West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jan 1940, p. 6

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IF, My heart leaps up when l behold A rainbow in the sky: s, was it when my life began: tio is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow. old. Or let me die. The Child is father of the Man: And 1 co'tht wish my days to be Bound end! to each by natural My Heart Leaps Up ' ' 'r q l: n; Ignatius Trohisch- tacolit,, parlor. member of the British Hmm- of Commons and in. tetnatirenal spy, who announced to the storld recently that unless governments of European belliger- ont countries resigned at once, the Tibetan Buddhist supreme mums would eliminate them. This final appeal toe We by the abbot. if atptored. will cause "Tibetan Buddha: supreme masters. with. out prejudice. predilection or lav- or, to unchain toms and powers whose very existence are unknown and against whose operations" Euro an leaders an "connequent, " niacin." Ch " Kir. ChostUn of Denmark, Six Feet Nine in Height - King HaLkon, of Norway - King Gustav of Sweden, Who Neve.. Wears A Crown Democratic Kings Cf Scandinavia He Threatens Europe Sarina, Ont., is one ot tho 20 municipalities on the CanadM,'ttit. " States border that but received Mark walnuts tor planting “u I continuation ot the Peace (ht-den at Pilot Mound. Manitoba. signify- ing 100 years of peace between ca. nada and the United States." Tim walnuts were receive] by Mayor Norman Perry and it is nn. dex'xmnd His Worship turned them or”: to the parks Man] to keep vim-m; tho winter and to plant in min wring if it so cit-sires. Instruc- 'rior.q my the raw, or the nu" were deraMod His Worship turned was to the parts toard to during tho winter tend ttt pla the wring tf it. so desires. In; Lima on the can or the nut: ni-n won-5mm At " Other Point: TOO rv. mm arm the gm of i tmttteSptim-JuGestureot S a r n i a Plants Peace Walnuts I“ flame We... WWW.» Kin U Wm-owo, l in the wt of H. H. aw", who received Pain-d Suites gov- Wtlo “ken trom ,mu's hum» at Mr. ne. once Tu-hisch- 'ryit " rd Letters addressed to Canadian prisoners of war may be mailed in the ordinary wny and will be directed through the proper chan- nels by Canadian postal authorio ties in eo-operation with the Un- ited Kingdom postal au'.horitie.. in Germany; Cnnadinn members of the United Kingdom forces who Are prisoners of war in Germany, and Canadian soldiers interned or Canadian civilian refugees strand. ed in neutral countries. The new bureau is receiving in. quiries concerning Canadian prise oncrs of war in Germany; Can- adian nationals resident in Germ- any; Canadian nationals interned The Prisoners of War Inform. ation Buteau (Canada) is now functioning under the direction of Liam-Col. B. Stethem of Ottawa. Prisoners Of War Bureau Set Up MARIN APPLE TREES - GU UTS, each. Canada's Lowe.st Priced Nur. gergf. growing _le?dint unme- rm ‘IURT‘LMH Fruit Trees. Immediately ttl of!er!ngs. tra rn-nn-lhe- STIIIJHN'I‘S Now gunners In M; it tum 'Il AN K ACKISI} PLANT SITL‘ATEH JN the centre at the city of Ottawa, completely Nutinpod mudrru yanking plprtr, _2-stm-ey brick f Speech Culture. Make use ot spare time. Write today. c' i-m Uorre.apondertee College gquIIahod 1901‘). 2y.",t Yonge 'e nant " A London vicar was trying to console an elderly woman parish.. lun('!' u ho was apprehensive of air h t"st id Canadian Feather I Mattress ouiti , his first report thereafter mm. as follows:-.- "This countryside was the cen- tre of a violent thunder and rain storm this morning. and the farm buildings in the occupation of George Henry Brown and his good wife, Mary Ellen Brown, were struvk by lightning. Three cows which had taken shelter under an oak tree were kiilled. their names being fie-isle, Mary, and Hinter- "Perhaps . numbed at all, W.,r conclusion. 