WC." Mrs It in MN mu. tend hil- Inch an“ Into. mu Mrs Icy. not! " Wtt.4 ter ter of Ina he mhy vim re 'ears in}: I" is " mt mi Mr ity 'on In and Sr. ith H 1.4 on via wet. and of ot is is " Dlli Fi'f2ll,tjljis'r c 'mh payment. Ittreaiettts "my Yatney. Ogtt ctr,ei; and Grill farm: in any l ointy, Twenty year term" at 4%. _ {Arm sold without . "notable rmTARIO GOVIRNMENT FARMS 8*:ML! l '.tl' or Rabi Hood "ttte unv- 'hls week as all on enr.nt _ 5. 'lose price. chlt, phone IM. FOR SALE T «mg desk. kitchen “PMâ€, m In rattle, garden tools. and oth. rurlt-s for private ale. Apply, John by", Durham. Tho COMMODORE --7mshe performance from , genuine Rogers tubes. Pull broaden covcngc 535 to I750 hes. Amount Tuning of 4 preselected unions-“y mat. a: "ri" I to" I M. ONLY o........-......- Automatic " f,),',,',!:",,',",:':,", 1tf'g, - (i'g'gt,t2thI,'i,t reception - Dynamic cr-a or $49.95 w y a De Forest new 1940 te,e,,ra,adc model radio! 1'me modore" is typical of De Rorest oferings for 1940---extra advantages galore, but no extra price. On the contrary. prices on the new De Forest's are the lowest in De Forest history. Turn m your old radio now and get a big tradeit allowance. with easy terms if you wish. Give your family a modem radio of which they can be proud. See us today. that Will Thrill and Amaze You AT NEW [OWERED PRICES! *ttr"" I RADIO See these new 1940 radios ', fully. Apply w. H. HtNTBR. Inspector SMITH BROS.. Durham “can"! nu my Te?! Holstein 3 r.tt EASY "ttMS state your to tuners. are some 850 all“ north of their previous omen, asking roads. He is well. His father, Mr. Wm. Aidcorn. is improving slowly. and is able to be up uni about part " the time. Mr and Mrs Eldon Runciman and family and sister Mary, all of Toron- to were smoothie visitors at their parents. Mr and Mrs Fred Runcl- man over the weekend. Mr and In Atet Durroch, Har- riston, made a visit to her old home here, W. W. .Ramuge's‘ this week . Mr Saturday TUAStott-siz. "h" x 9' x ni'. Automatic “Panama? Tuning of 4 peemelected nations. Ttube performance from , guanine Rogu- ' Pull branch-u C0tmer -.Dualvelume - andtoneeontmt. ONLY $4995 McLean, In the fore- Mend to Toronto. $2995 cn Miss Ilene Johnston, Spring Hill. spent weekend with Miss Bernice Carson. . Mr Dick Carson and sister Bernie.» attended the dance Friday night at her sisters. Mrs Art. Richardson Swinton Park. Mr Donald Carson of Toronto spent a few days " his home here Mrs Max Parana visited one day last week with Mrs P. McKmnou. Mr and Mrs Allie McLean Ind son were visitors and" " Angus Me. IMMan’n and "rotor McLean's. Mr 1:» Black. Wynn: Park an»! a man!» of lbw! vutftttr with tho muck- hmmm. ' Mr and Mrs FMret Runicunn and familv pm] ulnar Marv of Tomnm ant-v" mankind meHth their parents ",' WI etoct' r.':. sun-ed quietly " "tt" vane-w. A: 'hat new, Wm Jar" , charm" '..' ted-mum tttrl-s aâ€: not the and triteeit in The Momma! Club meeting will be held Wednesday, December 13th at the home of Mrs A. C. Muir. Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be cbserved next Sunday, Dee. 10th in M. Andrew's Church. Mr and Mrs Alex Knox and Gar- net, Toronto, spent weekend with friends here. Mr Carson accompanied them home for : visit. Mr Innis Mom-MI about the week- end In Toronto†The Session met Wednesday even- ing at the home of Wm. Mather, Town Line. for regular business and in preparation for the Communi. on Service Sunday morning, Pres- ent were John Weir. Wm. Mather, Thom Tucker, W. G. Watson, and Rev. A. R. Muir. Y.P.S. met Thursday evening in the church, Stewart Muir presiding. Committees were appointed and oth. er arrangements made to entertain Durham Y.P.S. on Dee. 7th. Art Bell, Christian