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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jan 1940, p. 1

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Mum rl and cum Wau- " ' our New You! with It and Mrs puma mm. has to an». In? In. older d.uarhtor or D. C. Town. formerly tho has been elects! by " head ttirt ot orutia lchintor ot Toronto t. is but on nhoolMy a mum enforced in» It 'rom an ”oath. teed at the bone at her Atbert Krm ot Ton-Io. It's 've, she wan plou- led to have a few d her Ids (all her on the Ick- n her has". and bam- boot tho rennin: you. hone rates tett her you MI Durham hospital on ' and um spend the win. r '_istrt Mrs A. R. New Mr, Henderson, of Egre- tter an! rent Roxy----- 7018.. WED., JAN. a, .. i ackno‘kdxvd music master oi uh! at tant brings his genius Screen .' JAWHA MINI?! ey Shall . . Have "one this great supporting an: Dec“: Andra Ludo no: Innnan Terry Kuhn! It: War News and urine“. mutated that by neat In" I of the e-tered ecu-un- bo Puma! States will be reason maligned is the pn- ol atrium auto achonN hinting drivers. Now Playing Emu SAY JAN. We!“ tor 1: that morning to "e'" bores. tt is presumed his wean-mm by the m, And ad when [and by his bets wns unmarried. MI ‘ndir He Mm " Morr'i MET FORE " mount an, 1949 under Afloat' spiked drama of Battling ot the men behind their mtr... and " the "mam the date-devil antenna" ‘inwlyf Thrilling? Wk! WALLACE - - pp - Hunt Robe " M Mam Won h Mat! and two child fly with her parent Ryan. "than of Tremor rs with his not»! " th n " 1h the homo xx: l‘ouus cokbratod t nuns ml with. . and son Toronto and no of her than: respected tamer Proton township. the barn 910!an had the mt. and alt but had no.9 Harding an! ow Y’ar'uhy m-ut-- Mew. "untamed a dinner in the night. Btw. nnivrnary returned on mum in Tor. w Your: with Mr3pan ”on can, was homo Ina Milne n: a rouple math". Mrs {numbers mot her " "ner 0 Virginia Grey Toronte ot To 0' Mr The ma 4. s, “it hon isitt I n yt I' New Choir leader “’ ""'“' "“’" " "ro, u “r" "um- Ron Watt in Durham nets was a bar of nten'g shinn, and other small life savor for the locals, coming up wares " variotm kinds. with many brilliant stops, though he The robbery was discovered when is a little slow in clearing rebounds. tho More was opened for business on Neath in Owen Sound nets, had al- Monday morning. Mr Hill was in most as many to block, and was the more early Sunday owning and pqually effective, loft everything intact. Only one goal was netted in that Provincial Constable Black of frame when 'BlBhFD sailed in on F'tenherton. who was notified of the Watt from a breakaway, SWIM! the burglary. is invrstlmtlnz. and al- goalie no chance. In 2nd, a speedy though ha has not been able as y... McMeekin to Shears pass. when the I” Rpt any In..." of the robbers or latter tallied, made it 2--0 for the me goods. has some valuable clues vimtors and 4 minutes later Will‘- on which to work. Ilo is stronzlv “”5 made it 3---0. whon he converted int-lined to the opinion that the 'ruir .Rehwan's Pr't.R.R. R. MPG”? .qttotwd ty mm“ a” tho mm” on” who llnrhnm's fivst' when he trok Dean's broke intr tho Hill Moro at Dundalk Pas." to nlidp in (-1059 to Neath, but The wook pn-vinus and got away with Rhr:trs flr'On tttter made it 4---1 tor rl mummy of goods. n. Sound. when he soared after a The robbery was discovered when the, store was opened tor business on Monday morning. Mr Hill was in the store early Sonday evening and In" everything intact. The 1twtrterly Hoard or Knox tmit- ml Churvh have amazed Mr Roland Ncwttn cf Coiborne, as organist and Mn ir leader of