4147 SPRUCE ST.. TORONTO P. KT The country correspondent ot a well known daily newspaper had one great tault in the sub-editor's our, which was, that he would ne. glect to furnish all the names con. earned in his account: of local ev- ents. Things got to such a pitch that he was finally told that his services would be dispensed with taik. ttttttby , l'l'l I: THE“! A schoolboy. asked to write about the Arctic region, said "An Eskimo is on: of God'- frozen people." I" H " " HTS F0 " “I Of course, few people be. lieve in signs, but at Hart. ford, Conn., hearse has th lic. uue plate benrirrr, the desig- nation "U-2." llaveYou lend Feathers Bought W h Am tUT Tm " tttt ' "tcu "I ' I'll"! $37.33 (”is on AGRKFDtEN'Is Dun hnsed for rush. prnmpt m Nor!!! t5tyyxr.Pseuhy Co: ont (1‘10“ . 'rAhythti S - SURF: HUNTKIts d rabbits. Males $2.51). .00. ycurllngs 3.1.50. A 1hor,_Houtcl l,t'arirt, I itn Wu. t'ttohi/ -8 Ch h ‘5 he supplied the%iesine de- that wt!" protested the indie rld lady; "aftee all the ex. we've been put to'." hope you CUtiTtr.U a HlH1 \‘l "tt " l‘l\ Vtct " J. C. He n/vs t31tt,ggified Adviij?iiiiriiriiriii PM" 'rht.t tcimorle (nnamentuls. Write requesting unannou- Tobe's Treery. Nia. .ake. ”Mario. ou may ks fret, con 1leef ”mm 1i etc. muhle. BNHUILING FUR triculntlmu, Short 'm, shorthand and Make Y" of your .ondon won't be ‘ was his encourag- Hum baby," a l the pr "11 brim ientious, Cs hie. Apply 1tilenu Str BRA Y (‘Hlk'K .‘\l.| in ltickn I" ll; W ' It 'etritr Arm ‘. ont sid Uuele Jud fath- hairs! £1118: up h i n: mum d up h SPnt'IUJZISu " Ill-In! ".1" no. Tons. PoWFM.rxt't't.g. Hydraulic "on". Winches. Genet-ton. stun- en. Ma-toss. tart-nun. Hallm- Ofl - ”than” Settle-e. til-u - int-nepo- " "In“. Lew Ante tuAChGGG. CAR MP 1120612 PARTS PARTS FOP. EVERY MODEL AND make. All taken down reads to ship. Every part guarantee or money refunded. No order too big. No order too small. Osler Auto Parts. 95 Oaler A1rttLe,_'ror9nto. Ae1'r.l9c'tSA1tiy,_1.t Atin (NI-JP. QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFI". EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Tturtimonuti. Guaranteed. Advice (roe. Bartlett's. Box l, Winnlpeg. "'""---r--i--.r-lu'LL"-"E can can AMIFRL'CK runs Ulfl-‘FERIN NURSING HOME. 'ii,") Dufferin Street. Toronto. Cosy, ll. censed Private ilospitat. All cases taken. Maternity Specialist .-- both early. Wailing muthers ac- commodmed. Registered nursm. Moderate Mull charge“. Telephone _MF}lmse 435.7. YOUR STUMACH 1MrTHERING': Huulios' Mineral Remedy Build, wenkemd stomachs. Wonderfully successful Try it.' $1.75; two bottles. Ai',0u Johnston l'rmluvtv. -Postal Station l". Vumxtulvmy I71}. ,7 --r-iHV -. .....J v”... wanted immediately for secret- servlce and datective work. com- plete training course by corres- pondence. Free Information. Write to C. M. Julien, Box 25, Station T, Montreal. AN.' .or"r'lu'rt To EX Lu' could not Rome using Cmuchm "an go out and Ian ott I: 'car from your drug Crouchmuu Um Natalie. ISSUE 11671240 -- -ePV ..V.