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Durham Review (1897), 4 Jan 1940, p. 1

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JP PER " slit T, g! Mona! and Mm Ir. MN?!" an: t n behalf of " Rev. Thos I of the grrnm. _ Pomp-Mm:- n "ine, march After a aha l xratulmion. the happy I" xvi-re servo-d the happy Unwh- Refreshments xvi-re servo-d up! who: prczram placed under way A HHJSin! of old favor. .ws and Srtvlixh numbers, was enjoy- HI; Mrs T. M Moratldan Imu- a tine wlo, Mrs J. C. Jhunitton n ,r-adin", “fur h" u H Smtch and so has 9M": Jenny-w MarAnhur gaw- a' pantorn'mo on Annie Laurie" ar- (-ompaniod bv the choir. A nephew of thp bride, Mr Harold It. Mama, “won Sound, proposed a "as! to the hrido and groom. and Mr John Mr risnn presented thorn with a mum- ..‘ money, while Mrs “chanson '.. " up address below: Beautiful tt Pr-'-- (yellow mums! Mrs J. P. MPMH Mrs H. ft M, Irvine Smmrland k. P. Rim: Ha McLean. Toronto. ambled at 94.00 p. m. to share tho ioyou,, event with them. Mr and Mrs McHudgen (formerly Inna Iona!) warn married Jan. 1. Mo, at lmrham Was. mnnse by Mee. Robe]! Mr.Nair. Thry went " live (n the groom'." farm at Edge Hill, now awn-~41 by A. J. Maenon. MO, but for over twenty years now now they have lived a retired life on, George. St Durham. 1 Rev. s. w. Hirth was chairman h r the [onion 'avettt. At fi.15 the Film» Harriet Mfttart a wok? br The ' ' rratml , George. St Durham. Rev. B. w. Mirna was chairman " r the [onion “vent. At fi.15 tht bride and 'mnm "rained. to [he as romp-mime” o! Mertdeimoha's wed Dear F'rieno,-rr:tr years ago in hte early hours of 1ew Year's morn- mg, a happy young couple came to the Manse, when mo Rev. Robert McNair. Minister of the Durham "restrvttsriatt Church anitrd them in the hay estate of nmrlmuny arrord. m: to the laws ot win roaim and the rrdinttrteo of 'tts. Christian Chcrett. You. our do.» fur as. were that blusnIn-z bride and bits! ml bride. "room. “and in hand, dm by day. new“ through the years \'m have Durhar January l. tgut To Mr and Mrs J. H. McFadyen. . s'room. "and in nan aux-n through the y. warm! mph miner's ior not and overcome all .; thumbs of life. You rnm'mmnv have hm H. McFadyen Were honored guests 'I‘uesduy evening in Durham Presby- u-rian Church. when over a hundred -'-"iKhN-FS. personal Menus and oh; 'rionds from Edge Hill locality 88' ~6~mble¢l at 'coo p. m. to share tho ioyous event with Hum. , Mr and Mrs McHain (formerly old 50th Anniversary Celebrated Tuesday wool m "NIP. r0 41:1er vzlr'h others it“ an»! an”. Wtf. wt and over-comp all '1-1 must and t; ttirttitie of life. Ttttu "rrs 'n this u-nmvmmih' have berr- Ion, urable ~ml "rd During murkro, by " beau. Yiflll nlc-x-noinn and lnyzmv to y"... Church and Tfur Lord at " anur, Because of the high Winn” in "hiett ycu are held We have in. -umblt‘I! here thin evening '0 rejoice nun you and to honour ym. (n this, your Grlden Wedding W IA'rw varn- 'wtly pray that our Heavenls Father way continue to bio-s For. richly. .md that you may enjoy mm more year, of trur MW" " l, tshand and wife. A. a who ot our h in w card and but “than tor .v , $r :'.sk that you “a" au Ptli-' of money. -. o . . vno ptog 0n the oceanic!) of their ttttieth wading Anniversary. Mr and Mrs J. we pl Mom" Milli" And to this may I add mast: “May the Maze- t ne'er mat. cr the wins! a feather." Just am your: since we "u- little girl. Only . mph cl lovclorn kids u. than“! VOL. LXII, NO. 1 Hirtl will tap u lint tinte JOHN TO ANNA hhur Re "I h hm o-voninz. d-»=t:cnoe Warp: Mrs l Wainwright. Alta: Inn. Harrie: Mr mm oitnt. Mr and Mrs (mm Sound: Mm who“; Miss Ada by Mrs Harding. onat sprvioe. con- anded by all to tmee we were presented thnm "'.nPy. while Mrs e address below: (yellow mums) 11's Mt-Fatlyen by lean and Mary wax-p9. Mr Chas. nunhfw replied ie and groom. boyhood friend .u n reminismm so-s hvlcw. Mrs Mrs Alice Me. llmwynmn also wad hm outitully do while stream Well Wir: i a S. tish of trim _iltip ct low on over cloth with Banks Auld I A4p an: thp and thr and He was burn it Git-ml: Township (n the (hunt-mt Road two miles north pr hut-hum the son of the late Jrttttr.s and Juan nur'tess. or a large. fnmil or tt't vhiidren, he was the mst _ wrivv : member. Ho “av ' w.- "urrried being first mulch-d to ttit Robinson and a few years .n‘n hp: death. about 30 your: mm. It irrgeti Susanna Mac. Kinm x. (in. In. of the late Mr and Mrs Allan .-i\’mr;on_ who survives him. Rinat [,r. II' married lii'e was FIN"! in u -2 awn, the last few yours Irrttrir 1w " on Lambton St. “him 'm- 'r') 4“] worked a few y"ttrt .121 Kinnrn. I Mrs Alla him . Mn Mr Ru: stmnz' rm habits and was m m- pcwers As the yeurs tell by with their hopes and fears. OCR WISH FOR tNM' BOTH May the years that lie ahead for Von. tic-m friends, A< trimmings fall about your path eat-h day, Compar» with thoue where past and prvrwnt blends. Frayed, yet fringed with life's glad golden ray. Along the path of your declining yearn Young in hope and wise in ln'th that roam in God, Dorm My: Journey, may the u . fifty years Encirrl, tr, ulth friends, true, as n am; whom you trod. Nvv, ti . y' ~11, with lightsome in a z " way to God. l _ Hi, friend: T. H. Parr. and Gtott, 'v6sttirtur I in" SI ness trot (OHS Tht ' '\ mm Mr. Burgess best wilt-1.! His love fer good rsmliw H _ atteeped in History and x. h ., r,, .me all of a retir- ing tin-mu 'its was the soul of honrsu "ttr,' I: :ghtness and his me'nmv ,i ll in. remain green. A man u: HOLL' nnvictions. he was well-into:-,', nu subjects in general and tln mm- t'l 'he day. The [um-ml which was private. was held or .cutur0ay, December 30, trrm his late residence to Dur. bam cemeterw and was conducted by his pastor Rev. S. W. Hirtle. Mrs Lauder sans.' the solo "Simply Trusting.” The remains were laid to rest by Messrs Gordan Geddes, Gor. dun Coutts. . S. MacArthur, Herb Cross, John Rhortreed, J. F. Irwin, Arch. Mckrr, non. 'lf'l'K‘R MISS MARGERY SKENE The death " Misty Margery (May) Skene, from w hum condition took place on \Vt-vlmmiuv atternnon. Jan. uary 3rd at '2"! lute residence scuth of Dornoch. , No 6 highway. She tcrk' ill the 1' minus evening. About "ventr-five wars of age, she was born and liv,, her entire life at her home there. ~14 was the daughter of the late Gm " Skene and Anne Smith. pione Scottish residents of that locality j recent years Mr and Mrs Colin Flu). Jr. have been joint occupants or INT home, she retainin': her own room. . Burviving are two brothers and a sister: Rf ' James Skene cf Ner, wlch; Pram in Calgary, Alta.; and a sister Bello. Mrs Gibson. in Okla- homa. 1'. S And Nor Nor can it NM The late Miss, Skene was a devot. ed church maul»; and regular at. Latona Presbyterian Church, Dor- noch. She was a life member of the W. M. s.. took part in the work " the Ladies' Aid Soc-i9". and she be- 1. Med 10 Domooh Women', Insti- lure. The funeral names will be con ducted by hn' rrp."'Gr Rev ft. M Gordon on Fridav Jan. Sth at , p In. Interment in Imam cemetery. Hu Aftor Tm" “ml CALL iifjltt Miriam Btgititik ll BURGESS then, .1: rly to Join the mam I, swirl; :mi, because we were ue,t then. I',NA TO JOHN mm! strong in these u ours, 11m! low m these any less than increase Irmivply short nr tronble, John Bur- n citizen of Durham 1ed away Thursday is homo on Lamb. at year. we always hem a an. cumin! in his -alizod that the mu] its On New Year's day 1884, she Wart wedded to Charles Homage. who was then teat-hing at St S. No l, Nor- manhy. They took up homemakine on the Gadd farm, half a mile west of Knox Church. Normanby. After Mr Ramage had secured tho En. trance class in Durham school. tho family removed to town late in Dec. _ 1892, since when aha has been a con- linuous resident here. Mr Ramage purchased the Review in 1894. and a couple of years after thew remow ed to tho present home. Her hus- band predeceased her in July 1936. To them were born a family cf seven sons and ilauahters, the oldest, Marv, dying in Durham ill the age of x. surviving 'll't’: Peter. lil't"*‘t“ll publisher of the Rmiew and Miss Alice, at hrrno; llr. (than. C., or Vinelnnd: Mrs ll. J. McKnight, (twin-s) of Waintiecl, Willamd Co.: Arthur, of tho Review-Herald, Thorn. l-ury. Harold of the Advertiser-Top- iv, Petitlia. (if the decrased's own family circle ol ten brothers and sis.) ters. only two now survive; Mrs R. T’. Legato, Edmonton, Alta., former. lr cf Ceylcn: and Frank K. Cole- ridge of Nut Mountain. Sank. i To know Mrs Ramuge, as a friend pct/utter' “not an insp'rntion. Her [Wt-Alon and love for reading. her skill and knowledge of plant lite, htr keenness ct" intellect. all corar Lined to make her a delightful con- vrrsationalist. Added to these qual. ities, she was the possessor of a cheerful spirit. which carried her through many a trying pericd. The church and its interests were very dear to her and to the last never' abated. She was a lite member of Knex United Church Missionary Soci- ety. and in her active years, was a nut-kn also in the Sunday School nnd Ladies' Aid Society. She was for a number of years. a member of Durham Women's Institute. Mrs Ramage was Mary Jane, the third daughter of the late Daniel Coleridge and Mary J. Cleave. She Was born on the old Coleridge heme- Htt-nd on the 19th con. Egremont township. ncw owned by Edwin Wells She attended school at S. S. No. 13, and later attended C'olling. wocd Collegiate Institute. then (an). ed under the principalship of the late. Wm. Williams. She secured her Model teacher's t?Prtiflttate. writing exams. in Owen Sound, then taught for four years, first six months near Mt. Forest. then at No. 10 Ezremont and No. P.?. Egrcmont. This week it is one of ye editct"s: saddest experiences to record the death of a loving mother. Mrs Mary J. Ramage whose spirit departed In a. fairer realm at noon Friday, Dec. 29th, two weeks after her eightieth birthday. After several weeks in hospital nearly nine years ago (on valeseinq from a broken limb, she experienced an attack of “shingles" in returning home. the effects t! which nevu left her. increasirr'pain, which could only be alleviated for a time, came with the years. The suffering weakened her heart and resistance. and it being mcre in- tense the past month, she was re- moved tc Durham hospital the day before her death. where she slept away. Beautiful floral tokens from family, ,cholr. town and rurat friends adomv 'rl the casket. These were carried by neighbcrs: Dcnald McQueen, J. C. Howell. Nathan Ritchie, Frank Ritehre. Interment took place In the famil': plot 'tt. Durham cemetery. i, Owing to the atom the previous