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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jan 1940, p. 4

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«+ $» b’ M A K E Â¥ 0 U R D 0O L L A R 3 P I 6 H T F 0O R F R E E D O M two. 31000. $500. 3100 and $50 bonds. Decide Now what amount you can subscribe for. . All particulars possible chserfully furnished.. See, write, or phone to : P. RAMAGE, Local Dealer Phone 6, Durham New Dominion +« Canada War Loan T HE G OV ERNMENT O F THE DOMINION OF CA N A DA To your restless question "When can I help win this war?" â€"the answer is NOW. On Monday next, the Government of the Dominion of Canada will offer the First War Loan. The purpose of this Loan is to provide money to carry on the war, not only on the battlefields, but all along the Economic Front. Let us explain what the Economic Front means. It means a war in which the entire natural, industrial and financial resources of the country are used to defeat the cnemy. It means a "total war" in which every citizen takes a part, in which his personal resources must support those of the Nation. In such a war, one of the chief weapons is money. Where is this money to come from? There is only one answer. It must comeâ€"and come voluntarily â€" from the savings of our people. The difference between us and the Germans is that we, of our own free will, lend our money â€" it is not ruthlessly taken away. This is your opportunity to do your part in this struggle against Hitlerism. The eyes of the world are upon you, upon Canada, one of the strongest members of the British Commonwealth. Canadians must show that their strength, their courage and their resources are all in this fight against "brute force, bad faith, injustice, aggression and persecution." The news of the success of this Loan must go ringing round the world. Be ready to buy War Loan Bonds. They will have the proven safety and salability of Dominion of Canada obligations. Any Investment Dealer or Chartered Bank will take your subscription. The quicker the economic war is won, the greater will be the saving of human lives . . . the swifter the collapse of the enemy. on the Economic Front ‘a? . m h xÂ¥ * "*~ #« fi’il\“"\\ | ill be announced in a week or TO SERVICE ‘Materials and money count for so much in this war that a resolute, loyal and enthusiastic economic front line may be the determining factor!" -.',,, n ,/,'\_\ . s PE THE DURHAM REVIBW « * MINISTER OF FINANCE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES | _ TORONTO RED CROS8s SOCIETY HOLD NEW YEAR‘S MEET The first meeting of the new year of the local Red Cross Society . was held in the home of Mrs D. Jamieâ€" son. Mrs. P. L. Gagnon, on behailf of the membership expressed their deep ‘appreciation of the work of the her deep appreciation of their kindâ€" ness. Most of the memmbers had their knitting with them and Mrs Jamteâ€" son served tea. ' . Mr Jamieson has given her, home for all the business mectings of the local branch of the society. Otto E. Klein of ‘Walkerton, who has been appointed junior judge : of the county court of York. Such was Judge Klein is a native of Walkerâ€" ton, a son of the late John Klein. He was educated in the separate and high schools at Walkerton and at Osgoode Hall. Called to the bar in 1896, he has practised his profession since that time in Walkerton. ‘He was created a ‘king‘s counsel in 1929. ~His wife was Louise . Spitsig: of Walkerton, and he has three children, one son IT‘s JVUDGE KLEIN NOW done considerable work in the preâ€" I!minary organization. The First War Loan will provide Canadians, as a whole, with their first opportunity to participate in Canada‘s war effort. To enable everyone to subscribe, it is indicatâ€" ed that bonds will have denominaâ€" In announcing the acceptance by Mr Dunning of the chairmanship of the National Subscription Commitâ€" tee, Mr Ralston said. "Canada is portant task. His experience as Helen McDonald, Helen Renwick read Minister of Finance and also in conâ€" the scripture, Mark 1: 1â€"11. Laura nection with the Victory Loan cayâ€" McGowan and Evelyn Aljoe gave reaâ€" paign duringy the last war make ings on "Customs and costumes in him the ideal man for the job." Holland." Mrs George Hay gave an interesting talk to the giris. settle the trouble. Some years ago Canada secured a clear channel only to have a powerful station in Mezxico break in and completely spoil the setâ€"up with its 24hour per day mutâ€" tions as low as $50 each for smaller subscriptions . and corporations, in addition