the church, to com- " F'. T. Hill and Co. some time durum the early hours of Monday morning by parties at present un- known to the police. The store was broken into by being llmmied after two padlock: on the front door had been smashed. A checkup revealed the (act that there was taken from the store 100 suits of clothes, more than 75 boxes of ladies“ allk hosiery, a. quantity of ladies' all): lingerie, 150 yards ot colored satin: of a qual- '.ty worth $2.50 a yard. a large num- ber of men's shirts. and other small wares of varlons kinds. Mr Newtrn comes of a musical Lunil). we ll rm-nmmendml, having “rt-Vii 1st played organs in Pontiac 'iirh., and Colborne, He will also "rtuaue in music tearhitrq and plant: Inning. He is a married man in his turly fortios, with two children. and rhruld be an acquisition to the town's musical and church lite. Mr Newtrn comes ofa turnin. we" recommended prn-viq'mly played organs in nit-n09 duties next week. His first Sunday will be Jan. 2181. Mr. G. ll, PaOehi, present ehoirkrader, re- ~uvwd last fall. but continued on. .rml the Hoard decided to secure an :l'tside man. Markdale Store Enle ed by Thieves .md wins trrm many friends. The {sunny gathered in the turning tor a fowl dinner and spent the evening with games and social intercourse. Goods valued at more than 81,000 were stolen from the Markdale store CBSERVE FORTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs John Ritchie observ- :hI-ir tortieth wedding anniversary with thoir children and grandehild. w" and received congratulations Mr and Mrs Ritchie were man-rim!i in Durham on January 3rd, 1900, by Rev. William MacGregor and they have made their home in the com. munity cvcr since. Mrs Ritchie was Marie Webber, a daughter ttrobert and Sarah Walther, and Mr Ritchie a son of William and Caroline Rit- I-hiox Mr Ritchie is widely known in a business capacity through the ma- son work of the Ritchie brothers. Mr an'l Mrs Ritchie have taken an :.ctiw interest in the work of the Rumba: church and in all communio' “thrusts, hr the betterment of hu- manity. Facts about Your Eyes CA'TARACT. once thought to be a hopeless disease. curable cnly by operation, can now in many cases be cured by CARE- FT'L attention to the eyes at REGULAR intervals and special precautions in protecting them from glare. We have treated VOL. LXII, NO. 2 may use. with successful re- sults. Consult w: PATTERSON. 3.0. Specialist in Rye Examination DURIIH, Wednesday. Jnactrth Appointment. t---6.80 p.m. at C. Satan's Mere " Te - ----- Comes to Knox shots into Ntsath'e pads. Durham, Walkerton, Winzham all rt-alize now that the Cubs are the team to beat, and the locals should Hive tho Cutm a tight battle in Owen Sound next ThttrtuUv, the 18th. It's a double sr-hodulo, so all teams have as Va! srood rnav-rft chances. DI'RHAM: 1lcrtr---Watt: (wrench - n. Sound. when he soared after a Matty passing play, McMeokin to human tn Shears. In tho final perurd, facing a three mm! drfVit, Durham nut more punrh into their plav, and battled the visi- tcrs to tho. limit. Durham Rot the nnly goal of the period when Cas. eidv seorrrt on Cl. McGirr's assist. but should have had , or 4 mcre. Dean and R. McGirr blasting oleav shots into Nuath's Dads. 0. McDonald. Cassidy: centre-Al. won-r; wings - Lawrence, G. Me. Drnnld: alt.--- R. McGirr. Turin-r. Dean, Moses. Kress, Dingm'. OWEN' SOI‘ND: Goal--- Neath: (19- tortrt----Crowtord. mrarrtfield; centre ---Sr'ttuan: 1iourir---Winiams, Bishop; Alt. -- McMr-okin. Shears, Lamscn. Fromagor, MeCaftrey. 