on Saturday. Dee. 2nd, when Miss Ar. tena MacArthur. daughter of Mr and Mrs Arch. MacArthur of Glenelg. was united in marriage tn Clarence Albert McNally. son of Mr and Mrs Albert McNally of Gleneig. Mr and Mrs Ewen Ritchie were the attend. ants. Rev. w. H, Smith tied the nuptial knot at two p. m.. the bride being attired In wine taffeta. The happy couple went to Toronto on their honermocn. and a wedding mp ner was served Monday r-n the'r re- turn. at the home of the bride's par- ents. Srd con., Gienelg. They will reside at Traverteton.. A reception was held in St. Paul's Rectory for the immediate families and friends. The hostess, Mrs. Cats man Queen, was assisted by Miss isobel Jamieson of Durham. After a short wedding trip to points North the happy couple will reside in Len- don, North. Mrs J. B. Ready, sister of the bride was matron ot honcr wourinr', u frock of Teal Blue wool with wine accessories and a ccrsage of Sun- burst roses. Mr. Gordon Endall. brother of the groom was best man. WiLtM.tN---PARR A nuiet wedding was sclemnized on Thursday. November Mth, when Miss Beatrice Eleanor Parr. datum. ENDALL--BELL A pretty wedding was solemuized on Saturday at eleven a. m. in Cu. Paul's Anglican Church, Princeton. when Rev. Carman Queen B. A, L. Th. united in marriage, Thelma helm, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. Bell cf Durham, and Kenneth Fred- prick Endnll. son of Mr and Mrs J. W. Entlall, London, Ont, . James Hamiltcn. of E'rromont near Fairbairn. charged Donald Mc- Arthur. a neighbor with trespassin:r tn his property. The d'spute wau over the diversion of water from n stream. over which an action wax tried two years ago. Judgment was reserved for two weeks. Two charges laid against Geo. Trillion] under the Criminal Cod, were adjourned till Dee. 15th court. Two other charges were withdrawn (Entrees main”. Walter Kingston of town and John Kingston of St. Vincent of disturbing the peace at Wm. Dewar's home some days no. were both dismissed, the mantis- trate not finding proof to substanti- ate the marries. Harold Roseborough pleaded not guilty of careless "driving when hp ran John Vessie’a truck lead of wood, he was driving against a tree north ct McFadden'e store. damag- ing truck to value of $80. The brakes were in good shone. but Rrsebor. ough stated he turned on onto side street to avoid an accident. The bench frund him milty and he was fined $10 and costs. totalling $13.75. Vessie had previously paid a tine for the truck being over loaded nt‘thr time. Ernest Jones of Hanover paid a fine of $5 and costs for speeding on main street here oh Sunday, Nun Mth. Seven! Police Courl.Cases Town Nominations -- _ (FEE huammi,, on December 22nd Magistrate soeredym had a busy session in Felice Court here Friday, when a number of actions were dis. rosed cf. HYMEN EAL 9 pleasant stelal evening in their hall. Prcgressive euchre was played by sixteen tables of players, the trizes going to Mrs J. McCaslin and Charles Brown. After an abundant lunch dancing was enjoyed for an hour, No. ' orchestra providing the the music. The members of the L. o. L. No 1192. Glenn]: and lady friends spem Councillor Dumeld road tho 0"- timates and oxr,enditures to data 0" the several dents. Board " Work- has expended almost all their mttittr ate of $600. Property Com. has n"- ceeded theirs. and Fire p. Light haw yet a few hundred dollars 0" hand. Relief accrnntn for 1939 um (FWD somewhat. totallinz $305.01!" 