dov, :‘I'ne distant (duds were pre- _vented trrat attending the when]. lAmong those present were Miss A. "C. Maephail M. P,: Mr Wm. Ram. Me. Pr'cevllle and dattghtcrs. Mrs ‘Ctm, MaeDottgall, Mrs. s. wmtams I (Continued on Page a.) The funeral service was held on, Monday, New Year's Day, the anni.l vrrsary of her wedding day, in Knox United Church, Durham. after a brief private service in the home.) Her pastor. Rev. W. H. Smith preached a "r'atrcrting message frcm the text "For me to live. is Christ. but to die is train." By request, Miss Margaret Hunter presided at the organ for the service. The pail bear- ers were old friend: of family and neighbors: Donald Mellvride. R. R. Watson, Alex Smith. T. M. Mer'ad. den. Dr. J. P. Grant, John New)“ den. Angus A, McArthur, Arthur Ritchie. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLsTEIN LEADER MRS. CHARLES RAMAGE BE ROLL CALL DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. 1940 Two of the boldest robberies ever perpetrated in Dundalk occurred at an early hour Sunday morning when the F'. t Hill and Co, store there and rm A. D. McAllster's garage were entered and goods and mtney to the value of close to one thousand dollars rrmcved therefrom. A can belonging to Jack Gardiner was also stolen from the latter place and has not yet been recovercd. Discovery Ct the robbery was made about nine Entw to the Hill store. had been made bv smashing a rear window. In addition to the cash rezlster, wh'ch contained only a small sum of money, goods were removed which a hasty check-up revealed wruld be worth between $71.0 and $800. Tho stolen goods consisted for the most part ot men's suits, which were cloned oft a rack on the: ground tloor. At MeAlister garage entry was' made to the building by torcing a rear window. The safe containing a- bout $75 in cash and other papers was removed. the cash register with bethecn $2 and $3 in cash was HUN] and it was also believed some t.res were stolen. This is the fourth time Dr. McAIister has been visited by robbers and at. ’least the third time Hill's store has been entered. The last time the store was entered an unsuccessful attempt was mado to break into the large safe, the rob- bers apparently having been disturb. HI. “clock Sunday morning when Chester Mocre an employee of Spunhouse'r garage, while driving out to Bad jeros discovered the rifltd cash rp. emu cf the Hill store thrown out the side of the road about a quarter of a mile east cl Dundalk highway corner. Two mites further east on the same road the safe which had been removed from McAi’ster's gar- me my; frund with the bottom brok. en out and the moncy stolen there. from. The robbers were consider- ate enou'zh to lerwe a number of mien and drods intact. The stolou Gardiner, car, width is n 1937 Ford Coach maroon color and bearing license No. 67.335 (1939) “as not the cur oasiest for the rob- bets to remcve from the garage. A (111‘ owned by Dr McKlister was mov- ed to anothor section ofthe garage in ruler that the more modern Gardin- m- car could be procured. Prcvincial Constable Harold Black and the town constable. Charles Mur- par were immediately notified of the case but no clues have been unearth. ed as yet. tse"s Hardware amine“. 1 Mr Oliver S. Hunter, well-known dinner Durham businessman. who in necent years conducted a hardware latore in Arthur, has disposed of " 'business in that village to a Wood- itrridge resident. Mr Hunter plans to reside in Durham for a time. Dandalk Store and Took first Game C. " Again Reeve of Norunby Tp. Garage Ihr glar ind fran Walkerton r,,,'.),:,)':,'-,":",,"",,':"",','.?,',",',"":',, 'ii'?,", if; I",,",:),.',"",:,,,,"',,"",:.')) 