to st‘mâ€" ulating the broader sale of the bonds to the public. This committee will have the active Coâ€"operation of inâ€" vestment dealers throughout Canada, a number of whom have already Allies, growing products to replace those that no longer can be imported and keeping down the cost of lving at home. "The cost of food will not increase to anvthing like the extent it did in the last war." the professor stated. ‘"The farmer is a much more efficient producer than he was. not so many ‘years ago." Wheat, pork products and cheese When Grey County Council opens its January sessicn next Tuesday, Jan. 16, the first business will be the selection of a Warden. Two who are prominently mentioned for the office are Reeve Wm, Jack of Proâ€" ton, and Reeve Wm. McGregor of Sydenham. . The Review also heard a rumour that Reeve Austin Ball of Hanover, who lost out two years Aâ€" The National ‘War loan Committee under the chairmanship of the Hon. J. L. Ralston, K. C., M. P., Minisâ€" ter cf Finance, will be composed of five former Ministers of Finance, Camada‘s nine Provincial Treasurers and more than 200 representative citizens, resident from coast to cost. The five former Ministers of Finance are: the Rt. Hon,. Sir Thomas White, the Hon, Sir Henry Drayton, the Rt. Rhodes and the Hon. Chas. A,. Dunâ€" ning. ‘The nine Provincial Treasurâ€" ers are Hon. Thane A. Campbell, P. E. I.; Hon. Angus L. Macdonald, Nova Scotia; Hon C. T. Richard, New Brunswick; Hon J. A. Mathewâ€" son, Quebec; Hon. Mitchell F. Hepâ€" burn, Ontario; Hon. Stuart S. Garâ€" son, Manitoba; Hon. Wi. J. Patterâ€" son, Saskatchewan; Hon Solon E. Low, Alberta; and Hon John Hart, British Columbia. Mr Dunning has also accepted the chairmanship of the National Subâ€" scription _ Committee, which will assist the National War Loan Comâ€" mittee, and will be concerned with the securing of larger subscriptions of a national character. It will be re gponsible for organizing the work of canvassing the larger institutions WwHJ WILL BE GREY‘S In preparation for Canada‘s first war loan effort of the new world war, a National War Loan Committee and a National £ubscription Commitâ€" tee are in process of formation aâ€" cross Canada, and will be organizec in time for the initial effort on the ecomonic war front. We rather expect a vote to decide the winner of the County‘s highest READY FOR THE [l” Qaertyum Arvirw P. RAMAGE. Editor and Proprieter Dr. G. I. Christie, president of the . omse aman. «mm NEW WAR LOAN said, "Canada is The Knox Mission Circle held their VICRERS that Mr Dunning January mecting at the home of Miss ‘The January meeting of the Unit ndertake this imâ€" Laura l(eflon_n». . Mw- prayer by ed Farm Women met on Friday las $ 1940 WARDEN ? ent. The Durham Society was in life. In short we wish wou ®noces charge of the Worship Service, cver &®"n" happiness. What more can w« which Miss Harriette Wilton capably 244 * presided. Those taking part in the tion To crown and beset our co service were, Misses Margaret Edse, ""AtuUulations, we ask you to accen Ada Becker, Harriette Wilton, Kathâ€" this Fift which we hope _ will erine McMeekin, Elsie Ledingham. S!renethen the tie that binds you to Mrs Mae Hopkins, Reg. Wilson, Tom (his community. Firth and F. Ritchie. Mr Stewart â€" We hone you both will find it no« Oakes of Arthur was in charge of Sible to be with us a great deal the recreational period, after which i" the future, the hosts served a delightful lunch. Signed on behalf of the youns people of the community. . KNOX YOUNG PEOPLES‘ OFFICERS INBTALLED At the Sunday evening service in Knox United Church, the officers of the Young Peoples‘ Union were inâ€" stalled and cfficers and members were dedicated to service. Helen MacDonald, assistant secretary, calâ€" led the roll of officers and they tcok their places at the front of the Church . Rev. W. H. Smith asked them questions and the president first took his vows followed by the other officers. The members when asked to stand sang "Just as I am, young, strong and free." a youngk and visitors. The meeting opened by singing the Ode and "O Canada" followed by the Lord‘s Prayer in uniâ€" saswered with the history of t bhe "History of the House I Live In.»