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Durham Review (1897), 4 Jan 1940, p. 5

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moon the “Mom. and his many a were: Mr Kao and Bill If and In it. Mr “a a! Mulocl; pit" and Mrs Funk rlttt Mr and Zion; Mr M um fun " Cort"! or L',':',':",.'; but ts with Mr Narkulak I Will, Ander. Mr and Mrs p; Mr and at Durham r My"; Mr. laid, Mom-o d Mrs w. b' " laurlv in Summer of ChenHy I home here. Ml." via" mildly“. ..i l 'Plaliv Away. your no” attended. b tumor was n and we!" I. Mullah" ttt the valley h. I will tear Pa" m "Abide ATION ood and CARE IE Isabelle Mr. ys with than Mr um! his: beer Mr no TO REST " the tat" tram his late any Clarenn ,otln Mach lawn?! friend: Mr Girl!!!" V Pt A”. " t to rat " who". Mm 13C!) JVCI p spent the ' hubby at Mr and Mrs oshine-- ' Winter 'tottert Law and M rs In: EEN main: it tool they nun trip Gt from readily soon-[in ttttie than.“ at but hon an: sun)! " t"" were Pf” “Mr Mr David Metre nah! and guests Bttende McLean mm .qevera Ronan MN Mrs Mr Mc in ,'ttt't Sue-k and Grain run in Gteyi umnty. Twenty yen terns M. 4%.i No farm sold withou a miserable. rash pavment. Please tate Four re. mnremunts fully. Applx l (mama GovsmwiFEN' FARMS s’25 Item Varney, Ont lull IIBWHI LIDYD'S THY- MULATED CORN mm for any corn :rcalloua THEY not remove with this 'sttteient new a ientitte treatment for Corn. and lan Lloyd's com- munion trqatmeatt We and Pads) so-moves and keep- m away. De aansiusee ttnd relieve. with itrst ap- ,HI-nl'mn. For sale at l ' of My: Hood Mttur arriv- ar nus week to sell on car. at ": close mic; Catt, phone 114. m: bundle of old papers. only be, ‘v Ito-view office. Just the thing for ruming fires, laying cum. etc. Th" British Institute of Public, ”pinion took a straw vote to test} the roe-ling of Britons concerning the', whim of the German colonies.! Kiehty-f1ve per cent replied In tttel m~gatiw, and seventy-eight per cent.‘ ,,aid they would sooner light than re- turn the colonies. I FO SALE awning desk. kitchen cupboard, '1. hen table, gar an took. and oth. . articles for pri te sale. Apply, Johnna", Durham. Small Advts. H. HUNT“. Inspector Tel. Holstein 3 r.11 Mummy rm. mo McFadden's Drug Store FACTSAND FIGURES Total pocient days Total attendance at "that. Patient" Department during the post year exceeds Patients treated in the "ln- Patient" Department during Total expenses exceed I938 exceed Total income from ll sources will be less than Net deficit for will be paid " the mm. of [ LLOYD'S THY- ,N LVE tor any cor: r not remove witt w a ientinc treatment ',an Lloyd's com 0M hm and Padt $450,000 330,000 $540,000 140,000 79,777 Mr John Meleekin having moved! to Mount _ " house was cl, gain occupied on ”may Int byl Mr Donna Reiley and his tnir young bride (nee Roberta Berri-on.) The seven eon- of Mr Wm. Aldcorn else one deughter, Mary of Regina College, arrived home t. spend the New Year with their perenu. Glad to know that Mr Aldeorn in improv. ing since moving into hie new house The ttreptaee is I beautiful piece ot ‘masonry by the Ritchie Bron. cf Durham. Electric lights were in lstalled luv. week by Mr Ad. Watson Lot Durham. Mr Allan McLean left on Saturday to Wait his daughters In Toronto. Teachers are hieing back to their various academies. Mr and Mr: Alex Alex. McLean to Manual Training in Toronto; Miss Marion Muir to Pal. mer Rapids; Mrs. Ramadan to New York. Miss Connie has returned from Elora. Stormy weather Sunday resulted in having to pitch the tunes without the “keg! o'whustlea" help. No organist. or the 47 eards received wishing happiness and