Fellowship convener had charge of the programme. Jack McConkey read the lesson, Rcss Me. Conkey told of early writing anal printing of the Bible. Jean Mather and Betty Watson sang a duet. Mr Bell spoke on the Bible in general its form and origin and growth, and the process of 'canonization. Isa- belle Karstedt gave a piano solo. At the close of the meeting a con. test was held in which the girls won from the boys on the basis of Bible knowledge. Anna Connie and Bob Whittaker had the high scores. The executive met afterwards to ar- range the programme for the Dur. ham meeting. Mr Alf Hincks, Toronto, spent the weekend with friends here. He is having some work done on the farm he purchased recentlv from Keelan's. " has been an ideal full to get work On Wednesday Mall! tt presenta- tion was held in the hall for Mr and Mrs Jack MrMeekin and family be- fore thor leave fortheir new home at Mt. Forest. The. evening was spent in music and dancinz. They were presented with a lovely Mor lamp. chnir and cushion. Jack tlttintt1r re plied on behalf of himself and wife and invited them all to visit them in their new home. Lunch was ser- Mr McClocklin's conversations and repeating of favourite quotations are pleasing memories to ul. Pt. Columba Church, Prieevine.- We expressed cur sorrow in last budget. (which somehow did not ap- pear) over the deaths ot Mrs Ar. thar Jackson, (Effie McFarlane) and Mr E. D. MeCloek1in, old time friends and associates of many years ago.' The former in the music- al field in Queen Eether’e Oratorio. 1891, where she acted the Queen so perfectly. The late J. "P. Teiford was king "Ahasuerua", and many a jovial time we hati with him at the rehearsals. The choir. feelingly. gave a ae lectlon suitable to the sacred occa- aion. "The heart that was broken for Me." - "..err'N%' “ARK ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO To Grow Tobacco Tobacco growing on a large scale is to be begun next spring in Sunni- dale township the municipality in which Wanna Beach is situated, in Simcoe County. An area of over 5.000 acres has been purchased in the neighborhood of New Lowell by Arthur B. Smith, real estate man of the town of Simcoe, acting in the interests ot a group of Belgian to- bacco farmers ot the Delhi district. is being married In the afternoon in Chesiey to Mr Walter Janka of Deaboro. After the marriage they will motor along with other rela tlves and friends numbering twenty- eeven to Mrs Cook's home. We ex- tend our congratulations and beat wishes . (Last Week's News) Miss E. Hcrne, teacher in B. S. No. 5 has resigned he? position on account of her mother'a illness. Mrs W. J. Cook acccmpanied them as far as Elmwood and visited with the latter's sister Mrs Wm. Cook. Mr and Mrs J. C. are enter, taining at a wedding dinner on Wed- nesday at 6 o'clock p. m, In honour of her sister. Catherine Allan who Mrs A. Hooper and daughter. Eva of Top Cliff and Mr and Mrs Thos. Harrison of Priceville were manta Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. W. J. Greenwood. Mrs M. Smith returned homo Tuesday from Murkdale Hospital where she spent a few days after having her fractured limb put in a cast. Mr and Mrs J. C. Cook and Sh'r. ley were Sunday guests at the home of Mr Jas Allan, Chesley . Mr and Ernest Switzer. Walter Switzer. Albert Fensom (close to New Lo well) and And. Folsle (ngar Middle. brook's service station, south of Brentwood) have already disposed of their farms and several other deals are about to be closed. Sam'- greenhouses are being put up " readv and some Hydro services are tteine installed. Mr and Mrs Harold Lawrence Anna and Keith of Egremont were guests at the Davis, home Sunday. Boil