â€" bout 22 of the local group were presâ€" more wool to knit socks and whatâ€" ever elseo may be needed for our soldiers‘ comforts. ‘The first part of MRS McPHERSON, HOSTESs TO PRESBYTERIAN LADIES‘ AID ‘The Presbyterian Laidies‘ Aid met at the home of Mrs McPherson, Jan. 5th with Mrs Sneath in the chair ‘The meeting opened with the singing of "Unto the Hills" and was followâ€" ed by a reading and prayer by the President. Mrs Sharp read the minutes of the December meeting. Mrs Moffat gave the financial reâ€" port for 1939. Mrs A. ‘W. Lauder, Mrs W. C. Pickering, Mrs ‘Turnbull, Mrs Thos. Lauder and Mrs ‘Thos. Ritchie were appointed with the Executive to plan work of the sociâ€" ety for 1940. Group leaders were named, Mrs John Alexander, Mrs Honeyman, Mrs â€" McPherson, Mrs John Sharn, Mrs Moore McFadden, and Mrs Pickering. Plans were made for a St. Andrew‘s Supper, January 25th. Mrs McPherson, asâ€" sisted by Mrs Sharp, Miss McLean, Mrs Keller and Mrs Moffat served refreshments . PRES. Y.P.S. WERE GUESTSs oF PALMERSTON PRES. yY.P.s. Monday evening January $th, the local Presbyterian Young Peoples‘ Society and the members of St. Anâ€" drew‘s Presbyterian Y. P.9., Arthur were the suests of Knox Presbyteriâ€" an Young People of Palmerston. Aâ€" George Prew is president, Anna and Dan â€" Ritchie, viceâ€"presidents; Hilda McKechnie, secretary and asâ€" sistant, Helen MacDonald; William Renwick, treasurer; Norman Greenâ€" wood, Marion Mocre, Eulalie Wilson, Velma Blythe, Rita Willis, convenâ€" ers of committees, pianists, Mary Bourne and Emily Whitmore. Mr Smith‘s sermon especially for young people was based on the words of Paul "This one thing 1 do." The choir was all young people. AMONG THE CHURCHURG KNOX MISS!ON CIRCLE ed relatives of the late Miss May Skene who passed away last week, Miss Georgie Miller, of Owen Bound was a visitor at her home here this week. weather conditions and sickners The meeting opened by singing the new Ode "The Maple Leaf Forever" and repeating the creed. . The roll call was answered by a silver collec candy. ‘The February meeting will Trafford. ‘Those to take cake beins Mrs Jos. Brown, Mre John Andrew®. Mrse Wilfred Alexander. We join in extending our sincers eympathy to the sorrowing hushan‘ and family of the late Mrs Robert Light" were sung. The meeting clos ed with the National Anthem and a‘â€" (wen Sound, Mra Wm. Grasby, Durham was was a weekend visitor with he} daughter, Mrs Malsolm McKechnie Miss Helen Lindsay, Glonele ;« spending some time with MNrs Ne Mrs J. W. McKechnie has retur» ed after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs Alf Hincks and family in ‘Toronto. etart you on the sea of married lif» in a ship of best wishes. May you find in each other this strength and deterlnl!u.tlon the trust and sym puthetic understanding which are «o necessary to combat the difftculties of life. In short we wish wou @snocess und happiness. What more can we add ? rratulations, we ask you to accent this gift which we hope will strenethen the tie that binds you to this community. ter grace was sung a hot supper was served by the hostess and arâ€" sistants Mrs Brown and Mre Wilâ€" Since coming amongst us you have tried to help in everything that was for the betterment of our communâ€" ity,. We take this opportunity of ex tending to you and your fair bride our heartiest _ congratulations, and +0 son Hunt. NVery sorry to hear our teache Miss Smith is on the sick list, an is not able to open school at pres ent.. Hope she will soon have a com is. _ The groom and bride expressed the‘r sincere appreciation of good wishes and gift. Dear Mr Heatherington: We do not feel that we have lost one of our number by your marriage, but by simple addition it is plain to see that we have rather gained by Mrs Gordon MceCrae and daught» Maxine spent a week with her mothâ€" er in Meaford. Messrs Herb and Chester Miller returned after a pleasant visit with friends in Chatham and Merlin. Mr and Mrs Robert Lawson spent an evening this week with Mr and Mrs L. McLean. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs Fulton Wednesâ€" day of last week, when members of the B.Y.P.U. gathered in honor of the teacher Mr Wallace Heathering ton and his bride, Miss Rosemary Irwin. The following address | was read by May Hopkins and the gift cf an end table was made by Reta Day NEWLY WEDS HONORED BY MULOCK B.Y.P.V. MEMBERS of Mrs Jos. Brown attendance owing to and be able to take 11TH, 1940 and | sister The Span| has come to are beginnir able cost . A N Y D Advances greatly the Every litt Mospital tor more then . imaginary ta; in Good Cont children of and become have a great "Good Condi it very econ« # Vven it will like it Your dealer for you n You can ch« Merring, Ma them can be lud(. tC ida\' Hake. Cusk Enjoy this Pickled Can for your eny For more been re at JANU:

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