0nd of Sontnmber, but htspilal no. mums are higher. Authority was given Clerk Willis to sell tho garage on Camubell lo, north of Library. to Mr Albert Mid dleton for $25.00. J. R. Steeds tendered his resigna- tim as auditor, to take effect at and of Dpeerttber. Crtm. Dunk-Id was delegated to see that nrrangemenv are made to complete tho your” audit. Up to end of November Mr no" ("mt of town taxes in 1939 have been paid, as compared with " WW rent at that time last year. With better employment conditions in town, the Council hope to son tt hieher percentage than last year. p' Ionst gr, per mm paid up by Dec. 12th, the clcsing date. The Public School teachers and pupils were granted free use of the Town Hall for their Christmai con. port afternoon and evening cf Dee. 20th. Such was incorporated in Bylaw. 56 A, passed at Council meeting on Monday night. Polling places and oMeialt, named are: North Ward. at Library - M. McCailum, D. R. o., David MeAulitre, poll clerk; East Ward, at Hahn Houtre- E. McDon aid. D.R.O., Geo. S. Burnett. poll clerk; West Ward, at Town Hall - David Adlam, D.R.O., Peter Hay, Poll clerk. As Christmas Ttay falls on the last Mcnday Gt the year, Durham municipal nominations will be held tn Friday. Dee. 22nd at 7.30 p. m. with voting if necessary on New Year's Day, Jan. lat. L. O. L. 1192 HOLD EUCHRE Only‘Thor offers you More ls tttttdo pecially for high oom/ CARD OF "“NK. Irvessiott mot rs: and made to Kin-l Mr. 'ere,": Wm. Gitttttt ttttd u“ 'very car a nus ot (l) "iarirTe,rmity wish to tender their sinwrv- knocktervr, pow . (2) Sure-Fire sulck'lhanks to iii/j ftaends ttttd ttoigh. Nurt'nw. (3) "nacmk'al ituJ.i2,'.'lstrs forthe Nnduomvs and sympathv All at rpm!” p fl price. Bald hygoxtendc‘d to thtm in their room" sud Anith nrothers. ,bereawmem, itt\the passing of Mrs. Swirling. \ On Saturday evening, tho .tttotion Wclurea will again be shown ru- mlults. for which a fee will tre thawed. This year no paradr is being held, but free moticn pictures will hm rhowu the children m the Tov,ni Halt that afternoon. The children; from the rural d'striets 'ture-rumor) Durham will assemble in the Halli at two ('clock. and the Durham, st-hcol children \'.ill attend the see; ond ahow at tour o'clock. The", candy bags will be handed out to. the children by Santa. when leaving the hall. l Ott the afternoon at Saturday. be: 16th, Santa Clans will again visit Durham. and will have a bag " randy. nuts, etc.. for every boy and girl here, whether from country ti' lawn. Motion Pictures for Kiddies Santa Claus hr, 16th THOR, the Greatest Value in Washers and lroners Published Weekly at $2.00 I year In advance. To United States. $2.50 I year In Munro. Peter manage. Publisher ---.-_ I Durham “:th School will pn- rent "Bringing l' Santa". a (‘hrm imam; Cantata. and l supponhr: num. _tA"r, Wednesday, bee. 20th. after noon and evening. Reserved tteats Her evening, 25c. 2:','d','A'i2,tt',,) Elm" Store. Arlen: . silver ml» ', leetimt. Durham Machine Shop 8m: range mm 6 Ibo. to ' m capacity of dry clothes. -THoR's If you buy a Thor, you win get more for less. --YHOR's LIFETOME MECHANISM -FtNtttH, gleaming White .-EKTRA LARGE CAPACOTY .--DE LUX DON’T tNLUrE To mak a fair test, don't diuto Nu-mue fu at. with other gasoline»; Let your tan run practically amply Then put in N Blue Runoco. _ Com. rare It partlcul " with premium- priced gasolines. Vo'tt rent our can» on ycut' tindinzs. Scld bythuith Bum: Permanent w 1n; by Mr Meat-th, ur " Mrs Valle! Beauty Purim cn Wednesday. Dec. mm. 83.50 for $1.50; tf, tor $2.50; tit) tor 35. CHRISTMAS \PEcuL. DEC. 13TH parish Yau. F. W. MOON, PM. Phone Ito DURHAM. ONT $65 to $129.95 CALL AND SEE THE THOR Prices range from action . Saturday, December 16th b. the Anglican bazaar at the COMING EVENTS Mrs Valle! " a lnesduy. Doc. 13m tt, tor 82.50; M Vs,, mun: WRINGER, with instant release. SUPER AGITATOR M itril an Ln Lawn-r _ _ (r ' .- , ' g - F ' r, Ps' 32‘ gt /ftui66' "WP" 'y, 'hittt a}; 79 dt M FE.

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