‘....v. List ot “mentions and full knot mation 5m»! free. The Ramsay UL Fleuistrued. Putin: Attorneys. t'." Bank street. Ottawa. Canada. young man." The father shook his head. "l'm afraid that“ be rather difficult," he replied. "Pshaw'." snapped Uncle John; "as the twig is bent the tree is inclined." "Yes, snapped Uncle John; "as the t“ is bent the tree is inclined." “Y1 but the twig is bent on being girl. and we are inclined to let St. , suites, newly vet repp rubrics. ju: half the Price. _ plate same $5.00 week. We [my t Traron-rttspt. w, tieltl, Mnnnnu-tnu PM my p pensn 9hetitr. Squadron inatier W ed to command No, 110 patch oven-5m» as the air 'l'ICAlNl-JD DETEC'I'IV ES "Cheer up," he called, "Je can't be far from civilization 'coa a couple of homben have just lone over." Slowly the raft drifted with the flow of the sea. One of the shipwrecked sailors looked into the sky. pry-1:" m Vllutxmus t'tttt A't " IIU‘I'I'I’ ll I-‘l "httt Ill; l-‘HM Att,V, CH F.STEftfclELt F SI WEEKLY that C'Hru'sTr.Hti.'tr.'.t I‘EI€M|.\AL "tt' and PC ndillonca suites. I 'w one. b' vil.lll|'\l Will Led Pint Canadian Airmen Overseu med. oris,'lnaHy ex. " better than n e, 3 piece., complete, piece chostc-rricld vecuvered In choice Jet, like _new. at Three 1si/G"coitr. t down, “.00 per "might -to, your ('W' m m tuft-mun "ler W. D. Van Him, of Winnipeg, has been o, 110 Army Cy-operation Squadron. selected the air force component of the first Canadian d tit; to .sirur I 1'hestets “ivlumoul w i 1de o SUIT rs ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 59 00 Floor sample Bedroom ' suite. in waterfall design. dresser. round mirror. criffonrer, full size bed, nucleus spring and new mattress, perfect. Large assortment of stoves. kitchen cabinets. breakfast unites. ables. sewlng machines. dressers. beds. etc. at amazingly low hrlit'"trt) at- tention to mail orders. ll goods varefnlly crated for safe thipmem rm train! of monetuo-der. Money-buck Gran-tee of sum-run 49, 18 50 Complete Bed Room Suite .. in walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier. full size bed, angles- spring and new mattress. 39.oo Modern Bed Room Suite . . "rrru ‘YAn‘ol..-. _1____ ., tables 89.00 59 00 Floor sample English Uni: _ . Dinette Suite irutwt reg“. $89.00 value. Burnt. extension table with Jaek-linite leaf and 4 chuirs in red leather. "w... . ....... w......\u.ru u- finished. buffet. china cabinet. ox tension maple and ti lcuxher uphol stared chums. f Kroohler Chesierriniu UNI l4 50 upholslorc'l in fig-lied wi- nur. Complete with new mattress. I7 50 Oak Dining Room Suites. . ”Efren I{slide and t: chuiia.x , eattti u quarter-cut a: 24.50 Sullo. large buffet. cunn- slnn table and 6 leather upholstered chairs, completely refinished. 45 00 Solid Oak Dining Suite, 9 _ . pieces, buffet. china cabinet. extension table and ti leather uphol- sterd chars. like lnew l -d me wu nut tinism )ining' 1?.fPv?li'ra'tjl, suit-c.~ complqtcly rc- 'ru um - " munuruun' -""'""" v 17S Yonge St., 'I'nrnnh. mm”. “I”! ms In: my 5... 695 Muir“? assortment of odd . Uhestcrfields and chairs. in unions Layers. tect. Pty rushions .. High Muss .': piece brown 35.00 mohair Cttestertleld Suite. cost new uppn-ximutch‘ 3185. Puts feet rendition. f - Smur; {Brim-c Ches'teriicid 19.50 Suilc. upholstered in Jacq- uard velour, r:\'ers1ble Murahull spring cushions. Thu 1:. a splendid opportunity to bug real!) high-class t'ecrmttitiot1ed furniture at a fraction ot the real Value. Every rrticle thoroughly cleaned, reconditioned and sold with " Positive money-back guarantee or _',atitstactioa. In) 50 Chesterfield Suite. 3 pieces, -. upholstered in brown figur- od rum) material, rrn'c-raiblc Marsh. all spring cushions. 2430 f" I'll “hum; txpx-nsln- drum of wan-r (rom hiR hunter, Thomuw J. Houn- ihan. of Richmond, Va., last week. Mrs. Hounihnn. occupied will) baking, put her diamond ring and wedding band into a glass Houni- han came in and gave the pup wat- ct. from the glass. Something clink- od against the pup's teeth. A veterinary X-rayed Sparky. spotted the rings and I'vcm‘m'od them. Sparky, a Coekw, Spaniel, got I“ mighty expensive drink of wan-r Spaniel', Potion Mighty Expensive ~11” h - 'tAtityti \\l.l I"l "XVIII!