0an Sound Trappers Cubs cinch. ed their hold on the top rung of this Int. It grouping, when they earned a 4--2 “in over Durham here Tues- day night. It was no fluke victcry and the score about indicates the play. The Cubs were in tip top con- dition and displayed more all round speed and team play than the local boys, who have not yet rounded into shape. Owen Sound boys have had the benefit of artificial ice training for over two months now, and show- ed it, with their speedier passes and breaks. mus made it 3---0. whon he converted .Rehwan's muss. R. Mr-Girr scored Ihrrhnm's fivst' when he trok Dean's mus to 2"th in (-1059 to Neath, but Rhr:trs swan after made it 4---1 tor Herr-en - Butch Bruder, Walker. ton. OTHER DISTRICT SCORES At Chron Sound F'riday-O. Sound Pubs 7. Trineham 2. At Wlneham Monday - Wingham ft. Wulkertcn 3. bst Retain (k Trapper Cubs Doubled Score, 4-2 In Walkerton Friday night, me Capitals " versed the tables on Durs ham, to win by 6--e, after losing by 3 goals. 5-8 to Durham here the Tuesday night previous. Walker- ton needed the victory to keep pace mth Durham and the o. Sound 'i'rapper Cubs, who have already de. feated Wingham tnite. They pix-enguwnml their lineup by adding the veteran Len iruoiuski tothede- tune but were unable to overcome Durham, until the last period when another four-goal onslaught was stag- ml. to wipe out Durham', lead. m The second period saw more close- ly contested play, and neither team Mrs. J. M. urgcss wishes to ---_- _-r-... - 1 thank her many iemls tor kindness Grow Countv Council begins um. and expressions ot ‘mpathy to her January union in Owen Sound cn, though the loss of h husband. . l'l‘uesday. I (lijltt (Continued on Page Lt CAR\OF THANKS ii. It, e in Walkerton She was buried on Saturday, Jan. 6th in Maplewood treniettsry. The servicp was mnduu'ted by Rev. R.F'. Mercer of Holctr'n and Varney chur- r'hes, who preached n most etmttort- ine sermon. Misses Vlckerson and Miller of Durham sang swectlr the hymn "Saved by grace." Favcrite hymns of the deceased were also sung, "Rock of Ages" and "Safe in the army of Jesus.” The casket bearers were Alfred Vollett. Herbert Voile”. Robert Wilson. Prank Hav. ens. Arthur Lawrence, H. Smallman. She will be greatly missed in her home. Althou-h she suffered so many years. she was alwwvg so cheer- ful. and had a smile for all who call- ed to son her. 931(- was tenderlv cared for by her dauzhters. In health she was an active member of the United Church cf Varney. After a brief illness cf three T. eeks, Mrs Robert Johnston died on Monday morning at her home on No. 1 H"ntway, Bentitwk tour miles west cf Durham. She was only in her (Hat year, but had not had gccd health the past two years. Mrs. Grasby spent her girlhood days on the farm now occupied by Charles McAllster. In 1886 she was married to Timothy Grashy, who pre- deceased her eighteen years ago. Born to them were one son and two daughters. The scn Harry died in 1914. Left to mourn are Mrs Thea. Johnston (Fanny) of Llatcwel. and Mrs. John Picken (Mabel) at home. Also ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The late Mrs Johnston was former. ly Margaret Henderson, daughter of the late (Emma and Gram Milli- ;znn Henderson. She was born in Ntrmanby township. but after her marriage to Robert Johnston in 1900, has since lived in Bentlnck. MRS. TIMOTHY GRASBY Mrs. Timothy (hasty. a highly es- teemed resident of Bentlnck, passed away on Jan. 4th, 1940 after a long illness. She was ban in Hotham, Yorkshire. England. in the year 1853 and was in her 87th year. Her para rents were Thomas and Elizabeth Crosby. In1857 she sailed from England with her parents and one sister. the late