3:": tl,,)",,,,,',', THE WEEK OF PRAYER JANUARY 7TH To 13TH The following Union Prayer Ser- vices will be held in the following Churches, and will consider the mpio: "Our Faith for Today". Plan to attend all of these services. They will begin at x o‘clock each evening. Mcnday January, 74th, at the Bap. "st Church. Rev. w. H. Smith will speak on "Faith In God." Tuesday, January, 9th, at Knox 1'nited Church. Rev, M. H. H. Farr will speak on "Faith In Man". Wednesday, January 10th, at the Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. T. Priest on "Faith In The Church." Thursday, Janualy 11th. at the An- tlican Church, Rrv. S. W. Hirtle will speak cn “Faith in the Future". Pr'day, January 12th. " Knox u nited Church, Rev. H. S. Herring- trn of Tcronto, will speak on the walk of the Bible Society. Tuesday was the final day of ser- tr'?tt in Durham Respite! for Miss Christina Pettes. The inner has been matron for seventeen years and leaves the institution with a re- cord ot faithfulness, which nnks high Among members of the nurs- ing profession. Min Yetta: will make her home with her sitter Mrs Alex Henderson in Eeretnont for a time. Matron Leavu Hanan-l . --"'-"-""e-"'!e w i .6 .16: I'uesday night saw Durham's Int. L. hockey tlub, 1940 edition, cap- ture thr opening game from Walker- tut Capitals here by an 8---5 count. There was a lair-sized crowd, but they saw little brilliant hockey. Systemized team play wks in ttte main lacking. and wherever the puck travelled. there were usually tour (r five \iaorously scrapping for it. A couple ueeks practice and two t." three gamm under their belts. will however, make a world of dt feronco. Next Tuesday night‘s game here, against the Owen Sound Trap- per Cubs, will doubtless provide both faster and scrappier hockey. Durham started ctt at a furious pace, running up a 4-0 count at end of lst period. and making it 7--1 at end ot' seeond. Then they had slut thoir bolt, for Wtoerton's Crew, apparently in better condition than the locals, outdistanced them '--l in final frame. makintt the new? Dur- ham il, Walkerton 5 at close. Bill Garbutt of Owen Sound handled n clrun Rame satisfactorily. Ronnie Watt, former Junior goalie guarded Durham nets, and played " smart game, when accorded any protection. Walkcrtun'a boy wsrder goalie, Joev Caruso. was their gum-- dinn. He didn't lock hot at tho start, but improwd as the game prmressod. Durham's scoring honors were well divided. o. McDonald got 2 'rtyalt, and was best man on the ice: G. Metlirr, It. MoGirr, G. McDonald. Lawrence. DinRer and Muses, each not 1. Three Hanover players strengthened the Watkerton line-up. one of them Pentland, serving twice. The line-up. "URHAM: Goal-- Watt; defence - Cassidy, o. McIKnald: centre -- G. Mann"; wings-- " McDonald, Law. rence; alt,--at. McGirr. 'Tuc-ker, Moses, Kress, Dean, Dinger. WALKERTON: Goal -- Caruso; (lvt'onro - Leo Schnurr. McCarler; Nauru" - Vunstyko: wings--- Weber, Louis Schnurr. Alt. --Pent1aud, PM. mvw. Tiahari. Drudor. Same night in Winxham, Owen Sound Trappers beat Wingham c, I}. The game was marred by a free-for all. for several minutes, in which both playirs and 'tpotrtators joined. Hepburn, speedy “ingham centre, received a brokon shoulder bone in the affray. Ken Wilson of Durham, was referee. . E»; Y"","""'""-'" s-h-.