prosperity, one crest-1 ed a feeling of nine”. coming trom) the husband cf Pearl Newton', one at Canada's foremost e1oeutitmiats, who died in March last. A warm friend of ours tot. many years, he sent us a fine letter, quoting her kind Impressions towards us and sent two fine portraits of her, which we prize highly. Mrs Rd. Flverimt is visiting with her trim Is in Toronto and Midland. Mr and Mrs E. Bennett entertain- ed members of the Nichol family to dinner on New Year's. Mrs T. Nichol is visitipg her tiatr ghter. Mrs E. Bennett, Durham. Miss Marjorie Brown. of Toronto, spent Now Year's with her parents Mrs Standin and son Douglas ot Durham spent the week end with her sister, Mrs N. Cameron Ind family. Miss Mabel Adams of rtestterton/ spent the weekend with Miss Bernice (arson. PRICEVILLE nus sPAcé DONATED BY Somewhere in Ontario, before this hour has ticked away. a little child will be stricken or injured-Pneumonia, Poliomye- litis, an automobile accident. or one of a hundred or more diseases or accidents will have found a victim. The life of this little child may depend on the PROMPT ACTION of The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Centralized here under one roof is every facility known to medical science for the effective prevention and cure of childhood disease and deformity. More than 9.000 little children were treated here last year. ONE-THIRD of these children came from Ontario Municipalities outside the City of Toronto. Most of them were children of parents unable to pay the low Public Ward rates. But they were not denied any treatment or care that would assist in their recovery. last year. We appeal to responsible, charitable Ontario citizens fog donations to help us meet this deficit and for practical encourage- ment to continue and expand this work next year. Because you were kind : large or small . . . NOW, Mr Donald Canon met with Avery wilful Iceldont a week ago Wednes- dar in Toronto. White putting " coho! in 3 Mr, the drlver started the engine. calling the alcohol to splash into " was, and he wu burnt bad. ly. He la n patient in St. Mlchael'l hospital. All hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs Alex. Knox of Tonn- to, spent New Year's with her par em: and MI mother at Ceylon. The funeral of the late John James Patterson of Ceylon was held on Tuesday. (Intended for last Week) A hwy New Year to editor, staff and readers. Mrs John ‘MacFurlane and little son. Toronto. spent the put week with her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. A. unclean. Ml” Monica Lambert and Junie Sutherland spent Christmas holidays " their home. Mr and Mrs Alf. Hincks and Mars nyn. Toronto. were holiday visitors “non: their friends here. Mr David Hincks returned home with them for a few dun. Mr ttttd Mrs George McLellah of Niagara Falls, spent Christmas; day with Mr and Mrs Dan. Campbell. Mr and Mrs H. R, MacLean were Christmas visitors with Mr and Mr: Bill Hill, Fergus. Mr and Mrs J. A. Niishot enter. tamed members of the Nichol family on Christmas day. other Christmas, visitors at their homes were: Anna McEschern. With tera' Falls; and sister Mary, Toron. to; Marion Muir. Palmer Rapids', Christina McKinnon, Hopevllle; Jeap Hincks. Lisle; Almeda Hindu and Elizabeth Brown, Toronto; Emma Oliver. Heathcote. Priceville school Christmas concert was held Thursday night. A stood program was enjoyed by all. Mr A. n. MacArthur acted " chairman. At the close, Santa Claus arrived and distributed gills to the children. Miss Anna Connie spent the holi. Mr and Mrs D. L. MacArthur and tiay season with her parents at