“ MD" ~\I.I J,fjpe..ertin walnut Dining itECOsN'torriONi:t, FURNITURE Beuumul (,' New brow n mo- hufr Ultes:tcttield Suite. Per. wrsible Marshall spring LYONS LYONS 9.! appoint for dis division Dr. L. N. Silverthornn. ot Ton-a- to, told of treatment which had saved the lives ot 15 to 65 infants and children treated by the Con. naught laboratories. MAGNETIC FALSE TEETH Magnetic (also teeth. a new step in dentistry. designed to hold false teeth plates in plsce, particularly in the waning lower jaw. are In- nounced. The magnets, set so that they oppose each other in upper Ind lower isws. repel the pistes with s toree ot about two ounces. The magnetic force begins when the teeth are an inch span-t, and " the magnets are all set in the back. any 34a "il), 'i'Lil _0. iiiitligEiiiiiiiiiiil tyo Sucoexs in their war upon the dis. ease of influenza! tmyttiugitiss, long considered incurable. was reported by doctors attending at the annual convention of the Canadian Public Health Agaoeiatton, The scientists said the [SHIPBUI- ture was 38 below. with no sign of snow. and that they had obtained 400 pictures which would greatly facilitate studies of the t'wstttic rays. MENINGITIS CURE REPORTED Two suivntists :I-'.03!‘d an air lin. er sneaking to photograph cosmic rays re.tMfhed an immune ot '29,300 feet above the City ot Chit-ago. and found ideal weather 'ttrudltions for tho experiments. EXPERIMENTS AT 29.300 A. Fin! mull the harm" in Very warm Water and rub in cocoa but- ter, or any good skin food, for five minutes. Then hold the hands an instant in ice cold water and wipe dry. The cold water closes up the pores while filled with the skin food, and new tissue is built. Q. How can [Mean a white felt hat'.' A. Covet. the hat with a mixture of one quart of cornmeal. one cup of salt, and one cup of flour. Ind allow to remain for 24 hours; then hru<h off, This treatment will re- move only the soil, not spots. Q. How can I came croquettes to keep their shape better? A. Form the croquettcx about two or three hours ahead of time, and thovoughl.v chill them before cooking. Q. What treatment san I give io a person who has fainted? A. Lay the patient flat on the back, if possible with the head a little lower than the feet, and give plemy of fresh air. Smelling salts may be held lo the nostrils. but not too near. plump Q. How van I u,v,l Pl' for “Mu-r furni: A. Use a dish m all the crevices of tum It makes an P for this, purpose. "Thank you very mach fur your kindness." 6. Yes. B. Is it necessary to answer a wedding invitation that includes an invitation to the reception? Answers 1. Backs. flowers, candy, cig- arettes. cigars. but never anything such as clothing or jewelry. 2. The hand should be placed at the girl's waist, not on her bare back. 3. Yes. Many misunderstandings have axis. en because the date was omitted. 4. It is not necessary to write a note of acknowledgement, but one should try to remember when next coming in Contact with this per- son to acknowledge receipt of the card. 5. Not when "no tipping" is requested. Howcver, one may say. OW.” - - 0.0-0.an . 3. Should every pom-ha} letter and note be dated? J. Is it necessary 10 acknowl- edsre Christmas cards? G. Wouldn't it be all right to inset upon giving a tip in u rer tauxant that has a "no tipping" rule, when some special service has been rendered? 