------- For his 23rd mammal“) year, Mr. l'."".""""" In "lyth's poll (Sc. Gi, Charles Helm .lbe dean of Grey Co. Milken: polled H Totem to I furHulnl. Council. was elected Reeve of Nor- Twas almost unanimous. but not manby townshlp on Monday, by the hall the vote was polled. close majority or " nor Deputy. For Deputy Reeve, Henry Mittee reeve Jock Aitken, the well known detorted Ezra Holliday 332 lo :27. auctioneer. Althea led in 4 of ttw John Bum". Arthur We“: and tao 7 polls, but Holnl'n " majority In Placer un- the no I' Connolllm'n. Ayton division was too much lo The "ttren by “(Hi are: Re-- Charles Holm John Aitken Councillors- John Burrell .. Arthur Wells .. Leo Pfeffer ... Norman Lin .. Cars Met in Sunday's Storm Henry Miller Ezra Holliday Durham Juvenile hockey team has been placed in Group Ito of the tt.H. A. Juvenile series. along with Hue-n :‘mnd. Hanover, Cheruey, Mildmuy, and Walherton. Owen Sound must win the group to advaneo inu, the "A" playdowns. while the lending 'W team will advance in the "tl" mar'tts.c, A schedule will ttttttttly be dyttwit in Hanover. with Elmer Taylor ot' that town as Convener. During tho miniature blizzard early Sunday afternoon, two oar-sf ecllided at the main intersection in? town, Goran-am and Lambton Sunni but fortunately bcth were true-Hing? so slowly that no one was injuied.| Chas. Remy. malt courier “In going; east ca Lamhton St. He stopped at intersection, but not seeing any our! 00min: on Gnrafraxa. started oft a-' gain across main st. However it our, (when by a lady I'mm ChatrrworiU, was southbound In Garafraxa. and having the right ot Way, did not stop. as slu- had expected the other‘ our to wait. She strut-k tho side of Reay's our, damaging the door and otherwise. but her cat' was little man-ed. Quite a bang l't‘ sounded. and a crrwd gathered. It was a pure and simple accident caused by weather renditions. Charlie admits he “a mainly to was a pure and Simple arc caused by weather mndit Charlie admits he was mair blame and will repair his own ONTARIO ARCHIVES Juveniles Grouped Reeve-- Published Weekly " 82.00 I yen in advance. To DIM Staten. 82.50 I yen in Mums. Paw humane. Publlaher Alut‘dl Ayton Fords Hump. Blyth. Sen. Glen'n " 26 61 50 M M 26 tt6 Hi? 197 I91 175 ti7 " " 32 thet" l aha have for salo " numl-ov m the Colts risln': two, thrm- and tum 'ls the old: (m0- Brood Row, dun lo lam)“ Wtte this month. "i, Cream Separators Repaired. dent l Skates Stu-mum! Ems. DURHAM HACH'NE CHO? y to F. W. MOON, Pm. car. Phone 140 DURHAM. ONT. 46 In " For Dent-y Reeve, Henry Miller dulvuwd Ezra "mum Mt, lo 227. John Burro“. Arthur Wetts and Leo Ptefrer we the no v Councillmn. The "ttren try vxllu are: W. l Snell is t'onswtstultMicots to Mr William J. Snell, a former Durham bot, who was elected Reeve on citatrmorttt try ucclumuuon, when A, In. Icl‘ulrmam tho [ocular move. withdrew to mm! tttt "1ectiott. We deeply uppmduu- and alumni» Iyrlmnk many trientU "ml neighbors. including those who luauvd cars, for kindly new. pxpmmlonn of sympathy and ttoral whens bestowed. In our tqae'ettt and betxsavement of R lnvim; mother. The Humane family, Order your M MIA-Jamar: Nam, for Spring Delivery, bul'on- prim-am hither. I handle Cooknhlm. Flor-x! g. Mood lelnpry. Wetgous and Sleigha. Cream Separatrts, Bloc-Irin- and Gun Watrhittt,r Mm'hinvs, I'm-my "ism-ll Machlm-ry, “ruin Grinders. Hammer Mills. H 34 16 29 qe -1 Your Opportunity 40 W "ee--- CARD OF THANKS H tit " " Chlsworth's Reeve " " 10 24 " to T.'. " " " 16 loud ili'l' 227 sr.'. 372 829 26" TO

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