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Durham Review (1897), 28 Dec 1939, p. 7

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British Settler Influx Forecast the wb clequate Wool Suoupuly Assured some Can Animals Plenty From Australia Are Gifted With Powers 1 Here Expected to Be vmal by Midâ€"Winter yoon, Liberal member nt for Cariboo, B.C., ceut address that Canâ€" e prepared to receive »rs of British settlers the Halifax Women‘s ub Canada would be ation at the end of far as her relationâ€" reat Britain is conâ€" eon said that as such, n would have to be iccept payment of the sh exports. mports would prove & to Canada‘s secondâ€" ‘s and would create loyment unless drasâ€" are taken, the speakâ€" fo Read Future? me problem could y an adequately iciently arranged +d M en able to sense tow rs. The night before thquake of October, n‘s Suitings Sinking Ships iC dem selieve that am th psychic pow molished by days before with swim mix do Ma ) W é d marka vle om digasâ€" h T med khak IM tin in pe wA M 18 at0 .900 W in We ie dis the Miracles By the Sea 20, And Jesus departed thene: and came nigh unto the sea . Galilee; and he sent up into {/ mountain, and sat there. 30. A~i there came unto him great mu, tudes, having with them the lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and they cast them down at his feet; and he healed them. 31. Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb speaking, the maimed whol«, and the lame walking, and the blind seeing: and they glorified the God of Israel. Thousands of books have been written about the person and work and life and character of the Son of God, of whose life the events of so few days are known; and yet we have not exhausted the infinite, unfathâ€" omable wealth of those days when he walked among us in the flesh. Still great multitudes come to him today: moral cripples that they might walk in the way of the the slaughter of the babes oi Bethlchem}. Herod, knowing that he was wrong in this marriage with his brother‘s (still living> wife, and too weak a man to reâ€" sist the will of Salome and hei scheming mother, Herod gave ovâ€" ders for John the Baptist to be executed. Jesus immediately withâ€" drew into a desert place on being informed of the martyrdom of his forerunner by whom he had been bhaptized. Matt. 14. 1. At that season Her. ad the tetrarch heard the repori sencerning Jegas, 2. and said anâ€" to his servants, This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead: and therefore do these powâ€" ers work in him. 3. For Herod bad laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip‘s wife. 4. For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her. The death of Christ‘s herald was a certain portent of the reâ€" jection and crucifixion of the King. (The Herod of our lesson, ealled Herod Antipas, was the son at Herod the Great who ordered at Herod the Gr the slaughter of Bethlechem}. Hero he was wrons i Ti A2% W( said unto the without hone country, and 58. And he « wel "Whence hath this man this dom, these mighty words? 5 not this the carpenter‘s sor not his mother called Mary? his brethren, James, and Jo and Simon, and Judas? 56. t cities Medit« on the on the : Dead Sea the daug t1 TIMEâ€"The rejection at Na: areth occurred in the winter o A.D. 29; the earlier miracles o this story through the end o Chapter 14 took place in Apr A.D. 209 ; the later miracles and th rebuke of the Pharisees and Sad ducees occurred in the summer o the same vear. whe ountry vnagog 16:12. PRINTED TEXT, Mat. 13 14: 4; 15: 29.31. GCOLDEN TEXT â€"â€" Â¥e a n GOLDEN TEXT â€" Ye are my friends, if ye do the things which 1 command you. John 15:; 14. lie LESSON X1v FRIENDS AND FOES OF KINGDOM.â€"Matthew â€"13: In spite of the grim warning its duty of patrolling the sea alor altering her course to rescue two The Gipsy struck the mine after | Sunday School LCSSOfl c th Galile Murder of John Baptist Simon, isters, Whence Rejected In Own City And coming into his ry he taught them in ogue, insomuch that e astonished, _ and nee hath this man this AC&â€"Nazavreth was the cit e Jesus lived most of his life rthern Galilee. John the Bayp was martyred at Machaeras he northâ€"east shore of th Sea. The miracle of healing laughter of the Syrophoen woman occurred near the of Tvre and Sidon on the A( ranca water thin nded veal 1 in ims own house did not many mighs because of their un n ind Judas? 