in the are: under considera- tion In and): somewhat like that found In the tobacco district: in Norfolk and other count'u where this crop has been grown successful- ly for vars. And like thou dis. trirts. the Sunnldale are: was once raven-d " mtranintent pine tomb. Tttht is. the first attempt on 1 km scale. to now tobacco this for north in Ontario. David Scott. highly respected nin l ..... Fl-_-e-"- --- .L f due. ety year old resident of Eton. hui ltr"" PIC" e "tRet 0 applied to the local Red Crou for 'tl s will he paid " Simply ot woot II-m thnt he my 25 Reward the I“, at got busy knitting tech for the lol- I LLOYD! TRY- diam. Mr Scott. when a your gun "our†COINS“?! t,ff,'e','gt we. a shepherd In the Scottish iiiiriadell'a1"l'.,'. 'i1'llll'l (New... eh tutd “M to qnrttttorr Mr-tt him-Ir we“ and was... Lion-eon when watching “04m" He ml; "tttFt 1',h"'l'S', hoe-(Mm an my. we" not in mace with the more. um. my h"..""'. -:TIttt-d' 'ttit.". It'.','.','.", m w u Pr'cos are said to be satisfactory. One zoo-acre farm Is reported to have been sold for over 88,000. manna. all. u mm. Born on Dec. Itrt to Mr and Mrs Robt. Jackson, a son. Mrs M. Jackson arrived home Friday after spending some weeks with Mr and Mrs Wm. Nelson, Gait Mrs Geo. Penn in spending a few days with Mr and Mrs James Hague and with her sons E. R. Peart and Jan. Peart. Mr Albert Maynard and son Bill visited with friends in Guelph last Wednesday. Mr and Mrs W. J. Cook visited with Mr and Mrs John Cook at Lau- riston one day last week. Mrs Hugh Melina he returned after two weeks' visit with daugh. tors, son and sister in the city. Fine winter weather is prevailing. Clean and hard road: are very good. Men are mostly busy at the wood; women " the fowl, which are going to market in large numbers. The euchre club. 20 strong, are this week to meet " Clarence Har. rison’s. They play euchre until hem ten, then Jump up end dance it om. Trr1ilmmrAtommiNir Mrs Bailey of the Academy, made the weekend trip to the city. Her car is alwnyu full: Friday evening down, back Monday morning. Mrs Hugh McMillan he.- returned after two weeks' visit with daugh. tars, son and siater in the city. so merrily. Mr and Mrs Robert Knox spent the weekend in Owen Sound. with their daughter, Mrs. Borden Bloich 1nd only [bout hair the votes were poll- ed. Two members of the old Coun. cil, Neil Clark and Fred Greer, tad two new men, George Scott and Dave AGED ttt"ftxert KNITS In Simcoe County ZION The Dee. meeting of the Women's Association of Knox United Church was held in Queen St church recep- tion room. with Mrs Gagnon presid- ing. Mrs Twamley offered prayer Miss Norma Gagnon sang "God's Tomorrow" and Mrs Chapman reada poem with an inspiring message. The regular weekly meeting of the Presbyterian Young Peoples' Soc'y. was held Monday evening in the Sunday School room ot the Church with an attendance of SO members. The Pres., Miss Ada Becker pre- sided. Howard Grierson reed the scripture lesson and Reg. Wilson led in prayer. Miss Harriette Wilton in a very capable manner presented first chapter of the new study book. "In Other Tongues" This was follow- ed by a vocal solo by Elsie Leding- ham and a mouth organ selection by Dan Edge, Mrs. Jas. Mather offered prayer. 