2. When a man is dancing with a girl who is wearing a backletss gown, where shouid he place his right hand'.' I. What kinds of Christmas gifts should young men and girls cxvhange". W£OOOOIHOO>OW t3Y ANNE ASH! EY can I make thin hand Can I? HT p for dusting Wicker furni- mvilcm duster FEET d du - --... u-uyvsy- WAY in the Anan Bounce Sheet of 1928 has The Royal Bank of Cett. sdn previously shown assets in er. ceu or on. billion dollars. Dtmlh Up Over 0100mm Total deposits including deposits by Governments, bunks. nod the public amount to $911,519,210. " increase or over $101,000,000, as compared with the Corresponding figures tut your. Deposits stand at the highest point in the history ot the Bank. To the extent of ”9.000.- 000 the increase is accounted tor by largor balances due to the Dom. inion Cm-nrnmmnt. ?s'tt'rtnto,uss., ovu- last waif“. an highest in the bank's history " ".- A-___. - _ Marked growth ta all depart. ments of the bank's humus“ in re. tieeted In the Annual Bounce Sheet and Prom and Loss Account tor the year ending November M, 1939, being Issued by The Royal Bulk of Canada to Its shareholden. Total assets amount to 31.014.708- 000. an Increase of $160,048,000 A“... '--h -____. _. Assets of '1,pt4,ooo,ooo Are Highest in Bank'- History - De.oeita Up Over $100,000. 000 to Est-Niall New Rum: New High Made or double is nev" the prttee -PrataeGt' 'md Mlnuging 0mm" Mounted. Dem-mks" M, I939. ‘ . . t otttributiett (a tbe Pension l and Society I., imion for 'Uetk Pumice». _ ' . . . . _ . ATM'] of Ptofat and Loss urrird form ard mug?“ on Flora and Loss Account. 30th Nowmlm Pcoitte for riiiii,i.riiiiiit' 'iidGio'vciii,i. mm. n'I'u-L '1et1d'yyrftPomiiiGi Aggfrougciul Go, cm» We have chained " the indurnulion and valuations Um: y mthtiott the transactions of the Bank, which have come under our t pom of the Bunk. The Above suntan-mt in in our opimon proper! we 'grhr'"d'"" of the the: n- " k'.0ttt Atu ember, WW. and i: "C tt . M l We haw ”mined the above sum-um of Lubiliti, w n I-,, u a .-. _ w 1809. with the bookn 3nd mu of TM “0le Bank at l 'uru.Ca ar n- uJ ("IL-u ",rtitud return: from tde bmnehee. w. have, (Med tV Pugh yuu' tf t ql mm m _ mo Bank's investment. held at the Head once " the ("new oi 12w P-. ol _ t, ' a. dam dining the your haw aka checked the mslt and in"u=|mu( (e ' L " ol , umpogaqt branch-l. _ 7 By Royal Bank To 111,1: "io'umoutmt. Tun ftorMcttasw or (mum w. W.ylrsoN (n Griusit's' his? i/dGiieii Gigi; his iéig'o‘iiui in” I went loans and di-mounts' m tuned“, l wise included. estimated loss pruidru‘ n Loam: to Provincial (kn mamenu , V t I can" to cities. town. mutsiciptrteics 'st districts . __._. __-. .._ _ I, uncut loans and discounts tin-alum- Canada, not orherwise lncludcd. an n providedfor..... . ._. . ., Noet-cvrrcr" loans. e.tittturcd loss pro» and t Bank premises, at not more Gait, 00".. less 1. Real rune other than bank premium F “can,“ on an] enun- mld try the bank Lin he: of autumn- under accepusnms percontra...... .__ .. ..: @171: ii"? __. w'.. -. Shares“ and blur to tultmlkd comp-nits . . _ "ettt with the Minister of finance ior the bum " ' of nu Dominion and Provindd Cara-nun“ mar-maul mime: maturing with not acceding market value _ . . V A Other Dominhm and Pmincial Covers, tal guaranteed securities. um I u.- uuc ._., .. _r__ .. Canadian municipal sc'witim. um nym- value. tr.,. . _.. .. Public sundries other than Lunudian n market nine. . _ . PVrer Other bonds. debenturu and nod-e. " market value ' T _ V C." and short (not exuding Jo du) Canada on bonds. 1leheousNrs. hunk securities ot a sutiicient murkclub cover....,..,,..,,,,.... . k All and short mm curt-dung 30 dar where than in Canada on bonds. Btocks and at her securities of a nufmi able value to an er . . . \ULLZ' {no my“ Bunk ol Fluids ii :uwc‘r a“ n " vmr a! Frame to conduct the binding of the Bank in Paris, .uu Lh- The Royal Bank ot Cum (Fr-mm um rrdtttteet t, 'ro. aim M. W. WILSON. y President and Managing Director. _ iatiuicciGaiTTC.1 T" '". ".' '" Due by bankn and bualain‘ cormspundm lhmin CatuuU, .. _ . Moles of oiikrTGrreraiGird l , l , , Governmeu. and bunk nous athc r man 1 my. Unequos on other hank». T . _ . . 