56. And ‘e they not all with then hath this man igs? 57. And they 1 in him. But Jesus m, A prophet is not . save in his own At that season Hei ‘ heard the repor is, 2. and said im ,. This is John th eecurred near the and Sidon on the coast; the walking ‘curred on the Sea acles ol end _ of n April and the O w i thei they said. wicâ€" and eph, arning sivon by the battered wi eckage of ea alonfi England‘s coast. The Gipsy was e two German airmen, whose plane crash« after bringing the two airmen to shore fo: 54â€" 54â€" THE Butter export pounds, compry pounds last mon November, 1938 ports were 18 against 18,.54 1 .4 was a,41 with 7,21 year, and wmonth, November creame duetion totalled 15 compared wil. 23,73 vious month, and November, 1938, t Bureau of Statistics Production of f: was 5,418,7167 poun with TL.215.118 in \ Lord; the spiritually blind. that they might bebold the Lord in his beauty; the paralyzed of speech to become witnesses of his grace; the hopeless to receive joy:; the lost to have their names written in the Lamb‘s book of life Opposition To Christ We discover in this lesson the vising oppoesition to the Lord Jesâ€" us Christ, which finally led to the cross. We are living in a day when there is a similar rising tide of opposition to the Christ: of the New Testament, and it is interâ€" esting to see here the characterâ€" istics and manifestations of such opposition which are parallelled by the antagonism against Christ which we find today on every hand. Christ won when he was on earth, and Christ will win in the conflict agsainst him today. A boomâ€"time Great Lakes shipping season which, at its height, put ‘ommission every available steamer, has just drawn to a close. The 1989 season wiped out unemployment among Great Lakes mariâ€" ind, shippers believe, will have resulted in shipment of 70,000,000 up and down the inland waterways. The major cargoes are iron 1 grain downbound and coal upbound, Aut reamery Butter Production Rise The Royal Navy Patrols the Sea Along England‘s Coast POPâ€"And This Leaves Pop the Winner mobiles from Detroit being transported on the Great Lakes _|| ue won‘r suv one stvie }_. L I \f v’; , JA v oo uies -.~.;_‘_J/ l ! ul expoits totalled 2 ompared with 2 t month and 867, 1938, while chee iter Ends Record Shipping Season On Lakes Great Lakes freighter unloading coal at Duluth 18,822,400 A00 and 1: un d tory cheese s,compared nber blin Lor of his 0536 Ibs., the preâ€" 1,565 in Jominion ntts. pounds 85,.700 00 N0 the Brilish destroyer Gipsy, another destroyer . vroken in two and sent to the bottom when she d into the sea after being driven off while a modical altention. NOTES AND NEWS New shows for 1940 include reâ€" vivals of Cavaleade of America and Grand Hotel, and, for the first time, a quiz program called "Whai Would You Have Done** The Grand Hotel drama series begins on January 7. The new quiz hour opens on January 26 with Ed Herâ€" lihy, NBC annovncer, as M.C. Charles Boyer, released from serâ€" vice in the French Army, takes back the star role in the Hollyâ€" A minute before the New Year begins (11.59 p.m. EST., on Decâ€" ember 31, 1939) Mutual microâ€" phones will be opened up on Times Square, New York City, to catch Broadway‘s welcome to 1940, All networks will parade their dance bands the same evening on an overnight celebration. For five hours from 11 p.m., EST., the boys will keepn the music going. 1989." The pregram will be in dramatic form and will last for one hour, Needless to say there has been more than enough maâ€" terial to make up the script. It will not all be war material, howâ€" ever, for there is the tragedy of the Squalus, the Corrigan and Hughes flights and the new Eng land hurricane to draw upon. A minute before the New Year WELCOME TO 1940 NBC broadcasts the ten biggei news stories of the year at 2 p.m. EST., on New Year‘s Eve under the heading of "Headlines of RADIO NOTES ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO auLother destroyer of the Royal Navy c nottom when she struck a German mine afte: iven off while attempting to attack Londow. 