Per. Elinor, Mrs T, Nichol and Mrs. Me. gns. lntyre visited Sunday " Collingwood Miss Margaret McArthur returned Mr and Mrs A. L. Hincks and tam. This humane policy resulted in a deficit of $90,000 Please . . . THE PURHAM REVIEW ' . . the life of a little child may be saved and benevolent today. Send your donation, All) VICIII‘IY THE DURHAM REVIEW Toronto . home utter spending some time in Mn. Davis, um! ma. non Paul ot Aurora, mat the put not with her ulster, and mother. In P. Item Members of the mgteha family on- day " the beam of Mr and In And, Hinekr. The ennui Sunday School (Thrill- mu concert was held In St. Andrews church Tuesdayevemng. The night was ideal, and glam crowd was we sent to enjoy a splendid progrem. of pantttrnitrsets, choruses. recitation: and two dislogues presented by the young people. Grant Muir song s couple Gselic songs and received loud applause. At the close of program, Mrs. mtherhutd wss ssked to come forward. Hrs Archie lseCusi! read the address and Miss llsrgsret Nie- hoi presented a lovely comforter and linen towels to Mrs. Sutherlond. u an expression of spprecistion for the active pert she hss token in all! church organizations. Hrs. Suther- land. who was token completely 'ic) surprise. tittingW replied. After the: presentation. Ssnta sppesred tnd, gave " the boys end girls csndies and gifts off the tree. I Mr sod Mrs Fred Runehnsn spent) Christmas with their family, Toronto Mr and Mrs Rarry Pedlsr and two sons. Mr and Mrs Alex. Knox sod Garnet, and Mr Donsld Carson, all of Toronto: Mr and Mrs Jack Car. aim and son of Vsndeleur; Mr and Mrs Arthur Richardson and/family. Swinton Psrk. and Mr Stewart Car. son. South River, spent AChristmas day at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs Alex. Carson. A dance was held Thursday night at home of Mr and Mr: Jim Sturrock Mr and Mrs Bill McKenzie and f: mlly spent Chriatmu day with Mr. and Mrs Ben McKenzie. Mr and Mrs Neil McKinnon enter. tained their family from Toronto on Christmas day. Mr and Mrs Dun Campbell spent the weekend at Niagara Falls. Mrs D. A. McIntyre spent a few days with her mother. Mrs T. Nichol and other friends. ily Inc-t Christmas " the home or her tour, In G. AfBluk, Swim.“ Put. when " were mum. Christan an from the family. ' Mt and In John Cook and “any Pinkerton. spent Christan with her “mu. Mr and Mrs D. Nichol. Mr not Brodie, Toronto. in upend- ing Christina: holidxn with In: trite ter; Mn Ben McKenzie. Mr and In Rom. Lawrence and family, In Evan and daughter Inn 10119, Owen Bound, spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Archie HIcCuaig. (Intended tor Int week) Mr Putanon, Toronto spent over the weekend " In Sturdy”: and Mr J. Sinclair'n. mu Magnet nacho visited . few days with her friend Mm Elean- or Benhun. In Rom. McKinney in staying l while at the home of her son, Mr Mr William McKinney Those home to upend curl-mu; with the home folk: include lllu Janet Scott " Mr Ed, Scott's: Mitttr Tenn Christie, with the Chrlltle fun- nies: Mr George Wale " Mr Chas. Wale's; Mr Lloyd McEIclmie at Mr Neil MeEttettttie'B. Mr W. Wilson was I visitor " the home of Mr Alex. Wilson. Miss tna Acheson in Vilnius with her sister; Mrs Earl Walton. Little Mary thton has been suffering with ear trouble. Mr and Mrs Oswald Dingwnli. of Kirkland Lake spent over Christ- mas with his parents. Mr and Mn William Dingwall. Master Billy Stewart, young son of Mr and Mrs Row. Stuart bu been very m with pneumonia. Miss Bessie McGlhbon, teacher at R. B. No. 4 is spending the Christ- mas vacation at her home at Dun- troon. Christmas Day wu all thtt could he desired