Mrs. Hugh McDon- aid. Mrs Grasby was the oldest of ten brothers and sisters, who have all passed on with the exception cf two: a brother Frank In Neepawa, Manitoba: and a sister Hannah, Mrs Ducklow of Riding Mountain. Surviving are her bereaved hus- band; three sons and one daughter: German and Rupert. in Bentinek, Lo. nl In Durham and Mrs Lawson Hom kins (Hazel) of 2nd con. Bentinck. Another son Melville, passed away five yam": ago. Two sisters and five brrthers alio survive: Mrs Isabelle Fulton. of Nrrmanhy: Mrs Joan Cor- twtt of Durham: Wm. G. Henderson of Ncrmanby; John, James and An. drew in Saskatchewan, and Irvine. in Guelph, The deceased lady was a good housokreeper, a devoted mother, and: n true neighbor and friend. She had been a member of Allan Park U. F.) W. o., and was a member of nur-, ham Presbyterian church. Her ons-' tor, Rev. F. W. Hirtle, conducted the funeral service at her Into home on Wednesday afternocn, 'a. mid a large oonccursp of mourners.'! lntprment was made in Durham' cometvry. , Many Durham friends will learn with regret of the death of Alexan- der Russell, of Torcnto. who died last Saturday at the home of rela. tives in Fergus. aged 81 years. The late Mr. Russell bought out; James A. Hunter's store here in: 1902. conducting a successful busin- (93 in Durham untit 1909, when he sold cut and removed to Toronto. He has at times since visited in Dur. ham. His wife predeceased him tour years ago last April. Surviving are a daughter Miss Anne, H. B. teach. er and son Willard James, both of Toronto. While in Durham, the Rule“ tam. ily were members of the Presbyteri- an Church and took an active in. terest in the life of the community. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLSTEIN LEADER MRS. ROBERT JOHNSTON ALEXANDER RUSSELL Mi ROLL CALL iiilarltiigt 13.9mm. DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11. 1940 Miss Glenna Emke. Elmwood spent a few days with Joan Altohi son. Mrs Alex Hay received a pleasant surprise on her birthday, Jan. sth. when several of the Ladies' Bowling Club dropped in and aerved tea. Mr Robert Matthews is at present a patient in Durham hospital. Miss Norma Summers returned home to Toronto having sport a a week with Mr and Mrs Raymond McGirr. Mrs C. Heywood and daughter Jean, visited with .Mrs Heywood's parents, Mr and Mrs W. Lawson. Mrs M. H. H. Parr ls spending a week in London.. Mrs R. J. McKnight returned to her home in Waintteet Monday. at, ter a week at her old home after the funeral of her mother. Mrs C. Ram- When the mercury hit 20 to 2.3 bo. low zero lttst Sunday morning. it was the winter's coldest here. Sev. eral mornings before and sine" saw belrw zcro readings; in fact the average temperaturo has been stead- Mr and Mrs Jno. Kerr, Varney are spending the winter.months at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank C. Hopkins. Dromore. Mr and Mrs M. McKay of Inwood were recent visitors with iormer’s parents and Mrs McKay's mother. Mrs R. Barber who will spend the winter with her at Inwood, and her sun's home in Alvinston. Mr and Mrs H. Brigham and son Toronto, visited Mrs Brigham's mo ther, Mrs J. Bailey. Mr Arthur Hutton visited town friends; during the holidays and has accepted " school at Them-lawn. where he is teaching for the present year. ily below normal the past ten days At proscnt a milder spell prevails we hope it lasts a week or two. Mrs L. Miller and daughter E1en oi Windsor came tor the illness of her cousin. Mr John Burgess and as- sisted in caring tor him in his final illness. She is remaining with Mrs Burgess for a time. A quiet wedding took place