'The president expressed her desire to retire from the amine, and asked that n nominating com. be appointed. A committee was appointed to be in charge cf Christmas Cheer bask- ets to be sent before Christmas. An. other committee with Miss M. L. Hunter as convenor was appointed to decorate the church tor the Christ- mas season. The hymn "Forever with the Lcrd" was sung in memory of Mrs. George Bparlintt, who passed away this week and whohad always been interested in the work ct the organization. Prew gave a short, paper entitled "Joy to the World". The guest speaker of the evening was Mr I. B. Sharpe who gave an Interesting Fur er on "Christmas Customs ot other Lands." The Mlzpnh closed the meeting and a halthour was spent in social chat over the teacups. KNOX YOUNG PEOPLE The regular meeting of the Knox Young Peoples opened with the pres. Miss Anne Ritchie presiding. After a short business period the meeting was turned over to Miss Florence McLean. Miss Florence McLean. led in prayer and Miss Reta Willis read the scripture lesson. George Mrs. P. House spoke of the emci- ent work done by the president and staff ot officials', and the motion was made and carried unanimously, that those in oMee remain for another year. The following omeerg were elected by ttettltgtmgtitttt: Pres.-uMra. P. Gaston; vieea'rets.-Mrtr. w. A Mocdonald: Beer-Mrs D. B. Junie- eon: Treto.-Mra. J. C. McLean. Convenore of groups were left for another meeting. BURNS LADIES’ Attt AND W. M, it. Burns udles' Aid and ENE. met " the home ot Mrs J. 8. Da. ver on Nov. 29th. Mrs Ewen occupi- ed the Chair and Mrs J. McLach. Ian led in prayer. The Bible readv ing hem the latter part ot the 60: chapter of John was read try Mrs Macbeod. Roll call was answered by "Peace." Correspondence was read for Bowers. received. Was Sarah MaoCormack read a poem "Country Churches." Mrn MecQulrrie presided for the W.K.s. meeting. Mr: mme led in purer. Roll call we: responded!» by a. verse on "Blind." A poem on "Armiutice Day" we: reed by Mitts Mae Scheurnmn sad . reedin! "Guard against Selfishneu" vex given try Mrs Hugh IcDoneld. Re. freshment: were served by Ira Davey and mutants and 3 30cm heir hour spent. The ennui meet. der Br.: Beer-Mrs Geo. Iharpe: 'rreaa.--adru. C. norm. Refresh. ments were served by the hostess and her assistants. ms of the Socieue: will be held 'n the Church tttt Dee. mm " 2 n. '" All member: no mounted to to present. Note the chum of due. MRO. HONEYMAN HOSTED. To PREOIYTERMN Lamar AID The member- of the Presbyterian Lndies' Aid Society met " the home of Mrs Honeymen on may. Dec. lat. " meeting: were held during the year. Reports given were very unifying. A lubeuntlel mount was voted to the Cotttseeration Ber vice which is to be observed on Bun. day. Dee. 10th. The Mrteem for 1940 are as follows: Pri-Mrs T. R. KNOX WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION AMONG THE CHURCHES PRESBYTERIAN Y. P. 8. m Vice. Pr-i, John 2nd VitNta'rqrg..-Mrt, T, Ian- G itiiiilih'iiltgiiy't At a meeting on Wednesday, the town council decided to submit a by. law for $18.00) to introduce the Hydro Electric into town. 83000 of this is to buy out the present pro- prietor, being the value placed upon the equipment in town by en expert, though Mr McIntyre thinks $li,000.00 is not too much. The 810.000 is the cost of installing the new system. We hope to receive more light on how charge: are made before long. but at present to the Henge lay- men “peek loads," “know-t houn†ete, is a puzzle. The second In: Meeting ot tho campaign in (over at the retention of Local Option will be held in the Methodist Church " 8.15 p. m. on Sundny next. Mr Cameron, of ' now, in to be the chief speaker. Mrs Wm. Calder and non Roy leave Thursday for Sioux City, Mich to visit her brother Neil. under Von three In the South Atlan- tic neu- hlklnnd Islands. The re- sult In the Gnelsmu, Schuumhorst Ind Lelpclc have been sunk. two colllerl Captured Ind 1800 men drowned. Two emf-era escnped. This will hue u mighty inthtenee on the war. ' Mr Melbourne MacKay has taken a position as salesman In J. D. Abra. ham's store. Durham