In regard to weather and road ccndltlons and In keeping with old time customs many family gath- erings were enjoyed. Miss Mnraxnret theme from near, Pcrt Elgln visited " the home ot her brother Mr Fruer Incline. Mr Rom. Crawford has been hid up the In! two weeks. Mr Ted Benhun, Toronto is spend- ing a while at his mnnul home. Misses Hszel Christie and Inns. Dingmlll. teachers In Norman Twp., are holiday guests at their respective homes. The lacs! churches mulled the Christians Season by specisl sermons and music. The various christian concerts were much enjoyed. The numbers were presented m the most part by the Juniors in a very creditable tmut- ner. We. are sorry to hen Mrs James Mitchell has been compelled to re- main in bed with rheumatic trouble Mlu Georgina Hanna has been as- slstlnx in the home. Dr. The». Spence, Smith's Falls. and Mrs Walton Slncllir. neu- Dun- dalk vlnlted during the week with their mother, Mrs Thou Spence. Mr and In Alex. Canon um en. Militia Will Get War and the demands of the Cana. dian Active Service Force will lend to an enlargement of the summer training prcgram of the non-perma- nent active militia m 1940. Generally the militia unit: not al- ready mobilized into the active serv- ice force will carry out a greatel training program than in" peacetime and one more calculated to tit their member: to become specialists in the active service force, it and when required. Thus, at training camps all acrosr Canada next summer the militiamen will learn more of uni-gas proced- ure, and anti-aircraft gunnery and field-era" training than in other years and lesa of caremcnial drill. There will be less leg-work and more lectures, lens shuddering of arms and more trhoulderingt of shov- bls less marching in step and more creeping through the grass. With the formation of the active, service force many units in the non.' permanent militia were 3::de to turn in some of the equipment. includ- ine rifles. uniforms and camp eauits ment. In the early weeks or the war every item in some lines of equin- ment was need ad for tho use of units mahlized in two divisions and then rennlitinz up to war strength. New the active sen’ice tome unite are betas issued new eauioment and by the time the ttonoerottutettt ttttite so to unto next summer ther will have lmhle stores ot eouipment fo-- the limb“ at men they will be suthorlsed to min. HOPEVILLE Wider Training [A IN DAYS OF YORE o'e- lend a Vb” an. id. (All A“ " V lwuw at Duh-u, Jen ll (from Review Me Juan-y Tth, Int) Wm" " Owen I“. u " Aveerrreettrweddirwtot. ,uei,e.ry't"l!'te.rtet_t'tftt at Mr and In Geo. Whiter-u- at WW In no. " the bane l Binnie, on Wedneedey. Dec. 30th 8rerefe.'?1"tetf'.tf't when their third daughter. Elmheth'Om loud " um, Jen. nth J. heme the bride ot John Steven-J Winn-n " Man. he. an. eon oi Stream. The Rev. an; Due-hu- " WM". a: an“ Wheley performed the marrruaeP'tnettnm " WW. OI. an in: On loudey, December, 28th " the MM " are. he“, . home of the bride's munch. near,""'"""" " 0"- Illlld. Jul. It Paisley. mu Christine. second: Walker!” , tog-Mn. 1"id r daughter of Mr end In Colin logo's: in: w. ,'lSTa.' - Gilivny, we: married to Mr Donald ('J,'l't': " 'f,e,',tl ' d 2,'l" A. Cempbell or Durhem. Ont. I when t W 'tru ”on. Mr and in. Albert uccumon andinlmm e lam-I. 'iii, . ‘childnen of 'utrettertbe, Seek. Iei,t,',1"e,,1o,%' “and.” .mm Mrs Theodore meson. eleo of my! m 'l/tCt',), . u . ere visiting lire McC'e mother. "err WW t'2ru'td Mt. “treat end other reletivee “‘wmuu.” " 'ttr'; M 'th Vemey. WI, ' . defeated w. um- Wi-M It 00M he on. Ciri. Pet'.'