at the United Church manse. Mount Forest, last Wednesday. January 3rd at tour p. m. when Miss Jennie McDonald, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs James McDonald of Durham became the bride ot Mr Thomas Joseph Derby of Hampden. They have taken up residence on tho groom's farm at Iiampden. hmsile Scheiule Drawn Up at Hanover The schedule as below, for Juven. ile grouping No. 20, o. H. A. was drawn up in Hanover with Durham? first home Tame here next Wednes day night. R. L. Saunders is span» Boring the local entry. With the large grouping, there will be no playoffs, unless leading' teams are, tied. Home and home referees will be Used uith the visiting referee hav. ing charge. and the home referee acting as linesman. Jan TO-owen Sound at Walker-ton Il-cheater at Hanover 16.-mtrhatm at Chesley 16-Hattotrer at Owen Sound tr-owen Sound " Durham 1tt--Wa1kerton at Chesley 22--marham at Hanover 28--WaWerton " Owen Sound 2r-owen Scund at Cheney 2s-Hanotfet. at Durham 2lr--CheMey at Walkerton - 28-owen Sound at Hanover l M--0hesuy at Durham Feb b-Hanover " Wautortem l 2.-thFtttt at Owen Sound , G--Wa1kerton " Hanover i 6--H-r at Cheney W1NTER'S COL DEST SNAP r-thtrttam " Walkerton 9--Chets1ey at Owen Sound 14-tolkertetat at Durhlm DERBY-MCDONALD $19; g Council Held Durham's 1940 Ccuncil (with the only change trom last year being W. A. Macdonald succeeding the late Coun. Geo. McKechnie,) took their oath of oft.t?e at 11 a. m. Mcndny. and held their inaugural session that evening. Rev. Thos. Parr read a passage of scripture, offered prayer and addres» sod the Council, wishing them a suc- ressful and profitable year. On mo- tion of *otteoutse--DuttieM, a vote of appreciation was passed, and the Mayor conveyed this expression of the Council's thanks to Mr Parr. Tht report ot the Standing Com. mitten was presented and adopted. The Committees, are exactly the same as last year's. with the exec-p. tlon cf w. A. Macdonald replacing the late G. McKechnie on Board ot Hun In w. n. mnuuuuulu ICVIIIKIIIB 1119 bandit, Larry erui, is 'ri - the ittte G. Mekeehnie on Botrd 0' bcttt 30 .vettrtg cld, 5 leet Itt in. tao. SANS -At 1'arne'y, cnt Saturday. Jan Works. Reeve Hunter succeeding Mr No trace of him has yet boon toumlm 6th to Mr and Mrs Harry Sums. McKechnie as Welfare chairman, i a daughter. "FLT“; P. House added to lnduatrl- __. _-. _.._,_, V iKlNGSTON --ttt llurluun on scutiday, a o . . " . , Jun. All to Mr mm 11ts Walter General Accounts passed totalled WI utr Awarded $4,200 I Kingston u daughter. $2274.b6. which included $1950. tirst I ' . JARVIS-4h 1M“. .".l.~<l lo MI an! Mrs payment of County Rate. Relief n- fist hath Of Lslsad"; Fiulay '/jCli',C",, w" I l counts of 3100.719 for December were __ l, Itt I. I . 'l , H I r '" ' - i, ‘0 'Fyi"T - In Numm ortmtitl. It,', £3536" h L319 1C'l'"i'2 82‘3“: In a tM,o00 notion tried at "trr-n Sutunlxrr Jan. tith, In M: and Mir, F o“ a ens ance " ' .u. l Sound in November, Margaret Evans , c. . u. ., . . on hand about the male " last year l John ' tuttrstt. , mth no Hm L A ' ' 'lr/le"' of Gordan Evans, wlto died mu on Jan. Ist. m... mm..-“ Mm.“ .'- - --_-.-. --e_ l . Chairman G, Matrkay of Board or \Vcrks, asked opinion ct Council tw snw removal on main street. A somewhat lengthy discussion ensue: but no action was taken. Owen Sound 3 Durham l Walkerton I Wingham 1 Mayor Bell also addressed the Council and naked that every ehttir. man of any Cam. endeavor to keep within their estimaxes it possible. Conn. Dumeld brought up the sal. ary of municipal ttmei). He tttought the constable and the clerk-treasurer were not getting sttmeient salary and suggested sac}: be raised to $75 a numb. No action Watt taken. A bylaw amend!