8y MADGE ARCHER Women, she says, should thin‘k of prospective homes in terms of functional usés, such as cating, sleeping, entertaining, cooking, or washing, and not mercly as comâ€" binations of rooms. supposed to serve, Elizabeth Coit, noted New York architect, advoâ€" cates an "objective viewpoint" in building or buying a place to tive in. & Declaring _ that _ homeâ€"scekers pay too much attention to the style of houses and give too little thought to the purposes they are Woman Architect Says Corridâ€" ors Are the Biggest Spaceâ€" Eaters â€" Advises Elimine tiocn of Halls Save Space When Building A Home A recent photo of Lieut.â€"Gen. Olof Gerbard Thoemell, who has been named commanderâ€"inâ€"chiet of Sweden‘s defence. Sweden is the strongest of the Seandinavian nations in a miltary sense and has the finest guns in the world. Her total trained man power is estiâ€" mated at between 800,000 and 900,000 men. This man power is now being called up gradually as Sweden prepares to {ight invasion if she must. O T HE BR EVENTS:â€"NBS‘e Great Play series gets under way again on January 7 with Sheiâ€" dan‘s "The â€" Rivais". President Roosevelt makes his Jackson Day speech over all American net. works on January 8. James Cagâ€" ney will be starred on Arch Oboâ€" ler‘s drama progrant on January 13th. The case of the Chase and Sanâ€" born Hour and One Man‘s Family has definitely been settled. Beginâ€" ning January 7, Bergen and Mcâ€" Carthy are to occupy the half hour from 8.00 to 8.30 p.m., EST., the Barbour serial following from 8. 30 to 9.00. wood Playhouse beginning Wedâ€" nesday, January 8, (8 p.m.. EST.), Heads Swedish Defence Plenty of Closets mes on pattern. 39 Inclosed 41 Artifice. 44 Part of a medicine. 32 Measure 33 Gypsy 35 Musical note 36 Eternity 37 Perfect pronoun 30 Aperture 31 Doctor of property. 19 Slatted box 20 Health sprin 21 Examination 23 Sour. 25 Devours 27 Public auto. 28 Plural river in this lend, §i. 13 Stream. 14 Commanded 16 Exclamation 17 Dower Through the halls, the builder duce the overâ€"ali Extensive research work in ecoâ€" nomical design and construction has convineed Miss Coit that "corâ€" ridor space is one of the biggest space eaters in the average house. HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured is 8 Important drama the map of A TOMATO culation, it ha: colls is crossed contain approx product of ceil ring 55 Beam. 56 Drone bec. 58 Paroxysm. 59 Sack. 60 Its largest city 61 Its governor general writes under the name of John particle 50 Senior. 51 To embroide« 93 To decline t 46 Tra 48 Mo:! 49 Elex is composed of cells, and, by measuremen ; been found that when a fruit containl with one containing 800,000 cells, the off imately 400,000 cells .y . the square : s of the two parents. DOMINION MAP elimination â€" of may either reâ€" dimensions and BECAUSE EVERYBODY‘¢ wEAmring 1t‘ prosccut Answer to Previous Puszle By J. MILLAR WATT n 45 RLIN ON THE SURFACE Â¥~ 7#HE wareR BEeFomrs RISING INTO THE AjiR. 4 To suffice. 5 Circle part 6 Meadow 7 Work of sill 8 Tiny 9 Road . 10 Neck backs. 11 To scorch, 12 Babylonian deity. VERTICAL 1 Credit. 2 Officer‘s COPR. 1937 By NEA SERViCE, »NC nC eubic contents of the house, 0 else increase the size of the rooms. No woman will admit that space can be saved by providing fewo closets, Miss Coit says, but the fact remains that closets can be located in otherwise useless SpOle â€"some shallow and others deep, by measurement and cal» celts, the offspring will the square root of thg containing 200,000 55 Hurrah! 57 Right, 89 Before Christ tale, : 52 Was victorioug 54 Chum. 70 Dranman acon 44 Courtesy titles 45 Peat dust. 47 To do again. 50 Scandinavian 26 Mineral spring 29 Turf, 32 Garden tool 34 Intersected. 36 Female sheep. 38 Upper human limb, 40 Being, 42 Near, 43 Brahman a 15 Doctor. 18 Male deer. 20 Froth, 21 It has a large trade with â€"~mile B2 # xh .

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