09922:"? ,..lyt,t1Psutwe. due by otyte, a Gold mm in (.mud- . tttthet? cxsitt held in Lam-5n Gold hel elsewhere ' . _ . . Subsiusir ' mm held elsewhere Notes of and: of Canada- Ftrtsit y'rth Birth of (anndu are; 1.5:: ,Trr.ttr'iti"td3r,eirCGi'Gri,aTi//r' ..'..1' iiiVi;ii4nii"iii.irc:i' {#03:} doubtful debts has bceo mud" Wu by the public pot hearing interest ., . . than by the whim Isa-1n: imam-t. im-Iuduu ttt,ttt3enufti,auTiit"at"iiii'l7il .. .. 'ee. [Wu by and banners due to min-r durum-d Deposit. u Ina; no to " on human»; Meagan“ in the United Kingdom 52nd foreign main . _ . _ _ . ' T F . Notes of the bulk in ciuuhmm ,. .. T "tti-ttie......... . 'rr--. . _ Acceptuum ind lent: ' ot credit aura-Ming 11ququ to the public not included undrx tite [Irma gain; In“: _ V . mat. fauna. Mum Deposit. by And balance: due to lbminkn Cox-cm. 1'?f.rccuuuccc-.....l.l.Tr.r.". _.. .. 'lhtb.",ttoyur "ttit"t'artGiuiiiiiniiarcau,i,iicc' "o ‘_V_-..-- (“tuslnckpu'dup '""_..wr,.. .".. . . Fi-hed'.".'.'.".".",". C"..'...,. "'...r._. . lnumum. and“ turned ”who“ u: Loo-Accountw. _ , .I.... 3.090.252.“ THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Yt.TEr -The “gal Ihttrk of ('Inldl New. where the opcmag wide. the tocee presses in position all ta, time. x a iatiosta to CaGiGi Enid iii-7x173; viii}: li; my" s'/cfp'J/,To"r' all bud and General Statement PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT -. GP.' I' AUDITORS‘ REPOP l M. OGDEN "ASKEIL. t A " 1uairstl, Eldan A: ('nw- JAN. G. "0titi.C,1.. MP. t has: 6 run Imam. pig-IN: IN. neat, 30th November, 1030 LIAIILITII. ABSETS Sixty thouund sperm of "tll- teefties and 15,000 species of mo. , It" recently been ndded to the “Mn of the Urvno U-mr‘hm " SNYom'c in Thin“ Before the Great Wai,at guano cod: 82.000 or less; but after tho “I the price went an lo 83.00!) and even higher. . Tho Annual Genezul Mve'ciup the limholders in being held lb. Head Ottice ot tho bank at tv' en 'LM.. on hnuary nth. 19w bearing dn-pohia ' mately Ffti,iriiiutiv. Current Loan- 'tit may The upward 1 , 1"51le in (‘anum ' _ T 1937 hag been In ' _, creua for tho M . ,. _ OW‘l‘ $i6,000,oon In, tr' 'r., _ Canada, ttttwere sit" f '1' ' 'otrrorfmatel.v My .. lr'., -- o) Owen. Liquua 'routtrcot Ar might be {1pm 1 l ' “ling conditions, ts, r. ah" my. Million is particulmw ~"m.s l) “duh” relllzaln‘m l1h.c t. Jim» in! to no [en than lilt l" tn n, the M's total likbi'iticr 'o : Pint Call! Meets chum. mm: “It huh "ittueor, anon: m , 10" than $234,433,550 Gmwsrnmr M "‘0'th “mimics among: “5.000.000, ot which app-mun s' Ir $130,000,000 tuatigrr. whim ',' M an-Md'l unudiur nm-poruwd and" tin I": run! - and mum». q attore General Rama-w h. G. mason. l knew! Manny I 23.06.25an “Mt?“ NI- mm m alumna 254L000 w 0% 2S.t .' I 3.601.003.” MHJJIEK 4 28.014 700.0mm» MMIKM‘U NUJKKHM 7M1”!th “man tittiir.iii 24.413.m,77 MLMLISQJH 10:42.33]: luau s.5us.4a.x.m alum. up: " WNJMJI: “LJ21.25 Manon "oi'piip M.“H.7(§..N "Lu.“ H.0I4.7on.u.1.ou 13.8115)...“ s has» so ' 35.00000. " " "H.o%"b,3e9.s, 15.0N‘2J7J' INJAJJa I7.M2.IM.39 you» “.075 'bl.0tFl “I to In Canada's Le Minerals L i Adhesion, Cm Gypsum. l Silver. lin incl: in 19 I. toat Four Ye Suva Ontario Fir Canadian Popular Cam Ionch 400,0 was; (Ia-mo! B, I'll chi.) M MC? 38,000 Per Yr. hm In ”(it In 12 Tum Lifted “Mucus How rited Kingdom Worth Radiu 9

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