“ Bylaw No. (Ga appointing auditors for 1940. is to be brought in at next meeting. Bylaws Nag Ma and 57a were passed. re-appointing Charles Moi. fat to Library Beard and G. C. Web- Mer to the High School Board O. H. A. DISTRICT STANDING 'ity', Opening Session to Goals Won Lost play tor ae'st 16 13 14 ll 15, Ir, " In a $25,000 notion tried ttt owo' lSound in Ncvember, Man-KarenEmmi1 Imdcw of Conic" Evans. who died, 1mm injuries received in a momma; xident on Nov. 20, 193h', was award»: led 312.000 ddmuxes. has 65 percent,' and Evans' father ond mother, Nor: man and Ellen Emma. $2,000, less”1 ‘me same percentage. in a judmm-nl1 delivered on Monday by Mr. Justice iChevrk-r at Otieoode Hall, Toronto. l, Lone Bandit Robs . Baden Bank of $900 A it no armed bandit, on Wodtuw day shortly atterm on, etttored the Hank of Ccmmerce branch at linden, Ont., and held up Larry Miller. the manager. who was alone at the time. Some $900 was stolen from the teller's cage and Miller . win-mi to (pen the sure. He said he could. n't, as it was time locked. The bandit bound him, hnd put him In the vault, Iett him a pillow of papers. and (bumped. Lam worked his body to bump against a furnace Mlle. which noise attracted his wife, they living in an apartment upstairs two-r the bunk. She came down and nu land him. Larry spent. several years in IDur-l ham Commerce branch,' and lanai been in chm-go at Baden aim-n, be , ins moved nearly two years ago.i His wife I: I Durham gm, formerly, Miss Elizabeth Harding. i The bandit, Larry reports. is av! "is Lcrdahip said that the defunct ant, Henry Jreick ct Clifford, was 3.5 per cent. at fault tor not coming w in full stop at " Intersection. v the result. that he struck the 1-m- drivc n by Get-den Evans. whi1eFlvanw was charged with 65 per cent. of the blame i'cr driving at a high rute of speed approaching am intersection (ill " cutie. The accident in which Gordon EV nus was killHi ccrurred It lettm' lireun near Mount Forest, tn Nowm- her 20, 19.8R. He was killed outright when the two motor cars mine tor gather at an intPp,qerticn. Mr Evans: was a native of Sullivan township, and“: employed and "tttide/s in Moth! Panel. . GNTARIO ARCHIVES Published Weekly " 82.00 I yen II Advance. To U.“ Bums. £150 tt your In advance. Pet of Bazaar. Publisher our M Atmtettcruttiite'v. i ANNUAL "sumo l Will held In the Hahn House. illurham. 1.30 pm. on Saturday. :Jununry 2 . um. All tttetttttotm 'am IWMKN‘ to ttttend. :Jclm Hamilton', w. G. Bull-3 ', President. Sw-‘y-Tms. ( DURHAM MACHINE SHOP . F. W. MOON, PM. ' Phono 140 DURHAM, ONT, The Mllnr mwnhly Inc-91in: at the Canadian (News l. o. D. E. will be held nt the home m the “mom, Miss Marion (gum-r. Tumzdny even, Ins. "'"""oi"'h"'". The annual meeting of the Red Cmu Society 1!! be bun-Id on Thurs- day afternoon. an new at the home of Mrs David J Imam. Roper" ot the year's acuvit 5 and ulmlon of mucous. Fresh)" CURBET’I‘ ._ tn Durham Palm-day, Jan. 6th. inn . Mr and Mrs John Corbe Order your Farm Muvhilmry No“. for Spring Delivery, before price- go higher. I handle Cadmium. Front & Wood ”achinery. “hymns and Shims. Cream 9artarr"t,rs Rimmi- and Gas Washinu Machine-,1, Mun-y Billie" Mut‘hinery, Grain mum-aw. Hammer Mills. I New have tor sttlo " Immlu-I ul Colts rising two, thrm- and low Ms. old: Ono Brood Sow, tlitre m furrow this month. Ore-m Separators Repaired. 8km thawed Your Opportunity (ZONING EVENTS DIED ttttttt Hospital. , infant MMt of may". U?

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