. o-ttnr, as: tolowmt SWIG It Metal, M. on On Manny, December, 2m " the home of the bride‘s puma. near Pulley. mu Christine. second daughter of Mr ttttd In Colin Me. thlvny, w“ married to Mr Donia A. Campbell of Durham. Ont. A. Campbell of mm Mr and In Albert chlldmn ot 51me Mrs Theodore Leona are visiting Mrs MeC Mt. retreat sud one Vanna. A. B. Hunter defeated W. um- luv for Durham myonlty. 268 to 184. Holstein con: Dr. human, "Ir W. P. Ettie nnd In W. Hunt Inn been elected vit1nge trustee- for the coming yen. Wed. at the bride's home In "mer.. Double Wedding in Iarhlale A double marriage of interest ml this community we: solemnited in‘ St Joseph's Roman Cntholic Church.‘ Mukdnle, on Tuesdey morning at nine o'clock by Rev. Thou n Gtaee when Mary O'Hnnley, daughter of Mr. and In. Malcolm O'Hanley ot Glenelg. became the bride of Otto Klein, non ot In Fred Klth end the late Mr Kleist. of Merkdele, end Cntherine O'Hnnley. sister ot nary becnme the bride of [Ammo (Kid- der) Melanin of Klrhdele. non of the lute Mr and Mr: Daniel Hein- nis ot Prieeville. Mary was given in Inn-rinse by her brother Jack. and Catherine by her brother Ernest. The wedding music we: played by Miss Blunt-he McClerty of mum-no. Following the ceremony the wed- ding party left by motor for Hun. over where they had wedding break. int at the home of the hriden' sie- Mra Geo. Gross. Later they proceed- ed to London where. Laugh!“ Mr. lnnes is attached to the Army Medic. at Corps. Mr and Mr: Kleist continu- ed to Toronto where they would spend their honeymoon, after which they will reside in Markdnle. From a group of eight applica tions tcr the Dundelk clerkship and omce of hydro necy.. Mrs Elva Rob. inson wan selected for the position. Mr: Robinson, who in In charge ot the Dundelk came of Welter E. Marin. lerkdale barrier, hu had considerable experience in onlce work and is well quilted for the position. 015595551 SMITH BROS., i Durham ', New. an exquisite new 1940 model In your Home SEE THEM TODAY! iair, aGrrauG never" before obua'mbl: n such low phat. be: u. then: you the 0: Forest rang: of radios today. The GRAND The ideal "pawl" radio. Power. ful Performance. large Powct Trane former. Genuine walnut cabinet. Sin: ti" , ”“1: iN". _5%'. Dynamic Never before and, we hthcve. never again. will we be able to Mer no muck who for no little my. Small in sun. but muggy m power. we: of a wealth of n entertatntnent. The De Form "Grand" model pm you [tube pefurtrtytte from ' ”new: speaur."tksveG emu: broadcast band. ONLY . to Mr and in Walter o were married taat $2295 ONTARIO 1tit-diatehelq$dtdak J. L. sums. n.3, n.c.. M. onus-am: “It“ math-MM”- otBtsehtt-ttteruaaru"0t" pm..1ulp.umm mum: ".t.M..ars, inc-0““ W. C. PICKERIIG. 003 un Honor Grunt. Tm UM. Grad-nu Ron! Coll. Dual B-tttt Rom: Outlaw-nth. Prompt, com & a” "vb DURHAM a H0672!!!» Dale. “rum at Helium [- dnltt, IMO uncut Dum- w. ”can“ mm (or My M Verena». moon-o or“ try CMMW I. .-aetettttmtf%etRq_ (hull-lo & DOIMOI [All m Ron-cored Proton-lull m Surveys. Bottom. km. 1'. Telephone " Oman. on canon And Play-led W. “I Lounge tor nuanced mun. tnerttMt" Mum Culture and Arm Gone“. 5 sinners a specially. mm Put" ot Parnell North. A. A. c. o. method tor cumin- q use. Hour. 1 to ' . II- once: mu can. Damn. on. . t. F. MIMI. 0.0.8.. caa. . M. CHARLTON, A. A. O. I a W. PIERCE ELLIS Vandal-y Mm luau-y an. u. u. All! J n. WARRIE. B. A. Minna-“Ohm GEORGE E. DUIGAI In Toronto T. H. SNEATII. M. B. - ,rosMraru'6H'" mun-run. am. local " Mugging F. I. EAGLES“ W" M-------.---, Bestitk IoGILuvMI nun-annual”... I l!” 5mm qf V]

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