School report Junior B- Willie Welsh. Mary Saunders, Roy. den McDonald, Mabel Crumbley George Watt. Prieevitie corr: Mr George Watson. trot his chop. ping: mills in good running order and Is turning out first class work, Mr. Watson will have a platter In the mm after a while. $100 and the other- m well up. At a meeting of local hockeyl-te last Thursday, e teen was entered In the Junior O.H.A. end will form I. district with lerkdele end poe- slbly other town. OIIleeu selected were: Pm... A. Bell; Wee hem, Dr. Hunger. Jim Honolulu; Tnlner. Al. Saunders; Imaging Conn, D. Town. Guy Kearney, R. L. Sum. den, Geo. s. Burnett. R. Whitman. Great news came by wire um Wednetdny night, that a British Reet hast met the German laundron North-But Normmhy corr: The married cousin: of Mr and Mrs Alex Smith spent an enjoynble ev. onine " Mr Smith's home Int Thursday evening. Holstein corr: There we: " tick- ets sold from Holstein nation to the Guelph Winter hlr thin week. Among the number sung down were Wellnce Findlay More. Charles Drumm nnd Hosea sun. Abnhun. The contribution of the Mr and Mrs John Weir, of Burr» moat. gave us a friendly call on their way home from Pricevillc church last Sunday. It was Mrs Weir's birthday and she said she was slmost forgetting it. We wish her nanny hsppy returns. Mr Weir and family will soon be moving to their new brick house. Swinton corr. Everyone itndtr their own special line of gune. Ed. likes pigeons. Willie in the horror ot muskrats, Jack finds a cultured mar- tin his preference. The townline bachelors Ire in. creasing in members', no less than four in one house. Cheer up girls. "In: next Lew Year, they'll be wit. ling victims. Hopevllle eon: Mr. Jon. McArdle had to hive his horse shot last week. The old gentleman feels the loan keenly. AN OPPORTUNITY! A copy of the 'tevi" than!!! so into every home with the was! and mapping no: of Durham. It min- to may of them, but 10 would we_will lend the Review to than tat the and of 1N0 for the renal" - acrlpuon price of 82.00. This . " wank! like to and the no! friend! " . Chrllullll mum. I! am A“ (no. new" Me, Doe. 10th. 1914) IN DAYS OF YORE " mum um pou- and other doom: "ms. 0N0" "New 1MNNG--hrst mm 3.50 “I. Doc A, noll; Wee Prm., Dr. “I. Baum umlt--Up to Dee. t Sec-Trum, P. 31mm; 6 l - II II I lemma; Trainer. t Agent. Ank for ; Mtutabnq Com., D. Y. M. Henna“. To" Aunt. J. L. SHIT“. M3, MI... PS. Canadian "elite l-lonor Grunt. rm UM 0mm“ Boyd Con. Dam ll.- We can. ........ 07“ and other datum: GorNG-qtrst min 3.50 “a. Doe. “I. “an umit--Up to Dee. " eon-Int Amt. - Auk for In... Gauguin-lacuna: Conch hummumu- one. hull: gulls-.IQOO p.m.1tolp.nmm 1tMtter4-t LOGO“..- 7...“;- Room: Over Boy-l mm W. C. PICKEBIIG. ttus uts X RAY m EtmtAdtTMto. on“: Mitt BM pm“. on. Dun-hum once: Emmi nu Pinto-1 out-n and Come lot adrguut" m In“ Hand Culture and Ar- m. b Prompt. com. 1 otB+qt m DURHAM a HOLI'I’EOI Dates "and " Ben“ Ola. n. duh. tho through Dunn W. no. and mm Wold Inn. Bee your low Chm ontateht & Domain tand W Registered PM“ -- Ptmaotsmett.tere,A.A.eo. actualnlmip... Lleeneed Auctioneer fer My M RAILWAY BARGAINS Bee. 8, 9 DURHAM B. . CHARLTON, A. A. s. U ' L F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. 5.0.8. w. PIERCE ELLIS - Veterinary Medicine. “any can CHIROPRACTIC c. It. Alto In'l'uom and Mull-urin- mum and. I090! " 1ltidiiriug tteettetryhtatttts.m-te. HAWLTON .... .... 8e.N BUFFALO .-.........V "LLEVILLE ........ U.†CHATNAM .. ...... “I GEORGE E. 0lltliiAtt J II. MCQUARRIE. B.A. T. n. SNEATII. M. B. F. . EAGLESOI *hamt a...†. an BESSE Mailman“! Luci-w lull Try none Si, am... on. " 'l IS " "ii'i'it1 iT, ih if,“ N?! 'tui. if; '()"sis?ict" Mm $115 a!